The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 01, 1909, Image 4

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1 1 iiA&4ir
I ll'J
If you iranl to see a real city stock ol cloaks in n country
store call at our sto'c And inspect our lino. We have them from the
smallest size for infants to the largest tor ladies, and every imagina
ble color and cloth.
School ('oats lor (J iris, (I to years of age, at MM
School Coats for Misses, 6 to 12 years of age, at 2.60
Misses' imported opos-um hear skin, at $7.00 to t?.00
Baby hecr skin coats, all colors, sizes : to 6, at L.60 to 3.50
Ladies' coals, black, brown and tan, at loo to 6.00
Ladies' pearl satin linen coats, at 7.oo to lo.oo
Beautiful crushed and beaver skin coats at $12.00 to 16.00
Certaluly al! can wear Cloaks, and gOOfl ones at the price we oiler.
Drop in and let us show you,
It pays to trade with
TRtiMBAntlO i nnoxn MO
iTAni II 1ITKM(.S,
rRmaATioN tnonxm.
C )
c )ivM :c .( rc.
OjacaiiniaLuioso Cj q;
There's Nothing Mysterious About It.
Boom people note wondered why I do t ! hulk ol
tin Harneaa bnaineee, N"t only here in town but for
milt"- iirniinil Surely, there is nothing inynteriouH ithout
it, nothing to wonder at. Tin- quality mid MfOHMMll f
hi v atoek is rciianu enough for ilmt. If you are not it
iistomiT of mint luol gift ntc a trial next Ilmt von want
anything In the nurnaei nnd Haddlery 1 i n. n. mutter
wiint. Sec my atnel and get my ptieae.
JP, Y AUcmi. Ontario, Orogon
If ra oci o o ci lii ci a o cri c
1 tci borough Metropolitan Company,
ut New York, president of thn hi
rngo Alton Itnllroad. Tolndo St.
I oiila A Wcmi'in it. nh ...1, iiml di
rector of niuny olli.T lniiortiuil
companies, hns I n ailed for I'.'iio,.
(Mill dlltllNgCN ll I In- hill. blind of n
wihiiiim whose affections h In al
leged io have alienated Through
lii- lawyer, Dolnnrv N'lroll, Mr
Shouts declare he l the victim of
oho of the atrangesi rnaea of nila identity on nnN
nti-sniooii Lea$ra iii Mer4 RaM
Month Li Prepare I nisnde.
Fl edict Mi torv.
Portland- 1), mlla of i-i' cam
paign for itate-wlde prohibition,
which iii i,i waged in Oregon p n
v.'.ir by ihi- Ami Saloon Lengne, will
i bo trraaaaj at the annual meeting
uf that orrantintton, in Portland,
Tuesday, OetOher II. Anion tie
Importam tineetloni to i- derided al
tiiMi meeting i ttii' ihi.iii i'ii pnbllee
tion of a telly ntwnpapw nadei the
ennptaei o' tha Icagna In Iti Ighl
on thi' i-ii ii l Imps In addition the
nltctlon of afllcera, a now board of
trnatooa nfcd an eieeotlve otntnitten
also will .'ii' iiiuiir.l
In predicting Her" 'i In thl lr cam
paign for stnio prohibition Hi" nntl-
Mtloon ton admit thai thai win
not rereiie tlio auppm i ol tragi
many local Optlonlata, Rrho, wlillo I
favoring regulation ol MlOOga, do 1
not bettove in siaii' arid prnhlWttoa. I
The temperance gdvoeetog, however,
Ml that any lr .x al I "nglh nn thin
neeoaat win ht nwra than offset by
tin! voti's which win in' galatd frem ;
thr uninnn tataraati In boom of th" I
connili'H Whtra local option U no
Cataaaatiaaa HHp Ray BayjaaaMi
rtalcm v lili'i"'!' thai tin'i:on
In i'IiJovIiik n pciiml of unexampled
proNpciltv, the laic tin in Imt of now
corporatloliM lul'ii; OTganlaod In clli'd
by Corporntioii Clarh Taylor, af laa
Sim rotary of tatt'g ollli c Slncn
.lanuary I, 1 !'. hos corporal lonn
hnvo tllo. I iholr artlclcN In ibo Httr
rotar) 'n oftico
Since .lati'ian 1 ihe wtate Iinn re
ceived from rarporatioaa n totni of
14l4tt.iTi the amoiini romprlalng
the annual llreliM Icon of thoNP cor
porntloini lii IiiihIiunn In I 111 M Nlatc
prior to iho bagianiaa of thn prvnont
flHCl y.r on .Inn" 30.
