7 - NEW G Harriman Dead it The Siege of Jericho" OP STATED IN BRIEF GREATEST FEATURE OF THE GREATEST rf V IDAHO INTER-MOUNTAIN FAIR. Boise, Oct. 11 to 16 inclusive. 300 people required in the rust. This great event ooeti iii.inv tnouMtid ofdollan t produce. nununto hkomci-e STATK ll.l'l'KMX(JH, OP Our Dew fftllftoodl are arriving daily and we have some of the best lines ever shown in Ontario. Among the latest are the new Tailored waisls, a full line of Hoy's, Children's and Ladies' shoes. OODS NEWS OREGON gaaajatfkL - ggS Haw uttkgffcrB f L HOSE A new line of hose we are selling at 15c for boys and girls. Heals anything ever shown in the town, see them in our window, ex amine them, they are winners. CLOTHING We arc showing the swellest line of Men and Hoy's Clothing for the money you ever saw, we beat them all when it comes to selling good clothes cheap. That's our Motto "Good Clothes (heap." Drop in and let us show you. It pays to trade with RADER BROS. LAMPKIN STATE FAIR SOON TO OPEN Improvr-mcnM Are t'ndrr Way for ' IiIii.iII.iii of the Annuul Mali Rrcatj Salem With tli.' suite Fair only about a wnek nwn. the KfOWMtl In HiIh city present a .cine of ureal m-'-tlvlly. The last Lagialatare appro priated f -;,,iiiiu fur Iniproveinc ntit at the kioiiikIh, mid $l.'i,t)0( In In- used for the piiymi'iit of pri'inluniH only. Ono of Iho iiiohI nutiihle and snh nf it ii i I it 1 Iniprovi'ini nts Is the new main MtfMM nml nlflre IiuIIiIIiik. now IipIiik erected mar where thr olil Kiil'' were, on the wont side of the minimis. I In structure- la l:.i; by 4 2, the outer walls of concrete mid tin' offli'i'H ihiKln d In Ori'Kon Mr Tim main archway Ih 4 1 feet wide, Hdparuti'd by musslvn pillars, and will bo equipped "lib modern elec tric coin turuatlleK. The offlco of tho entry clerk la equipped with nine wlndowa, at each one of which will bo a clerk to look after tho entries In somo one department of tho great fair. ONTAIkMO, C MICOON. t i"i IZ1 i""i i ri 13 lo-cvi i" F9. ygi ti There'i Nothing Mysterious About It. Sumo people have wondered why 1 do tin Imlk of tin- Harness I'li-itien". Nut only hero in town hut for niloH around Surely, there in nothing mysterious iihout it, nothing to wonder ut. Tlu" quality nml assortment of my h toi' k is reason enough fur thnt. If von nn mil n customer of uiim just (ive mi a it ml next linn- you wnnl anything in tho 1 1 ii i ii-- nml Saddlery line, no matter what. See m (lock ami iel my pi it-en. IF, V. AJIcmi. Ontario, Oiafon. Cl CI CI r. ! df Q WZX i C3 m fri m c '.? TilK HR7ONl ANNUM PORTLAND FAIR. Oregon's Kiggest Show. 20-25. Admission, 50c Sept i i opinion handed down In liancery Court at Chattanooga by Chuncellor T. M mm "in" !i The award of the contracts for the two A merle m .Ii .-.i.lii...i,-li' . .it 26.0UII ton each, the baftlelilis vwmiIiik and Arkaimaa, will he mn.le to William Cramp ft Hunn, of i rl.il.i.li li'tii.i. and the New York Hhipiiiiiiiiliitf Company, at Camden, N. J. William It Hearst, at a meeting of the Independence party's county committee In New York, declined that he was prepared to me ull l.i I power In an effort to defeat Turn I many at the approaching 1111111lrlp.1l , election, lie annouueed himself as favoring fusion with the vaiii.u.