The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 27, 1909, Image 1

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Don't Forget That We Do
all kinds of Printing ii
the Argus Office.
For the-'MalReur Project.
Representative Newspaper ol Malheur County.
ONTARIO, OltKGON, FRIDAY. Al'd'Sl" .. , , 190U.
m jP
". 7W
-U -yL i
S '
9 ' & i i
Local News.
Mrs. Bourke is visiting friends
in Boise.
Wilson-Duffy Drug (V All
kind of drugs.
F. R. Nay lor Ml in Payette
on business Tuesday.
O. R. Kmison ami wife visited
relatives nt Nyssu Sunday.
Atlonu-y W. II. Brooke is in
Canyon City on legal business.
1 ... i W ULniuiii la !!.
1.1 I r . v . IT.UI'llll.l'll I" 1 i .--1 -
ing relatives nnd friends '"'
Our August reduction salo is
now going on in good shape.
MM. Co.
Mrs. II. A. Duffy returned
Monday from I visit to her par
lilt in Boise.
A I. Sclunnaker, of Baker
Oil , s lo.ikiug over the Ontai in
Vale oil Held.
Mrs. 0. A. Cundland and so i
Nestor are visiting datives nnd
frienda in Boise.
Kdwin Berry took his depart
ure Momiiiv evening for Port
h -In d Sen tile
Ii S rtle (ireer is enjoying
inmiT outing 'and visiting
i mi- Suniptcr.
"X, ihe real estate
n n Huntington on
. Ineo iy.
. f. ra'i' I avis, arrived
...rr Widuesday from a visit to
fiitnids ut McMinnville, Ore.
Mrs J.J. Uurbridge arrivnl
limne Monday Irom n visit wilh
. ' ti near Suit I. uke City.
J. E. La wi Mice, oi Vale,
arrived home yesterday from a
trip lo Denver and Colorado
: I niif s
Miss Oertrude Ward is home
from Seattle and Portland wheic
she purchased her fu'l stock " ,
i. i
K. H !i.;. Wilton and wife of'.,,
Vie arrived home Momlav '
from u visit to relatives at PoH
nnd ami a liii'to Set tile.
Mrs. A. Harrison and child-
ren are home fiom Sliin I
mount tins where they have
been enjoying a summer outing.
M. Qreif returned Satur- I
s from h a vi it io ralativi
.1... t..... I. . ..T Ii I., i-..,.!!.-
Dill ll.llll ii n ill ." .......
and friendl M his former home
in Iowu. Ho repojts the aOlUli r
very warm in the oast
.. . ... . , ,
Mrs. A. Zimmerman too:; her
... , , ,
departure Wednesday for a visit
. , . ,, ,.. ., ,
w ill fiieiuls Dicuo, tab
She went by way of Salt l.aki
and will return by Portland.
C A. Ma.tin;tho Vale hard ,., wllt.ri, ho lirsl MUV Uu.
ware man, arrived home W-l- u 0f day.
nesday from Willowa coi.nv .
. , , I.E. Iiwo was in fr.mi the
where he has heen visiting u.
, Owvheo Saturday to send his
latives and enjoying a siiinui r ' ... ,
sni to Weiser where ho will
outing. . . . . , . . ,
attend the Idaho ludiistiial lu
ll. C. Wilson and wife are 8lil(ltt) nt.xtwinter. He reportl
ho ne fio n Spokane whero they iU a 0U(, (l (.0111pany g trili,14
visited Mri. Wilson's parents au,, .UH,l.r g,.Ui,lK ready u.
and where Mr. Wilson attend,,! hore m.ur his )l01ue Q9m
the national ir ijation OOtgrOM Hollow. Mr. Low has sold om
asa delegate, ran, h near Nyssa and now re
llany F.ioiioy, who is cleik- sides on his homestead near
iug for the Jordan Valley Mei- Chalk Butte. Mr. I.ow and Mr.
cliaiiti'e Co.. 6a'ineo e.' We.lnes. Red, t.u Nyssa beet sugar man,
day for a few davV visit with recently liled on the Owyhee
ho ne It k. He will leuvo for hot springs.
