The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 24, 1910, Image 4

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    . I
mm mmmt .
3510Miloft tn 10 Days
New Packing Plant.
Till ill
I i
c J e H A
ale M mis ana y vercoara.
This has been the Most Notal le ( learance Sale of $
Season. Our Entire Stock of High Grade Suits g uu
Drutra Vrc
li one n i ii i ti t Im ' v" hnvo
; ti nil Implicitly In Hie Hi ! r'i
i , y, mi' M rrapaloa
it oat ilriii,". oheinlmih Mid
irraoriptlon i M Tlfl ny, tor In
no , .1 oal prteioui itonM.
Vi.lme imlilc I n pUtftt li n uinl
1 1 I In Ki'i'p il n- long Bl U' !
in htllllli
Wilson -Duffy
Drag Co.
.iter euppor forgtt your
trouble! in mi hoan vloit at tbo
tiii Theatre.
On ill" ilr ti of Suit Luke
through mow end ilu h i omo
limei six to eight IocIim In
1 1 it li without Rtnppinjj the
mutor, ii tli" i ecord made by
a Model 0 Quick in tn eahibl.
liofl civeu liy the Ilandall-lmdd
Auto Co., Lid,
Thl Wonderful liulo ear was
started en a lll-duys economy
mid endurance teit at I o'clock
i'. in. oti February '.) and wai
brought i" a ?-1 at I o'clock p.
in. on February 10 at the auto
mobile ihoWi The car was Im
mediately placed on exhibition
at the booth of the RandalUDodd
, mIii Cn , Lid., whore it will m
maln for Inepecllon until ihe
oloee hi tin' show February '2. ' cir
Average sieei ii' milee pur
hour; average gaeolinecomump
lion, 18 'J -1 milee par gallon.
The in w packing plant ol Ihe
Swift Interest! on the Penineula
is exnaotad to itart operation!
on March 1 1 Decauie of Ihe
magnitude ol the work embraced
in the plans, there lias boon
delay In Hip original project of
nearly i year In getting ready
for packing hut llic plant is now
practically complete.
OAl.tPnRMI i:m iVaaiONI
via ( Iregon Short Line.
Daily for tickets one way via
Portland. Frequent dates for
other roulee. Sea Oregon Short
Line igettte for further details.
No iirl who is afraid to tay
at borne alone evening! hoold
ever gat married.
The greatest men are those
wlio learn the most by the few
est experiences.
W'e have received Una of
I. ailies Spring Suits that yo'.i
should see. n. L, Qriffln.
Mre, Harry Units, who has
been Ihe guest of her aunt, Mrs
penler, relnrneil to her home
at Mill way Wednesday.
Talk about a gold mine: An
Ontario dootor has found e
won-an patient who Ins nil
kinds of money, and imagines
she has seventeen different die
lien W. Long went to Maker
Oily, Wednesday on hnsinesa.
Miss (iertrnde Waul went to
Portland Wednesday, to get the
new styles in millinery for the
edmina icaeon.
To bo nt Stew.-irt's Livery
Stable, Intnrio, on Snt
urday and Sunday, Ifejb
ruary 26th and 27th.
Do You Want To Sell?
If yon want to sell yonr husi
ness of any kind, or if you want
to sell your property, and will
inako the price right, I would
like tn hear from you. Give
description and price. Address
J. K. Smith 518 Chamber Ooov
ineree, Portland, Oregon.
I'reni hing 1 1 :'M) a. in. and
7 ;80 p. m.
Cbrietian Endeavor -7 p.m.
Sunday Nhool 1080 a.m.
Junior Kndcavor - 1 p. m.
5 and Overcoats at the Extraordinary Low Reductions :
W n,,l K-ir its oamorl fn hiino' in linriflvpHs of GUS" VJ
, tomers. Grab your money together and get one ot J
these Garments before it is Too Late.
600 Suits and Overcoats for Less Than Cost. $
$15.00 and $20.00 values, your choice $10.00.
$20.00 and $30.00 values, your choice, $16.8 . ft
800 Pairs of Trousers must be cleaned up at once
! Regardless of Cost.
$3.00 and $8.50 values, your choice 5)1.05.
$3.5o and $5.00 values, your choice $3.45.
i a vtin nriT.T.Ap qtitpT RAT.TC
JT. XJXvJf i jm i l i ii l j k.uiiiV i k.uij-ijui.
Includes Blue Flannel, Flannel, Corduroy, Fancy
Neglige and Fancy Golf Shirts, Values up $1.5o and Your Choico ftl.oo.
$2.5o Astor Brand Hats, stand on the merits of i
m their Quality, Style and Lasting Quality, give them a S
vjv trial, they are equal to any $4.oo Hat.
Q UNDERWEAR ?3.oo vales go at $1.65 per Suit.
w 15oo Garments, Sanitary Wool Underwear, values - V fin in Uni Dlnol
I $8.00. your choice $1.65 per Suit. ( UlJ 111 V Ull Dldbl.
