F "fttttller f 1 Ontario Argus. i'UUMSHKD KVKKY FIRDAY. Win. I'lllKlioll. Killtor mid Proprietor r Kll 'l.-d ill till' P.Itolll'l' 111 . In i Oreifun, tot IfBtWIltorion tlirotilli Hi aiaus if HCOHli I if mutter. HU1WCU1ITION: Out? Year. HIt Months. Uriel Iv in Advai.ofl. r to so CHOICE MISCELLANY G. B. Shaw's Command of Italian. (jporgp Hcrniird Rtiatv Is n innn of varied ;u'(nilrpnu'iits, but n knowhnlKc of ltallnn Ik not mining (hem. A re port become circulated, however, to the effort Hint Hie nullior of "Mnn nml Superman" apoke Itiilliiti flnenlly mid led to lih being Interviewed recently by a representative of the (Jlornnle d'ltalln. Mr Klinw disclaimed the knowledge, with which he hml liecii i icdlti'd mid explained iiiiiiialngly how the legend nroae. "Awhile ago," he mild, "I MM In Milan with n party of I'nullsli folk We were dining nt n reatanrnnt, nnd our wnlter knew no Iniiumige other than III own. When I he moment mine to pay we were unable to ninke lilm understand that we wanted not oiib bill, but Iwenl) four aoparntc ones My friend MMMM that 1 iiinat know ltallnn. no to aet aa Interpreter I rsrked my memory for ehlpi from the language of Iliinlo, but In vnlli All of a sudden a Hue from (he opera "The llllgliennta' flaslicd to the brillll 'Oguumi ier ae; per tiitll II ! I ' iKvery iituti for MMMM MM licnicn for all ) I declaimed It 'I In arinj of waiter were doubleil up with laugh ter. tuy frleinli npplaiulril wildly, nml Diy fame n nn llnllati aelmltir lias been on ili,. Increase ever xliicc ." New Orlenna Time Democrat. A Reel Tor the Phitadelphian. The I'hlladelphlaii waa talking "I am an old fiiMhlnned man," he aid "1 d. let (he modern Inuovii IIoiih Kver) tiling I lilgll Npeod, high peed We fn at brenkneik pine over the ground, throiiuli Hie water, even In the air. The trend of Invention aoenia aolely to annlhllale apace nml dlatnuce We are living our Hie too fast " Here win the New Yorker' opMir tiinltv In gllxi at the piWNfkM alow neaa of I'hlladelphla, and he MM ipilck to grnap It. "What you want to do," lie began, "la lo get away from Hlowvllle. Come over to Ihe big town oi In nwhlle and aeu Ihe night " "1 frequently do," replied Ihe Phlln clelphlan. "It la only n two houra' trip to New York, mid I often run mcr Juat lo take a ride In your hurae earn it la the moat real fill tldm. In the world for me to ride In n horse cm again The oiiHiillou ill rr lea mo back to the day long ago when we hml them In Philadelphia. Now, do you kuow" Hut Ihe New Yorker had flown New York Time 1909 QgfQbLR I BQ&GQGG&&&SQGQGGGS&&Q&9&i m J. S. CLARK AUTO 00. COLUMBIA S 4 S 6 7 8 9 1011 12 1314 IS 16 I, ',,, .I-,,-. 