The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 09, 1913, Image 1

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ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon
m Qrtbxtto mm
-r Ontario Arjruw
leadfl in Prestige,
merit and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
Sunday NiKht, January 12
One of the Best Companies
On the Road
The llU"WP" Concert company
Vj nppnr at Dreamland theatre.
o-r evening January 1
If yoo
pun''".' ---
jtljnv if""
thin will he ii
fnr T0I1 I '
llnllnwell company bus
l,D psople Wltfe them mII trHliioH
Builrlans and the press has bom very
,.,. U praising their entertalumone.
Ths Dreamland management has
plicf.1 the tlokcte at "." eenta lor nil
MrU "I 'be house. hloli la very
rasajtwhle for th ia olm of entertain
Tb regular meeting of the Work
Hi) Win Hub oai held .Innnary 2nd
ittha library, the president, Mia. II.
H Whltnev, In the plmir. On account
of the lllneaa of the member who
ikould hiivi given tliv paper fur the
iftrmi". there wna do program The
trtuuri'i gave her report and aome
Olber buaiues wa transacted.
Oaiag lo i in' fact that certniu
'. - legal formalities bare not
ton oonipiled with, the club will
tn' to tiki- further action in resgnl
to tbe contemplated change of name
ml audi action was puatpoued uutll
I lilrr ilHte.
New York President Taft presided
ar Suturiiiiy night at what he styled
i own political 'wake." He mini"
Ua oration over hie political
corpai-, ia)Md modest praise for the
aWCathat lie (Jul while In- Ined in tlie
Wu Rouse, recited at length the
euii thai 1mI to Ilia ' demise. " and
l"ckad ilu- enemies he held respon
kU lor Ills lukliiK off
Th president wus the only apeaker
M tbf republican reorganization dm
'. liven ut the Waldorf Astoria to
or than liiOO republicans from all
or the country. He spoke for more
un "n hour Ills defense of his ad
Oantrstion was the executive results
lOu produced, his reply to peraonal
oitiolsm was that he had been more
Waiiiiii.TMoo.i iiiu,, blameworthy.
In the ootiroo of hla speech the urea-
nt made his first public reference
toColonel ltosevelt sinee the close of
campaign, asserting that probably
100.000 voter, normally republican,
their ballot for Mr. Wilaon. "In
i to avert tbe danger of Mi
Mowveic. election."
PrMnutiVti of Companlaa to Ce
' With Railroad Commlaalon
Mat--After much diacuaalon an
fmtnt ., reached between the
aaj conimiKslou and repreBenta-
r,l'18u. Vatar, telephone uud tele
PP Haimitt wno ueltl a tonfer
1 hre ne aKreement lB tu,, an
tin ff. . l .. .
-" audii i,h filed by J,
... ..! ) 15,
T- lUi" taej ikajl
be tbe aume aa
"aeiiateoce on January 1. 1111.
-Worlded by tbe bill.
offimin,., were aupolnted t0 uk,
. ues'ton of uniform accounte
""or unit
era were discussed. Tba
companiea will have
fa mutuittfe, and the telephone aud
J" "'iiipanies another commit
".ni commissioners feel
, . !' " " eninpliahed to-
t about an intelligent ad-
' 'lie public utllitv law
I lltilltv MrniM.all. Ill
.."I'uiiuiiniii .ii
i ......t- iiie I-OIUIIIISSIOU
ol all .-,...., ... ..;.i.
I. iv.. i.U .1.., .-.
01 -
--- -v....,,a Willi I ua1
i il iic utility corpor-
I of franchises
IVlaloUl 61 tne bill v.ere
tlon b) the OOBBtlS-
irpontlona might
in proceed
Princeton, N. J. President-elect
Wilson has made clear that nobody
in the United Statti ktx'w as yet who
wna going to be In his cabin. ;, ()r what
could be the program he would dug
goot for the next congress. He declar
ed he not offered a single cabinet
portfolio to anyone thus far. ami had
reached no conclusions as to plans for
tiie extra session.
