$$ $$$$$ Fall Will Show the Best Line of Merchandise Ever Brought to Ontario this Fall t WE INVITE YOUR ATTENTION. I O L KING. U S. Oommissioncr. All kind 11I land liline-.s a in liiittl prooft mm now bg made hufore (Jilhert I.. K uir, I ' . S r ngiinlaaloner, OfHce in Onto rio Nationul Hunk building, Un to 110, Ore. Notice lor Pulillciitlnii. l.iartiii"tit a 1 In. I mi .-nir. I'. S. I .unit Officio Ihirn Orig 'ii. (i.-t ii.'i W IMP, Nntli In hiTfiiy gtroa iii.it Jaobooi M Wi'lib, of Wi'iiiT. I'luli ", uli". "i Out. I.'i. IINI4, lllllll" ll IH"-I.':hI llltf N . -Mill. SnrUI No. HI'.'., r. r SV.'4 8ar. 17. T. 1(1 H.. It. i; T... W. It., Iiii' ItUlt llotilW llf illlOlltillll I" II . I ' I Hilt f"iv Tear I'm if. tu est 1I1I1-I1 i'I.uiii . Ilw I mil hIi.iv' MOFribo I . Ii I ift Q I. King, t'. h. CVwItrtomr. al bli offlei t Ontario. Oregon, on Um 111I1 day ol !).. in Iwr. I'M 1 1 Uimant n lines a wiiii'- .i 1 I'erry Harden, of Wi Iser, Idaho Runnel Illll, of .M",iuti' 1 Irogoii Jewell lUywnrtli. of Muainlto, fii. Mnim Uonnoro, "i Wi It in . Wn I'm:;. . It Igiator Niitlcelur I'lililn-iitloit liiiiirtini'iit of tin' lull nnr, 1 ulted SUtes I.'i 11 I 1 nil''- .11 Hums. OrOajOU -1 1 r M ID) T iltoe I hfrebv nil-en Hist. Thmnis V Kiily. of Welser'. I Uli" wlii "ii Nut il. i:ni. mint i' ln'iiii'Mi'iil ' itrt No ' Hwri.il No. iMH.li, for l 'i '"" township HI m til, l.iin'i' Ii M I III lllllc meridian, has I.I'' I iio'l.' of I -Wuuinn t link" Final live Year I'm I to st stilish i'I.uiii I" Hit Iiii I uIh dstei ll 'I. ts-loie ' I. Kin", I' H I'i'i. missemer, at hu Itliv m iiiiiti io. i -gM, on ill" IHlli .I iv f !'-' I'i . I" ' . C in ii urn t iiiii'"i u- iiii Albert It Willi.- l W Utr Ii'mI": J. Klinefelter, iii VV ii-, ImIo. iii-ir Merrill, of Willi I. lull ; W il li.ni W. Rom, of Ottlarl . . : ill nv i Win 1 . II " Id Ii I N1TI i: T t lU.imoUv In th County C nrl "I l! tola " in. in. for allie u i "ii' 1 i Hi.. in.ttt r ol ll"- .:.- i I 'L .tto, deoutsed. N'tiiv U hereby gl i'ii 'lint 'Ii i " diTH'uiil h m i' ". ' i I tilled oonrt, iluly MijHiini I el Mil I of tin' K.lule "f l."iu- ! i", ! i'im- ' All SVaOM haviinr il I""- i ""' 'b putitf of said iIivimIi ii .ii-- ii ireby a i( load ami ri'ijuin 4 Io in nt the Ml Willi iroMr vourln'o-, imIIUii ll I iii.iiithx from UM il'it'' "' Ii''' 'i"'1' Iha wilanlgnyd muintrli itt burn lilu " neur WuHtlall Mulli ur I'oniii) Omm, UU'd tbln 1st tln. "I N i uih i in' ' l' ll. 01 . i 'I I" Etxc'itrii of tiix K-.I.I'' ! Look oti" itKoxaBit H. C KiKthmn, Vult On-ni'ii AttOTMl for Bl outrix SL'MMdNS Id (h Cireiiii ('mnt al tin- Mata ol Oregou, fur Mitllu-iir liimii A. li Saaoakafa mni tutoi 1 1 Aaow i. aoparl',doiiiii baainM.aiii r the arm imiiu- mi'l iljUl ol kt u k Br is. I'l tiulitU, V. riirin Tiiet" I t,..i.l To CiprUno C'oeto, defrndaut ubovt- named In tbe inline of til,' Sl.it.