CLOAKS! CLOAKS & CLOAKS II you want to sec a real city stock of CLOAKS in a country store call at our stoic and inspect our lino. Wc have them from the smallest size lor infants tojhe largest for ladies, and every imagina ble color and cloth. School Coals for (iirls, (J to years of age, at $1.50 School Coats for Misses, 6 fo 12 years of age, at 2.60 Misses' imported opossum bear skin, at $7.00 to 9.00 Baby beer skin coats, all colors, sizes 3 to 6, at L.6Q to 8.60 Ladies coats, black, brown and tan, at 4.00 to 6.00 Ladies' pearl satin linen coats, at 7.oo to lo.oo Beautiful crushed and beaver skin coats at $12.00 to 16.00 Certainly all can wear Cloaks, ami good ones at the price we oiler. Drop in and let us show you. It pays to trade with RADER BROS. LAMPKJN ON'JWWK ), oo ara o note's Nothing Mysterious About It. Some I'li'i'lc have womb-roil why I ln tin- balk Of the IIiirncs.H I.iimiu-n. Not only litre in town lut lor rnileo around Burelj iliri- li nothing nyetoriooj about it, nothing lo wonder at. Tin' quality im eeeortment of my otock Te reaoon enough for that. If you are not OUltOtnW of ii.iiii' Ittal glfO mi' ii truil next 1 1 in mi w;inl unvlliini! in 1 1 . llarm-sH mid Snihlh-ry lino, no matter what. BM i i i lloek anil tl my piieOO, 1. V. ;ll'ii. Ontario, Oregon. iOBC :(ODQQDDaCO THE SECOND ANNUAL, PORTLAND FAIR. Oregoiis Biggest Show Sept. 2025. Admission, 50c 0 Horse Races Daily Ballon Racing National Live Stock Exhibit. Chariot Racing Fascinating Midway Attractions. FIREWORKS will be the most gorgeous and magnificent pyrotechnic display ever seen on this coast This will interest the whole family. Reduced rates on all roads, ! MIIOII1 M US NOTICH. . j , !. Ihe employ. ; ,, M Omaha & OMMll HIiiIi.s Slie.l ltailwuy Com- pal v MM "tld 10 Walk out. All liOl ill both till' I .He lied lip. I he BOOtOl t'ltainb. i of t'oiiim. r. e lias adopled rOOOlllUoU I WMWllll IM proMiod IpokoM froigkl rotoo und lias voted In end delemiles lo the heating .,, gpuMM Septemlier -"' 'Ihe Cliainbi i will tile at ouce a I" mum ot ini.i enuoii ut WanbliiK- loll At IM clohli . ,,, ,, M Ahum Ican llaul.e.s' ., ; nion ronvt'iition la flu ".io, nwulUltoM loudeiuiilng Irooi lornu boib luarMly do- I at lWf and ili, . alilislimeni of I IVing bOOkl VOrO adopted. lu rritleioloi tkeaa iw. propooltlooa. Ai ihar llevn,,l,i , i ,,. , .,.S :l ( MlrOHM ot lie 1', ,, ,;, l.'xlulutivt' loiliiaillee, rOforrlOl lo Ihe poaUl lavii . bunk.-, dl ' : u. d that Ihe "dani;. i ol the political use of HIliU i I 'ii-ii sliould ..ins, all patriotic lie il lo hi allOlO I" line adoptlug kilt b ii ladi. ul no a-iiu " 1 1 lo uudei flood ihe I'osloirlce De pailliieul will f) t M out why Ihe oftet ol lb. iaOU l'e loud lo put o Ks .a Q th a if' on a new mull Haiti to ruu on a 50 hour sihi'dule lieiw.en KMMI 11 1 y and lain Anael. 0 was withdruwn Jllsl as tlie (iovei lllilellt was uboitt 10 ai.epi I lie oiler of the Suntu Ke, 11 was It lull .i ti and no reason wan Unsigned Mis. I'Mwaid T llanlman. who, by tiie terms of h. r Itusbuiid's will. VII left all his properly, probably hoi oiiieu the woild'i woman. She Is exp.chd lo ar,k for an oltliial upprulseinenl of the linuinler's eu lOtO within iwo weeks I'lltil ihis appiulsemetil is made nothing defi nite will In. known us to the amount it wealih an iiuiulaii d by I lui ilnuin. I ul in Wall itiiet it is the common opinion that it will be close to f lOO.OUU.OOO Moie iimiii. i was