The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 19, 1909, Image 1

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mm i"
Don't Forget That We Do
all kinds of Printing at
the Argus Office.
For Ontario and Malheur
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County
' :'
Presbyterian Chiuiirch Property
and Farley's Warehouse
Ontario had a Jix llinusai l
,1 dlar lire Ml 'edncday about
p. in. Tiic buildings owned
by the United Presbyterian
eburch iiiid occupied as u ware
house by J. II. Farley and the
meeting room off Mil " h
ware completely destroyed.
It is seldom Ibat Ontario In I
a fire und when OM do occur
it strikes terror l all, tbe ore
on Wednesday evening wna NO
OXOOotioU. Iftntn li UttU time In
laying n lino of hOM and Retting
a stream of water Marled, but
t w lire had gained such bead
way that all effort were directed
0 keep it from spicading and
in this they were successful.
When the eiii intuit of the
do .aitincnl is eOiM doro I he
men certainly did good work.
It was a utility a.iir -nt ll ut
tho do rtrtmi ut ItM I OOU
leclod. No light are provmc.i
at the hose In us ami lime n M
lost in getting llio cart out.
T ic elieinical engine s out of
co ninimion, no suitable p'aOO
ba.'ing been provided wl ere it
woi d be lien from fro1. If the
chemical had been in winking
order the b Hidings could hi ve
been M v hI with si gh'. haf, as
ik. lire win diMOVored before
much ben I way In. d I., oil mudo.
If Mm de u'lmenl had been
provided with a hMM oagOU two
lines of Imsc Mrtlld have I i en
City Elcc io .
The ci y .-hi liuli bfdul d
!or Mo .by, I ...". ber '
A meeting will be hi Id in ihe
Opera HottN M In) W "i
to no ninale ca ilidalee,
Tne eciirug year a III le Ih'
most l'li.'oiluni in Nil il 'l bla
tory and she wi'l nod 'I e best
post '" business adiniuiMi. an n
to guide her.
University Bulletin.
The Un'versit.' ol DrtfO '
ending out tbe October uum
ber nf ihe I' it varsity Itulh-l
oo-tha Oregon High School 1)
bating League.
Tbe bulletin is one of tin
best tbe Unveisily las i sued
and is sent free on rtqOt.
On'ano HiKh D feati
The Ontario Ii gb 1 1 00 oi I
ball team made a pilgi image to
Caldwell last week and met the
liouege wam i. The score
indicated that tbe 'albwell team
taint had all the best o't'u jvhui
ii came to weight and tbe sluslty
aondition of the field uiadt
weight count lor more than
While the boys feel their de
faat keenly they should reinem
bar that they were wholly going
ouUide of their class in tackling
a college eleven. The team ha
boon successful when piMad
asciust high school boy?, only
lettiug one team get a ne with
aem. I
f Ou Thanksgiving Qy tbre
will be a gain htie- with lb"
Boise team and a-. 4,al flevei
is been
luilell mi
good snappy
ig Co. All
laid. About half of the hose
was in use.
A little time spent on the
alarm bell would make it much
more effective
If n special insurance man
should visit Ontario and dis
cover tbe condition ol the de
partment there would he a gen
eral cancelling of policies, be
muse the rates arc based on an
Mil. nut lire lighting equipment.
Ontario has a good crowd of
tire lighters and they should re
ceive more encouragement for
i inn efforts. A small amount
of money judiciously expended
would make tho department
much more effective
N( inly all tho fixtures in the
church room wcro removed. In
the warehouse most of the good
stored on the lower lloor wcr
removed, but nothing was save1
from ih" upper lloor.
Kiv. Morrison staled that the
building! were worth about om
llOUMUd dollars and the chuicl
1'iirriv I f lUI insurance on it.
Mr. Farley climates his los
helwien four and live thousain
loll, ii", wilh one thousand in
Rev. Monison could not stal
vhat Ihe church would doahou
ubuilding at once, the plan
rare to erect a church buildinj
ll tho spring and it is barcl;
...-sibli that urrungements wil
mude to huvo work italic
0 it at once
Local News.
