The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 10, 1909, Image 1

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Don't forget That We Do
all kinds of Printing at
the Argus Office.
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County.
MMin.i: 37
-V A, jfFr fc Rtaimur Project I,
" ,
Local News.
And the girls won hy
vote. J
Wilson-Puffy Drug Co
kinds of drugs.
Ladies, Scurfs in nil new
lines; let us show you the styles.
M. M. Co.
J, S. Jones and Tom Jones
will leave tomorrow for n six
weeks' visit to Hendt , Ky.
Mrs. A, A. llrown and family
will movj'to Boise this week
where the children will attend
Artistic solos by artistic solo
ists are feature of Kiler's King
of the Cattle Rtnf. Hand con
cert noon and night.
County Judge Lionel 1!.
Wchster of Multnomah county
was in the city Monday. He if
att 'tiding circuit COtirl at Yule.
Attorneys Hrookc, Mcdona
gill, Snliss, Biggs, bees and
District Attorney McCulloch are
in Yale uttending circuit court.
Arthur Moody and Clint
Trow took their departure
Tuesday evening for Colorado
Springs, where they will attend
Supreme Court Commissioner
Will R. King was in tho city
from Salem the ft rut of the week
on his way to Yale to attend
circuit court.
Tom Turnhull, tho eltOttOJV
heopman, and a director of the
First National Bank of Ontario,
wus a husiness visitor from
Skull Springs during the week.
Just opned a new line of
Ladies' Neckwear; something
snappy. M. M. Co.
Mrs. II. C. Wbtlworlh has
arrived home from her visit to
relatives iu Spokane and Seattle,
where she attended the f.iir
Mr. Wliilworlh is still in Seattle
Tom Turnhull took posses-ion
of the R. D. tJreer ranch on the
Owyhee the first of the week,
and Mr. (ireer returned In mc
yesterday. The price paid was
Blue I'rinU oi any Township
in the Burns Land Dishiot,
showing names of enttymen,
kinds of entry, dates, etc., and
topography. Frloo $1 00. J.
C. Turtiey, Burns, Oregon.
Ladies' Belts; this is some
thing you sliould see. M. M Co.
Services at the M. K. church
next Sunday hy the astor, Lev
Miller, as follows: Preaching ul
11 :110 a. ' "nd 8 p. in. Sunday
school at 10:30 a. in; prayer
meeting every Friday evening.
You are cordially invited to
attend these services.
.Iul;',e Davis of the ninth
judicial district convened the
Septeiuher term of circuit court
for Malheur I mnty at 'a!i ;
the dor kc I is very light and it is
thought the session will Hot
last longer than the nVOOOttl
IJealth is too, precious to be
tampered with Of incompetent
vendors of drugs. Try the
Wilson Duffy Diug Co, for
clean drugs, and expert service.
Father Guillume, who owns a
farm three miles southeast of
Ontario, is iu the city looking
after his interests and renewing
a ((uaintances. He i low lo
cated at D.iiiiai, Kausas. He
informs the Argus that Albert
Piiuio't. formerly of Ontario is
now postmaster at Da mar and
also conducts a drug store and
is prospering and desires to be
r meinbered to his Ontario
friends. While on his way to
Ontario the reverend gentlemuu
slopped at Grand Junction,
(oo.aud says Igjpr0f04 'H"d
i Helling there ut rom $$U to
4U0H per acre und the soil is
not compared with that of
Malheur county.
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy Co. for all kinds
of drugs.
Rend F. W. Allen's new ndv.
in this issue.
Born Near Ontario, Sept. f,
1 000, to tho wife of Ernest
Millij'iin. n hoy.
School will open next Mon
day ami n largo nttendnnce is
expected on opening day.
R. W. Clement and wife have
arrived homo from Seattle and
a visit to rd..tivcs at Waterville,
Attorney Soliss returned
Wednesday from Challis, Idaho,
wnere ne speni a wcck oh .eg"'.
We have denned all our over
stock out except hats. Now is
the time to get a hat; look at
our special;'. M. M. Co.
Sheriff Boh Odell was in tlie
city the first of the week on
oflicial husiness and jut to get
acquainted with his family.