- ,. Hr. -i yoi are hereby reti i. .1 to apMr am aatvvf tbe plain! Iiii l i (aiual ri n in t'i alwiv-fiinil'-'l nil on or baton the expirali'in of iti- Muie i-r' -cribad III the order of iulilii-rtti. ni herein l" wit On or before lln- eipJratloa "I ril week, from ih data ol UM Ural pabli o-ttion of th-.B aaiainoua and Ifyoafal1 to aaaaraff, for aaal Iheraof, plalntifl will apply t" Ua Conrl fir the reliei prayed for In ibe ootuplalnt beratn, Io- For ad ore f"i -"I ' i:'-' -i UOltfrraM npn the I i ibwi- l naartar of t lie Vorlhe-l .(nut. r of S.itl..n" I'liin Mipal tnt'i, Kauue II K W M and the Weal half "l the Kt nli. -i ."ar er of Seotioti wiTon.ln' "; - u'h. Kane 4i E. W. M in Halheui l ouaty, Or M aod for u li . thei njirf k" to tLt CJo'irt aiav aeeni jas "I tjuilable Thi.Sninm'ns h ' u'i'i- "I wiraaiil to an order of Hon l. - ICi h.nl- n Co'taly J"d.f of Matin ur t' .imtv, Or ex n daly raada and cat radoaOolo. ber K l is n Fit I pnlilitviti'in li; i"l is made tlii 29th d.v of Ootobwi w. H. Brooke, Rioe. Tfeoutpaoa ft Ba km i Attorueis tcir I'laliilifl.. Williams ii Boyer, pn.pi ol the KUctric Ma. . d lira to infoi in the puhhe iliut in the futme a ehunge of program nightly will be given nt thtir i.opulur little tleutii. and Winter Line of Dry Local News. A lii lint "I' X inns ribboM ami lln' iiuiiiilur wiilo Imir rib I Imiii jusi r((',.;vcl at Kmlcr Bros. A l.aiii'kin. W, A. On, innnugor of the TrOJ l.auii'liy Co., of BoIm, was in Ontario iiii week looking over till! Bald and may put in a laundry lure. The Argus an UOOneod lal week tlial a lann- Iry was naodad liere. Did you Ttr M"i inn) oontidoi hoi much free advartiaini Um Argna givaa Ontario? I'. W . siiiiiioJil, who baa a large farm mar Nyswn, wan in Outario "iii'ial days tliiw week Ur. BhaQlald lia luen ihainiu -iiuiie land tliat had hecoine al Kiilitil, and although Hie system in i ii in operation only n the laud is now OOTOTOd frith a lino stand of alfalfa. The dkali wus washed out ol' the -ml Hid the drainage eurricd it off. I In- main drain is a eijuare liux, vIJ, Willi Hie huttoin side open, iml the laterals are uiailo trmii 1x6 hoards. The drain heing lump uli the time the Hume lii.iild last indeliuitely. 'I he " i is nominal, results heing jotisi'iei i d. Ail in in 1st nil or's Nollee. n Hi" i oiinty t i, art of lln- Mhi.- "I ill, lin .i"i.ln nr 'oiini li tf iiiiiiii',- ..I lin- f:-.t Hi- ,if .io- jili A. .M.olili'ii. ,t. , . a i . 1 1 i- brvbj hi'-h linn tin ii.. .. i i.. i i. ii itoly :iiiMimti'il in I" i "Hull I nun .I Hi.- - ... "I ' i : . "Illll , a. Iuiiin-.il. I I Hi.-i .liiti' ' I J"m-i!i A. .Minlili'ii ' I hi , i - 'ii in Kg i'UIIU. ' .! iiiii.'.l . I'll- I'l.t li.l' HillllU l" III' JUi'l" ii Itw riili'l, ul in. ililuool A. V ..i'w, in i iniurio, liu- iii, wit ilili si molitil. Irmii tun il.iu- I.'I.'. 'I . Uato.l li.l.. stl, tluy.,1 N, v.