added to the lei lumall.iii I und during Ihe l.o.t year tliau any Mar since die nvlu inatlou law w... pMOOdji save l'JUS. RoOOlStO floni IM sale of public lands .ant yeai OMMMi IMM "f u" pievious rOOTO. save 190S Tho tolul receipts tor l lie yuur ending Julie SO, 1I0( uinouui'd to HMtTiMT. Of this amount n is esilmuted thut up- i ptoxlnmtely. Is 500.000 will bu tin neil Into the ret laiuutlim fund After baviug w.uiud tho uelgh- b.n hood thut Ulllvs I 111, '.' white llleu In the atrbtly uegro towu ut Tuft. oki; ( N. i i Okln . l-fi town Immodlatch. death would follow, negroid dynamited I III' alore ill llo' mil' ol ill'" whlii'H The bulldliiK wiih purllully demolished The Irluli lunil bill Introduced In Furllumchl on Mnri-li 30 by Augtiat Inu lllrroll. t'hlcf Secretary fur Ire land, piinrtid t li in 11 K li lu flmil Htuge In tho Mouse of Common by a voia of 174 to fit 'I'Iid HoilNtt of Lords probably will pus Hi" measure after modllyliiK ' clauao regarding com pulsory riiinltli.ii of lands mill lal uiNMMNl iii'"1 '"'' " miiili' ol ilo' appointment ol Y. t'rhl da. ex-Mlnlster ol Foreign Affairs mid now Ambassador to tin- I'ourt ol A lint r l.i. to euccecd Huron K Ta kulilru. Jupaueee Minister to Wush Inition Itlvul propositions to curry t In itial l Iroin Chicago lo Seattle In .'.ii hours liuvi- been nit lnnli it'll by thi (in'ut Northern Hulliouil roniiiiiiy iin.l b the t'lili-uito. Mllwiiiiki'i' k St I'linl lallioad Thin would flip I li tioum "ii thu present ... Ii -dull- for ili.- : jo ii in llfn Tlir threatened speed war bus lor Its i. .i.H.I tht four i-.o inuirurt lor carrying tbo overland mull fioiu Chicago lor the I'ugel Sound roiitil i . Alaska .out transpacific ports .md tioin Chlcugo to St 1'uul und Mlnueupolla. THE MARKETS Portland Wheat Club, 7c -Now crop, track prices: J Ku . llllll'hlelll, il(M slun, Mc. Hurley 125.50 41 1311.00 per ton Oats 127.00 iii :'7.60 per ton. May Timothy, lllaiiiellu Valley, f 15 u flti per lou. Kusifiu Ot.goii, llf.M fi fit. 50, ulfuifu, lf ih. Mr, fit. Hulter BStMa Siic; fuuey, 33 f 16c; stoie, 'j i 'n : .'c Kggn Hunt li, i audi, d, J.'c Hops- nui'.i contract, fj 10N iro., 1 7c 1H07 crop, 1 He Wool I a i. in Oregon, 111 i per pound. Valley. 23 j ;0c Mohair :'l t( i.'5c. ile: !3c. Seutlle. Whcut lllui'nleiu, S7c; Club. g Oats New, itt U tit per Ion Hurley New, 16 50 u f 37 tou. May -Kusieru Washlugtou tlni.i- thy. 10 iii :i per ton; I'uget Sound hay. $ 13 f fit per tou. alfalfa, 1J hi fit per ton Ilutter Wushiugtoa creuuiury, 3 to, ru lull. JO .i 21c. Kggs Selected, locul, 3 lie 1'otutoes 1 15 u fid per ton. Much I'reusure i;.. ,.,i i Seattle. Wash , Sept :'0 llilng llig -til passengers und $1 Ml, 000 lu gold, ilo- nU'iinui' N'ictoria, which ar rlied fiom Nome, lowered (he sailing time o I'liget Souud, making the trip in 7 days and II hours With (be Measure shlpiueut ou the Victoria, the gold brought from the Sew aid I'cinnsulu to Seattle this yeur loials nearly $3,000,000. I Heed ihe Argue. OF STATED IN BRIEF IHMUnR ciuioMcl.i: cK fAfl II AI'I'IMM.S. SAVE WASTE IN LUMBER HhwihIII Mm Conclude Tlml Much Mnliiltil (nil Ik- Sun tl liy Mak- Iiik "'Id lent!is siniiiliiid. rortlnnd.