John Wood arrived from
Riverside on Monday on a
husiness trip. The lime is now
rolling on when Johnny will
arrive to remain all winter.
A chapter under dispensation
of the Roy al Arch Masons was
installed in Ontario hist Sator
day hy K K. Kiddle of I -lend
City, grand high priest of Ore-
The M. M. Co. is laying a
concrete sidewalk on tho south
side of their store building on
Main sheet. Manager Fraser's
hobby is good roads and good I
See Oil' nw n Silks Hll-inch
wnb; every yard guurantod, all
sha MJ the best showing silks
iu town. M. M. Co.
Harry Mosgrove, formerly
express agent here, and now
holding a similar position at
Montpclicr, Idaho, was in the
city during the week renewing
Mr:, K. Willis and Miss Id..
Willis, mother and sister of Mrs.
til Butler are visiting iu the
tity. The voting lady holds the
position of national bank exam
iner of the state of Kansas.
I i auk 0. Brown, chief deputy
lish warden, was in the city
.Iiiiuil- the week. His visit
here wus to make a report re
garding the racks at the fish
hatchery to Fish Waidcn .. -Allester.
Postmaster Sproul the lirst of
tho week purchased from A M
Lackey the residence adjoining
the K. H. Test dwelling on
Main sheet, and has moved
tin rin. You just can't keep Al
off ot Main street.
With the exception of the
clotting of the postollice and the
bank, there was no observance
of Labor Day on Monday in
Ontario, BueittOOl generally
went on as usual and every
person was at his po-i qf duty.
If you have been on the
wrong Mile of the wheat muikcl
the past few weeks mid omse
ijueiitly huvti not been able to
see things in your usual way,
attend tho King of the Cattle
Ring show Sept. Hi. The three
'great comedians, Pat Dunn, Hop
bee and Rastus, in their SBC ial
ties, will supply enough hilari
ous fun lo dispel any case of
Croy & DeBas of the Pastime
billiard and pool rooms, one of
the finest in the northwest, in
vites your patronage. The linn
also carries cigars, tobacco, tine
confectionery, etc., The fruit
ami i oniei iiuiiei v stui e is separ
ate from the billiard room, and
the ladies of Ontario are es
pecially invited to make their
purchases ut the Pastime, just
south of Beyer Bros, ik Co.
unfavorable talk by
warden McAllister
Superintendent Tope of the
Ontario Fish Hatchery tele
graphed Fish Warden McAllis
I' i Fluting that on account of
tho rise of Snake river three
feet iu one day about 100 feet
of the lish racks had hcen
carried nwny, nnd requested
instructions what to do. A dis
patch dated Astoria says Mr.
McAllister will rebuild these
m-Ich nml put in new ones a)
Swan Kails, having already re
New Union Stock Yards
The new Cnion Stock Yards
at Portland will he opened for
business on September 15. The
opening of the Portland Cnion
Stock Yards is an epoch in the
live-stock industry of the Pacific
Northwest. The creation of a
place of barter and sale where
there is every day in the year I
an active demand for all of the
live slock offered, means mm h
to the farmers and ranchers of
this section of the Cnitcd States.
The nearest market of the class
is at Denver.
Live stock sells every business
day in tho year and the cash
that is paid out to the tanners
and ranchers filters through
every channel of the country's
commerce. There is no better
to K,.t grnill lo lnulk((l ,,
get a good price for it than in
the hide of u meat animal a
method of minkcliiig that has
made the farmers of the mobile
stall's rich ami now that there
will be a ileum m I for the an i in a Is
the farmers and stockmen of
this section will doubtless raise
ami properly feed enough live
stock to meet the rapidly in
creasing demand.
The Portland Cnion Stock
Yards are as complete and as
modern us expeiieme ami
money can make theio. 'I DC)
are coininodiou", have sheds for
sheep and hogs, the limits an of
cement uud the water ami NWt
systems are perfect.
Pheasants Thriving.
Last year Mayor Pogue re
eeivtd a lotting of Chinese
pheasant eggs from Corvallis.
