SjggjBfgggjpB ?-' RI 4b Don't Forgrt That We Do all kinds of Printing at the Argus Office. J" y JJ " BOOST For Ontario and Malheur County. Representative Newspaper of T.Talheur County mmmmp VOLUME XIII ONTARIO. OKKOON. FRIDAY DLi RMBEH I 1901) NUMBER 68 (m 11 - S5??T ; w. iiiiii i i hop Sfjlv a y , &vm. hi u vm n il ;v - . . RAILROAD BUILDING. Central Oregon Commanding Attention Thrombin Recent P. IF. Ashton, t'jo railroad builder, was registered at the Carter House a few days this week. While lie has not estab lished any homo here it is only a question of time with hint. During nn oveninH conversa tion we lenrneil ninny idvus of how Oregon is the most inter esting point on the continent to the railroad world. There is a larger una in Ore gon without rail facilities than in any other of the United Stutes. Preliminary surveys demonstrate the feasibility of tin' construction and investiga tion that the tonnage to warrant the construction is wailing. Oregon's growing importance in the railroad world is dciium stratcd hy the many changes in the olliccs of the Liislcrn reads in I ' 1 1 1 it ii I , lot companies arc till strengthening their offlcs fONOl and several new Inns, notably the Vaiuh i hilts, bust opened offices." Oregon has always heeo dom inated hy the llarriman system and the policy that waits until the country is developed before building for tlie business. As the principal industry id Central Oregon I us been cuttle, I ei uuse that alone oould b got to the market and the railroud got ll anyway they did not la m as.-ist in the upbuilding of tlu stnti . There is unot! e masl r mind in the railroad world, -I. J. 1 1 M . whose policy in develop the country by building railroads and making h possible to mar ket anything prodoctd, Ibis brings population, When Hill Anally gal in patl tion to ente. Oregon hy 1 1 Deschutes r Mlla it made tin Harriman pOOpli otl up am take notice as it was apparani their do nothing policy couh not e followed u iv longer um th I is whv tlie railroad aero Newspaper Ad uppI c no1 VOlL.olllg OregO 1 Pub City Bur- eaU SelCCtS Best MecLum An inlve: tiling c.unpnigu th it ..I.O--.k will reach no Itisailiua i7,4JB,i&0 , . 1 1 reauers oi ue wpiki peri ii.ioogn outthecoiiutiy has been p'aur.ed by tho Portland CouiuiOffOatlClub and will he OfaMSal in January and run for three months 1 lie u.liriii'liwiiiii nill I'lill .1 1 1 ,-1 , 1 i, , , , 1. 1 .... . , m ..... vacunt lauds 'f this state and the feel here for the newcomer. I (e is no question that this; . ... .. ltising will result in bring-, , ,. , jininy people to Oregon audi noli- state, not any one see- will bo beneliud. The He uf ad v rthiiikll he I Invasion Oentral Ort gon is going lo i huilt soon as the spring opens. 'I In' right Of way secured hy the Iliinley and Wood interests at strategical points will fiwili- I iU in.itti irn as will ilao (licit 01 JTS, and tin se will bl H bandied ns to give at least two i an opportunity to build. Hill ll reported to have recent ly in 'quired an inter st in the vYc tern Pacific, which contrail the Ni vadn, California and Ore o i unning from Reno Nevada to a point south of I.akcvicw. By extending this line north and the Deschutes line south a oiiiicition can he made giving Mill mi entrance into California, I much di sired. That the west is due to he in . . 1 1 1 . d h one or more additional i ranecontinental lines is evident, I the only feasible route I Yntrnl Oregon is up the Mnllii ur Valley ia well know p i il this will bring them to our door. Bet I d shoi t linea Of railroad luivi been built ami when the time ionics it will he found thai these are owned by one of the big lines. The I'm road hah recently ebanged bandaand the pumpkin Vim' will likely ho picked upas iioih of theee could Be u i d in making connections. Tin' Worth WeeUrn has an nounced that they will build I'li'ii miles of low mad, have up p roved surveys to Seattle, Port laud and San Francisco and bonds to pay the expense are heing issued. Before many years Oregon a ill be aide to throw off the llaiiiman yoke and stall on tin forward man h. Mr. AeblOn stated that lbs Mrogan road has live miles of irade about ready for the track nd era going aheai where the conditions will permit H W. Htoks DcuU. ' rlolUt died the first of the wed. II. W. Hicks, a former I hita at Klko, Ntv. He lasSrei three children the Misses Minnie and Jis-u who arc attending cnOOl rare, uuu a son, nnain. I is w fe del here several years ago. Marry IIAU many warm imlmAm ...I... .Ill .1 L . ,....,.., HI' HMO "ll" "HI ..V.I.'