Mr. Wilson said that, while he had
".invnesed a variety of subjects and
li;wl talked over many names with
democratic leaders, he had not giver
nn intimation either as to his selec
tlons or bis course with respect to
legislation. He indicated, however,
that he expected tbe extra session
would not be devoted exclusively to
tariff making, and aald he would ape
clfy In h special message some of the
subjects upou which he would llko leg
islation. Te Presidentelect admitted he waa
finding the tank of cabinet making
difficult. He aald he would delay an
nouncements until be could uuma hla
ntlre cabinet.
During the Past TWO Years j
Few Outstanding
Salem During the biennial period
from October I. 11)10, to September
30, 1912. the office of aecretary ol
atale lasued warranta aggregating .'.
04.64, according to the biennial !
report of Secretary of State Olcott
Ouietandlng warranta on October 1,
1910, amounted to 1:17.171.56, while
outstanding warrants at tbe cloae of
this biennial period amounted to $40.
1 lie only out-landing Indebtedness
la a small amnutit tit "Certificates of
evidence .. allowance ol Halms," snd
"Cerlltlcai nt indelitednesa," Issued
according i. law and tor which appro
prlations will have to be made by the
leglslatui I
The total amount of revenue re.julr
ed for state purposes (tor 1911 was ee
tltniited at H.HI.HUt, which luclud
ed $:!:!, 795. 60 for l Ik- normal school nt
Moiiinniiiti Of this amount Jii'.iT. i'n:i
waa receipts from indirect aources
such as (MS, licenses, etc., and tl.
385.tll5.H4 was raised by direct tuxa
For tll it was estimated that 'i,
ti56.6:t.'t ii would he ueeded, of which
1592,817 91 came from indirect aource
and S3,ti56,ti33.6tf came from direct
Eaatern Oregon Without Mail
Burns -Horns bus been without
mall communication with outalde
points since Tuesday. ('. M. Kellogg
contractor on the Prairie City Burin
route and four other routea, all ol
them .entering in tbia section of Ore
gon, refuae tu handle the mall on tbe
ground that the government violated
the present mail contracts by the en
actmeut of the parcel post law.
tha St. Louia
Finley J.
.. .. ui.. i
railroad man engagea io man ,
Helen Gould.
H s .m aWjilBw
Sifiifl sflC9i
"fl Br . vt-f ; st7L4' ( M
m mi ' - 3P1B
fl tils iJH
LaW i) ioaaaVr -J
bbbW oMaHavMHoOWt, ff
Is Said That Recent Supreme Court
Decision Practically Forces
This Combination.
The Change Will Likely Necessitate Establishing Head
quarters Here for Officials -To Begin Laying Rails
Between Nyssa and Homedale on Buhl Cut Oflf-New
Year Opens with Much Activity in Railroad Con
struction for this Section of Oregon.
A rumor la current tbat. tbe action
of tba aupreme court haa compelled tbe
O. W. K. A N. to take oer tbe con
atruotion of tbe Oregon i Eastern rail
road weet from tbia city.
Just what this mean, la difficult to
aacertaln at tbla tlma, but, It la
Inderal. .ml tbat It will also include
that part of tbe O, W K. Jr. N. eystem
between Ontario and Huntington, now
operated by tba Short Line people.
It will necessitate the establishing
of headquarters here for m I nrfiVI-
si, and aome of the rolling atook hut ,
If will take time to build stdetin?ke.
i.. n ml and shops.
It la also atate.i tbat the ateel gang
will be at NyaaH iu a weak ready to
"tart the laying of track on tbe aouth '
aide Hue between Nyaaa and Uuma-.1"
dale, where tbe grade has been com
pleted for aome time. Engineer
Oaborne baa rented a bouae there.
