The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 24, 1909, Image 1

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Don't Forget That We Do
all kinds of Printing at
the Argus Office.
For the Malheur Project.
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County.
M.MI'.I I; ''
. - "-
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy Co. for nil kinds
of drugs.
Frank Howard has returned
from his trip lo the Seattle fair.
Horn In Caldwell, Idaho, t
the wile of Klmer a Clark, a
Owen Test and Otto Blackaby
left Wednfsday to resume theii
tudies at tho Corvallis Agricul
tural College.
H. T. Husted of the M. M. Co .,
has returned from a business
visit to the interior in the inter
ests of the firm.
Chet Lackey left for Valo on
Monday to accept the nosition
of .hookkeepcr at the Malheur
Forwarding Co.
J. II. Farley wan in Bakei
City tho first of the week, look
ing after matters connected wild
his undertaking husiness in tl at
Tho wasp wnisl is tho latest
in feminine apparel and the
boys will have to be careful
whore they put their arms aflir
Art King has purchased the
Pipos property in tho southern
part of tho city and his hachclor
frimids are wondering what he
i going to do with the same.
Prof. Rliyner desires all who
wih to enter a class to lean,
the ruditnenU of musi vocal
or instrumental, to meet at the
operu house tomorrow at 1 p. m.
Williams A Boyer, proprietor
of n.e Klectrjo Maae, desire to
inform the puhlio that in the
fiitine a ehango of program
Nightly will he given at tlnir
popular little theutre.
Mine Prints oi any Township
in the Burns Land District,
flowing names of nttymtn,
kinds of ontry, dates, etc., and
topography. li c 1.00. J
0, Tiirney, Burns, Oregon.
All memhurt of the Ontario
Encore Band are requested It
hring the horns belonging to
the city, and also the uniform
in their possession to the Argus
office at their earliest conveni
o ice.
Harry I'Viiier, will devote his
time tho rest of the year in the
hcep business, working for
Boiler A Hon. He will do no
herding hut run with Billy, and
in 1010 expects to wear wool on
his face in-tead of hair.
Con Ryan is manager of the
second hand store during Mr.
Tuttle's uhsence, and the y.y
Qui) can wait upon the la, jo- j
A caution, He is making good,
fjr he has already sold u wabh
holler worth 2 for 15 cents.
On and after Nov. 1, all per
sons registering a letter in the
United Slates mail will pay
for the service 10 cents. Begin
ning with the .same date Uncle
Sim will assume a maximum
jiabiljty, fqr registered matter of
')0 instead of gg,
John Shannon oi Louisiana,
Mo , a cousin of Attorney Biggs,
was in the city during the week,
tejuroing from a visit to the Bo
utile fair. Of course, Dalton
gave him a good lime while
,pr.-, and r 3l,ann9 M
, mo' of ins life with, all the
iptte ftiggs.
t :.!' A. hi Hi- qf the pastime
hiHirtrd and nonl routus, one o
jb finest iu the northwest, in-.
VgM your patronage. The firm
u if iij.-r cigars, tobacco, fine
eou.ectlouery, etc, The fruit
und confectionery store is separ
ate from the billiard room, and
the ladies of Ontario are es
pecially invited to make their
purchases at the Pastime, just
south of Boyer Bros. A Co.
Irrigation Talk.
V. W. Robertson, publisher
of the Yakima (Wash.) Daily
Republic, in an interview in the
Weiser Signal, soid regarding
the irrigation of our high lands:
"There are no hotter opportu
n'ties for reclamation work un
der the shining sun than hero.
Those who hoped for govern
ment rechimntion here should
not forget that the deportment
has already undertaken work
which will cost many millions
in excess of the funds available
I do not see how it will he pos
sible for the department to au
thorize any new projects for
several years. Secretary Hallin
ger has officially stated that it
will not he done. Having hillen
off moro than ho can chew
Uncle Sam must now work out
i method of mastication. He
will do it without a douht; hut
people here who hope for de
velopment to proceed within
their lifetime should not over
look the fad that lime, which is
9) essential to them, cuts hut
little figure with tho govern
ment. "Not being a capitalist and a
prohuhlo purchaser of irrigation
bonds, I am not much of an ml
mirer of tho ironclad contracts
which seems to be a necessary
preliminary to irrigation by pii
vate corporations; hut in the
light of our experience in the
Yakima valley, I can say that it
is better to sign a stiff contract
than to wait for tho govern
ment, (iuvcrnment irrigation
is a good thong. But time flies
and most of us ore beginning
to figure that we havo hut one
life to live,"
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy Drug Co.
kinds of drugs.