- Leodtflg oawaltlo of Portland nnd OMtlgttOm territory have agreed to hi'iici-forth forward und charge for :i I : 1 kflgthO, mill or even, of flooring, celling, drop Hiding und iliiisliim; In in Imm . Iimti'iiil of iih heretofore have such mat itIiiI sawed down to nil lentfhl of H), 12, 14, If., is nnd II feel DM) Blon to IIiIh i'ITitI was r m Ii I after fiO of tin. lending mill im 'ii had ng-ri'i-d. nnd the Oregon Ai ie hlnglon I, umber .Mutiiifiirlur'iH' unsocial hm gave Inilorconunt. The ni'tloii rofofl only to lumber for nil I pmcii t und Is expected in prove a gfoel MTtl Of ni.'ii'i in t ti ii r under the old h.vhIimii was pi u-r li-iilly thrown ,iwuy Mill men in V,i.-hlng-ton nre working upon tlM HUM pro poHltion nnd It Is nnilerHiood they are reudy to full in line will Hie ON rni mill men ut MM. Itennon for adopting IM new ) lem Ih largely found in IM effort at Conserving the lumber resouiceH, leienl IniOHtignl ion tuning liidlcntetl n largo 'lenient ol wtlHif reiullng 111 the trlnimliiK of flooring, celllnK. hIi liif.. rilHlIc and tl n i li to even iMgtM. li V liliirketliiK I hi' mid lellKthN a well iih even lenlhH In the ctMMI of mnterlul menilouid II i- llfiiied tlli'ie Ih found I roll-, rvutloll IIIPIIH- ure of yreut Imporlnnco. llo(ii Inapei'tor U I '. 1 1 - v Hub in St. oe Labor I'otumlHHlon er (). IV lloff bus rec.ii "d woul thnt tome ii i it ii t l.i I in im: in lie a boiler I impel lor, MoiMim in n deputy of the Labor t'oiiimii :.. r. In operut- litk' In Kimtein Hi. Him The plan ncenm lo be for the fe- low In i ftei some l.ltld ol MfM criib lillllls und I lien pfOMM 10 inal.e a ciirsory OMMlMltM of MOOfO. ebaiKlllK Hie OWaX I of (be plliul whatever he will Ntiiml, from J0 to trio. There Im mi holler limpeclor In Oreitoti, the deputies In t li . Labor rominlHslonei'M ofaV ' MTtag no uu t hoi It to Inspert liuilern and tin rlitht ii'-hiiiiiiII to i olle it money for any work they do under the law. Ilniln Tnlkx of Hit l-lon. DnUl The laxpn). is of HiIh por tion of IIoiikIiim Chi lily met In lb" Kiove in Drain Huluiduy, Ih-kIiiiiIiik Willi a il i I. ft dinner. The object wiih lo ascertain (he Menllinenl In re Kiod lo a dm em of the county. A number of upcechon were made iroimli In favor of iili k action. A commiltee of IkIiI w.ih appointed to t ill..- harm' This roiiinililee will Piillllnutili ale Willi t'olllliiei rlul Ctillm III I In- 1 1 1 il II 1 1 to m'l nulled a. Hull Itonrd's Action HoMMb linker ('lu (ieneial satisfaction preyalls lt re over the tl .- Inlon of thu State M. uinl oi Control Iii grunting Ihe Thief Valley Irrigation to the I) va lis- Almlrall I'ompliny. and i. -ople fully expect dial work will In iln .urn on IM proje. I. li I. i luted i hut a dam !D tilth will be placi I'owder llh.'i ai ihe moiiih of u Urge can yon Should Ibis be done, a reser- 1 1 iMial miles lu length will be Ihe i. .all. and wuter will be ha. keel up lo the railroad trestle near Teloi.e.t it I be proje t Is Ulllshed aim.,: Ihe lines now mapped out, wa'ii will be plOOOfJ on ah. nil 55,000 ..... nt land. Including H potllou of tie eel. hrnted Virtue flat country. ilesleil for Kellliig llooe. I', n, II. -Ion Two Pendleton men have I ii hull, led by the grand Jury fur selling lliiior In violation of tho loial option law. They are W. A. Iliown. iiian.ii;er of the Hotel I'en .11. lull, and lieorge Durveau, proprl eioi and manager of Hotel St looitte, te iwo leading hotels of the illy They wc both served with wurratils by Slu-iirt Tayloi uud soon after appeared lu court by Ibelr attorney. It Is believed thai heavy tines will be Imposed upon I hem, as (h. li' violation has been flagrant. It is mMMII) supposed (hut (his Is the rat move lu a general cleanup, as i iii.Jilious since locul option went Iota have been unlawful. I'uiliy i iiiiipulgu s (lu Sal. 