- nli.-r, I i'U i V M ii'"' IK, Viliiiiiiiitr.il r ol tin- i.sti.t.- oi Joi.li A Mmliti-ii, DfOMMd. Uli Bearciltii Soldier.. M.. lieu wanit rn gi ueially wear hair ii Ibail liiiiill-i'i'-i f li is thmiuht t" in- ihcin a martial pgaaraac, gad Uaiai t!t l -s UI i ' Ibh' soltllcis Mere all ;le ! , i.l II compelled tllclll III have fur ii Mini, i.'iii rtaaoa '-. laal !ie ". ut-i It- lull I'll lans" of Asia shtnild ii'.. ii.. in bi ih. a- board aod tile ll.CNl. Fcrti-.n Legations. Tin- grouu i ou hIik'ii ii forvlga kga iiiin. i m bakingliig Hie i "iiiitr.i abOM Bag lli'iils fruia oa Irgntlou rmif. English Sparrowi. It has liivii Mtliuatad Unit if all the '.ncli-li span "Ms la the world were laced one behind Ibe otkor tnay oraald inke a lino I, i 00 biUm I"hk This in ana lb it Ibey woald cln Io tbo earth it tbo Hjuator b' limes. Mahogany. Mahif.'iuiy Is sa..l I" half In-cn llllro iliite.l into Kllglaud bg Sir Walter Ha loigh in l'.'.i", but not to have tone lulu general a-e till lT'.'n. Wc:den Article.. A Herman iirilir pleads for lenvl'ic Winileii alii le-, DUUalStOd tOd lillK'l labed. Ho i ninlaius that lhe an iml . il.'. in ic In-1 in if nl in their nat ural stale, but actually keep better -i lid are more easilj cleaned. The Typical Moro. The typical aloro is norot aaaraaad. He Bghta equally well oa lant "i . ha. k, in his Meet war . MOO and in the orator, for he swiiua like a tlsbaud dives like n peuuulu. Rubies Itubies are gnwa valuable than din iiioiuls and n iv pr.u lically iudestruct iiile, except by Bre. Whllo (law-le.ss i in. 1. 1. d of i fatal may ba wonh roughly about 1100, a porfocl ruby af ih" aoM sTolgnl woald bo worth al least :-''H With Increase of size the dbforcn 0 becomes uiuch roa:er. Hri '-cliorli In China. Ilmin lioals bam li in In use tiy till' lllllll I'H Of 'lllllll fill- Kllllll' llllll- (IitiIn of in in mill liii- In-, mi linproii'il "mi lafgalj n-'-'i i" "' i iiieiiinU llrlng in ih" Okiaaaa tmidn fdnni their nr- IviiI In thr i "initi'i . At Sliiiiiuh.il In I ci' ntlliiliel's .ire mi nril liy III" well to do (hini'se inert hunts iih well ii ly for elKiiers. Spanish Cgnaeripti. Cons, rlpls In Spillli hint'. i'Xeeit III ? I - In I i-iiNex, Io st'l'ii' lliii'i' vi'.ns In I he lli'llve lllllij. Iliree III Ihe llrst IV Mil nnd s:x In Ihe OQOOd reserve. Diff.r.nt New. In S.",!l eipeiiii. olie "I Ihe Hleiilesl -III KisillS of Ills lime, wrote lis folloM. "The t-Hi-n m- f i i.iln In sill'uleiil no eliillmis K n ililineiii n hieh It Is Idle to follow i liiiln.i 'Knife' mill ui In" III Hlltueiv me tun IH'I.I' whleh lire lllunlM liiHeimiilile In Ihe iiiIiiiIn of ':l ill-nil. mill tail oacasMr) aaaotlatloa iiiiinI he i "in tiled." Otrm.n Convict. runt I' I' III Herman i'il-"iis are emu palled i" Menr la. ii i. in i- k- Hiieii lent Inu I In' 1 1 i ill - l'i MMfrUM In unit i thiil they miiy iml