The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 07, 1910, Image 3

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    Q L KING.
U S Commissioner.
.All kimls of land Qlinga tnd
filial proofs C0I1 noW bd maile
before QHbei i L. King, l'. S.
GomnlBtloner, Office "in Onta.
rio "National Bank building, On--tario,
notiu: i on I'! 1)1 " l log.
Department uf the Intrl lot ,
r.s Lend Uflce at Bui . On
Novembet ''.
Ifniice ic In ii ly ven llml A 1 1 Inn
R 1d.i.i. uf vYuiiwr, Irhilin ', n
IliTt'inU'i-111 I'.MI, inn-It- In in-t i;n rn
'r' :" ;,'. ,', u" ,,,-,...' ',. ,
pec ..... i iu p.,., ., , . m.. iui
in.'. i ii'iui'i' in inn in i. -ii i" in. in. 1'in.i
l-'iv" Veer Pniof, In eslitbliuli claim
to the liunl afore .ii" nil.. .L i if. .i . i;
I,. King. I s. Ooinhiimiotivr, nt hi" of
flee ut ontiiii.i Oregon, on the 18th ilnj
n( .Tii mill t v lulu
Cliiiiiiniii names m Itni
Uenbtmln Jinn pit John tire n Prank
l ii.Iitu I unleiki l Km t. ell ul
Wolanr, Idaho
del . M l'miia,
Nuiict- far Publication
ii. i i.i iiihiiI ..i Hi.. Int -t 1r,
United HOsUm Land i ili,-. al
I'.nnii dr. m, nv "i, 1003
Nolle' l Ih-ii Iiv given licit Norum .1
(( Wlillf ,1 VVl i . r, I.l.ihi. uh .. mi I),-,-lit,
IKOI, iniub' hnilll . ii. I . ill r . No
K.riul Nn UlHIM lor I ', -ti"ii W,
tnwiiHiiip iii m.ihIi. range ii rant, Willi
matte meridian, baa Bled nntlea of in
seullun en mobs Pinal Hve Veer P i.
t... I'slubli-h claim I.. I In- land above
deaorfhed, before (I I. Kitiir, I' B Com
llllftNlotlt'l, III hi I'llll'.' lit I Ct II 1" lll'
gOtt, nn tin' Pill iluy "f .l.iiniury, 1010
I 'hitiniiut name us w I.' hs"
ll.'lljllllllll .liMt'ph .loll II I ,ri I II. Illsp.'
llnrim, I unli'll i D. Baal, nil Uf Werner,
ili-:i Wm I'uiiik. Kpgldi i
NOTlt i: OV BAltM.
Iii tiir ( mutt C i "I Ho M-iii'
Dragon, for Mill li-iir I'.'.ii'l.
Iii tlir Matter o( the KataUml Jneeidi
A Mattel '1 i Mf i 'I
Niilli'i la Ihii'I'n given llml iiinli'i- ioi
i. ii tin' '( 'i'i i. i'li i "i ii.i nun i nt.
H...I ...nit mini i il. . '.I iln) "i July
IBuB the nnthrralgtuili ailmlnlatraUir ol
tic hIm.m' iii i i ill 'I i -iii arm 1 1 1 i 1 1 -
Mi'll nl . in. .Ii',. ,ii r:i-Ii. nil "I Iln
r. nl .r i i'i l lu'loligina lo .il-' .-. ii.
n. 1. 1 .liTi-nl r.l n- follow . In nil
1 1... Si.niiii ,i i 1,', i ami tin- Month
. -i (fiietrtarol Kerl I rownahlii W
Mouth ol Ilium'. Ml i; W M .In .Miill'i hi
iMinil . I (i,
Thai in inn i-r rahl i I i-. ii..-
in. I.riifniii Mill. ..n I'i.- llnl ih) "I ton
nil i '.no. ni tin- liimr ol i" I. in , n'
tin' li'inii' '! iln- Ailmlntatratnr, HUI
Knight, ni hhaavlllo.tirrgiin.onVr hit
mli- Hiiiijri-i to iln approval "i il"
t',.iiit tbeahova ! rriliul lare, in
M-li'.li- ..r i'i ii'''- lul ii -Ii, I" ll
IliglNWl'li r i'i. i..'. i. .in. I -.ii in. I
nfl.l -:l .1 il;l.-,l ii..,.,' ., 1. 1, I
in Milling, I'll I'i' - .tl.-il i r liii"' nli il, fw
aahl .ri-iiili-. In a ImiIi iii in p in .!, Iln
n I iii i .1 mi nn rn 1 1 -i i nn.- 1 1... right Iu re
j ri urn iiimI nil libla,
- imii'l tin- I till illt) i .. .i'iiiI. r. IWUli
Mill K -I'H.T,
Ailiiilin ii. i ... -' - l- lata
XV II I i 1.. -, Alloriii') for,.