'Ill y.i.udlllg lOU 1 epleseljlu- tlVO of Ihe (iood ('ili.euslilp League of riulelll, ateps have been l.iken to IM me (lit uumes of those who fre quent disordeily boiisan lu (tils city lu Ihe fill ii re. and to subpoena ilino persons as witnesses In a aeries of a. II. ins the league plans to bl'lng a.'.ilunt knepes of the house. NEWS OREGON Ne Specler k S.111 rraiUi'o, Sept. II Ihe boodle Sujiei i Isms who ihouahi the matuie of llini tin Uui.t hud run aaaiust all their offenses were bruught iii with a round turn when the affidavit of November '1, 1906, eiUrlUK their inuocenee of wroiiK doina, a wui'iiiig on them. The lulling of tins arti.lvlt wan perjury for which they may be imiccuteJ until three-year limit U reached. Tin- Argus give tin" BOWO. NEW FALL SDTS Ml, ' I- jot lk ymv I 'Y" Il your stitit he chosen from our stock of High Art Clothing your money will be wisely and profitably spent. Ilih Art Clothing "makes good" the material ofwhich it is made "mukes good1 l)eiiifj; chosen with critical eye and rigidly tested before finally out; the work manshlp is good because enly good tailors sre permitted U) have a hand in the hand fashioning of Bigh Art Clothing; the fit is perfect, as a try-on will convince you, and the style of i garmenl hearing the High Art label is marked by character, distinction and taste. Long OllBPrlDe S31oHllers Ontario, Oregon. xtiTiti: to TAXPAYBat, Notice N lien i. firtti tlml iln Itonril oi Bquolitoiion will iiHfi nt the eouri li' um in N'nlf .hi the third Mtuiil. . i plug tin iMlnlny of Oetoktr,1900, i'-r tho (iiiijiohc tif i'Miii, initio; tho Tax Roll uinl tqooliiing thu mudo. All (ilijirtiuiis in the uKaeiHiiH'iit f imv propei t iiiii-t be node hi erriting uinl Bled with the olerk iini lug Inej Hrel treok f the boord'i im etlng. s. L. Patm, si - I.' ..I Malin hi County, in Nollri' lor I'tllillr.illoii liepai tin. nl ul I ho Interior, r. s Land i Mu e a( Buma, Urorfun. KepUniber 0), 1000 Ni.tlee Is lielel.v illtn tllllt .l.llne. I. lloggi si. "I Uilsei, Idaho, wh... ill July '' , Hull, Ina.le IniliieHteail ell- n No .'is , ?-, I,., i ...oi ;ihi (or l.', .. Bf, T In M . I! It I . W. M . I,a- lile.l notice .,( lnlelill.. lu make llli.ll ; Vooi I'r.s'l. In i -lalilisli rlaiiii lO the l.llel auUVe "I. ' .Ills-.!. Inline (I I. CIO I H I . Ii.imi- l.lier, ttt Ills ol .ii e a( i ii l.u Ul I i. ' ai OO the 1Mb da .1 NllVI Mil. 1. I!" e t'laioianl naiiii - a- a iln, Willi. i ut V I: I i hit it mi. t)re,'oli. rthiir K I'.nI.Is, ( or ie la last .1. . A' KIiimI. tr Hub.. .l.'l WM I Mil. I . ICl'.'l-ll I. DEFICIT TO BE CUT. Tail I'biiiN I'ostal Itt'lreneliiiieilt, llllllll.ilk Sa Belittle, Si .i !0 Sp al.lng be fore Ihe tfV00bl0(tO0 rostinanters' loinenilaii, I'ohtniiihier - (leneral V. ii Hllekoool iii-aiissed ut ijreol leiiKth ihe new ioliey or retrnuh iiient liiaiiKiirated by hlni. Mr Hid lu ih k .-aid that he did not h lieve in niaUlnK an effort to get rid ol I be enliie delli'it of tL'U.UOO.OUU, HH the lion ll (.Ulio.-e of die dejiarl inelil is etlli lein Ml 1 1. i. Colieernlna Ihe ruial free deliveu borvlne Mr. Hitch, oik Mild: Thin uervk-c U Invaliiuble, and the di i.n lllieiil does not .lll'los to curtail il lu aiis a li Is iilacinn niuiii iiilllioiis in (lie direct coiiimu uicallou with lb.- K.eliun uiaiketa of (be coiintii. a::. I !