The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 09, 1913, Image 2

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At UM Oft) election In Ashland O.
H. Johnson was elected mayor and ths
town went dry by a vote of 405 for
Uwnsr and 1366 against.
A plan Is on foot with the people of
Coqullle and Bandon to form a Port
of Han. l,.n for the purpose of Improv
ing the lower Coqullle river.
Attorney General Crawford has held
that the eight hour law paused by the
people at the last general election la
Told because of the absence of aa
enacting clause.
The Oregon branch of the Americas
Poultry Association waa organised at
Eugene by the adoption of a roastltu
Uon and bylaws and by the nomination
Of set of officers.
1. 0. Keels of Ogden. Utah, ha
been clerted president of the Sumpter
Valley railroad and other Oregon In
stitutions recently controlled by hit
father, the late David Eccles.
Mrs. Nancy Whlteaker, wife of the
first governor of Oregon, died at Ru
gene In her eighty-fifth year. Mrs.
Whlteaker crossed the plains from
MIsHourl with her husband in 1862.
Circuit Judge Calkins at Medford
sentenced Mike Spanus and Ktank
Seymour, alias Parker, recently con
victed of murdering (leorge bedaska
Ions, a Greek, to hang February 14
Oovernor Went has appointed Geo.
Corn ill. editor of the Timherman.
of Portland, as a member of the Ore
gon Agricultural college board of re
gents, to succeed W. W. Cotton, re
What the fanners of the state sre
doing in cooperative associations In
the tnnttcr of Irritating their lands,
will he the keynote to the Irrigation
CongfOOO m- ting In Portland January
9, 1i and 1 1
Frank R. Forbes of Spokane has
been nppolnted traffic manager of the
Portlnnd, Eugene Fastcrn railroad.
He will assume his new duties .l.iiiu
ary 1 and will have his headquarters
In Portland
There are :ir. school children In
Linn eouni ooordtnf lo the nnnunl
vnuini ItlOl mi i OOnPlott l b 'OUU
ty School Superintendoai Joekaon.
Thi kin of Ml over last i
nuta ration.
Sll" ;! !.rit Aldoruiatl Mill urge
a chant!'' In the school texilmol, Inus
at Um boxi seeeloo o( tbo legislature
wlili k he I " HI work a
benefit in the school ciiiiiiiiii or On
gon if i: ! - adopu I
Mai i" the moiii
er of the Tlllamool trlhe of lud
Tk '
train ol
i iii.-
I ootnpleted I "
tax oinn "i
(Ik ilualioii ol .ill Hi.'
Ufa Iii i . .i ' b) i onni v
Br.s, I -III I'll -''! villi
ation lor 1..I-' is shown lo be titty
Miss Clara Q .Munson. daughicr of
a survivor or Hie Whitman BjUsMtOTi
and a ginSMOU ol Si Helens Hall in
Portland, has been elected mayor of
Warrenton by ltf inujorliy over J.
Detrnh. ami i hereto becomes the first
woman goajrOf in Oregon.
Thai the I. BjUlitlure should enai l
laws to proKct laboring men from
coming to tin- state la reoponoo io
misleading aiinoum tii' uts that work
and wages await them is tin- opinion
given by Labor Conunlootonof lloii
in ins ruth Biennial report
Oovernor and Mrs OnomM Y
nave laaui d u In Itatloa to l" v u
ph- oi the state of Oregon to attend
,, . j.i an .a i!"' state capital w Now
year's nl thi Jaauarj I In honor of
th lorn i governoro ol Oregon '
th. ir .v-1 or tii'-ir srlsV
in ., rote ol 1 1 0 i" Hi Ihe hwj
p. . larji of
ti,. ' " a
voted $2 ' ' ''""
.. paoifle latorlor
, ,i ot i teal arhteh la to
io ere ioeal City t
Ul I - pro-
trj plan ro oow
i. ... . : "l
i- , . . i eouni 'i
on to Ihe entire sUte i
M for th U in
, tlou io the entire itnte and hal ,
, ..... sack real tttnoouatf will com" '
1 The state board of aaaltn, at III "-1
, " ,1 m. I ' I
Hon reoonmoudlng to in legislature
a law giving Bomaara of tha ; iU
hoard authority t We la naaalfol t!
