l)M'H( -:-X:;aK-M':v: : a(K... Malheur I I Fall Will Show the Best Line of Merchandise Ever Brought to Ontario this Fall J WE INVITE YOUR ATTENTION. O. L KINO. U S Commiss oner. All kinds of land filing! ami linal jironfs ran ROW, bfl mail' beforo (iilhort I,. Kingl U. S coininiH(tionr. Office in (lulu rio Natinnul Hunk bttildiug, Oui tin in. Ore. Noll. ' lor I'tilillcitlioii. Department nf tlii' Interior '.H. I.miil office at liniii Or g 'M. Oot .1 -1-ta t'o'i. Nittiiw In hereby given Hull .lacks" M Vfiii. .a Wi'ikit, Idaho, who, in Oot, IV II"1!. made h ineateiiil 1'iiti N . WIS, Heril No. t I h ; . for NE' rw. 17. T. I H.. II. II I'.. W, M In ll". I II Ml'.' "f IlltHlllloll to lllllkl' l-.tlH rive Yir Proof, to Ml ibllafa plain i th l-md eboeo lf-rili-.l. Ii i T- (I. I Ki'itf. I'. S. l'oiaiiiil.iii !, hi l.i nfil at (tularin, Oregon, mi the Ulll day n ) w .1 . I mm I 'UllllMIlt tlltliwaas Wl'l"MH't I'erry Harden, of Weier, I 1 ' Hatuitel lllll. of Mni.iiltu t'lcg'i Jewell ll.tvwirtli of kiuaqn'te, r. fxi. JcnVraon iVtWIIOf. "I WOttM Uho. ura Wn Paiiiik. ItegUtcr Notice lor I'ulilniltlotl. l .(iirtuiMill of tin- liilitlor, Cull "t SI. ,es 1. in I t ill hum Oregon Oct. Ii i ' I " " Nitl.i Uk r-l-y gl'. "! Hi II I II '.lias ' K.ilvnl VV.-K'l- I. lllll" Mbo oil N .1 .1 I ml, made hmneate.ld ! ill No .' . tonal No. uik.Ii, for si.'.,, wutlon B loinbip hlaoith, range ' I'lU VVi.l id nu iiinridtan, baa III I notice of ii tautlm. to nitU.' Kin t. Iiv.' V.'tr Pro to natahlleh claim to I !' Inil hIi vi i Ii .!, before ii I. Km;, I' I Cm UIKOOIIrtr, Ht III nltlt" !' ' Ml 'III l.i, ii . foil, on lb Mill tl i ' Ui-'-inl. i , ll it C Hllllat lllle WltllMMM'K Allien It Whit, of Weler. Idaho Ji,w Kliuef.d it, ol V. i -, lila'io o ur M.-rrill, ot V.'ii r li.,li", ,li tut ii W.lloen, of Outer) ' MteJ " ii , i Win Fa 1 1 1! lit - itt'i . NoiKi: 10 nti.iUToKs. la th ('..iiuty t'.'int "i ii. Mall Drag Mi tor ii I ui' ir I'miuiy. In Che iiultt-r ol llit' - 'i I." ii ',', 'IW, denaaae.l. Nunc it hen by g' " 'i"1' ili- hi. dms'gu-nl I 'h'i.Ii. I" l liil.t.l o-inrt, dalf nop dnle I J iUl il of lllrt IMtatP of Loull .olio, l! frill- il All pMMMJM huviiigcliiius agaiaat tin ea'atte of aald ducodcnl .tii' Ii ! ' II i irit .i id rtiiiir. d to praaaul lb) mi "i with ir if r v iiii'h.'ip, within i 'i in mtlit from tlii) iluti' of tliH n.'tii'i i. th aadarabnad rsminirix at h.-r im l.l nniit in-ar WkIUII Malh ur C.ai.ly UrMMi lUU-i th lt ilia' "f .,vi mi. ii.ll 00 l' ill. .1.1 .III" EiMt iitii of t'.ie Ei.iii- .1 l."iii' otto, deceased II, C M .Hti.Hin, Valt- Oii-koii Atti.n.it fur it hi ' hlMMDNs In th't Circuit four! ul tie a'i i Oragoa, tof Malhtn L'onuty A I An'aeiiaKa anil llllnbll i-.-n- ia. ou-parinerad. i - I ll nu r the lit in name ami t At u h.'i Hi- ri.iiiiini VK. C.prlUl i t'llelo I'fo I'" Tj l.ipriiuo I'unlo, deft, lid nit above nil jitd 1 i thu i a M of lh M.Oe i,f i irenon yoa ir bfr by ret ired t.i i ppe.ii- an. I as vwr the 0OBiUIUt hie I Hgailial I "il iu Ilia b iv. en' n'e.l sou i n or U-fore th eiuiratiuii of th" t:u i pretrribad in th" order of pabli.