Jordan Va.loy a-ain Sanlay. w WlliUt.u ai,a wfv, of
J. F Walton and wife of Newb-rg, Off., are visiting ut
Wichitr, Kan , arrved Tuesday t le bome'ef Judge J. T. Clement
on a visit to Mrs. Walton's two in this eity, having stopped off
brothers, Geo A. and Jus. 11 Tuesday while en route home
W light, having traveled over from Salt Puke where they
4( 0 miles, having come by attended the grand army eu-
wvof Kauaae City, Minneapo campment. Mis. NVhitten, uee
li-,J in.iMg, V .inouver und Mim Millie Broui'eile, is well
Victoria, B. C, Sctttlo and known to the older residents of
P, rt ail' . Oeorge looic them Ontario, having held the pastor-
for a drift along the Arcadia ale of the Congregational church
Boulevard today. Mr and Mm. here over eleven years ago Mrs.
W.i t n will sfpp off at Sail,. Millie Broulelte Whitttn will
Lake City and Colorado Springs 'occuy the Congreg.aionul pulpit
on their way'jsoiuc. ' Mgl Sunday i vciiiniu.
Prank Howard left Monday
for Seattle to take in the fair.
Try a gallon of pure honey
vinegar: .'!" cents. M. M. Co.
White River Hour is the host
on tin1 market; try a sack. M.
II. Co.
John Wood left for his sheep
ranch near Biverside after
spending a few days nt his home
in this city.
Change of program three
limes a week lit the Plcetric
Maze, Mondays, Wednesdays
Floyd Neeee, who has lioen
visiting btf brother 0. r. Neeee,
left, Saturdav for hi3 home nt
Brook field, Mo.
Mrs. J. II. Farley nnd daugh
ler Mrs. Kule Long nre home
from Iheir visit to relatives nt
BeftUle and the fair.
.1 A. Peed and family and I
M. Bailer, Jr., and famify ar
lived home Tusdny from an
outing tiip on BqOftW creek.
Pine, fresh milk cow for sale
by R. W. Cove, on the Ar
cadia Boulevard, just south of
lie Boulevard MhOOl house.
Iv A. Fraser, who with his
family was v Mil g ll e c i M, t
tended the recent convention of
the Oregon-Idaho De clopuienl
League ii Oooe Bay.
.i i'. EoaweoM, l D. Bill-
Ibgely an I AragO Harrison the
sheepmen, loft for Price Valley,
Idaho, Tuesdnv to inspect Butter
liehl bock camp with a view of
parabieing some Ino bucks.
Mrs John Harris, one of the
teai hers of the M. Iv Sunday
-chonl, entertained her class at
hoc home in the eastern tart of
town Monday afternoon and
lie. il .1 tlieni lo ice cream and
Mi and Mrs. .1 B Oerlrigbl
-- ------------ rt
i.-,0k their departure Monday
... .... ..
for their home in Portland alter
hfttfinil visit with relatives)
ull, f, ieiids m this eilv. Mis
Oartrighl is 'isier ol Mrs. U
L (iiillin.
.IC. l-.UMi .urn line, nil"
ii... ii. .i.i ....i ...:.. ., i ...
hnv bton rieltiog the former's
I rothers, elix Bnrl:1ey of Onta
rio an. i John Berkley ol West
fall, and their families, took
.i i i i
llieil iieiaiuue .moiio.ii i"i
Aolr Inm.e at Kiel, 11,11, Mo,
Klwood Clark, cashier of Ihe
Bank of Vale, which was re-
'centlv made a national bank,
, . m
arrived hone I uesilav from a
I. ,,. I., f .1. 'I,,.. l.l ll',' ill S. .
bill' ! III. "il" ' ... .
attle and a visit to his old home
in Nebraska, where he rieitod
his hi; t' anil slent in the
Over Three Hundred
. ...
oi impeicy muiuii iimiiis in wiiuui
Since tin1 First ol (lie Year.
Over 140,000 worth of real
estate has changed hands witliin
radius of six miles of Ontario
during the present year. ThOM
sales do not include Ontario city
property, but farm hinds, im
proved and unimproved; the
farthest outlayiny property be
ing the I 'mil. .n farm six miles
Mttthwott of town, which was
sold for 110,000. An import
ant feature which should bo
not.. I in those snles is tho fact
that over 1110,000 of the money acres oi mini limn in inc inime
invested i:i these lands has bccnldiatc vicinity of Ontario; (I. W.
outside capital, among which
are the following
I II. Test, last spring, h0(l
acres of unimproved land
ij..,.i.. .:...,..,! ..
lo Seattle oarliei. at :;( an nere.