-. an- ll-Tammatiy orKanlxatlou If he . i I lal lulled that the .riraiilaiion. weie ' loyal m general to the principle of the Independence party. K l.e Kebvre, the Krench aviator, was killed by a fall from hi ecu. plane, in which he was piuctlclng Tuesday Tho machine left Hi,. ground eaally and flew armiiul tb. aerodrome at a height of about : i feet Hinl.l.nly without apparen1 reaaon. the machine tipped haiil downward and struck the gimin.l Hurvejr ileKlna (In Mysterious Itoail. Ilrownavllle. - 0. II. Wnrner, ono of the director, ami ih" promotor In limine of the field wi.il. for the fen tral OrtfOa I'aellle Hallway Com pany, recently Incorporated, ha Htarted n crew of siirvikors making the iirelimliiiiry survey of the pro poKfd new railroad eastward from Itrnw HBVllle The line will pa.i iliioiicii the center of the falapoolu Viilli-v, imn bltiK Craw f.irdavllle and I In I ley . and the protuntora ay that cotmlniiili.n work will commence an Hiinii a It Ih poHHllile in arrange mat tera for work to I. ruin. Portland It I strnlinly aupeotei that the fenlral (ir'Ku Pacific Hallway I a Mill propeiiv. The con Mlruciliin of hiicIi a road eaterly from Brownsville up the falapoola Itlver would form a ua'iiral roiini.-i Inc. link to the extension by Mill of hi Central tin i-i.n road ncroaa the Mlale to Coo llav. Thai lie ha de alKii on Coo Day i geuerally believed and Ii Mould not be sur prising ahould Ii di'Velup that tho operation- of the surveying crew now In the field h the preliminary in.ive by him lii Din proposed Inva sion of thi.i territory. EDWARD H. HARRIMAN. I'd win 1 II. Harriman, railroad magnate, died in Vorl; City yesterday at p. in. the New 8 ;.;:. EVENTS IN OUR STATE OF MINOR IMPORTANCE Ailvnucc In Price of I .., I'lnii,,,! I'm iland. . DeNplin the reduiitloii of the mi in on In mi I .. -r , the members of tin' Coliiuililii Klver Loggers' Au hoi lal Ion have declared their Inten tion of ralhliii; tin- price of log In the l-'a 1 1, a hiioii a the loudness pick up im.iln. A definite resolu tion to ratal the prleo of logs was recent , i.i . , , , i hi. Washington I. ok Brokan' foiiipany. with head iiiarier In Seuitle. Till company handle the me of ut leaat 70 per Cent ill the Iims nil Pllgel Mound. ti Horse Races Daily Ballon Racing Nu i km i ai Live Stock Exhibit. Chariot Racing Fascinating Midway Attractions. with great violence FIREWORKS will be the most gorgeoue and iii.iiriiilicciit DVroteclmic disnlav ever seen on this coast, this will interest th family. Reduoed rates on all roads. . . . NIH Ut I M.HH NOTKH. t It I reported I bat Mra. Hoosevi'lt baa ftBgBfai a bouse at Kli.u imim. KKypl, where she vi, 111 meet h.r hus band wlien bu 0OBM8 out of tho JutiKles. A verdict of not guilty was brought lu by the Jui) In the case of Thouiaa Hroadbead, el Chief of Po lice of Iaib Angeles, charged with having accepted bribes to protect re sort iu the old restricted districts. Maor Krankllu P. Story, of At lantic City, was in listed on a war unit charging hi in with Iguorlng aa oi.lcr of Slute luiine lieiieral Wll "oii. which iioilll.il the Muyor to en i. i.e i lie law asalaal Sunday atlllug of llqiiur. William fbd.- Filch, known to turu fioti an emended vucuilon In Alaska, received au ovatlou at u local theater, which waa packed to the door with Irleuds and Huppori era of llency and the graft prosecution. J llryan nanowly ecaied In Jury at SpiliiKlleld. .Mo , kkbeu a motor car, lu vkhi.h be ka belug i.ik.-n to make au address, got lie )oud control, going dov.ii a steep hill The brake look.