l' l'i "unlxeil h) other irlsoiiers. Ao.i In Japrn. The lapaaaao awl hod t eoaatlaa nue iippeiiis ntoai pocutlar to KtikUsli lilein. .No inniter w lull lime In the year Ihe .l.ip.inesr eblM la linm it hither III Mm. the mlihlle of Ihe slimmer or hue In iti-eiiiler. II N nl wii.ih hii 1.1 in bl tine .tear old on the IhI day of January next followlau. Green Tta Sirup. The nut lie ilrliili In Moii'i-i o L creel i ten sirup. Improvised Wedding fling. A Wei.li in In 'ileul'oi'lii l"-l Ihe liiil dim; rinK oa laa waj hi Iho Hilar. TUa lillile linn e.l!.ll I" the iii-iil-li.n. I'llll lag III n li.i.i'l'lii. she In-lit ll Into n rim; nnd Mil" in. nt leil Mild il. Morning Milk. Ifaralaa wll s m'i h baldM fre-her ami fewef vrriiM I ban Iha i" i i. .ii- nilil'i. inilli. lint allgblly weuUer III 1 1 1 .1 III. Fomititnth Ctntary War. In Ihe fiiiiiii-i'iitli ttiiliir.i Ihe KlilUitll hi mi iiiii.it ii mill Inlilii'ii lifter a I..U I, .' 1,1. 1 le hill lit I'll I II ken 111 storm Mil-, in- of the iii'isl (-oiniiioii iki iiiifiiifs of war. Honey. Ilefofe Ihe 1I0.1 m tiy of Wtgtt drlllks Mile cweel.iieil with honey. Olock Itlond. IIIim k Island Is tiieiilylii'e miles oalbarool "f Kowiwrl and twenty miles litiin Moiilauk pmnl 'Ihe near est btad bl l'""il Judilli. lea miles ills (mil. on the ItbodO Islaml COOat. It is ili.iil iv iiilles knlg unit il no point mora lhaa foa mil'-- want, lis aauv line on the map i.- that Of a lllllll. m iht'l'. Capitals of Morocco. Mni-tMi . has throe ' apiiiii-. Foa, Mo- risen and UouallMN. UM r.ishlonisl hiinilkcrcliier drupcr le. of soft uiilslin. la.i- edged, are plnc ul at a point in the back bronchi over Hie shoulilers and down I" the bust, ill. ere they al" . rUeBHsi anil Hit 11 tllcU et Into the belt. The Kii' i I li"es in clutlu-s seem to be drapery OboTO lag waist nutl In-low Hie hips, almost lit the knee- llelwecn the siu.f is aaagtf Iliad, The republic of I'aiiiiuia has nffcrtsl lo the t'liltctl Slates an iiiileinnity of (ri.iKMi for mi attach committed more lhaa law iwaia ago aa lha Datiod States kI ta int i I'iiIuiiiIiI i. ami fs.iMS) Is i.tTcrcil ns liiil.'Uiulli tor the hllllllg "f Roatawala'a Hate Rand of lha Tnit tsi states ateamer Murrain in Pomum In Sepli'inbi i. IU0B, and Ij0O0 f'T mi alls. I, on a sailor of tin I In 11 a In ul llie vim" Hate Tlic nnaii'i will go I" Hie is 'i.i. ii .-s iif iba men cuocerned A -afe Ii, I. !. as been Inveiiletl which i i.n" iihil wllh ihoungradik' nu" lime Ism so that ii tan be i pent d only by Hie wiec of Ihe owner A mouthpiece like that of a telepholie lakes the place of a km b "li lie il'iiir. aial this is plo i nli il nil!i Iba ll-llil stile of ntsille which Ir.n els in a gruOTO I'1 the noiimU ni'ird of i ho phonograph cylinder. I Iff. .re Ihe safe can bo unlocked llie ias-tiord mn-t be spiken iiiin Hie cylinder b the one who iniJe the