CPtiteii'S & Don't forget That We Do all kinds of Printing at tf0tW. III! BOOST For Ontario and Malheur County. the Argus Office. Argus vmce. ssggjpgfls hi) Representative Newspaper i .alheur County. mi III 1 av VOLUME XIII FACTORIES DESIRE SITE; Woolen Mill and Canning Fac tory Want to Come to Ontarioo The Commercial Club bold 0 meeting Tuenlny ev-nin aid acted on eomo important mat- terg Tho wool growers' meeting to be held hero on the 15th was up for discussion and cnniin t- tees were appointed to look after the , let... Is. TMUI0D WOUIU liko to nuve ill .ilw.,nv ii'lwt .nil iieeoinlllO- datovisitois during the meet- will he invited to attend the ing to notify the secretary of wool growers meeting and meet the club at once. The hotels those interested in tho proposi will not he able to take care of lion. all and the citizens are urged to Another letter from a man assist with their spare room . wishing to establish a cannery It una decided to have a tw" here reccised consideration and A..x, '-- ilie Brat on the L'.lh "" " - Somo Fino Horses Ontario i honored by having somo of tho linest Suffolk horses on exhibition ever imported Two doing prize winners at till Royul show and others equally rlaany. A visit to the Stewart stables will well repay any lover of horso flesh as the line stallion on exhibition there by C R Hamilton and Dr. W. II Baylor, to bo given over to tho WOOl to impress upon him the udvui. growers and the second as a j tuge.i of Ontario for a cannery. stock show and bridge opening. A g 1 cannery here would The matter of having trains ' furnish a steady market for Noa.fi and 0 stop at Ontario' vegetables ami fruits and give was thoroughly discussed and employment to a large number the injustice ami discrimination ol parsOUS. of the Kim Lawn Farm, Lovo- lion, 82059, mark of '1,1 u ... i . ..i . .!...!. ii ..: i i .. c.n: .1..... iHIKl l.OlO , lire no miliie. uiei.. best over seen here. Ti.ey have four StuT.dk si d lions, ull roya'ly bred, and Ml I vin Darling, a standard hi.-l, ritn a mark as a X year-old, oljOioS famous brood mares 2:a7. Tbe following deaciiplion of tho Suffolks will hoof ioUrOSt to breeders and horse men in general: Color: Bright red, chestnut, or sorrel. A star, a little white on the head, or a few silver liuirn no detriment. Head Dig, with broad fore bead. Neck: Deep ill collar, tapering graceiuily towards the betting of tho head. Carcase: Deep round ribhsd from shoulders to Hanks, with graceful SSnlittS i' back, hoii, and hi. id BOOHsrSi wide in front ami behind, and tail well up, with good second thighs. Legs: Should he straight, with I fair sloping pasterns, big knees . ami long clean honks on short cannon hones, free from coaoo , hair. Feet: Having plenty oi with good circular form pn tecting the frog. Walk: Short and true. Trot: Well Imlaiiced all round, with good action. Following is the brooding of tho horses: "Captain Oray," 5-vear old stallion, dum, Daisy, 4366, sired by l'rall's Sutton Swell. This horse weighs , 100 pounds. lie took 6rst nriaj as a yssr old and, later, second prie aa a 8-yeur old at the Suffolk County Stock Show. His full brother captured tirst prize ut tho Royul Stock Show. "Bawdsey Willie," 'J year old 1 1 Stallion. 