K9K0 STTOKS $2.K0 ! i- TT ;i lU tU
OurapecuTnoTeTshoiccmi.inPalH UUIlllIlUtJS U11L11 IVlcirUl. UU1L
Vici, Gun metal, Velour Calf, Box Calf and Satin Calf y fi jt w pay you to attend this Sale and Prepare
$ in Fancy and Nobby Makeup, m Tan and Low Oxfords ; ; A ' ," v r!,
i and in this connection these Shoes will wear equal to I K Your self for bpring Wants. The many New Goods we
eome $3.5o, $4.00 ami S.CX3 Shoes of other makes, mi are Showing you Will Need in Less Than a Month and
ii Be convinced, come and give them a trial. (. Pa . , . T , , , -r, Xt
Come to the style and Quality Store and get Right g 2 the Prices are an Inducement to Buy Now.
s Treatment.
ffi We are at all times Respectfully Yours for what-
S ever is Right.
I The Lonn Clothing Cofflpany,
. Be the Laces and Embroideries
at 3 Cents a Yard.
o to 12 c Laces, 6 1-2 c.
For Sale
! e v. iUoo '. Rational!
Cold Cura,
Jtin aiii' farm, ()uh
ditch, 160 in cultivation.
Will cut Tim tons hay thi
year. $'2 per acre. A
bargain. Good tarae.
M aorae, 5 In Jonathan and
Wegner apple.-, ." lo
set to apples, house, : rooms,
oallar, barn, chicken hooaa,
granary, IS86 par acre.
100 tare de it rellnquiah.
inent, li't) plowed. Price
r' aorae, 9 miles out, 60
in alfalfa, orchard, nouae,
iiarn, good well. $136 i I I
Store doing lino Lu-ii
Flour and Feed Mill run
ning day and night
bat us insure our property.
Reliable Information furnUhed.
Long time farm loatt!
on improved irrigated
Cook Realty Co.
First door South ol Poat oilici .
Wati he-, eralcbaa, eratohea.
The etora with one hundred
wati In In itook and prices tluit
are not equalled in this m ction,
0, Ci Pana, jeweler,
l" . Wilson iV I)ni!y, national
Gold ure.
I . I. made can j
the Bakery.
Vale Buys Park Site
Vul" hai made arrangement!
for a park lite. I any kraota "'
land around Ontario oould bi
made iuto i autiful parka. Who
is n'in in start the moveinenl'.
Now i- the time b I big
advance in real i itato valui
Church Bervlcee
To Build Gymnasium
Caldwell li to have a lace foi
ihe yoUUg linn ol the ei!y to
gather. They are building
ewimming pool, gyiunaiium,
and readiug room.
What li ' 'iiano doing aloi g
'.no ' Are our young peo
pie to be providl d it!i health
fill an 1 in ii ;.'. advantage! or
compelled to hunt out the other
For the benefit ol our young
friends who are working the
Chase v Sanborn pntilee we will
extaud the time limit to twelve
minutes. This will insure
number more ol you to ohtain
tlie M. M. Co.
M. i:. C1IUHCU,
Sunday eei vlcee Babballi
. i, i ! 10:80 n. in.
Pi oi bing 1 1 :30 a. m.
7::ni p. iii.
KpWOI l!i Iaagiie ii: Ifi p, in.
,i iry VY
day evening.
Buainew mi eting, Bret kfon
day ( v niug ol each month.
J. V. Miller, paetor.
W 11. Allison, supei iotendei t
Sunday ichool.
If, w. Warring, pn tidenl Ep
worth League.
Rev R, If, IfoOrai ken, ol
Boiai i led the meet in
the M. B. i huii h on 8u
morning in the intaraal ol
Laymen marj inovi m !
Tin uty.flve dietricl
i .. id, and tin I! lueet.
ale held l'ol the pUI . Ol or-
ganiiiug another dieti let In
Rev. Millen lubji 1 1 ou
day morning will be "The lu
eable R ," In the i
ill'' "Cane's w lie."
i m ran I'RKauvTKKi .
Mr. Uorriion'i topic i
, "The Nan a il
Above Every Name."
Ser ieee on Babb itli at Mi
. li-t Church us follow.-: Bun
s liool -J:oi p. in.; i n
p. in.; Young Peopli
Cbrietian Union, 6i i"1 p m.
Bahbaih School and prea !
at Cairo school hou.-e at
10 10 a. at. i
All Linen, Bleached loc.
All Linen, Unbleached 9 l-2c.
awaj - gaaejaa, ae eagV t?a0J
. ii .
M -. i J
25 to 39c Embroideries at 18c.
(loc Flouncing at 49c,
1 1 1 Bleached at 24c.
Pillow Slips, 2 for 35c.
9-4 sheets, each 69c.
All colors, pure silk, wide at 15c
Bath Towels, Extra Large 25c.
Large bleached bath, 3 for 5oc.
'See the new styles, $l,2j to $1.98
go at 11.25.
Our Muslin Underwear Line is Complete with a long
List of Styles of the Diffei ent Garments. See thos2
Little Waists and Drawers for Children, 10c and 15c.
Corset Covers
l") cento t- 1.50
:) oent8 to 18.00
White Skirts
li) ctMils to $3.90
gfi oent to 12.96
25 cents to !."")
If You Do Not A Wend thi
Sale von will wirli von h:il.
Where It Pays to Trade