The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 03, 1909, Image 1

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Don't Forget That We Do
all kinds of Printing at
the Argus Office.
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County
AtlVtlftt 3OST I
VJV Jlrl JW'XPa For Onfario and Malhfiur
111 County. I
Important Matters Are to Be
Disciuissedie-"" ji Jnie jLve
Stock ShoWo
The ollicisil bafl for Um tliinl
annual convention of Mm Mai-heur-llnrm
y Counties Wsjol
(Irowors Association, to DO bald
in Ontario on Dooombof l. hi
b-on r-oiit out bjf BiWOOd L
Clark, secretary of Lb iisxocin
lion. Tne cull states Unit the citi-
PMN of Ontario km preparing to
treat thoin royally nuil urges nil
to be present.
Interest iu Un w Ung l
growing ami the i nl i SStlOtH aic
that tho meeting will bt the
most representative ever held I y
tho association.
:im-k McKmuM.
Anyono who ban ever met
Mr. Mclvuight know he is al
ways good for story, ami he ir
naturally n great favorite with
the newspaper boys.
Mr. McKnighl was in the t lit)
the first of the week to eoiiMilt
with the committees having in
eharu'i) the meeting of the wool
growers to ho held iu Ontario on
Dec. l.r, and DO bod many valu
able suggestions to offer.
I In wan qttttt eniiiii-dunie
ovor tlio stoek show feature lo
be held at that lime, and said it
ahould le made a iH.rmunciit.
one, im nothing could promote
ihe welfuio Ol stock growers
more than the holding of fairs
where the different animals
eould bo shown and inspect, d,
the gool points thus brought
out and a geneial upbuilding of
the herd is sine lo follow.
The sheep Industry is his
strong sun, and he stated that
Malheur eounty stands first as a
sheep county, having ah. ml
Local News.
Use Wilson tfc Duffy's Rational
Cold Cure.
Mr and Mrs. J. II. Forth, of
Pendleton, are r letting their
daughter Mrs J. E. Sharp.
Would it not he go d thing
to have signs placed at the cor
ners giving tho names of the
streets, for the guidance ol the
visitor and rOfldtnUT
The great prescription No. 1,
for coughs, at Wilson-Puffy
Drug Do.
Married Al Woisor, Thanks.
giving day, Bert Wuiin to Miss
Juiu.n Morrow. Both young
people are well known in On
tario and the usual congratula
tions are extended for a pros
perous married life.
Rider Bros & Lumpkin's dis
play advertisement appears on
the second page of this issuo.
Read it.
Mrs. Sarah McCarthy left for
her home in Nebraska on Vd
netduy after a delightlul visit
with her daughters, Mrs. Ward
Cutiiield and Mrs. John Lund
inghuiH. Henry Bier had tho old cream
ory building on Mala stud,
moved to his property in the
northern pail of the city and
will use the aauie for a barn.
A woman iu Nam pa, Idaho,
left her husband because be
threw eggs at her. That would
be ge;ng touie where hen. fruit
is worth 40 cents a dozen. But
Ontario hiisbutids don't throw
eggs tuey Ulirow bricks.
1480,000 houtl, Ami Hartley about
half as many, making !7r,000
head in this district, and this
tJotl not take into account the
many thousand head driven in
to these counties from Idaho
and Nevada, contrary to the li
cense and quarantine laws.
These sheep averaged about
eight pounds of wool each Ami
the total wool product was over
."i,00(),000 pounds, which sold at
an average price of M conts per
pound, bringing over $1,000,000
to the two counties.
These two counties are unique
in being practically tho only
ones where the ranges arc on the
public domain.
The rale iiiestioti is being
throhud out and a decision is
expected before the meeting.
At present the rule from Port
land is $1.00, while from Onta
rio it is $'2.13 per hundred. This
is mi unjust discrimination and
will probably be righted.
There aro over lf0 wool
growers in the district, and thoy
will be well represented at the
.....,.! 1 ., I,...,.
I.Ue SI, Ml. KI...U
The citizens of Ontario are
meeting witli tli hearty co-operation
of the stockmen of the dis
trict and such well known firms
as the Butterfiehl Live Stock
Company, of Weiser, und Charles
Thebo, of Vale, havo promised
to bring some of their best show
Tho chicken show will he well
worth a visit, many fine birds
will he on exhibition from the
best yards in this section.