O. W. Blair is back from Hot
Lake much improved in health.
(ieo. W. Long paid Boise a
husiness visit during the week.
Tho only chronic kicker who
accomplishes anything is the
Porter Onhornu is confined to
his home wjth n attack of la
grippe. Homo of (ho boyi say
the new mustache is the ouuso.
A man over in Idaho named
Clover has just been married,
and soon there will ho several
blades of grass where there was
formerly one.
J. S. Millikin is now in charge
of tho Ontario opera house, and
purties desiring to lease the
Miiiio can secure dates und pro I
by consulting him.
Kx-Judge Frank J. fctaltil of
Caldwell was a visitor to Onta
rio on Suluiduy. lie was sue
eeeded in oflice by Judge I'M L
Bryun, formerly a law partner
of Attorney A. N. Soliss.
J. S Chirk, the unto man, last
week mud1' (he run from Onta
rio to Jordan Valley in one of
his Huicks in seven hours and
only used six gallons of gaso
line. That is going some.
A white girl and a Jap tried
to get married in Scuttle the
other day und although a license
wua gpllftd ne minister could
he found who would perform
the ceremony. Different in Wei
We wish to thank our water
patrons for oa-opurutiiig in re
serving our wuter supply while
repairs were being mude on
our pumping plant last week.
We have everything fixed now
and will be able to supply the
USUal demand.
litAiio-OufcmiN- L. A I. Co.
No Money mi
the Malhemir Project
The Malheur Project officials last week son!
Secretary Ballinger the following dispatch:
"The people o( die Malheur Project will
be satisfied tf placed m the calendar for an
appropriation of $100,000 to complete) the sur
veys o( the project.
The following answer was received from
Mr. Ballinger:
"For want of available fundi I cannot sec
my way clear to comply with your request at
the present time."
A Hitting of the owners of i and just contract to sign up.
dryland on tho south side of The committee elected con
tho Malhei r river and in the sisls of A.W. Trow, Q, W. Long,
vicinity of Ontario was held at II. C. Whitworth, D.dton Biggs,
the Commercial Club room W. II. Doolitlle.
Tuesday afternoon, and a large Tim land owners on the north
attendance present. I side of tho Malheur river will
The object of the meeting was hold a meeting tomorrow (Sat
to elect a committee to represent ' urduy) at tho Ontario opera
the land owners in making a house at 2:.'H) p. in. to elect a
united eliort to get water on the committee to look after their ir
land that it located on the south ligation interests, and co-operate
side of the river.
Col. 0. ft S. Wood was present
and expressed as he has hereto
fore us willing to work with the
settlers with the object in view
of getting water on the land at
tho very euiliest dale postible,
regardless of the source from
which it comes, provided the
people are given a reasonable
A meeting was held at l'i nit
land, Idaho, last Saturday c til
ing to discuss the matter if
building a road from the new
Snake liver bridge on the Idaho
side tq the Bench.
The fnlluwii.g from Ontario
attended: l'i. A. Kruser, J A
l.ackcy, II. 0. Mover, the bridge griming rapidly, and it will not
commission; J. W. IfoCollocn, bo long before tliO slimline will
Dalton Bigg-, W. II. lliooke, O. bo OpOU for troflle. The bridge
f, pg, OOminlwion now figuring on
The meeting was an cnlhusi- having double BoOf on the
astic one and the Idaho people bridge, and it will pay iu the
uro extremely ploOOOd that they buig on, as heavy tiallic ex
are to have bridge connection poafefdj OTOf the structure.