-, but the car wa fcloppcd Just ou the edge of au embankment Isaac llioik, of Waco, Tcv , who claimed to hake sou L'ti Pivsi.leni-, elected, lb dead at su age said to be III years A., m ding to lliock tamll) llible and other documeiun be was born la lliiucomlie fouuty, North f.uollna, Jtluycb I, 17SS The full reluru of piosperlty to the railroads of the I'nlied ItatM is evidenced lu reports Just publlbbed THE MARKETS I'ortUad. Wheat New crop, track prices Club, a ''lu. -i, iu. tal red Una isu, llarley- .'tl 00 41 til 60 ton Uats I'.'H pr ton Hay Timothy. Willamette Valley, fit . per toil, Kiatei u Orcttoii, 10 II dt 117 50, alfalfa, clo ver, f 14. Jliitter Kktra, 'He; faucy, 30 la S-lc, store, 1 tii 2 lie. Kgg lUll'li. cau.lled, 30 ;llc Hop loa coiiliii't, -lc. IHO.s crop, 1& di IS c; 1V0 7 nop, Jl u Ilia. Wool Eastern Oregon, lti ii 23c. per pound. Vulley, '.'3 j i'5c. Mohair .'I -o 2ic. Seattle, Wheat llluestcm, t)4c. Oat New, 13? 41 3 3 per toil. ltailey New. .'i. ,.u oj $J7 ton Hay Kastern Washington timo thy, l 4t :'l per lou, Puget Sound be). $13 m 1-1 per ton; wheat hay. l.' .i 17 per laai alfalfa, 113 g fit ier ton li'itiei Washington creamery, ji . .uii.li, 30 41 H7c. Kggs Selected, local. 3Sc. Potatoes White Klfer, lc Albany Man Sueep. Field, All.aiik ..il has been received thai i:.l s.i. ...-I, a farmer residing iwo and a b.ili mi.-s sou 111 of Albany baa lak.il cv.i.v Hist prlitt In the classes .if hut;, sheep and poultry In which be competed at the fall fornln State I'alr ut Sacramento Siboel tiink LT) hugs, 12 sheep and 39 spei lui. ii-- of poultry to Sucru inealo and his evidently swept the tl.'ld He will take his exhibit (0 ihe Orfoa Slate Pair at Sulem, the raiiilc I. u. sieck Show at Portland and the Seattle Imposition. I.a.t ear Si b.i.-l i.ink $774 In premiums at fairs in Salem, Portland, North Vakliua an. I IpokaM vvltb an exhibit ut aogi 'Oi.l pmillry. Ilopplckliig Machine la Success. I'm i Ian. 1 i: Clemens Horst's hopplokiOg in. ii bine, on which he has been wmkiiii; and expeilineiitlng for u number ut tears, has ut lust proved to be a sun. -. according to u tele itiaiu fiom Herman KUber, wbv wit nessed a trial of llin machine .,u HorsiH bli; ard near Sacimueiito. A inaciiial .lemoustrailon of the workiiiK "f i lie uiuchiue was given In the presence f niutiy promineut I'alil.ii in,, ;:i..wers and deulers, who unauliu...islk deviated a success. i lav(-,,s , tfrj pn, t the world of the gross earulng of 26 road for as llyile Hteh. the successful Ame rtoaa playvrtcht, died, loltowtai aa opeiaiioii for ai.endicltls. Mr. Fitch bail been spending the summer mo lOriai tbroiigh Hi rinaii) and was eu louie lu 1 uris wlii-u TTllTl t' J Hine' urt -ecuilng attorney lu the brlbary-gialt casea lu Sau Francisco, uu.i who Is a caudldate or Uiatrtal Attoiue, upou bis re- i the first half of August. For the ! first i line since the panic of i-.m. the aggregate week I) giusa earnings ex ceed the high records reached lu AugUbt, 1V07 the Legislative wt prohibiting wholesale as well aa retail sale of llguor iu the State or Teuuessee waa upheld except as regards bales for bblpiueul outside of tbe state, lu au Apple Pickers Form t nloii. Hood Itlk.r. The apple-packers of Hood Klver have . i..un., a union tor Hie purpose of guurautee- lllg II st. i.i, lard pack and lm uiiiuliig a wane scale. The scale of wuaes adniiicd pi o ides for packing apples by the b ix, anil will bo 5 cents fur four tl.