The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 17, 1909, Image 3

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Fall and Winter Line of Dry Goods and Furnishings.
Will Show the Best Line of Merchandise Ever Brought to Ontario this Fall
E. A FRASER, Manager
'"Mill I Mi
esidence quarter
he best town in East
reon. ' re $75 a lot and
c n easy terms.
re Rising Fast.
rtv of i'Vitv description
. Productive ranches
"..k juices, hut land
i I'rojt'cts advance to-
Morse tlu Malheur Oil
ing thoroughly prospected
gg, Wo can Hell you claims
I In boV0 price when the oil II
. i,i on the ground door!
jakSizaltii 4
investment $.
Drexel Hotel Building.
U S Commissioner.
All kindi of land filings and
li iki I proofs ran now M niadi
In-fore (iillx'rt I.. King, V, S
commissioner. Office In Onta
rio Natinnul Ilnnk htiililing, On-,
turio, Ore
In tin' Justice Court for t lie Dielrlot of
Ontario, I iilluMir ('iiniv, stud- of
I Imm
II I Whltwnrtti ind A Tmininu-on.
iiartnef ii Wliitwnrtli 8s T"iiiiiiig-in
Mi.ini.y Minlgett
III ill.' RUM "I the state of Orei-mi
Ymi are hereby minimi I" appear mnl
miNMcr tlic iiiiiiiluinl lili'l nil i "ii
ill tin above entitled action within ix
week" fr mi llic iluli' nf tin- Hint illill
cation i( till ptiiiitiiiiiia. p-iii.l mMMOM
htliM iiiiiii-iii-.i tin- fir t tiiiir Agguat
III, IIMMl. iii within ill irk fmin tin'
liilr iif tin' ert ici'iif I In- hi in Hi' Hi" iiiii
ton if mtvisI mi ymi BMMMH OBI i'f
this "lull' ; unit If ymi mil t'i IMVtt ("t
want llii'lr"! III!' I'liiinlitl- will liili
Judgement agains! miii (nr Hi.- MM il
ill, 'mi with mlen-l thereon ul Ihi' li u'iU
mil' (miii .liini' I, IIHUi, unit mi order "I
-nil' ul .i'iiiili'il ii'iHily iilliirl.i'l in
lliin iirtiun, In wit : ufliri' ilcnk, lul'lriu d
llc I'luillB
'1'ln- HIIIIIIIIIIIIH iH H.hIhi III till' D
I. ii i" A i tt 1 1 x ii ii'MiuiM'r ul tfinrriil rir
i nliiti'.n in xiiiil iIihIiiiI, mnitlj uii'l
-Ul. anil prinliil Mini nililiilii''l at tin
Imi i tlii'timi, 'in mi lit In tin- "I'Ihi uf
tin' .1 Ill-Ill I till' I'lllri' nf till' Ilium-
mUUm) court, iluii'.i Aw 1 It, n a.
li. I. Kintt.
.Illnliri' ul llii' iMUri' ill llllil f"l
tin' ilintrirl ( (intiiriii, Mill
linir Ciinntv, Ori'U'.n
A. N. HoIIhh
Atl.'iin fur 1'luiiitifTn.
KaUll nf di'irui' Wi Muo'iuli ii'ruii''l.
N'lliri' in Id'M'I') l'Imii l' till' llllilrl
igiMxl, Ailininintialiii' nl lln' Ki-lulr.'l
U- V .MlH'ulllli. iliii'iui il. In llir
Ptvlllon nf. unit all HMUM baviitf
rial mi ,i).'iiiiii.t llir mM ili n u-i'I. i" rx
lnlil llii in Willi tin' mil ".il 'iirliiii.
Hlllilll Hl llnnitlin ttllnr till' tit i-1 I'lll'll
.all 1 i Iii- iii it iii' tu l In' mi 1. 1 iii I iii iiii--
li.i'"i ,il Inn liiiini' ii. ii i MiiMinli', M al
In in CiiiiiiU , I Infill.
Dxii"! S. .im,U i I 1MB,
J AMI I. Minuii i if tin ri'vliilf "I lit
W Mtti'.inli, iltnvHmil. Hlm.s
Wnrkimrn l.u llnriininii In Tomb.