Alinoiiiii -s Ills Intention of oilnm
to OtngTraa for Conflrnmtory
Nntli elor I'olilientloo
li pill liniot ut llo In), ii "i
i , s Land iiihi' at Baraa, Oretpm.
s,-ptniiHi .'o. iwai
Notne i loiciiy given thai Jnmaa
II H,iKKii ill Wriwi. Idaho, Klin.
m Jul ! '. Hill, aniilr Iioiih ti .ni in
in Mil ll,HMrtol Mo.illWU for SK
MM !'. T I" K il I , W. M . I..I
tilvl imio'e iii inieiition in ainbr Klnal
t-iv V,-ar I'rmd, lo i-xiiililii-li i liiiin
Io llio Innil alic down I Nil. U-liu,- i
I. Kiiik. I . IS. ( 'iiioiioi"iiii , .ii lo- nl
In' al i tula i in. l)ii'ini. mi l lie 1Mb da
nl Nmcinli'i IBM
i iiiiui.ini aautaa - nrltnaaaan
WIIHamW Rnoa ol Ualarlo, Orogoa
Arthur K li'xldN, t'ordell.i laii Jaaar
S'. Kliucte tor of NViNr Idaho
-p.'i Vi KaiiK, KegUtrr,
Milici: to TAXI'AI KKM
Nolioa i- lieiei'v givau llial
the lii. .ml hi Equaliaaiioti grill
milt at Hie court liouaa in Vala
on tiie third Monday, being tlia
istlnlny of (jotobor.lUOO, for tlia
pnrpoaa ol axaniiuiuf tin Tag
K'oll iiml rualiging tlia aatua,
Ail objactioiia lo tlia aaaaaatnaiil
ut an proitvrty rnual ba niada
in nrriUug and 1 1 1 I with tha
li k ilui ino, th,' Mrst wi ck ui
Uie board' inaating,
s. i.. Pavmb,
Aataaaor ol Malbaurtouutj ."h .
t- in ... i
No crop, tnicii prlaagi
llllll'hli III, 'o.i . I . , Klll-
ll l.l I I M US MHI.H t
Otta j i i.i ii nit nl , gfaaMani al laa
Ni Voik Triui I'ompaii) ha ie
crUcU thn Kcpiihlli an iioiiilnullou
toi htayoa of Nan fori 'n
Mm late Oovaraar Johaaoa, of
Miiiiu-Notu. left u win haaaaathlag
all In entaie. m lit ti proliuhly will
Ut'i'Kttte $:..000. lo hlH widow
Al ImuhI 1011 pel sous IonI their
ile In Ihe llunline i Hut
wipt the null iniiNl lust week, M
coiiiinu io eanaarvnilra aatiautaa
rtaaltarnl rlanHea In thu Went. Hie
iil.irv of AgHonllUra Wilson said
iiou I'i'ii.iiii i.uiiroi oi railroad cap
lialuailon would lead to laiKe In
.hlunnts In railroad mi in lllca hy faiuieiN
II siaklni; a torlnne on tin future
nraaaartty of ihe t'gjiod stale at u
(line w hen IiunIiiohn coiidltloiiN weii'
panics.. I' a Maaaay, puiiiinh
MP, In -. i 1 lo hare cleaned up mole
th. in $,',.iioii,iMio piotiiH ihragfh
Mm k HiM'si ineiiih made iIiiiIiik and
Imiiiedlately uftei the lln.ini lal de
tin onlaa of mo?