Local News.
Jewelry, the ideal Christmas
gift. C. C. Payne curries the
largest and most select in this
Pr. II. T. lloople has left for
New York. Ho will lake a
post-graduate course in surgery
before he again returns to the
A big cut on all men's, ladies',
boys', misses' and children's
shoes. Come and get shod. R.
L. tirillin.
(ieo. Vunderhoof wants a
Hamburg rooster ami wants the
bird at once. Lot him know if
you havo such a fowl, as he has
Ihe pi ice.
The Misses Jessie and Maud
Hicks, who are attending school
here, were summoned to Elko,
New., Tuesday on account of the
thin' orous illness of their father,
Harry Hicks, who is well kuown
iu Ontario.
The K. S. A D. and Keisel
mucins have been leased to the
l.'tuh-lduho Sugar Company for
a period of five years. These
ranches comprise about 2,0U0
ucres, forty acres of which is in
orchard. The land will be used
to ruise boots, alfulfa and grain.
Oregon apples won the grand
pi i.o at the National Apple show
at Spokane iu competition with
apples from all over the United
States. Oregon apples take the
lead in the markets of the world
and the supply is far below the
demand. The soil and climate
of the Snake river vulley is just
right for apples growing.
Water Contracts.
The Kingman colony water
district held a meeting Tuesday
to go over tho preliminaries
necessary to have everything in
shape to form tho district and
will bo in Valo monday to carry
the district organization to a
Buccess. They havo retained
Attorney Hrooke to see that tho
legul part is properly complied
All the dry lands in tho dis
trict have been signed up.
The local committo a still
working to secure signatures
of tho fov who have not signed
up, and are meeting with suc
cess. From all thoy can learn
tho road lands will he signed up
soon as some red tape can uo
unwound. The hinds are owned
in France, but it is thought that
tho New York agents will be
able to sign tho contracts with
out submitting them to tho
Many who aro under some of
the present ditches are realiz
ing that tho drainage feature of
the proposed district organiza
tion is of great importance to
them and will he worth more to
them than the cost of tho water
and drainage under the district
plan. ,
Many will he at Vule Monday.
When a tile factory is estab
lished ut Ontario and tiling
placed in tho market at a reason-
aide price thousands of acres of '
lands in this district will ho
A telephone message was re
ceived Thursday oveniugstuting
that a shooting affray had oc
curred at Jordan Valley in
which Frank Clark wus futally
shot by Lewis Franklin.
From what the Argus can
glean ('lark had been dunking
and talking and when ho suw
Franklin coining from the hotel
dining room to the office, drew
Local News. '
l ' Wilson & Duffy's Rational
Cold Cure.
J. F. Burke has decided to
move to Caldwell.
Three pound cotton huts for
7." cents at It L. Orillith'e.
See ii. A. Candluud's two hig
advertisements iu this issuo.
Pit kind's hand painted, the
world's best, at C. C. Payne's.
A. N. Soliss was in Mountain
Home this week trying a case.
Ladies's suits and dresses '-''
per cent, off at R. L. (Jrillith's.
We have trunks, suit cases
and telescopes on sule here. R.
L. Gritlin.
F. A. Kime, of Westfall, wus
in Ontario Thursday on his way
to Baker City.
Fred Stewart and C. R. Ham
ilton havo gone to Westfall with
some Suffolk stallions.
Hot coffee and sandwiches
served ut the Bakery from 8 u.m.
to H p.m. ouch day.
O. Miller and fumily, of Med
ford, have been in tho city this
week looking up u locution.
The latest in hags, combs, col
lar pins and neck wear received
this week by Ruder Brothers &
Miss May Gruff, of Payette,
wus in Ontario severul days this
week straightening up the books
in the telephone office.
The Artisuns have hud can
vassers in the Held for several
davs and initiated tweuty can
didates on Tuesday evening.
ftlMl ssi SSI iBk SSI as dSBk Asl
raidi dimming Hiuaj ai uuputw miioy.
New Plymouth.
From our Staff Correppondpnt.