These parlies doubled ,,r
P'IMIO deal for the same laud
was sold again recently for
an acre.
The W. T. Moody ranch of
100 acres, located three miles
southwest of town, was sold last
spline, to W. W. McKhlowiiey,
of Forest drove, Ore., for -',.
The W. Q, Jenkins farm of
su acres live miles south of On
tario, was Hold to II. W. Oovp, a
recent arrival from North Da
kota, for 110,000,
Iv A. Burroughs sold his H
aero lain boulh from town to
Hi nry Kllis of Cashmere, Wash.,
H ho will start a nursery, for
T. J. Johnson told M in ns of
Ills full i two Hides soiilh of
town foi 4,R00 to Alexander
INnphral'of Cai.lw.ll.
J. M. Butler has mild 'JO acres
of bis farm four miles soul he. eel
of this eitv to J, F Rose, late of
Montana, for $1,000,
(S. W. Booth sold a leu acre
tract near town lo . Q, l.eiihrs,
who came here this spring from
Minnesota, for $9,S60,
P W. Clement Mild his u
aere farm about four miles
Irom town to A. A Wright Ol, Wash., for $10,000.
Dave Dunbar sold his 60
acre farm six miles Houthwest of
0nUrl for 180,000 dollars lo
T A. Cox, of Illinois. Mr.
Dunbar still owns another large
iiinch and town properly in
cluding two residences in Onta
rio. W. F. I.eos sold O'J acres near
town to Boise parties for $7,500,
J. A. Morton sold 88 a
two miles southeast of town to
J. K. Brown, a late arrival from
Nebraska, for $ 1,500.
A $1.1,000 deal was consuin
aled last spr ng when J. T.
Clemen I sold bil 7d acre tract
four miles southwest of this city
to 0i W. Thompson of Portland.
John Huosemau, of Liooding,
I Julio, purchased 40 acres live
miles south of town from Mrs.
Mary A. Spann for $".,ni 0.
F. W. Brown sold to Nelson
(Jrover of tho Payette Pench hi
HO acres tract four miles touth
west of Ontario for $8,000
F. D. Walker sold SO a.res
of land near town for $8,800,
10 to S. II Bender, of Oklahoma,
foi $1,000 and the other 40 to
F If. Harvey, of Silvirton, Oie ,
lor the "nine amount.
Thirty acres of the Beldiug
trucl, one mile west of town,
was sold for $0,000, live acres
being purchased by A. B. Crain
of Spokain , live acres by J. N.
Heard of Uosalia, ten acres by
H. H. Hurt of Jordan Valley,
and ten acres by M. W. Waring
Thousand Dollars Worth
1 ii i
nf Oklahoma, each patty pnyin
1100 an acre.
Tin1 ebove sales
over $180,000 ol out-ide capital
that has been invested in Onta-
rio farm lands sine Jan. 1,1000,
and other sales in which
h.eal parties were int-ri-t.,1
will amount tons much more.
Among three of the largest
nurediascs made durini: this tinn
were by local parties in which
''.,PJ.' was invested in TJO
Thomas and and 0, P. Bmieotl
porabaeing Wm. Morfitt'a 160
rTe farm just south of tmn, for
W: '""' U'"r ''"
ina the Jones ranch, of 1 I
Mni ll, -,0W' rau,h f
"Tes, th-ce miles sou.h ,st of
. I . ..II mni I M... IV
,nwi '''"""'""" """ "
Bi Loot piircliiising the Quaek
en hush place two miles west of
Ontario for '-'l ,1'- .
Among other local sale- V F
Balding sold J. II. Beaareard i"
acres for 8,000. Mr. Seawci.r I
last Week plirchiised 10 a i
more from A. II. Shearer J till
east of town for 18,000,
Alex Smith sold to Clarence
F. Rees a 10 acre farm three
miles south of town for $.1,0110.