Funrml t't-ri'iiiiiiilri Tilvnto.
HfltHM lor riilillialion
l.'irtiliiniii i if tin' li li-riur.
I S I -an. I oftii'i' ul linriii., or.-K'nii,
HvptMab i i mum
N'.iiii'.' I lii'iiliy t'lwn Unit Ku
K 'llv. of WViHKr liluiiii. wli.i mi i l"
I.- . 7 IM04, tiiHilelM. K Ni. '.'ml s, t .ul
N.i OlHSt, for nw'4 n'1'll.'li "i Iiiwii
Alp ID Month, r.uitf.- -I? i .i-i il'.i
iin'ii.- MitiiIi.iii li.f liini not lit. ol
intention to inttke I'linil Iim- Vuir
pVOOf ( l' i"ilil'll-li 'I.iiiii I" Uii- I tml
ulHIVtl .1. -'llli.-l. I..-I..H (I. I. I. Ill '
I' S ( mnininnionrr. ut Iih olflOT lit
(iiil.tiin OrOgOO, on tlin Mil i iv ni
NowinU-r IMM
l.tiinmit ii. inn- .1-. w ItiiiK-i"
ThORUU M, Kellf), thwrn Mrrill
i -m u lute. Coiilcliit KhiI. it. I ..I
V rl-..'r, Iilitllo
ipll N'm Kakiik. Ki'i;i-lir
Oitolier ('iMili'rt'inc IditcM.
iu Oit'onn Slinrt Llna,
I'll kill HI - ill I I Hill 111. till).
Wyniii'ii" mi. I (lirtjoii iioilll i
Octoliii U-t In t'llli, inrliii' .
l.illiU Oi lolier lotli. HM RRSDll
fur lute ami luillicr i;nliiii-lurM.
Arilpn, N. Y., Si'pt i:l Tlirnimh
the qnli't'M nf Uiitimpo WOOWj
tln licid)' nf I'Mward M imi rv 1 1 it 1 1 1 111:1 11
wan rarrlril Smidny from fit tirt-i't
hoiiHP In' iirvrr llvril to Hi'i nun
pli'tt'd, anil laid In Its 1.1 -i rmtltm
lilnoo on thi' Anion hlllnlili'
Tim riili'tii nf W11II siiti'i'l MUM
from New York to my thrlr lattt
trllmti'. Imt tin' limit prOMlMMl I'nrt
In 1 ho ri'ii'tnony um talfn liy th
MM who Uni'W li 1 111 MM an a roiin
try nqiilrr and tiiBBli-r of tho ui':il
I'Mliili', whlrli rover 43,000 aririt of
hill and valley.
llii MMftl iin'rlnt'nd''nl, hla
ninBti-r rarn'titir, hln nitttttiT tnnxnn
ml thi' manager! and ihhiIhIiiiiI MM
iiRfm of IiIk dalrle. IiIn fiirniH 11ml
hie tiottlnu tttalilee. bore his niltlm
Thi' ihi. i.ii win private and MM)
ilin-.' who wore pi'iminiil lin-inl of
the fuinllv .Hid had i.iolvod Invltn
tliitm wen' uilmltl'il
A 11 Hlli'iil trllinti' M IM MMtOf
every train nn any of tin1 rullro,nM
Mr Hut orgnnlnod wait titoppotl
for one minute whllo ho w.i MtM
laid to rent.
li. .ul. OMOM No Itrop III Stniki.
Now York, Sept. IS. Tito lot k
PMMMM In whli li tho lliiiinrliil
world had boon holil liy tho doolltt
Ing hoiilth of I? II 11. 1 nun. in MM
ended by IiIh doulh, and apMMltltfl
attention turned promptly in 1I1
fuliiro Tho prlroa of aernrltloa
mniintod biiiiyanily upwarda on the
nowH of the death of the nmn whom
plaint and tti'tlvltlott Involved 11101 liili'iiHt mid niiilorliil
hopr. probably than niiv ollior in of IiIn H.'iiorutlon.
l.ounl II. "I of I I'.n Hlo I
Kl.'ilotl hlof Kkorutlto.
