The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 20, 1909, Image 3

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To Make room for our FALL GOODS wc
must dispose of 15000 worth ol Dry Goods,
Furnishing Gkodi ami shoes ly AUGUST 15.
This is the chance Of the year to make great
aavingi In these lines. Tou cannot appreciate
these values unless you see the goods. Let us
show you what we are offering:
Ladies waists, value 2.2.") sale j. rice $1 65
l,alies waists, value $.17") nnle j.riee 125
Ladies waists, value 1.80 lata prlOO .... $1.00
,alies waists, value 1.SB Mil price 90c
Otl a-soitineiit. value $1.09 to $2.00, ill at 50c
Broken sizes tnd just few of kind left
Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Great ftlafth-
Ing in tin4 whole stock, noth ng reserved, prices
from 35 to 50 per cent oil'. This is somcthinir
you will be interested In.
shoes for Ladios, Children and Men, half
price and less. Wc have a table lull ol these,
and they are bargains, the best shown any
where. Summer Wash Goods at sterling values.
These goods must he seen to he appreciated.
Everything in the house is worth your in
spection. Our remnant counter will repay you for n
visit to our store.
. A FRASER, Manager
U. S Commissioner.
All kinds of In ix i filings and
In flu- (iri'uil Omrt of Ik Mate nf I
reKin, fur Malhtnr Count?.
In tlif matter .f t li application of
In ord( r to afford to all water
Monte li.i.svinn to r.-ifinter the till.- .K'U a..ilinnn luiui'r uinuc
..f I 1.., U.nitliii-nui f liiiirlur tt Si.ti.t 1. tti .
iin.l1 MMAffl .Mm .,.! In. inn.il1 Vi . . ,1- i. . noun's iKsuci in pnrMiai fo i
niiai pioois can now or inniii' live, InwuMhlp l-,iirhtcu Ninth, '
before Oilbert L. King, u. B.I
coinniissioncr. Office in Onta
rio National Hank building, n-
tnrio, ( Ire-.
Itansjn Forty k.-vi-ii I", V M , in Si-r, ) of Hie I.e. luiinitKHi 9 "f
Miilheur Cnmity, nKiii, Applirmit. I i.,- .- (m. , .) c.,,, ,
It II I I , I ' w - tm I'klli ''I
Conservative Banker
Hi making loam nm-t know to a cer
tainly tliat bin applicant or snrctifx arc
reeponaiblc and worthy of credit.
I.ikcwi-c, the prudent depositor
ihoilld know ihe tl'iirnrli-r and the ftninl
iniT of tin l-aiik with 1 1 1 1 1 he drain.
'I In lii-nicfs reputation of onr di
rectors end Hit experience and ability of
our offlcen with a record of yearn' of one
ml buoineca, in luffieient guarantee
thai tin intereet of every depoeitor will he
(an fully protech d.
S The best resie'ence quarter j
0 mine oest iuwm hi taai- w
5t ern Oregon.
J Prices no.v arc $75 a lot and
upward on easy terms.
Mettle Miller rnaeisO Noll nd n ,, privilege! in the matter of
Whom li May Concern, nefeiidnnln ' , ' .
That, on the I lih ilnv of luiie. Iliiin, making Jiavnientc, it II henl
.v:;:uN::;;,V;;,;;,r:;::;;:,,c.r;,.,,,M;.V" - " " w w
hi-nr county in-ifoii. f ir iuilliil rtffNV inav lie iikhIi- nl anv time of any
" trntion ,.f (In- title of the land in the ... ,.
In the County Court of the State of ,,,. heienni,. KBOTt ili-n-rllifit. Iillaliee rrmailllli) dill- oil the
Ure(fon. tor Mulli. nr ounty Now. unleK. mui atiM-nr n or '.-I ..,,. ......ij,,,. f -nlir riilil liann- I
In Hie Mutter of tin- I.Ht.ate of .t.IM-l.h ll,., l.l ,l.- ..f In v i n.l !... I""'1'"1 " WIlKr-ni,!!! tliart
A Miihi-r. Di-.-eiiaed, caue why MU-h npplleitttoB "hall not for hnihlilio, I lie irrigation IVB"
To Kilwai.l Malu-r niu Anna Shen, . granted (In-Mime hh ill In-luk-n 111 . ... , .