-tti" In i.in to wit tin or bxf re the pnalnm of aix we( (run thrt diii-i.f tba Iral mlli itti ui of thin aniii it i" ainl if ton fail t i a isuer, lor want thereof, plaiulll) will apply to tha Coon it the relief i avod for iii llie oouipluiiit herein, to wn y t a d oree f r !" in.' a uiirtgaga lip i i llir" I nit'iwet lliwrtef "t the No. lllttaat HUt'ler of Section ii Town- bip tl miU'i. IUue i:i i: W M . and the Weal ball of tbe Noi thwi .' ipiar.er of Svetiou ( rownjbip in .mllt. linage i! V W. M in Malheur l onotf, Ota gon. and for Mtok "Uier relief us to tl e CniJt mav aeeiu juai Htid vqaitablc ThU S.UUII1 ;ll l lllii' ill Hir.iant ttausiirder of Hon Ii I Hiobardaoii, Co mil Jud.e of Mulueiir t .nnly.ili dulv ul ide an t eii'.i n il on I Hto- af Is uiudc tbia and Winter Line of Dry Goods and Furnishings. IHr Anxious Trsvclina. A Imvolrr In Uanxiii 1 1 ' I hint tho train ho MtofWi all iaaajMaJ w It h iIiikn iiimI liiinncrx. und nt uvcry stiitloii It iiiiMNod -ii.'.il a ioaiintiy of HolilliTM ami a bund pint In.' thu iintloti ul iiiilhi'Ui. Tlio Inivi'liT imliiil ii linilii'iniiu the iviuon of all thin ci'i'e iimny Tin' IniiUi' a. lowering tilts in. i', rrilliil i iluu'i uilial IiIIIiik you. Hlr-liut la llie Hill, lent coallili'iit'i'. he It nniliT- tpod iImi n mrrhuja '" niH trata inn I u i'Iiuhu'-iI for IiIm iiuiJt'Kly, Hut din innletly. M u inuiler of fact, ou't si't i.rr mi HiIm ttatilwg TteM the plot, Ii. ili hul .iK'ilnKt Ii ) in nmy take effect on thu train, yoa arp, ami our grwrteM .omii'Ibii M III I"' mitril " Tin' 1. 1. il. nil. iii loin luil his rnp nad patited on. mid Hie iraHr. Hiiddeuly 1'iile anil ni.rtou, slari-d front ih.. ulmlotv nuxiottMljr. The rint Patent en Match. Ilrfiiri' is.'!. w licit woman inahlieH with I'lio-phiiliM eie iniiili' In li'linil, pi'n;iii' will- ih'pi'iiih'iit anmi mat ami It'l'l III M'clll'l' II llgbl 'I'll'' lllHl Hll til for a plioHphoiU'4 inn it'll In Hie I nihil HtalM urn lukeli out III IMH li.v A. I I'lilllppH of Hprliiulleltl. Mil I 1. 1 n 'any rMfl ! ! Ii'Iimi'iI Iii am' ilit'lli. hill ht IMA I he III mni'MIHK ami i Iiiuimv old limit I Imim'H wi'ir ui'iit'raily IIhi anliil mill me pri'Helvwl, iil.u miun iKitihi. il tail IomII leu. Out of Hit Lin. Western l(e.alli'.-ill. Wenilell. what v.., Hie m ore today'.' I. It lie It" nil lli.s ltl!l. I ll" lull know', la It not yia.r i.plnli n. 1,'ln le William, that In- ili. ..in ol I lenienl ii.nl AIIiiiiiiih.uh 'nriilslies a nun Ii more leuiililo Ininim lor a lai.ou... i.icory of real Ion than . ill,' ul. il lo .lull ot Alib'Uallnulr i Htraaju 'liil.une. Comptlanl. Irate I'assciimr-1 hellevo you're ill l nit .let- cM'iy (ilnlie In llie roail luh 1 1 W.iil. air. ll tahea u puny i.i."il ilntcr lo hit em ul - It.iNt.iu llel.llll Th Rial Trouble. "W'.iniao's liniiacie .if cookluu la Ibn I, Hie "I III. in I. il life." "No. It m woman s l.iioiaiii'e of her luiinra:ii c of ci.ol.liii,'"- lloalo.i 'JTu.i-M-rlpt. If lllll Hi taut coiitcr. ed more air- ueis than zeal. cloiUelicv or leuiulutf. - V. W. laUr. N.itlie lor I'ulilt iilliui I ' iitn.eiit of the Intel lor. I'. Lund tlllloe, Hnrua, Oregon, N'oVi'lllhel I.', I'.m". Niitlce is h. n by ivn Ibul the Mnle if tlre'oi h."