W. II. Doolillle and II. C
Whitworth purchased the Dc
Arinond place of il.l a res adjoin
ing the Ontario (owiTsifo on the
ejeot for 111,000, They aleo
plirchiised from Fdwai"! NOrril
jo aorae for 11500,
A. A. Brow II pureh.ised I I
.! ics just north of town from A
U Carter for $1,700,
O. F Amnion sold N in i
locati d near the Snake I i t I
waeon bridge to R. W. BtOOe
for I, .101 1
F. B. Naj lor pnrchaai from
I.. A. Walker M) acres of drj
land for $8,400,
F. It. Butler sold SO acres of
iliv land i.i Ira Dale for $30 nu
'" "
O. W. Pong bought 70 nrrcs
of J K Pong for 7,00(1.
W. S II. Cotton sold live
acres ea-t of low ii to A. .1. Millet
for $1,880.
A W. Trow piircba-,d I"
acres i" ('. (' ( m ir t .'.s i
for $4,800 and 100 aoraa oJ dry
land Irom K P Huffy for $8,000,
'I lese local sales represent
$110,475 iuveated in farm laudi
within siv niil.'S of Ontario in n
... ,. ,. . I
little over ilX months, makine
over $2to,oou i n vested m larm ,
lands in Ihil immediate vn il'lly
since Jan. 1.
W. P. la i -, manager ol the
Ontario Toaruaito Company,
that he ha- sold over t'.'H,-
000 w oi th of town property aim
the above dat"-, and as much
more has heen sold by I Pier ,
real estate linn", which will
make the total amount of real
estate that hits changed han.l
iu Ontario since the limt of the
year eonsideraU y 0V0I $800,0 (J
Ti P. Moore, ol lied ford Ore,
111. .UOWIl, WI I.WIWIM, WiU ,!
i i i .i u ,
who purchased the .Spuml
1 '
residence ami seven lots oil
north Oregon -ti. el last ipring I
for $6,800, tin- week inve-tei
$8,880 MON ill Ontario ttjWlli
property, purchasing some v..:
uable lots on Main street.
Waier Oriilith Married,
Walter (irilhll. of this city,
and Nellie Borton. of Berkelev,
0ol., vera married at Kedwood
City, Wednesday. August 1 1.
Tho veddiug wta ft quiet oue,
only the immediate relative of
the bride witnessln
i the I'iM'i'X
ninny. Mr. Qriflil
Caldwell's bflll 1'
and has practiced
0 a
nuimlcr ol veins.
received the maater'i degree in
KutltM university and grudii
uted from the law department
at Bakerefleld, Cd., in 1000.
While attending this school he
had for Ins loom mate a Mr
Morton, a brother pi the bride,
Mi-s Borton then a teachei
'" ""' Berkeley school, and wai
l"'!"'1"' among btr acquaint
COI ami co-workers.
Tl'" bride and groom arrived
'" Caldwell Saturday and (he
Welcome Ihev received will
. evidently remain in memory
br many , lav -. Caldwell Cone
I siininli'iit lii tin- Rniaa EvvciiB
I " "- m
'nd(nl News.
jnvcsts jn Moro
ftal dihffMir-
1 lielX I
Town PiOpi'iiy- maatojf Bpronl is home
frOW fa tiip to Spokane and
T. II. Ifoore, through ihelHritiab Columbia pointe.
Dorbridged Doolittlo real eetau ! Delberl Taggtrl arrived home
agency, this we !, purchase.' Wedueeday from die ruatieatini
live lot- mi M.ii.i t ; it for $.
B00, as follows, one lot eacli
Horn II. K, l'i il lna ill, Mi'
hfayfleld and W. W. Rram
north of ihe Pieer hotel for $-'.
000 anei wo lots from F. II.
reel on il.e we t Mde of the
street npmite the o. I". build
and poetollh'e for $2,500, Mi
Moore piirehaeed the A. I.
Sproui property north ol the 1 1
I'. bojlding laal ipring and re
ecnlly moved his family Inn
from Mod ford, Ore,
Coming Tomorrow
I'ndi r a in. in moth pavilii u
theater at Out mo, Sit , .u. 28
you will have another oppor -
I unit to s,e a magnilicenl
scenie produi lion of "I IK h
I mn's Cabin" presenting in nli
w -
oiil-stin iin; enlii" l hi uu
equaled production of ihe gr m.l
eel liirtot leal play ever written
I intario, Saturday, Aug. '-N
Excursion to Ox How.