6616, weight 1,800 mpiuods. Sired by Bawdsey arvester, 307, dam Buwdsey oi tho prosent lorries pointed out. Tbe matter will be taken dp with lb rnilroa.l ollicials iiml tin- railroad eoiinnissioii ami kept iif OD til the Sbjsot is ! accomplished, A Utter was rend from n man who wi.hes to cMmI.1i li woolen I 'li i II.. I !.... .....1 ' earn ii.to. n. urn, m p.. ..... wuihh uiv cuiahh. - " . of stock II. tin eolieein. ii. the iironor sttM will he taken . Muiy, 1010, by PriwSl Wedge wood, 1664. "Sudhourno Neptune," 'J-y.-ui old stallion, 6463. Weight, onejraow roeonuy new ti.erewasa too, Sued bv Sudl.oiirnu fcun-,locilod suciess i ml far superior ibine, 33K4, dam, Mermaid, 1 -'-'. liutiey Valiant," - ye ir did staliiou, :tl7:t, weight 1660, sired by LMruiigh llutlcy Mon- arch, ..li'.', il.im imtiey tun, 1604 'Melvin Marling," aged stub eur inn, mien im .miuia, uwmi Tilania. Inheriting i ero i of llamhletoiiiaii, seven crosses i.l M.imlnino Wlnel', four crosses oi I'llot Jr., ami tho blood ot I are lor sale at reason il pi . He and M llu in The Stock Business Stock sl.ipnunts are held up for cars. Somo have bsoi pro, ni-,. d in a few days but tho trafflO Ol the rOS Is Is so heavy that they simpiv e.innot handle it. Look out lor a coal shortage when the weathar turns cold. Oil Notes. i ho wall at Ontario is uiakinf, good headway, the ground get ting better. Hie j;as pressure is very itfOOg. it is sspOOtsd to have ull the easing in In I few days A.W. Anthony has received his rigs and is huving them s.-t uj lie will do lOine assessment work and prospecting. His ro tary is good for 6000 Isol J. C. Blood, who was among the first to get inn iciietl in the Malheur oil fields has been in th city for several .lays. He is u man Ol many years SBDSrisncI i.i the oil bttOinsu and is con fident that this will proj'o u tsrj extensive lield. He is watching tho dSTSlopSSSnl very closely. (Ai.iioKMA iguunsiom rbj Oiegon Short Lino. Daily for tickets one way viu Portland. Irequent dutes for other routes. See Oregon Short Lino ug.nts for further daiuils. Health is too precious to be tampered with bjf incompetent vendors of drugs. Try the Wilson Duffy Diug Co., for clean drugs, und expert service. Local News. WllsonDuffy Oo. for nil kindt of drags, Closing Out. Sale 8.60 and 18.60 lints for 11,16, at II. L. (JrillinV. m.. : m... a. :. Bclba were visitors to Bolee and Gold well during the week. ('losing Out Sali .' 1 inch woolen foodt, regular price 11.86, fo05c at R. L. OrlfBn'e. U'c lead in wiit'die" V. more watches, wntch cases, an 1 nioveiiients than nt.v other jew eler in this section. 0, 0, 1'ayin , jeweler and optician , The W. 0. T. T. world'stem pernnceday services will he held ((l li(, q h Sunday, at 8:0 p. m. Tb sermon will he preached liv Rev . .diller. Closing Out Sale Men's 660 suits for iUlo; men's 116.00 suit -for 19JM men's 15.00 over- couts for J0..S5 ut K. L. OrilHn's Sylvester S. Mitchell, a fio linist, Of Wei-ir, lih.ho, was in Ontario this week looking over the field with a view to startin;; oUUses in iolin Kiel iiiamioli! instruction. doting Oot Sab Men's I .." and 16.00 underwear for 4 I., (irillln's. Thos. V. Clftgett, ngenl of the Eastern Oregon LsndOo. in this section, is home from his nip in Spokane. He says the u ; ! to the one held u year ugo. The pool and billiard tables at the Pastime are always in good condition. We carry a line oi Brat) slaai candioa, imported