Tbia will mean tbe completing of the
line 'to Hubl at tbe earliest pcaaible
date aa the Due to Nyaaa ia of no
I. em hi to the company until thev can
make the easteru connect inn. which
will give them a water grade to tbia
The road will probably be double
tracked betweeu Ny-sa aud Ontario to
take care of tbia extra traffic.
The nen double track bridge at
Payette ia uearly tluisbcd and it la
understood tbat tbe other bridgea
iu tbia section will be wldcued while
the bridge gang is here. Tbia will
uiean many montba work aa there are
The January term of circuit court
for Malheur county will convene at
Vale next Monday.
Following ia the jury list drawn for
the January term:
J T. McNulty, of Ontario, merchant.
W. H. Cecil, of Ontario, farmer
T. A Barton, of Vale, farmer.
Sheridan Johnson, Jamieson, banker.
Emit I.. Tachirigi, of Brogan, farmer
A. I' Penrod, of Malheur, farmer.
J. D. I humaa. of Ontario, farmer.
I. B. tuisberry,nf Vale, laundryman.
F. ('. Soldera, of Ontario, farmer.
lames Small, Weatfall, farmer.
S. W. Tate, of Big Bend, farmer.
A. M. Groth. Jordan Valley, farmer,
F. B. Freeman, Ontario, saddler.
A.E Robinson, Jordan Valley, farmer.
Charlea L. Thompson, Ontario, farmer
Amoa K. Johnson, of Ontario, barber.
O. D. Lovelesa, Brogan, carpenter.
E. K. Armstrong, Riverside, farmer
C. W. l'latt. Ontario, banker.
Henry N. Si.kney, Watson, farmer
C. T. Boynton, VoJti farmer.
J. C. Kelsay. Weatfall, farmer.
N. A. Peacock. Ontario, farmer.
M H. Host uk, Nyssa, farmer.
C E. Alcxan'-' r. W.-'tall. farmer
B, A. Lofton. Ironsile, farmer.
Dat O'Neill, Jamieson, farmer.
G H Ri.ker, Vale, farmer.
Eli Rose, Iron -ni.-, farmer.
Sam lOBith, Vol, farmer.
R. l.. peott, i; uuh, (orator.
Gun CtJbs Organize State League
i , -!: or -eiited either in per
son, or b from tba
gun ( ba el Kugei a, Portlaae, iolem
Albany, Oi rario, Jeseph and Coquill
Cat! 1904 lO tOO .oom, of the 1. -
mmnvtal club and oraanlied a atati
- - -
leu fur ' Ironlotlon of "port
a muni of long bridgea.
Tbe Cumtroction gang baa laid ralla
to wltbin two miles of the mouth of
tbe tuonel, where they were compelled
to stop while a bridge la being built.
'ilu- near the Harder Ranch.
The new citv council wa sworn in
'nd MUm0(1 their official dutiea laat
Tuesday evening. The old council met
Monday evening, passed on the monthly
b'"" ,nd wounrf "P the year's bualneaa.
There were only two changes made
,n tne city offlc'' family from laatyaar
B- Frye wa" fhoaen councilman at
I recent election in place of H. C.
1 llilVlT Ufhn i !. It I In uaaa-t-.a anAlkaa
t v m.v.i vu avian ii"iin I
term. J. W. McCulloch waa appointed
city attorney in place of A. N. Soliaa.
The three councllmen who were re
elected were E. A. Fraaer. A. Zimmer
man and J. II. Farley. The holdovera
from laat year were Mayor A. W. Trow
and Couucilmen C. E. Konyon and .1.
H. Gregg and City Treasurer (' W.
The council organized by electing ('.
E Kenyon president of the council and
Mayor Trow announced the following
appointments which were confirmed:
t'ity recorder. H. B. Grauel, city at
torney. J. W. M.i'iiIIi. -h. city marahal,
Unht. O'Dell, aatistant marahal. II I..
