The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 23, 1913, Image 1

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ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon
The Ontario ArfcUK
merit. nn 0,a
tion. Watch uh jrrow
The Produce from
15.01)0.000 tOW is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
lames K. Lawrence, of Vale was
married to Mra. Helen Brown Welch,
laughter of P. J. Brown, of Baker, at
their home on January IS, by Kev.
House Bill Would Permit Farm
ers to Borrow From Government.
Wtihlnftton . A national farm lonn
bureau, to loan money on Improved
frm to bona fide tillers of the aoll
-nlv. at not to exceed 44 P" cent
Interest "'id COndttCWd under IBS BOB ,
troi ,,, the mn " ' "J hi Mi.- iraasury.
u iin Bbjaet of I bill Introduced by
Representative li.nhrlck Tit" bureau
trouhl I"' i ' h" ! "' ' niii--'.nnor
HK ,i ii. mi assistant nt MOOti
inU atktf WiplOjrti BOOBaaary.
A tanner desiring loan on hla
Maart) aroold, II lha HMB BIB became
1 1. ii. able i" bono M par aaal
( ,. H I value ol llic plui V el
kj ptr ottii mi'
Luna will only DC mi Mto n farms
.,.,.,.. it-1 Hi lH -if the tola!
Nittfla hikI'T cultivation.
delude Combine Shipa From Canal.
CkarttBl that the "shipping trust
ll planning tO BIOWOPOltM I'mimi c;i
ni tr.,,. Ii, ipn BBBtBtlva lltimpbrey
of aalniiKion Ititroiluced a bill to
eirluile I nun the water all ships which
ai puinea to foreign or domestic
combines, pool or "confereucea."
Hi.- .mlencc already adduced at
th K'.'.inihliip trust' Investigation hu
MMMtntad i bin a foreign coniblne
lixullty of every charge made against
thtm. 'said Representative Humphrey
They fix rates by agreement and do
averyining nunian ini.,, .... un
.. . .. . , . .. ...... .U I
vie tn iiiuuopollge iraue auu amir
eooi pet 1 1 Ion."
Wiitern Senatora Sand Wllaon Latter
Senator.) chamberlain. I'erky. My
r NewLuida. Vahurst. and Smith for
wirdeil to (ioveruor Wllaon at Trcn
ton. a Joint letter urging him to ap
point a extern man na secretary of
the luterlor. and Making that he ap
point eilher llovernor llawley, of Ida
bo. Covernor Norrle. of Montana, Jo
teph N Teal, of Cortland, or Clay Tall
man. of Nevada.
Borah Commenda Policy of Wllaon.
Senator Itorah, of Idaho, baa written
Governor Wllaon. congratulating In in
upon his atatld on the conservation
question. in Het forth In hla recent
speech g ihlcago, and promialng him
hu heart) ooperatlon In any effort
the BBSl administration may make to
wee-l ., Hi. manes that have made
Conservation objectionable to the went.
and U .i pi... Meal i on
tion tlial will aid in the development
Of the public land state
Semite, i BOffBl submit a new propo
ition. .in,) ul iii- rooperaiion of
the j,i, ,i,i, hi , i,ct in Kecuriug the
adopMoti ,,f ,. pollc whereby the I'm
i .-lit will ill (he fu
hire reilaim the desert lands of the
Ml an,t turn them in er lo home
National Capital Bravltlaa
iprOmlM HiirileM DillillKbaill
lolinliiiB the illiter
,ed b) the
tl will be
i dd the hou-,' naval
drill her-
irola. II Pi ld I Tafl
IB ;..,' in (he Ufa
: I I by a bill
Nm anata ittar :;" I
and men might retire
iieii praaaal aalar)
:..! tba stai,
III to testily
eoinllllttee In
.oiie tmal ac ording j
00, the llieilh'ul ,-Xpell
Mi,, to examine the
i ill con-
iM waya and
this week. The
si lurlulea to be taken up
ltlB to agriculturul BltaV
'I I t, coitou manufac-
mp an J .iute, and manu-
Of aviation In tbe Cni-
elved an bspatui when
uassed a hill indorsing
appointmeut of a
' i OOOi iler the aataBilaBe
ttoBsJ aero dyoamlcat ia-'
BBd appropriating $jU00 for
1 commteaioc
F. m cure
''"ul. - the subject of a
The Snow-Moody Development, com
puny baa turned over their irrigation
plant to the Payette-Oregon Slop
Irrigation dlatriot. The plant oovera
7000 aoraa ou the lower Dead Ox
Flat, north of Ontatio. The deal in
volved tbe tranafer of 1171,000 of
district i ' !
Other Circuit Court Cases
Disposed of J. K. Rob
erts Convicted.