ami domestic cigars and lobooooi Come in and soo Ut. Mr. Neunian and wife were li, l!.. ell liurii:;' the Week, tin guests of I; L. (irillin and wife. Mr. Noun. an is a brother of Mrs. (jrillin. Blue Prints of any Township in the Burns Land District, showing names of ontryun n, kinds of entry, dates, etc., ami topography. Price $1.00. J. ('. Tiirney, Burns, Oregon. W. D. Pool met with an ucci dent Wednesday by tho break ing of the reach of his buck He is around but ontswhal crippled up. It lakes oluow grease to pi I suit ol clothes properly. 1 DM a 'JO pound iron. Qivs me a Ball, three doors north of Carter House barber ibOD. Qsttl G nial.t. Sid Knight, in. .vr, urtios ol the peace, ami oitj rsoordsi ShcavilU', Malheur county, OrS goo, is a hosinsei rhdtorto n tario tho baal town on earth. Bid owne valuable property in-t- bere. Mr. and -Mr.-. Flwood L.Clark uro the proud ore of a new baby hoy. Toe yoOUg gautlaman preaantad biov Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clark arc itopping at tin- homo oi lira Qarrar, the nurse. While Vale, Ore, is !,. pOiae of Mr. Clark, Caldwell to bin. ti;e baal town on i ai th, . ad fully expected that a SOrmai ii .dome will be tablisbed in this city. Mr. Ciurk is a hrothor oi K. A. Ciurk, cashier of the Caldwell c ii uci Bank. Caldwell Nee Now und second hand O0dl bought und sold. We call you money. Second door north of Argus ollice. The latest in bags, combs, col lur pins and neck wear received this week hy Radar Brothers A Lumpkin. ONTARIO, OBEUON, FRIDAY. N VI Local Ni wilson- Duffy I ; . . Co. ,i kinds of drugs. Mayor C A. Pogue, and wril loft Monday for . : lot 1. 1 visit tbsir rli ;: ;hter, M i Honor Utley. '. c. Pay no bn vcr amond brIi i tbe patl week. One for 150 fi and an- othsr for 1860.00. Dr. 1 '. i ' fn Portland tin bui Id in rsnt and t . qaaiotani c. 0. Payna ti .;- . a line marbla bat , nil plate ;. bow :ioro t'i his show saSS 0 A. Audi ol Walln Walla, WM il of the wssk It 0 bosinsss in.cr. -ts bere. cleaning, prt in d repair- i.ig done by Qono 'iia.it. I h doors north of Cartsr II horber shop. M. L. Waring, of TuUa, honia, is visiting hi brol ami will probabljf Any physioian that knows th Wii.am-i'. i h a will not tO tl'list hit pat: lioint to us for prt paraUon. II. B. Vahi, of t; n Bun, was a pleasant call; r a: .; uid.iy. v,i i a new arrival from N kota, but I- i tho Snake i iver vul: The f, If, 06. taiks t0 the subscribers of the A.rgu thii . in their bis .i. nil tit, , at l e-, I, Wo young pooplc 'veil known in I tin in, Were 111;. ted in in.il I . The high Qontraoting pai were 0. A Wann aud Miss Pran .oriow. Attsntioil is called to the ad- iflrnsnl ol J.J. D tbU issue, u ho b II e n! . . boaint Proi. J. .1. Dsatjf ' word Sunday that bit tool hud dlad m Indiana. I ' ba the - J Upalhj ,..!. i cm- munity In hi ut. The . on ol thi National Bank and the National appears in an I lusot la ti.i above solid :. liODI bi ale; 1.1 til. th Rsinsmb ! i b pun bat a at ( ' P you ..line 01, .1 or family hoi . . t I of I . fruit bowl, valm 1 at 0. ried In I ivsra- g0, 11 '. C II. all . IS Cad Ontario. n uc- rsble young .. kaehing JO lull; I t D inn h bapp ...... it, who v.: well known i.i i ...taiio, dud i t bii b ' x I'at last Buudi y, of I ife, wbo ring from the : ...o d.i!' sod loanj to gap uiuion im i pi .1 