The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 02, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Fraternal Orders
Ontario I in iimpini nt.
Ontario Kncnmpment was Instituted
In March, 1901 with C. W. Piatt. R 8.
Rutherford, (; A. Pogue, J. T. Cle
ment ami (1 W. MrnnUin as charter
members and now have about thirty
Patriarch O. A. Pogue Is Grand High
Priest of the Grand Knc.impmcnt of
Oregon and ii In line to go to the
Sovereign Grand I-odge In the near
future. The officers for 1913 are: J. II.
Seaward. C. P.; It M. Carlilo, 0 W ;
W. H. Cecil. H. P; O A. Mlgnrdan,
J WVj C. W. Piatt. Scribe: O. A. Pogue
O.; C. McOonlgall, 1st V . ; ,T. H. nr
ley, 2nd W.; C. A Adams, 3rd W.;
T. M Seward, I. 8.
Ontario Lodge 0. ttO, I. 0. 0. F.
As Is usunl all over the west the
Odd Fellows lodge was the first fra
ternal organization to be started In
Ontario Txdge No 90 was Instituted
August 26, 1887, with six charter mem
bers, two of whom, Ed. Hulery and
O. W rirunlon are still members.
The lodge has a membership of
omethlng over ninety and Is the only ,
order In town owning their own
building, which is valued at 111,090.
One of the particularly pleasant '
enclal events of the present year was
the conferring twenty-five year Vet
eran Jewels upon Dr. O. A. Pogue, O.
W Brunlon. Ed. Hulery and R 8. !
Rutherford, the recipients of which
must have been members In good ,
standing for more thnn a quarter of
The lodge meets each Saturday ev
ening In their hall on Oregon street.
Itchcknli Lodge.
Tleat rice Rebekah Lodge No. 82 T. i
O. O. F. of Ontario was instituted
November 8th 189" with fourteen
charter members
Mrs Emily Pogue was the first
Noble Grand and Mrs. Kllzabeth Dun
bar, the first secretary.
Hcntrlce Rebekah lodge now has
107 members Thirty-one of whom
are past noble grands.
Mesdames Emily Pogue and Hattle
Draper are past appointive officers
of the Rebekah state assembly of Ore
gon Mrs. Pogue has been for the
past several years on the board of
trustees for the I. O. O. K. home which
Is located nt Portland.
January 1st. till the lodge will
have A banquet, also Install Its Offi
cers and rOOOtYl two new members.
OB by Initiation and one h card
Mrs. L'mlly Pogue. I) I). I', will
Install Mrs DolO) Rutherford. N Q
Mrs. gadle M.oii. v. 0 . Mrs. Bdna
Floyd, noeronnrr; mi-s Nellie Plntt, f
secretary: Mrs Kllzabeth Pvrotll,
treasurer for the ensulngg term.
History repeats Itself that fourteen
years ugo this month Mrs Pogue in
stalled Mrs. Draper N. ii. and Mis
Moore, V. O.
Ileatrlce Itehekah lodue meeti tbe
BnT nr ' Bi. x
Boy ej Brothers &
first and third Wednesdays of each
month at I O. O E- hall. All visit
ing Rebekahs are cordially invited
to attend. Friendship, love and truth
Is the Inspiration of the order of Odd
Follows and liebekahs.
I dor Chapter No. 31, Royal Arch
Ontario being a town supporting
i a number of indues since its start and
; always being looked gp to from sur
rounding towns as to all Idgo work
a number or Royal Arch Masons felt
It due the town that a Chapter be
seated here and after two years hard
work on September 2nd. 1909 the
following members were able to get
a dispensation to organize a Chapter:
II B. Oranel. H. A Duffy. Con Ryan,
B H. Test. A E. Tonntngson, T. H.
Coward. 11. I Mllllgan, O. O. Luehrs.
A. Zimmerman. .1 W. McCulloch, B. A.
Kraser and H. W. Clement.
After passing the first year and
making a good showing to the Grand
Ixidge they were granted a Charter
which was seated with the Oregon rep
resentatives being present on the 5th.
dny of September 1910. Since which
time the Chapter has grown and taken
in members from all parts of the Juris
diction, fncludlng njl of Malheur,
Tlnrnev and parts of Baker Counties.
The membership st this time num
bers ."" people nnd is acknowledged
to be bv far the largest Chapter in
the 1'ulied States In as small a town
as Ontario.
Some two years before this Chapter
wns nr.'anl7cd. Mr. llnrrv B. (irauel
conceived that an organization of this
chnracter could be successfully car
ried on here and he gave it his great
est stud- and nttentlon. He has. since
Its Inception, been the leading factor
In the control of the association and
has always been the High Priest of
the Chapter.
This Is one of the lodges that covers
a very large territory and If If not
unusual for them to have gatherings
for secret work with seventy five to
one hundred Masons in attendance
from numerable points within two
hundred miles nround Ontario.
read la No. UN A. F. and A. M.