M'lllUm Malier. Clinrlea Mah.-r. Am f aae.l, ami a ile.-n-e will I iil-.-l t''"i. oll f 1 1 1 ln-ilt ion llJIM In en
lirone Maln-r. Iihl Mnlier l-'ranlc Ma Moordioa to the WMrtr of the i li.-.i rJ(le hv hn COmmlMionOf of
her. I.ewln .Mii.l Mr William Hon, ami on will M fmeyer Imin-l ' , i
Muher. the known heiri, ami all other from ilixuliuif tin-Mine. thep-lierul lllllu ollicc that lull
Wll iiiikiiiiwn. If any. of I- -.h A o Muiln- Mill. r. Iram-iKt I'N.III ami , . ,Hflll.tll . MUnnlUnoi lm
Milier. aneil, ami to all pwMM All h I Mm CoOOVni. tie- "", '"'-f"" J 'Oinpliail.e Iiiik
iitiknoHii ..i innc-erinil. tirertli k named ilefemlauth hiell show 11 with all the Ic
ily order or the alioye eutllleil court. In the n.iliie of the Mate ir t In vii . . ,. . I
MMi mui all of you an- hen-l.y it. -I ' you an- herein i. iUin d to niiH-nr and illlleinellt(t Willi Hie law I.k H (
ami reonireil toii.earleforelhealKive iniKWer the aiiiiliea-ion tiled ni-i rnMaiiM 111:11111111111 nml re.!
entitled conn in the. ounty court r.M.111 M Htta day of Juno, tutm. on 01 K-fore ""N11 h". lu'uu,l"MI """ " U
at ale Miilheur iininlv, Oraffiin. nil the :it day of .Inly. IIhi i. mid II .m clainatioil.
the -.i.'d dav of July. IIMIH. at 10 o'clock fall ho to iiii-av.-r for Wnl tlu-rci'. 1 1 . - - .. .. . . .
a in . lo MOW iiiiihc, if any you haye. implication will to lal n if I ' ,,ul I'll llnr linlice Hie pro
why Mm Knight a.imliil-trator a decree will I ml a. Inuf visioiiM hereof shall applv to all
with ihe v ill annesed, of the iiIm.m- to the praxer ot the adiitioii lindinif .
.lal.- of .loxeph A Mnlier. 1I1 imeil, m ami iln inrliiif the nil- or Inlcrmt of watcr-riht applications for pub. I
hiicli adnilnt-trutor, kIimII not I., an 1 1 . . aiiiilicaut .al. . 11.1 1 111 lie- 1 .,..1 . ..;....... 1.... l 1 i..f.,,
thor.eilanl directed l.y an ord r of boy. ,.-,ul.. d laud au, doorcolllR th- ,,C "" I'l'IVllte hlinN hc.ctofoic
Ihce nuty iNiurt to Hell the real etate , ,, ,,rderiiiif ih- Bod ln --f nr hcrenflt-r iniiilc in iicihiiiiiicc
of Hitld decea-ied. ilem-iilied an follow Title lo r.Kliter the ni'iie and I in I lo 1 ... . , , iiTT j.i
The KK', of Seciion IT T..wiiHhi. M Hading and Omooin Ihol mU rlofcn ol puhlie iioIicch heietoforo or vVlrfle WrTov
iKiintn. itaiiKe -l. r. . M . .11 . ami llie .lmitH lnie m. estate, ilrht. lit', in l11...,..1f,1... i ... ... I ,.,,. I,..- ilie inn.
HW'1ofSe(;,Townl....NHouth. ien-M. clai r l.el, l. :....! . -., "P Mtt" ,U"1" U" I"" "
Kinife 111 1 m 1 ..iiiinr Die del. -ml mi- it'oiu .Ii-;..niii-: VIHI011K ol III.- licclaliialioll A. I M - fji' Ox' .'0.Mi'..'.'.4.'-4i'.4ni'.Oi'.Oi'.njOr..'OL' M.'
I'hin citall. m U imhliHheil hv order of the name ami from nil riuht. title. 111 ... 1. 11 T-- - rr7 7! ???? 77 Iw-.a
lie t ounty Court dated .Mine I.V IIUHl rel in,. I claim Hi. -rein or ll I.-. It. .1 . Iaiiinj;i 1 . yf
II11I...I 1 l,i. I 1 1 1. .1 .i .,: I, it,.. Mil U 1...... f ,!.. I ..1....:.... T- A
-.- cri'iriin 1 i'i 1111 1 1 1 1
First National Bank
But Values Are Rising Fast
Wo have farm Property of every doaeripUon
lortiltoa hwma lo ni jrou. Praduetivt ranehoi
can be purohteed bedroeJt prioeo, but land
will rltt h tin Irrifnlion Projeeli ndvantt U
xiarti aomplntlon.
