The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 26, 1909, Image 4

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''9 "T ".T:', 4- r . . .:
We have the
HII II Ml lift
the Stock is
Til oH
Men's and Boys' OVERCOATS, $3.50 to $20.
Men's and Boys' SUITS, $2.25 to !
OUR MOTTO: Good Clothes Cheap,
It pays to trade with
Alfalfk Mil! uL Uuker.
Tbc Baki r nulls l. ;
night I i I
.nil during which nlmoflt
tone ol alfalfa bed i . cut up
Into a liin- grade of i
Tha mill is Own i ! by .I V
l!u I; I and ii
pletn .i ol ' i'ir the
i,ia binary and fur tl b
ibeel iron bu li I
and tbc hay at. OUsed 1 1
has ii capacity tween 80
n. u 'i iiinn iht .,
Tha inuchl a mill i
l'i t tyi(
made by tha !'..;. I inkaM
Co., tbie being I I mill i I
Local News.
Ontario High Softool 12.
Boiee DO.
That'i all.
lo V. dlllli; bus moved
tbo new paraonage.
1 the li. ol Morembi .
I tin v a nit ilfa 1 1 1 1 1 ;-o, and
tin 1 iaa a itii which tuey cat: !)
raised In this oil nata, how can
no doubt tin pnaaibilitiei
i "iii at tin . lea tin".
into mu ,vs hrino nt fliia Lima ,a'
yi r. We predict that In a law
' OutBale Men's $8.80 yare Ontario will have many
tboee for $8.05 at li. I. Griffin's, ; ' 'acre tracti devoted ex clue-
to till ,. Ami tnc
Dr. ('. c. Urn row, tha Vala
dentitt, wax 11 pi. aeant callar at
tha Ai ii office on Wednaaday.
Ha wae 'ii route Jo linker City
to 'I liankegi k'iataj turkay with
Williama A Dover are re
moilelln ; the 1 ntranco to the
1 will be prospci oua.
Idle Speculator.
"Til-' people ol t 'rogon bava
OUoll Ul l!ie bill land epi
if ' la'"i- 'I here urC tOO IllilllV ol
bill and too fpi I ad out. The
man who invests his Wealth in
Upbuilding 11 commui.ity, 111 ir
ting mid tracts', in uphuild
Ing hit home, is welcome and
more. Itut the speculator who
development) levies
an Ighty tribute on the Incoming
boata of oapitaliati and laborere,
sweats others but never himself,
and dodgea bll just tribute to
the welfare of society at every
tm n such a man in regarded
. 1 "ii -lantly increasing host
I element, to discourage
by any practical means."
lyp" thej i" Eloctrb If aae, giving out-
1 tie aiiuua is leu l tie usual
band cult l il th
log bap city ami adding to the
convi 1 1 the efflea and
t into the 11 where il oporall : room.
CUl in!" ., ....
i nei i - 1st 1 on Oil
1 ' " ... . Mil
' fiv 111 1. 11 1 lfii r 1 niii.M.
oil',. I I :
f.w... ii '- o
a fan
t 11 OUgb a C
th mill . 11 g ma.
1 li 1 !! u bare tbt I i taken
out and i.ii' r, el ii tha pub
vei ii lion ol the ne leavt
th" plant that n I the duet,
t ii mixed with tha
meal and sent u IT 11 through u
spent to a aacki bine
motor of 100 bo e i oarer tup.
; power lor tbo mill.
The grindinj it thor
ough and is btrf due to the
' 1 to which the mill i
faking 2
revolutions pet minute.
Six iiici are in ploy i d win n
the null is run; to Feed it,
and tack the ; lu t. A sov-
entb, Mr. Bowie lookl after tbc
The prodOCl ill largely be
used in Baker City and the
i "iimling tOl OOgfa -olio
of it will be shipped out. it
n tads at $1,00 per hundrd, and
owing to tbc chopped oondltioo
is said to he an admirable feed
, for horses, cattle, hogs, sheep,
land ebiokene, supplying the
in ad of grot " f i l !u th
l form of meed II is (aimed that
the animate g L much mora ou
I triiucut than from the sum -
hulk of hay,
While k Bully, Malheur, and A
Willow projeeta arc b o '
niotid, they nre working OUtl
out W"v
irrigation for D. ad d Kht.i -
Owybi . Xyssa, and Jordan ' WA
Valley. Why shouldn't all f.
these prOJOOtl be built, tin re i
ruOlu I : them id!.