.-I.L... ... . ,. ' to hear of his dcnli W.ththo Injured. Lev. Miller was I adlv hunud ,,,, il,., f.,. .,1 tint Mi ilin.l 11 shurall Christina- tree. lie ll ,., 1Uld will not he badlv ,,,.,, jj,., I..l. 11,1111 L ' II", winil.l- . , . . , '. doing nicelv ami no serious re- t n euus ni e uni 010 in n. ' Tho Htrrir ' The cati'o business has been liis wte!;. ot 1 . 1 1 ... 1.1 1 has mci.asid a car re Magill and a ml hulls from Local News. C. O. Thomas, of Vale, ha hci'ii in Ontario several day' this weak On business. Loaf Light blue hair scaif Return to Argus office for re ward. Services at the It, B. Church Sunday morning, especially foi the members f the Eastern Star and Masonic lodges. I'M Long, of Baker City, is visiting Mis brother Qeo. Longi of the Lone Clothine Co. lie drove down and reports much snow on the way. The holidays tries men's souls. I lie rich OVef eat; the p. .or bardy have enough and the middle class swim along in the cream. Solomon hail the worst time in his life n hen In ti ltd to ex plain to his mothers-in-law why the QdOOO ol Shcha had called t) see him. Health is too precious to he tampered with by incompetent vendors of drugs. Try the Wilson Dully Ding Co., for clean drugs, and expert service. The jury list for the coining term ol court boa bean drawn and the following are from On .1 I). BilHngsUy, T. i. Johnson, Thoa, li-er, I. M. Kiohola, and I,. A. Walker. Willis .1. MagordeQ and M i Nellie Pounds weie married at ill.- home of the bride's pap i I., c. Pounds at N ltV !m day December 29. Rev. Morri son officiating. It is good polll tn spi'llk Well of our town, hut it is not good policy to become so enamoured of its goodness and beauty as lo disguise from ourselves what il lacks and bow it may he im proved. MOfehard Heating" is the title of a pamphlet being i lied b) I. E. Hurley of the Short Line for the benefit of the fruit men of this section. This may ho secured by applying to any of the agents of the company. 'I'l Ai. I I :i.i I i in- oi k nun occii romiMicii at ,, . ' , iiiucii expense ami is invaiuanie to orchardists. Murder at Huntington Carl Carnes Shot by Jim Leighton Over Solo Game. (VI fltniM. tinluiMi mmMm B" "' 1 was shot ami killed at Hunting ton by Inn Leighton on the 84th. TI.- trouble arose over a game of solo. C, (heated in the .'.line and v. on a few dollurs, which he offered to divide with Leighton, as lie knew Leighti n had seen the OrOOkcd ph'V. Words passed and the shooting follow ! Carnes was a cripple, ami known mound Maker City .! Huntington us tin born. He "i the olaai who . . Ii an living, no matter how they gl I the money and his end is wiiat all of the class usually come to. Some of these young men who do not care to work start out stealing borses, not being gifted with auffleieut sense to realise they will s ion be caught and eom palls 1 to spend time behind the bar-. There ure aSTS al young I of sporty proclivities around H that are headed in that , 4 Jpjjgjg. tiiey are ltth, Fruitland. On Thursday oven inn there were four runaways in fruitland vithin half an hour No ilam tge done except a f -.- breaks on -Mm' of the rigs, although Mist Florence 1'razier had a narrow esc ipe as she was in one ol tin rigs when it turned ovi I . The M. E. church was filled with Merry Christmas makeri on Christmas eve to hear the tantaU, which was 'nicely rcn- lered, The Baptists also had nice progfim and a huge crowd The Christmas program at ths (Jolted Brethern church Sat unlay evening was well attended The funeral of Mrs I. add at Kiiiini It, a sister of Mis. NaitCJ WilsOII, was held on educsdav of last week and Mrs. Wilson re turned home thi same day. Mr. II. Walters ha I lbs mil toi tunc io lose one oi I in horsi s with which he is feeding shcip for M. Braderaon. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Btegnerof Payette took Christmas dinner with their son B. A. Btegnor. Mr. Griffith, tho druggist has moved his boarding quarters to the Knli building. A car ol coal was nulosded at I'luitland in short order Monday afternoon, Modern Woodmen and Koyal Ni ighbOr should lelileinber the joint installation ol officer! at d banijUet January l fsth . II. K. Wiifong pastel through Pruitland Tuesday on bis way back to the bomealead in ( Oregon. Financial Standing Of the "West as Shown by Rocont Bank Statements. According to the report made by the National Mulctary Com mission, the banks ol the I'aciin Coast stand third in tho United States. This boilv Inn im.i.vfi .. ... i .11 . .1 1 gated all ot the hn.iiu lul institu lions in the country during tho past year. It places the Middle Eastern or Atlantic States at the head of the list, the resources per capita being largest. The New England states an next ami then follow the Pacific Coast States. '1 QCI eafter, the middle Western, Kir Western, and Southern groups are ranked in the order name. I. Washiii''- ton stands ihird in the Pacific lip being hiaded by Nevada and California ' The Councils To Meet On Monday and Tues-i day Evenings New and Old. Ti , i i ';..., ... 'i "ii i j I talking with SOmO Ol the work 1 lie old ( ouncil will bold I . i . .. , '"' " a shoit time, ho sturted for itir hist nn cling on Monday . , ,. . ,,.,-,,, i ., , the ladder with the intention ot livening to C'loiS up the years I , i .. ending to the ground when l.llM. On Tuesday svanlasj the new mayor and council will be in stalled and his appointor announced. In addition to naming four eoiOmitteOS the mayor has ihs appoint!)) i." ol the recorder, city iii.ii thai aud tract aommis. r. I8TM.VS I1UI.IDAY RA1 Vi Oregon Short Line, fltlft! IstiOUSnSSS, und pa-sed uway mi sale Decern h r 1'itJr, liJJ'i,1 Sunday noon. He leaves a - 1th, lf"tli and :;ist. 11' wile und one child He was Wl January lei, DHO; iiuut, J. id, 1910. See ag; nt.-, Sot er nariiculars. Local News. Uss Wilson A Duffy's Rational Cold Cure. Bom In this city, Dec. M, IWW, to Mrs. Hick Staples, a son. i.- ... i i ... rur sail ov ions oi grain bay, A. II. ftamav. Kruithmd Idaho. Mrs. Emily Steward of Boise is spending the holidays in On I u io, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0, L. King. The health ol the people of Ontario is good, a few colds is I about all. The great Proscription No. 1, for coughs, at Wilson-Duffv Drug Co. Mr. and Mrs. II. Duffy were in Hoist for the holhlavs. Mrs Duffy will return later. Win. ft, McNeil ami Mr. Olen bsch have purchased desert claims on upper Dead Ox Flat If you don't want to be like the clothier's dummy, do some thing niive than stand on the corner. Mrs. Peak, of Portland, was tho guest of (i. II. Shearer's family on Tuesday. She had I K en in Nebraska, with the mer cury '-". below and stopped over lor a short visit. A. W. I) iland ami wife, of Bpokane, were visiting their daughter. Mrs. II. ('. Wilson luring the holidays. Mr. Do land has returned but Mrs. Doland erill remain a short time. Owing to two clerks not hav iiiR sent in roiorls Ihe annual School census is still incomplete. The county court convenes next week and will set the levy for each district. Those not having reports in may get in trouble. W. H. Hutterlield and 1, H. Hutchinson, of Union, vssroOo tario visitors this week. They lire extensively interested in the Malheur oil lields and stated there is not a family in Union that has not some oil stock. They left for the Mammoth and Eastern Oregon wells on Tues- day, Maler Yockey Fatal Fall F.'oin tho Haas Building at Wciser, on Last Tnursday. aiaier 1 oricev, a resident of Vale, Oregon, cariienter, ilied I Sunday night at Joeepbine hos pital, Wciser, from the effects of a fall which he received Thurs day afternoon. Yockey, who ' was intoxicated, was looking for la jot). He went to the Haas ' Ulldi" lookl" '" Hi nded a ladder from the ground to the. joists on the sec ond BOO! of the building. After in some manner he lost his foot- . . wig aid fell to the second floor, i. distance of about eighteen feet. Tlie workmen run' to his us DCS, and he was taken to Josephine hospital. An exam ination disclosed that one leg broken in two places, that Ills skull was fractured, and he was badly bruised otherwise. .'I injuries were pronounced fatal. He never retained con .us of age. Weiser Signal. Maler Yockey was wall known in Ontario and 'ale. W PLYMOUTH Farmers Institute Held Items of Personal and Local Nature Reported. Fred Harper has had his now house wired. Tho cold slorngo is now being lilled with ice. Midnight mass was held at St Aloysius church, Christinas eve. Lnrl riiettephice is invoicing in tho l'lyinouth Hardware store. Frank Johnson and Ernest Myer wore entertained at Ben Acker-man's Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard are tho proud parents ol a baby girl born