The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 03, 1909, Image 1

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Don't Forget That We Do
all kinds of Printing at
the Argus Office.
For the Malheur Project
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County.
' fT
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy Drug Co.
kinds of drugs.
N. ('. Krics took his dcpnrtuic
Saturday for Seattle, on business
Attorney Soliss was n legal
visitor to the county seat during
the week.
I. F. S. Oivin, the Vale
merchant, arrived liomo from
SeAttle Saturday.
Attorney W. If. Brooke re
turned Kriday from a trip to
('anyan City on legal business.
Mrs. B. A. Rieger. of Boise is
visiting her parents ami other
relatives and friends in this
Fine, fresh milk cow for saic there prefer a good gas well to a
by H. W. Cove, on tho Ar- (lowing oil well, as it is a better
cudia Moulevard, just south of, paying property OOd not so ex
the Boulevard school house. pensive to utilize. An oil well
Any physician that knows the! ,""""1 '" l'""1'' " W wHhool
W.l...n.l).iffv Drue Co. will not
hesitate to trust his patieiuVJl! bt put in at a much
I -u i ii.. ii i
medicine to us for preparation.
The directors of the Ontario
Independent Telephone Co.
have ordesed 190 telephones and
two sections of switch boards of
the latest pattern.
J. S. Millikin is now in charge
of the Ontario ODCM house, and
parties desiring to lease the
Mime inn secure dates and prices
by consulting him.
F. B. Ball and wife came over
from Ontario last Saturday. Mr.
Bull was over to buy some cattle
Ho got SOBBC, at Drtwsty while
on the road in. Harney County
H. C. Whitwoilh left for Se
attic on Saturday to visit the
fit r. Hunk will dtvole most of
hi-i time on the Pay Streak
watching the soubreltes liip the
light fantastic.
Miss (ieorgia Harper, the
actress, who will he kindly re
m. u.Im i. l in Ontario, died
recently ut Oreeley, Colo. Sin
was an excellent actress and
moHt churming lady.
A. Venator, tho prominent
Hiiney county stockman, was
1 .....
in Onturio Si.tirday, having
accompanied his wife this far on
her ivuy to Hoi Lake, where sh.
went to rocciNo nn d oil treat
Mrs. C. A. Martin, of Vale,
arrived home Sutuiday fiom the
fiirunda visit to relatives in
W illowu countv. II r husband,
who accompanied her, relumed
last week while Mrs. Martin
stopped off at l.atirande to visit
Health is too precious to be
tampered with by incompetent
vendors of drugs. Try the
Wilsm Duffy Ding Co, for
clean drugs, and expert service
A number of Onturio citizens
enjoyed the excursion to Ox
Bow on Sunday and report an
enjoyable time. Jim Bailor
told us it was tho longest rail
road ride ho ever had for the
money and that C.ipperlield was
the "hottest" town on earth.
W. II Allison the grot of the
week sold his residence and
four lots in the northern part of
the city to J. T. l,ogun of Dell.
Tom and his family have taken
possession, to be in readiness to
give their children the benelit
of our excellent school facilities
While on his recent trip to
the Payette lukes, P. U. Osborn
discovered what he cousiders a
valuable mine. Ijo brought
(mine PIe specimens pf the ore
bearing rock, which contains'
molyldenum, a rare and valua
ble mineral used for polishing
guns on battleship. The rock
also contains gold and graphu-
1, K.Walton, of Wichita, Kan. Jail the lino houses of Wichita
who with his wife, has heen vis- are now huilt with gns healed
MlBg with the tatter's brothers, pressed cement blocks.
