The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 15, 1909, Image 4

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Don't sleep cold. Remember you spend one
third of your life in bed. Why notenjoy life?
See those nice, warm
We arc showing BLANKER from . t glO gor iili
Wc arc ihowinT COMPORTS from gjjg to g iro gnlr
We have OUTING GOWNS for boyi and -Iris as well m
women and mm, and they are just as cheap as you can makeltliem.
Rev. Larden Meet! Slayer o' ?f-
man Eckhart in Road and .un
J'ugitiv Home.
Queition Will Decide the Complexion
ol the Next Congress and Cam
paign Ifauei in 1912.
Ladies' Gowns -Children's
Men's Gowns
65c to $2.00
35c to 60c
$1 to $1.50
It pays to trade with
23J3 3 J3 J3I 13 J3 sy j cj r O
There's Nothing Mysterious About It.
Some people have wondered why I do the Imlk of
tln HuriioNM business. Not only lure In town lmt for
miles around Surely, there is nothing mysterious admit
it, nothing to wonder ut. The quality mid assortment of
in atoek is re.ison enough lor that. If yon me not a
customer of mine j n t give, me a (rial net time you want
anything ill the Harness and Saddleiyline, no matter
what. See my stock and ;et my pi ices.
1. W. Alld.ii, Ontario, Orogon.
Send Commission to America to 1 5 - y
Warships and Equip New Army.
S.hi l-'rancuci, Oct II Om "t t lie
mix) important commission
Cbina baa m at to the United Itttct
will arrive . tuber 1H mi I li steemei
Siberia The hueinete of th rotnrnla
ion will in- tci iu .ill ill.- shipyards
.Hut tma faetoriea f the United
Stall, with a view In nii i 1 1 . i -1 1 1 n
modern equipment fot Ih Chinese
.nin .nut to contract fur four mil
er Hud M many gunboats at .i nu
cleus fot iu Chlneee ii u
Salem Kev I' Lardta, a Tree
Moth. ..list preacher, of rralinn, eight
rnilr rati of bete, effected the tap
lurr ijf Urorgl Meyers, w lio .ihut l'a
Imliii.ln Thomas Kckhart, in tliu : 1 1
I'riil iv, ' i tuber I.
harden mat MoyM wandering
along ilia road l la Immi rdiately re.
ognited the f-.initive. atopptd Ml
horat i.l inked bin .i fan uucationi
Mcyeri Mid ha NM liunnry anil har
den look litttl home At the supper
.ill" Miviti laid if in' couM Minn1
i i.i. i la, i be iniilil reack Pott
land, he would he able to make his
rsi ape.
'I lie pastor advised Meyer trotig
I.- .1 L.i. It 'ill '.II. i.lilir If I
i , , , ,, i . i i i i .ii expert lo lie a i.Hiilnlate lur any ottice
wmilil In fully, anil Inld linn In- would. '. . . ... ...
bl I iitnni I'M'tltnally and the best
method would he in submit to arrest I
peaceaM) Meyers acquiesced and I
the two drove lo Batten, together audi
entered the iberUTi oasce where,
Meyers told his story
Key Mr harden will receive the
entire 00 reward offered for the
c.ipiuii "i ,Mi era.
rortland, Or., Oct. 12 With the
i;tiiet which beCOtBOl an orderly Sun
day night Welcoming Crowd, inter
rupted only a few timet hy applanae,
Win J. Bryan, accompanied by Mis
Bryan, armed in Portland at H M
O'clock Sunday nlgbl . He tTM greet
eil at the depOl hy a delegation of
prominent Oregon Democrata and an
audience ol orti Hkhi persons, with
a majority of whom he shook hands
"I have ;iid and repeat that while
I will not promise any one that I
never, under any circumstances, will
be a candidate for oflicc again," said
Mr. Hryan, "I do not ilrsire to lie a
candidate for office attain and do not
Governor Names Delegates.
