The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 24, 1909, Image 1

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    i.atistiai mi
For Ontario and Malheur
Don't forget I hat Wo Do
all kinds of Printing at
the Argus Office.
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County
a in bmoMhsot
ONTAB10, OBEOON, FKIHAY. dm iMHI.Ii 24, luo
With the Drivers and Riders
Many More Entries
Than Expected.
In llM report of the fair Hint
was printed in the Argus Itll
week several points wore not
covered, owing to lack of time
and space
In driving stallions BOH ROW
took first -nd second on regis
tered horses. These are excep
tionally will bred, of pood llw,
and will make a good cross with
the native horses.
, Jocohson took first MM 0,
(Joldborg second on non-registered
driving stallions.
G. A. Keys got I Tirol on grade
J as. T. Adams first on 2-yiar-driving,
non-register, d.
Uentlemen's riding contest,
Knierv Domic lirt and Krunk
Weaver second.
Ladies' lidingcniit.-l. Mm I
I). Hedcliff, nee Hell Hlunton,
first und Inez. Weuvcr second.
In middle limsc, Adolph
Fi-her's horso took Brat "d
Bottor Roads.
Botterroodator ihlaetetelttha
eUiotoftboOrofonU I Roads
associaton. formed in Portland
recently wuh a atroo momber
In p. The associuton will work
Hi,, trait ttiill the collect,..,, -money
for building ll I
pUnnel t. tolll I I "ttd of 15,
000 during lh Kl M0 ""
and engage a rotS petal t MOV
engineer whosl.a'l. hi" I "H"' "
work in the -talc MttOjl od '
eipeetel to result from tl.c lor
motion of the ins., .'ll..,,.
Clark Weaver's horse took sec-
While the thoroughbreds and
stundinds exhibited wero not so
numerous, they wore very classy
and showed the general interest
tiiken in them.
Professor Conklin did much
to oronso the interest of tho pco
pit in llic fair.
Kr.d Htewart was also ono of
tho hard workers, he said they
just spread all over his pluce.
When the fair was first tulkcl
of it wus thought tho main floor
of his stable would bo nil that
was necessary, hut there were
many moro than expected and
ho regretted very much that
soino were compelled to put up
with poor accommodations, Imt
they did tlie very best possible
under tho circumstances. At
tl, ii.vt annual fairthey will bt
I,. iter prepared to entertain the
Uncle Dan'l.
Tlie next attraction ..t the
Optra House will bt on tbtSOth
ben I n.le Dan'l or the Mes
ncnger from Jurvis Section will
bo presented.
Tlii ph.nni story of down
i-t liumorand pallioHlias bttfl
no of the most successful 'f nil
t.ook plays, having served as an
Hint vehicle for the Into
darius MoCooloy for many t00
,,i,- and proved to he the most
popular 10)00001 in his career.
'l'he great prescription N-. I,
lor coughs, at Wilson-Duft'x
Drug CO.
Seen With
Stolen Horses
To the editor:
I laving heard so mueli of
.. i ...J ; vipiiiitv. ii. ir
0(r,Ul,.sponde,,t to satisfy himsei. Geo. Blanton Arrested
took u Hip from Ontario to llial on HeriOUS UUUrB
pUrt of iduho. This lutie town j Bound Over.
b about two mile ninth eati
from the new steel hridge across (icorgo HLmton wus arrested
Snake Riser. Wt found 1 few days ago hy Sheriff Odell
kindly set of people in the town charged with stealing four heud
and several stores some of whlin of horses Horn iioorge noy 10
.i. ii. ...a fit SlciMicr lV
are uiu unim --
Silkot, groceries and hardwaie.
W. F. Myers, dry goods, uml
At the preliminary aiamino
tion, which wus held I. .fore
Judge King, on Monday, John
Local News.
He careful to prevent Christ
mas fires.
Wilson-Duffy Drug Oo. All
kimls of drugs.
Twi lv and a half shares of
Owyhee Ditch stock for sale. In
quire Hurbridgo .v Doolittlc.
Women say lots of things they
don't Ihii.k and men think lots
of things they wouldn't dare sny.
Imported decorated china, the
finest ever exhibited in Ontario
for the price. Under llros. &
M .lpkiu.
