The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 17, 1909, Image 4

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P mn M Bk
Our new fall goods arc fcfriving daily and we liave some of the
best lines ever shown in Ontario. Among the latest are the new
Tailored waists, Q full line of Hoy's, Children's ami Ladies' shoes.
A new line o( hose we are Belling a! 15c for hoys and girls.
Beats Anything ever shown iii the town, see them in our window, ex
amine them, they are winners.
We are showing the swelled line of Men and Hoy's Clothing for
the money you ever saw, we heat them all when It comes to selling
good clothes cheap. That's our Motto "Good Clothes (heap.''
Drop in and let us show you.
It pays to trade with
I 'mills for mi. -1. ii 'oimnWitlon at
A.-V.-r. Are MM ii. Ink
Salem. .TikIrIhk from the rate at
which the Ori'Knn CoiniiilsHlonerii to
the A.-Y.-P. i M"' "I"" are spc-nilliiK
the state's nionry appropriated for
the exhibit at the Seattle Fair, there
will be a delicti when the expoHlllon
The 1907 law creating the com
mlHHlon apptoprla'ed $100,000 for
the purpoHe of currying the act Into
effect. The 1907 Li'Rlnlntin c appro
priated $25,000 more. I'p to date,
the n mi mission has exhaiiHted ili.i
appropriation of $100,000 and hna
lined 916.N6t.27 of I he $25,000 appropriated.
Hill - Itoule to Houth Indicated.
Portland. Recent development!
In connection with the extension of
the Pacific A KaHtern from
.Medford northeast are looked npnn
by men familiar with the railroad
strategic altnntlon In Southwestern
Oregon as pointing an unerring fing
er at the route that J. J Hill will
follow In extending the Oregon
Trunk Line Into California.
. mm. nt Itropv Malheur Project.
Portland. It watt announced thm
the Government will not at the pres
ent time undertake the construction
of the Malheur Irrigation project.
Secretary HalKnger, though unxloua
to help ii. i in the Mulheur con
tract country, finds, after a study
of the entire Irrigation situation,
that the condition of the reclama
tion fund will not now Justify the
adoption of any new projects.
wiara rarara ra to m anni
There's Nothing Mysterious About It.
Boom people novo ntmdered why I do 1 1 bulk of
tlio Herueea luielnooi Sol only here In town bol for
mills around Surely, there i Bowing myoterioue boat
it, nothing to wonder at. Tin' quelltv ami ueortmenl of
iii v htock it rOMOfl MOttgfa lor I hat. If you an- not a
customer hi mine just gift nn a trial next lima JfOU wmil
nythini In the Humes ami Saddlery lini no matter
whut. Si h my stock ami cl my pnecs.
JF, V. All 'ii. Ontario, Orogon.
a o c. cu o o o ci o o mi o cz
Oregon's Biggest Show.
Sept. 20-25. Admission, 50c
6 Horse Races Daily Ballon Racing
National Live Stock Exhibit Chariot Racing
Fascinating Midway Attractions
ntnl I, ot Angeles In 50 hoinu, VBUI
us to have been a reduction of ten
hours In the present schedule This
in I ton wns i.ii.iii without any ex
planation, anl leaves the I i.l iiinll
situation uncertain
The Hwedlsh government has In
tervened to eltle the dlspule be
tween the Kmployers' I'nlon ..nil the
'niifeileratlon nf Labor, which wns
I the cause of the recent general strike
In Stockholm. Arbitrators have been
ii i ) ... i nt ' I for thin purpose as well
as to draw up tcgulatlons for the
settlement of future disputes by ar
bitration It is not putting It inn hiiutigiy to
av that WnsliliiKiiin, wlildi wus pre
dlsposed to be frlelldl) 10 Civil In
gllieer Hubert i: Peary, I'. S N ,
I tills being Ills hiiuie. bus bec.iine ,i
gusted with his suvjgc attacks on Or
('ink's claim to the discover) ot tbe
Kieat pi Ue of exploration Tin- 11. m. I
of i,-l.i .mm from the ninth Is
deemed uudlgnllled fur an exiilorer
nf IVuiVn reciiiil ami ublllties.
The Indict incuts cliarglng V
lleliue, tbe cupper financier, with
conspiracy to obstruct the udinlnls
Iralloli of Justice by concealing the
books of the t nlted (upper t'mn-
1 i;in, have been dismissed by Judge
Hough, if the I'nlted Stutes Circuit
Court in New York.
i.i. hi. -.1 1 1 1 -1 . 1 .i In History of the
State. .S.. II,.. . Program.