ii ile
I. iv'.v Ufa I'U.i.n..,
Rim n-l V H .nr .t i-i . . . 1 1 HI
iv.-. DeWintaiit4
Tu .h. in. I i' and ..i i
SHi.M'l, ll.l.-'.ll
Iii tim n-l of ii.. if lint il ,
tun a ii . " i,'.i A Iii ,. 'i . nr am
anew ai Ik ! " '! I agnlmd roi
in u. ! Ui- i-'iiiili-.l "ml . il oi
l li- , ;iirllii if ili 1 1 in- pr.-H. riU .1 n
ii.i- ..I i -i . i i ubll in ii in " ". i" a ii
i n ol Ii t i" In- i lilli ' .ii ol .1 nn
ur. Bin. A -.I i .i"" :' ! Iu aaaen i
I .r Mini ili'-n "l iii- I mil ill will l iki
j ni , ....- in -I I'm lo ill I I '
Jiniif.l fr tu In r m nj.l.uiil ! ii
or a Jndgiueui n tu-- i n ad oanh ul
i.iii l.n lb' mi. ' 'I -' I '-' nli.t ml i -
iln-,- .it iln- ii'- ul Un p i 'i i
n I. in. from .i.i'ii i
ii- i Me n!i -ii 1 1 i i ii. i i
In ,l,-., .iiiu-l In ill i nli- -Il
ami h'-r r ! ami b " Ul "- I
1. 1 n r a iin ' - ulag ' ' la, and a !
I-,, ,- u r i ue man i. i -.! ng ii 'i"
in .. i : .- .i will " plai il
arlli i. ' ' I ' ' "
Ul ..I: n,-i-. I 'l' iv. l I't
bona I. 'I Iu lb lit) "I I '' i irl
p-ii .mil i
,.,. ' .,i H-i-ii h iii t'. it . tatiofi i'i (u ol
niil ju.lrfuifiit, lueludoi : ii' '
mill further reli ' m ma , lu lua i
wmiu JUKI ami i Ujnll -
I u. - muimoi - i i "" ted h
nf ti . ii, ii Ii. V Kloh i 1-. i
tin- r.'iii.t v ' "i Mi Iln
OregOHi linulf mill i llli-i. 1 til.- Ill: I I)
of N ivouiinr, IU ' ' "i- " a md dire i
lug ibi aauiatona tu ha publmhid uol
kHM in in "' ,i wiik I .r a "-l i "1 'if i
oou-u i-utii.- . . -k". he Ural pnliltmliui
in i' N mlwr '-' i, i
W, K I I ir 1 1. 1 -.tilT
I'll 1 1 Inn Ibr Mala
Iii i,e t'ounlv I'uuii i l Hi -si:'' ul
Ovaajoa, In and fee ska Couutj ul Uni
In the matter ol Hi- KsUUeof In-orge
YV. Mnisunb ili.i.i-. !.
it appaciiug i ' lb :iiif' ii ni uf tin-
imrt front In rerinod ..tai"ii of
J4lii'-s I- M-ii-'inl',.i I -iii'ii-trn ,rof Hi
estrtt'. of ' "' '(.' x' u'onili il,-.-t-a ,
oil lib' liTfl' . Hi. I it i- ii-'.. siirvl..
nil Use while tf the estate of - n I da
l(Sl" d
111 online 1 bv the t'oi t tint till
jM-rsun- ml i--l-d in H.e : r - - : , I
r.enrjff W M.i's.'ui. daoMiM'd, annear
Vfnrti t Isr- t'u. inly O ur nl Hi,
I ir-i in in H'.'l fu tlied. mli ..
.iilinur. al Use 0 mil wo u Ihera if at
Vl in mi l i "unuii mii I Sin,- mi tin-
s!lth dii "I I-n I' o'ol "';
in tl.- fur. a- "i "i s .. i ii iv and then
aud there t u ,-. -. if any thay
Intl.- wit, ---agBBL n- .r.t)e. i. r iu
Uftitloti HTi-VnM in.i I.' irrauto't to
e raid a lini istr..''i I - s-!l tin-rra'
Stan- "i ttir rM.i.-"i ii.i ,i" .. .--,i .