- ai.ling In the tiiiaiuial au;l t,oiuuii'iciul uphull !iug ul the Nation Ii.blli ll.nis (omul l.o;-e la Session. ot! tie, Wash, Sept. -it. The S.imi.iu tiiai.ii l.odi;. of the Inde- pendeiu Order of l)ililf.low Mf tho t'ulted Slates and Canada met in Qddfollowo Temple iii ibis ci( ut ii.niii I,;ndav About i,l)l)0 mein bera of (he in il. i rr,; in attendance, coining from evety state lu the I'liion. I'opular lotOTOOfj centered In tbe great pai.ule i his afternoon, when at least :'o,ooi) man in regalia, led by the puirlureha militant, man bed through the downtown sireete to the music of acorea of bauds. W. L Kuydendall. of Wyoming, was Uosen Kian.l sire, ani John B. Qockrain, of ii.uiuuai.oljj, lud was tlii'ti'd dipuiy graud blt'O. Men's All-Wool Suits $M.oo Men's All-Wool Suits $2.50 High Art Suits $16 to S35 Boys' Ajax Suits, $5.00 Clothing Company. u The Siege URKATKST PEAT! RE OF THE 0REATE8T IDAHO INTER-MOUNTAIN FAIR. Boise, Oct. 11 to 16 inclusive. 800 people required ooote iiiiinv iliniiMiiitl ut' iini Briefly "I 'In Biege of Jericho is ti iiiiotiiiii, iiiainiiiii', su-c- tin ii 1 it i- prodot Hon, in w li u li over S00 people ire engeged. The production Ink I i rn eon. -ii in ii-! llini, Die Bible loetruc lioiiH anil is mperbly grand, Kotu hioji grade ipecialf aria urc need, mi I i o h pei lormaoce io foin In. Ie, I wiih a reguler 1 1000 dleplaj ol Urcgory'acolc brated Broworko, Tbe perforin nee lu'-t oue hour end Ibii is iniiiiiti'H. I VMIIM.. Ill lug M'ur ini i.ils ami ipend ihe ivnk on tin pieaoli taiiiji- ing grounde, Camp ground Iron A eoinforfable lent, S.H feel .im iiij,' ciitii o act k for !, or leei a im ! for lei - Boocr. oraer oisei m n oooneblo m icfg. M.lili 1 I I I'll VI. i li.M.ltKMv Of s i'linl iutereet to agricub tlliill-ts it lit 1 hoiilrtilluillllst.s .till be ih'- rougreee ol euiiucol peagere ou eubiccte killed to i bote linee. Friday and Saturday of Pair Week tltfiu will ba lone t tin t in goii'ldaho Uevclopment Congreea, WILL H. GIBSON, Secretary Inter Mountain Fair, Diiise. Iddip, t'AI llultNIA KXI I lisH'Ns i.i Dioon tiborl j . 1 1 1 m - Pailv for lirkets oi u way via PorUandi Prcquenl iiatis for other routes, nee Oregon, bhorl Lino igeoli for further detaile. Oeaauee ctonwco itute. via Oregon 8horl Line. Tickets on sale from Idaho, Wyoming end Oregon poinle ou October 1st to ,"tli, inclusive. Limit October 16 See ecenti for iatt'8 ami further perlieU' lapii of Jericho" in t lit- t;it, 'I"iis great fvent Inrn td produce. I Prof. II T. Preoefa ll . rok en "Aiiiuiul fu uiinliy." rmnont Wood, Belee, MA i lo I'nlttirc ami Merketing." Bllle Koleon, V B ;t-v. .. ItiiinuitStalii ii, t ihwill, li'o , 'I'nuiiro of luigiitii.n." Prof. Prauedon, Stale t'i irr. Mtv, "Dairying." Prof, shiini, siutc Uniteraiif, "Orchard rt..i'.i.. in .. kilt Irrigated Country." Ah-; IfcPhereon, Boaia, -Soil ami Watil.'' f, f, Aiuui. i, Meridian, MBea Culture," Dr. Nohlf, iiate vctciinoiy, Hoist, "Slotk Siinitniioii." linn. Mark Auotin, Siar City, 'Sugar Bed Culture." I'n f. .loins, 1'ereolo." Um. Liter, V. S. lurveyec general of I.lalio, J'tihlio Uudl innil thtir A Quiroment." Hi in i CollUr.Taeeaaa.Waoki 'Poultry.!' eo- Wantetd, - . A friend of mine will bo here bout Sept. 1st to purchare en uuimproved or jmuiuiiy j,,,, proved farm. I uonld like lo confer with the owners of ahr lUOh who wish to sill. p !. ButuerlaufJ, P. a Bt x effi Oniurio.Oiegoo. t BHBIBIHMiHinuuBannnnBBiaiaiMMfBaieB.