Salem Governor Benton has np
pointed tin following additional dele
i! ids lo Ike annual OOVI nlioii of the
Mississippi to Atlantic Inland Water
w ays iiiation, to bt
tonvini . ' ' i . N'1" lull"-
llenderton, I ! "'d
Woodward, Portland Alto the lot
lowing additional delegates to latai
liry i arming Cowgreta to he held at
1 1. lobel
llilhiii',. Mont
in en H om'. i C Bpringer,
vVatlil W llrown, lli.ler;
Drake, llend
rswswejrppsggrgr-eB agiejiejieaejrejiejaegaBBtw
The QgeaaiBl U'ermuenl will .itk
(or a loan of $I.'.S,(jo,uio m the bt
a-inniiig ..I pii) to coyer dcfinti
Mix t'aiuphcll of Sioilaud won the
woman' u,,lf i huiupioiehip of the
L lilted Statin hy .lilrallllK Mr K
11 II. flow of Mcrion, I 'a
Four liaall Miiiiieapohi hoya found
a i an of powder mi a dump They
poured gasoline over and touched 4
niauli. injuring all four.
Vale unhir.ity's 30P4h )ur agOMd
with a falling oil in the number of
firtliiiii'ii entering and it decrease in
the it mi tlit- r of students in attendance.
Holds thioughotit Kansas are tiot
nig lapully, and unless the provltiOM
ol ilic new lire escape statute are
Overlooked many of the kinallcr
towns will be without hostt-lries.
The New York Legislature League,
( cuiuposed of progreaaive vomatti has
decided by rrsululiou that it is not
iiKuinheiit upon a married woman to
Uie tier koabaod't name
Cholera tlitrateus to hecuuie a seri
out rpideiuii in Seoul, Corea. The
palace of the emperor has been in
nJol and ii,.- hoiiie of the resident
general has not been immune.
Seattle Celebrated the last Sunday
of the AVI. Imposition with an
alleiidame ot ,k),J.S.I, bringing the to
tal attendaine since the fair opened
up to S.SSS.S70
A report is current thai the Stand
ard Oil Compaii) lias pun based nine
of the hading ml propeities of the
Kern Kiyer (CtJ ) oil neldt for more
than $5,000.1100
Mrs Elua Meeker, wife of I'ra
Meeker, who reeenll) retraced the
"Old OeegOa Trail." dud at her home
in I'uyallup. Wash, last week, aged
75 years
Seventeen persons were killed, ten
of them Mexican laborers, and ten
severely injured in a collision between
a rianla It construction train and I
regular freight at Top, k.i, Kansas
An iiiiiuii) has been inaugurated
into the cost to the railroad coin
panics of transporting the mails, for
which the companies receive annually
from the government $50,000,000
lletween J000 and .1000 names were
drowned during a luoiic.oie which
swept oyer tin.- Yucatan coast ami is
lands oil ili. n lection of the Meaicag
mainland Mosl of the u.ims were
poor iitlicuiicn
A rut of 10 per rent in salaries ot
all Chit IgO ofti. lall and I mployrs of
the city from the mayor down, has
been agieed upon hy Mayor Bllsse
and department heads for the next
Mtire than 790,001) prairie dogs have
been killed by J W llolinan, the of
licially recognized United Statis gov
ernment pnoncr of the pests in the appeal lo the Merchants'
Iowa Official Indicted.