TI10 boat ozporti ondorte Iho Mainour Oil
Ht-Ul which i now being thoroughly proepeelod
with blgBtaodard Riga. VITa aaa sell you alaiaai
now that will ho nhovo price wlu-n tlio oil i
struck. Jt-t in on the K''o'ml loorl
Vale Realty 4
investment 0c.
Drexel Hotel Building.
Viiii.m the ll.m. II. C IliclianlM.u, I
JeOeOOf the iMiuity Ciiurt of Miilheur mtX.) Ml'I.IBT, '..niil Clerk
iNMinty. in-K.m. with . il ..r Mill county
i-onrt attixeii iihh i.iin .lay ol .nine iik'u
Henli II W Mi i kh i '..uiiiv Clerk ,
Hy Tli.w I MeKnn;ht 1 1. i.til v
W, ll. Ur.Mike. Attorney for l iiuiiIm
Irulor. J.-Is
Ill Ih.M i: McKiihrhl. Ileimly
W. II BfOOko, Ml. irnev for A. pile nit
I i ihc Juxiiie '..mi i for tin- DM rid nf
Hnlaiio, .Mallii-iii t'oiiiily, Stale .,i
t llrt'oll
K. Whim. irlli nml A l'.'r.-nnliii;.ii.
imrhoi- .i W'liiiwoilh 'I'.. in, inu--. -n,
'I. iimi.Ii,
Intl..' name of tl- -I. il.- "i ili.k'on
Villi tv li.iclo leoiiiii.l til ii.H'iir and
In Ihe Circuit Coin tot I he Male of lire
c,'n (or Mull,, in I '..lints
I ! 1 1 1 ii t.i Pktio, I'laiuiiM
W I) INlIM'. Il.lell.l lilt
III I 111- lit! III.- ol I lie Hlnlc ..( Oli'ifon, allHWil Ihe r..ln.i in. I lllcd il.lllil ..l
Voil MO lici".-l. ie.iiiic.l lo iiiH-iir and In Ihe lliuVO inlilli.l IfUoD niliiu n
aiiMwcr the .-oiuilaiiit Hied u.m t you wi ek (1..111 I lie dale . I tin- ln-l pulili-
111 tin- nl,c ciilille.l MUM will. in -i cation ol lhi miiiiii.,i , Mill i-iiihiiioii-
eek f mm the dale ( the lii-t llMl- bolno .ill.lili.'.l 1 1 . . - 11-I ll,,,, A.i.'il-I joll of lIliH HllllllllollH. the Millie Unie I!!. I'i 'II, ..I Willi,, - week- lolo ll,.' the I1-1 1 1 in.- on Jills . .I.ile ..I H.c ei s ic .-. Ho- 111..1 ...11-iini
St. Francis' Academy. 8
A Dollar a Pound
For Bull Beef b Offered
Buker City, Oregon
nd no t.-ils.-r-. Thii prion la offered for any old
hull, fut in lean, that can break through an Amort
can rVmv properly oonatruoted. wi don't need
Ok tin- in il-., imi will take them at the above prion and
BOiirdilUj (Hid Diiy SchOOl S unJfr tho oomlltionn named. We havo a Waioeh
r , I..... .,.,. fj ol Aiiuiumii I'.-iii-.-. hmi't make a mietakeand
. . i. iiii " . " vam . i . . . ... ....
for Girls.
of aue admitted
Tin- ill itodiei iiii
braeet 1 1 eightii uradea "f com
hike the kind tint "look in-.) like it," hut huvtlu
tHil Iti-liiilili- Hull Strong and Hog Tight Amorioan
ri-in-i-. .- mi- miIi- ngentri in Ontario.
rio'.i and il sou fail Ml I., an-ssei for s.. If i-crse.1 on 1MI ih i-.-nilK ol , , .. . . r. WLM I In s M ii -. y-. . .-. 4- ' I v f .
waul ll,.',.,,l,.l,..,,lin.iff will 1M..!s lo..ale, .liw.r for "0n atUllieai Immc.-I ..I, I lie Mat.- jv I VI B. I M G 1 1 T IVlerCantlle UO.