Case of tin- State ol irgon va
Huinilton mid Murphy, a notorious
pair w hum foi uier Slur ill ( 1,1. II chased
lOtoaa the -tat' ..f Uragoa an. I Into
California and BBS were apprehended
with ''.1 head id stolen boCBBI Iii their
possession, were on trial Monday Mild
Tuesday of Uat week. They were UP
ipiltted I v the jury on the ground of
former J. opardy. It will I. i ennui
liercd that these two meu were ent to
the penitentiary tor a peiiod of seven
year In January. ,'Mi1. It in rumored
,h. ,,v ,,,,, ,, ,,.,, f UOvWwO
Weil, they aereed about aixty daya of
the aeven year aeiitetice, ciiea ineutly
meritliiK accinttal In thia hitter iro
aei'utina, lifter havltm been an aeterely
puniahed for the llrat ulfvnae.
Cnae or State of Oregon va Abe Den
ny. oi Jordan Valley. Jury made
reoord by returning- a verdict of not
WUllty In Iim If B minutes.
Caee of State of Oregon va W. P.
HIM, of .lordnu Valley ; jury returned
a venli "t of not guilty.
In tlie i'h-c of John M, I .-. I va
Adam Mini ay. Kenneth Murray and
William Muriay. oo partners, an Mur
rav Hroa., was tbe llrat civil cbbj of
tin- term. h'obeil M Duucan rep
re.eiitlng the pliiihtltt and 111 nuke A
BaNBJMf repreeenting IBM .1- tendante
The jury n turned a verdnt tor
- j. . . i , j Hi, .ut li . amiiunl
aeked tor by plaintilf lot MCVWaa
while working tor defendunta.
L'aae of State of OnBJ)M VB ' l--Coli.ita,
aci'iined of BBlban lenient Ol
tiunU ot MMlbeiir I'oiiuiy Publishing he being the late manager
Mill ..III. I ot Ibe Hi 111.. CI It. I'ol.lld
Joint CeprescliUM. ..f M JJm I
Harney Counti.'s In UM BUtl LafB
lature now In Session I
y t?.
Kepreseutalive Human has inliodi.c
ft a bill fcr Its aatahllabataal oi a
I demonstration farm In ibis couuty.
Excellent Assortment of Fowls On Ex
hibition Competing for Various
Prizes to Be Awarded.
The Ontario Poultry show which
opened Wednesday, lithe moat sue
ceaaful efer held fere, in point of
en 1 1 1' and 1 1 in I i t y of hirda exhibited.
Many nf lli. exhibitors have not
taken the trouble to get their hlrde
Mi g I shut fni in. but It iii Luted
thai the grade I- higher t umii a yenr
ago and there are many new BlblbltdffB
who hare tat ted iu the busiiiese aa a
rexiilt "f the previous allows held I
An excellent feature is the free ad
minion, which gives the young people
and taMMM an opui tiinlty BO visit
the .how frciuently and study the
different varietlee. it being a - I i i.
diction that many will go Into the
hllillieia aa a remit of what lliev learn
at this ihnw.
ing their uiighlioii t irdi, noting
where they have advantagi-s and plan
niog to improve their own itrain.
Col. L. V. Catch, "f Payette, haa
!'.. -iit i ea. Hu large! of any Individ
ual exhlhltor. W. A. Crank brought
the tint pen to the hall. BOSM fine
White l.ei. in- Mrs. A. H. Mo
i iiegoi was the Hrat to make an entry.
Judge Wherry la buay with the
hlrda. weighing them up ami puaaiug
ou i b in
The faculty at tbe Oregon Agrl
miltural college worked out tbe fol
lowing aa an ideal ration for egga.
having naed It for several months at
the oollege with good raaulta: N
poucda of wbeat, in pouoda of brim.
Ill poiilida of oat , it pound- of whole
corn B p. .iinda of middlings I pouudi
of linseed meal. pounde ground com,
pouoda I.." acrapa. I pounde of
charcoal 1 pounds grit and ground
shell. I ounce salt, and J" pounds of
kale Thi- la a sufficient iiiantity
f ne lieu for one year and if she is
ot good laying .took she will produce
100 eggl. If either tbe whole corn or
linseed meal are difficult to obtain
they can he omitted.
.1. ii. Cook Isqatta saaiteksa man
mid his mother also takes much in
tele.t in the raising of the fgliOJ.
She ban a pen .,1 lihod. Island Cd (lllllt. Slid -IS old hell- that
I still led to lay Hec. inl. r It, 1911 84 I
lull 18 had til engs to isali
. iii. BthMfe Is a v.iv good raoord
and would bung lh n, in the .'
el im
II la a Hal of tin aal
v ( rank. Whit. i batfbl
i B Uh. I'".
' I tes
. II Mdiregor, Cull 'i
i, Broaae 'ui.