Are They Idlers V
A IVrtlund paper, editoii illy,
declare- that the Oregon IU court is B.yu Ml .... :,., ,. iu, . , ,,,t. )U,y
long vacations and genera! in-I . , , ., , ..
. i" show ot the lioi-o Inter Moun-
Kven looinf fl a-. la fori llll Mia fair, ami llttirOI all parents
court (sec ll.ii loo -. iiegoniun, in Malbeui ((unity who ur'
opinion wuti. i, hy JmUco k '' ' j lliink i(! oi . u(. ling their little
ougbi not lubjeei H to i iloudvi lN ((1 Ul ,(llUlv e0Mf, t0
in a public newspaper. .i -.i i
1 . I ' t' i ,i, , cave tin ir naines with him
A U mallei oi i o , nr lieu-1
laU.I Lodv or men ill1" ll"lr OnrliMl convenience.
- . : . ..: . . i .1.:.
ih. -tate, pn'lh or piivale, pill M hai ley u;:nl- it dUtiUC'tly
in longer bonis or work har.l.i. understood that lilidoi UO cn-S.-mt
of the judges of till HO euiUtlll.vM sill U enter anv o
preine court woik HutUiduyO, , .i .. i
K v i. i- i i.i !"s children thus luav ug an
New i ear a D.iv, roinih Ol Julv "
ami nighis. " i open held lo all of our young
This" js no txaggam tion. as suis.
.lii..i lii-ii.-.. Mi.., i. luis I.,, i
away from his desk a day and a
half in two years.
Justice Hakin, who ha- served
5 years I, a.- beep, away Ii week
The judges go to win k al I
Vclock in lb morning and quit
it ti o'clock, often work uigliU
Can the I began, ia show any
.... :.. 4i... it. .:...! Ci.i... .ii
anv I
more uu-iuessr
a i iv i ii .1 Mi -l au oe-
-j .
cisioiih were reinlereil. noine ol
the cises were of state wide im-
i .in Li iu i- nod mniiv of iheni
muttera that hud been lilitfuted
for years ill the lower emits
ISiileiii Caiitul Journal,
com i ill lUt. eiairii oiain luiiianu iiihiiiii- p 1101 wa laweii
did any more work OT dispatched Mrf 0f ,y the ladies of the lb.p -
Handl to
with tho South Side commit
It is hoped that Vale, Lower
Willow Creel; and D. id Ox Kbit
will be represented by good
delegations, as it hohocs even
one to keep in lin und to uiiikt
a united and determined effoil
to get wuter on our land at the
very earliest date possible.
with OnUriO and will grade the
road from tl I Idaho ml Of the
bridge to tl Bern b will out
any cost to Ontario, while On.
turio will do tin- BOOOOOafJP grud.
ing on tilt OrtgOII side to the
11 idge.
Work 00 tin bridge is pro
Charley l Baby Judge
C A. Mycr-, of the clothing
I linn of Under Bros. A l.auipkin,
Died at Baker QJty
Mi- Klin Mm ton, agod ;;ft
aoi '-. da ' Monday lo st. Rlisa
in th boapitul, linker Oily. Mrr.
Morion was brought to Bokor
City fioni Ontario more than
... . . , ...... .....l ii
Itui ..,.. Ii .u.i u.. .i.ul?ltor or ins greai religious
111 HUM ' -! It .1 III'
Ol Jillks Mnton ol tba
tbia city.
Any physician thut knows tb-
U'ds.;,,. Don c I), no Co u-:il ,.i
. be.-ilatc lo luut hi i.utieni's
niodicine to ua for prearatiou.
Local News.
A little boosting won't hurt.
Horn In this city, to the wife
of John Madden, a son.
Sam Hoboon is qttlto ill nt bis
home on the Kast Side.
rOt Sale 7-octave organ; a
bargain. Inquire Mrs. (irecr.
It will not be long now before
'everybody will be hugging the
Mrs. Ei J. Boom Ol Ironside
is visiting rolttivi I and friends
in Ontario.