..- a At.. ......... i .... il . I.. . - -- a ...
tinbliiM.r nriv.i,' sile. for tlm onri m -I
iiaim-.i in tin- tntiiun as be shall judiff
to I for ihelw't int-r.-t of tin said j
ertatr aid of the pultun iiiuir-l, I
Ilis fii'tlu-r oi.l.r"l il.nt a of
this ooUy: lnvjmlilishi-1 fur four Mii-eea-
hill- Miih. in inr i'ii, .iii -..K.i. .,
heMsuisi' I an I ,ii',I.-I., I in
aai.l Lounty
Iiat .1 this ,.( Di-eeinl't-r. 1MB
11 (' Hl-iltlm
b4l Jn4oeofthe iky aaai of
lilt) Mate it 1 livn i'i a'.d for
the County of Malheur.
(Ospyrtght, i press Aae
in j
Ivui Km . ; al In bin
strciy iii Moeet w wImii m i ii.'iu blar
1 till! "Ill.l.ll.
'Pep i. ' she ; lab la attend
lei lurs i nl Ibe unli er iltj ",
Tbs hi ii -.
rtnughtcr, i ,
Hi r I ;i i .
ii- r very light i: .in. h, r wlllon
Itll i 'II ,i .! ;
I '. "
".My i-lillil, .Inn t .,u l.n uV Hint It
" ""' PoMWeroU proper for uuiuni
.,,, (1
tllili'iilaV '
"I do, in ,i i ni,. know. t but man
I.- ildi i r the nori I i
ii i need net er ei en ea
iiiHii.iini After i bare BahtheU tbe
pi ur ' tii ii. rrlnge i an be nni ulh d
Tbe i.itii i- .-I . I. d lo ibe pi
common i ue In Ituaal i, bat. i
.'ni litei I dumta, at I intl
eetifi d BK ; v, ,-iv in ken In Hud
Ibe girl n bu ilmnd, hi .i n tudeul of
tbe ilium' .if Ktepan A lei d ovjm
ia t ii ii in supply tin- pinee Bo . ,
p ' I v.ii-i ibe intiii'i I. I., dangbter
bat lag ni-;. ii,!;::: to i'" . in ibe : oaag
' i mi iii.H i " tipnhtie i unit ibex
bould bo married by prosy and avt
tlli'i'l .llll'llli: tlnir sill. I.-lit I
Eknii'iiici pareaed bar snnUi". wnii
"iii area beartag of Alehaaatfreraa.
iin anu tic mil nf n uoblomnu tim
bad entered Ibe BBlrendty in order I i
enjoy aalreratty 1 1 r- and iiii ant pal
.in mi appearaaee al lectnrea nfiener
Hi iu eraa nl ilatetj neeeaa iry lu naUa
Lun iii connection v.itii ibe insiitu
nni His fat bet died arbUe be arna u
Indent, and mia lonb blm nw-.ty tut
i long v i'.i" Montba naaned before
Bkalerlaa bappaaed in bear bhi intate
llll'llli'. HIS' 'I lll'll II Uli'l III , lltlllll-llllll
null n duel in- had fbtigbi vrttli one ol
in . i.'ii.'M MndenbA i lawd Panl r.'ii-
7. IV
Knw, ii bapfi i tbal thin PothwCf
lit. si n. -ni- i in' KartbaaofMi tie hmi
made l.i mi lnaa heqaalniam i .1
. u i mi ni it nr i . i - .i
her booka fur ber 1 1 ber araj to lee
. , is in'i'ii" led to I in . i '-
in i ibe ,'! irrei IHHI
bad i inn allghll) ni nn k .1 In ibe
affair, pinking nl Ibe am ilui i bat
ml., i- irj . i :.l ' i-r Hull In' .11.1 uol
knon ike real canoe bluwcHf, lie bad
.i . nl. 'nt. illy aplllei - : .:. .nni ol
Aii'i.sniiiif.n mi bad been t il
of iisiiii'i'ii itiM.ii and fur Hi.' i-iriisi-i.ii
bad been i ballonged,
i i, ii -i mm - -ti beard I iwl'e
mill'.' ini'i.tliiliisl lu ruiiin ti.ii, , illi
anal ker affair ur irai errlk Umlrl
paakadltii arbo I i l ,i anrbal al'
lontlre i" imr al aeekil ggtberlng.
Paakndta eraa aot u eiadei t, and be
mill BJkalerfaa iuui long i n rrwnda.