171819202112223 ..BKrStP'fl NEW SHORT STORIES (fWm-) Ll f lMj I i "J &a Wf i Vfly && wj-. &g e When Booth Was Prompted. In the trillion iltija of ('iillfiii'tilii llrel llnrte was naked one tVMlBg by n Chicago man to relnte the mot nriius lug experience of hi life on the I'n elflc eonat. Ilrcl llnrte replied nt MM (lint till wna easily done nml told IM. following MWJTI 'J'he elder llonlli wn I n 1 1 1 jr nil en gagement nt Hie height of the gold fe ver Kiery week miner were coming down by hundici.s from their eampi lo nee thogreiit tragedian In "Othello" At every (M'liliii; performance (here would be aevenil mole of (hem In the beat aenla in the MMM One evening n huge fellow in n red ahlft, rough emit nnd hMTJ bOMl t -K n scat on the ill-do in front of Itid llnrte. Arounil him he MMM Wild cm iy hrenth the iimmii Qt folly rod whisky. Moreover, nt every curlnin jj Auio Uivery, Supplies Oil Agents for Buicks. 2 Ontario LPhone 120 red Oregon. X Wm. PIughofT VF HAVE THE Bargains in Real Estate & Farm Prooeriy FARM LOANS. INSURANCE Policing Lundon-i 8tr.t There are fewer liHiiinted men In the IOiuloii police In proportion to the foree than In Nework, and II I no erlllelaui of the London police to any llutt neither Hie men inn the mount uplH'iired ttfcgyjiii in nltrnrthe JeuV Vaa; niWWr tune nor are they used a freely or n ml .iiitngeouaiy. If I niny tie ieruiltted lo sny II, u li. New ork It reijulrea vigilance mid nctiilly on the part of Ihe edetrlau to M London at reel In aafely liiih!. in iiiany reapecl they are even mule daugerou lhau Hioxe of New York, und lo thla coiiilllliiu the xMnnnliig oiiiulbune contribute gelierollll The Mil. lib la rapidly repliu lug Hie ban aoui uud Hie four "licil.tl chicle To inv great urprie tin ehlilc is run through Hie iroudcd trcet nt n com parulhely high rate of peed. mid ua then- are u gleal iiiiiiiImt of them I ti tit aaloulahed Hint there lire mil more ac eldeuta. Wllllmn McAdoo In (Vulury. TUB MINI II l.ll'IKIi IIIIIMI.I' HIT or nt NKlT. he Men! out to refreah hiinelf. return lug vtllh ii hi longer nr i nml lucreii I'd InlercNl In the phi) t en. li ell max Hie i In ill Hccioeil to M'riiieate hi whole body, ao lnlene wu hi lulei eat However, uolhllig iuovil him out of lln ordinary until ilie . cue belui'en Otliello nod lugo In Hie miilter of the hniidkerihii'l It will I' rein I Nil b) i'iry ri'iuler of HukeaH'iire Hint in (hi MM Othello trie to ill'gllc lilm aelf out of hi Jenloii rngc h. iiillii; lienlcinoni, but Hi.il nt Ihe iillhii point of hi nrgiiineiit Ingu olTcr nn "lili'itlou lo Ihl illii t "O'i my loiil but the hmulkeri lilel!" I laM refer MMM lo Ihe tin rlinimilliig hniidker chief of IMhellii' wife hml nil i leclrii i'ITi t on Ihe red lniliil miner III llliiiilne grew ilh Ml ll U' i eaalve obJiM'tlull Intel piied b) Inu'ii lllilll he appiireiitlv iinilil endure li nn Mngcr nml M I'igo h'l' the llflh or llh tlnie inmelmik nllh III ' IrH, in. lord, bill Hie hiiiiilKcii In.l ' Ihe miner lifted hliiiMelf licnviu .nit ol hi enl. ei tended hi light nrm nml. pointing wlih eviicd eiiiphiol ill Ingo run nil In tunes Hint rolled lulo I he uiicriuol gnllci ' WIm' jer MM mi er MMM vung m. in. mid let Ihe pi. iv go nn" Chicago lllll I I I, I'll 1 1 