IlieC I for Ihe l. 'In! I..I, Ih- I li.-r. ! I III lull, lift, will lake Cull I si- of s 11, 1 1 .-, I lie A (Hill-Ill II f.
i .11 ....;.. L I :...! ;... . ........ .1 1,
l.'il ii- i."ii..s. I..SSO . r.i ii oi' n "i i'i' 11:111. in .1,11,1-' i,, ,", 11.. -,00 to I'lilil'Wi. null 'l"ll
ll... , I 1 v .- elil ll I ... I . . .1,1 I !,., . v . I .1 . --, .U t. I tllvlll. ,'i,...l I I..-I ... ... lit tin It .ll
Im tin- Ik, n, 1. ( n, .in lis exUiini ii j t-nt ;t, mui, nii'i .in . i.'r 01 Loinmerclal courae,
l.ctwi'. 11 id.- i.iauiliil and tin .li'lciidaul , alc of Ihe in-I'imiukI lin M If a in lie ill ., .
I, il ,,, .,.,.1. uhI.hU of Ihe minor ll- a ii .... I. - .s ll : ll . . .'-k I..I.I.- a, .1 ' I1"' """"i; '"" llltlll !-
li.l.lii n ill .l.i.i.lilf and di i.ud.n.l and i-Iiiiiih .UI llilt-llt- 11II1T .li'lnl hi 11. 1 Jill-
lor hiii-Ii In. lli, i iihef in. ... the Cm! I 'I hi-. -.uiniiionH in I'lil'lii-lied in lin- In ,. ,,.,
MM) i-e.-ni Inect and I'oh-I. lull.. .- a n w impel 0 u- en mm
. I. .il.ui.iouH . .ii 1 .1 1 -1 ii .1 in ll.e I Hi , ill. il,"., ... illume) .nun and' Stlhlic- Will l.' I i-Mlllli'il Sent,
luii. i Ai'uu-i. a weekly ..I .lale and irin(i,l and I al On1- ., , . . . . .li. limited and .nl.- tun,.. I I. .on. ,;,i-i.anl In lln older ' l"UU. T Ol IUIllli-1 .:illl.ll
li-.le.l ill linluiio. Ill Malln.ll .. mills', of I he .I..-II, I the IV u I "I ll" I ,i I - .11 1 1 il t ill.' Allllil'lllV Or M'
Unroll l.v onlei ill li..' Hon I) I. iiliosc enlille.1 cull, .lale.l .-.., -u-i I-'. ..,.. In- S I I I: Si I'I-Itl'ili
Klili.n.l.-oli. Coiliils JmltfD of Mallnili IIKHI. I
li I. Kim., I
l.-lne ot llie I'i. lie III ..III for .... .,
ll,.- Ci-iii.t of Until..,. Milli.'i.i l.M'i'Miliili ii.iu-H.
.....i ii..- 4&i-''&&'XX&&XX&&
i. mills , Orwoun dated at ale. UrroiMi.
I ill. '.'II, I'Nrl, l 1,1,1, hiiid ol.lel l..l.i.vl
-ill.) -lllnl,,, 'II. to lie i.ll,l.lie. ,, till-m-IIinI
ol .. c illM-i lllis e ISi-k- Dale
of tlOl .uldi. .tln.ii 1 illy -H. IINei. Ptloof
l.i-l ullii'iUioli Se.einli('t 3, I '.in'..
A. N Soli.-. .Mtoines mi riaintilf.
Notice ol .iir.iirliitlnii ol W.iler.
I ( ileyll.
A N Kill I-
Alton. i y for l'laint.ff..
N.illii' lor Plilillciltion
Dell.ll tlllelit of till lull I I "I
IS l.aiel Dihi-e at liurii- OreKuO,
. i u!s i ; imitt.
Notice ,,f mi I ..i--.iii,i;i of water hy
the I'ltlled Mule- i .t.-d Hoi-.ii, Idaho. I Notice la herel.y Kiveu that Winliel.l
March .'I I'M. and tiled in the olll.w M M.ilierrv, of Ontario ur.-.'-h. WBO,
of the S'i e Kiuineer, March .'V IIUO, oil June I.' ' , made hone ...,1 en
ut '.MM. oiil.M-k p in. try No H.II7. Serial No ...',-- for
ii . . ii h niiu.-e of authority c inferred n-nssj ami n'.-ne" t. m-c .; 1 1 i--hiiii,
ria Oregon Short Una Railroad.
'j."i.'j."i from i Mitui in tu Si-ntili-
nml return. On tale daily, oonv
ineucing Jona 14. Ask ageuti
for further partieulara.