- hie I iii I his t llie- la ap iille.itn.ii Mortal N" lOSUS) lo fell it i mler ll, I provtaiiina of Ibe Act of I 'u ii -. i i, in. ved AngOal -I, IMp, am i -is aineiidalurv tbeiclo. the K '-, NrJ'4 hoo. :il,T IIH,, It, MIK Any HU I all pels HM c'aimilU' a 've all ll.e l.ni'ls ile.ci lhe.l, Ol ilcMrmn I ob; ct boo 'Use n the minora) atawsote of the IiimI. or f a any other raoaoo, ' tie .lisp ,il t" applctiit, i-hould hl their a'tidavit.s o prwioot In this ollici . tia or befoie the evpuatiia of the mil ot pi'.hin-ulioii. Wn Kviiiii.. IIeji-ter. 'irt pu 'ilic.it.o.i N'oveinli i IB, I ami ..it p.i.il.i'iti ui, lie.einh. i ;i laatt Nolltii lor I'ulillt ainni 1 1 -paitmeut if tbe I It ri.ir. U. s Ijiud Otto at Hums, iireou, N'oveiiih r II, HMlll Noti h li irotu L'lteu Ihal 1. 1. a -in "Ii. lilt of V I". I lie. "ll. who oil Cpii 'I 111 1 III lie II. I I! N'".iis .Serial No if i il, t ir n 'a of ii'a aootion It town .liiji IT si uh, ranite 41 i.i-i W.lla tuoita Meridian, has Sled notion u intention an moea Finnl Coiuiuntetloi p -oof , to establish claim to the l.m above desTllMil lie fore It W Mulkcy c muty olara of Malheur county at hi Iti.v. at Vain 1 1 - teoa, 00 the ; nb dai of Dteiuiber. ItyS, t'btiiuaut name a witueBaea: trunk S Vautbau, U-?iiu nin St ulli er , Ueo (ioinliert, Krenh Ward, all of vale, Oregon. ula W vi Kakhk Ki-ki if . AiliiiiuUtruior'a Notice. Iu th oiii.ty l'. n.t of ine state of Oregon for ftlaliinnr Conutjr. In the matter of the (-.'state of Jo seph a Madden doernaad Kotiot) is hereby given t hit tbe un der, gaud bus b en duly appointed by. le i ouutv t olirt "f the Slate of t)re- I M.ilueiir coiintv , aduiliiistra ot J.ph A Madden, baviug claims rehy required Uie i)roH-rlv L at the -X Gladdening Humoriil, Tho financial hunlon winch Mark TimiIii curried oine jean iiuo weluli.'tl mi his mind hciitlly In those tun incnls of ilcspouilcacy there wim one tactful friend Ii" roMM malic Hie hu mnilsi foict his irouliles 'J'hls wn. Ilaa lleanl. I lie arilst who llluslralcil sonic of I'waln'it hooko. "Dan lie. ml llicrc In no Ionic thai inn cipinl the company of n chccrlnl mail." siilil llie Inimnrlsi ,w ho entered the arilsi's hIiiiIIo "All. hilt I h nc sinh ii pleasant mih let to work ii that I am nut In need of oil her man or Ionic for ni.t cheerfulness," reloiieil die nrllitt. "Iloif parilon; It In I that need llie lonlr, mill that Is why I mil here," Miild Twiila forlornly. "Then iillow me to preKcrlho ii tl" e of your own meiliclue " And Mm It whs liamli'd a copy of :u. ImmiU which llciird hail Imcii Hindi tag "I l hank you," rcplhsl the ImmnrlM. "II took llie a year I" cl that lllclll rlne out of niv system, mid I do not prnpoMi to liuhllie II iiu.i In." A illHctmalon of llie hook wim fid low ii hv a hearty illtmer. mid Twuln left his fileml, tairtag rwvlviil the cheer Hi ii he Hivitcil Th Alligator' Tongue. On one occnxlnn wi t.avelltiu alonij the we.l mast ..r f ilea with nil old aklppcr who li.nl known many I mlaaloumlea. but "did not ace Hie I. no j of tbolll," Ill-Imp