Free Masonry In Malheur couuty
began with the granting of a dispensa
tion for Arcadia Lodge, In Ontario,
Man h IT. isns The lodge consisted
of thirteen Master Masons, twelve of
whom served as the first officers with
c ii Brown as w. m.
The lodge was chartered June 16,
ItM .iii.i duly constituted in Septem
ber nf the same yenr.
Arcadia's growth has been atoad
ami continuous; notwithstanding
the fact that Vale Lodge No II.' was
constituted In 1910. nnd Golden at
Nyssa In 1912, each Of which took a
number of members fnnu Arcnlia.
leaving their present memhetship at
seventy-six. The following offtotn
were elected and installed December,
lit, mi II M Gr.Miel, V. II : L J.
Chapman, S W.: E E. Goudy. J W ;
A. Zimmerman, treasurer: !) P. Dear
born, secretary : P A Kln.el, W D :
We take this means to thank the people of Malheur and Harney
counties Oregon and of Canyon and Washington counties Idaho for
the largest business in 1912 ever done by this firm.
With unimpaired confidence in 1913 and with courage strengthened
by the support and patronage received in the past years justifies us
more than ever in sending our camels to all parts of the Earth for
larger and better stocks of merchandise than ever before and to
make this store a credit to this section of the intermountain
It is our desire and intention always to give a full dollar's worth of
goods for every dollar paid to us and to do our work mindful of our
obligation to the community of which we are and always want to
be a part. . .
J. D Donnlson J. D.; P. C. Ream i, S.
8.; R. Odell. J. 8 : G L. King, Chap ;
B. A Eraser. Marsh.: B. L King,
1 musician; R 8. Rutherford. Tyler.
Star Chapter.
Star diopter No. fin. Order of the
Bottom Star was organized DM, 17,
1900, with thirty eight charter mem
bers. Mrs. William Miller was the
first matron and C II. Brown the
first patron.
At the present time Star Chapter
has over one hundred members nnd
meets the second and fourth Thurs
day evenings of each month at the
Masonic hall.
Mrs. J Prlnzlng Is the retiring ma
tron and C E. Kenyon retiring pa
tron. The nnnual party for the mem
bers and their families was given
Hftturday, November 30th. The even
ing was spent in games, music and
contests. An excellent supper was
served and the inrty was in every
j respect a delightful affair.
Officers elected for 1913 aro as fol
lows: worthy matron, Mrs. A. M
Lackey; worthy patron, C. H. Brown;
associate matron. Mrs H. W. Cle
ment; secretary, P. C. Ream; treas
urer, Mrs. C K. Kenyon; conductress,
Mrs. H. A. Duffy: A conductress,
Mrs. J. W. McCullock; Ada, Margaret
Dunbar; Ruth. Mrs P. C. Ream;
Ksther. Mrs llarrv Chapman; Mar
tha, Mrs Loon Chapman; BlOCtO,
Mrs. C. R. Segulne; organist, Mrs. J.
Priming; Chaplin, Mrs. OK a Pogni
mnrshall. Mrs- D. B. Purcell; warden.
Mis. J. A. Lackey; sentinel, A. M
Armour Lodge Number fi9 Knights,
of Pythias, was Instituted September!
25th, 189fi with the following charter j
members: W K llowen, Richard I
Ault. Geo V Mellinger. Frank J.
Stanton, D B. Pun ell. Geo. C. Pope i
James B Long. L. Adam. H. T. Hasted.
Samuel C Dan, Wm. J. Mink. The
first officers were D. B. Purcell. chan
cellor commander, II. T. Husted. vice
chancellor. W 10. llowen, keeper of
records and seal
The lodge at the present time has a
membership of 80 in good standing
and has a treasury account of more
than $;,"iMni The meeting nights are
the second and fourth Monday in the
Masonic hall. 11 L. Poorman, of Ar
mour lodge holds the grnud lodge of
fice of grnnd prelate and a member
of the committee on holding the su
preme lodge In Portland.
The officers for 1912 are aa follows:
C. C, H. II. Williams; V. C, J. M.
Conner, prelate, Leslie J Aker, M of
!'.. II. T Husted; M t4 E. R O
I'm ne. K- of It and S' . Leon J. Chap
man: M of V., John Lnudlngham, M
nt a, c c. Ooldeborrjr; I. Q., R I
Rutherford: U, F. K. Starr; tins
. ,. Zimmerman, A. II. MeOregor,
Win. J. Mink.
The RothbOM Sisters of Ontario
were organized In the year I
Something over a year after Armor
lodge was Instituted, the ladies of t In
Knights, feeling the need of an or-
iW owe QJJ iffir
M W nWi
Ontario's Modern Show House
Comfortable Chairs. Steam Heat. Good Music
ganlzatlon, began arrangements to
that end
In March, 1912, Cory M. Davis of
t'ulor, Ore., accompanied by Klleti
Derr, of Huntington, Ore., came to
Ontario and on March fi. 1900, lnstl
stuted Mystic Temple No. 22. In
consideration of tho active part taken
by Mrs. D E Purcell she was given
the honor of being tho first past
chief, therefore the first representa
tive to the Grand Temple.