-r apples, S cents for 4 tier. uud 7 cuts for 185s and smaller, i 'he argaalaaUM staru off wltb a uieuibcislup of 40. l4Mfcnc;d Ihe fommission of tbe Port ol Qaat fia bus decided to Issue a series of nort bund to u... extent of 1500.000. These win be aold In amouuts of 150,000 as the moue) Is ueeded They will draw 5 per ceut and tbe first block of bouds will fell due In mi:. The plau la to lay out au exteusive harbor Improvement and to secure a dredge, lilds aye uow being secured from itwuere of sutUuu dredges. WMMMI wnm Carey A.i Lcndi in baOMnwl lor M'tllt'itiont ut Milner, Idaho, on Saptarobar -"tli. Ke- luif.l ratM ,iu Oit'gon Sliort Line Tii'kt'ts" on t.jilK- IfOfu poind i.t'tween Pooatallo an. I Buhl on Si'iiU'iiil'tT 17th to L'Oth inclusive, From other points, Meptemlier Htli to l.Uh. Limit, September Sftih. Saj agent for further purtieulao Mnrshfleld. The Ornnd Com mnnder of the Knlglit Templiirs, Al bert M. Knapp. of Sulem, visited with the local members of the order last week This Is hU annuul vlal tatlon of lodg'' In the state ItiMi'hui'K. William Vincent h aw mill, at Coles Valley. Hi miles west of here, burned Saturday after noon. The total loss to lumber ami mill la 4500. Hpurks from the engine-room mused the lire. Salem. Mayor Itoduer hns he rd veil a telegram from President Tuft's aoeretnry that It will be Im possible for the President's llliierar) to be so arranged as to allow the President to Htop at Halein on III . lern trip. Salem The Marlon County Court granted the Portland Hallway, Light A Power Company a franchise fur the construction of n f 700(1 tniim inlMslon line from Mount Angel to Wood burn The new line will be modern and high grade In every re pe i Salem Hop picking la progress ing under most favorable conditions. Though vermin cunno' be snld to be disappearing. It Is not Increasing This we.k picking will be general all over the valley, i f per cent, of the nop will be pb l,e,, cur. .1 and ready for the market. Hood Itlver. At a large meeting of fruitgrowers, a permanent uritanl lattaa was formed for the purpose of holding un annual fruit fulr at Hood Klver and also to take si.n to secure Ihe erection of n perma iieni fruit fair building The dale et for the fair this year ure October 2. 29 and 30. Kllgi'lle With the Opening of the L'nlverliy of (ir.-iton only two u.-.l. . awuy. the proHpocta for uttetidaiii-e during the coming year are .-x I lag!) bright The ln.ll. ailons are that tin- 1 1 . - - I 1 1 1 ii class will number ut least 9 ineinlieis and ill.- lolal ali-iulaiii-e fur all of the departments ut Ki:gene kklll he 25 or 30 per cent larger than last year. Kugeiie The county surveyor of I. an.- unit I. inn f. unities have com plei.-d locating the new division Hue between tile I Wll lolllllleS as e.illlb- llkhed by ih.- last Legislature. I. Inn folllitk uiikk owns pull loll of the lllue Itlk.r mining dlstrli t that was loiiu'ilk In I. line founik. and Lane owns a poiilon (,r ihe Mohawk iium ti. k foiineih In Linn County, a I, mi! au e.n ex. Ii.iuge. all -in fill of Milton have pel ll lolled the rillllouil commission to make an order dlreclli,;; the (ir.--goii Kailwak and NavlKaliou coin paiik and the Niirtbern Pacllic rail way company to Install a Vital connecting the two systems nt that point The petition bus been ina.le before unit the rullroade object xl oroiisly in making the desired con nectlous Hlllslioro Sheriff Hancock of Washington count) Jumped In.,, tie ring lu the fourth round of tin liul - . between Kid Scaler ol Spokain- at ,1 j Hobby Kvuiib of I'orilaiul al Hills I boro Saturday lilglit, and stopp d i:. milling, much to the disgust of Bams 400 sports who Journeyed up troiu I Portland to witness the battle The Dalles. Augend becuuH be was ielitei a ride on the cowcatcher of au engine. Pied ijcigo h.urle.1 a rock ut M W Pulleii, bruk .i.au, who fel) from the riiuniiig-bourd of bis ci,giie, and was . ru.