The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 02, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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As Fresh as Summer Roses in Early Dew
Such are the groceries -,,,i at this store. The delicate aroma of
the coffee, the delicious taste 6f the lutter all the apjctiinK
points of Rood, sweet, clean food are carefully preserved at this
grocery. Even our stock of canned and cHrton goods are kept to
their lowest quantities that they may be constantly renewed. Ev
ery thing is pure and cleanliness is next to godliness here.
All our groceries are an delieiously
fresh as a wild rose sparkling with
dew on an early summer morning.
Let a Trial Order convince you
Send or come with an order, or
phone to us and we will see that
it has our best attention. "A com
pany is known by the customers
(hey keep." Ask your neighbor
who she trades with.
Wilson Bros.
May it be a Happy and a Prosperous Year to You
' j
Entering the New Year
We have an announcement we
wish to make regarding a change
in our business for 1913. We
commence Jan. 1st to
dose Out all Men's Goods
Our store will soon be the ex
clusive women folk Ready-to-Wear
shop of Ontario. Watch
for the money saving opportunity
Every article of Men's and Boy's
Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and Fur
nishings will be thrown, on the
mafket at not a cent more than
Wholesale Cost
New Store, Wilson Block, Ontario Oregon
Continued from Page I,
MTt rtwl thiH MCtlOfl will bl-odttM, and
(tils niPrtrH a Junction point Tor them
ntr also.
Airrlrnltnrnl and Horticultural Region.
Surrounding Ontario Is ono of the
greatest Kgrlcultnn and bortleulturaj
rfflODJ In the Wc8t Willi!,, sixtv
miles of It a a center there In ejgfc
hundred tbOMaad mm of land that i
luider Irrigation and under project!
to water It. Allowing twenty acres
to a family and this la ample for
their Bupport, forty thousand faini'l'-b,
or a population of two hundred thous
and people will be llvlnj? on farms
within sixty miles of Ontario This
alone would build It Into a city oi fifty
Miousanct inhabitant, but In addition
to the Irrigated land there are thous
ands of acres of lands that will dry
farm successfully, aa well aa great
bodies of timber along tho Payette and
other streams that must bo shipped
to Ontario. A great mineral country
also will be tapped by these branch
lines from Ontario on the upper
reaches of the Payette and other
streams and this must also be hauled
here. This mineral country has only
been waiting transportation and the
report of the stale engineer shows Im
mense Exiles of ore that can be ship
ped when these railroads are In oper
Ilium i.m- utcr Snpplv Here.
There are streams on every side of
Ontario where electrical power can bo
generated cheaply and we shall always
be able to furnish an unlimited sup'
ply for manufacturing and Irrigation
purposes. Power lines are now built
through nearly every valley In this
Ontario Fitter? Large Market (cater
A few years will see Immense ware
houses, elevators, cold storage plants,
fruit parking houses, creameries, can
neries and many other big enterpriser
at Ontario. The projuct of this Im
mediate territory will be on such a
large scale Ihnl Ontario will be one
of the biggest market centers In the
west. Consldf r. that now there are
seventy thousand seres within the
sixty mile circle planted to fruit and
that this area will be doubled within
the next three years and think of
whnt great warehoiiHi-s and canneries
will be Beaded ftr this product alone
A packing house and wool scouring
mill wiii I M0MI7 to take care of
the hundreds of thousands of sheep,
cattle and lion Hint IM country
1 around Ontario will produce and these
I p:;tei pilscs will be built here In the
licnr future.
It Is no long dream until these j
' things arc accomplished. Before the .
close of the oar l!i:t we are going
to aeo tho railroads making their J
I prepart'.ons to operate all of theso
various lines from one center at un
larlo. Oik this Is dOM (ohblng
houses, warehouse! and other enter- j
prlaea will spring up like magic and
., i,w ear . Ait! see the ' n-uplMi
meat of thote thing and Ontario ,
a great city with the doubter setting '
!,,! k and ivliij 1 told ' so. I 1
knew It all the time"
Fruit land Nursery.
The Fruitland Nursery advertisement
on page 10 gives no address. It is
1 iintland, Idaho.
Department of the Interior, U, S.
Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, Decem
ber 81, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that .Serena
1. Gallway, of Ontario, Oregon, who,
on April 28, l'Jll. m'l- homestead aj
plication No. 01832, for W, SK'4,Sl. ,
SWU, section 85, township 17 south,
range 46 east. W M.. has filed notice
oi intention to make Anal commutation
proof, to establish flaim to I be land
above deacribed. before the Register
and Receiver, V S Land "Wee. at
Vale, Oregon, on the 31 day of rebru
ary, 1913.
rl.imuni ium bk witnesses . F-
Human, Krnest L". McDowell, Reno
l.owc, James K. Rusk, all of Ontario,
Oregon. Bruce R. Kester, Register
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, tor the -unity ot Malheur.
A. R White. Pielutitf.
Dell Hint and Ueulah I li. Kart,
To Dell East, one of the above uamed
hi the name of the State of Oregon
VoU are hereby le-pilreii to apical
and answer the oompluiut died agsinri
you in the above entitled suit within
aix weeks from the 12tb day of De
cember, 1912, the date ot Hist pubii
oatlon of this summoos and if you fail
so to answer, for want thereof, plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
it lief demanded, namely, forlbefoie
olosure of that oeitaiu indenture of
mortgage deacribed therein, which
said mortgage is duly recorded in book
"J" Record of Real Mortgages iu
Malheur Cotiuty. Oregon, and for tbe
sum of 150.00 attorney's tees. This
sommous Is published iu the OnUrio
Argus, a weekly newspaper of general
oil. -illation in Malbeii County. Ore
goo. by order of tbe Hon. H. C.
Richardson, County Judge of Malheur
County, which said order waa made
and entered ou the loth day of Oeceiu
ber. KiPJ. due tmgthe publication of
tbia summons for six onoaacotiva
week, oomuieneing Denember 12tb,
1912, and ending January 23rd. 1913.
And that a oopy of summons and
complaint he mailed forthwith to Del I one of tbe defeudanta aiiuve
C. MudoiiSgill.
Attoiuey tor Plaiotilt.
Farley's New Store
We invite you to call and see our
new steam heated store room
where you will find a large, well
selected stock of new furniture.
Our prices are the lowest ever
made in this territory for the
grade of furniture carried.
When you inspect our stock and
compare prices we know you will
buy our goods.
G. W. Lorn) Quits
This is Positively the Last Sale
and the prices we are making will make this a much
shorter sale than we anticipated. The crowds that
have already thronged the store gives us the assur
ance that we will "get out," and that quick.
Greater Possibilities Now Confront You
than Ever Before
My aim is to "quit1 add thai I'm ffotog to da No "hoi air"
bin positive lads, iii every line
Read and Compare these Prices with Others You See
High Alt Suits ami Overcoats $25.00 and up lo
close out $16.50
llitrh Art Suits ami Overcoats 18.50 to $25 to
close out $13.50
$15.00 Suits to close out for - - $9.50
lo.oo ' " u - - $6-85
Hoys' Suits, $3 values, to close out - $1.95
u u " " " ! ;2.50
" $6 " " " u S3 75
Boys' Ovents, $5 to $g values, to close out $4.75
Occasionally you see greater Bargains than these, but it's
always cheaper material or cheaper madeinvestigate our
offerings, it money tu you you can hitch your dollar to tho
biggest load ;. dollar ever drew.
G. w. i m r-
"' i ll.Jn d
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