I I I Mi'l ymi III II' i ilk II over. I lllils j I In want in make MONKYT Why ini Invw M ulllPUf iinilil , w No ri k. No rlinin t II'IW 111 IIT. Ill i ii' prion ;ti. I '111111' ill ,'Hn ur litl ci iiiniM' urn: t nt die choir Malheur and Suako River 'nlli If we , ii it have the exacl piece ! land ou dei ire wt ill try in oii.iin ii for vim l' i 'uiiilly aequainteel with nil portion nt' llalhcui unit y. and are ean inform intending buyati intelliganth M wi: w li. i, DO IT. Located at the Argus Office, A Loal Val.l The I bike of I'onnuught h.i alwnya been MM pnpulnr In hi mlllim) in I'u "i The mi Mini In hi hoiiHeholil ml. ii.- him Kimiii nflcr he llrst look up Lis couiiuiiiid at liubllu some few MN ago Id nlet ciiine lo Mm nk lug for II InllnlgllC law Ihe duke liiil ii i'iI Hint he MM 'I" MM but giimi.sl him ieriiilNsou Kiii tly elei eu d.iy ufler Hie uiaii rcliirmsl. nnd I hen Ihe duke ilcuiiuidcil hi icusoii for w lahlug u holliliis " anted to have a light, air." wn Hie repl) "ami I knew I would get Imilly mniked Itul I'm all right now ngnln " I'hc duke lium.illatch lie, nine liileresleil but It Mil J ii-ttlfsLllUe Is'fore he ell. IIihI Hie fkcl Hint the a let hml la'tu lighting a. man who hud ii'teiri.l lo tiVilul.. a u "leather bed" soldier- Arg.iutiut. Hi Old Tie. M. La I Hero la one of thoae people who bale to be plmlogi nphed On hi i-.e. Hon to Ihe pri'Hldcncy of the Kreiii h republic Ihe ordciil n not to lw a voided, mid he aulunlttii lo li The photographer' NUggetlon, ho ever, i tin l he aliould pill ou a more fuKhlonuble He did not meet with hia iipl.ro Mil "What!" he exclaimed "Chnuge my tie! I'hmige the tie that I liuve worn for thirty yean! Never! I would ruth 'r not Imj pholograiiheil nt all" The eruint lo which Ihu ireKldent ha ao loug been attached I a huge bullertty Mw slung round hi neck by a piece of elnalic Intoxicattd Children. The ottli lal reporter to the ulcohol t'oiiiuii..iou in iliukipeal atntea that In Uuugary mother often girt brandy to their children to check their crying and Unit In communities where thla bewrag.! la unuunlly cheap aome chll dreu twelve It ivgularly for break faat In hurdly auy of the schools la there u pupil who la a total abstainer. and tu aome case. It la said, members of the first and aeeond eleuieutury elaiaea have beeu known to come to arhooi in such u si.u, uf lutozk'atlou that they wero uuable tc atteud taJ ttelr MMMM, M, K tLd Rrtpundod lo Tonic. ' II ll.ii i iin. in l,iiigh"d." uiil a foreign i in i!i.'iiili nl. "when I told In in n boo I the iie npnper slollc ot III breuil .Hid In ci diet. "He liiiigheil. he begun uuotlier of hi hoiirl iiieul cold beer und Ml il flllll und hi' Mild II oils food. Hot bed. Hint he uus Inking flM u Ionic Hi' Mil lal looil was ulliioM us good a toiil, us Mis I loiil Hniitti'H Mr Lloyd Smith lie i pluiueil. f walk lug in Hie .iv. one l II' b, ngcil Mil rich hush. iiul The old lelloiv slmlllcil nloug iliiHiping mill