irii,i.ial record A dalagation ol the Masons of Ontario poi ' ,i Iratei ual viait to the rayetti lodfl Ml Thm-day grauiog. Goods and Furnishings. Why H. D.red. She-How dure .um kisi me, sir? He- I n in n vrcelnrhin. nnd your lips are cherries. Meuueadorfer IU.it ler. A Difforcnoe. ito tins he a oraat "f Inanarl Hln- No. Imt he has some nonseniie Hint he cnlN liitinor "-ItolTiilo New. A Moot Question. Wlirro I. Mulii-I i m.iM tin. li w iml i win, i in anew. It tmetl in l IiimI Imlfiv.iy up, lint linn II Hcpin. n tlinimli Rii.'i. Kiiirini a ami ir inn pteaae, It'. miiim'U iieir rniiMil iiliinit lin Snea Wheir la M ii lie I . wal.t line a fi'tv inert ream no 'Tiuih iiiiii Maaaih her rtlmatoi i.mia. Illlt I mi II 'H 11IIV III Ik.V Tlif alia Muine Knshlnn formcilv I lei IiimI It ii l mutln In lie. I I.- ' MM,. I a iinl.t Inn. 'li . i i itei if. iv .inn. mill a1". Bui. unite lln- m ililii lin. lu Kin'. In . -nil il.Mii i' I Knmv A K""' 'i:-.iii iinn letenl. In me The trulli-'ll. liere It in.e.1 to lie! -Arlhur i Pritt In ruck. Scientific "Mnry K.llen. why Is It you nre nW i''iim sinaihliii your uold oyeuliiHse. nnd ihe Hleel "in--. Klhk on your nose as Ikaafti Lined l here 7" "C'nn'l yini tM why?" "Not iiuh'NM It's u aluti that rli'hi'i nm lleellnu and Ihe pimr .um hnre nlnnys with .um " "Not at nil. Tin re Is iioIIiIiik nlle aorleiil iiln. nt It The reiiMtin Is Just sili'tilllle. It's nil iiuitinelle nllrnetlnu. I hal'a nil."- Neil York Still. Used to Tham. The Plata "ne -Ami weren't you a hit nervous when he iroMiHiil to you? The Pretty line iih. deiir no! I'ro poanls iim-iI to Illlike me nerroiis, but in. I any more.-Kxeliniice. The Trend of Faihion. Those Mho liilloit I lie llelld of flish- loll eatiiiiit fall to nole the uriiduill pnnilua ai'o fa tot of icllniv for day in -ir aid "f ariH'tt fur nrenlna: also Hie Hiibstl'iiiiiiii of pink for wdile net III llie HMklag "I llie llllh- cheuilselle lll.lt I lit n i . I .il I II' the iiflel IIOOII frisk Aid iipi"i"s of Ihe . lie inlselle II In Well I" iinieiiiliel- thill I he seennd ry tin I lower cheiulaetto nf hiffoii mali I la: il Im- of llie frisk Is still i en- iih nil ; lert dei hhil mil anlilk'e lu nit niliii- a leiiabi crinleness In baring iteeolnred fabric eaoatag rtgtd i li In the tine ti'iile nl' pale pink ehrill. l-elle I'm' the llrst time in some tears I 'a Id Win llilil is to in. ike u lour ol the -"Uih, l.elnniui.' al,i III Ihe cliil "f Sep leinli.'l I it-it i im MartHtrgi an Ragllah actor, M ll" llilitlf 11 l,l III "Kl-fj.- Ill's I'ul" lu Iiii. UK" as Hie Iiiin k 'ailler, mil re main In the lulltil Slates this season to continue in the role. Industrial Items. MTagaa are higher la nagtaad lhaa at en her I'i.iii r i lernutny, I'liele are 111 u'l lluily Hie eleelrle fill li.n es in opcrallon lu this uaitiliy i.l llariipe fur sieel pi .slu.