. ,ll(. an w( i- righto, to ooademn
rii.ts of way ano hulM Buntoa and
Uka whatever other
hirv , carry oul the arojerl outlined
lu the raporl of I ' Hula r ,
Kl.,... ti Is re outll s l'1""
for supplylni water to citloo and
, r ,,., tt iiiametto valley from
iichuui iiv i.
i" -
saT aj
Charles 8. Mellen, president of the
New Haven railroad, former president
of the Northern Pacific, who was In
dicted for alleged violation of the
Sherman law.
i ' anal lo
li prt
Brief News of the week
Hrudst reefs reports Ml business
failures In th" lulled Slates during
the past week, as compared with 281
during the previous week
A referendum vote has ih-'-lded that
aon.nno gurmeut workers ol New Vork
shall go on a general strike as soon
as called by the executive committee.
In view ol the unsatisfactory posl
t iciii of the opium question, the Chi
nese government has Issued a mani
festo reiterating its desire to suppress
tile evil
A remarkable record has been estab
lished b French submarines, which
iOOpltc storms traveled 800 miles.
MlhmerK' -d all the time, without a sin
Kle slop
Th Public Service t'orporallon of
New .lersev, hegllllllng .laililliv I. en
tabllabed a mlnimuni wage scale ol $!
a week Nr women and r.lrls lu Its
Orders tor worth or
equipment to aooonasodate the rapid
i increaalng traffic hi tbo aortbwoel
i nil the oarabopa and an
last week by Ho Noi tk
i ... ited lorn Hake
. ,1 lo I
Mi .i. .-: i ,i,.l
,,,,..., ...... .v. i ...
ei s B" ' '" "
i m to set th tor all
lime tin i Ktenl to hit h a mam
i me-1 i ol retail pi
v l ion ot the ret ill w ill
be attempted tbo conn on of
il,,- s i on n leglalature Hart to
lor.- sin ii a Ian has bean propoood to
sppl) only to olootlve offtoiabv hut i
inii a iii bo latrodnoed which will ap
pi tin- rooall to ail appolatlvo offtoaa
poelalt tba railroad. Industrial and
lux ooumlaalaaa.
Department of the Interior, V, S. '
t.and orhce, at Vale, Oregon, Decem
er 31. 1912.
Notice is hereby given that Serena
K Gallway, of Ontario, Oregon, who,
on April 28, 1911, made homestead ap
plication No. 01832, for W', BB.SK
SW1.,, section 35, township 17 south,
range 46 east, W M., has filed notice
of intention to make final commutation
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Register
and Receiver, U S. Land Office, at
Vale. Oregon, on the 3d day of Febru
ary, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: W. F.
Unman. Ernest C. McDowell, Reno
I. owe, James E. Rusk, all of Ontario,
Oregon. Rruce R. Kester, Register.
Vale 0685 Burns 0245:1 HE 3365
Department of the Interior, U. 8.
Lnnd Olllee at Vale, Oregon. Decem
ber 6th. 191 '2.
Notice is hereby given thnt James
R. Langley, of Payette, Idaho, who,
on January 21st, 19i H. made Home
stead application No. 0085, for NE"4
NEV-4. M, NE',. NW4 HE',,
Section !', Township 17 H. , Range 47
E., Willamette Meridian, hs Hied
notice of intention to make Final
three yesr proof, to estal'l ish claim to '
the land above dei-et ihed. before the
Register and Receiver, D, H. Lund
Otllce, st Vale, Oregon, on the 14th
day of January, 1911,
Claimant names as wituetset:
Edaar Putnsra, M, H. Hpsuldltig,
Obsrley Darnell, of Payette, ldsbo;
I. P. Crane, of Ontario, Oregon.
Bruce R. Kester, Register.