.). M. and Q, A. Wright, in thisi Mr. Walton says the Kansas
city, inspected the Ontario oil gas belt is from l to 90 miles
well while here one day last week wide, beginning about 100 miles
and is very enthusiastic over the
prospects of oi! .ml gas in this ning in a southwesterly direc
vicinity, and is surprised thatjtion in a quarter circle across
the company does not attempt
to lllllll tllr 1.1,, I III ll.iW of I'HS
Mr. Walton lives SO miles
from the famous Kansas oil and
'gas belt ami he says the people
n-imi-n , w a gas;
"" lw "' wen put mi
a paving nasis ai mice, lie says
nearlv all the inniiufactiiring es-
lablilbmcnts of Wichita are run
hy gas, piped in SO miles, and
all the smaller towns lire sup-
plied with light ami fuel from
gas. lie also said that tho sec-
tiou of Kansas where he lives
was practically dead, on account
of scarcity of lumber and fuel,
until the discovery of gas, which
has made the country very pros
perous, by furnishing cheap fuel
which cheapened other necessi
ties. Cement at Wichita can
now bo purchased at fl.OO a
barrel and before the disenvcrv
of gas cement soil for $1 'J") and
Local News.
Ontario will SQOW won.biful
improvements in I'.HMi.
Mrs. O. T Steward of Boise
was a guest of Mrs. (J. L. King
during the Meek.
Lewis Zotto, who was well
known in Ontario, died at nil
home mar West fall la-t week.
III. W IS llll'll'v rilWlU.l'tll.l llV II
Inriie circle nf acoiiiiint.inec-i.
The Klectiic Mao is
every night. liop in and spend
a pleasant hour. The moving
pictures are both amusing and
Mrs. (i. W. Ly. II- and hei
jsistcr - in law, Mrs. Juno Belter
son, of Florence, Col., returned
Monday from a vUil to the Sc
uttle fair.
Blue Prints-oi any Township
in the Burns Land Disliiit,
showing names of entiymen,
kinds of entry, dates, etc., and
topography. Price 4 1 00. J.
C. Turiicy, Hums, Oregon.
Miss Ma.- ('.id. leu, who was in
Ontario last week, will shortly
form a music class, either piano
or organ, here. She is a giad-
mite of the Kundsborg Con-
servatoiv of Lnndoborw. Kanaaa. I
lion. . 11 niiii'ki' nai oeeii
appointed by Governor Benson
a delegate to the twelfth annual
session of the American Mining
Congress, to he held ut (ioldlield,
Nevada, September 27 to Oc
tober 2, 1999.
Attention is culled to the ad
vertisement of J. S. Ciurk. He
is conducting un uuto livery in
Onturio and putsengers will be
trunsferred to uny point desired
He also deals in uuto supplies
and oils. Qive bin u call.
Miss Loin Davie look her de-
parture yesterday for Baker City
where she will visit friends for
awhile before going to McMinn-
ville, where she will attend
school. Her sister and inolher
will go to MeMiaaviUe luter.
south of Kansas City and run-
Iho state, terminating in Okla
homa. The gentleman lived about
SO miles of the burning ges web
of ('aneyvillo. ibis well took
fire during a thunder storm,
which came up suddenly before
the well could be capped, and
was ignited by the lightning
The burning well assumed the
shape of a huge volcano and
continued to hum for 90 dnvs,
reeling all efforts to put it out
.....:i i... ..... a .............. I. ...... i.i
.....u u K.. .... -"
All oilier wens in inai locality
wero weakened, causing great
loss to the company. Manx e
cursions wire run in from over
'ho slate and thousands of pen-
pie went to see the burning well,
A large hole, 100 feet across, was
burned ill the earth and the
ground for some distance around
resembled lava
Mr. Walton says the gas in
the Onturio well cannot be mil-
ied until tho water is cased out
and the well kept entirely dry,
as the water greatly weakens the
Mow. In Kansas the wells an
eased and kept entirely dry BOH
16,000 for a
60-Aero Farm
Frank Davis the first nf lb"
week sold to A. K. Hrown, of
Cord, his farm one mile smith
of Ontario for $10,000. The
same consists of 00 acres and
the improvements on the place
are the best in Malheur county.
Mr. Brown will take possession
"'i. i. I no sine was main-
through the Burbridga a Don.
little Ueal KotatO agemv.