-tlon. Innin:: Pms I hero t.iif mil sav, in the li Ihil Slates. Mliich lllllll .r.n tui.'tl ::.i.-.'s'.i..;,;!i,ooii feet ,,f bun I er Mine than IMoihi unrkuien are klllnl III Hi" i tail- of a leal In this n. unify bi at i Ideal . Im lilent to their ist upi- U'.ii. ! in Alt.irnty (',. nrral t'r.mf mil i - returned front Portland) arharo I . lie. lid a ji-tili :i . nt "f tin- l"HK :iiiW , , mini' ' .-. beta ran i in- Half an, I ihl I'.'llan.l Kail-vay, l.igl i , p.'Mi r Company rogardiim ih.- in. i 'im' front tin- Orogoo t'" Mvkl In let ll"- trims ..I lln- meni .I" ipmiy pay p Iho ll,,. -miii of S'olHJV III. ignoUl I dui ' ' l'"!" Maj 21, in I i rn bi i SI, 'MH Tins am. Mi! I I 10 001 if"' "' I lit- in I ll . ..,.. "I ihl 1'ilks ildlllia il i ilrae i',,, I'aiiii : in. i rn boarding and n ling hot! i the til) mil be . ! by the i "1 la miboriiii - i 'dot i" dolor. luiiH- ivbi-tl i '" not the i "inli ti.'iis surrounding ''"' HadooJlt nl,,, I,., am A OinmltlCC .,: Mi family xx ill rxamillO ml" Hi Mil I.l bf,. ,,f .,11 "I, nls In Ilia outside le "I the ilt.riiut"! i. - M nilit-rs of the i.iiiniiitt-i- "i'l i'ii" upon all col li ire women in order lo determine ulieihcr ur ii'.i they are being prop- eiii , -ii.ipt-i "in 'I and cared for An other fm nli) committM io charged tilth investigating the I untary coa dition of student domivilel. SIRES AMD SONS. I'nileivMNhl bffBia to play (he piano at Die aga of llit'ee. rnliureMKiiiin Weeks of Mmsiirhu seltM lieloiius to nt least thirty or.'iial ziitliiliH, sot In I and ulliel'iii r M Ysnye, the llelitlnii ililliihl. loves n pipe lielter than most nlher I lllllll mid Is also phi sh ally one of the sltmiirest in, n In KaTOMJ, .leas Hiefsoii WesleliKiud of ihlrnt" li.' been ii in hiIi. I uem-rnl iiilt ! i Io the Siamese L.-m ilniiit'iit nt ItmiKknli He seliiil two vi'ii as iisslsliuil ml i Iser. I'llmii'i Smli'i'M 1 1. meant iirother of Ihe rn 1 1 1, ill. Miller of um els nf allien tun'. Is a noted esploi'i'i' mid traieler He Is also liei-mnliiL.- a t-nlllli- mtihur, mi ill. IK selenlllli' let Miptilnr iiieouatN llf lllS l'H'll l"S Almost e itars of iiial.u's. ral, I nice, turn nnd "lllulis. neler it lltste ol meal, i I. in i i lobster. Itev Henry S I'liibb. elulu.i i'" e leiirs nlil presl ilenl of the Vegetarian Society of Allierlcn, i 'I'eiit ot riilhldelpllhi. Is hale, In ,i t Ix at. I happy. A tlillii intisliiii ted of .11171 white Inn hit "ml linilhpi I,, has been com pleleil In ThomiiM Ail.liisnti of llauers li'iin. Iml It I imk Ml Atkinson a leal' I" liiill, t' Ihe lollli. which he till lies al .'t.:t. I, Of a ilollnr for eiery liinl llilt k III Ihe llislrumelil AlnbilKsiiilor III, lie hits seen 1,1. lis tun li '. 1,'s, Hi, i Mi lis nail one ! I'. He.. II"! Io liii'iilloti his A II ni'd Ids liniiiii.il t ii ".'ii i 1 1 nl Trinity Hint Oriel colleges. Illfortl. ll Is dullbl iul If any other llilim man wems nil hoiiormy deuree appciitlai.