The ideal Xnios gift is jewel
ry. Go to C. C. Payne's, where
you will lind a well assoi ted up
to dato stock.
New and second hand goods
bought and sold. We can save
yon money. Second door north
of Argus 0001
The Crescent hurher shop and
hall, rooms, conducted hy K. W.
Mogun should have your patron
age. (Jive him a call.
Married, at the home of Old. n
IftgOrdtO, Ny-u, on Wednes
day, by Uev. Morrison, Mi -Olive
Megordeii, to Mr. I. Aim
wnith, hoth of N MO,
Talk about furs uml clonks.
The display at Rodoi BrOO. &
l.amiik,n i- ,i,e linest ever ox
hihited in hituno and aic heing
Old at right pi i
Health is too precious to bt
tampered with hy incouipetciil
vendors of drugs. Try tho
Wilton Duffy Ding Co, for
clean drugs, and expert scr ,
The pool and iTilliurd t aides at
tho Pastime arc always in good
ondition. ' We carry a Ii
first cluss OOOdloa, imported and
donieslie cigars ami t..b.i.
Come in ami see us.
Mine Prints or" any Township
in the Harris Lund District,
showing nanus of entivuicii,
kimls of entry, dates, etc, and
topography. Price $1 . J.
C. Turncy, Hums, Oregon.
The Pastern Oregon Hard
line 0 puny is going out of
tho crockery btttlntM and are
selling all their stock ut the roit
of S10 worth of erockerv for
7..0. They need the room for
their hardware stock.
L X Cook A Co. are opt nmg
u real estate olhco iii the build
iug formeily occupied hy the
city meat market. Mr. Cook is
from Indiana, hut has he. n do
ing business in the west for
several yearn' They will cany
on a general real estute bUliOOM
and handle property for eastern
. In nts.
500 Acres
of Orchard
Being Planted in Dead
Ox Flat Installing
Electric Pumps.
Dr. Wutcrhouse is orranging
to plant u 500 acre apple orchard
on the lower Dead Ox Flat.
AbOttt three hundred acres
have- hcen cleared and will be
planted in the spring and the
btlonot will be got in shape for
the following season.
These lands will be watered
from Snuko river. Centrifugal
pumps, driven hy electricity,
will he installed, and tho water
lifted from 10 to 20 feet.
In tliis way no long expensive
ditches are required and tho cost
0l maintenance is very low, only
$1.50 an aero for the electricity.
The Cattle
Beef and Rango Cattle
Being Shipped to
The early winter weather has
caused the stockmen to com
mence feeding uhout a month
.urlior than usual and tho sup
ply of hay is none too good.
Stock caino off tho summer
, in good condition.
Rof Acton got started Satur
day for Jordan Valley, trailing
about a thousand head of mixed
Cattle heing fed in the yards
aiound Ontario arc doing well.
M.. I.auu.roprcJhting Kleteh.
r .V Lane, cattle men of For
stli, Montana, has been
. ml days picking up a hunch
of stock cattlo. He has US OOffl
ready for shipment to Forsyth.
J II. Keneuly, of Forsyth,
Montana, has purchased three
, ..; ,,i l,.ei" cattle for shipment.
Henry IMuckmun assisted in
picking up these cattle und says
it is more satisfactory thun ship
ping to the Portlund inurket.
M s -
i w
Local News.
Mrs. Curmtix, who runs the Ca e, w ho lives near the Dan
bokol caters to her guests In ,, Ucc, w as the principal witness,
k,. ,.l.. fhitne. We visite-l a,l , stili.-.l tliut lie suw man
tl, Dinir Store und hud un m-
Itrvtov isli ttte W wl,.s
husbund owns the linn. She
guve us a lot of valuuhle infor
mation la regai.U to the coun
try. There is a new bunk
neuring completion und uls..
ni.-i. kuiUlina completed by I.
W. Rich. W'e presume from oner over, placing bonds utflQO
i ...111 l. ...i.l f..r I.
aiii.earanct) ii win "' ;, " -
ton driving iht horses off. lie
was poaltlvt m his ldentiticution,
having known Hlunton severul
It was testilied thut Itlantoii
hud man with him when the
crime wus committed.