Bkalerlaa endeavored to Bud uni Ike
i-nil of Mil: iIIMI-. I, I Bl .i i'i III I
I bur i list-, railed, In both - w
ii'.iirni Hint kIu aftamrard received an
.in. uit.'ii i-lilii'i if in r i: .; ,. mil m
And ao Mkapoened Ibal the moment
i luvns I'lusl iiny ulli-litluii front i in in
in- arae eare lo bear ibal i bad
r.ii.-iu viiii bar baakaad nnd after'
arard relbN i front itn Bold, Klnally
Kite aanl t t A el aadrot aa. Ile dn i
mi I.' bat in 'I ' in i iii irlag
ii j. unity atmJoai sun. tnntped ont,
tlu-i'u iln.' ilui i r ."In nt:. I i-.
ii.i tin iu!i In- vris mnklug " iliunry
lie viik ii baud a ti-iimi ami
dy nn iiiiuiiH dlaptoaalug in ..
i iii i. iii-
"I Inn .' M'lil fur i".i .1 hi-
ti'ivl t,. I .ii-ii uliy ii.ii j, i
I li.illrl: lug llUy In HI till sli.v :i,
uliy nl I. . I l"i. Il Is InWKIIIlllll into)'-
I i, i. "I nil. .ii my m He I i-n
iiti.-titi'i ; from .iii". men, M i
1 in. i auffcr ii. '
.V Init
i ni ii me in ins otno a aludeM."
ndaal buukl nm receive niieu
.. rnun yi it- i in Ii dial
I beli nn:
.ii.i i. bo, i nn'. i ni a ike i'i"
i IttdT"
rii, i : , , in, -'. nni
I i i in. i no oil t my I'll'. . - .
. , i 'Ins i ,:.. i . i i '.nn us!, nn l
requb Ibe men lu Uitve yvwiu yoni
i-tiiiili's. in ',-. iii ii y, ii win surely tits-
l.-t lull 1,1 '!.. '
r kind uroti ctlou
bnl i ii . not a
in, .1 u "
v r i! i I iiilnlt your rlglil t.. inni-
fi re iu my da
: ; far ibe dkilogne bad. oatararoV
ly ii : lotto, Al IbM t in .i
rl ti ukj i"ii i iiraaa n falnl enrre
i f III.' M U'hK'b ' I n siuilr
Itntrerer, aba ujaaleraaT keraelf la timo
.in, I siii.l: ,
linn tilt! yog eomo la knew tkal i
uni Ike ;lil )"ii in., i liiil'.-''
knew it before you married boa
1 nii-l ; , il list la fori-' yog i'llll I'.il tin-
gal er '.- ul a gardeg p u-i.i i bad n
ii,. in in. i lis v. ihi yuu; lUt-n are were
. irtod "
uii.'s," ggrdea party f", ii.i i aiartcd. siio eraa tin-only
i .-I u preaeai oa Ibal oecaaloa uol ol
in I.I,- family.
"KupiMwe," abe aald wore grerlonaly.
' you lo eugn to in ii nn. i a- doela
mi my aeeuuet, will yen oblige bm-T
"Certainly, A.n! aupnoae I gab yon
nut rn mare ailenlloa tkal may
prevent yuar being fun . free at tin
I'liil of your uukerally voirsc. will you
lillge nn'.-"
sin- inrned bee faea away f,n g gav
lui'tit Ili.-i-. lurnlog il l:u villi
Idush, repiladi
Tin- day she received ggf illpl ggg
abe i hami i u religious
n reiuony
"Il U . 1 nl.-nli, - I'i i -lilflit
A. 1. Ilugliea. Tit-as. ami M'liL'r
Malheur Cunty Abstrawt Couinany,
Al.sti." '- o Tulf
Hoard of L)ir, clori i W. lOffOO,
j. if, r. Ogrogg, A D. Hi;
1 Vale, - Orogou.
Pi of
fl lllngt i hi ithdrawn 1175
Moll la iin i in
Portland Caciai i
Ri !ii ii, 26 yea '. it and
kill- il b) I.- in fllancht i, mm
in ti-., Monti C i r I
W lei Villi, y Itns
received n
i ,. ' placi d In
I lary ad-
i i
Hit A i ' ltly
niacd al this ptact II plni
In Iniilil an rii i in. road 10 "iin- it
with the A ft C K' al CI u '
"i une "iii i p mi on tin t'l-li
rn i
Portland Phi gtfi "f lobe co t"
Nil 7 ) i !l '. s., U.I . til,'
that i i 01 I i ' tin-
police rnun id- admitted buying
the in ' il f ii iln- boy, in II
lO kl i' linn fri'in liai int .
1 been
' - in .1 to tin- . ii.'ii. ngi of Captain
(' J Iii.rl.l, tii,' , r-bld loldier,
a In. i. , , ii 1 1 v , h all, ukuI iny in in
"t bl age in run a f ra "f Iiki
yard - for i pui II HW
Medford The citiaeni ..f Wood-
iii" and property owiien along
Beam creek have organised the
Kinns i't. s Telepbom Company to I
lutil.l i Mm up Bvaaa, i i ml and
Wardi creel
Portland The now ycai begim
in i Iregog with approsim iti ly MO -mil.