Indue llfii II l.lndsey, Known
Cluli. '.
Ilarley ll. SO ISI.0I not ton
1 . on .n pi I. m
May Timothy. WlllaaMttg '.illey,
f i , i ii. pi r ton. Baatara On
f s no no. all. ill. i til. lo
ver, f 1 I
Hut lit i:trn. .in ; fancy, Uf
S6c; store, -L'e.
Bgg ; Hnic Ii. ci.ndled, Iff it
Hops I Ml eoniraci. .'.',; ff
croi, 17"; I'.IOT cro.. l.e
Wool KaHlern On- ui, III .( -JUc
per pound; 'ulle, 1 1.
Mohair 14a.
Wheat llluestem sjc; Clul. ;(..
Oats New, !ti '. $. p. i ton
llNlle New. $ :i, ..O . (,,.
IUy Kastrrn TYaahlngiOg iim.i-
ih. jn g -1 per ton. i'ii.-' goaad
hMy. ll g 114 per ion. alfalfa,
l H per ton.
Uutter Waahlagtaa creamery,
;ie; ranch. H g IU
KaKH SeltMled, local, It'. . 3i;(
1'olutoes -15 a f II pur ton
I i I. oil- I'll! t . Money,
MraahlaaloB, lap! IT, To set at
reNt ulle;atloiis which haye app cared
raaardlag the ggorat of tin faada
uN-d h ihi' Roaaavall hanilng gg
roniiiilll",. Oiniplclc rily'a I'lan
for Iteceptlon of Nation's Chief.
I'm Hand I'lanN for the recep
tion and of I'lcnldent
'la ft dm 1 im hh visit In I'orilaad
next San iday and Sunda arc com-
pleteil I'ollov Inn In Ihe prnKrHIII
of I'reHlitenl Tiiffn vUlt:
Haturday, Oclolicr 'J.
7 A M I'resldeni Tali nnit prirty
liri Ice.
7 :in M Hi. akfnst at Hotel
Pm Hallrt.
I mi 10 A M. I'rcNldoni menrtad
throngh prlneipnl at reels to .Multno
mah l'l Id
1 I V M President review! pub
lic school children on Mtilinouiuh
1 a m Luncheon hi llohd Port
land s P M President d, Ihers public
gddraaa In Armory.
Mllllila), Ocloller :l.
Some lime durlliK ihe afternoon.
ptoiiaiii :t o'eloah, tha PraaMaal
will la the cornerstone fur the new
First I iiliio ills! Church on the
Kast Sid' I :.i i ly Sunda nliiht ihe
party ll d.'iiarl for San I'Vanclsco
gpohgnt, WfiHh., Sept. 2X. In n
aaach on tha Bonaarvattaa of aat"
nrnl roaonreta, delivered here today,
Pn rident Tail daalarad that in
i would asi Consram lo nnthorlaa the
Issuance- of $10,000,0(10 la l.ondt tn
complete li i liratlon prnjoi In alrondy
beunn In the Went nnd on which
work ha licen Btoppe.l for lurk of
funds. This hn been the hope of.
many w-it t lrn in the nrld p'lrlonH
wlir, had It ';en up lands, Bnllclpat
Inu HectiiliiK n, Ntipply of water to
maha than lartltai ami the Praa).
dent's daelarnuon wag aathaataaUa
ally i In .red
Mi in rt broadly booh the I
thnt while tin nraaaai Adailniatra
Hon Is pledni'd to follow out Ihe pol
icies or Mr. Roeaovalt, taah i pladga
tloes not ItiMilve him In unv olillna
llon to carry out thoBe polldes with
out Congressional authorizaiion. The
PreNldcnt added, howevei-, that ho
would take evary Ntep nud e,rt
evi'i In'luence upon Coni'cwi lo
eniirt legislation whli h shc'l hi l
gaaaarfg tho porpaaai ana raiaira
linnis of Hie Nltuatlon.