nav.-npoit, la , i ii i !' Mayor 1 1
I. Ingliilii,', of Maraballtown, Ins
chief of police and l lit- inni. police
foue have been null. K.I by a lidil il
grand jury for laaprianning govern
mint BJJtata w ho weie s kiiiij evi
dence ag.Hiisi Marshalltiivv ii saloon
Colorado Picking Apples
Canon City. Colo , hi I I Upon
Southwestern slat,, duinig the last
einht moniht
T P nVonnor. M I', will sail
soon for lite United Stan s die re
qucat of John I'. Redmond. Ihe lush
leader, to pl on ill.- political situa
tion to tin- Supporter! of the lush
cause in mrrira and lo appeal for
funds to cany on the struggle for
home rule
every available band is
save Ihe $1,000,000 apple
is threatened witk froei
'. I llioll,
working lo
crop vv In. h
llukini ss ;s
Allri a I arch 'f kit former room
in Boston ami his recent quarter at
Monterey, Cat, Ihe literary raecutoea
if Charles irren Stoddard has dis-
oveiid that the author of the 'South
sea Isl,- I.,, I luitneil all the ni.niu
tcripl of unpubhsheil as well as of
miiji in ii po. 111. ih,- ii.iv before lis
'i. ilk
Woik-men engaged in tearing down
the "Id vv en county i In. 1 i conit
h ' found i g illoii jug ol whiskey
but id m the foundation itonet The
ng was sealed with scaling wax ami
lion- on one aide t discolored paper
lab. I Inscribed "Depoaitcd by Joseph
listilhd iii
Panama Canal CommiHsion Submits
i uinates for A.iproprialions.
Washington, b t II The Panama
Canal Commiaaion bat submitted to
the Secretary of War an rstimatc "f
appropriations aggregating VU16J,
5.M for woik mi the i i hi I ihirin the
liscal . ,,r beginning July 1, I'Mii
The total api'iopiiiiions made bi
Congrcaa up ti this imie on account
oi the i m il is 2iatQ70,16B Colonel
ton ili.i i -., chairman and ehiei engin
eer of the commission, h..s declared
the great araterwa) will be completed
by Janii.iiy I, 191 S, aad ha-, i ' ,
the total coat at M73,ut)tl,000
Negro Must Kespect School Board
MarahAeld The tchool for colored
iml Oriental children, maintained by
tin- MarahAeld acbool board, tut
again Opened, 'hi the lint day thrie
vva oiilv one pupil, a little I'llinur
boy. The negro children had refused
to conic, so the school was closed
The school hoard ha given noli,
ih it tin ncgroe mil! attend . I I
where they are told, and the truant
oil,, , i has been instructed lo prole
cute ihe negro parents
Railroad Tax Increaaed.
I.'oseburg' t'oilllty Assessor Call.
ills has finished the assessment fo
1 1. ui-las county for Ibis year In m
Cordance with the plan agreed upon
h the aaaeaaort ol lha gajtg Ore
gon, the valuation per mile of th
Southern PaciUC roadbed iml the roll,
nig slock has been raisi d this yrar,
thai com pan) being aateited
per mile in this county, a against
Minimi , imkH.
Many Settlera Arrive.
I turns The i lass of letllrrs emu
in.: to Hum. and ohlaining laud
thioiighoiit the count) is the In si
ih it has i eeii attracted in the katarioe
Those who are coining are men and
women of means who are prepared lo
In gin impiovemeiits on a permanent
' lie The new aim, ill an- largely
I'toiil the middle west.
To Heir Klamath's Complaint.
Portland According to the rerlaad
schedule, Ihe aenate Irrigation com
n in. ,-, vv hi, Ii will re a-si inble at
1 1, nver November I, will spend No
viinber lo Inspecting tin- Klamath Ir
rigation project and hslenm lo s, t
lien who have stign, slioiis or com
and hope that no condition will arise
which will make it in a BBOfJf lor me
to consider the question again.