I.. A. IS. I'llXV KM l.iN.
Kuit i.nki- city, Anguat '-'-I i.
Bxeuraiom via On-on simit
i N irtlVC'rir . jjg
U.muchythc Secielury of the lute i.niK-' W ea-t Will im.-tte e: id .. II .ha kOU0A TUl A ISktl inch:- of I'm I li.nil. U.e,i,. v. I. II
rior under Ihe ,. ., is I..,,.,, of , Act ol hied notice of llitelillol. In I-"", ,iuii I iiuiiM mi, in u.
roi.Kre.-.a.iprose.l June 17. mo;, and I'.ual Conimnt4tioii roof n - ,iv.-. Ki Mini i mit. AuiUSt a ' ''l'l'nl"1" '"" "'" '"'
111 accordaii,',- Willi Ihe Ibwh of he tahii.-l. claim I . ll.. Iui.ll ..! v do- , . , , . Snlion, of Ibo :
Not. i i a In icl.s iseii thai 1 . the IIII
lei -lym d. will n leise nealeil I. id. up In
llie ho. il ..I I ' in , Sc.teniltcl I, HNIU,
lot lin i ..ii-li in lion of i.nlli I. II- mi
en her .ide of the lllolli l.a.n hrnlue
near .Ionian Valley in,l nil. Ill bfl ' M and !Hh feet in leiiiilh
w ill. a i n o I .' leel, ii , .li. am, Inua
Issooii . . i......c.l with lock one loot
llnikand lei I ssidc tmg Ihe la.e.
down -In am -Iom- one ami one hall on . -aid I ill In Ivm BWnUjnol lis.' leel
... Iieiglll ale I .- -lake. I on I lit- glWWll. l I,., I lo U hi i "Uii lined hs .1 ... -Ii-li..
I .link f.. fise .ci cent ol ll.
a in I o -an,t
Tin Coilli se. Ihe nht lo i. e. I
'.s and all liid-
II oi I f the Counts Com t ol Mill
ie in i, tin .-on .luls , llnr..
II W Mulk.y, Clerk.
State of Die-,,., I lic.ehs noti'y on auriU-d liefon- ii W Mulkay, nutjf lU HgOI.U im run- .inn iiiiiih
thai it i the inte.ilio.. to im all of the clerk of Malheur counly. at hi-.-H ill hurticulori
KUri'llU ai d iiiiii,iioiiia:i ssatnrs ot Vjile llre;;oii. oil the iNt das of -U-
lisssliee Kis.r ami it. trilcit.iriea tu miui 1'"..',
coiiimlloii with the reela.ii itioii of I'laima-t iiane r M VltDMOM
.eii.ii.i hind-' a prosided under -aid C. II llrowu. 1 ha- Ha. I I'. H
Act of CimjrreHH. and eijurt that nii h CooUln, I W. all ,1 U irlo
water, he ss ithdru ' u linu further h 'reuu.
ioiriatloli. ai irosided hs aeclloii I of j) 1 Wn l.sll.U Is t.
iif rhaiilei -ix aeHHion lusv. of linn
t'.. a,, i.
.... ,..p .,.., .,.., ... ........... i.. i.. i:...;i ........ -t
AUil.Tiii . ..i i.n l.l. ion o. siiin i nisi: ivi in. ii in. in, aii;ii-i -"
Notice of appioiiriali hi of water I, s Ak liyi'llth lor rate lilnl lUlllii-l
For Sale
K E Wis sun m.
Sui-i . i.inirf i;ii','in t r
Salt Lake City, AugUSl B I I.
Kieurtioui via Oregon sinui
Line, AuiiHt Till tn l.itli, iiiilii-
the luited Slate., dated I'm tlai. I I 're .,, t if lllam.
iron. March IM. I'.inu. and hied u. the '
Uuiiurtineiit of the liilerlor, nllice of the Slate Kiiitiueer. .March -,'"1
I lilted Slates Land Office, ' OOJ ,,t oi o'olooh B in
.Inly III, HUM "Ji, pur-uance of the i..llhor:ls ooD
Notice i herel.y K.n that the fnl- : frVlM ,ii.,u me hy the wecret.,. s ,.l the
low im.' tow ii-hip hase lieeli Hinseyed ; j,iU)rr llUdBr the tirosLioi, of tho
and the official plain of Miirseywill he
I.I..1 in Ihlioftlie AilKlint .M. !i.HI
ToWll.hip 11 South, ItaiiKc -' Knot.