Mr. Tall daalarad today thai 0oa
aress did not Intend that tha Oof"
eminent ghoald uml' I Igaj l I
w hh h could nut I) i ra ill paid
for oik of the pin. . ,'ds of lua
of pnl. lie land', but , t' ho
linn been ImprcNHod during his visit
to Hie WeNt of the neceNlty for Ini-
llO'ill.lle mllef
The President Kve credit both
tn Mr. Plnchot and to Mr. Ilalllnner.
He ri'ferred to the wonderful work
or Mr. Plnchot and tald Hiat while
thnt work had hroiiKbt genunrlHllon
nt firm It wan now generally realized
thnt the reforms Inaugurated by Mr.
Pimhot were not only ncccMary but
Nbonld have liecn begun ten ycara
loMS Pliiclioi Will .K ltlttn.
Halt Lake City, Sept. 26. Ai a re
Null of Ncvnrul lona roaferencea with
thi Chief I'oiester, Hlfford Pimhot,
President Taft i aus. 'd to lie Issued
a statement. In which It la declared
that naagff nt any time during the
Matllnner-Plnchot rontrovaray haa
the Piesldiiil Intended lo reflect up
on Pin, hoi
Mr. Plnchot, before leaving for
Washington, also Issued n statement,
In which he makes public a portion
of Pi'sldelil Tail's letter, written lo
the Chief Koreater at the time Ho
b nor to Secretary Halllnger waa die
laied The President said be hoped
Mr. Pimhot would not find reasou
In the liiillltu-er letter for resigning.
INTt'Ntl. Mt 'l': rtOAt) CO'
Ttttm-.KM mi c.uhi:.
fOpaa In salil to llnvc (JriiltlM'il Min
ing Com ,()ns Which lay he
Itog-anlcd ns a lolatloo.
WiiahliiKton, Sept. 'J9.--The flor
et nment Ih preparing to tnke thn
mind Important action looking to
the security of the open door In
Chlnn. Tho action will take the
form of a protest based on the An
tung-Miikden Itnllroad fontrnvemy
between Japan nnd China, which re
cently en lied the diplomatic world.
Japan ban obtained control of ex
tensive mining eonceaalong In South
Manchuria, not for a limited, but for
nn Iml.'Wi medial.' period. Thla la
lo be regarded as a dlallnct menara
to the open door, according to the
exposition of that policy an given
by the late Secretary Hay.
The Stale Department, It la un
derstood, has awaited full detalla of
th" ngn ''mint between Japan and
China r'lntlvo to Ihe Autung Mnk
ib n itnllroad and with allied affairs
of aaajOtlattOa before taking any
nt ,i nd In lb I matter, During Ihe laaf
few Wee', our representative In the
I ar I'atl hnve obtained piecemeal
Information gg lo thla iiKreement,
and '.iiion of tin whole thing
Is expected within n few dnya. In
fi. 'iiiatlon nt hand lias warranted
pi Imlniry arrungementn for pro
t t.
,7, ft
Warships uf All Nation- (lle Salute
In Honor to Hudson and I 'niton.
New York, Sept. 2 7. Iteproditr
tlona of Henry Hudaon't boat, tho
Half Moon, and Robert Kultou'a
Clermont, were the cenlrnl flgurai
In thu Hudaon-Kulton culvbrallou
which begun Bvpt. 26 and laata un
til October I.
The two little ship onca ao
wolghty with achleveuientN, brfora a
marveling world, paaaed the war
shlps aaaembled to do them honor,
with a thousand merchant ablpa and
pleaaura orafl trailing behind la a
pm ado four i.. in long.
Hun' would ba no ntivniitfige to
you in buying line. Hut we sell
manna si PERIOH clothing, an
aaaaj tha attributaa of mercbant
tailoring, being tloaignad along
advanced lines, made by skilled
aoravpaople, every ona of wbom
ix an expert in hit line, and ao
styled n to rivet (lie ntteiitit a
of Hip artiatie aya and tbo re
fined tn.stf.