. i.f new railroad '. lually under
itistrm lion Before tk i low of i
1910 in. "i of tins n, .v arorb mil
nave been completed
Olendale The bmmI aecessfal
n ut fl tin history of tlm. iii-nntv
v ' nn- nrsi annual ,n,, era
and n.l S. nl. rs' Union Prat il
en iv family in Con Cn ll iill .
a I r. t. , ni, ,
r. mill t,,u 'riii ra is gn it n oh
iiiK among Ike m mra i tkc Uma-
'ill. i Conaty Aiii'' -.mi. iin. n
"nr tin- prompt u-tnin Oregon'i
delegation bat nd in to itop the
mIioIi ,. destrncHoo "f tr.-m on tin-
I., prohM I at II, in,. , n
loringneld Aa Imnn i
'II" imltl -. nt ,'tl in a ia, ml I,, ,
.i .- . ...
Natron by some anknowa .
'ti. premmaUy n N'n,
Il I ration, s, Ut ,, , all tin- win. I
dowi uilliin n rnilitin of .-, .uiut,.-
't i mil,
Pral - win. i I,.- .i,,.. i t ,
lighl .i,-, j,,i, Buchaaan,
walking Inr.- alone, frlgblened aa ij
i .iikiar ihai ii..,! been folio
Iuui Healthily f..r mil. Th,
" a frig I i v tin ii.m.
i'i 1. 1. iirii
Hon W, I. I'.-nniiiior.-, WBO
ilr.uiW ball pint ..f concentrated
' kIi 'in, Idal Intent and then
rn kl iiir.nt an. i itgbbed !
in Hi. Mil. twice with .i huknli
' '11 nlni. inn physiciani s.iy there
Is no po ' nee for r. . .w , i .
1. 1 ii. m .ii January I. I , v, t
at iin inn.. f,.r laying the corner
stun.' of tin- in iv $4(1.000 Lebanon
"'-il' vl I ImiiIiIiiik Tin- uroiui'l
(.nn. rfj , , tb mipii-. of the
old Bantbun Academy and w ra i
i;:fi I., il..- academy in I
' mil, i, ,n i im of the in, .it int-
i -ii. mi lelepbone .1, al tret audi
. loeed bare
il'. im r mis Ti l. ph. .ii, i
r tin- It in ,.f tin-
in Independent Telephone
The con I !. ration
$50,000 and 100 miles of line i h in i
s, inn March 19, IMP, Chas 1 1
t, . dm. i of Hi.- ( trefon T -i. h
Monthly, al onl cirentan
I of Hi ,. u.tii Mip, rinteinl, nts
in inmate ,
"in, i., I, 1,1 nl
' r. I'lin ban that I.
N Alderman, of Kugem
ni ,,f ii . ) v,
i ii inl R nlath n iwley
l 11 becfl aotincd thai lbs Int. .
Committee will
l ings -,n his bill . that
i" . In fr.i hi rati shall nol
into , .;. . t until p ;,. .1 gpog by
: Inl retail i ommi ri ,- eontasis
! y will i "ii, r with i
. run ii ami .man dates of
Ii in - i iii i, pi, - nl tii ' i who
a - wish i., appeal bt fots Um afta
I.' i.uii.iiii Palls tiiiwi baa pnin
ii the -Inn i - of ( ini.s, I ,k , in
' ' ! ...iinly, about 27 mil, s south
l.ikeiiew ,t sslooOS, hi Min
or distill, rii - ...ill r-:. r I sliOWl d
i" do bnaini ht Iht gen town
TI re is -i ' inse in every deed
which prohil il lbs ntaanfaclure or
ii Intoxicating liiiuor- f,,r-
t v r his the plan of th
to in ike Lakeside ! summer
Portland Under Ihe agri i men)
vi'h Ihi Stall f"r the payin, nt ,,f s
II .' ility "ii Ihe bond i f Tt
ni. r Sit 1 1, ihs Ami ii. iii Surety
Company has forwarded drafts for
"" mm to th. slati treasury to r, -
I imburse the slate for public funds
lied up I aires of ihe Ore-
Savings r.- Trust Company and
Tin Guarantee & Trust Com
1 ' ll-. I'll il p lym ,;l mi
a total liability by the Surety coin
f about $.i5n.fino
The great pNggliption No. 1,
for coughs, ut Wilson' Duffy
Drug Co.
Tu i-iity live bliaits ol Owyluo
Ditcb slock for bale.
Ilui bridge A DooliUle
Any phyaioigg that knows the
WiUon-liuiiv Drug Co., gfUl OOtj
iiti-itate to tnis.t his j.atnni s
medic in a to us for propgrgiiou.