A !,. :i is years old la (baking
our: in the night aehool In
Bpokaj e. lie seoraad aobool,
when a boy, and has l.rcn an
ordioary day's laborer all his
life. Now he sees ,is mistake
and trying to lit himself as a
mocha nioal dranghtaman. Any
hoy who neglects his studies in
early life an I put. in nil tine
gadding and idling about on
tin ti 'ts smoking cigarettes is
going in limi that imsI.ih c is a
serious matter, as he gels older
with neither education nor Of
portnnity to Improve bis condi
tion in lift'.
i ra mm.
Out i a i n i , .iiuc iii late and
ben eV : t . jtiih to 87tli c will sell
men'- bei vy wool 1.78 per suit at
. . Mi ii .- reduction.
inlic-' sweeten, faacinatoi earft, ellk hond-
ken . nufRers.
opening up Cbri tina (loodi By Decora
lo havi on d play one ol tbo Baoet
and n. iuMi Unci of lli'lidav Qoodi to ho
bmI uOn ."ii.
t ii bo i i
a i ill! rat live
i 41 lm;i,.i hi
The Placo to Savo
iilllU, . . o
.-...-- .' ... ". ..
-., 1
- - C
Old King Turk.
TifHInnWlfi'itiTir,:,!,!: ;?fVTIflUflTTf?ITTI1Tt7ffTnfirrf1 ;
j. jr. i )i.
Ontario's Feiiable Real Es
tate Man.
The market price of turkeys
ioii ::ii cent u pound in Tort- :.
land a few d.iv- a"" And yet
many u opla think a is a 1
nig game t, ratso llieni. lo u
li "f the boat Alfalfa and Fruit Land in
County. 00 acrrs f Una fruit land ready to
will be aohl lu an) siie tracte on aaay
term r Ivrw ' !'.,,.;:. bargain.
I ' J OM .'i list ii m nli me.
J. I. DIESd, Ontario, Oregem.
. NOH Hs-r tt -! Itill.lliiu'.
you consider that tbev will do t
well on i.raetically i... .t,.!,. y.:tUIMllillillilllli:tuUl-imiraUUUll!lii:!i!MUiJiUlli:lll.'llliilliliilUilUllUlUil
e m
AT NYSSA, DEC. 6 to 11.
os tut v-Towfuaoo fi '' . jfistnBP Js
I ,. I I..
1 I A '
'S.I , ,
, , . .. Il.lli
l. A
rwso& irv
.: " aJi th a rzpu . ! i noi'
lUi, (tZiCd sino o.rvLLa. J
rm mji.. ii. v
. . ... I ... I.-4 I ..u!.,.
M.I, .... i ,lly litwi lor ,t'o
I l. .,. ,!.,.
,1 p., I
,,..! H'lri
t Ulis. lit) ill I ,11, 11 111. X
M A.I I : -T'I ' RANGES DM less luol; boat inon' wati'r ami hegl it Imttcr;
1)1 iinthiiiL' for ii'tiair.-: l.ivt Hima timM u Iniia' l.ak.. !..tH.r- '
w ...... - -ai
i iff io k. uid five better aAtiafaotioa than any other reugo on
tin' market. If you km-w positively thai the above euiteniente were tnn-,
wouldn't you buy t afajeetla AT ONO I
Come in during Demonstration Week and
we will PBOVE IT TO YOU.
k e W9
O I, , L
1 0
Set ofMaeUe Ware
: "
-ui y
f you will oall at our aturu i ou hemonatation Weeli and
allow in to sii,i ,ou the m. iperior qualitiea 1 tbo
tiicat and Grand ' mao out at tbo regular
price, w" will .: i you PKEI i i . tl and u-.d'ul Souvenir 8etol Ware
illnstiaii l ii. tliis advertii i lo to mateb tho quality
of tlie Maji w ull I Ilea will seethe beauty aud uti
lity of tins- ' which are entirely new and
cannot be h by pun ory liigb price. The prieei
of Majeatio '. i th it l-'KKK with oaoh'
llajeel io Rai lit durii 11 utio.n '. onlj ,
I we
I I . fc. m a-aM a.. m i la a. - aawidaaaaMB4SaMmaiaBai a.i inian i- J Ma aajaaaaaaaaaaa
It baa b i i-e money can buy.
It no ha . la tho boat range made, am
Wll I p till- t you il you v. in let U8,
It is o ted of Malleable iron (material you can't beat) and of
Obi coal iron (material that roaiat nist 800 per cent greater
alec ). riveted 'air-tight. No heat escapee or cold uir
onto 'i ' ' I ry little do per feel work.
Then '' dr alone ia worth the price ol the range over any other
I.-.- 'oir made. It boil- Lfi gallona of watei'j ia heated like a tea
, with i' left-hand lining, and is movable, Me
s.t '.i .: fra io, hence canno 'out. When wuto geta too hot
it t ;.',! be in '. ...
on Hardware
Stt i-tjrs-i tit Oiati'ii-it find sjyA&et