Tne Idaho Stale I'ouliry Asso
ciation has daebJod to hold tb
a ihiial sbow the first week In
Nov and second haiul goo.b
bo ighl and sold. We can eav
you money. Second door noil I
of Argus otlice.
Tho thermometer dropped e
F.I degrees above zero one morn
ing this week, which is uiiumi
ally cold for November.
A Nys-a girl has been cngago
even limes since June lot
vhich goes to show that tin
ago brush has at many oppm
Untitles as the seashore.
T ic Boi s of the America i
IvCV illllliili !ia e Isstn "I their IH
mum cineiil of prizes lor essnx
ipou re,,, utionury topics to b
" omj eted for by the pupils ol
the public schools of the state
Good things to eat for Thanks
giving dinner ut Ruder Hros A
bumpkins. Tokay grafts, mus
cit gi'api-, bananas, oranges,
dateyi Jiiain and stuffed, fig
luncy Suiyrnu, lettuce, cauli
ttowerJ celery. All kinds of new
nuts, tc. Telephone 55 black.
The disugreeuble weulher of
tbe pust week interfered some
what with the new buildings
going up around town. The
new home for Rev. Young is
about completed and tho alter
i ions ut tho Methodist church
tronaoiing completion. Ibis
will give tbe church u much
larger auditorium. The brick
balldiugf are going up rapidly
hi iik winl. on the second story
of lb Lao key building being
about completed and tbe walls
of the Mi yor building are Hear
ing completion.
The Stock Business
John llnhcrtson, who looks
after the driving and shipping
of the Ilanley cattle, is in the
city, having brought in about
I SOO cattle, mostly from the old
Frciich-tilcnii ranches. Mr.
Itobcrlson staled this would be
the last drive for the season, and
that it would run tin' total for
the season up to 16,000 head.
The price for the season drive
has averaged about '2." a bead.
They are feeding bill steers at
iIm' Ilanley ranch, that are an
especially lino lot, Ihese will be
ready for market early in the
Maker Mall purchased 900 of
the llanlev cattle ami after feed
ing a short time will ship to
Seattle. The balance of the
Ilanley cattle will be shipped to
Omaha soon as cars can be ob
tained. Maker Mall shipped lifteen ear
loads of cattle to Seattle this
The Chicago and Portland
markets are showing a little
tnoro strength, hut the supply
of prime stuff s.'ems to be slim I.
Dick DoArmond was a both
ness visitor to our eily from
Malheur county during this
week. Times Herald, Mums.
William Ilanley n turned to
his Harney valley rauohof on
Monday In bis big PiercoArroa
ear. Hilly says bis cowboy
driver is aliighl, but needs mar
tingales part of the tune.
Hog Raising Profitable
Have you raised enough hogs
(0 make vour meat lor. 1010?
. I
Has it occurred to you that
neat during 1 1011 has brought
the highest prices for many
The retail price in Ontario at
I'ic present lime is: Mo,
bacon -'lie, side unal 'Jtlc pci
Hogs inn i brought s ;t-lOr
per pound, ou foot, in Chicago
Have you ever figured how
he eastern farmer is getting
. ich raising hogs' When you
buy the eastern cured meat you
pay the expense and a profit In
the farmer, the hog buyer, tin
railroad to the market, the pat
nig house, the railroad to On
tario, the niiik'lcniau, and tb
merchant with whom you deal
.'an any couiitiv sland tin
Main"' Can iiiiv people proopoi
uid pay so high for tin ii meil
0m aero of your land wil!
rod UOt many times more thai
that of the eastorn farm.
The high market value oi
logs is culling down the siipplx
vlule the demand is ever Oil lh
Thanksgiving Dinner
Wbitwoiih A Tonniig en, f
liie Carter House have pupan i.
to serve a ver alaboraU Thanks
giving dinner, and you are cor
dially invited to coin with yoi r
family and enjoy the good thing
provided. The regular price of
50 cents a plate will be charged.