splrillcMK uud Mid ih'iily Ins wile pci.clMsl her glill d chum. Mrs l.lo.wl llrow u, upinoii. Iilug with hii own hiisbmid I poor book keeper, but lining, hillulsoinc uud dualling "What mil Mis I lo)d SiiiiIIi o do to put a Mile go in her hclit nnd list leaa unite'' An ideu cnnie to her uud she eti In iiiii'.l "'John, who la that iH'iiutiful girl auiiliug at ymi from I lie tnMiab'.'' "'Where? Where:' . i n ,1 Hie old mil u, diuwliig bluisclf ii..iiiII erei I and c.isting eagle gluu.es ,. left ami right " For Ihe Final Fire. Augual li. In. .nil lu ihe amoke room of Ihe l.u.'Uiilu loiil. upioiua ot liitu nous inol.'i, urs, a sloi y uboul Hie .loiiug MiiiiUis ot Anglesey, who ill.-, I in Monte Carlo MOM Hiv years ui:o "l.oul Ain 'csey's cms were I lie moat luxurious ih, ii known.'' sunl Mr li.l inoiit 'lids young man went to ci treiuea in eiciythlug He wns icry In lelllgeut, Ihoiigh. "lluce ui his historic cn-l'c In ales llicic wn n slight lire So. I. s ihe priceless pile burn down be oidcrcd an en.. i in. uis . i i i : 1 1 1 1 1 y .1 baud gre nades, or CM iiiguishi'iN. iroin Loudon "When Ihe gleiuulcs uiliv.sl Ihey wi'ii' hung all over Hie eaalle; but, though li wu an enormous pla. e. thcic were still several doen gn omic left oier at the end of Ihe banging "And what mIiiiII I do with I hem. my lord'-' Ihe bullet asked Lord Anglesey coughed- he whs a I ready in a pntiy bad way and said dryly to the bullet "1011 may put l hem lu my cctllu." ... :::--. 00 in re. It mills rum Otilniio, nil finciil, will Mill' llllili t ( lo n nun Ml I'ln- ii 1 1, Inyi good la in ijtntc l'i it b " ot iirte. Nn s - in lerei .ill unilfi i nl II Ml Kill. U till .'in., I H i , i I l lire illh li ; u ill -i in l ir 'JO mil' inn I-. nut -linii inw i i.iImIII I' nil ls L I Hi- Nil ;!,, .i-iiiiiin Iiiiii-i', in,. mil' Mm k' limn oi inilt.i', mi O.iin 'In , I . UiggM I si.i. n tin riisim. Nn 85 I ii i . ' inilo front iiiiiit in, v.'i in n mi niii . il I loli I lines in in , Ii.ii i, lid if lu'l I ir nl' nil klinU . o,,, ICMIM nml lull n iiinl nil nut iinliliiicjsju.ni, u 1 1, , q w:iii i right; tin- i i Imii I- nml w ill go inn k Nn. : SH f, i,s, o,,,,,! iitnly nil. '!' iii-ii - in i ulli i ,t lull, II pi. ml III! Ir iii li.inl, VV.ili I "i I ' in 1 1 , lui 1. 1 in ill linn In .li nml nil cns (ii ins Nn 27 '."-'H in ii s mill' i, , iii i good Ihl i ving iiiw ii mi If I; ; ii I ullii .limn ; siiuill nn It.n.l, II l-l', W llll Willi i w ill ell nil i' w ill ul it ti in 10-20 in ii'ie it ii laoa'good Hi ins Nil "!' B Inls III IllUlll .;l I o i'il . Hom l m liniil . iiii l Ini'illi'il ; i In'illi. N." Itfl I i nmii ImiiM . ' Int. ; grod hern ' ulorkt from Unta I in si linnl. No. Ml III lnt, mil' Much linnl Main sin it with good livery born; doing good bmd iits elii';ti. No SO T70 IH-iU'ie (tin Is, nr ." iii'ie inii'ts ; oil joining town n Uulerio, villi valor eight; clll'llji. Nn 20 " lnl- nil M.i I li ill hUMOOM ri Hill , ii iiiiii (loll. Ill i liu'i Nn :'l- -vn , ii nil li i lui nml Uiii m ll in pari n I"1" one foil II. i k, iiiii grathdi i ul' nt t nn i' iii.! ii'iiilinw it ; w iili 6 ti'i'ii Iniii-i , lal, In I,, i V llOlfM . '.' Ion nl Ii.m , inariM; nil on Imildi li . . mi ;i , i uis ili ion 1. 