A. M. Jordan has moved to
New Plymouth and taken a po
sition with the Hinchliff cheese
factory, taking tho placo vacated
by J. W. Johnson, who has gone
to Alberta, Canada.
PtsstUoaUy '-' whole bench
from Ontario to New Plymouth
is being sot to fruit treos and
berries. Several hundred acres
were set to trees lust season and
many more will be added the
coning season. Tho New Ply
mouth Land Company has or
dered 12,000 trees for spring
planting. They set out 00 acres
this fall.
The new bank building is
tearing completion and will be
a credit to the city.
New Plymouth schools have
215 children enrolled, with
Prof. C. A. Strong as principal,
Miss Ruby Smith sevonth and
eighth grades, Miss May Miller
fifth and sixth, Miss Ethol En
sign third and fourth, Miss
Stefiel first and second ami Miss
Maggie Muion in charge of tho
outsido school.
Range Good.
The showery weather of the
past few weeks has caused a good
growth of grass on the ranges
and u ! v more weeks of this
open weather will onuble the
sheep and cattle men to get
through the winter months with
utile feeding.
his gun and shot at him, the
bullet grazing his chest.
Franklin immediately drew a
gun and shot, tho bullet hitting
Clark in the neck, death ensu
ing in a short time.
Coroner Payne, District At
torney McCulloch and Sheriff
Odell were notified and an auto
engaged for the trip. The cor
oner deputized Robt. vanliilse,
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy Co. for all kinds
of drugs.
Mayor Pogue, ami wife, have
returned from Wisdom, Mont.,
where they visited their daugh
ter, Mrs. Homer L'tley.
J. J. Diess, the real estate
man, this week sold to Mr.
Nichols the Lemon dwelling
and two lots on Virtue street.
The delightful western play
In Wyoming is in Salt Lake
this week. They will be at the
Ontario opera house on the IHh.
The roads in this section are
in good condition for autos,
while in most sections machines
have been laid up for the winter.
O. 11 Elphick, formerly of
Caldwell, bus taken u position
with the Empire Lumber Coin
puny and moved his family hero.
Mrs. Win. Hartley of Weisor
spent Thanksgiving day iu On-
turio, tie guest of her daughter,
Mrs. D. 11. Kerfoot.
R. J. Stone und wife are visit
ing in the city, the guett of Mrs
Stone's mother, Mrs. Henry
Bier. "Jodie" has been located
at Spokane for some time, but is
thinking of ugui.i locating here
T. A. Sullivan
is aguiu in
Ontario registering at the Car-
ter House from Cork, Inland
led is Irish all right, but he
has nevor boon urroMi tbriChxn.
nel or kissed tbt Blarney Stone-
,, , . . . .
He spent Tl duy in
uaaer uy wuii a wiou-unu
bachelor iriends.
Dead Ox Flat. Q A V UU? lf5
The Malheur Irrigation Com
pany aro arranging to mako a
thorough tost of the under How
on the Malheur river above the
bed rock, with a view of supple
menting the natural Mow for
supplying lands on Dead Ox
The Willow Creek system i?
to ho completed in the near
future if satisfactory contracts
can ho made ith tho land
The prosi, . jlicers of the
company are j I. Moss, presi
dent First N, ,,nal Bank of
Payette, C. E. Laimud, presi
dent New Plymouth Land and
Colonization Company of Pay
ette, and Peter Pence, vice pres
ident, with a strong board of di
rectors. The Stock Business
John Robertson dually got
cars and left for Omaha with u
train loud, I tho same day F.
B. Ball shipped cars to Tacoma,
Seattle and Portland.
R. II. DoArmond mude a ship
ment to Portland Mot ay.
Buker Ball i 'eeling an ex
ceptionally line lot of bulls. Mr.
Ball has under consideration s
proposition from Dick DeAr
iiiond for an interest iu the
hulls. Iu case ihe deal goes
through Dick agreos to break
the bulls and work them on tho
Brogun railroad grade. If any
of tho animals refuse to work
they will bo turned over to the
amp butcher.
or isyssa, Attorney Uacon, rep
resenting the district attorney,
and Sheriff Odell started for the
scene of tho trouble at once.
Frank Clurk bus been a resi
dent of that section for about 20
years and wus considered a quiet
man, except when drinking.