"People differ in opinion as to what
question is of most importance," n
pled Mr llry.m. when asked what he
regarded the po inimnit issue before
tin- Ameiican pi. .pie "I think the
laiill question is the qlletioll win. h
is being mol discussed No one can
see eery far lata the Nttort and it is
never safe to make predictions viv
far ahead a to what issue v.ill he pal
amount in a succeeding campaign. At
the present time il looks as if the lar
iir ..,t..ii. . ....1.1,1 liuv-i tin- moil in
''' U!l'! I I Ihiencr in .hauling the complexion of
'in .' I the next emigre ami Ihe W limi of
Kuer: W. b, I ... . , , .,....,
Iir lit SI liilicii mil opt ij .,...,
mine the Wsues in the campaign of
, ? ''I o'clock Monday aflernomi
a public reeep.'!"il was held, to which
the general public was invited. Mr
llry.m left last night for Seattle,
where today hr gave an address in
roiinei tioii with ihe "Hryan day" ex
ercises at Ihe A.-Y.-P Exposition.
Ji I, have
Crane Indiaoreet In Telling Govern
ment Secret a.
Washington, M I.l Charles R.
Crane, of Chicago, Minis , i to China,
yesterday wa practically .1 posed by
a demand from Sen. toy Knox for
bis resignation
Mr. Crane's unexpected and hith
erto mysterious recall to Washington
by Secretary of War Knox, when he
vva al the point of aaibug from San
I' to assume bis duties In
China, was ociamoned by develop
iiiinis involving the question of Mr
(i Hp's titius for Ihe poal.
The slate dtparlinent had in hand,
it ii s.inl, what il is more or
less convincing evidence thai Minister
Crane, mi Ihe eve of hi departure
for the Par Last, became respoiiihle
for the publication in a Chicago news
paper of what tin department viewed
as a moil indiscreet dtactuaiou of the
attitude '' ihe United Stales Inward
two treaties rcccutlv negotiated be
tween China and Japan.
i N 1
..ti in-1 jj iai
IM.i M. , sasw
Eleven hundred ninnu
faoturcrs sampIegarmeBts
in Overcoats puFcriased by
us at ourjiwiinriype, worth
$15, $fs,20an5 125, on
sale at
$11.50, $22:60, &
The greatest values ever
shown, worthy? of the con
s' ideration of dvery visitor
and patron, as sucn attrac
tions are rare, if ever.
Men's and Young Men's Suits. Snappy
;ml hand-tailored Raiments, pure all-wool
worslnls, such ;is are being sold at $16 and 20
$9.75 and $11.50
Should sell at first sight.' Firitfclianco
always Ihe hesl. J'-T
Long Ciotiiins Company
OnePrlsa C ,itiiiorH.
plainti i" offi i
stop iii t Iretfon.
This will bi- the only
l-'n, I. in I. IS.'d
L.mitv. IUJ "
Director nl Census
believes college
in ike esc. II, nt census enumcraloi .
and bt propose to surest ihit edu
rational institution! ajive leaves of ah
seme in pnl n.-t to tich students
a may care to join the army of .S.lH sit
enuuif latin s
tit v 8ulvrai;e Paper in Washinft.-n
Seattle, i let 1.1 -"Notes for W .
' 'wen men.' ilu- oftieial araran nl ih, VV h
ingtoll Slate Rqual SulVi i;;.- ,-,,,i,
Dana Doraad liun, will make us appearance thii
Undent! will u,.,k fht new publication is t. i,,
a Hionlhlv and aim to cov.i not onl)
ih.- local ami the national held Ihoi
HI III) . but also the pi'ogn ss ,, ',,
i hi ,c iii ton ign ritiet
Paper Money Supplied.
Kiigene The I'm it .V.iii,. nil Hank
of Katgene will soon put Into .inula
lion $.. OOH Worth ol Hs bank Holes
in $5 denomination On acconal ot
the llllliis of l-'astern people lieie,
who have bet n in the habit of h null
ing paper moiii y and who prefer il lo
gold, lh- bank has planned to unci
the demand
Indiana Studying Latin.