Judge King hound the pris-
.ore. From whut Vt heard the
people'are greatly in need of 0
pobt olliicu and have forwanled
a petition to Washington for its
a '.option. We mutl not forget
to mention the name of Johnson
and Lin, general grocery tod
al.o Mr. Smiih, the llacksmith,
John BottOj of Nyssa, had
bortt stolen out of his pasture,
Bhtrifl Odell locale.l the animal
ut Kininett und relumed it.
Pete Hoops, who lives on the, wus arrested for the
(licit, bod I hearing before Jus-
ii,i M.niiilse, plaeud under a
L. D. Waring
Badly Scalded.
While Butchering Hogs
Falls Into Tank ol
Boiling Water.
i I....... ..i liililui I......1 uml in .li.fnnlt. ui'iil
who can uiwuys ue seen uuaj .fiwi w " "
tie anvil. There U oltO t OWt to jail
i.i nt n.aiket owned bv
Carnetix where ull kinds of
fresh meuts can be had at a
reasonable price. We have DO
doubt but Fruitlund will inuke t
nice town in the near future.
CI ...1 nnu tAftxi 1 1 I Imlf
0 VI' Till IJUIHSISIIjO -.v, -. w (
heou erected should the price ol "r.v "' IJ,U
lots be reasonable. I further parucu
I UKISl MA inn. in
ii Oregon Short Line. Tickets
on sale December 1Mb, I8d,
JUh, B5h and Hoi, 1900. and
Junuury 1st, 1010; limit, Junu-
See ugents for
L D. Waring was
scalded ItOt Monday, at the
Walker runeii.
They were Imteliellllg 1.
and using a tu.ik uho'it lixti ! i
in wbleb to scald lbs hogs.
Mr. Wining was using a hook
on the hog and this tore out,
throwing Mr. Wai m; into ti .
tank of ttoldlng water, stiii.
the tuuk cross Wtyf, and olog
into the wuter from bit waist to
.shoulders und tltt lull ami-
The wuter prat to h"t th.t the
skin is coming ol and Mr. War
ing will be cunhned to his bed
at least two weeks.
There is little dtOgtr of com
plications und no serious results
are anticipated.
Use Wilson .V Duffy 't Botioool
Cold Cure.
W.-tfall is oing to havo a
l.rass hand' some of the boys al
ready have their instruments
und are doing a great amount of
Jake N'.et is building a dwel
ling for Mr. Stiinhrough.
l. w. Bareb, of Baker Olty,
bus been surveying some ditches
r0 Kimt hi others, M. S. Shuck
and Peter ee the pust week.
Albert Hucker and wife and
fed brotbtl Louis ore going to
Piker City on u visit to friends
I ... I . !..,,...
Illlll lOiHIlt".
I l,,v is source us hen's teeth,
not a ton for sale anywhere.
Sleighing is tine und tho West-
full DOOplt are sure enjoying it.
Mr Nichols, foreman of the
Harper runch, was in the city
MittosOroeoond Fay MeKlroj
tea. lb eis of tho Westfall, will go
(,, Cambridge, Idaho, for the
PrODl the iitimbor of presents
i, up based ut our stores there
will bt many huppy children
and 1'iovsnups on Christmus.
Ja-per Westfall i- building an
addition on the house
. . an n.ovo his family in
town and send his childien to
-( llOul.
The Christmas tree will bo ut
tho A 0. U. W hull und dunce
will be held after the tree.
Fi. ighters are still hauling
to a.i 1 through Westfull. Tiny
suy the mads are'liiio for winter.
(Jn Wilson .t Duffy'i Ratlont
Cold Cure.
Pom, on Mondnv, to the wife
of John Wood, a son.
Have you thought about that
poor or sick neighbor?
Hrownto Kodncks, $1, $2, 6
and !10. At Cuiidhinds.
Trouble never tries to dodge
people who are looking for it.
Lost Light blue hair scarf.
Return to Argus offlot for re
ward. Cut (.lass, Hand Painted and
Havilund China off at Cnd-lands.
For Sale 0 tons of grain
hay. A. H. Uamey, Fruitland,
The great Prescription No. 1, Wilson-Duffy Drug
Did you ever notico how much
genuine satisfaction you get out
of o good sneeze''
Twelvo and a half shares of
Owyhee Ditch stock for sale. In
quire Purbndge & Doolittlc.