Towii.hio h-'i Banff ''
Toss-llhhlp :i"i " Halite :ill '
TowUnhip7 " Ri.iiki' J'-l "
Town.hip H7 " Kinife :l "
Ti.ssn.hip :t7 KaiiKe ill
Noi'K !:.
Ml nartiee iiidobted to the
fill Ills-
Antof loi.Kre.H, June 17, ll.o.-, a .1 In al(. IMII f ukanl A
iii'itrii si liiu-i u i f it 1 it muhiiI tin- .-yl ,i ' III
Oregon, I h.-rehy notify you that r Iha are rOqUMted lo MtUl
.1 1. .-, di. i oi ouiuili
iiiinioll I,
star-, liiills Itiisiiicss in .'. Willi
riniauo, Aug 'J Ulili.i.,1 w
Sim.-, a i..i in- i lelngrnuQ operator
al Itedss hi. I Call , Minn , iii a Milaiy
oi Ml a nun ' h in. retired from
iiiinim-hH inn wnh ii (or tun. t lt.' lend opeil l.i i-ntry in All.iitu,
iiuo, nun. s. s.-ni. 'en yean too n ! Saskat. lu-wau or Manitoba. Any
i.iin era mill him a ssui. h, wilh the !.,M) uv,.r lin- ac oi IS yi'Mri,
pnMe" -' mn '" ,,,, , w-,. man, can aciiuire tins
. ii i. ii.. .ii.i . n it .....i ......... with tin- certificate without
further charge. Koi immediate
Mill-, SMIII.IMI. W lilt- 01 Will-, I..
( si ss in: WOMAN )
A :'u-.i ii- Soiiiii African
Veteran Uounty Land Certifl
i nit- I--IH.1 i. the Department
I of tho iiiti-rior, Uoveroment el
'( iiiia. In, Ottawa, uii. K-r tin- 'nl-
iiiiti-i-r Bounty Act, l!H. i,.i).
Im 890 mil's nt' any Doiiiinmii
not hi II li. lie did I II ii and many
nl,, i Then In n. nose. I lo Minne
apolis, broad uloa hi. bu Ine n i
Willi Inter .aim- to Chlcngo ami belu
liiteiitloa to lin allof Ihe -nr hi- iter . .. .,,..,..., . ,.( w.iiniiill nml loiiud Ihe Kieai mall or.lei him of
. , . ' , Seam. RoehUCk At lo A New Vlll k
and unappropriated water- of Malheur
Kisei ami itn trilmlarie.-, in coiilie. n ,n
ssith the rec'aiualion of certaiuuil
lam', an pros i. led umler rait A, -I of
, j- ....UK.-..i , lancn an prosii.-ii umler raid m or
) . -n. -eV - -m-v Nm 4-y-ikTVfc! Hinu'eoi ' (nifreee, and rnouent that Moh vnlni
I VCjT 1 III 1 III Townnhip S Kane al U wilhdrjssn fr further .i. propria-
1 ll ll Ik 1 I J I 1 I tl I t f I llil.otli.-e will In- prepared lo receive tloli a. pn.s l.l.d l.s ', ll.m .' ol !..., t-T
JUVU VXX JLfte-e. X N applicalions for Ihe ei.try of lamli-in sjytj .,,., Uw. f IU .1
x- llielise town.liip. on ami aner rue Vry re-p.-ctlulls .
I naid hi-i day of Anu-iint. 1111.
I WM KAKItK. Reglfllnr.
J'liS.Vk. lUS t, Iti'i-rl or.
I li llol-.ll.N
Knpeisiiui;; Kiv'iii.'.-r
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i.s.-ii. .nunc, ,,.., iicns... 8ynun me bun Junl paid him ,.
!.. J. Kiikaril. imij.uou for nl nhara in the huni-
iii'hh. fie ll 46 seuiH of age.
E. Telford, IS tthuter Mtraali
Toronto, ('aoada.
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Kciiil tin-
Any iliyi ian that knows tin-Wil.Dii-Diillv
I)iiik Co , M ill not.
In- itnti- In tiu-l In- patieut'r.
in ;iln.'inc t) ui ioi ureparation. ner year.
lilui: Priuti ol any Township
in tin- gurni Uiairict,
irauc and eat the ahovina namej al enitymea,
orcein of tba newa. inly ' 00
kiinls ol entry, ilati-, etc., nml I'i iii- Inn
C Tuincy, BurUI, Uie",oii.