Moi 1 1 his old 1 in Viacom in f i inti r ut. 0l0 il Ladies' . top dl e - -b .!..".0 to 14.00 i at K. li Uril ii.'s. MBEH 80, 1900. v - ;e Entire Ticket Momimiated 1 A TI IMonday, C The nomiuatlng DOni whiob mat in tbe Opera Houn M inday eSSIlin was called to . I... I ... I . ; . " . .1 1 "i ii. i.'co:'iier v .eiiicui, w no i the Objoel ol the meet:.; ..ml called for a chairman, C. E, Balding named to be the unanimous choice of the ting for eboirman and Ef.B el for sscrotary. lairman Balding called a tl lor nayoi and Ai tornv afoQonsgill, in a neat I A W. Trow Inj nomination sabor nomln- atlona being made Mr. Trow dsslarad the nnanimous 1'iioice oi i ting. 0. W. Piatt, til. Iicasiiri i, i, . d the endoriemsnt ol th. 1 ' I I ' For . tin ilie.cn there teamed to b the .-.line unanimity ol opinion and tba following wan oraination: Portb term, J, i: Blaokaby, 0. B New Plymouth. To the Bdito : on, lent havitiL' 1 1 Hiking I r somo days to a trip to New Plymouth and . iclnily lofl ' mtai u on Tueed tj ' alag 6 a. i.i , but on m count "i the ton bla condition ol tbe road - did not arrive i tis's. town until ; .. 30 p. in, i ami daj rprkwd at 'e, Plymouth. The town b . ry nicely i.ul oot and the pae .im I and courteous. ohurobaSi ..... i; ptilt am! od hot. : , pbot li gullorj ,'.... i. ; . -tate cheese flic. . livery und I and II p , doing a big vitli Portland. intr'y, us you approaoh . ii looks line, J) . i. el. .: all.,:..' in ill dirsotio We willl many ol the I rej it' i b. ;i;l' good ti ptiou ol the . rop. The fi ull 1 . ; - tin ry light. l be profited i ; an l me unusu bad the pb i are ol meet I . Burki , who ki I ileiit WOrb lor this section irre ponding for the m . l'l. mOUth and hi : iri , tbe i tion pe 'p.' iuit. '!. D. The Now Bridgo. V ! ... tbe i and making good headway with . p I o i I . . bridge and ., ; bl ipleted by tbi I loi 'he, opening. The no il till! I. a our Idaho neighbor i liuci oinpletion ol the hr; hi $1.60 for ' cents ul K 1. &rM JloAo ,. ' TT'Sl ecember So I yon uiul .lake tiregg. For :' ihorl terra Prank Radar, NomineN were called on for i ii M ,.. . spi'oenus ami a . u. inackaiivi I, among other things, that he believed Ontario was on the ol great development audi Improvement! were needed in tbe lidewalki ami streets, ami ' should he made lor the otei tsol the whole city. '. K. Kenyoa itstod that be WM not a candidate und did not toot the nomination, hut if the peopi,. eicited him he would give them the best sorvico he wan rupuhlo of to upbuild tho citv. 'I'll. othOf nominees were called for bot wars sot present. Th.- n tiring mayor ami 0OOO oil an Dr. J. A. Pogue, muyor; ! Bel Ing, P.W.Allan, D. B Purcell, L. J. Meknrd, and i bold over eouncilim W, Long and .1. H. Farley. Only Fourtcon Loft. The committee having in too liguing up of the andl i i (he High line ditch are meeting with success from a'l OWOSri of dry lands mid have tbe Icnatoras of all hut and these are practically ull i-lcsiilcnts, v 1 1 1 have been ten to md not heard from. I'lo ir holding w HI amount to i' n'li one thousand at 1 1 Nothing bus been heard from be owners of (he roud lamb. It is to he hoped that these few owners will see tho liecos ity oi iiiaiii diato action to lo en e wat. i lor the seusou of I'M! i i I.. Ontario, i white cameo breastpin. Return to ill and receive rowunl. K.