Hope springs eternal in the
human breast, but it bounces
back pretty hard sometimes.
The yonnn people have been
onjoyinggood skating for several
days. The sleighing is fair.
Some artist oueht to paint u
picture of a bald limn carrying
a hair tonic home with him, and
label it "Faith".
It is pleasing to note that the'
merchunts who do the most ad
vertising in the Argus are get
ting the creuin of the business.
They know how to i.a 1, the
The Malheur Mercantile Com
pany sent out a lug loud of sup
plies to the interior on Tuesday.
Tho roads are hard and makes
hauling good, better than when
tho mud holds sway.
The United Aitisuns held a
district meeting at Payette on
Tuesday evening, when lorgt
delegations were prOtOttt fio.ii
Ontario und W iser. They in
itiated eight candidates. The
delegates from Ontario retiiriiul
well pleased will, the entertain
Walter Olcnn has pur. ha .!
the southwest corner one bloc'v
west of the Culler house from J.
II Farley for -'.'.()) Mr QlODB
purposes erecting a two-story
and basement Irn I. business
house in the spring This will
bo the lirst suhslunlml business
house erected off the Main sti. . (
und will soon be followed bv
Roadl Companies in Line Im
portant Ruling By the
Supreme CowL
ThO adjourned mooting held ! directors of the Owyhee ditch
al Volt Monday was well at- company on Thursday with a
t.mled, but little business was view to having all the lands
tiansaeted. It was found that under their ditch brought under
mailers not iii shapo to j the new system.
proctod, 10 an adjournment was The general impression seems
asked for, which the court . to he that matters are progress
readily grunted and appointed I log very favorably and that
January 8rd as the dale at which when the time comes to perfect
the business is to he taken up orguni.ulhm there will bo prac
and completed. jticully a solid front, all working
Attorneys Biggs and Met ion- together for tho common good.
tgill presented petitions from! ,,,18tico Wi u KinR of th,au.
clients asking to have their mo (,()urt Mt w fmmi
hinds set out of the district, as . . . ..
mn. m ci-v H (ij.,.,,,,,, , ,l0 cage 0j Winter! had ample water. .,,., , , ,
"'"' ' ' vs.ttuvin, appeal from Baker Co-
Attorney MoOalloen presented nnty.whi.h will bo of interest to
a poiliioa from Col. Wood ask- tl0!0 ,nviK wtcr rights In tbia
ing to havo nil the road lands ,.()tinlv, wherein they have not
included in the district h en actually using tho amountof
It developed that many who w.(,t(,r ,j,,( , or u to tje fllj
.. in i. ... ... .---.
are under the present ditches
WON not represented und it was
considered advisable that all
should he given all o.portun-
apa.ity of their ditches, Mr. King
dot ides:
" The right to water claimed by
prior impropriators for irrigation
,ty of presenting ineir v.ewe I,11.,(,M(,y iH wnyH nniitod in
before going ahead quantity by tho uso for which
sfHJ wl,o are under the ll),.1,rlallIl j8 mA tn,
praMQ ditches are being mort t(, wlll(1 jn ft r0tt8on(lb,0
Hnpie-M.l with the Importance ,,,,, be applied, uml itisso well
of havinu only one irrignlioii ... , . . , . .
- I mvww. -mm MS'o WWiilV AS-
anddrainagt company oporat- nuili(. lji(il ,,lu.llcilll llHe nna
mgiii the district and an. hav ; tlu ,,,, of l(0 Up,,ropriator8,
ing 'ben hinds Ulll Ul)l ,,, ,u,mcit- 0fthe
Diaiu.ig. hay not Motived d.Udies or iuantity first ran
iiiu.h itllention in this t0ttiOB)irougfa them, is tho measure
and the cllccis oi ine m'K'". mm limit ol the right or the
are notleablt lb many places appropnators. While the iUuu-
l ii. lei -the propoaaa sysvem hi i tily to which tho appropnators
lands will be .Iruincl and many ,)(, t.lltitil.( ttw. ,., nocess-
acres of land, now practically
.ill .' en, 111 I lie earreinir eiiiuir.
worlhle-s, will be reclaimed
a .;..., held ai Nvssa ly ni tl,w ,,,tch- tho caeity
Tuesday and a com.,,, ite. thereof is essentially the utmost
appointed to . ..nier with Wt ItnllO ol such rights.
