The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 09, 1913, Image 5

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Ontario Pharmacy
Remember Our Palm Olive Soap
and Cream Offer. $1.00 worth
of goods for 50 cents.
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Local News
Dr. Weeac in in Portland thia week
L..ainpin trip
on a '
Mim Amy Odill hai returned to her
hool at Riverside.
Attorney Duncan was calling on On-
Ufi0 friend.. Sunday.
Born on the nth, to Mr. and Mr.
Albert Hooker, of Westfall. a girl.
Mra J W. Alliaon, of Salem, it via
m with her aiatera. the Misses Or
cott. nid Dunhar hwr had an attack of
pip but .a reported aa up and around
Tht Doctors Seara are now located
ntfcWilaon Block, the phone ia 164
Mn Klla McBroom, ol Pilot Rook.
Ortron. ia visiting her aiater. Mra. Dr.
Born. on the bth, at the home of
DTid MaRill. a ion to Mr. and Mr.
Roy Smith.
a. n.anel far wi taken to Parmu
Saturday, where it will remain for
ibort time.
Arthur Moody has moved to Vale
mttf he has a poaition in Uie County
Cltrk'i office.
Sow i th'' time to get a new rug for
tot room while Farley baa a big "lock
loxlect from.
I, II. Grauel wai unacr me wt
tithacaae oi grip for aeveral day a. but
j up and around again.
Mrt. W. E. Eeea ia home from Wie
Miin with her aon. The baby haa re
trtd the use of hia eyea.
(Karlia Becker ih down from Weat
lii) to feed MM cattle hare. He haa
loojht aome hay and will need more.
Farley hit a new line of Wilton and
titer rutin that you ahould aee. The
piUfrna M right ami MM the pricea.
Dr. Uoldibcrry ha moved hia office
to the new Wilson lilock where he haa
rlepnt offices, steam heated and well
H ('. Withycombe made a trip to
I'lMn thia week to look after cattle in
MM M ihat eeettnn. He was well
pmt .i'i tm- vhiti Emm.
C J. MMJ arrived from Central
I4j. Nebraska on Saturday with hia
kaaenold ttooda and will immediately
t.ild on hia tract weal of town.
Elmer Orcutt ia in Hubbard, where
U ii managing a aale. Hia father S
Orcolt, ia with him and will apvnd
ttt inter months on the coast
A P. Karnes, of Weiaer, was vialting
ItilWKhlcr. Mra. Fred Stoeuel thia
a. Mr. Karnea ia a recent arrival
(mh the Eaat and ia well plea.ed with
at weat
Harry William ia back at the depot
taring rtturned a few daya ago with
u bride. They made an extenaive
''; to the east and report a very
I'tuant time.
A boy waa born to Mr. and Mra. Kv-
ftttt Wisdom at 2 M a. m. January 1
"a" it to be the first child
earn the state this year, our time
" an hour ahead of most of the
MNMJtMght fall nf snow here
-!rer mui the temperature went
twne. In th inouiitaiitM th.i. ..-
1 a heavy full nf snow reported and
'- fa plenty of water the
- J t'riapiiun bj Htti-mling the nieet-
i I'oit-
ll.' is on Um Ugiala
"ai '. . .i they art.;
'leifialiitloii t.i brills to the at
KM legislature.
' Si.wa.t, of Grant County.
M last weak aoaaultlnf with
tsMe lloman on the legisla-
OBie ui ;,t the session of the
, iu- was a guest of the
lnle here.
Local News.
Lost A ineli allde rule lo leather
case. Finder pleaae return to Monro
hotel and receive reward.
Word baa been received from Mr.
and Mrs. Milan Davie telling of tbe
illness of tbeir little lii Ruby, wltb
ip M '.nun. i.
Fred Simons, of tbe Alexander
ClnthitiK company, biti rented a bnuae
in Ontario nnd will move his family
here from liolse.
Ansmoa Patterson, who wni vlaitlog
his mother, Mrs. H. 0. Wbitwortb
during the holidays, returned Satur
day to Han Francisco, where be Is
studying law.
Ad adjourned session of circuit
court la being held thia week and tbe
regulsi h.i-h ikii will be opened Mno
day with about tbe usual grind for
judge nnd jurjr.
Anemtia Tnnnlngaen returned a few
davsago from a trip to Cornelius and
Pendleton, where Mrs. Tonnlngaen ia
spending the winter. Mr. Tonningeen
Isfecdltig near (.range hull this winter.
Maik Rutherford returnel Tuesday
from a trip to hia ranch at Ironsides
He report! several caaea of amallpo.x
there but savs the oases sre light and
they are not maintaining anv uarau
Harry B. Hrehmer, of Portalud.
hii I'virii ivpewiiier repairer and
rehuildur Is at tbe Carter houae for
a few waeka where be may be engaged
to repair or rebuild your typewriter
and make it do tbe work of a new
one Inn. v I..II hun shout your ma
chine while he la here.
Bishop Napbtali Ltienock. D. I)..