If von earn to pay about $16
for a mil, mill thai suit conlninr
tha HIGH AID' label, it will ba
tha beat dollara' worth you euar
$1G to 435 Broadway
Line May He I ol from Coos I last.
Portland The construction of u
riillwa lioin Coos Hay, across the
state of Oregon, la n aannaattaa with
an electric line already In operation
in Idaho is ihe proteased ultlmnto
Intent lea of thn Cooa Buy & Inland
Bleat lie Hallway Company, a reeent
ly Incorporated company.
With ih i o operation ot the Itoae
bnrg ' oiiiini i i-i.ii "lull, this lompun'
is no aaeurlng rinius of wa be
tween Roeebnri gad MarahAald
The Sacramenio. Calif.., la. Hoard I ""1"'1""" theconnlr as founder pedltlor in Africa. Secre.a, Wul
of Health has decided that klutea are
hreedlag plates for geilliH. no 111 (he
Inline none will ba ullowcd III the
i IiooIn uf (but i It)
Uhlle puNNlng o.r the iialtoual
road which leads fioin Purla to An and win n at .. height of lie-
tweaa ooo and . .m feet, the ifreaeh
dirigible iiillu.u halo on H. iiubllque
egaleaad nnd Ml to the praaaaV 'i'ie
four men on board weie kill.'.l
Keaorta reeelved from travelers
returning from ihe Far Kast, taken
in eoaaeetloa alih data nreeoated
i- Ooaaalar oiinuiis, Indieata that
the lulled Slates Steel Corporation
la preparing lo .out ml coal und Iron
mines an. I lb steel 1.1. in. of
Before adjournment Ihe Sovereign
Qraad Uodfe, i 0 0 l, ahleh met
111 .Seattle lust week, decided to es
tabling u tuber, ulo sis sanllailuni for
(In- whole order, a committee being
appointed to n-porl on location and ,
Vayg nnd llieuiib ut Hie lueclluK al .
Atiautu next September
Aa a retult ol Ilia obsci vutloua ro-
eutl luto !4iudliluu auioug thu ag- I
of Den, i 's Juvenile Coiii I, haa heen I aoit of the Suiithsonlau I n-nn utloii
Holer I Liable for Tu.
sai. in utoraey n. neral i'raw-
ford has leadered nn opinion to tiie
iiicci thai the grlallan alaal of Coi-
onel i: Hot. r, publlslur of the Dally
Capital .loin mil comes under tbo op-
eratloa i the fnalory Inapeetloa law
Rome Hme ano Colonel Hofof re-
raged to nay the annum hjaaaallnii , .:,lh, tttl) ,,,), p u -i goaad
I't i, lent HmiiUn a Week In Hie
I'aellle Nortlies.
Boat tl.- Sept. 2. Tha Paciiic
Northweat In entartalalaa PraahteM
'I'all thl- Weil. The pii aide 111 ml
apeclal left Halt Lake City Sun, lay
noon for Pocutello, Idu , and llutte.
Molilalia, Ihe taller city being
reached early Monday morning
After spending a da in Hull.' With
a brief aaaarataa m Hataaa, gaahaaa
Wgg reached early Tuesday morning,
and the entire duy was apent In Ihul
city. The forenoon of
was spent at N'oilb Yuklinu and Iho
pail arrived III Scuttle lute tills
lift.1! noon Tho President will de-
role ih greater pari of t.o agpg to
seelim the klllls of the AlllNlill-
Yukon-Pacillc exposition. leaving
Scut lie late Friday ufleruooii for Ta
coin.i, where the evening will l.e
peal The parly will reach Port
land earl Saturday morning nnd
will remain iu (but ell until Sua
.!.. evening.
Hrout Noilli.rn I'utN Oii I'asl T.uin.