'be eggs were batched and us
soon as the young birds were
old enough to care for tbun-
mIms wen- turned loeeo on the
Morton island on Snuke liver,
about two miles southeast of
town. Satuiday Dr. Pogue
(Otind one of the pheasant hem
on the island with a brood ol
six young ones and (Cell gicatly
encouraged that the game bird
will now be propagated here.
Tho Outario Qun Club nil! pay
a reward of 9f for the arrc-l
and conviction ol any one kill
ing or molesting the phoSOMtl
on Morton island or aiacwhcro
in the county.
Wm. Hanley Fined
William Hanley, convicted in
the United States court of hav
ing maintain d an illegal fence
on government land iu Harney
county, was denied u in w trial
by Judge Wolverton.
Mr. Huuley was fined $500
and costs, which amounts in ull
to about $4000 Tho will
be tukeii to the United Stutes
court of uppeuls.
Kiler's King of the Cattle
Ring Company carries a crack
baud, u concert orcbeblru and
p resent one of tho most enter
turning uud instructive tlrumus
ever Written.
ceived permission from the
Idnho ollicials to do so. He
feared tho racks would ugnin he
carried away nnd says that in
another year he will abandon
the Ontario hatchery altogether.
This is n matter the Com
mercial Club should take in
hand at once with the stale fish
commission, as Ontario does
not care to lose the distinction
of having the largest fish hatch
cry in tho world located here.
Circuit Court Docket
Neil Moorehend vs. Susan II.
A. W. Turner vs. C. H. Ox
man, et al.
L K. Davis vs. Oscar
If. I
Meisncr Bank vs
w. A. leutcii
Lumber Co.
K. W. Metcalf
John Boherc vs. C
L. Mc
narry i rraiicis vs. Ida .
'''rn"r'"- J
J. R. Sears vs. T. W. IIalliday.(
Alverda llawoill, vs. James
W- ll'.worlh.
Boise State Bank, Limited, vs.
W. (J. Craig.
L. Belle Lees vs. O. Slorl et al.
. . t '
Slate of Oregon, ex rel vs. R
T. Claypool.
Aiiniih Pipes vs. O. T. Pipe.
0 0 Thomas vs. John 1 1
Dollie 8. Co vs. JcroiHe It.
Slate of Oregon ex rel vs. The
Paulic Live Stock Co.
Klta Myers vs. Wallet Myers.
Crank Cannon vs. Kliahcth
State vs. J. M. Dinw'iihlie.
State vs. (i. W. Douglass.
Stat.- vs b. it. Prick.
I'uiiel Jurors
Th' panel jury drawn
serve for the Senteinbi r term1,.,, ;; n ., , ,
Of circuit rooii
Ontario C c Payne, J ll
Kuilev. N A ' O... ttf
' '
Downs, Frank Kudcr, II I. Poor
man, Con liviin.
VeS P Stacy, Thus W
Clagott, Qeo W. MeKnlght, K
M Vines, (i II Kicker, UeorgO
Niwinau. I
Nyssa c 0 Hunt, J Ih.jdell,
Nicbolae I. tuck.
1. 1. -well L J J miller.
Big Bend A K Pillsbury.
Owyhee K K Pratt.
Ironside Walter Duncan, Kr
neat Looey.
Malheur L W Brovell.
Snake River K J Putch.
Iiockville .1 A Dillon.
Jujihiru M A Wuodruft
Caviness w l OavinoM.
Skull Springs C Anderson,
Watson I. K Palmer.
ArcadiaIt B Tlioiupaoil.
Jordan uUoy-K. L Monger.
Phene Venator Indicted
United States Attorney Mc-
Court baa filed a oriminal com-
plaint iu the Kederal Court
charging Allelic uud Iru Venator
with muinluining an unlawful
incloaore of about 10,400 acres
of public html. The land is to
taled iu Uarnev county and the
character of the fencing is suid
to be such us to exclude ull
cuttle, except those nastuied i..e luciosure, ,rom going
upon me graaiug taiiu so m-
l'. I. nii'es sneuk in hiihest
terms of the performunco of
King of the Cattle liing us pre -
sonled by Mi liiler's eoiunuuy.l
Local News.
ic r.leclric Maze is onen
every night. Drop in and spend
pleasant hour. The moving
pictures are both amusing ami
J. S. Millikin is now in (barge
of he Ontario opera house, and
pin ties desiring to Icaso the
same can secure dates and pi ices
by consulting him.