Dinner from 8 to p. in
mkm .
Erosb Oyster
(Jreen Sea Turtle Consomme
Crisp Celery Dill l'ickles
QuaOU Olives
Stuffed Royal Chinook Salmon
Young Turkey Oyster Dressing
Cranberry Sauce
Spring Chicken, Cream (iravy
Prime Ribs of Reef au jus
Sweet Brood Saute, afuibjroonii
Banana Fritters, Vanilla Suine
Shrimp Salad
Mushed 1'otal Si earned l'otato
Caulillower in Cream
Hrown Sweel 1'otutocs
Hot Mince, Orange Cream l'ie
Cream Che. -.
Knglish l'luui Pudding
.ml hi.'
1 Hruudy Sauit
Vanillu Ice Crea
Cafe Noir
Some Oil Gossip
J. M. Mowdon ami (1. I). Smith
of this city aro back from the
Malheur oil field-, where the
spent the Inst month looking
after asM'ssmeiil work on the
holdings of the Maker-Malheui
Oil company. They gave a very
ilatteiiiii! report of oil proper
ties. Democrat, Maker City.
AlonOO Fisher, in charge of
tho Ontario well, met with a
very painful accident ou Friday
last. His assistant struck him
on the right hand with a llodgC
hammer, splitting tho small
linger, ami lacerating the third,
hut fortunately no bones were
broken. lie is carrviiiL' his
hand in a sling but keeps the
work at the well going ahead.
(J. W. Muird, W. A. Kuwait,
Pmnk Murnsidc and John Con
Ian, of I'nion, interested in the
Malheur oil fields were looking
over tho district this wei k and
expressed themselves as well
pleased with the showings at the
various wells.
The work at tho Ontario well
is progressing, and Mr. Ii-hei
expects to have casing in to the
bottOW of the old hole in a few
days. The log of the well imli-
ale that the formation from
the 1010 foot point is solid and
no further cave is expected.
Church Sorviecs
Mi K, i HOW ll.
On Thanksgiving day a union
service ol all the (bun lies of tin
city will bo held in the M. K
church. tev. Young will be in
the pulpit.
Owing lb the delay in n eeiv
ing the chairs, (he dedicat on of
the If, B, church bai boon post
poned and will lake plaee on
December lith or I'.Hh.
The revival ineetingN ut Hie
Methodist chuieh Will he; in
November L'Stll.
Mev Jacob Mussell, of Home,
dale, Idaho, tilled the pulpit at
tho M I'- Chuieh on Sunday
Sunday services Sabbaih
-ehool 10:30 a. in.
1'ieai lung I I :90 a. in and
7 :.'10 p. in.
Bpworth l.eagm :1" p. iii.
Prayor moating tforj Wadnai
day evening.
Buaiueaa mooting, lii-t Mon
lay evening of each month.
J. W. Millet, plisloi.
W. II Alli-on, Mipeiintendeiil
Miuday school.
M w Worriugi I'lesi.biit E-
worth League.
i iim.i;i i. rii'N i room ii
I'leaching 1 1 :80 a. in and
7:.I0 p. in
cin i.-iiiin Biidaavw " p. m.
Sunday -liool 100 a in
Junior F.iuleavor II p. m.
The lei II. ll liy .Vis Caildon,
assisteil by Mr. Hilt, was a line
I heu ill be a soi la I at ll t
bun b Thanksgiving evening
lie ival elints w ill be hc!!
i ginning tall tllO new war
rviTi i' i UKaUYI ROI I "
llilll fin ll.ei iiolue ihe sei
vices will be held in Ihe Mclh
odlst chuieh.
Sabbath school at :90 p. m ,
preaching at 'J -ill p. m.
Rev. Hruce J Oil'fcn, former
ly of Nauipa, has taken obargi
of the Nysna I'resbv tarioil
I'. WTIVI i Ml IK'll
Tlio K'vival services being
conducted bv Itev. J. I. Tickner
will be continued over Sunday
Tbe latest in bags, combs, col
lar pins and DO k wear received
this week by Radii Mrother- ,V
The Argus gives the news.