Spokuiie, fVaih , i . i 1.1 Twenty
five Indian children from Kamiah
came in a body to Ihe township
school at fori l.apwai Idaho, and
weie enrolled in I bodjf An Indian
giil who entered school three weekt
after tdsOOl opined leads tin .lis III
I. aim, ami .i Indiana show
woiideiliil progress in th. .1, i, l.ui -
glial!.- With live piano III s, I
Splendid music course is oil... I
Hawaii May Open Lands.
Honolulu, t'lt IJ Governoi Wal
ter Pratt i con aide ring the callin ol
a special session ol I In- territorial leg
islature, lo take up the queeliOH of
amendmentt tO Ihe land laws lo be
grged upon cougrcis at its next meet
ing (loyeruor will siaii for
eYaahinajiop neat month mi tins mis
sioii and dt sires that tin legislature
lake action before he starts
"The Siege of Jericho''
Boise, Oct. 11 to 16 inclusive I
s lllJI.V
Il' rtKiuircd in tin cunt. Tljii i;rt-kt
1 1 1 ) 1 1 -.-1 1 1 I of dolUn to produce.
Japanese Poachers Captured.
w ishiiigtoii. Oct 11 The revenue
miter ei vice has received word lliit
the cuiter Wush ha arrived at Val
dc with a batch of priattrt
eis The, are understood to i,
Japanese who were ..pun.. I recently
'or illegal taking of aeala in the ier
riiorial watt ra ol PribyloR I si tn,is
Both to Haiife on Friday, Nov. 12.
Portland Friday, November 12 It
the date IimiI for hanging James A
l-'ii-ch. lor the iiiur.l. i ol K.dph II
'i lu r t'nKs. a reprieve Is granted
there will be a double hanging of
Multnomah county niiinlcrers that
.lav, I'm Harry I'd) i lamented lo
die on the same date
Active Bid for Mad Tonnage.
Seattle. ash . ( lit It lly i,, lin
ing the lunnuig nine ln-luci-H St I 'a ill
and Pacinc in. st point, the Oreal
Northern la making a ttrong bid fot
all mail loiiuic. I'.v a new II I dull
Ihe running tune on fast mail a. ,1 . -prcss
Iranis ha be. n reduced eight
hours o all punts in Washington on
the Great Xm tin i n
Wheal N'ew- crop, track prices:
Club. Me; bluestciil. Hci ltd Kus
si.m. H(
ll.ul.v SJti per ton
ats t7fci27 50 per ton.
Ilav Tinioihv. Willamette Valley, I .. r. i
W.i 17 .,.', . ,., I.-. . . o Moots Keturn to Attack.
MK.i n per ton. Katlern Oregon,! ., , ,, .
IK 19; alfalfa. U; clover, fit M',,lta' l '" '" ""' Hoorara
Huiier Katra. 36c; fancy, JJfflJfcj ' ,urncd '",a i"ukt''1 Spanlah
store. 104721c 'j forces near N'ador, but were I -, -,!.
Kggs Ranch, candled, te.i Uc I o(l ' WUIWfJf with he.iyy loss,,
Hop ioo1) contract,
r op. 17c. 1007 crop, 12c
Wool I'aslein Oft
pel pound. Vallc) . 2I(U .
Mohan 23c
'.il.- Dorituj a dispute between
Dull brothera al Joatura. alalhem
count), over the aattte of auoihei
brother, oat shot and (attUj wound
td ihe other.
Portland Woman Chosen.
Iloo.l kivr- The state convention
of Ihe W C T U closed here after
a successful met ting hy electing Mis
Ada I'uiiih, of Portland, a state
lire lidcut.
M H -Hi. Id Inspector Mann, of the
I'ihi.-iI States department ol ageicnl
lure, has been in Coot vounly for
aomt lima past making an exanuna
lion of ihe soil in different localities
Hi pttrpoae it to determine for what
crops the different kinds of i.ul are
best ad ipted
Sin n. I. in- In a cache in a stubble
field about a half mile from Shcn.lan
were found the goods itadcn on Ihe
night of August 2 fiom the store of
Haas Brothera No trace has been
found ..f the men who committed lha
Canada Will Build Navy.