Taylor Smith was ohllltcd to endure u htrlni; of taiintlnc ijiicatlou, am h n "What wua the good of Npoiill.iB at i;el, r ball'r" ami i ii.ii tun iiiiNMiiin.irii'M know, nay any T At last Hie blNhnp could Ntmul It lin haiKer. Tiiruluir lo Hie -l ipper. be Nam "1 know you me mi . HTt. fan .Mm toll me tho In. ili of an iilllgntor'a tongue?" "t'eilaltily," wim Hip reply, "but It depeiuls on the lenillli of Hie nlllgalor " "Very well, linn; Jii'ii mi tllllgiitor tlftis'ii SjM long, what wmiUI he the length of Ha tongue V" "Three feet." waa Ibe nnswer I 1 1 Ibe I i - It . i . who bad kept ulll gnlors mul walcheil their ways, knew ImIIc.' "It In ct Ideul that you ale an authority on the west const of Africa." he said. "hu. II la also etliletit that Home (N'ople see more In ten mini. tea 1 1, ii ii ol In . a In twenty ye. us lit mo tell you Hint mi alligator baa uo tongue" Declined Ih Job. A writer o I i heap l.tlloii relates a trii k plat etl mi li i ii by a collahoralor III the days when il.iue mneU were luiigi r than they arc now, und tho cuiM'louilloii made It woi Hi while fur two men lo write "tie atory between Iheiii. After his partner had Unladed Hie lii.st tenter or their Initial col-hilaii'-ition It wua luindisl uier Willi the lollowiug iiiinouiii ctuciil "Tbere. I'e just Ihiowii the hero our a lln.usaml foot . I.n mid told tho nailer that nothing could pi event the lad from falling lo death mi the rock below. It ui up to you to Hate tho boy." llie other writer Mi'.id mailing, hut aui down and wrote furiously for mi hour. Then be ijuietly h imlnl the ItianilKcrlpt Imcii A glmico at Hie sis i. ml i liaptir sliowcd the (iiiiuy man that hla friend had i oiupletely ignored the i tints in ta) n.'st lull of the atory. Inlrmlin i il a new set of bar niters mid left Hie lino still hanging "iiT Hie i llff. trail I UB In la' rewind hy hla c real or ,, w ..ik Sun. Poiir Didn't S-v Them. a New i'orS nrtaoaot ircttaMl or driinki'iiuesn who picailiil Ins i i.ao 111 rh.t llie lieloie a ni.il ,1 1 .He got a sell tenet' of mi liimill.a on "Hie la. mill.'' for. as the Judge icmurLcd. hla "jag" waa bad einmli. hut his Mie.ry waa worse ttver in l.omloiia "plain itriiuk" put forth tbia: I've been drinking wine that la liritwu from tin- w I No Ixjiilc rubbikli. but aiarkling una good. But ll got In my head, ao my frnnus ull explain That the wine haa gone back to the wood one again Tbe off union mid the oelebrulion cost In in 10 abilllngs. -New lOTlt lillmne Collty Sentimen.. Lr III. ink. about Iwciily yearn a prufeanor iu a certain college, wua on tbe eie of a nip lo huroic. to be ub- keut two yearn, in pethetta and ratii- Bf hallow lag tones he made hi furu well address to bis claaa: "Yea. 1 am about lo part wltb you. This la mine than distressing to me. Mould (hut there was a window In my breast, my dear boys, that you might I see Ibe iuueruiott recesses of my bear ORP.GON PLASHES. Albany A tlrimiiiT iWn tlic nfi.ti,. i,t I III". r:ir,.,.,l i.nl !..... Mparaii and mi iwlmUtafl u.iiin s, two of tliem involving dealt with two 'lifter cut men, lnrv, mil ei ittcil $18. Pendleton Umatilla