Local News.
Circuit COOrt convenes next
Monday, and county court is in
USjiOO t present.
Louie Hartoni of Wostfoll was
renewing ac(iiaiiitanccs in On
tario during the week.
BfOfOtl Trousdalo left yc-O i
day fur Seattle, Wush , when- he
Will attend the Seattle Minimus
O. K Itluir, proprietor of the
City Meat
Market, rcturmd
Uoiss durinu tin
lie III. II .III DUIM. llUllllg
week much improved in health.
ti. W Thomas is home from
HIS callle-Katheriiig trip. II.
. . ... . . . . . .
wporta bia bovinao in fine eon-
dition. Johnny Landiugham
. 111 nii.iij; 11 11 . 1, . as
..I :.i. 1 ' 11
man of tim eooh wagon.
Married At 'ale, Sept. .',
1909, John A. Kennedy to Mi
Arena Moody. The happy couple
have left for Seattle and other
points on their honey moon
The Argus extends congratula
tions. Graf A Delias of the Pastime
billiard ami pool rooms, one Qf
the finest in the northwest, in
vites your putronage. The firm
also curiics cigars, tobucco, fine
confectionery, etc., 1 be fruit
and confectionery store is separ-
ate from the billiard room, and
the ladies of Ontario ure es -
j pecially invited to make their
purchases at the Peat I me, just
south of Bayer Bros A Co.
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy Co. for all kindf
of drugs.
Ott (ioldberg, the saddler,
returned Tuesday from an ex
tended business visit to Sacra
mento, Calif. -
change of program three
times a week at the Electric
Maim Mim.hivv , ,1 m . wtat ..
ami Fridays.
Joe Wa.hlell of Baker City
was in Ontario yesterday on his
way to Vale where he is inter
ested in the oil proposition.
.'hurley Helms, who several
years ago was engaged in busi
ness in Ontario with J. A. R 1 v,
died at Meadows last Sunday of
typhoid fever.
One and two gallon jugs, five
pint and one gallon bottles for
sale cheap at Can. Hands.
Mrs. , J. Blai'kal.y cnter-
taineil her Sunday school
MDOtan nt her home on Toes.
day and all of the little tots had
i0 enjoyable time.
L B. Fryo ami bride (nee
Kinina Fiser) have returned
from an extended honeymoon
trip to eastern state, ami Onta
rio's ever obliging chief tele
graph operator is again at his
disk at the 0. S. I., depot.
Mayor PogOfe and II. I. Hooted
enjoyed a hunting and fishing
trip to Cottonwood tho latin
part of last week. The doctor
told us that killed 99
grouse at one shot mi the trip,
hut wo think he was only josh
ing. A postal n 1 1 rioction of
Ontario dUtrict will bo held at
tin enoolhooot on Sopt, D at
'i p. in. to submit to tho legal
voter- of tin. district the natation
whether a district high MUOOl
for District No. N he MtOblUhod
at ( tatOI I", ttit'u
J. A. I.aekey will soon
eonimcme the construction ot
an addition l.i his bosinOM
block on Main ttroot, The
same uill he -JtK.Mi f,,.t Ux,, (W w ,i, H, feoUg Hi
stories high. The upper portion on ta to I na ol the most
..,11 i ,,, i
will he occ.lpietl li t 1 1 - Inlai l.
Indepenbi ml Telephone Go.
l,...i...l It I i . . ,,
.Mai 1 1.. I t .Ionian allev,
N clues. h., Sept ,
Horn Looney to Mis
Loonoy to Mis Mono
IJoth tne Inido ami
i uiiiii
ale lU'Milv resiieete.
young people and their nuinei-
ous Irioods i stem! btht srishee
and a proepi rose murriod life.