A sp. .id ei in "-ion train to
. Bow a ill be in i from Onta
rio, I'ayotte, Ne.v Plyinoulh,
r'lllil'illnl, Wei el alxl llllllll-i,
ton i.i t Runday, Aug. 80 Tin
train a ill l eve intai lo at s a,
i.i Kura for Ihe round trip
Mmmm rt.....,i, ni.-
wwyvu wmu, .,,
In Ihe local oiition dImUoii
in cmy. in M.untc, .lah...'l;" ' umpauieii home
,.ii,...i. ilia county iranlj '" N-u'' ! '' '""" who '"
Irj by overu thru to one re
Tin ly town in the county
going wet lieiug Kamna which
nvo the small majority ol -11
against local option,
" '
Tho Conereiitttiouel R. 8. will
1(. ,m DM Sm,dav An i-l SOlll
!.. . l'... I ,.... . till. I
niter il- a ation. All llo
chiidii i ere arautod to he on
h Hid fi the new ) car the In -I
S imlay.
Mr Jolljl ol Jolliel will h cturi
at the )a ra House Bept, Dili
ami be w ill j illy j 00,
M i Jolly wee Ii re four j eun
iiihi in' i- i"'i"i loan iiii-iiniur. ,
Couduotoi A. P Miller, of the
Vale nu.,, ia lakiug laj a
ami win usii relative ai wont
fpelior, Idaho, where bu family
I V 1 I I , ll (. :i I I . I ci I . I
la v i-il i ii . nt i.i e-i 1. 1
Bd DaVOrOB was in Ontario
",lJ Va!" 1,("" ""' l'''"1 "x
Plat Ihi- week m, lm mw, ami
l" lll"l'i'' u,;" ll"' '"'-
. .IPS. Young made a trip
to Boiee aud Cebjweli thii ojeei
toarraugofoi ebureh aupplie
for the fall and vintor.
. J.' ;,)W.i 1U1, wnc and 11
c BoOf and wife arrived b0UM
Tueedav from their vieit to
I'urtiaii.l and Seattle.
lire. Hobi. Uweoo, ol Kampa,
j, ,ulUng l.ici. I. n. Ontario
Looal Mews.
WiNoii-Dnt'iy Co. for all kinds
of drugs,
J. r. Doty was in Weiser on
bneineei Pi idny,
Hnrtttogfl ehipV I ients pack
age, M. M. Co,
I!. I. Hani Wal in the city
Saturday frpjn the. .ow bi i
Que Tucker nn ! dimity ol
Vole visited i clatlj ea in ' bitai i
Thos. II. MqKnigbl and C (.
Th unas were in Hie city from
i1 s iturday, .
'1 II II In this it- I'tiday,
Aug. 20, to the wife of Harry L
BlOWII, a daughter
( lint Trow. I.e ami Will
I laei are homo from their out
ing trip in ar Ironeide.
trip at the Payette lal
Deputy shenit l rank MorflU
ill I Rfife Wile III the eity froni
Vale the Oi it ol the week.
Mi- I.. J. Bickard has re
turn" l iroin a visit i r dieter,
Mre. ."lii-' Blackmail a) Walla
Oeo. Chambi ri and L. J,
l!i kard uie home irom a pro-
I" lin trip in the iciuit ol
Mormon BaOin,
Mrs. P. i ;. Oeborn it home
from her visit to her aieter at
Biiiliiigti.n, Wash., and Seattle
w hoie she attended the fair.
A B. Mo plursiih nnl family
' arrived hnue uesday from an
Oiltlllg III the vicinity ! Iron-
i. ami ireenl. nil moiiuiaiiis
I'. I. Ia' 1 and w lie of this
. it and to Dai il and wife ol
Vale have gone to Seattle for i
throe Week- II il at Ihe fair
A brother ol P W. I love, who
i i ilea on the Boulevard,
ir rived thii week from loara
lo vieil him ami look over this
eoiinti j ith a lew of locating.
ledum c. A. Hurley, of tin
hie..,, I i i.i ii 1 1, and his win
wi ie iii In tat i IVuhtv en route '
i" the t i. Tiny trill o i-it
Port' .e I, 1 . Ueaeh and Bt
P. in I; thi f ml
I )ttl
lyirir Heottli tO
i,:-" "' l!' - ,l" ''
:' ll,r "i"1'lt''' l
9mM "" "'
l. twpi Attorney .1. W. Mi
Cullocli is boim from his t -i i
to Alaska and Visit lo ihe A. Y.
ii. i. ... .i ,i
l. .. !,
i . r.iosiiii,n ai ."ciiiiie. m i
.Mel llilocll il II I Il.l "III II. W llO
eecouiputiii "I bin n the oui
! of) to i-it i i i -
lie ir Hall '! "I uu i.