St Paul. Sapt It, 'I gg in It
Norlherg Hallway has pel In it np
nrattaa u daii gaall u oi i ...
train w hi. h Will cut 1 I hour ot
ihe i reanal raaatai tuae ha aaaa
Si Paul und Seuitl" If nil li
"The Siege of Jeric!- '
Boise, Oct. 11 to 16 inclubive.
:;ni m-oiIc riiHiri'il in (Ih t.i-;.
i.-t- runny InouMiid ol tlollurH to produco
Inn pieoi event
Briefly: Tht Slap of Jericho
;.i a biatorleal, dramatla, apfa
(miliar production, in which
oir ; inn naopla lire ejajeauMgJ,
Die protluclioii haa hatfl eon-
strutte I Front tin- Bible: inotr
.inns innl is lupprhly tjniinl.
Pour biejhrmle epei luly ucli
aro used, nil I tueh perforinuiiio
ia concluded with u regular
11000 display of ( J regory 'a cele
brntod lirewoiks, 'J'ho perforin
anio luata one hour und thirty
Bring vmir liicinls and apend
ihe week on our plcnsunt camp- Culture
inggroundP. Damp ground free. ; M. y .,
Prof. II T. French wiU apeak
on "Animal Hoebandry "
Fraini nl V I, Uoue, -A) ,
('lllltit. II i.tketilig."'
Kllix N, pon, !'. s. (;, i
jo iiuieiii Btation, c, i, v, . ,
"I'niciief ..I Irrfgation."
i'rof. Praoadon, Stun I'lavei
aity, "Hnii ving '
PMf, Shinii, State Univeiaily,
"Orchard Problemi iu a Flat
Irrigated Conntiy."
Alex Mi I'heraon, Boiae, boii
ami Water."
P. P. At water, Meridian, "B
A tent, KxlO feet ,.' ' M"1'' '
l.MMi.r ...; l. - .l""'"' '""'-". iiiatu.n
H i"". ' ll T". ' ,,
asked to part Iclpale In the political
tumpalgii In Smh I'i.iii. Imo thla Fall
as a supporter of Fiamis J Hem .
i ..ti prosecutor and ll.l.n. for
Dlattlct Ailoine)
I'lie broke out Ht Ihe While
lions.- late last Satuiday afternoon
and for a short while was ihnai.n
tug ihe Ida oriataatad in tha
furnace loom of it,. Mxtsutlve ot which are being i eioiisli ucled
In Ihe Pu'slilenl's iibscHi I Flreiu. I,
iiilckl mid ihe blare under control
The eatlre nonairr, froai the At- ( n,.,,,..- , iioH wiiiti., i., iiring
lan.l. Oogei to Ihe I'a. Iflc. was U.,,(.(. .1( k ...
gripped lal Saiuida In an el.Htilc
.-..-.. . .; ,, ,-..-M. . , .. '1,111. .,,'-
i Robert H i ear) refused abaolulely
io all.. .ui of ihe record, or la
iNiiuiiieniN of In Cook to he bronchi
aboard ihi Manager Uuot it ami
ggthorlaad Ihe atatemenl that not a
! cent comes lioin the funds ot ihe in
stitution or I loin ihe I'uii.'l Itgtea
it is deelgred that the peraanal
frleade ol Mr. Roaaevelt, vhaaa
nanus ale got disclosed, haw pro
rlded lha scientific part with auf
II. lent tnnda la curry OH the expedi
fee laoulred b the law and a dis
pute with Labor Commls.sloncr O. P.
Ilotf fallowed
He Squills for '.' t V.'lirs.
Al'.aii Johg SwanMin, of Woter-
II goura earlier, it i claimed that
ibis win he the fastest imm it
nam lu tho world.
I'iliu Kgehaapa i i' . i
pttlapnrgi I p I : par-
loo. who proved up on u homestead B"11 w,r,, '"J"'"1 """ ' i '"
a. the County oterh'a oSea hare, bud '""' NOtl ,u ""N" ,,,c" MIoJ b,,0,l
r. tided upon his homesteud contin- aefatC BCaal when ail explosion in,-
.1. f,,- iiiniiu. an v,.i.,s Thu cured In the Columbian Film Kx-
ICCi a time for ppj ir.tuiev.