Power Sites I
Along tho Snuko River
In this Section and
Other States
The Interior depai tni.nt has
notilied the land oi the
withdrawal of lands ftloog the
Snake river, in the states ..i Or
egon, Idaho and Wa-hington.
The land n. ir HuntingtO, eiu
brOOtd in the withdrawal is
township l" SOttMi 1" tool and
townships 1 8, I 1 and I." south,
These an to be hi Id as pos
slide pow. i . I' s, and is in line
w l th tho policy of the depart
ment recently inaugurated.
I .a tiiande bai now secured
one of the boat stippli. s of water
in tho slate No doubt the
'empty lot owners will point out
tftil advuntage to prospective
buyers und give them the bOftfa
tils resulting without ruising
prices uny.
Kev lloinaii Principal
Speaker 500
The services at the Melhodi-t
Church lu-t Suildojf dedicating
the ehiit.h l re highly lUOOt
ful in avory oa)
Tl,,- s. rmoil ui the morning
was deliver- d by lb-v. Hon, an,
Ol Salem Hi- UlOUIt was the
uplifting lullUl nee ol oblW 001
It was a Itirrillg addi-
Tbt sun, ..i WOa a-ai raaliaad
towaid th.- oburob lodabtedn
gUOOgb 10 wipe out all bill! and
,, funds to have the Imild
ng paint, d
Jn tho evening Hav. CJIlli-
lun.l, Ol LoUrtnde, preached.
A ttetl iii itvau was taken in
to the church.
On Sunday 0 l Ibt meuihei-
,,i the Btttora lai ad Mi
will attend the "
S MILS l W 1 .U"W I I.
I oN I -I ION.
Ogdeu, t'tuh, January, 0, '. s.
19)0. Itodueod rati ia Oragou
Bbort Lint Tickalt i n
frora i tab stations, Januar) '.
,;, V and -tli. I'lom all Otbl i
pOiutt, Jai. inns I, "', and fl, IW10
A.-k agi nla foi rab and othei
In the old dt i liuding ball
in tho bllttel w III I bod, alt. i
all boaauaa jrog usually knoo
wheie the ban I aim iiuui, but in
these doj I '" ''' :" pbouy
curls und paid (oi Irtttta, such
i diacovory not limitUas terroia.
For the Schools.
On th. 18th instant, the
counts uiu , liitelnlelit dis
patched thirty "lie packages of
library hooks, worth $'.VM, to
the sai mils suherbaii districts.
Since the school clerks know
the numbers of their district!;
ami since it will be much to
their advantego to toll at their
i. pi. Use stations for the books
sent them, we need only to my
that the pa kagos mentioned
j an I'U the following school
.1:1, i. Is 1, g, It, l,f, t,, 10, 11,
IS, 18, IR, i, "27, 2M, 2U, M,
34, 88, ii, 48, 18,44, 1", 48, 17,
is, in, BO, 59, 58, und 54,
Koportt bavt been received
from mails all the school dis
til i- n course, until all ure
received, it will not be known
.It vs hut the increase bus
In en during th. year.
'1 h .unity supuriutendont
sad I) recordt the pussing of
l. Iliiilah Chester, of the
Wain n (ho.)l, and Minnie
Main lidwurds, of the Nyssa
school, notice oi fOOta demise
bt alraady boon published.
1 1,. . vara good laoohoit, Hoth
had been chosen to sucoed
tlmmaalvtt in tbalr respective
schools, in w huh they had
made . us iahle r olds. Hy ex
.uiplaiy llvaa, earnest, cupuble
win k in teaching, uml u genu
ine human .-yinsuthy with their
VOrk and workers, these de
Voted women liuve writtwii their
names in ii. el'tuceuble characters
Upon lb. limits uml lives of
pupils ami patrons' Ue.puies in pace' Mrs. 1'rof. Puvis,
i.a.hei of the piiuiury denurt
nunt at Nyaaa is ulso down
will, ts phold User hut ut lust
retort! is improving