.1 II .i i.ii . an I wif
l.y nu i.i I , o. , in
Mon lav "in a v.- it lo tin
time friendl und iieijjhli i
P. K. Ingl ul Mi
. ll.llll " I ."11. ..! IIII I
l "I. I ....... M . ' ...I. ...
a farmer, i favu
i,a. t-. . , with I . , m ii.
,.,y n- UM ...... eVerythln8
,,, A m ,, M trip
,10 I
ie bae dnlo ! verv mud
'" "a "J" iouh
l M 111 Itigl io,V, ".I S'j -a, who
was ii ce.itly ai Ur I Intel nally
ly a li.-e i. tiling , ah him
while running hoi H - ill ar Wall
Ii.. k ( 'i.i i id, wu i en to Boise
l.y t . .', , ical operation
euitd ueeessury aud it de
veloned that the. young mag
ut afllicted with caueer ol the
iivei and no In pi i-, eiilertained
lOl hfl recovery. Me was se ,i iv
iujured ouci before by a horee
falling with hi Ul, which injiin
probably oi Led the incur
Bhie d'i I
Do Yor
(Want a Good :
Hair Brush? i
A mux linir bni -!i is on- i
'! t it 1 1 ( I ID" lair tn'iiliiiont I !
Ji :tii if -u t iciiiii 1 will 1 1
1 1 QM.ko n Htitisfflctory re
1 1 turn in Inlio ninl t'nitli-
t'lll Sl'l il ('.
bfttali is the
Such u
nil In alio iu-h. ' I inn
sliuw.iug iiJ,ii.o of I lii'sc ! !
bruehoa t lii- nork whioh i i
I ", I I , I I'l.ll III U.I.I I '..I.W, , '
I I. II I I I I . 1 1 I . r .- . , . I r - .
j ami bulk them ovor own I
j llidugli you iluii't buy, !
j It will bo ;i pU'iiMiri' in ! !
I MHIW I lll'lll. i
; G. A. Candlsnd, i
i Miiiirni. rrVffOII.
Sor mir lino Iin,. ,,(' ',( )('S
.lu-t in :iifil going nt very
Moderate Prices.
The very latest in Mat Pin
ami new Deoigni In Jewelry.
A complete line ol strings,
Sheet Mum, and 1 iislruineiils.
Guaranteed Wateh
The Jew! lev and Mulflll House
of Ontario, Oregon.
I si our main intoroai, and
we nol go into ouUido.
line-. I It nee jure iii'i nlilo to
give you ii lino atooh of
LmM) Pnvsdjptjunists
Qf tlie County.
Drug Co,
' . .I.. i i i
New Train" Schedule.
The new i. H P 'train iched
;'" WOllI lllto ei'ieet uiidiiy,
ilieludlUg B HOW through train.
i iiil.iv four trains each
The u i siboundtraina
'l Uliluil follow!
I'..lllan. spee
i liol -1 op,"' " i a., in.
No. ', H iU Uk Portland es
, ''!' p ui.
. Noli, piic, in- expreee, I OH a,
No. -I, Pony expreee, '. 10 a
No .i, UregonWasbington
limituil, "I". - not -lop, U 17 p m.
lii uu. I iiiuiis uri isc
No. 8, Chicago I'm timid spec
ial, doc- not -top, '' Is a. ui.
No. 18, Atlantic i aprai - I '-' I
a. in.
No. in, I',., thin. I Salt P.iImma
praej w . to p. in.
No. ''-', Pony, 5:07 p m.
No. 0, ( iregoii- Waslniigtoii
luiiit(.d, .Iocs not stop. I 1 0 a in
' The Vale train leaves Ontario
at 0 20 a in. and art l c- at Ii '."
p in.