I t' i dev Liafbl ll'.ihnnn
W a Porta bl Payatla. hirli
S mi iittes
' IN . Pajh f.-. Clnale Island I. Is
i . 1), 11,1. . ,n it' I...H,' I I
Mi- j a l ii 1 1 . s Wyaad
A l; Cam H bite i li ingti -.
bag hoi ns
W i . Hurtle, New Plymouth, b iff
(iini.i.'i ii, Indian Kuuuer
Mrs D A Hurrle, N. I I
Buit Urplnatoaa
v i. Mo ore. Clack Laiigshau HuM
i: .Und .voeu-g. White Wv. ui lott-
.)(. si .ii. NSB I'lyiin nib. W t-
l.'oel;. Ilnoile Is au.l Ced. liubse
1 . ddeii Wyainlott. .
B tt Sargaut, Payatta, White R !
v v Hlakoa Barrad Roaka,
i.. gi
II I. C., g au,es
i , W liiske, White Hoaka
s m taadar. Hia.-k Laugshaus
Merdharat, Payatta, Waal
.1 C Beam. Nyaaa. Rhode talnnd
Kadi. White Orpingt.ine
Albert Wherrv. Payette, (iolden
Henhright bautauit
lie i Meen.e. Clack Langshau
A 1. -William. Huir Leghorn
MraGaorajfl McKnlght. Vale. White
Face I'.lark Polish
W T Moedf, Ilarred Cooke
.1 D llaher. Payette. White Wvau
C I Atiildon. White Wvutidottea
II I. PolStat, Halt. I Cocks
.1 I' Hurrell. White C ghorns
W louts, Payette. Chode Island
M I. RloblllaJ Cavette. White Leg- I
('has Click. Cartridge Wyaudottea
K W Parks, Cayette. Ilomlaui
Smith Hrothera. White Wyandotte.
S 1 Keueppe, Krultland, White
Oi nigtons
Will, or Clnytna. Payette, Burred
Cocks. IIIsck Minoroaa
I. V Patch. Cayette. Kogllab Ter
riers. Cuss an Wolf bound. Wblte
Holland turkeya, White Cblua geeie.
While ludian Buuuer dueki. Indiau
Cuuneri, White Leghorns. Hull Leg
borua, Rhode Island Cede.
Orpingtons. Wild Cooae. Jap Phoenix
l-.k.-iiieiders. Japaneae Sklkiaa. Part
ridge Cochin Bantam. Homer plgeona,
White African Ouluea
E Cope. White Orpiogtooa
J H Deuoiioti. Buff C .-ks
Mia A Zimmerman, Chode (aland
X K I itch Kruitlaud. White Hnl
laud turkeys, ducks, pigeoua. Bolt
c. ot. in Bantams, guiueaa. Brown Leg
horns, bantams, rabbits
The grand urv B is dlsmised Wad
ins. lay. W. II. CflBtl wua foieuian
and . K Johnson clerk, with N A.
i PeaCOCk, 1. C. ijuiselil'iii y. J. I
Thomas, T. Boynton and James K. I.y
as the other Ul.'llibeis
True bills uele folllnl where not
nttsralas sntal
,,,,, .,, j,,,,, v ( taapMI. larasay i
.ladlson, check aillsl; DslaSRSy,
-t den engine, dimissed. Cat Law '
react ..s-auii with daugernm
1 Cow 'al-
Like el .,1. ihOutlOH
Inures diamlaaad, Dan Dartra. nun
im , B.-i t Draper, at lamp) .t ' apa, '
l.'ul.erl -, -ui nt . Ilriiii"
.it, larcany, Kwhaoii gambling,
ies Btaa .ii t S B. -sun
dultary T. P. Wi rmwo. i en I
mMt lilmnajarl lien, lakiug mint
gaged property oul nl -tide.
Bishop Kapthll i. .click D. D., aj
Helena, .Montana, will preach both
W ming and
e veiling ' - at
11 and Ihl. i
Tbi is t be Bishop
tlrat visit to Oiitaiiu and .tnat
111 toi e loi llioe w 1, i w I i I Hi 1 1 1 i in in
,el. m "f Ibe np urtunitv In bear him.
Cev. W. A. Winter.-., the disiii.t
Hull superintendent of tba I. .'... ii b M
r r ict . will a., mpuaj tlM blthop ami
an aug.uieiit aie being m ac
, 'ommodaie .. large iHiogragatiou b
Sunday by 'he otVlal board ami
paator, I rdlal larltetlaa
tend, i id "ii- ii " bsJ haa, i".
Oeo. T. UllS. They wilt mnke their
home at Vale, where Mr. Lawrence ia
tbe aaaiitaut caihier of the Pint
National bank.