Salem All ciitidltlons favorable,
the gates of (lie State Fair grounds
were opened Monday morning, to the
greatest exposition of the mineral,
agricultural horticultural, animal
and Industrial possibilities of the
state of Oregnii (but the state has
e, : experienced, with the exception
of the i.euix .-in, I Clark Kxpoaltlou
of 1805, In Portland.
All of tbe mailable spare In every
department of the fair has been
taken by exhibitors of stock, prod
ucts, etc., and, despite the fact that
the capaclfj of nearly every depart
ment of ill -. play has been greatly
enlarged this year, there will not
be m ailv room enough to ai -commodate
all applicants for space.
Portland I urn lluys Apples,
Hood Hlvcr.-- Ily the purchase of
70IIII boxes of apples from the Hood
lllH'i ipi'Ki'owers' I'nlou Pago &
Sou. ot Poll land, cleaned up the en
tire crop of apples that the Hood
Itiver Applegrowers' 1'iilon handles.
The purchase comprises 7000 boxes
of apples ih. it Htelnhardt tt Kelly
falliil to gel and Included what are
klioHii as the choice or second glade
Spilcnbi i k New Ions, Kiiliie lleau
tliH, (iiuiHS. Oxbury Itusselts, lien
Davis and Wlnesups.
I'lie prlcn paid for these apples
In said b Mr. Page and the officers
nf I he Hill,, n to be the highest ever
paid for apples oil the Pacific Coast.
Men's All-Wool Suits
Men's All-Wool Suits
High Art Suits $16 to;;$35
Boys' Ajax Suits, $5.00
II your sulit be chosen from our slock ofHigfa Art Cloihfog
your money will he wisely and profitably spent. Sigh Art Clothing
"makes good" the material of which il is made "makes good," being
chosen with critical eye and rigidly tested before finally cut; the work
manship is good because only good tailors are permitted to have a
hand in the hand fashioning of High Art Clothing; the tit is perfect,
as a try-on will convince you, stud the style of a garment bearing the
High Art label is marked by character, distinction and taste.
Long Clothing Company.
Ono-Irlcw Clothier. Ontario, Oi moii.
MWMiucn If' C VC
FIREWORKS will be the mosi
j iv r
Wheat Hm crop, track prices:
ni.i t ? .. . 1. 1.. ... ii -.. . i .
1.i I v lliu, mi, uiutnu-m, PIVj It'U HUH-
magninoeni pyrotechnic display ever seen !, mm.
Hurley szti no in L'7.00 ton.
tints I2S tier Ion
on this const.
luiiuiv. luMiuct't
will interest the
rates on all roads.
"linn i m:vk vol us.
. ; ,,,
t'Mllle Wright, flying. oer the pa
rade uo'uuds tl Hciliu, traveled ai
Hie estimated i-pei'.l of III miles all
hour and leuiaiued in the air
An tiffliiul estimute b the t'una
dlati deparlineiii of uniUnlture and
Mtutibliis plan h laiiuda'b wheut
crop Ht ltis,;iM;,ooo bushels Of
this if is estimated 149, 285. 00 bush
els will be produced west of the
( I.iI.i-m
tiuod prtgrwi is btiug made on
Hie I'. mania aiial and four sectloua
ot ll haw lie.ii imislud," aiTordlua;
in i 'nlonel lioiihals. ihlef enslueer
in i hai'Ke ot Hie .anal ronstruolioii,
kd nienil) arrived III Wahhlugton
iion, i in- lathuua.
rheotliue RooMVtt) aud M n e
1'K'sideul Kaii l.auks are aniotiK
IllObe ajipoiutcl ileh'Kales to tile
world' missluuaiy louforence lu
IMiuburgh. Siotland. next June 14
to L'4. Thete will be about 1100
il legates of win, in 500 will go from
'In round) and Canada
The Western Thcuter Managers,
Inue declared ih ins. -Ives for the
"oit'U door" pnlli) uf buokiiiB plas. I
and duiliiK the tOBUM NUN vtiii
a., opt all orferiiiiii. pies, nird by
inliei tbe thi-adi. al -Midnale liead
ed In KI.ih .V t.'ilanuei in b tbe
"Independents.' of w In, ii tile Sliu-j
bolls are tile nllt lulling Spirit.
Iteiufini M nieiits ii. III. niinilier of
1 1. 000 men have in -rive.l al Mellllu.