December 18. Miss Fdna Bean ontortainoda party of young folks Tuesday veiling to a taffy pull. Christmas exercises were held at the Baptist and Congregation al churches Christmas eve. Tho concert that was givon by the l'lyinouth Choral Union Decombor 17 netted $41.35. The young folks are enjoying themselvos skating as there is more ico than usual this year. Mr. ami Mrs. John Acuerman and nephew, Arnold, left for Nebruska to visit with relatives ami friends. Mrs. O. If. Talhertof Coeur'd Alene, visited hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. (ieorgo Bloydeu over Christiuus. J. II. Gray came from Union, Oregon, Friday to spend Christ mas with his wifo and daughter, returning Monday. Mr. Lockner, the blacksmith, has sold to If II. McMannis. Mr. Lockner leaves for Pocatello Boon to work on tho railroad The Friendship claaa ia in vited to Thos. Woir's home New Year's Day. Kvery oue bring your lunch baskets full and also your skates. The Misses Agnes, Lillian and Charlotte Swatmun, l'hoebe Sheldon and Haul Drake are spending their Christmas vaca tion ut home. C. A. 1'hettepluce now bus a button machine and requests all ladies to cull at the tailor shop to see it. He cun also show you a Singer sewiug machine. An ordinance bus been passed by the villuge board, which be cume effective at once, that all children must be in hy 7 itO p m. in the winter months and ' p. m. in summer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meyer ni. i lanied at Christmas dinner Mr. and Mrs. Kedinau ami daughter, Miss (Mara Ackerman, (ieorge Noyea and Bichurd Smith. Misses Murrilla and Julia lliiniguii iiml Viola Meecham, who ure attending school io Boise, ure home for the holidays ulso Miss Voronica Meechan, who is attending school in Scuttle. Farmer's Institute wus held in New l'lyinouth, December 2K und 2'J ut the i'ioneer oneru muse. Subjects discussed were: "Orgunizution for Farmers" by Prof. E. K. Elliott. "Kurul Ed ucation" by Prof. J. H. Fraud- son, "t'luntiiig Fruit Trees" hy Prof. W. H. Wicks. "Soil HAPPENINGS. Management" by Prof. 8. F. Childers. "Potatoes" by Elias Nolson. "Irrigation Prohloms" by E. L. Wells. Mrs. Chas Phillips is still very ill. W. F. Boal spent Christinas in Payette. Mrs. J. M. Noyes it on tho road of recovery. Pearl Wachter is spending a few days in Boise. Miss Mathilda Stuve is visit ing her cousin, Edna Stuve. Miss Edith Forbes spent a couple of days with Katie Meyer. Christmas exerriaes were held at tho Valley View school house. Frank Oould sold 40 acres of his land to Miss Miller of Kan sas. Benjamin Culver went to Pay ette Monday to attend High Hchool. A social will bo given in tho Congregational church New Year's eve. A danco will be given in the l'ionoer hall, Now Year's eve. (ood music. T. 11. Oilbert returned from Meadows Friday whore he has been on business. Mrs. E. E. Cox and two sous are visiting Kith Mrs. Henry Woidner in Puyette. Miss Sheldon ami Prof. Strong ure attending the State Teach ers' inciting in Boise. Mr. A. M. Boldeu made a trip to Km met t Saturday und brought his wife buck with him. The Congregational Ladies Aid will meet with Mra. Drya dale Wednesday, December 2U. Mr. and Mrs. Purker and daughter, Lucile, from Caldwell, spent Christmas with relatives here. Mr. E. W. Cuff, from Boise aasistant treasurer of the state, has been transuding business here for u few daya. Thomus Kice, Donald Orafe and Wilfred Kinger, who are al tending school iu Weiser are home for the holiduys. Mr. A. J. Nicols will spoukon Nupolio at tho Congregational church, Junuary 7, 1U10. Tho proceeds lo go towards the ex penses of the church. J. F. Christeeu now bus u bar uess shop in what was the Farmers,- Bunk, and the hunk is in their new headquar ters in the Pioneer block. Junuury 5, 11)10 supper will ho served from 7 o'clock until all are served, at Valley View school house. Tho (i range has prepurcd a program for the oc cussion. Mr. und Mrs. Somuer Davis und son, Merrill, returned Wed nesduy, December 1.2nd. Irom Orund Iblund, Nebraska, where they have been visiting tho past two months. At the lust meeting of ltoyal Neighbors of America, officer were elected: Oracle, Mra. E. E. Cox; Vice Oracle, Mrs. Bon Ackerman; Chancellor, Mias Muude Steguli; Kocorder, Misa Edna Campbell; Receiver, Mrs. F. D. French; inner Kentinal, Mrs. Fox; Outer Sentinal, Mrs. Kinart, Munager, Mrs. M. Dar nall, Musiciun, Miss Cluru Ackerman. ' r' I