Helena, Montana, will preach lu
the Methodist church Sunday. .Iiiiiuary
2U, 1U13. both moro ng'eud evening
There will be special m NnsJ at both
service The people ol Ontario are
cordially Invite. I to eon slid hear
tbeBiahop. Thou as John.
Allen Steaall left Tueadny for a
trip to Seattle, Washlntgon.
J. A. Holllngiwnrtb left laat week
for a visit with his mother.
The schools of this district opened
Monday after a two week'a vacation.
H. J. Pochert and family spent
Sunday visiting at tbe Colwell home.
Mias llnili Brownwell Is visiting
in Boise with Miss Florence Kinsey.
W. E. Shaw and tarn i It have moved
Into Mr. Tuaaing's house north of
Mlaa Msrjory Luok visited with
Miss Mary Kioniaon aeversl days laat
II. .1. Gardner
New Year's day
and family apent
rlth Mr. and Mrs
Sunday ntleruoon. January '. at
tbe home of tbe groom's pareuta. Mi.
and Mrs. Wlllard Youst. at 2:15 p.
in , oeeurrad the marriage of William
H. VoiiHl aud Miss Ktta BaUs. in the
presence of tbeir immediate friends
Tbe ceremooy was performed ty Kev.
Church Notes
Sunday school at 10 a. oi. Morn
Ing service at 11 a. in subject
'Divine 'ioodiiess Satisfying." Up
worth League at 11:46. Kvening aer
vi. at 7 ::itl, subject "Christian
Diligence Kutorced by Holeniu Mo
tives." Kverybody is cordially lu
vite.i to. nine and eujoy these services.
At the hii.pitnl, Mr. Shiiner. of the
oil well is receiving care for the
fiactuied limit he sustained last week.
Mi. Lochliu was operated ou for uleers
of the aMBMa J""1 Murray, of i
Emmett. bad u surgical operation pn- I
formed ; Carl (iabley. Ol Parma, had
au operation; Mi. Hbuup. formerly of
tbia place, uow nf Freocb. Idaho,
was discharged on the Mb; Mrs. Crant.
The Methodiit I. en. a Aid met Wed
neidiiy afternoon with Mrs, K. hi.
Mra. K L. Davis visited several
days laat week with Mra. Charles
Free Braotboover, who is working
In Boise, spent New Year's day Id
Iver 'n v i Is tusking several days
vlait wltb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs.
P. A. Creger.
Mra. Yookey returned last week
fi mi I mi:. is wbere aha baa been for
several weeka.
Lester Braotboover returned Mon
day after aeveral daya visit with his
uucle, iu Boise.
Tbe Woman 'a Home Miasiouary
society met Thinsilsy niiu at
the home of Mrs. C rl Deal.
Miss Lola Hccoiupauied her uncle.
N. Carpenter to Welser, where they
visited several days with relatives.
Messrs. liuumer. Wbealdnn and
Makinson attended the dairy conveu
tiou I Inn -i.i and Friday at Caldwell
K. K. Huuttr's entertalued Mr and
Mrs. Millar, uf near Fayette aod Kev
Deal aud fitiiuly at dinner Friday
Mr and Mra. Steep moved into
tbeir uow bouse laat week. M r. Steep
will work for the Fruit Uinl uursery
Miss Mamie Hayer left Suodav tor
ber school near (ioldeu (late. Idaho,
after spending the Cbi istuias vaeatiou
Miss Yelma Spaiubower visited
several duya laat week with Miss
( i lady a Taylor, who lives at ijieenlesf,
The i in i nil an Kadeavor will meet
Friday eveniug at (be W. J. Ituasel)
home tor their business session aud a
social time.
The "Its ' Sunday school class de
liglltfull.V entertained tbe l. . class
iu Me ne.s Suuday school mom I'll
ilay evening.
Messrs. Jay Makinsou ami Kalph
HarUln tell Thins. lay to nuk ou a
railroiel wlneb is being coilsti net. I
near Yale, Oregon.
Sen il of tire young people eujoyml
a good skate New dear's stteruooii
uud then attended tbe moviug picture
show at Ontario iu tbe eveuiug.
The M. ihiidi-i eongi egat lou apenl
New 1 eai .' day together. Lev. Deal
delivered au iuterestiug seruiou iu
The new county ofrlolala have been I
sworn in and taken office and tbe j
county court is in aeaaion.
Lumber Shipments Are Big
Astoria. - During the year of 1912
there were 381 vessels which loaded
at the mills In the Astoria customa
district and their combined cargoet
totalled 290,509,033 feet of lumber. Ol
these vessels. 61 carrying 60,110.004
feet of lumber went to foreign porta
while 330 vessels with cargoes amount
Ing to 230,329.033 feet of lumber want
to domestic points.
Final Session Is Hsld at Crowfoot
Orange, Near Lebanen
Corvallle The farmera' laatltuta
work of the eitension division of tha
Oregon agricultural college, In which
a number of faculty members bavi
been engaged under extension super
vision during the Christmass recess
came to a close Saturday the flna
day of vacation with an all day in si I
tute at the Crowfoot Grange, nesr Leb
anon. Three members of the college
faculty conducted the Crowfoot meet ;
lugs, ami Rase instruction In dairying I
field crops and home economics.