-e etptal Io Hi- h-ariietl iiiiiI sehohiil.i miibiissa ibn's Household Hints. Mllicctl pe'iiillls ivllh linlleil etfit nre Oil client for sainlii lib lllllm:. Cut ulass should be It-it iiHt'tl in simp nils mid then ptillshed wllh miiiviIiisI mid a rhaintils skin I nbleai hut inlliii shrinks In Ihe m i li AllnM an extra In li l" ea. li 'inl in Making U up lo allow for Mils A lien sp.lt'e and fuel sal lln; i klllU lllili-ll , Mill It'll l.t IIII lllllll lllllll i till lallis Hilee its tpliii les. t, III. h mil) In plaeed ii lihlii a single holder, eaffffhaj bill a lagjo inline iiM'lilli; Winn running brass risls Iheoagb Mmiii.it im inn, iml iiii old pjnara nu gat ."ii Hie iml Hun Is lielng 1'iislifl Ikmagh Hie hem I nless tills Is dtille lln in iiii I il is apt to le nr Til. let I. .1 lis i.'i'ii"i.ili lie-in lo wear llrsi ithiie Hie i.i'ils come To riataga the pi.sillmi of the folds Is therefttre lo prolole.: the lile of Hie ilolh II Is anally tlouv by lakutg u few larhaa off one aide ami one end of the cloth and hOtUHltug II lie. lln Collage and School. I Herman Int Iml Ills inmileil itnuit-n to at t is public si pool teai In-is 'I'lieiili Ihe female students lit Ihe t'liiierslt.i nf Iterlln butt' pruinl I In i i f'liiallty with Ihe malf sludfiils b.v belli.- sent iom ii by the mithorllles Us llopelessl.i la.) and bull lent li e I'l'i'lesstir 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Itiinahli publish I es in tlif li'iinie ililii' Mai-stif nf Mil an mi Intofrutlug atallalh'al otudy of elellll'Ullir.l till' It I "ill III Hill) Si llotil I fin In is are Ihe vmrst paid pulill M'liauls lu llnl.i Their pay uietuii from ;i; in p; poatl I daj Miss A ielaiile Suiilli. ll nalile id litM.iie, i.i. has is'i-ii elected i" Iho . h hi nl liinl lifiual It h ill the I'niierslly of a i i I .till I.l Sin- lift llisilie lor I'hl iil'", Mhfl" In-r piilelils I i.M reside, scleral yaaro ago. froai laaaa aha well! Iii Si, uih All li n I" lakO Hie i hulr of liuilhemiitles III the rnilcrslly of .1. 'l.-l in,. -.1 .in . Train ':.:!!:?!: The driving average twenty feel in rlmiuifereuti An elect rn BMgneth! brake of new I.i It-, now iiiinle lu ("iinaiii for iiioun tain mid "Ihil lailtiuis. grlug Ha- rail-. liisieinl of acting "ii lln- ear wiu-fls More than to pof cent of Hie ties Hail have been nn. hast'tl uj the rail reads of the eouutry. according I" Ihti slallsllcM of the I liiltil Si ales forest MI t ll',', fll,' t l,K Seiehly tears ago CblCOgO hud not il i.tl of Ktrcel i ur trie k. while in l'.SiH ll had In Nurture ami elevateil roads . I. ..us miles Multalbtad Ol l's), '.,. ;sno liinl I'm-rt'lm. ,ti-,.r 1 TJUIIHSI i,uitiu.iiiwr " )!, .1.. I I .