Expect to Reach the Owyhee
River By the End of
this Week.
The trnoklHyingcrow which the Arjrua
reported several wooke BBJ0 were being
assembled at Nyssn begun laying rails
I . M .. I ... II ..1..I.. - -
.. .,,-,, , rmi,i,..4,
- Ills Bh MiiH W " """ -.....,.-...
for .. number of miles excellent prog-
res. is being made and it is expected
that rails will be layed to the Owyhee
river by the end of the week.
The crew is making alaiut a mile a
day at tho preaent time and it ia ex
pected will do better as spring advan
ce! and the weather becomee more
State Senanor from this district, who
will save ninny thousands to the
sheep men by Taking oil the ullow
anci- of Weight for wool sacks.
.... . . . .m.
Th. caitl. shipments fr her.- last
week caught the Cnitlaud markets . ioht and the shll'liers leali.l
good prices. During the week two
BIBBS! sold at H ami IM Bl I cents.
The top for hogs was 9T.T0 for DO
Weighing 107 pounds. l'or Sltf lallll s
weighings pound. 17.30 was paid
All I: KIN'.
at po ..with tl...
Mra. Mary It lobar leon i. rep rted
ipllte ill at n. I I: thai Ult Imine.
Mis Rlcba daoo was oua of tin
ladara ' ' mtai lo I ain
l.ige interest, in this se.'lu D
2 i l
.' f
Initial Week is Remarkable for
Work Accomplished.
Flrat Time in History Bills Introduced
Flrat Oay Senate Ahead of Houaa
On Vetoed Measurea Appropriation
Bills Large San Francisco Fair
May Get Only $Jj0,000.
Siilem The first week's session of
the ITtl eBBjlBlaUra aaaonM) was re
markable for the protnpi manner in
which the law inakers got down to Bd
Mial work and the great amount of
Buatnoaa aooooipltaliad is in strong
i cm . ii io the Mm., marking, pro. i
IliKs ot tre lou I, III 111.
tin. tint we. k haa baati fiittarad away
with nothing aeOOtnplUltad asiile trom
The oraaldlai offlcara wars praotl
cally select.'.! In advam . and the vote
ou C. N .McMtluir lor BBsJBkat of the
house and Han Malaike) loi praaldOBl
of the it'- I ' no'i" tormallty
that look up little tl Both p.. id
IM Ofnowa prempuj a.,,,,,.,,, ,",.
'"1"1" """ """ ""'" """'
billon begun tbe Ural day of the aes-
shin, something beretotore unheard of
Por the first lime In the history of
Oregon legislatures bills were Intro
diieeu on the flrat day of the session
and lor the first lime a bill was passed
durlim the first week of the BSSBtSB
hi Ibe house 150 bills huve been In
troUmed the first week aa compares!
with M bills at the preceding session,
and In the aenate To bllla have been
Introduced aa anal net :IS bllla last sua
sion a total of 225 bllla
No bills passed the bouse the first
week la o ses .ion and none the aenate.
Four bllla passed tba houaa thla week
and one the senate The house al
ready has begun the consideration of
aenate bllla and the aenate of house
hills I .uat session the house did not
rem h the consideration of aenate bllla
until the third week
Senate Overridea Several Vetoea
The senate Is iilienil of I he house on
the vetoed measures of the last se
slim, lining acted on nil of the lulls
originating In thai Body, and only on.i
rem tins lo he finally passed on. I ho
house has a led on mil) a lew of Ha
..ooi! bills
in ovormltei ths totraoor, tiie
in. nil. .is ,is u rule showed III. I. 'pen d
.lice. .Alillillllig lielin.r a in i nor
tt. :':r.:'.,'':...i:;;:r:;,;'",
U7 n , inf iiiis in- ....
hand a- ..ii ihal in lli.n OBdBlOB M.-re
will be IIO ellorl on Ills- pan oi thla
. 1(.K,.,m,. Maembl) Ui puolab Waal
i,,r hi. p,i a Mtlvltle III the elalatlVB
domain, w Mn oiliei n ami us
will receive the con Ideratloo due BlB
,,11,, , ; he .1,., i ol an ell
Appropriation Bills Large
A,, i npri it Ion bllla saaklni dam inda
on llie stale n Ol II
. i. . a. Inirodui ad ' '
ii Plbkr.l
'1 . . , to of
Fifth nit.
,i bouaa
a i" lor '
I n,
ii . modi 1 1 ing i.i a with ragard ua dl
un fund
May Abolish Pure I .sing Board.
'I I,. 'i" 'ha
biennial period a'bicb l '" "
,!;,,., ., I iu , i b Ut v''
, , i
, mi w iii. b is
i i
l oil' Iu d'. mi page U
ncludel on paajd I
BBfcll llll