Noe; atreet commissioner. A. M. Lack
ey; Are chief, H. C. Farmer; health of
ficer, Dr. H. H. Whitney.
Mayor Trow appointed the following
committees, which are the aame aa laat
year, except that Mr. Frye takea the
place of Mr. Boyer on each committee:
Finnnce- Kenyon, Frye, Fraaer.
streets. Sewer and Draina-Fraaer,
1 'refc"a. Farley.
Water and Lights Kenyon, Farley,
! Zimmerman.
Health-Gregg, Frye, Zimmerman,
Wedneaday night the council met
again and fixed the city tax levy and
traneaetod other business The city
'evy waa fixed at Ave milk, includ
ing a lib'ary tax of one mill. The city
tax levy this year ia one mill lowei
j than laat year when the Ontario city
levy waa lower than any other town in
tbia section.
The library commission feel assurred
that plans will be completed for a Car
nagie horary in Ontario within the
preaent year.
C. M. Sterna, who waa appointed to
audit the city recorder and city treaa-
urer books, reported the booka correct.
The report was accepted and placed on
The ordinance to grade Morton street
passed the first reading.
A petition for two street lights near
the eaat aide school was referred to the
light committee
Farmer Killed In Well
Troy. -J. II Trout, American Ridge
farmer, met death in a 60 foot well by
being struck on the head by a bucket '
containing It bricks Just aa tbe '
bucket was being let down with a
windla.-s tin- rope broke, tOO bucket
striking Trout on tin.- chin, killing
him instantly
Will See Great Log Camps
ow, i i ual exnerieaee and ob
oorvol ona In th largeat whin- ploo
logiiing oampa In the world will be a
pan or i! try at
the Dolvei of Idaho this v.
which I i y ti. A portion of
in tbe OMBOfl
of the poiUtch Lumber couipauy u
tne ea-'eru se. non or i.atan county.
E. afoDOWtll, Hge.l :.7. ii ivapccted i
minder of the lljg Hend district,!
druppeil .lend from heart failure New
Year's ilay while frenoiiig 01 the Dr.
Rockefeller plnoe. The funeral acr
vices were held Friday ut the Ulg
Hend achool house conducted by Hev.
Johns, of Ontario, who waa an old
friend of the fnmily. Interment nt
I he s. I. inise was nut large
enough to accommodate all who at
tended, showing the esteem in which
Nir. McDowell was held by hn n.igh
bora He waa for many venre an en
mn on m o. n. l,. neiween t Henna
Ferry and Huntington. Mr. Mo
Oowell leaves a wife mm onn son also
a brother, who la an engineer nn tbe
Hannibal road and at preeent visiting
Mrs McDowell at In Ii.'. 1. 1
California Fruits Are Damaged
to the Extent of Millions
of Dollars.
I.oa Angeles Kreexlng weather.
sin h aa southern t'lillforiiia haa not
experienced In 20 yeara awept down
from Tehachapl'a top ou tbe great
orange belt of dan Bernardino, Ven
tura, Riverside, I.oa Angeles, Orange
and San Diego countlea.
Damage eatlmated ut many mllltona
of dollars Is being wrought to cltrual
fruits, In spile of tba desperate efforta ;
of the growers to check the menace
by smudging. At t'ovtna the mercury
dropped to 22 degreea.
'.ir the moat part thw sudden drop,
deaplte the Dulled States weather bu
reau'a warning, waa totally unexpect
it by I he people, und not more than
u tenth of the growers, It la reported,
wwre prepared
Chicago- Winter, as the term ia un
derstood In the Creat Lakes region,
ulready more than three months over
due, made another and more success
ful attempt Sunday tu fasten Itself
Upon the middle we.-i The deadly
cold, originating in western Canada,
where IU degrees below zero prevail
eil al many points, spread i.ipldl) owr
the country. It reached Chicago In
the form of u snow storm, which later
turned to ruin und atill later to heavy
sleet, with continued falling of the
Drain traders are apprehenaive of
greut damage to winter wheal Tbey
say tlie fields are bare, aud a alege of
cold weather will kill the plant There
is aald lo be practically no anow cov
eriug the wheat urea in four or five
big atates.