Larger size- at rcnaonnhlc pricac
( 'f ipat Ip inteiest to agrieiil-
tnraliaii ami horUcolturaluaai
grill ho tiie eongraaa i auiinant
ppokera nn inhjcaia allied to
ibeae linaa
Hull. Ailllk Alialm C....
i "u;
i ity, bugni Bet t Culturp.
Prof, Jonae, "7trpila.M
Oan. ft .., rj, g, gurveyor. n. ',,( Publ Lfc.t
and their ' quiraniant.N
Henry Collier.
. . li v
probghl) breaks all records for con
tinuoiis resldcine on a homestead lu
Oregoa, Where no many were snared
by people who only slept on their
i lain, i. ouo ulght in alx months
nturati and IgVlalble but car
i viiii; earth cm rents so powerful
that even telegraph wire was crip
pled ..I.. i even the lahaaartae
enrtae badly tangled For a time
lelegtaph CoHimnni. ation was ius
pellded Weallier olllcluU
and telegraph experta attributed the
electrical dlatui bunco in ibe aurora
b.u. 'alls
Theodore ' Shouts, prealdent of
the I225.OU0.UU0 Hi aii-iieluioui iu
wa- i bus liibii umciiiul lu , auslug reoorda i. raniala la a ogahe
ut Flab, tiieeiil.ind. according to
Hun Whit uc., ihe New Huven
spoilsman, In u dispulih . evolved
here g) Dr fook.
Band tin Argus
I'eary Makes Ills Defense.
porllund, Me. Sept 27. II waa
learned fiom a source close lo Com
mand.', Pear) thai the command. -i
jusilii.s bis action in refusing to
allow Hr Cook's Insu uiueuta o
records on heard lha Hooaevelt, on
theoi In' bad been aware for sonic
time ol Cook's Imenlloa to claim
the dlaoover) Ol the North Pole, and
change, In Ihe Ferguso.i building, on
Fourth avenue Hundreds ol ilre
uien are searching the ruiua for vlc
llms 'I'he atructure was eight ato
rlea high. Every oMce wa wrecked.
1'ii.l.iv uml Siitniilnv of Pair Waek il,,,, ,..,
- una of tin- Orcgoivldnho Dovclopiuenl 'oiiL'rea8.
Secretary Inter-Mountain Fair, Coise. Id, l
English Etchings.
Altogether the llriUab lb ct cnrrlea
i ii twerre hah paaa.
'Flu're gig over lifly authors and Jc Jr
naliala in the house of commons.
Hi, ai Rritaiu has &00.K10 bornea
iivallal.le for Hie puriHiao uf warfare
In l.oiulon ski'l. lilug lu puldlc places
la probiliiteil li) the police regulations
It irna a-s. ii.-.l at the annual in.s'i
ia Oregon Short Line.
Daily for tickets one way via
i.'iiiaiul lie.iuiii ilatea for' An ,
other routes. See Oievon Short ,
line agents for fuither details. 'l '
ouimpit , ,,,,
i i.t .
thai Pear) therefore aoald aaaalian am e the Uaoatoa Mendicity society
nothing to uid tins project. "-
The Argua r,-" thr- nova
that thu total number of begging let
leis tn is.sses.sioii of the Nocleii was
proved . , .j 'j( ,
i. toiler (onl'ereiu'e lc,,i,-s
m ii , .am -vn..r i Line.
Tiokaiaou sale from Mnhou nfpr i ittn tl
Wyoiniag ami Oregon points on such who ui-ii m a.n
ucioucr it-i I.. ,,ui, nuiusive.
Limit Oi-toocr l.r. See agents
i.'i i .ties nrnl turtlu-r nn In u
d. a.
P.O. Bo 303 Onto
rio. O