The following is a list of the first
officer! Of Mystic Temple:
Past chief, Llr.zle Purcell; M. of R
nnd C, Lola Pogue: M B C, Carrie
Roberts; M. of F, Bell Husted; E. 8.
Lulu Mack: P. of T. Irllla Quackln
bush; E. J. Zuleina Mink; O. of O
T. Eureka Mellnger. Manager, Foybel
V'lam; trustees lonn Mellnger, Eliza
beth Stewart. Maria McGregor.
knights of Colnmhns.
Ontario enjoys the distinction of
being probably the smallest town with
a council of tho Knights of Columbus,
who. owing to the fact thnt member
ship therein is restricted to members
of the Catholic church, are generally
found only In larger centers of mp
ulntinn. This will evidence the pro
gresslveness of those who successfully
launched Its organization The loOBl
council, known as Snake River Vnl
0) Council. No lift, was instituted
oti September 1st, 1912, amidst a nota
ble gathering of over 100 Knights of
Colnmbm from the neighboring conn
ells Of Portland, Bilker, Boise.
I.i OmadOi ' The chillier
members. about 10 ill llllinl" i
are not all residents of On
tarlo. about OM half Of them having
their homes within n radius of fifteen
miles, but by reason of Ontnrlo's ad
m ontahio Vanw
Photo Plays
vantageous geographical situation ns
a central iMint, they willingly co
operated with our local men In secur
ing the location of a council In our
progressive city. The local council Is
contemplating the building of a home
In the near future. It will follow In
tho lead of the many branches of this
high claused fraternal society whose
activities tn social, charitable and pa
triotic lines have won for them the
esteem nnd respect of the Ameri
can people Following are the offi
cers of Snake River Valley Council j
Qnnd Knight, Frank Rader; Deputy
Grand Knight, Patrick Bd. Short;
warden, Ed. Murray, financial secre
tary, C C. Dofrees; recording secre
tary, J. Man. man. treasurer, A. C
Maneman; advocate, Jas. Church;
chancellor, J. II. Ilnnlgan; Inside
guard. Wm. Barron; outside guard.
Jos lb iming. trustees, John Sur,
Rev. II. A. Campo, Bmile Lanolr.
Ontario Aerie n 097, F. 0. K.
Ontario' Aerie was organized 1ni
I let I and bus a membership number
ing over fifty Meetings are held in
lib Masonic hall the 1st and 3rd Wed
ii' days of each month J W. Hlan
ton Is Worthy President nnd J, II.
Stover Worthy Secretary.
I nihil Vrllslllis.
ThO United trttonn assembly la a
western organization. Supreme s
seinbly located In Portland. Its funds
are all Invested on the western coast.
Its insurance provides for an old age
tension, accident nolle as well as a
benefit policy
Ontario Assembly No 321 of the
Culled Artisans was organized In Nov
ember lHO.'i with thirty four charter
yCf' Ontario A-i2y
iml oweooNj fcc j
DHL Vnnnhnnv J 4 7"
members The AMmM
membership or in11-I
fill II, m.. . 1
On Hip ioik A. .
DfOia the is,h snnlver.? LS 3
led Artisans. KaTKW
ii vine lHHiriirtnr ... -" W
members from P..!!rM
Vale assemblies. ' '"r X
December 1 7h ... .... .
cers were electro, TlS
term: Master Am... .Hl
, superintendent. adl. )g" fj
i or, lister Purcell' ..,. ,,'',
Scars; treasurer, Jno w Tbo
"...,... vuiiiiui inr. k m. rri
"" U1 oieiuoniei, Edith p,.
jiiumr coninirior, t'tiu. Brto
in .1 it ii on r v nit wa .in ... . i
otte assembly No. 311 in w.!
st all at Ion at Psyetts.
On Nov. 14 wo .k.ii....j .
--- - "- v..,iriin
assembly In a tnembenhlp eotumj
by the loosing asiemblr. Wn
hare organized a conteit la kew
semniy. New memberi tst t
.line eoiinllii.- Tin. Im1m . ..
quels the w inning, side.
Modern Wood are f Aatrln.
This camp located In Ootsrto eg
nrgnnlsed April 26, 1M7, with
chaiter members nnd no bj
thirty-three niemliers In gnoOt
The camp iik'i'Ih the first aaO t
Mobilav eviiilngH of etch matt
the I. O. () F hall
The following are the offu.-t hrl
the year, lit II
L. L Merchant, council: J. I
rel. adviser: II II Cocrne.
A li c.iin. clerk: K H. WImoli
cort; Win Saunders, watrhmu, J!
MiNulty, sentry
WL?J - NAnnnW