Cowrly'i w Ileal livliU wcrr Inn nil utnlrr from lour In Mean Inebei "f snow Sat urday, the hiMvickt (all Ihil dittficl lina experienced at tliii tt-aton o the year in .17 year Kuoiiii .tudgo llarrii in circuit I ill Olllltrio, nii'l MPMMIJ(Sn Hll court grain., I ., , w tml n, lln, Nf(,v j.,,,,,!,,,.,,.,! t tll-ll cue ol Hie male ,l"-vpa I' Matloik, ion "I ! mayor, h.i .'ul with italnlorj offeni 11m liine lor the vcmnl tnul !.., been tit lor lie. i tuber 1 Mosier At a recent meeting ol the Uoel r llo.l.i iiilntal .- . i. t. Iron,,' ii M.luln ns tvi i , . ril I . voting the preaeni ti, and tlte of box wed in packing tpplei tnd enndemning the bill known ii ibe I ... 1 1 . ii i.iii .I, i ir t. .1 iu change tin regulation tat ni boa Marslii.ibl Sin till 0ag has re turned from Aatorta, arilfa Mis Jack l.llerhy, of Empire, wim waa ar- t. I. .1 In i I T t.ibbiii : a hiMiat Altit a pu liiuitiary bearing tba tma r. . IK ! ii i bund id $Snn I" tp p b fort .in Circuit Conrt bag the lell I In mis and the bond vvm Iu. tm -l i -. o a I'm Hand l.m dp Dewar. a I'ort Ian. I young wouiau of good family who rrenied gtwrb talk las. spring In simling a llllinlirr of letteft t" different people signing to them the n.inns nt iiili.r tumuli, was nob. ti .I In tin Prdornl grand jury on a charge nf tending an impropei letter through Ibe mail Danchniei Wnb track laying p-.m in. in . l on Hie M.iriiin.iii r...i. tm tl, . i ' I. ,i I ..I I hi I . -. hut' s I'. in yoa ami the Ori :"ii Vinnk Line (intra, loin working .11 uiglil on thei gr.nl 'ti ti' well bank, a race t" ii del. inline w Iii, li riili.i.i.l hall br tin- nist I., reach Central Oregon ml) nin!.. way. Aatorta i rWhmtal A in. ibe t l.l storage pok.rs ,,t tm, pity in i ivcil man that llieit ex hil it at the I' itKi'iinri eapo it ion , th. international ritbertei ihow In I., i don i aw ardog a gold mi del , ami a diploma Tin- dUplay aeni by tin local nru. included lha rarioui variiiiis ol Columbia River tnlmon, rureil it reral diSTerent proceaaei Albany More lhH I"" boys, up I reoenlini nun) orgnniiationa, nra exp.t.i.l .. a... ml the fourth annual I a , ti be held in l liauy Ni.i'inbii Tj .' ami Js Tin- confercm covert the ttatis u tin- It I I" ili '. . el it belli until r the lUpl I i Isn.n . . the Matt I "in niiii.e 'i tbe Y. uig M.n's Chril tian Ass... i . ttio a I'lu liniii. of tbt I mi t in-- year it In be "The bit t .1 .a a Boy " I'.. nl, ni.! Probably tin wool t'i( nil recognition Ihal the Roe Peatl v., I ot Puritand bet yel bad is tbt w Iii. it hat nisi coma train Ibe Kcd eral Governmenl In t peraonal and at the s ime mm oliicial letter Jam. - Wilton, Secretary "1 Ibe Depart men i n gripiiiiuri . - r. nin Row Plant ing day. which comet no VVaabing ton's birthday, Febmary 22, will without much iii stum have an '.t i . nl repn si in. im of the Depart iu -nl ..