New York. Bept. 18 William
Hoi Uoft'lior and ImM II S hlff were
elttlod illiirtoi'M of tllr I'nloii I'aol
fir Railroad today .noedliiK Henry
II MMJNI iiikI I' llaiilnian
They were ult.i upiio'ntod momheiii
of the Kxoriitlvo C.niimllteo
Tin- hoard of illreetori elected
Kolii'it S l.nvi'M, 1 hull 11,1111 of the
oxeiiillvi' I'oliiinlilee to ttlit't'i'ed Mr 1 lliioll.
Keep Boosting for
1 mpoobjMm
('any Ait i.ani'M to It ()ilinl
For Mlllenieiit ni M ilner, !
I'lalio, on Seitiiiiln 1 BOili It -
.luc'l mtis ia OrtgMi bborl
I. in". Tiekets on s. 1 from
nuili's In I ween I'nculello at 1 it 1
Hull mi Seleinlier 1 7 til ( Jlllli
iuvlutlvf From oilier points, I
U4tuibtr l'iih to Huh. Limit) '
e,iti'inlii-r "J'tlli. See agent fni
111 l'n 1 I'atticulars.
Oelo'iT Co i ! "
via INgOa Slim t Line.
Tickets on eule front Malm,
vYyoniiiigtud Orogoii uoiiMi a I
1 li lnlier 1st In .'illi, im illaive. 1
Limit Oelolier l.Mh. See agents
Inr latiH miii liiilliei 1. aillell
I;.. 1. 1 the Argus uml get the
i-reuin of the news. Only 0 1 .00 1
tier yenr.
KlllU of I'lllllllli' I ..nn II linn '
New York. Bopt II J P M"r
Kan, Jr.( miii oil-' the lute K II
II milium on the hoard of dlrortom
nf the Vutloniil I'ln Hunk lit Wall
11 .it the iii'itlon U retiarded pj
niort blKiillU inn prMMMMy Inill
oatliiK that Inn iii'ililoiiM lolatloint
exUt hotween iho Morgan and UM
Kilhli. I oeb-Slttliilmil OH tin. nn Iii -i
Whin linpoi lunro vtan gtVM IM
event Iiituiiho It followed 1 lonely
upon reporlx llial iho pJgJMJM Inn r
catw ttoro alioiit 10 take an aitlvo
Iniiii'tit in the 11,11 1 Inuin roud und
that th.- niiiiih."'! Mniwuii will 1 in in t
ill.iii l inr."il II. i' 1 liiiun In I'oin
muiid 11 f I lie I nlon I .nine am
loulMrg iaiiti- nrMM
Kuloin -A number of Important
unit It-iii await tho return of MMM
nor li.n-.iiii from '.ilifnrnU, uiuouk
IMM Iho uppoliitinoiit of u member
of iho Stale Houid of Agriculture to
urooi'd iho In'.- M I). Wi.tdom
I1.111 . uud l-'onil OOMMMMMM Hut
ley ami N 0 Mm I- Iho Utter editor
of Wlndotn'ii faun paper, have MM
moniloii.-ii for the uiipolntment.
Hi million ' Tendletoii In In oil
the gioiind Uoni' In thi- Spokuue ruts
.. .' in hi uud If there la uny ad
vuntuge to uuci 110 to anyone ua a
result of the agltuiion conducted ly
the lull.-, City, tin city will bo one
of the beiietti'lartes " Thin ttait the
aiiuoum euit-nt mad.' by Mayor Mur
phy, who explain that a petition
iu Intervention had MM Hied with
the Interstate OOMMjgM)! Uomml
vltiu and that an auxwer had beeii r
t'lt'.it from the aecretary of that
orgaiilxatlou In whlih the City of
Pendleton wa notltled lo he ireent
with a representative and proof la
ubatantlatioti of It claim, at the
hearing before the ConVilasion at
Spoi.un.', Beptember 21.
The Ai-gn-j iv, ihe ne MJ
IN, ml Hlvor Tl:o Jury In tho Rot
blnn minilor HIM found OfOTgt Rofc
In, aged 21 yoiiiH, gulltv of i.iur.I'T
In iho mi miii ii"i'ii'o fur ; ;i In . Mrs,
CiiMtoe at hi father' bona . !'iulor
the law thi veniirt Ml ' 1 '1 It
11 life PMtMM In th.' ponlloiit linv.