Turka Will Make New Concessions
London. Danger of a rupture or
peace negotiations seems to hate been
averted by Die probability that Turkey
will make fresh coiicesaiona.
From authoritative sources It Is said
the powers, through their umhusau
dura here uud at Constantinople, hute
exerted strong pressure at Constant!
uople for moderation.
Willtjro G. Raelcfaller, Standard OH
magnate, hcm subpoena aervera for
he "money trust" investigating com
mittee cannot find.
annf ir wfjlN Ik,
k llSnt " ' ' '"l . aV-1-B
Many Special Premiums
Being Offered (.ood
Exhibit Expected
The premium list for the poultry
ahow will be mailed this neck. There
ia an unusually Hat ot apeniale
offered aud the fanciers ate imuch In
terested. Iii.iiiiles have been coining
in from many sou ices and the largeat
collection of poultry ever gathered
in this section will be here.
The managers are alao prepared to
take enre of all kiuda of pet atook.
dugs and cute, so you ran bring or
semi anything along that you feel pride
In possessing. Tbe exhibition fHlLbt
held In the large room north of tba
Ontario hotel, January '22, 'J3 and 24.
The woman's edition of the Argot
made a great hit with the people and
they are mailing onpiea of It all orer
tbe world tu tbelr frlenda. There
are a few more copiea for aale ut the
Argus office, j It la considered the best
piece ot advertising literature aver
sent out from tbla aectloo and will be
thai any f (.........- an aii
""" '"" """" "w
'P1" Of tba many advant-
ages wa nave here oyer thoae to be
found in other aectlona The women
are entitled to much piaiee aud taey
are leoeivltig It in generous tlnaea.
They worked hard, eertnipllahed much
and are entitled to everything gond
you can band them.
"u W. II. Brooke and Kulph
W Otter bars engaged tbe most
modern suite ot nrtlce looms In the
cooniv iu tbe new Wilaon building
aud together will conduct the pi. . dice
of law there. Mr. Swagler laagia.tu
ale of tlie law school of the Uuiverelly
of Miuuesotu aud has I. ecu engaged in
the practice of law In tbla city for
several months, where he has wou tbe
c iitl.l.-ii. i of the people ami la looked
Upou as it young man of unusual legal
ability end promise iu his choaen pro
fission. Mi. Brooke ia well kuowu
iu the district ami was elected to the
ottii e ot district attorney at the recent
election. He haa twice represented
this district In tba state legislature,
where I,,, c hinted unusual ability aa
a legislator aud a lawyer, iu additiou
1 ii'.'iu nig much needed legiala-
t ton tor bis district
l.'epi.-Heula.lve Human letl for
Salem this moioiug to prepare tor the
session of the legislature which con
eues OOXl week Mr Hoiuan li
mora espscially interesied in measure of an epeii
nn-ii t ni station in Ibis ciiiiiily uud lor
au adjudication nt tho water rights of
the streams ot this dis'.rict. Many
importa .1 OMOOUfwl M'H coming up,
liiciudii g uu api 1 1. 1 i l.u ion nt ball a
million t. i tb. PoBOOH i- - - i I i u r i . a
bridge aoroaa the Colombia ot Van
corner and l'mlluml u elloil will
I e unci, to hint tie nun. I. I id Hilt IU
tie and enh-t ilut iuiimI uu-u.uii - t. Ji
i i.ti i no, 'i '
set mi. I the 1 1 v l lion tba nit i i
oeedibga to t v ami remove none ol
the i. ci i. .. litiea. Tin uauol ,:i lal ol
bills la ex . l. but tin bovfl B '-as-nien
ai. tie nnpoi taut oues a" lur