Pint, fresh milk cow for sale
by B. W. Gove, on the Ar
cadia Boulevard, just south of
the Boulevard school house.
Any physician that knows the
Wilson-DiilTv Drug Co., will not
hesitate to trust his patient's
medicine to us for preparation.
Married At Baker City, John
Shanneii of .lunturii, Malheur
county, to Cathrine Mccgiin.
Kvcr.v,,0,I.v ' this district is
acquainted with John Shannon
nr.d everybody is his best friend,
and all extend best wishes, and
With the happy couple boa
voyage on th.) matrimonial sea.
Lincoln County High School
For information In regard to
ImHrt'k101' ('",,h,v High School,
1 stenographe, typewriting, vocal
und iushuiMcnial music, manual
Alfred training, nut of furnished cot-
iagcs.coM i,i living, address I'mf
Wilbur, Newport, Or.
Dr. J.
I'Miiiiii' will i. Mut
tomorrow for Omaha lo attend
the grand session of tho Km-
u-rnal Order of Kaglcs, being a
delegate from Ontario aerie.
He expects to be absent about
lwo W(.,.kh lH ., wjl, vjjl ili(i
eastern points before returning
D. B. Tultle has opened a
second-hand store, two doors
north of the Aigm office am!
will buy and sell all kinds ol
your patronage and guaranties
his patrons a square deal.
County Judge Richardson and
Commieelonero hfoUotl ami
Boot! wen- in Onlur'o Saturday
to inspei t (!, new Snake river
bridge. Two of the four con
orcto piers have been put in,
also the approach from the
Oregon side and the skeleton
work extends to the middle .,t
'"the stream. The iudec and
.--,. , . f,i,- hi-ii MI'USl'll
w ill, the way wo.k is progn-s
Ing and the lubatantial manner
: ii ....
i" which mi' nilili'e is con-,
One of the strongest features
with I he Iv ii, ir .a 1 1,.. I '..ii I.. I ,..,.
show la the mala quartette, th.
famous Calrneo Brothers. J,u,
bititheis w Mb naturallv beaut -
'"' ","1 highly cultivated roicei
,hse reiiirloiie includes the
best iu popular and chi--i.
We are pleased to announce
that we have been so fiirtunatc
as to secure the assistance of .
I I 11 1 :.. i i .
. oii in me e.itinital a:ut
j mechanical depailments of the
Nugget. Having hud years of
experience In this western
country in editing and publish-
i ing a good, newsy paper, Mr.
Boyd is ,.,..,. tlv at home ,
thl, W((( k ,,,, lll()1,)llt,llv
Ponall matters 0I Inter
let, Silver City Nugget. M.
N lily 000 OWM the Nugget
"",1 l,(" "'", N,r- ,,'.,1 l
l""e OttdUClod mil estate
"l'u'-v '"'"' a" '"'''nee of
! oW pat10l again joining
Seven Kentucky-bred JcS,
sUmluig fl to Hi bauds high;
jmoog the largest and best ever
Hhi,,ped to this country. BUYbigh order t orgaulet show
NOW, so that your pur. base
twill become ucnuuintcd uud to
eii-lomi .I to his home uud uc-
eliiiiuted for next spring service.
! K. D. Hi (OMAN,
Ontario, Oregon.
Local News.
Krnest Bush and wife of
Westfall are spending a few
days in Ontario.
Hoise voted "wet" bv n dc
ciiled majority at the election
held Wednesday.
J. M. Brown is in the city
from his Crane creek, Harney
county farm, mingling with bis
Leo Napton is in the city re
newing acquaintanooa, lie is
now engaged in the mercantile
hn-inosB nt Jerome, Ida.
Siblmth school at Cairo
school house next Sabbath
afternoon nt 8 o'clock, followed
l a sermon from l!cv. (. W.
Topics for the sermons nt the
Cnitcd Presbyterian Hall next
Sabbath: Morning, "Thy Will
Be Done;" evening, "The Pil.
grim'i Cross.."
The show at the opera house
Wednesday night no use tell,
ing. The only redeeming
feature being the tights worn
by tho "dizzies.