Ottawa, ii.t il It is uaderatood
thai the Canadian government's hill
respecting natal defense t,,
brought before Ihe coming U ;,,,, ,,
parliament) will provide lot a total
expenditure nl about $Al.i.l,HU0 dur
ing the nuxt six or ieven years.
naiem uovernnr neuson nas re
ceived an invitation from the mayor
and council ol l: 1'aso, Texas, to at
tend the recrpli n to be gnen in El
Paio on October 16 lo President lb.w
of Mexico, and President Taft.
The Dalle The survey of th
atate Portage road from ihe big
lo The Dalles has been completed hv
the slate engineers and This cily must
issue hi.iaxi woiiti ot ti.. mis to in
sure the cor.itruction of the exten
sion. The list legislature appropriat
ed $75,000 to build the extension
Blitfljr l Thi' Sieo of Jericlio
ia a hi-tpririil, (Inunatic, tpic
tiiniliir iioilii,-iioii, in u Iml,
over .d'o pctipio nre tngagwtl,
I'lio ino.liiitioii Ims hoam oaoa.
slriti lr ! 1 1 .mi tin liiltlo instruc
titius niol isi Miiprl)ly MQu.
Kniit liigli grade tpceUly nets
pa Usui, ninl ,i, .frforiiiiiiict'
ia inni In, ad wild a rt",tilur
llOtM) uMeplaj oi Qngory't tla.
Iniiinl Imwoik-. TIip ierforni
a in f lusts one hour unii thirty
iiiiniiti a.
Bring roar frtondi ami -j. mi
lilt' Witk nil our ii IIMUll cuinp-
ing ground. Oanipaottntj free.
A oiuf.ii ijihlc hut, SxlO foot
iluiiii", itiliio wnk for $-1, in
h-s a tiino for lit's nioiipy.
Larger aisaa at ' aonabla pi "-
Vi.lili l I I I'll VI i iiMiHKSS.
01 ppaeial Inlaraa lo agrianl.
lui.ihsls anil Inn ticuUuralistk
will bi the tongits-s of eminent
ipeakera on inbjoeU alliod to
lln-si- Inns.
Pro . Ii 'I. I roi
on "AiiiihiI i
I' leiin i.l
Culture in a
Kllia NeUi i
pet inn M f-i,,i
"f'laclire to J
1'rof Krui s.', ;
all, "Phjin ii a
li f. Ntiii
"Oichuni J i
rrlgatacj ( .
Alex Mi l
and Water "
f . K. Aiw.iu -.
Ir. Koble, tush
Boiae, "Stock Bauilaiii
Hon. Mark Aut.,,,
City, ' Hupar rieet Culli.t'.
I'lif. J.iet, "Cet.i.l"
Qao, I' wi i,
general ol lilnho, "J .
and their tireiroanaaj '!
II. I... C, ,
I a
l''ti'!;;y ninl Saturday ol 1 . it- v ,
ini- of the OreguQUabo Uev Iouam i
Secretary InterlMountain Fair. Poise. UaU.
rAl.lli'KM V f'Vi'l KSION8
via Oregou Short Line.
laily for tick tl one way via
Portland. Frequent dates for
other routes. See Oregon Short
Line agOOU for further details.
Oatabar Oatslbrtanoa Mte.
via Oregon Short Line.
Tickets on Bale fioin Idaho,
Wyoming and Oregon poiiits on
October I at to nth, inclusive.
I.i in it October l.V See aittits
or rate and furlber iniinu-lurs.
A friend of mine will !. . ,-.r
about 8ept. 1st to pvt rtHv , r
unimproved or n. .
proved farin. i ,t ,
confer with the ownera ol nj
aueb who wish to itU,T
I. 0. Sutberland
P. a it,. ..'j, Outario, OraajBgts