( ,:i i ill' i r - here to ;is,i-n ui the ' . i f Ibe '!ay I ion, i Rivi i meeting was held for the pnrpote ol combining iht iiiKgi "w 1 1 s ..ml Prujigrowere' imi'iiis At pri s, nt the two i.ri;iii iaationi are dimine tba format handling lb ippl crop eaclutively ami the laltet th brrris i In rin , tnd Olhef small fruitl It was st iti d at the meeting Ihal the union l.,rry growers have not been receiving at a biuli ion. foi ihatr fruit a, waa received by I boa who told through tin Davidaon 1'ruit Company on account ol heavy operating expense Unutual Luck. "So you've rcnleil that liauiitej bouse which was on your ha mis ao long?' 'Ye; lenleil II lo in. etor. ' ' liitl he lln. I out Us icpulallon''" the tery Hung w la. I, lie lo lake the house' iirprlHing:" ivoulil i.e aui h a comfort si. I.- of ii house where ei cry ulgbt." Haiti Clark's Garage Alli'iiiti'ti is 'alio. 1 to llie ittlv fj. 8. Clark, llie .iiiton.nl. lie Iti lr. id this issue. Mr Clark iMi'iliHls (In- only BjMrBSeO in Miillicni ((iniily ami liaiiillcs tho ccli'liratcil llnirk inail.ini', witli'lv known for ito aironf . ) .nil i In s in all PStptClSi I W also t'oiiiliii'lii an imln l. livci ili'slinnliiiii nl rcasiinalilc priffSO II tiny will gxe Mr. Clark a Call. I Jot ice Notice i tfiven that Mibacriptioru .till be ic. .i il at 1 1 1- ulliic nf llie inih tsi ;in i t niiipaiiv , nt throttfrji lit . let liril) Saviurs pi Trust COM nany, I niatee, I'urtland. rreguMi I In i Mortraj(C ( pit Hill Inil. Is of t'lc I'li.tl.tMil Cc nit ni ( miiuaii) . 'd I'nrtlai.il. lie , ,:t In .i- In.. . s are ymim each; will be shM ju uqi nr fnen aliti. plus ait t mil inlet est A ii'.nn- if hki i cent tiinaiii.il I I. "( ili l '.iii.:ni w .11 be ;iu n v. ill. tile Ink. i- (.inil: tjmi im i.l si'i. k with t.nii $501x00 of bonth Sttlis. 1 i,n his mat alsn be tin ilcicil I l:r Hlfftl tither ul tile fiilluw in; naniiil btllkl nf the City of I'nitlaihl. 1.1 wil : Hans m California Canadian IIakk in CaOMMRiCi I'lUM MP'N l tK 1 1 1111.1..N 1 Swim.s li; A.I I M t.S e. I llliM.'MlN, llallklls ' I. Mm ei' 1 11 uig Dank Mi kCUANT Mai IUNAL Hank I'sill I' STATfl .l Ii i.SAL Ua.NK ' may In Mil rial tlituiii;h ' ur pJfiP NATION A I BANK ". Ontario, Oregon j ONTAHIO NATIONAL HANK.' Ontario, 0isfjii I'lu- folbiwinfli well-known meg arc Hir nil., c.s ami .I., it in. s ,m. more proni i ttockholdert of tin- I'liril.tii'! ( i im nt ( n..iiai, : Avnv Monai, 1'iinJmi. tx-iitH. tv ( nl ul 11,1 u I'ullluH.I Itmrnl (.' , l,IH,l. i ,.. . (., ii ii., fnfea i'ituj ( m nl I u . le.. h. lui" It tVlUiil, llit l'ii ii.l, nl. I'iri . I'mll.il.l lluuilli; Mills lu, I'ulll.lK.I I At I v N nil 1 1 , v. . ...i. M litai HiuH.li Knit.li luml'ii In, I'm if .IIiik'N I I mm . , 1 1 i.u, I'uiilun,! II W miiim, I'm. I MM I'uillun.l 1 I . in. nl I ; . Iiii.lni t laM. A I Mnis, I'n i.l,ml, Inil Suliunul HuHk, I'm tin H. I e I l M l!imi, I'mtltmJ. I III am 1 1 . fn, i.l. nl Huiiill Imrtl IHiHl I H . I'mll.lH.I J, I AlNIWOaiH I'm. I nili.l Sl.ilri u Iiui.,.1 II. nl I'; ll.ill.l V U Cone, lllm), I'oitl.mJ dm I li'. ill si i, k , WaVMfff Lt.mii' llul Ur il I u . I'mlliiil.l I'iii I lliii. I..;i,ii;,i Irlna lift Ih lulllH. I I I I''. I ll. HI. I Wiai Minna, flavor, Parffaaf t ll Is I I inu, I'iri . I u.l.l l.llulf In, I'iiiiiiii.i l'. ' t Smi.ii. I'iri , llihfim.i Sm oso Hank I'm .'