Walter Orifliths nnd wife
were in the city yesterday from
Caldwell, nnd everybody wns
oongratniating Mr, Orifhths ami
his bounie bride.
Williams 4l Hover, proprietors
of the KUctric Maze, desire to
inform the public that in the
future a change of program
nightly will he given at their
popular little theatre.
Word was received in Ontario
last evening that Muse Dart, an
old pioneer of this county,
had expired at Westfall. Dr.
Pogue was summoned to hold a
I o-t-inortem examination.
A preliminary sketch of the
proposed Cnitcd Presbyterian
church building has hen re
ceived from the architect, and
those interested are invited to
ask Roe, 0 W. Morrison to
show them the same.
Win. Hanley arrived from
Portland on Wednesday. Bill
says he will appeal his fencing
case to the O. S supreme court
and will still have lo be shown
whether or not he is guilty ol
fencing government laud
Don't forg.t the school el.-.-
tion on s.-pt. 18 al I n. m. lo
. .. . , ..
vne on me Pi o posiunn oi in
establisbiiii nt of a high school
in Ontario. And don't forget
to ote s. Let us have a
Inch school iu Ontario bv all
I.O. Bow ker bus pun based
the cay Moot Market from o. K.
Blair, the reason for Mr. Blair
retiring being 01 account of ill
health. Mr. Bowker beotoourod
the services ot I.. J. lib ka id and needs no Introduction in
this line. See ad in this lasUC.
A good position can be I . !
by ambitious young im 11 Ml l
holies in the held of "W'ii
ami liailroad tebgiaphy Sunt
the 8hOUI law beealue i II. illv e,
and itnea the Wirall - t'lu
palties are Bfltab)isliiii ktatif 111
throughout the couutry liters is
a great short .ge ol ti legrupht is.
1'osihons pay beginner-, troin
70 to W per month, with good
1 hanee for ud valiceinenl. The
National Telegraph Institute ot
I'ortland, Ore, UUOralOl lU
ollit ial iuktiltttCi in America,
under lunervialou ol K- R. and
Wll h-s Official! and phots all
graduates into noaitioua. It will
pay you to write Ihoui for full
It takes tact and ability of
that will lie well balanced tu all
tleparhueiits, i.: a good band
and on liestra, gootl ipeciulties
uud ifu dramatic show a drama
itrongeuough to win recognition
without the other (eaturea. Mr.
Cib 1 uoasessei lUis ability.
Wo make these by the
gallon and sell them hv Ihe
Vanilla Extract! 1 6c the
Lemon BxtMCtl 10 the
These extracts ,,. sup,.,,
ior lo those Usually toll
and we guarantee them I,,
conform to the Pure food
and Drug Act.
Geo, Candland.
UUDIM ihu;;ist
Ontario, Oregon
Is our main intoreat, and
071 1I0 not go into OQtaido
linos. Rene oTo are aide to
five you a Sno itook "
Loading Prescript jonists
Of the County.
Drug Co.
We now have a vi y choice
stock ol Col 'hiss.
M I are also ihoving sih'it
line of oolonial and corintbian
brass and aeayriau bronae.
We guarant t yon Mtieraetion
ill all dealings
A complete line of Strings,
Shift Music and Instruments.
Guuranteod Wutuh
Harry B Grauel
Ihe Jewelry and Mueioal House
oi Ontario, Oregon.
St Francis' Academy.
Bukur City, Oregon.
uodidiihi and ii.iv School
for Girls.
j - audi r 1 ' N. an
.if HL'' ll.llllll I I'll
'I be couree ol siudit 1 em
bract the eighth grades ol com
moil atudies bra 1 d tn the state
coins,. o itudiee, the A. adeiulo
eourae i 1 . 4 1 years and the
Commercial com
The inusie ami painting department-
oiler splendid advan
tages. Simile- H ill I,,. , s, imed S pt.
7, 1000. I'or furthil parhcu.
lara call at the Academy or ad-
drOM the BOITUN 8' I'l-.niuu.
AU l1"' Mwu oil the lime if
the motto ol the Argue, ami tho
price is only 1 the c.u.
JaT.-TTH .i auasa.