BggMlt. II. II. Miller, of Kugene,
liilti'd Wtitl' Con nl -tionorul r.t Yo
kohama. .I:ii.'i:i. lit glvn up hi
PS I th"i I anil 1 , ;itoi the po .1 of
Cotmiii ut Both '. ii ; mil. Mi
chatigo lintliii; I u ui:id" .11 In DWI
roqiioMt on in -iiiint of hi lealtli bo
Ing in v pom in Japnn.
Atorla Kail fb.hlng onon lian
opened wlili uiiirli more gear In tho
water th i .nil at 1 hi 'iimm
of the y, 11 While there ha I II
practically no Illegal fUhliig during
the closed MM there are known
tu ho a In '" number of llveilde
In tin' rive- 11 id good catcho of that
tat loty of l.hli ,11 1' expected
Portland r hundred 1 1, 1
oininioriilor will he appointed to
in. 1 1 g 1 oiltlt of the people III Ore
gon next April, an linn axe uf 21
over tli.' 1 umber employed Iu yer
ago I he n ill mliiiii y reports upmi
wlin h the ci'tiHUH otllce main's till
appoi lli'iiuii'iit fall lo how ilin in 11I
of a greater nuinUor.
Klamath Kail. J. Prank,
one of Ih Igliuil piomotor of lirl-
gatlou In Kin ninth County, ha about
manned plan to plain on hi l.ako
lile tract ul the head of Title I. a'..
IU0 llnhi'inlttii famllliH Till
I tho exact Inciilllt where th'' 'I'nlo
Lake Hottler woio maHorod li the
r.ln llloiis Minliii . of the fatuou
Captain .lack's band 011 Cio inornlng
of November tfi 172.
KoKt'hiirg At a meeting of tho
ItoMt'hurg Comini'ii Inl Club, with
lepii'Hiiitiiiin", of the Chamber of
Commerce of Mai hIiIIcIiI ami Ninth
lleml, It wax decided to i.n-.- fliOllu
to llnance tho completion of the rail
road urve from Coo Hay to Hoe
burg The plan I after the urvey
I completed and right nf way se
em nl. to offer t hem to any capital
t wauling to build the railroad.
I'm t la ml. The Rocrotary of tho
Interior ha withdrawn from entry
sou tli want iiuarler of section 29,
towiihhlp 25 south, range II eai.
In Lake Coiiniy, Onuou, until the
Ueologlcitl Sin toy can make un ex
uinii.iiii.ii of the peculiar formation
on tin In ml. known a Koitioik If
thi Iu ml miti U Ih 1 oiihlil.-i ed of uf
ttclcnt luipm lunce, It will be pi 1
luuiii'iitlt 1 hm v. il a, u Nallonul
ItMM 'I'll'' annual fair of the
Second Southern On;'..n m hull ur
Ul Soclett was the most sun esflll
fulr evel In hi here Tile people nl
UgOOt and l.ane (', unity will Inn
gflei hold auiiuallv a n.uun .
taking of tho appropi 1 1
limi lor the ilisiilct as I. ain' County
has II turn. In Ibis illsiihl aie
ulso llougluH, Cms ami Cuiiy Coun
tle. which will take then turn In
holding Ihe ill: II id fall
Alhuuy A ili",i and iiimlgage
governing the OW in islllp of the'
publio-Horvice cm porulloii of
sove'iitl cltieii of Ihe I'uelltc North
west wa lil'il with the County He
cm dor of I. inn County Tin- d.eil
tralibfcis piactlcall all of the piop
eil of Ih" Wlllaiin -no Valley C0111
pan 10 ihe N'miliw. I Ciiipmallon,
ami the latni 1 01 pm allmi tnortgages
all of It piopeily for , 000,000 to
the (,ii uiaiitiiw n Tiusi Cnniiany of
i'mllaud 1'ediial ,lude Hean
has dlHiuisseil the applhaiion for a,
11. liter for the I M'm hul"s Inlgatloii
& I'ower (ompaiit recent asked hy
Coliiiiihiis, Ohio houdhnldeis. The
compan) made n .n .eulatlmi to the
couit tuiiding lo show that though
It hud ohllgutlons uniounllng to out
IMMt, It would he uhle lo llful
dute them, provided the ih 'Velopineiit
of It Irrigation piojeits iu nnlral
flregon w-re not liitcfered with by
the 1 mirt.