1 I. in 'in ii huahfli grain m. i I imii i i io,i ii, Owy. oi' illli li , a I Iv ,,i linnl nan. No. 21 In .m.i 20 in ir Iraetf, in- li I.. all I mile Hum (OVII, a 'Hii i 'I van i right ; But trail III-1 ll I IV l.'lll.l . nil KIsV l Ills iiii-i' iiie cnoice iinl - . piei'i's. i mm No 87 100 .niis ;:;. uiilri from nn. in,. ,,u fjboi in ml laud, unit .. ii. it wnier right ' I Iniii-i' and mill. ml, lino. '" " 'i' ll I :ull 11) PUl.iVM. Hull t I I" I ll ill II'. No " R lo . anil ii t; innn brick Iioiim; kA eellar am ' 1 1 i ' W I 1 1 No $i .i Iota, nli ii 7 i I. in L ioue; i - -1 wi II nml got i'i'II.ii ; sli.nlc in , . i Boost for Ontario TSS? m maamsmi ONTARIO NATIONAL GREAT. HEALING POWDER CURES 8ADDLE mil COLLAR SORES. . 80RES OF ANY KINO MAN and BEAST. F. W. ALLEN. Oft I en in i! met! and Sad(lltn I if Otitarid, Orti frnsT OVffo BANK. Boooftoon to Hunk of Ontario. '83 i 9m Oft 3 I I m ..' ii. I. st Hank in tjroati llaruey iiotl Alnllifiir nuiitlea. ONTARIO ORE. Pnitl Up Oapital, 160,0061 Bttrploa - - 16,000. Open iii nn aocoont villi the New Nutional. Wo pay 6 I'm cent on tune uepopilfl. i;5?iiiI i kffo mmmmawMaimBL . w ' . i iinl,,, dock Iisjoctor of Malheur Couuty. DH'ITIKS' i H II Kcifoot. Ontario. Hii IHl'Ii, uIc. i I Miin.ocl,, i Mil s Parry, ire h in v. ii r i rhlga. ;!' M Wioi. 'ii icr'i.lc I crry ,w to sti'vioii, s' ss., Kerry. r sliitnor. .lonlnn VuiIh? i ti ii v ill in-. .ii Mel i tmitt 1 Empire Lumber Co. tj IHssllllltlllti ol OMj lllllllMslllp. i baaeopartaerahip heretolora vi-linrf lulwoen L. il- loi'knnl ml U. If, Oarlila I nn tin. day "in ili-s.l ill by ninttiiil ron iii. All lulls ilnc tln City i. hi Market vill ba eoHeoted . Ii'ickiini ;,v Blair, and who till pay nil lulls agaioot the Ho linn of l.'t. kn il A t nil lie I. I li'n villi. I. M. I'aiii ILK. Dated, Ontario, re., July I. tiii'.i. aWtd. A Complata BtoOI ol Lumber and Iniild- i Material alwajn n btsd, Whan Contemplating HuiUliug come in aee us. ROCK SPRINGS COAL. AND ICE Ontaiuii - Orroon kl .in.l H a A iltlio ArgOl .';vi'.'thi' iii us I Ik I I John D Dai.y. Pre N. V. i viiii-. i kh. Vice Prep. I. Gai'i.t. Cashier. (J. Wfcu-oMK. A-t Caahier V ; FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Of BURNS. OREGO i A ' inrnl HnilklllV llosiiifsM 'Iniii'ii.l.il I i liunyti issii.it on all inrih oi iin- World. i. i fcio.i t.m .i.din l Paly, N. U. 