Application for (irding Permits
Notice is hereby jriven that all appli
cations for permits to graze cattle,
horses and sheep within the MALHEUR
NATIONAL FOREST .luring tba sea
son of 1913, must be filed in my office
st John Day, Oregon, on or before
February 28,
in regard to
Everh- t Drug Company
The Store of Accuracy
and Quality
Prescriptions a Specialty
4th Door S. P. 0.
Phone 131
In the Circuit Court of the State of
0 regOO, for tba Uooatpaf Malheur.
A. R. White. Plaintttf,
Doll Euit and Beiilah I B. East,
I efendants.
To Dell East, one of the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear
and un-wei the complaint tiled against
you lu the above OOtltled suit within
i weeks from the 12th day of De
cember, 1912. the date ot first ptibli
upon icipi. st.
CY. J. HINOHAM. Supervisor.
Rev. Rcb't .1. Davidson D D Pas
tor Seivii'tt at I 1 :(' a in and 7 ;S0
p m Maid nth m-lnnil at 10:00 a in
Ma.-.-a I M 00 M !"' ;,f'l s " laj
"i i .i -h in mil.
:lt 1" M.
i iii .ill -in. r
ii. A. Cam i R
People in the News
Clius W mrrlO, Btate printer, was
arrested at Okluhoma City, kla.. on a
wurraiit obn fling Iniu with tlie torgery
or stale warrants.
John Sehiank. w ho aitenipted to as
aaolanto Tbanwara Hooaovelt, is re
ported io be " model patient al tlie
Oobbotk bonnttnl fur the lanann
jaoon Brawn. M raara old, " ol
ioi ii Brno n. faasona us tbo leader of
ihe raid "' Harpers Fwrrjr, B -'
,i, ,1 at his home in l rOB OWO
Thomas L Ci nlus father ol Beit
.nor ii.ert n Cummlna, died nl bis
home in Dee Moines, Iowa Ho wna
ao yare old and and boon in for ajcta
than roar
!,:, c thmed en "' an anelo of tba
, , .,.,,. i prenorlng la on
,,.r M,,. at the head of tsMM
troops and " proclaim himself jiriiu.'
,)f Albania aooordlng to reports,
w uiuun Loeb, Jr., ooUoetar of tbo
i 10 "";-( llis 1-''
i will an ad
lion with the Ou gea
eaterprtseo and develop
m-'s merry 01
.,.,,, rolntlvt oaat him
,i. his amount of mOUO) WOS
0Ul in obeel i eapoelnll; aa travod
bardar of boll " aaaonny
. , from M to liooo.
Hi J
T Churtli NoUce
Sundi.v Bervleeo,
I i Ml ef'lg 7 p III
('reaching s. i i m 8pm
Midweek Lutures every Ue.lnesdsy
en lag s o'clock
cation of this summons and If you fsil
1113 Full information I"" '" ""','r- IMr W",M ll"'n""' I""'"
the LrrainLr fees to be ' "" "'" '"'t'1" " the oourt for the
charged and blank forms to be used in r ""r deniamled, namely, for the lo,..
making application will be furnished '''""' '" ''""" '"""".." .i
inoiigage uccciioen ineiein, nun ii
i oinrlgoge ladnly recorded In hook
"J" Record of Ileal Mortgages iii
Malheur Coillitv. Oregon, ami for tba
cum of e,.ll. no attorney's fees This
miuiiiioiin i pobllabod in tin Dolorlo i
traoa, a aeeklj aewsanpor of ejonornl I
en, illation In -Multi- .1 County. !e
g tiy order of the lion. it. C.
Kicboi i- '. I DuntyJodgeol Molbt 11
County, which said oiler WOO Bttdo
... ou t he 10th dnj of flea i .
i D1S, directing the publication I
' tin summons for si life
vm .k. 01 in nolnn Decent er i
lanuarj 1
ud t'nit B Cop 'I -iimm !
, died forthwltl
l.a-t. one of the .I'leiidaiit
i sms i.
c. MeUoDsglll,
Attoniey for Plan nil.