- Things Theatrical. It Is rumored thai '"hmi H Harris will build a theater In bleaga 1Hilse Drew bus drawn a Kooil purt In Ihe I'lorli l Khoi " Mho Is hat ihiu.. iiici- of John Urea I Malheur rcansile LVJ16 Company. E. A FilASER, h SvVVvVvVSrvVWVVrtVfVKVVVVr tl a ix The Conservative Banker lit making loans must knmv In n fgf. liiinty ihni his applicants oraurftiaa nm i . nil' Ibla and win Ihv nf i n-dit. I.iliwise, the prudent depositor tliouhl KIIOW lite character ami tin slainl ing rn (hr lank with Mrllil h he dials. 'i he hlsie.'s , i iiliil loll iif (HIT di ll i ton iiiiiI the experience and ability of our nllii els wilh a li i-nnl nl m i.ih' nl slle- reaaful buaineaa, is iunleienl Rtiarantoa I hat (he mien -I n i mi ii us 1 1,, will lie im nilh protected. First National Bank ONTAUIO, ORBUON. STATE DEPOSITORY. VWIAVWVf(VIAVVVVVVWiSW8ei A Dollar a Pound For Bull Beef Is Offered Ami im iiiki-i-. Tin- price is offered for any old liiill, i.i i in li'iin, thai ooii lii'i-nl. through an Atntri i-.in Kenoe properly eoimtriictetl, Wu don't nood tin- In Um, Imt will hike i In in ;;i the it hove prion mul iimli i i In-1 1 mhIii nm - i i.i nu il. i have a big stock ut A mil n in Keiioe hnii't make h miatako and take tin- kind i Kit "I. ink- jiixt like it, ' bul bit) tin i ihl lliliiii'le Hull Strong and Ih . Ti 111 Anierioan I'eiici- i- an- uli- llgeilta in UlltliriO, Malheur Mercantile Co. V". &&&&&&&& Zl '"2 V. Ontario Livery Barn. I I.T.I) s' J -- mhi i Li vi i' i 'iiiiniv . ( imiii -ii-nt Ktook 'or All. We i I i' i Iii. i . OM'M.hi f rnzEcioo uiza tcc:ia?i Bend Your Laundry to Froy Steam Laundry HOISK I hiiiH-sl ie I ini-li 1 1 1 and Pat if act ion ' luarantei il c icnit um si: it.uii.i siiop, Aui'lHs i:xciiismi in lileugjo NuM uii.ei I til li and 1 1" th Via 'hi gun Khorl hina and I 'ni'iii I'acifli i"i ( iiitid Hi Land and Ii t igulion KxKMiiion, Nn einhel "1)1 li I'll hi i lulu r I ami International Live Btoek Kxpi'sitmn. Nov. if 7 ill to Da cam bar lmh Itound trip h tnu Out. um, in1. hh. Limit, l"i m her l.itll. ."See BgtUtl Inl 1 Ul - thel p.lltli lllal , Manager XX&X&33fr f CtOC3 I.U Al; I', I'rnp Tin iioutM in M.illii-in ( an- Taken nf Trail Ample t'tirral Uoniu .ii' i in iln Trade nf : (lltl.ON, llxi III sli.li In ( lileiiyo. tiiveinh i I ill 1 1 nnd ITiii i.i 'ii '-"I Bborl J.ina nnd I I.H'li I'UI llid ml I Illll t Stales l.u nd and Irrigation rlgpoaitiou, i -'"iiii in ihci in l.t-i- li li, nt, ,4 Inli t natiunul Live 8tnvk Kxin Himi, Novi mhi i 'JTili in e. i'i Ini't I I'M 1 1 llmil d tl l)i itt. in 1 'III. il I", - lill l.'li.ll, lU'ri'lliln-r ''ih ' ' nyk t.is for further p ii i n ul ira, a lll'Mlll At Ills. Can y ' I Lands. Tn lie iipelii d lul M'ttlt'llicnt at Miili'iiii, Idaho, on Novate her uili under the Kiug Hill I I iisimi 1 1 1 ialinii I'im ip any. Ki .I'ii i 'I i ! it II he made Via OrVgOII Slmil Littg See agents tm aallilig ilatva, rates and fur ili. i pal ii '.ilni l, ... i:.ad the Argua, it a-lls M 1