Relief to if) Settlers Whosr- Entries
Are Adversely Affected by Ruling
of Arsi-itant Secretary Pierce.
Portl nni- K' im n mail,, Itawley'i
1 . inl'ii,; lull. ilr;iiiii iii behalf ol bona
in!, lettlci upon Bill Ii resci ration
1 nils, II paaaad ty Congress, will
din 1 1 tin- issuance ol p ii. nil in
.'.-nt no settlers whoat nnal proof
has I":: been luld up in lbs Inte
rl i Department. Tins will Include
jsomi 70 settlers whose entries were
trscly affected 1y I recent ruling
i -ilstanl Becretary Pien
Hawley's lull prpyides "that nil
pending Bilcta bontestcsd snOies
i...: ton made, upon which proofs
were made prior to Dm inlnr 31,
liall be passed lo patent in all
where it shall appear to the
satisfaction nf the Ibcretary of the
Interior t tint entry v. is made for
the rv.liisiic use and benefit of tlie
entryOMUl nnd that tin i-nlryinan
built a house on the land satercd
othsrwlas Unproved ihs same,
an i actually eiitcreti into ocenpa
ti. -ii lliin-of nnd cullivatnl a protion
ml land f..r the period required
by law, and thai the land entered
ha not been sold nor conveyed BOf
ntraeted m be sold ..r com eyed
by tin rnlryinan, and where BO enn-
,.r other adverae proceeding was
commenced agonal lbs entry, and
notice ihereol sarvafj upon the cn-
tryman, prior to the dad- of siih-
t hi ,.f proof thereon, nr within
two vvars ilureaftir."
Tin- Pierei decieion is most rf
f mm iu that it aontemptales the
cancellation of nil Bilets entries
when three years' nrlnat and con-
tlnuons residence is bcx proven
Door Hidee Grog.
The Dalles Al a lonely ipot Beat
the I (. si Inil. s Canyon, on the road
from Tin- DeUeS In Hill's new ferry,
a , ai , ha been boll, ,ived out of
th. aide of a hill. A door, I'm. i. d
villi .. in, nl and earth, nuire.ils this
rave from the closest scrutiny Yet
it MM knocks at a Certain place,
the door -Minus open and reveals
n slut U of li,iiors nnd a price rnrd.
No one i-. in sight, and the person
who enters nmy leave the required
amount of money nnd enrry nway
attach of ihr liitior lis he ivanis
This t what is known as a "gatton
hill," "r nnal blind pig, and is one
of the mean used for unlawfully
iii, ihs opportunity offered '(y
thousands ol workmen engaged in
I ' .:il ... ly rattyOtt where there
nre bo opportunities for recreation
or the ti BOStsgT of
money The liquor obtained nt a
. .n hill" i said to be something
I ' . "in oetn.n of -In -i p dip and
Land to Be Opened.
Klamath l'.ilU I'n.illotted lands
in the Is. 1, i ii 1 1 li Indian reservation
. be opened for settlement in
I'.'ln. ii iln- plans of tin
i iations of Klamath Falls do
in,! t.-.i nrrong Through pressure
which ihe ctMaani of Klantath Pails
have been able t" bung to bear
ai w i blngton, ihe Coaaeniaaeoner
of Ih. I', ni id I. on I ' (Uiee has ur
di red iht- Issuance of trust patents
t.. ''SI il.inis filed by Indians )t--
.inn, nt "lli.i.ils are understood to
have promised to begin the issuance
r.f ih. document immediately It is
th i lit then will I., 3,0S) acres
I land available fur settlement
Alleged Lynchers Arrested.
1! ppnci I' puly Sheriff Joe Cas-
i; u i linton, Bnuncl and Jaatee
Shit-Ids and broth, r of Arthur
1. 1, n, il man, have been
ii :,l . barged orlth Urn Boarder
ol 'Iln Snyder, the man who shot
iiiiui- Gn in, Friday night, Decern
i Monument
Citisens 'f Oram county are in
l at th, lynching and an- uw
in ill tin ir assistance lo aid in the
. ulty persons Owittg
to tin i -nn. all t.b phone rommu-
i,i lion between Monument and tin-
- rid is shut off and it
i, r to obtain details
MisEouri Squirre'.s in Blue Mountain!
I lilg mi I ) Mi Kl nnon has re
turn, d from Missouri, bringing with
hiii i il pairs "f ray sijuirr, Is
ni i, known In that section
of ih, United States and which are
Nik: an li ,uli r, I haunts in east
ern ' (r. l,",ii Mr MeKennon will
i. for the suirreU
and alio Ihem lo propagate, in the
hop. thai Oregon may prove a suit
all, pi tee for the gamy little (el
Ion i lo mak their home
' il ; I ' i K N 1 A KX' I lt-IO.S
via Orogou Short Line.