Von can't "Jill V thai statement.
Kinffmaii Coloov All In Line
And Others Coming
Right Along.
The different Committor hav
ing in charge the Moisc () yhee p sontil interviews were pos
irrigation proposition have been! -il.le tiny Wert had and lb, re
meeting with great mu cess dm '-mi's show (hat a large part of
ing the pasi week. !- land has been signed up.
Ihe Coin district, in Idaho,
has perfected organization and
will hold a meeting on Decem
ber I I, 1000, to elect i.lhier for
the ensuing year. Meetings re.
lenlly held by Iheiii showed a
, uniform sentiment favorable to
tin' Trow hi idge-Niver propool acres have been signed tip, leav
Hon ami they will soon be in ing 15,000 acres to be secure. I
shape to issue bond".
A meeting of landowners Inlonoo
ihe Kingman colony seciion was Nothing has hern heard from
held on Saturday and after thor- Col, Wood ami Mr. MeKlnaie
oughly diaroatlng the dietrlel relative to the rood mode, but l(
organiat i i'r.iture and the new is generally believed that they
contracts to facilitate matters, wul sign up in a few days.
signed Dp or cr 10,000 aerae, all It is imperative that all lands
the land r presented at the meet- should be sigud up at once. Ii
ing, and rommltlOM were up- depends entirely upon Ihe sign-
pointed to leach all the lam- ing of these contracts whether
holders in the oislrict. After a water will be bad for the season
thorough canvass among Ihe dry f l!l or one yeas later When
land owners practically every- ihe land owners consider what
ilnng in tho district has been the yeai's d'-lay means to them
signed up. ni dollon and cents, they will
A coininiltec was apponiled t. have no boaltOttjOJI in fnrtheiing
Ho to ale on Dec her Dili to
1 look after the fornitlioii of ihe
district, when Ihe mailer conies
Up before the eoinily court
In Ontario the committee ha
been untiring in then efforts to
reach all interested persons and
they have boon rory iiicteaaful
in gelling signature! to the eon-
Uioy have had a circular ami
"ntiacis pnnini und whore the
owners are mm reeidoilla, these
Locdl News.
U il-on Duff) fn. for all kinds
if dru
A TonninajMin, of the Carter
HiHiae, lies ndiirned from bh
Unilliei aeat
Ciphiin Tohill and Dr eeks,
repraeeiitini the I . H, A , in in
I" "Ilv .eeenii,.; horses fo, I be
:'. .ill V
'leaning, pie- iugaud repair
ing done . i, id ( 'ouaiil, three
loon north ni Cartel House
boi ber shop.
The Snake river bridge will
be open foi (i.illie Hi a b.ill t tell
Inyi The ..,ie oi ihe formal J
ipcning has not been decided
Any ph i ui it that knows the
Wibon Duffy Drug Co., will not
lieiitate to true! I"" patient's
niedieine to us for pranaration
Mi I.. N. Coo! , ui Mm mi',
Indiana, ll m the eiiv. Mr
Cook la in the mining and real ma open.,
'nam h ofliee here.
It takes elbow en use to prOM
a mil of clothes propei I.V I mo
i n pound iron live me a
cull, three doori north ol Carter
Home barber rbop. OeilO
( 'on. i i.l
Maihem ami 111 me) Count)
Wool IrOWl is Asoeialion will
meet in Ontario ou Deceuihei
16, for the election of otli. i r
and othei buiilieei Of interest
ami benefit to wool grawere,
iood Ilnng- to eat for Thaukb-
giviug dinner at IJ.nlei Itros it
I.ampkiiH. Tokiv Urapee, Mu-
eut Urapee, Bauanat, Omigae,
- l have been mailed to them, where
I'here are some 70,000 00 m
altogether in the two districts
under Ihe dilrh Of this over
10,000 acres are already cov
i red by water rights, the road
i oinnanies own 16,000 acres and
of the balance ncnrlv 80,000
in order that work DO started at
liieir interests as well as thut ol
every other person in the entire
Mr. I row bridge has been
limbing over the district this
week ami expressed himself as
well pleased with the proajfOOQ,
but urged that all the laud be
signed at once so that the work
ran be Marled,
Tbe engineers have iboul
pletcd the work of lunroj
iii Dead Ol Flat.