Postmaster Bprool has the
following nn. laiined letters on
I. I. I' II 1
....... ....,, ,-.. . UOOg,
I risl IT Mn .. ,. I II (
-' v " " ll'.'l
il.uolil .Me. 1
Curdy, John Monroe, Rev 1' J
J '".- -
D l'. Sloe,
lalph Tbarp
Bertha R Aikerinan,
Clertie JohneoUi
! ,. . TuU ,as epened'e
hei oiiu iiaiiu store, two itoois
mn til of the A rCUl olliee and
wl ,v J(U( M. M ki ,
your patronage and euarantaei
ais otrmis a square deol,
is) t i ,
. 1. I.ampklii bus received
., ., . ,.
word from Mrs. Lumiikin, who
is at Mi Tabor sanitarium
i, ,...,, I ,
I mil, mil, Mtcivmg treatment
for acute rh umatism, that she
is recovering rapidly. Tins
will be glad tidings to bf
eeiimabls lady's many Oatralo
friends Slid also makes Hill
carry a hiu, that won't S04BI
The points of, Paul's Preach.
lag" will Ie the topic ut the
United Presbyterian morniui
service m t .iiihbulh. As usual
on the Rrsl Subbuth of the
I month then will be no evening
1 service in town, but the nastor
Bev. i. W Morrison, will preach
at the W hit Settlement school
house ut b i Hi.
. ,
Our new fall goods aro arriving daily and w( have
)(iS( HllCS QVQt sIlOWII
Tailored wsiisK a full
A new line ol liosc we are selling al 15c for boys and uirls.
Beats any thing ever shown in the (own. see them in our window, ex
amine them, lliev tiro winners.
Wc are showing the Bwellesl line r Men and Hoy's Clothing for
the money you ever saw, we beat them all when It oomos to selliug
good cloihes cheap. That's our Motto uQoo6 Clothes Choap."
Drop in and let us show you,
It pays to trade with
Pusli and Energy.
People of our neighboring
loiviis won. lei why il i that the
pcoic wlio s lit, (alio e.o
progrossh s itios in Oregon m
it few S'OlirS The solution l.
this leeuiiugly pussling proh-
lent might be given this way.
oodo of our town ere sn
cretic, progroselve, slwoye .I...
'"Ii l"llij;-, t . el l.o.l V oil Hie
jump. A stranger stops hero
and BOSS the push and hurry,
Ik gets the soms spirit and in
a few dove is imshing )usl as
bard and hurrying iust as int
ns il..- iii-vl nun VV'i. till i.iniili
wbM w ,,. ,n l(1 , , ,.
goinn 10 .lo 111 1 in
' int iVw veaiK anil litre I in v
i i i i
mil V I ik IiiiiL' I un L II 1 1. VI' i-;i I v
.' " " " " .'
to judge whether or not the
change will take plaOO. "I'io-
groeeiveneae" ia eontagiooe sud
conditions hero srs very favor-
ai-le to lu spreading and new-
' , . ,
corner once exposed to lbs had
eases w,. Ii.ive hue, Standi little
chance ol sscapino, and coutiii.
uous exposure ie almost sure i"
make an ineurable case ,
, , ,
course there msy be people who
:""y 7'0l"-v'""""l(l1 F'
haps hut after luey are run
. .1 1
ii.i 1 few limes luey stand
i .1.1 in
back out of sight. It takis
.nli ami resources to build up
u town and nunc push to build
a city. We have plenty of bulb
To the people Ot Ontario and
vicinity, l a ieh ta my ta those
desiring to take mnsie lessoni
on piano or organ that 1 will he
in Ontario about Sent. I. I ex-
peat to muke Onturio my home
and would be pleased to meet
all tbone interested.
Mies Mae Caddeu.
Graduate Lundsborg I uust 1
ulorv Uuudsborg, Ksusas.
ill OlllilMO
line of Boy's, Children's
Would Use Electricity.