-lnri nf tin iilit.ou of the Klrst .' : Rant a) Ontario, in th Biatc i i laaa of baiiien. . '. Ul ... KS. IllUttl $ ' Moored mi.i in ii'.".' it - -."II. . il.Ml .a n . .i hi ui uu on ' H boudi SOO 00 II '"I- 17 SM 1" . . altar. a i.'.i . .ruin natl t.ks III US 17 ad sis 50 approval M : ii,,. IS 08 ..l. - of ..II. bank i , I n: tm ii ', in 'k.-is. mid U e.i ' i. Un VK IM IU :., I. i no as -i -' 111 M Ull olrenlatiou; i i olrenlatiou; i TOTAI t I i .',n nou mi ud i.i 000 on i i I paid ' II ni. i baaa aoSai u t iii i a SO i ' i.tinr natl aial '.I banks uii. I :. .1". Mill-i-.-l I). intd I of (1h- posit II 11 . SI H Toi II...... ft;; i : ur f " I ' i. Klloll, .-a-iiaM ..f ie ,i ' i thai i In- )at d ballaf 1 i: K..N.UN, OuhU ' ttt.Mt . I I'll J l'l,IUA-. ) . in nit- iHjfore tl I I Itiirliriti'.- Notary l'ublio. NUMBKK 48 to tOreaoB.al the oIom of SUattMM Novemls.r lit. imfl n. irMH oum,"'" . Ri loom ii i.oiniH nii.l ,s . i. , , ,1. ,'. , . '" Hiinit.j ma ..-,-, "" ' ' 'oi a uri.i im i" eiiii-d U B bond t i Mean eirou- lilt i. m im TJ8 Im-ikIn Hi.n.lu -,.,-nrtf Iph. its ili'.liiM- bonw, fnrnOnrn mul li -:lnr Ithr rnul . ...,. .... , Da frotn ii :....;,- baaai (not rsstrvs lavnUt). Dni from itati and nrivHte Makaaad baaawa, tmt oompanlM mul tavlan Imtilf-. line from ipprored rmiiiiiji it Mul .ithor euhitomi .N'..(.w ..i utbsr national Imnlfx r. i : ; nai paper earrraej liieke!-. Hint epnts (I 814 09 10 000 00 987 .K) 1 Md .VI J 118 on 84 7VA 18 !3 074 70 17 TtVJ 0t ill M 7(M 00 I.awkci, Monmv KMUT in Bank, 1 1 S,HM-i.. I) , , Irf'(fHl-teillf.r DotM n oeo 00 Redemption fnmi with U. S. 'I (.'.nil. ,.r 14 75U 45 ii I 000 00 3 1 J 00 T..M1 I.IAIIII 1TIKH Capital Htnelc j.u,I n Surplus fund 110 Ofltl 00 t adlvi.le.l iirullts. low. ex- h'iik..h n ml Uxor paid Null. .mil I.Hiik n.iten out- "'Mii.liiir. I'u. o ottfr iiHt iotinl iHtrikn DUI u stale mid private I'links mul Imnl.-i.rs Individual depend ts Hiil.Jeot te aaaafei Demand eertllloaloa of de- pem Tline ivrlllleateii of da- poatl IB 01 HI 00 8 K8H 70 00 000 00 H 301 49 'ti ill 'I US 133 turn gfl 000 00 SO 032 4H t im IN 00 Total Htali'i.riireuoii. ) Conaty of Malbcnr. f m I tit I iiils.iu.ea.hler of tbe abort ' ri l"nk. il.. Holeninly awear that I lie iilxive Hiateineiit in true to the beat Of iny knowledKe aud belief Oat gfenaas, Casassi (ornet Attest; 1 U Mi ok nr, i I.Ai.am. ) Dlraoton. ItilllKMl AMlll.. Silliaorllied au.l awnrn to before ma thin .Hid day of November. lOU l"d W K I... N'oiury I'nhUo for (rgon. siever zigain i "it will ni'vcr opportunity i buy Imvo mi CUT GLASS AND - Hand Painted China for ho little money ugnin ONE-FOURTH off only ut our store. Geo. Candland. I 1 lINO l.ltl i.i. i vi t)nturio, Oregon PHARMACY Is inn- main internal, and wo lo not l'o into ontaitlo lin's. Hollos ws are ahlo to give JfOII I lino stock of DRUGS A N I SKILLED SERVICE. Leafing Prescriptionists Of tho Opunty. DIAMONDS Hi. QrSl (jtiulity ol Diuinoiuls runging in IUMI crom $10 Up. We bare added three Show - to inlji in show yon tho Many New Articles thut wo ure bow daily receiving. Steji in and theae an wo an , oven at this uurly date, put ting prsssnta away lot Xmaa. Que rau taaJ Wotob Htiairinft Keliuhlo (ioods ut Luwebt I'ricea Harry B. Grauel I bl leWSlry und Musical Jlouaa of Ontario, Oregon. Wilson-Duffy Drug Co. ' - x Tl I L