Institutes were held Friday at Tual
atln and at Ashland. These Instltutei '
marked the suspension of the work tin
til after the close of the winter shori
courses at the college, which openet ,
when claas work waa resumed Mon
day, as will continue until February
of Vale, was operated on the Htb AH
'' w''thy,nhe. of the Agricultural ' tbe patleuta are lepo.ted as doing ! to Joreuoou ami a basket diuuer was
MJ, wi KUe(t of hjg 8on H c i
l-. Ml
il room.
I served iu the uew .Suuday sch
1 ! LtO sujoyed tbe feast.
Mid-Winter Excursions lo Cdlllornia A p,lty wm glvt. Ly Kisie and
Kmil Schmld Friday eieuing for the
and not depend on wool, I .lanuaiy :11st. Low fares to S;ni youutf people who formerly met aud
neas will u a ihoo ,. j , . .. ,.i. 1 1 ..... : " -
- " Kraui'iscu ami uus .vuxeioi ".... nau goou .n sub ..i...
or.-s. nt h. niiu dm
lor a short tim- last
'"'' Dr. WHS III! ti, ulluml Hi..
l ot tas w.u.i ...... u
rn I talk and iKleiau.l thorn t..
h , , ; , : :: :;;:: - roots. Md nit d a,,.,, ut. 0 ,,,.
It !.e the eroo an.) not See O. S. L. agents for rates ani rur- speut.
Por Sale
A delightful eveung
Oysters were served al
the close of the evening's tun.
lor Sdle or Jrdde
' - ": 1 sii uiu
ther particulars.
Mlaa Ooldosj ooog, doogbtai ol Mr
and .i L U . Young, was united iu
Forty acre- irrigated uuder ieei mm i isge to T. W. Deed.. B I 'hauute.
. 1 John Deere plow 1 voir, adjoining town, one bait BUS pUOSM, NuttOOy monnug. uie cajra
I...I. . . ...J . I'olo 11,
agoo, These must be tiom depot good mil rovemeuis pirUlJ u,0ii unuii pssrsstsaa t sh
aext tsaa da vi in.,.,ir- range. Ju miles trom Laramie. In g0n
R. L'Jick Of Li.-bard I Particulara write
lio-ln. Wyoming
Woman Mayor In Office
Wnrrenton Oregon's first womai
mayor, Miss Clara 0 Munson. waa In
augnr.iieii al a meeting of (he city I
council, when she ant the three new
ly-elecied council members took theli
oaths of office and succeeded the re
tiring offlt lals.
Wheat Club. H0c, bluestcra, SCo;
red Kusslan. TSe.
Oats t'.T. per ton.
Hay -Timothy, flk; alfalfa, til
Butter 'renmer. 37c.
Kgss- ('itiidled. :'.:'r.
Hops- 19U' crop. MS.
Wool Kastern Oregon, lie; Wil
lamette .alley, 22MC.
Wheal asWBMMaj ; clab, 81c.
red Hushlan. 7c.
Kggs 33c.
Htuter Creamery. 38c.
JJgjj 'lliuolby, )I9 per ton; alfalfa,
$!. per tou.
Money to loan on Improved irri
gated farms. W. II Doollttle Co.
For Hale liurlev engineer's transit
Very suitable tor irrigation work.
Price very reaaotialde. In. pur- at
Drayuge ordera taken at Moore
lintel Joliu Laudiiigham, reeldeuce
In lie CJ I
I'hr. lots for sale 2 blocks west
of postoflhe at a hsigaiu. Inquire at
Aigus otflce,
ilnlsilo Uakery gives Von inote
aud belter caiuly for your money than
sut other place iu town.
For the best bread and psstry III
Mm go to the Ontario Itakery.
A Money Saver
Is What the People Call Farley's Furniture Sale
This is a forced sale to raise money
and prices have been made so low that you
can save money by buying'now. Be sure
and see the stock and prices.
In the New Store Room
J. H. Farley Furniture Go.
The Oregon -Idaho
Lumber Co.
A Complete Stock 'of Lathe, Posts, Shimrles,
Cement, Plaster, Lime, Doors, Windows, Glass,
Screen Doors, Kubber Roofing, Building Pa
per, Moulding and other trimmings
Ix't us figure your hounv bill
Electric Signs
Bring Results
They Talk to the public when the
people who are busily engaged
during the day, are in a receptive
mood, and the stories they tell are
literally burned into the memories
of the observers.
The Advertiser acts wisely
when he invests in an at
tractive Electric Sign.
Idaho-Oregon Light & Power
.i;i .t.
Mi buJ Mra. Deeds will leave
Jobu Kakehctke. the Juttei part of this week for tbtii
boaie it) Kauaas
Don't Miss It
W .r Wfts IJfcaMarJaHgfaaCyl saW JM assV f 'w JW
x gaw Mtfaay m HalEieaF a essa ssssk