A meoting was held by laud
owners of the leinl Ol and
ml residents .i W 1 1 vr m
the Jeffet ioii -. Iiool Iioum foi
the purpose . i discussing the
proposition ol Installing pump.
in;', I'liilil ill . to he ion ill' i
by electricity, the veter to be
pumped from Bnoke river. Two
propositions srore discussed,
due ihat hy raising the
wilier a Ml-lanee oi .-. e. i.
uuout a.tMi nerve oi land eoui.i
he covin. I Hy a raise Ol a
few feet higher 8300 more seres
eon be placed under water. A
committee rontieting ol two
hind ii,i:n 1 - 11,. I 1111 1111. 1 111 it
was ,ii.iiiiii 'i nj tin- ii.' ii 1 1
liui'k into tin- nllekliftll. HHCI it. no
ii . , , , ,,
I I i I 1 1 1 i 1:1 I . ' . I .! -I 1 1. I u . I'l II r
the powei can le pioriiii'l from I
the ldaho-Oiegon Light and
Power com pan j t" ojiorate Ihi
plant. The main power line ol
l"' "-'"I""') eroeeos tbi land is miighi to he watered,
Tlil ,,,,, s llJer i1m. , ;,
t li- prOpOtod Ml 'lo ill In i Ut
ditch, the land nwners si -di in
favor of the govern men) ' I
oer tne i.ii.i,.. -nun, nil1 a
me. i,. ,, .,,,,. ,,,,
looks as though nullum- will be
. i
done for soim tiim II
think they can gel lbs
water themselves and by the
. .1
lime the government is ready to
turn m. the wster they will HUd lUtii 1 telegraphy. Binee
b.r.e made Milln 11 nt to dl-eanlL. . . . , ,
,, , 1 1 1 ,1 the o-liour law became effective,
their i'l mt and join hand- with
tin goveruim ut.
Scheduled for Today
The senate ii igstion com
mittee is scbsdult 'l t" ai rivs in
Ontario today
The object ol the isit W( I ol
the committer is to illSplX I
varloui government irrigation
I- I l-H I I t -Ull 1 I u t.i nil
I'n -eli-iit Trow of tin
oomuiorcial club received dii
patch thi inui ulug that il"
1 "i tin snators had U 11
mi. anilely poetpoued
sonic of the
are the new
the latest
and Ladies1 shoes.
( )1MC(K)N.
New Train Sehcdule.
The new o. s I,, train sebod
ule went into .11. it iiuday,
Including a new through train,
w liioli makes four trains each
w i dailj The u itboundtroine
arrive In I Intai lo si follows
No f, Chicago Portland spec.
ial, dors not itop,fi 08 a m.
... 9, Salt l.ak.-l'ortl.ind e
pi . 1 ', p in
No 1 1 , pai ifle ex proas, 1 109 a.
Nn. ' I , pony express, 9:10 a.
I rogon Washington
i l"i - i mi .stoi i, ii IT
p. in
Raal bound trains arrive
No. h, Chics go Portland ipso-
ill. dins nut itop, - Is a. Ill
No I :!, Atlantie express, I 1 1
a. in
No. in, Portland Salt Lakew
pi - J 10 p in
No. --, Pony, B "7 p uo
No. II, i n i'oii-Washington
IiiiiiIi d, does not 'top, II Id a.m.
i in- .de tiam leavee ' lutarlo
1 ' in, and arrivee si - -"'
Ag I ositiou ran he had
hy ambitious younu nun ami
huhes 111 tho Held ol "Wireless1
ami siiico tin- mil ss cmn-
pauiee are establishing .stations
throughout ths country there is
a great shortage ol telegraphers.
Posil ions pay la j'lnni 1 s from
70 to $:io pei month, h lib good
chain e i"i advancement. Tho
National Telegraph lustituta of
I'm tl.m.l, OrS , operates six
oiliciul institutes in America,
uudor supervision of H. Ii- ami
.. I . -..,. ,. 1 ,i1inu a
u 1111110 viniiuie unu I'lu"1 un
graduates illto posilioiis. It will
pay yOU to w Vita I llCIU lor full