Lewis Franklin has been a
resident of the place only a few
mouths and was not drinking.
Telephone to Burns.
The telephouo lino to Burns
was completed on Thursduy lust
and the first messages over the
wires were received by J. R.
Blackahy ami Kd Fraser, who
congratulated tho people of
Burns on the improvement and
predicted it WOUld Hot 1)0 long
before a railroad would connect
these thriving business centers.
Heretofore it wus necessary to
send messages around by Baker
and Prairie cities and the toll
wus so high that little business
was transacted.
The new new line will ce
ment more closely the business
and c.icud life of the two cities.
New Train Service
The O. S. L. announce that a
new train will be placed on the
run between Huntington und
Boise Sunday ami the MOV will
run to Huntington This will
give un oust and wost trail iu
the morning und evening and
be a great improvement in the
The new train will leave Hun
tington ut 7:80 a. in. and return
at 1(46 p. m.
Adjustment of Rates.
Conferences huve recently
been held by the inuuugemeut
of the Portlund stockyurds and
representative stockmen with
the ruilroud ofliciuls looking to
an adjustment of rates. Stock
"'PI'" ""'" . K "'-
er ami regulate shipments, to
k the U)ply e(lUttft(J tb j6.
mad anu- ttVOI(j a conueSK. I
conges.. 1
Colonel Wood! So Designates
Himself in ft Speech
at Portland,
Tho Portland Kvoning Tole
im says that Col. 0, E. 8.
Wood, while defending the rights
ol free speech, which he declares
" menaced by the aotion of the
Spokane authorities toward tho
members of the Socialistic I. W.
W , imprisoned for an alleged
effort to cause a riot. Qualify
ing his advice by advocating
tho use of brains and tho ballot
instead of tho bomb and revol
ver, he urged his hearers to
fight for the Spokane Socialists
and tho principles which they
hold dear.
"Tho streets are primarily for
truffle, says Col. Wood, "but if
traffic is not impeded tho pooplo
hove as much right to talk in
them as to walk in them."
Mr. Roger Athcrton and Miss
Nellie Wann were united in
marriage Thanksgiving day in
The groom is a sou of Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Athorton and is
a young man of sterling worth,
and lh briiU in ..i... ,f Ontario'
sweetest young ladies, Moved
by a large circle of acduain
ta nves.
Tho many friends of the
happy eouplo wish them I m
voyage as they journey through
life us one, and that their puth
of happiness will bo garlanded
with roses of the choicest hue.
Well Known Play-9th
"Iu Wyoming," one of the
finest productions of tho present
duy will be seen here ut the
Opera House Thursday, Decem
ber '.th Porliups not since
"Tho Virginian" bus the stuge
been offered a hero ut once so
human, so manly and so irresis
luble us Mr. Muck's Bob Kick
aids. The glorifiefl cowboy bus
appeared iu fiction and stuge
again ami again with his som
brero und his wiid unties with u
six shoolor. The thing about
Mr. Mack's cowboy that bus up
peuled so forcefully is that he is
real. He is a man. lie does
some things that society does
not sanction as proper, hut his
instincts are sound, his heart is
big, lie is generous and honor
able, ami a man to be trusted
with a woman. He has lived
the Wild, elemental life of Ills
kind, but he knows ami loves
the better SI when ho sees it.
35-Aere Apple Orchard.
E. J. VauCourt is preparing
to set out thirty-five ucres to
winter apples. He has sclccltd
the Rome Beauts , Jonathan ami
winter bunuuu vurieties.
His place is about three miles
west of Ontario.
Mr. VuuCourt believes this
section tun produce as good
apples us tho Rogue und Hood
River vulleys.
NOTION Hilt II 'III. Ii A'lloN.
Depai im. nt ut lli. Ii,'.. :i r,
l'. 8. Liklltl Oln " al iiuri.M, OkvuD,
N'.'.-llll'r, ."., 1YOU.
N'.tk-e i liciel.y given ii, at Arthur
K. !Ms. ol Wtfiwr, Haho, who, un
Dt-t'eiiibur II lUtll. madt) liuiiiinte) en
try N) tilth, Keinil No.olhAl. (or SvVti.
sc :io, T. 1(1 II II K W M . Im
Iilwl notice of lu iuke K.ual
1'ivu Year Proof, lo estalilinli i titn
to the isiat ai- . .i. . i ibad, l . i. f.