I) 15. 'I utile bM njuiiiil
MCOIld JHIul stme, t'.vn ilnnr
no t 1 ol tl-c At i;n niln e an
will buy atn I .-ill all kllnls 1
your natinii.iee ami u.iianlei
lb .litinli- a iqliuri 'li ..I.
r ti&QSGftfM&eSGtJGtiQSt&Q&e&i
Conservative Banker
Ih making logni must know lo a cor
tu i lit y llial his applicants nr suit ties ate
Irs pm is 1 1 le nml worthy of credit.
Liken isc, Hie pi iiiiiiit iii potitor
"linlili! kUOV llie 1 I aim ter gild the i-laiiil-Ing
nf lln 1 link M it It Vt liirli lie tit nls.
'I lie liliMIll II 11 I 1 . 1 1 1 1 It'll nf dill' ill
' 1 1 ( t.'ls ai.d tlic 1 pi 1 li IK c nml nl'llily nf
nn 1 ( llii i is Willi a It 1 nil I (if Vt II r' of Mle
eessltil btttintMi is Mitlicient gnaraiili ft)
tliat the intffOti Of every ilepnsitni will bt
1 arrl'lillv ptntei It il.
First National Bank
vwv w.Mvwswwwy.v
k Dollar a Pound
i For Bull Beet Is Offered
Ami no inkiis. This price i- nifiitd for ony old
hull, fat or Iran, that can brook thiouuh an Aineri-
m ran KoilOU proptrly cniistrueti l Wu don't in id
the hi lis, hut will take the iu at the a how price nml
v 11 111 In thr ei mil it nni.s 11 a nn (I e bovo a big stuck
jn of Amur icon Kenoo. hunt make a miuUiite ami
W take the kind tint "liniks put like il," Imt huy the
dk I'M Iteliahle Hull Strong and Hog Tight American
i- enee. tu' lire hiii' ngeiiis in t Mil ill 10.
Malheur Mercantile Co.
Ar-jff MMMmW
I HmkkJrm lSm9mmmmLi
sMMVKLmi 'Im 'iMMVafsst
mssTl BBM& SS) tg W IV iMl '. 0ltrOt
Into Ihe I'ala.e d l''nn trtl Unie has gOM I M ' MtHMitM f
wmks ol url u has etei I" en tllOWM II I woihl:. tan It is maile up
Of MM (ollniimis frOM Ci.i. Ilin. in:. PrgDW. lUly, Ueiinain Ilin
KMUro "late of .villoma tli i Ihwn a." raluahlo simcImom "i aTork
by Ihe leading model n a I..pan aid Chn a nul n ant ol Ihe mom
notable wirkh of their am iein irlUtl
So vuliiable Ih Iho mil' I I hit Hi. main. Il iM BUM of $ I .:' .'.'.. otiii
has been placed upon II wiih I !- t
'ihe hiiildlng is ahsolii'eh IropfOOf II 1- "' ("nil' 1 mi rMl ami
l,i j, U and, ai the eml of tin Kti'iisllimi it will n't lie I int. I II) of
Washington. b whhh l will li u"d M " MMOl '' CMMllUI
'iiillio i- loe.lted oil the I f."'.ii t ! I In I !;l i I l a V ,
ml llttl a piipiilal inn ol IttOU.
Hum in f.( elh ni High Sehnol (graded) em ploying
1 i toaohoto.
Annual bttniuoM ol merchants over .fl,tni(i,ttM
Annual wool shipments, 3,000,000 pounds.
Annual -tnek shipments, approximatt ly Sfi.OUO head.
Stock and farming country trihutary to Ontario .'!0f
uile- interior.
I'lcn.y uf water fur irrigation and all other purposei.