Mrs. I,. ). Huston ol I'kiab,
Oregon, i isititttr with her
porents, Hon. (i. ,. King, ami
rOI Sale Cheap Improved
Economy DrOOm separator ; good
as new. Can be seen at I'oor
nian'c, next doOff to DOOtOUlcf.
The dance given by the band
last Friday night was oroll
intended ami enjoyed by all
I who participated. Manager
Millikin bod the llooi in line
Aulo for Sale -Oood as new:
will mcII (heap for cash or good
DOtO; must sell on account of
ill-health. & A. Ilobson, Onta
rio, Oregon.
W. A. Hopkins and wife arc
iu the city iiom Burns. Here
cenlly disponed of bis land hold
ings iu Harney county and will
iu all probability locate in Onta
rio. Dr. J. Printing arrived home
from Omiihti on Tuesday, when
he represented Ontaiio Aerie,
l' O. K , at the grand session
lie reports having an enjoyable
lime, but was glud whin the
brakeman announced Ontario.
County Commissioner C. W
Mallett left Saturday for Poll
land to attend the convention of
county judges ami commission
era of Oregon, lie was uccoiu
panted by his daughter l.enii,
who will attend OOllogf at Cor
vallis. Hurry Cornwall of Salt ok
City at rived la-t week to acce.l
a position nl the descent Bar
ber Shop. He is an artist in
'he lomoaial line and a pleasing
gentleman to unit, only i,e is
not ijiiite as good looking as
Krank, the I
A coiniounn alion from
fall, without any signature, has
boon root Ivod nl oonoignod t
ihe VOOtO basktl. If people ale
chained to sign tlnir names,
Vi cannot afford to print then
communication, at we have
troubles ol OUr own.
All editor in Nevada rofUOfl
to publib obituary notices ol
people who, while living, failed
I i lubooriba for bil paper und
gives this pointed r 000001 "Peo
ple who do not lake their bou.e
paper ui'f dead anyway, and
hiir passing away has no new
value." Si i vices at the M. Iv church
next Sunday as follow Mumliiy
school ,t lud". pieiuhing at
I 1 ill a in.: insliillation of the
ofUeora ol tba Kpwortb loagut,
6:30 p. m proocbiug ' p
On Monday celling at till bu-0
DjOM meeting held in the chinch
it Was dei lidod lO re-eul till'
eburob and ronalr tba lootuia
We wish tO un minute i uw
that anyoi our formor lubserlb.
ir- who 10 desire, may pay their
I i ..:.:.. .. I . . .. .
w heal
, Lu,1( ' al l1"' WWkotprleO. Tba
iiuiist i iiiik'ii hi Min.ii. ii.n.-i in
weekly wants to take cue ol Ins
chickens, hoise and cow y,d
will deal direct with the- funnel
Uuins Tlliles-lleruld. Wbeie in
thundei did ) mi get the chickens
uutl horse and cow, Juliun?
Seattle Stoek Show.
The stock show at the Bolft
Interniouiitaiii lair this year
will bo the greatest in the his
tory of Idaho, its success being
doubt assured by the announce
ment that many of the big cast
cm herds which have been ex
hibiting in Seattle will come to
BoitO. This feature, which it is
believed will be the fail's great
est attraction, is made possible
ior me necessity oi a siop-over
for the slock between Seattle
and Deiner.
Herds range fioni l to BO
he. ! and include the best stock
Ol I ha most foremost breeders
Ol A morico. and include Here-
lord, Rod Poll, tfolatoin, Qollo.
Wn) and Angus stock. Many of
the herds are unexcelled mi the
( onlinont and hove earned away
lirst prizes at Chicago, Denver,
Dot Moines, Portland and Seat
tle. The value ol such an exhibit
it is stated lies in the fact that
it would encourage the raising
ot I oiler cuttle III the state ami
the introduction of breeds which
arc not niiscd extensively in
By Unanimous Vote.
At till' sibool election held
last Saturday tO vote on the
ipiestion of the establishment
of a high school in Ontario, the
same was curried without a dis.
MUting vote.
Local News.
Col. C K S. Wood is in tin
city on bnainooo.
Mrs. J T. I.iigai. bus been
quite ill the past week, but is
o.ivulesi ing.