Hooled bids will be i oolvi I I tbo
-tale board of Flshsud tJun.e cnnimls
doners at 807 Yeou buildiiig. Port
laud, Oregon, until ID o'ch k a. m.
mi January 1", lKl.'l. at wbleb time
same will be opened, covering the
sale of i li'o ii seres of laud, more or
less, together with all appurtenances
thereon, belonging to the state of
Oregon sod commonly kuowiii as the
Ontario Salmon bstobery Btnpnrtf,
situated about two miles from Onta
rio, on Snake river, all improved and
well adapted tor irrigation witb water
wheels installed. Further iuforma
tion will be given upon application to
tlie Board at the above suitress. The
Board reserves the right to reject auy
and all bids The enveloped contain
ing bids unlet be marked plainly
"111 I ou Property" and addressed as
above. Terms nothing bttl cash
Sunday BsOOOl 1" A M
1'ieachiiig Service 11 A M
Junior League ' P M
Epworlh League 0 :.'10 P M
Preaching Service 73 :0 P M
Thomas Johns. PASTOR.
Every Saturday
Sabbath School 10:30 am
Bible Study 11 iM a m
Young pei pies meeting 1 :30 p m
Philip Koenig. Pastor.
1 1 din Service.
51 a m
S 50 n m
1 1 :2I a m
P m
I r. rvm
Ml W 1
T I aVlTlVl 1
o i SEiB
it 1lri7:t7!1rsl
, . x
West bound.
No. 17 Oregou Wash Ltd 5:15 a in
No. ': lliintingtou Pass PttO I
No. 0 Fast Mail 6:11 P m
No. '11 Huntington I'ass ii .;i:i p m
No. ." Oregon Wash K less 7 50 p m
East booed.
No. IN Oregon Wash Ltd
No. f) Uoise passenger
No. Ill Fast Mall
No 28 Boise i aeaongat
No. 0 Waob Rxprooa 1:40 p
train leavei
turning at IlifO ni.
loidl Market Keport.
Corrootad Poo, '. tor the beoottl
of trgna readers bf Ifeo Malbani Mer
cantile Compauv.
BggO, per doen. tOOi
Hutter, per pound, BO
Oats, per hundred. 11.15,
Wheat, per hundred, pr.-'1.
Hay, per ton. t '.
Potatoes, tr bundled, 1.00.
Onioii-s per buudred, 19.00.
Apples, per lio, 11.00, tO 11.40
Ublokeos, dieeeed, per poane 14a,
Cork, dreesed, B lo '' Sia
I'oi k, live."'. ' , to 7c.
"eal. 7 to 7 ' .0.
r c. 9u to 10s,
FOB SALE .120 acres of finest im-m-oved
fruit and alfalfa land, two niiles
from Nssa, Oregon. Perfect water I
right under Ontsrfo-Nyssa canal. Can
be bought in tracts of" 10 acres ip, on
casv terms and at reasonable prices.
!;. M (Jreig, intario, iregon
k; r
Pontile r Mechanics
AGRF.AT Continued Story of the
World's Progress which voo
may begin reading at any tunc, md
which will hold your interest (on
p "gasp Note." Di-partim-nt I
w . i to do inins:- -hovi to make
. les lor hoan and hi p, repj
" wmt t.'tT Msikss'TT " ' how to
ion lurni u: , i . :" - Km!,
A k your w or
l'Ol'l LVU MhXilAMt'S CO.
- o s I' Sf CHICACO
Means Not Only
Time But Money
I )n you ever consider how Iohlt it takes to travel the
distance from your house to toe Dot-tor and Merchant
and what timeyou save by Telephoning? It your
time is worth anything you cannot afford to be
without a Telephone.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
build Your House of Cement Blocks
More Lasting than wood. More artistic
than Brick. Blocks made In any Style
or Color.
Calkins & Bingham
Concrete Contractor
Phone 112X 1 Block west Ontario Hotel
J. H. COOK, Manager.
Capital Stock $50,000.00
Choice Apple and Prune Lands
Land and City Property
Ten real artists with baritone on
their tenth annual tour will soon
appear at
Sunday, Jan. 12
Admission 75c