-h. -d lo deuib in tie O. H N yards ben- ill) o'i lock I'rlduy ulght (le.uge, . In. is now iu Jail awaiting trial on cburge of ilrst lagrW murder, is a sou of Jack IJeurge, of 701 Hinlu.y avenue, Portland, one of tho oldest en gin. -cis OU the loud. Briafljri ThiBiaga of Jericho in n bialoriett, rlramitie, ipec- tiutiliir prmliirtion, in erltiotl over BOO people are togagetl. i ha pro. lm lion hai been eon troeta I from tht I : i I i Inalrue liona nml is iuperbly grand, roar high-grade ipeciafy mis iitc ttaed, aa I aacb performance is com luilfii with n regular 11000 ili-plnx i.i tircgorjr'a cela liratt.l linwinks. Tba pciforin- nee lit- one hour end thirty minute i. VMIIMl. Bring oiir friehdi and ipend id. v.ci mi our pleeaant remp ing j,'i..iiiiils. Campground Free. A eomfortabla lent, 8k 10 feet lurini antire week for 4( t li'sti ii tiiiic for iocs money. Larger aitei i reatonablaprieee. M.imriTi i,i. COKORKea, 01 apeciel Intereat to agt leul. iiuiilisis nml horticolturaliata will in. ih" eongreea ol eminent ipeaken en anbjecta iillinl le llit'Ht' lines. I'rof II. T. Krcncli wi'l opealc on "Animal Huebendry." Fremont Wood, Uniso, "Apple Celtura and MarkeMnf." Bllia Xfisoti, r. s. Qoe. I0x- perimanl Station, Oaldwell, Mh., "Practice ol Irrigation." Prof, Pranedon, Bteta Unletr siiy, "Dalryiug." Prof, Bhtnn, Bteta Unieereity, "Orebard Probleni in i Plot irrigated 0ountry.N Alex BfcPbareon, BotatlMBoil nml WiiU'i." F. V. AtWttar, Meridian, "Ui'e ('ultnrc.- Dr. Noble, state voteriiiHry, Boite, "Slock Siinilulion." Hon. Mark Austin, BUfM Oily, 8ger Beet Oultare." Prof. Jones, "Cereals." Qe. I'ttcr, V. H. survevor general f Idebo, "I'uldic Lendi and their Aetniirenient." Henry Collier, Taeoina.Wuidi., "I'oultry." Friday and Saturday of Fair Weed there aril i"n- of the Oregon-Idaho Development Oongreee. he -I'R- WILL H. GIBSON, Secretary Inter Mountain Riir. Bni.se. Idriho. COMING. Ei ler's Big Show. " King at the Cattle Ring" ' i -fc mm - kK.. - , i i . ii . i cmmti vw'Mt in meioarama in nvc nets by Hal Reid. Will exhibit under a largoleot :i Ontario on Thursday, Sept. 16, 1909 ISelbk 0 .jfcii'T . arr -DaBaaaH Hm., j. .- -Ba t. ma aa3i ".f fir ,' . ; aaalBl Kfl tt "i 'ja l. feX9eda1 SCSMI IN ACT TWO 30 People-30 2-Special Cars-2 Band and Oroheatra; apecialUea between aoUby Prof Engliah and bin troupe of eduoev tedgoau; -Mark Weston, hoop roller and fua ajler; Will Morris In feat of mag io; A. s. Uow. o' the famous baritone linger: mnvlm. ,.;.. lures. Hand eonoert al noon and evenlua at y:80, Performance at night only, Rejnember tho date. The Eilersbow la abioIuWy the lar (oai and best dramatic oompany ahowiilir unl ' Hon I nilbS it, der oauvaa, M(i. i. ou acri'M Curcv Ait I. iinds to be Oiicnad For leUlenanl at Areo, Idaho on S'ilcinln'r 1 Itli. Iki-.liiic.l raUs via Oregon Short Line rnkcis on inla Bantaml rr I Ith to i all, iiicjn.-ive, liinit, Saptam in t i miIi. Sec aganta lor lur tlier particalera, T la Arctic u;ivts (lie B0WI ill the time. MMMO ui-ri's Carey Act Landi to I e Opened For se'lli incut nt Miln.-r, ilaho, on Bepteniii 20th. He- duecil rates via Oregon Short Line. Tickets oil sale from points between Pooatallo and Buhl on September iTili to 20th inelusjye. F 0111 otlu-r i.oinis, September Itffh to 0th. Limit, September 25th. See agent for initiicr jiaitu'iilars. . Boost for Ontario till the time.' ' Wanted. A friend oi ,j,,e wj U " WM"pl -1st lo j.ureliane au UUimpeeved or partially i,n.w proved farm. I ,vould ,ike . - - ...:.i .i vwhivi nun uie owners; of fUOb who wish to aall D. 0, Sutherland, 0. H.-x :;.:, Ontario, Oregon. of aoy