Dales plain and itufOd, Pigl
fancy Smyrna, l.clluce, Cauli
Bower, Oelerj All kindi of nan
iniK etc. Telephone ."i"i black
The BaiUptOn Music ( 'ol.lpallV
of Roll e has joined the lltt ol
Argue advi iti-i i Rood the,.
aiuiuil in iik lit.
The aumiil InetitUtO of the
Malheur i oiiiil v tcaehe'H wil be
.,., , 1l(:(. Vatf Sell. ...I hlllhliug,
eoinincnciiig Moiid.iN and last
mg (hue daj I
Cherry Circle N" 3u I. Women
ol Womb i ill, w give a dance
in the li 1 1 ii i io opeia Ifnuee nn
Tbonkaglflog night. Stonei'-
"I'liesl I a nl lolll will fur
'""'' ,m' "l"-"' ond manl
"I H p.m.
Di-hii t Attorney, McCnlbw I
liai been attending district eon i
at Canyon Citj ,
Mine l'i ml- oi any Town-hip
in the Burill band Dili ii I,
"bowing names of enttyman,
kinds of enti , dates, etc., and
looogwMo l'i1'" ,,M'
' T'" nc , Hui ns, Iregon.
Jl'. Tallatt and i. W. Mai -
ning, representing the Boln
Slatesinuu, were doing Ontiino
and ii iiiiny this week.
I or Sab Io tons of hay and
l'i tone "i itraw and paituro of
100 acres; will hise pasture up
Ito Mareh l dwelling to live in
for renter: four miles we-t ol
Ontario. Address Fell I'.nik
by, Ontario, Or.
rlia pool and billiard tablaa ot
the Pastime are always in good
condition. We carry a line off I
lii"-l class (audit's, imported and
domestic elgare and tobaccos '
'Come in andjoo oj.
1 Hit Will lll'.l'l'
opportunity to buy
Hand Painted China
lOI" so liltlc money again
ONE-FOURTH off only
at our store
Geo. Candland.
i.i:DiN(i iMtriMiiMi
Ontario, Ironon
Is our main interest, and
wo do tint go Into mitsiilo
lines. Honoo oro aro nblo to
'.'.no yuii I line lloek of
Ltjcu'ing Prosrrljimi.stJr
Of tho County.
Drug Co.
Tin Ural qualitj of Diaoiondi
ranging in liaM
From $10 Up.
WO have added thiee Show
Oaeei to help us -how yu th
Many Nan Ailn I. - (hat wo aio
eon daily receiving.
Step III and lee these v e
ire, even el thie eai Ij date, put-
tine. preeOllU away loi uiai
Que re ii teed Watch Uepairiug.
Keliabh Uoode al Lowell I'ricos
Ihe JeWI ll
ol On
It pftyg To Advertise.
A ii old 'Im I. n .i- i ompl .in mg
Ul a loo-l.l I sill did lint get
proper recognition, Kite aid,
' I hii e hi i ll ;i , jr ,.,H .,0
on this rani h ail i u-on ,,iu 1
lay ju-t i- in.ii. cgg as Ihe old
hen do"-, that lieier ol youn
that every hotly i ilea about
and talk- about al lh tablu
and she gelt .1 greal d ll mtne
credit and I don't eel unv-
I thine.'' "Well", the old rooater
replii 'I " 'i ou don't underitand
tin- bii-in W In n you lay
an gg yOU I' 'I waddle oil
through the alfalfa ami u no-
thing, but wlnn mv sistur dues
aiiyibing, the idvartiON it.
You ll(.,., a ,,,,.,.. ,,i nl."
- -.
1'illow tofif, oordl ltd e
bronleis tilk al K.nlcr liioi s.