Moroii'o. to i.iuioiio i be Siunish
luiees tieluial lnlna ooln in.iiiil, i
0 I lie S .a in h I . N in Moiori'O. !
iniiliiiiies lo i.diai his line. Willi
ids oiijci -i of outflunklng 'he Muni
sii immIHuus on Mo. mi Quran i h.-
Spanish inhume colUIDM liaie en- ! nia.iv MtlVM ho lien for
ii Mniallon of "cace
The lilnnest iliauiuud mill ). w.l
million peiliap. In ilu- Iumiii) of ill. i
iniiiiii) in rin r.d in rittsbui'i! last
SpiliiR, but tin poll.e in. tints now
I tklMg it publn The value o the
(BU stolen ainoiiiii.- to iilnuit (mi
000. et ll.e police icluse to iiuil.c
known tile uuiiie of the person rob
bed Thev admit, however, that tlicy
me mi ilie track of the man or men
wbo Ktole one diamond valued at
$10,000 and MMMtgl ullnr Jewelry
and precious stones to total (be 1
The management of ihe Santa Re
Railroad has withdrawn lis otter to
the (iiivi'i mucin in pm on
lam In run heiwccu Kansas
1 lay Timothy, Willamette Valley,
I ; 'it 15 per ton; Kastern (livumi,
f It! .10 f IT !; alfalfa, f 14, clo
ver, $11.
Under Kxtra, :itie; fancy, 33 'i
3 lie, store, 21 !i 22r.
Kki'.s Ranch, candled, 30 .( 31c.
Hops liinii conttact, L'Oc; lau.s
crnp. 17c; li07 crop, 1 1
Wool Kastern Oregon, 16 ii 23c.
per pound; Valley, 23 4j 25c.
.Mohair -24 4j 25c.
leert I hi. I I hi N...I..I
Hold Water IHuhls.
Salem At the close of a pro
tracted pedal session of Ihe Water
Hoard in Hoard of I'ondol In die
ulllces oi State Knglneer Johu II.
Lewis, a resolution was passed In
htrucliiiK tbe State Knglneer to re
fuse i Ii.- application for water of the
applicant not securing a filial con
tract wnli the Desert Land Hoard,
and lo grant the application of the
applicant who does secure this final
contract, In tbe I'owder Klver Valley
Nun I, All Honda lli-Hr I and I'rof.
Its Will Vim I'ile 'n.
Seattle. Wash, Sepl 1.1 Tbe
MiiMk.i-Viiknti Pacific Kiimlllon en
teied upon Its last quarter Indey
wllli ve; i cent of Its lug Indelit-eiln.-Ks
paid, nearly all Its bonds re
died and Ihe attendance Increasing
This week's prollts, It Is experted.
will pay the remainder of tbe bonds,
and then money will iic.iiiniilate for
the stockholders.
The nt tendance will past the
3. oon. nun mark during the present
week The three great features lo
i-oiiie are ihe sovereign grand lodge
of Oddfellows, beginning
20. Picnldent Tail's dm. Sepu mlio,
SO. and W. J. Hryan'a day. Oct 12.
Hoot Xicl Inn. Need Aid lladly.
Washington, Sept. 13. Tales of
great suffering In the flooded dis
tricts of M. lci as told In telegrams
received at the Slate Department
from Consul-General Philip I' Han
mi, brought forth another appeal
from the American National lie. I
Cross Society for funds with which
lo suppl) our unfortunate neigh
bors of Mexico With the necessities
f life."
"The Siege of Jericho"
Boise, Oct. 11 to 16 inclusive.
300 people rtqairtd in tin east, Tlil
ootti ninny iboaMna of l.llnrs t produoe,
lM tvtlit
S. P
Wheat lllucstcin. i!5c.
Oats New. 28 (n $32 per ton.
Harley New, $26 50 (u $7 ton.
Hay l Washington tlmo
Ihy, $20 ,i 2 1 per ton; Puget Sound
hay, $13 (if $14 per ton; alfalfa.
$13 ii $14 per ton.
liutter Washington creamery,
Tti ranch, 20 o 21c.
Kggs Selected, local, 3 lie.
Potatoes $15 u $1K per ton.
a fast
Cut Hale May Hi lie lit Oregon.
Celltralla. Wash . Sept IS.
"Wheat rates on tin- O. & . n
Oregnii will be i educed In acord
an.e with the 12J per cent reduction
niilered on the North Paclllc In
Washington." is the prediction made
li Slate Railroad Comiiiissioner J.
C l.awienc Mr Lawrence said:
"The order of Ihe Commission ap
plies only to the Northern Pacific,
but wo expect the reduced rate will
' met by tbe O H. tt N "
to Hecouslrucl Kawt Side line.
Albany Kormal notice of its in
tention to build a branch railroad
from Lebanon to Crabtree was filed
in ihe County Clerk's office by the
OmtMii and California Hailroad
Company. This step is preparatory
to the institution of condemnation
suits in cases where rights of way
cannot be secured on satisfactory
terms. This new road will be built
so that the Woodhuru Spriugiii 1,1
line may again be operated its entire
length. Tbe purpose of Its construc
tion is to avoid the troublesome cros
sing of the South Sautiatii Hiver be
tween Crabtrea aud Talluiau.
a i imposition Km.-...
via Oroffon Short Um Roilrood.