Oaily for tickets ono uuy via
I'm tl.nii). I n -.jiient ilntes for ."-ee wregon Oliort
Liui - for further iletails.
l'roi. E. B.Cooklio and Heatie
win- int ufter the festive jack l.irt Satin day unil met
with boum degree of tuegggg,
Washington, Jan I - ftci i m
fen nre with Senators Alilneli ,nd
, Root and An ral W .
nl Taft ile. Idt i I i re
I vert to hi i ri in .1 pi : In
i Ing hi vie i amendment I -
i tin In! stats comm i nil
1 1 list law ill on.- R h hi
i will lend to i Tin-
l Ifflblm d tiles- l ;e V ill 1'- :'. II I
8 (X) wordi
The im -'it. nt will transn II M
congress "ti Priday Ihi rcporl - i
Ihs attorney general and .i!l ihi p
Bl i s ,-. mill rl. ,1 with tin- I'.l.u is
eh ii u, ngainsi Becretary 11 dlingi i
Tii -i p ip, i - were calli d t n In .
i- lutii -n - it. i .1 by S n it.'i i-'in '.
of California The ipcvl il
on . .-ii ,.-i i stlon i- iii i" . In ihi
of next w . ik In lilts tin ssie
I". in of I I to I intpli It tin
eistniLt reclamation pi njeci will bt
Comet Will Brunh Berth May 18.
Oakland, Cal . I in 6 Hallcj '
it mil give tin Pacini '
brush this year on M 11 18,
Profi ...i Bttrhhalter, ol the Ch
Observatory The earth will then
peas throagl the list "f thi ttWMO,-
(KKI mile I iii "f iln Cell ' i ' 1 visitor,
and Ike r. suit "itk'lit In be ll d'l
lini; a pieee of lireivorks as IM
irt tier.ition has ever vilnesmd
Whipping Post Wanted.
Taeoina, W i -h . Im I -Sheriff
Morris, win. mil represent l
i o'liity at tin annual i mil enln'ii "I
Washington ihi mT- si North Val i
ma, Jannary IS, will advocate adopt
ing tin whipping post for wife it.
serlers and beaters.
Many Forgeries on Stolen Blanks
Circulating in Washington.
Aberdeen, vVaahv Jan 4 forged
postal uioiiey orders on forms bom
ben .1 from (Saj t , (400 an I
present. . I to in. nl. .nt- throughout
w .i ihlngton, - irding lo i Both i
t. ml by Poetmaali i Ci imatte,
and i Mem i ii ivaruiim has i- r I
.mil in m, i nd oth. is in
this city.
The forms v. , i . obtained when the
posiolhee at (sir.iniler, Wash, was
robot d butt miiiiiii. i The f..l.i "i
ht ii ii. illy rangi from f'5 to $50
Hold Maneuvers at American Lake.
Portland, Or., Jan J. M.iueu
Oil n large scale with large bodies of
regr.lats and national gttardstttCB
patli, il'.itmg iu the diHlrict SbOttl
Anient. in Lake, Washington, is tin
plan of tlte war di p.u tiuellt for !, Id
htetrneUon ol nocthweai troops neat
August Atnirosiniately .ttSSI troops
have been designated by ilu- m.u ,i,
p.irlinent for p n tieipattoii
wak low rift .:; si''.T-:cii
Chicago, Jan .t Tin
parly, w Iin li has Its national h d
quarters bore, have given nni lie
plan-, in ( iti.'it-1, i il. iii'it
stralniis t, I., lul.k throngboul 'In
United Slates to arouse pnl.b. s. n
tuiient against violations ..I ihi right
of fret sp, i , h Tin ni ,i i ii,
meltings Mill be ll, III ban J. tun. ii
l.i iu. n ' Dane eritl be the
principal speaker ai ibis meeting
Hamilton Is Sentenced.
I )!, inpl.i, Wash , Jan 5 I b ti
Hamilton, cs-adjutanl general oi iln
national gnard, convicted ol larcenj
by einlii Sill ni nl t mi, i ling
$1 IKS of iln bill 'S uioin i to la-
oil II Us, , Was s III II, i d lO - I li in
iiult di mm. id t im ol from on, hg
ten y. ai el h n I I ,l."i in Ihi i il"
peiutiiiliai) at Walla W ilia Notici
of an appeal Ut Ihi supreme court
wss given
Dsngcr to Public la Gnat, Says
Bureau Chief.