Attorney W. II. Brooke was
McKwon, Baker county, lust
Saturday mi legal business.
Mrs. and Mrs. I.. J. Kukard
have left for Walla Wulla, Wash.,
to rOOMo. The departure of l.os
loOVOa a vinaiicy in the city
Health is loo precious to be
tampered with by incompetent
endoiH of dings. Try the
Wilson Duffy 1'iug Co , foi
n drugs, and aspt ii OH IcO.
At the Cnited l'i csb tel lan
chunb mt Sabluitb morning
the topic will be "Tempciuiiee
in all Things ' Kvening, "Tern
peliog tl Tempi I
D. II. I 'iltle has opened a
Mend-hand itoro, two doom
north ol tita Aigu- ottica and
a ill buy and sell all kinds m
oiir patioiiage and guaraiitie
his pillions a sipiaie deal.
Saturday, Ofl J, boa been set
atida us the do) for olooi mg tba
( lutorio ceuieti iv and planting
in , -, ow is and shrubs. All
who pooaiblj can are ungeutly
n quatod to old us in this aro k.
It. s. Ki ruaai nun, s( utou,
II. T Dusted ot tbO Ml 111' "i '
Men aiiliU- Co. of Ontario. - . -.
a kOOrl lime m this i I . tin
week . Mr. Ilusted has bfeii
resident of Intai m foi . 'i year-,
d tbia la biaflrat visit to I r
heX co,,y Ho will virit Sa
i ,w , l.aweii ami IJIMUIoim oe
lie lellll lung bOIOI , SO) s the
Iblllis Timcs-Helald.
West laid TwtM I alls liHuurioii
I (i laiiiil llMnUt
Uolllid ti ip ticket will be sold
lor the above occasion to Itilhl.
Idaho, on Septeinhei Li " 1 1 1 , Jlilb,
and I'Ttli, with liuol limit oi
October 'J, r.Kl'.l. Si e agents for
fin tber puiliculars.
ll.l anil I'asliuc .or Sale
Oll I'ilie Click Halliev conn-
ly . timothy bay and line gieen
pasliiic good shelter und open
wall i elevation, 8(100 feet. ' Dn; i i i:,
Vim, On gun.
make these by the
Hid s, 1 them by the
l'.tra( t- I Be till
la moii Extracts, lt'i
These el roots' are super
ior to those usually sold
ami we guarantee tin in III
conform to the Pure Pood
and Drug Act.
Geo. Candland.
i. i:dim; DMVCMIMT.
Onlai io, ( IfOgOn
I our main interest . and
rro il nol go into outoide
lines. Henoo rro aro able to
give yon it line atock nl
AN 1 1
LetVtad Prescript jonists
Ol" tho County.
Drug Co.
We now have a ver cboieo
stock ol Cut ilass.
N a ale i,-n 1,,0 ing a s lei t
line of colonial and coiiiitbiaii
bras- and ass nun ,ron
We gllaianli e vmi at i-liot mil
ill all doollllgl
A oomph ti' line i Strings,
Sheet Music and I iisiruiueiits.
Giuuantectl Watch
Harry RGrauel
The lew llV and Musical lloliso
ol I lllta ii". Oregon.
St. Frauds' Aciidemy.
i oity, Oregon
u.. ,rvtn.. ,. c, LiWki
uw:.iiiiiiij Cllll loy vltllirai
lor liirls.
anil '
. Imill
Tin nun -e (, ktudil ' m-
bracoi tba t ighth -.-i adei ol on
in on siudie- braced on Ihe ktoto
eouraa ol itudii s, tin udi mio ol lour years und ih-
'Olllllll I 'lal L'OUI '
'I he iniisii- onil p, iiniing do
pai t in i i.i .in, ; Kplandid udvon
Htudii - wiil be le-iuiu d Sent,
7, I"'.'. I'm tuitbil alllell-
lalseallal the A. an. in v m ad-
the S I.i St l'i UUI.
' "
All tl.. :n u .- ail lilO tune If
tb i. lotto n the Argus, and the
price i only 1 1 the yeai