ISS.88 from Oiitiiiiii to Sfiitile
and it'tntii. On sale ilaily, coin
iiuiu $ Jniif Iht. Ask audits
for fin tint iiaiiiiiilara.
via Oiegoti Short Line,
Doiljf for tii ki is dim- wnv iii
Portlood. Frequent dolef for
oIIht routes. ItoOfOMO Miorl
Lino agents for further details.
Oetol vr t'onlereiu'fl Kutea
via Oregon Short Line.
Tickets on sale from Idaho,
y uning and Oregon point! on
t'ctoder 1st e "'th, inclusive.
Limit October lo. See agents
for roloi tl further pertica
II in I til s too iin urns to he
taiii.ei(d with h ii,eoni etent
vendors of drugs. Try the
Wil.-un Duffv 1iuk Cii, for
clean drugs, and exjiert servici.
Briefly: 'I h siege of Jerieho
i a In tut ii ul. dramatic, spec
t.uular (iiinliii lion, in which
ever 800 people arc tngeeed.
I he iliilui Hon has I ci n cun
itrOCt ! from the liihle instiuc.
lions iiial Mijietlily grand.
rour DlgD-grOdO spuiiiiy mis
are used, an I caeh pel loriniiiicc
ii concluded with a regular
ItilHI disi.i i, (Jregoiy's ( ele-
breted flrevorke, The perform
mice lasts one hour and thirty
Bring rour fi Itndi and ipend
the week on uui iicasanl ianii.
nig giuiiniis. Cenip ground free.
a coini'iiiiii.if tent, 8x10 ft i
luting inliic wii-k for 4, r
less a time fur lees ii.niiey.
Larger sizes at reefOOeblf pi ues.
vi.IUi 11 II ll M. i uMillLss.
Of sjiecial interest to agticul
lurulists and hoiiicultuialist.s
Till he the cunglcss ui iinilii lit
ipeekeri on inbjecta allied to
these lines.
I'rof. II. T. French viM speak
on "Animal tfutbendn
I'leintuit Wood, lloise, "A lo
Culture and Maikeiing."
Kllis Nelson, C. S. Gov, Kx
periment Station, Celdntll, U'v ,
'I'raetice of Ii rigalioii."
Prof. Prenedoo, state LTuiver
sily, 'Dairying."
I'rof. Shinn, BtaU I'niversity,
"Orchanl Problem in a Hat
Irrigated Country."
Alex Mel'heison, BoUo, 'Soil
und Water."
F, W. A I water, Mindiaii, ' !ee
Dr. Noble, iteto reterinery,
Boiee, 'Stuck rJuniutlon."
Hon. Maik Austin, Suer
City, 'Sugar Btvt Culture. '
I'rof. Joins, "t ii cats. '
Gen. Utter, l s. lurviyoffs
gOnOtnl of Idaho, "Public Lands
and their AciUiicment."
Henry Collier, Toeonie.Wef-b..
I'm lay end Btturuoy ol roir Week there will I
sinus ut the ( iregoii-liliiliu I hvelojniient Congrega
te st s-
.ts.ooii acres
Carey Act Lands to be Opened
For settlement at Milner,
Idaho, on Septiinher -Oth. Ke-
dueed rates via Oregon Short
Line. Tickets on sale from
point! lietween l'ocatello and
Buhl on September 17th to 'JOth
inclusive. From other points, ' further particulars.
Senteniher llith to lilth Limit.
September 86tb. Sei agent for The
I further particulars. news
'.'IN.HHH acres
Carey Act Lands to he Opened
For settlement at Milner,
Idaho, on September 80lb. Be
dUOOd rates via Oregon Short
Line. Tickets on sale from
points between l'ocatello ami
Muh i on September 1 7th to 80th
inclusive. From other points,
September Iflth to 10th. Limit,
September -th. See agent for
Secretary Inter-Mountain Fair, Boise. Idaho.
rgus girM news tl a is
8tMMM acres
Catey Act Lands to he Opened
For se'tlement at Milner,
Idaho, on September JOth. Re
duced rates via Oregon Short
Line. Tickets on sale from
1)oints between l'ocatello aud
in iii on September l?th tooih
inclusive, l'roiii other points,
September ltith to 184b, Limit,
September 85tb. Sec agent for
further particulars.
Hnost I'm Unterloell the time.
A friend of mine will be here
about Sept. 1st to purchase an
unimproved or partially i,u.
proved farm. I would like to
comer witn the owners of
such who wish to sell.
D. G. Sutherland,
P, O. Box 395 Ontario, Oregon.