Washington, J.m 4 Thai lull ih,
nnal eaten hi the Unitt d .',' Hi - i in
In i ailed uninspci ii d and thai i
l,al and Sell 'i l lo Ihi ;
In eiisls as a lestilt is n ,, ih,
conclusions reached b) I'i Melvin
, In, i of tin run, .1 Stall - bin ,
animal industry, in his am, in! report
I.. the sm ii t.u .a i.'iu uhiii,
German to Fight Prohibition
Portland, i J at I H tiding
liit stai. a idi prohibition srould Ix
i lerioui abridgment 'if theii pel
s.' lib. it), the "" iinaii Speaking
Sm ii iu s of this state will op
ih. prop I constitutional ami ud
meal forbidding tl" sale ol sM in
toxicants to In submitted by Ihs
Prohibitionists n. si November
iio 1 JANUARY ivio
atw. rvm. Ttw W.J. Ihu. I rl. Sat
T7TT 77 .. .. .. i
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
, ..I s e a
l In- I hitaiio hotel was smhl
lttfct week bo W. B. J. tier-. It 1
I'Umorc'il Ultt it will he liiriii.shfil
aii'l opOOOtj ii. Ontario Dgodl
a iiioileiii hotel uml out- vvouhl
he well j.alionieil
Wil.siju-OuUy t'u. Lu all k i mis
of ilruya.
e "
The Aimi.s givOl tile licw
Von eaii't deny that .statement.
Only il per yeur.
V4atBel.iaV .
Empire Lumber Co.
jl n ' omplctf Murk rn Lumber and Bu
Mnlei ial nlwu on
. V
I A l" n ' ten i
nnd - u
M 0"
M.i iii j is RootilB. I'ire Proof, Mmlern, Kle- &
Caul. Mi'iiiu Ihatitl, i:iii-lii. Lightfd, All Out- H
nn. Rooma Hi ur Dtpot, 0
i f w iUI Wf iWBJa Wn ! wfT ai ajjf 'dg ffr ' fr WV fJ tP 9 1W gr sPJ"' w Trvr"
K' , y .'.'..''
.' ;' .."'.' "- -.'';' '."; 'Vv." ''
'm vsftrTj j -if " . vsi--e JnJBBtki
--- '7'l2ftivsKlfrs-v lgawgaaf i
Don't e th Wrong Mr. Wright
Holiday Advertl-iiny; Is the Aeroplane i
Thnr Given Business a Lift.
.' V I
CiSjrvaiiife Banker
Ih . I OnUB mil I know to a . iT-
i.,.i'. i i ni- iiiuii ants or "urt'tiuanro
i, .nr llr .mil inn thy nf irt'ilit. . im pi inl. nt ilijionitor
11 ' ' i I'liiio in mill tlio Htanil
iii" .... i a itll huh hi iliuile.
Tin- In. itii I. , ilgl "it of our di-
nd tin . Kpgrigneg ami nbuiljf ol
mil oSlOOta w.t.i i ill of iai' of huc-
t. (ul bu iiiis.s, is Minn n ,. ,. '-into
t It it t Ihr ii.ii it t "i i n i thjuihiior win h.
..i. -fully I'l'di t ti 'I.
First National Bank
ONTAHIO, ol.Koo.N.
Ik D
o 81 a r
For Diiil beef Is Offered
ff Aiitlinil.l'. '1 in.- in
W bull, ful ' lull can liroak through mi Aincii-
'A) .'iu I'lin-. iiuii rly it-1, i mli 'I vVt) don't neml
jj the bl :- lit will takti tl i in ..1 tllti rthovi) prici' anil
j ii in l.i tin- i litioiia inn. h 1 1 VVo h.ivr ;i liiji stock
T, ul A i, . in. in I i lire. hunt li,:.l.i ., nii-t;lkt 1111(1
f4 i.ik. tin nl ihai look ,'i i liku it, hut buy ihe
gf til. I Ih'li.ii.l. I'.iill Slroti.; uiut Iln" Tight Atuericaii
l'"e:,i'.' . .im : "i ni
IVialheur Mercantile Co.
Ontario Livery Barn.
I Kl.D HTEWAKT, I'ioj.
j I .1,1 t l.iveiy
t niiiilv. t ioiiiI
ii i.t Muck
im All. We
I'i. ,; 'hi. i.-.
1 W r yW $ 9Vt Bvv
L. . anaans-s - i - L i -- anmsttOrgj
.i. i
Inline I'MiLlmir come
a Pound
ii i- i i.::. nil Im anv nlil
- iii I Mitai in.
Tufooutet in II g) hour
t are 1 iik i ii nl 1 liin-
Ainpli Corral Room
titer tu the Trade of
: :
"1 JWMr 4WPgk WM&
t Jaabstanan. SasManmaV JbMbI