I. kuiK. I'. H. ('"UiiuiMii'.iier, ul In of
fice at Ontario. Oregon ..ii tliu l.'tli day
ol January. IS I
Claimant usnieasa Unease:
IWnjaiuiii J ili I Im iiittii, I-rank
I T. ..!...., ....I i ....lull. I. v.... .11
'w " J-N """ '
!' W'j Ftuait, lUgiater
Saying there is always 0 time
when grent reformers stand
alone, he added that he wished
tho pulpits preached freedom
instead of morality, "for there is
no morality except freedom, and
through freedom comes the ele
vation of tho human race." In
closinghis speech Mr. Wood said:
"I work with tho democratic
party because it is nearer my
ideals than othors. Yet that
party would he tho first to deny
to mo the title of democrat. I
don't want it. I am an Anarch
ist. That is iiiv ideal. I hidievn
in the anarchistic theory that
land should be held only by
those who use and possess it,
and so I work with the single
taxers." Public Sale.
W. T. Moody will
lie auction next
sell at pub-
Wednesday, Dec. 8,
Commencing at 10 o'clock sharp
At bis furm '2 miles west and
1 1 in ilcs south of Outario, tho
following described pioperty
1 1 head of work horses, 1 spun
fillies, eotniMft- r. tt-y"uffr-ffM, '
weight 211(H) pounds; 1 span
black mares, M years old, weight
400 pounds; one bay horso, 8
years old, weight 1S00 pounds;
1 sorrel mare, 18 years old.
weight 1100; I grav mare, 6
years old, weight 1000; 1 iron
gray gelding, coming 3 year old,
weight 1100, I bay horse colt,
coming 2 years old; 1 dark gray
filly, coming two yeor old; 1
pair black mure colts. 0 months
old; 1 sorrel filly, 3 years old,
weigiit you pounds; l saddle
pony; 1 Jersey cow, 3 years old:
2 fat hogs; 100 l'lyiuouth Rock
Farm Implements.
Three sets good work harness,
1 single harness nearly new, 2
good saddles und hi idles, I two
seated buggy and 1 single buggy,
buy wagons und onu sulky
plow, 1 Peering mower ueurly
new, 1 buy rake, one two-section
steel burrow, one spring tooth
liurrow, one slip scrap- r 1 large
.n-pii'on iron kettle, I pair
standard scales cunacitv H0U0
pounds, one tent 12x11, I lurgj
watering troughs for cattle.
Ii. .o,. in, ni clouds.
Ono 400 piano almost now,
1 New Home NWiQf machine
yood as new, 1 Now Home Com
fort steel range, and other urli-
clc.i too nun. en. u to mention.
Tkuxis All sums of $10 and
under, vubh, nil sums over 110.
a cretlit will be given of twelv.
months, purchaser giving not
Willi approved security, beurin
i per cent interest 3 percen'
discount for cash on purchui
over S10.
Free Lunch ut noon.
W. T. MOODY, Prop.
Notice ior ruoiicatii.n
Deuarlmeut of the Interior
I nil. -I stale Lau,l ( Mi,,.,, ttt
ions, Oregon, . ut tM
Notice, is hereby K'Vu that Norwood
OWblleof WeiM-r, Idaho ho, on Deo.
;, l!04, made homestead entry No aaV,
Serial Do UlsIS forNKW, aeotiuu SO,
township ISsouth, range 17 eaat, WilU
inetl. meridian, baa tile. I notice ol in
tention to make Klual Five Year 1'roof,
to eetubliab r latin to the land above
ilencriheil, before it I. Kin, V 8 Cum
mlaaiuner, at hi ottos at t intario, Ore
gon, on the I'Jlb day of January, 1010.
Claimant names aa witneaa:
lienjainiu Joseph, JubnOreou. Jasper
Hums, (,'urdella 1) Ka-.t, all of Weiaer.
do3 Wn Kaumk. UeKiaU-r.
Bluo Prints of any Township
in the Rums Land District,
showing names of eitryuieu,
kinds of eutry, dates, etc , und
topography. Trice 1.00. i.
0. Turney, Uurue, Oregon.