.,.. w finnann. I'm. It'. .1. Oarean t'.. I'mll.ui.l y. I ItUMttaOn, llmlmaH k 7'A,ia, llaiik.ii. I'uillaii.l Iim Sirimaann. Ifaaagir. Partlaad uihihmiiiiI I lull I'uillan.l T VV sunns, il,,. Kmg rVatate i i . i I., ,i a i k .in ay Jons t liiiia, n I.buh.i Stulr nl I lull. Sail I air I i) Joiik I'im.kh, laihiti. Inil Vuiuai I Ull Ilk, II, tin Oaona SoMNIV, I ur I'm, Durrt Sav- ',' Hunk. Sail ! uki ( It ('. I lo mm, I'iri , Snuthiuril.iii I'mllaiJ (.run nl lu, I ui Inirlri ( Hllilt, liiiinr, Y.iuhi liniiri Haul: k Trust (' Sail I ukr I lit I lull l.luliu Sur.u TtkM H I'lnm, fV Co Sul' luk' '"" A document Kium; full pgrticu lars concerning the I'mtluml Ce mini Comfian) ami il bondt will be mailed or mg) behad upon gpplica- tinti to llie PORTLAND I Ml XT CO., 607 (nf) l.tlinla urn 11s liiiiMiiic; 1'urtlaiul, ( rega nk Kllt'.si NATIONAL HANK, 1 ini.irin, Oregou ONTAUIO NATIONAL HANK, Ootario, Oregou- Mercantile Company. E. A FKASEK, . ;MSSSSMSMSQS99SSSMSSS( I The Conservative Banker III inakin;' loans Intltl kbna In a 11 r- iniiiiy il.ai Ins n.. In Mm . or aureliM sri rogpoiiniltlc nml worlliy "I rrfdtt, l.ikfwisc, 1 in. I'ltniciii depositor 'linl.lil know llie il'iirai Icr 1.1 ! the sliiinl- Ing ot the I .ink gritli nrhleli he rlenln, 'I he huaineni t' illation ol ouf ili rortor nml tin ixHrirneegnd nhility of mi r oilii 1 m with a record ol years' ol sac eegsfol I'liim-s, uflh'ieiil RUnrnnttej I lilt I I In- i nti 1 -I ot' t , i iv ili .,.-1 In 1 will ho iiirt'l'till; pii'li 1 li il. First National Bank ONTAItIO, 0RK00N, STATE DEPOSITOR. &B aVV,VaaAVVSVvSvVl I I ' .... j Dollar a For Bull Beef Is Ami no lakure, Tin- i riri- i- offi roil for si)" old lnll, I'til ur I. im, Ihal run l.r.iik through nil Ainrii fiui I'riu'f properly ooiistruutoil Wn don'l need tbe In lis, Inn will i.iki' tl,. in hi tin- iiltov price sud under t hi iditionn un I Vi li.i- :t hig ntook of American r'vnoc I'mii nmku a mietske tnd Inks il"' Is i n I ili it "look jti'i 'ii . It," inil huy tin- Old lllll.ll.!. I'..) -hull" ,11 l.l II"' I, 'III A I,., Hi .n, KoucOi im' -uh iioi'iii in ( lntgriii Malheur Mercantile Co. atem. afbV 'ztzks lTti r.:: Ontario Livery Barn. I i:i p BTEW AICT Prop, I Un ! I,i i TV Till ii, ml in M. ill, i in I "Ulll V. . ii'iul ( in T.I. ill 1. 1 I l:l II - i ui Mi.d. . in ,. i orrtil Room for AH VVu uti i- in iim 1 1. i'if ni iv iicliti r k.e O.NT JCIOO Zi : - " kafekkafcak.takat tt tf tttttt-ttttOBfc : ... a WILLIAM! & iiDTiJHEB. Architects and Eno-jneers 0 I 0 0 ft l.i I 11s iim ,y up s pin ) nil. new etOfg huihiillg m live g ill 1 all gpo It 11U1 -I TZ ae tt 111 pin lieu. 00000000000000000000000 0 O JLNT 'JP'TViLIO. (Iiitaiiii i'ITi 1- hi. iiiviliii'-r ii !'l for a Fruit nuuUtiuj factory, s Woolen Mill, 11 I'luui Mill a Scourinn IMsul ami other industries. Informution will be morl cheerfully urniahod by the Outariu Argun or the Uutario ('oininea- eitl Club, Manager Poundg Offered 1 t '..-.. -X.- - ......ii i 1.1 ii:i.,.iN. - fr-J r fri "i -fkkssbni & LtenA K. njl . . ! ( . tt tt & a 0 0 0 0 0 '' I'laii nii'l -.i 1 1 in ,ii hum im reaid. in 1 lor 1 eprttaeiitU' I. a 1,. I an r vi veil vulidivnled NAMI'A ll' !ln Phone .' ".