'mi i nt. i J W. Oearr, 11. M li.il ti A. J .loin, ..mi t. A. IIhii.. s .1 L l.,i.,l VVVWVW SSSSSSSSSSS6LS MALHEUR COUNTY ABSTRACT HP M I VAI.K. OKKtiON. The Only Ccmplete Set of Abstract Books in 'Malheur County. In. Iii tin' iniiiiniini nl lii'iui'il nli'itiiiti r. Aoatraeti nml correctneai naianleed. of I C. Smith, nn exne- lamiebed witliuut delay IN. Ok t CJk 7Si A. N S0LISS. . - ATIORNKY-AT-LAW. Will Practice in all tba Court. omr itiH.iiin i and 8, I anfcMj lllo.k. OniHrio. Ore , No. 2S -one l'i... k, nil fiin',,1 nd I in. on liiim, , :: iiiniki. from lie Ml . i In :i. N'n. & I - ll.ll notet, -M mill r ii.'tn N -:i. i iii ,. u, 1,, maiu did ii "ti I. in. I. . iiii iii , uliiva. imii ." ;,. i. s ufufa( balance in iniis ami . ii 1 1, . .". in ti .s orvhard i room ImiiM . -i.. Li.-, si,, il-, iImii will . .nn' ni ihe In s ran. In s a Malheur count) nayt 5000 yea i . tins hi in- M.i.i 1 1 'A J. H. FARLEY. 2 rf, - iSIB&sM- IkV ' ---Z--2r-s?inM i . - -i--C -.tSS55 : I In' r;.lv iiiattri'ss is liuuli- ,,f Iml'Ii irn,lo. . J utiljilo cotti ii, not linliis. Myriads of loug, 11 ll. i iv liln I- cari'ltillv interlooked and fveiily Tm .a l t-i i il.titt , forming a tingle bat, without tuft mj I "' Inii'lini:. ('lean, iure, i-auitai v. ('hiaiir Tm i than hair, mora oomfortabloa Mian taatbara. kj i in ii'iini. .-.I nn "Jti vi'.ii s, " Tm n ROCK -SPRINGS COAL H M Furniture and Undertaking cind N L censed Fmbalmer. W Lady Aw stunt. fj " DALTON BK5US. All.irit.vat Lu. J. A. Lackey Block, Ontario r- Will .rin In i in all i mm J. W. McpOLLOOH. Attorufcy-at'Lev. . .li .rn. 1 1. .- ii alto. . onto, a. M LMaai i ' Mil.oNAl.lI... Attorncy-at-l.wv Will Practice in all Com-'-Notary l'ubhc. Office Over l'ostottlce. "in miLiiitin, - . ATToh'NKY.AT..LAW if buana, Oaa. . $j W. H. BROOKE, ATTOUNKY-AT-LaW. Money to Loan on Injirovae) Karma. Oota-io ' , J. L. SHARP, h. M. D. 1KNTI8T. All kiude of deatal work 'eflS in lost 1-l.ia.i order. ofticcs Over Caiiillanrl Drug i t. Orliiw Hour, li ui II. 1 to . 7 u. A. POUUE. Physician and Surte. . i -..s u, 1 1 1. ,. ituiiuina Offloe rkotieTI Reeidea, ; immmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmNmmmmws I City Meat Market, PRINZINQ I'llVSRl.VN im,,,, .. Ofllce A. U. LHfkv baw.1 -V -". . Iil-M.il 1 I , ', Office Phono 'S3 J. 0 liiWkl-.R. Prop. In iii PtW "Tr Uiii. I the Argua, afitrtfBja 3;i3 iioicem ArtaniA I iuiii.i Dnun iiiiaiiu unci! uaiu. E O Donlors in Pregb and Salted Meats llij;lii't Ifarkel Piico Paid for Hides and Furs. Your aatronaga aolioitod. I'i:i:i BTEWAHT, prop, a i -. aC I nn i l.ii r Turnouts in Mai hour t'luiiiiy. tiiiuil Core Taken oi I'ran moiiI nluek. A mule I'orral Koono tin- All. Wo t iiti'i to tlio Trade nl Kreighti'ra, : : : : OMTAttlU. UIUCUOM. I CI CI CI O CI Ct CI CJ C3 ! B s U I m tt iiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiuiiiaiiiiiuiiiaiiiiiiiiiiaiiiaiiaiiuiiiaiiiii tt GARTER HOUSE n s ti o ti ti aoooooooooooaoooooooopoo I m i m ! ilrii i i 1 (tPff 1 WHITWORTH I loNNlNOSEN, Props. Bainpla Roonia. Fire Proof, Moil or ii, Fie pint. Stciini llialiil. Flcctric Liglitcil. All Oul- Miio liooms. Near Depot. Hit in. mi;-, .j,., . j.,-, Electric Waaher and Wrin- ger. Let us show you. Idaho-Oregon Light & Power Co., uffAiliS .sit' , !'"