The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 20, 1909, Image 1

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    DM t Forget That We Do
all kinds of Printing at
the 4rgus Office.
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County.
Zt? i uvniic iiiQiiioUi rrjiiut. i ;,
i f NC.MIU;i :
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy Drug Co.
kinds of 1 1 vis.
J. A. Lackey was in Ninnpn
on business tl.o first of the week.
H. a I vers, of Watson, was in
the city yesterday en uiute to
Our August reduction milo is
now going on in good sliape.
M- C'-
(Sen. McLaughlin, of Vale,
was in Ontario Tuesday "
route to Baker City.
Mi-sKmily Hoise.siowur.l.ofsi
visiting at the home of Mr. nml
Mrs. J. L. King in this city.
Mrs. Maggie Cnrtright, of
Portland, is visiting with her
., . ,, ..
sister, Mrs. j. L. dntlin in
1 -V
Attorney ('. IfeOoUtgill was
la I'.iyeltc s( veral day:i the past
u.i-V u.lieri 1 tiied a ease in
justice court.
De'.hort Tugirert took his do
pnrlurev sterday for the Pay-
It lakes v hero he will rust.-
u ile a few days.
I'. K. Kenyon nml wife are
Iitfino iron, their visit lo .ea- r, ,, if(, in tL4 citj. II
aiveiiu the valley and n Hip to .,,,.,, ,,. f,m. ,, vl,,,, in
th- Seattle fair ; ( (,llimlUl H.flllc eomlng
Pine, fresh milk cow for si le lure.
bj '- W. Co"'. "i the Ar- , ylt, mVM11 imiv,.d home
hIi. Honlevard, just south of , llu.H,y fiom Poi Hand and Se
the Houlovnrd school DOOM. jMll(, Ho alio had a pleaoanl
Mi. J, W . Thompson, who vitit with bit tiotor at Helling
Siasi.eeu s ; ; s v ill. is re I ;,ni, W.ish , ami logetiier they
i4irted out of danger ami gettii g
,.:; ui. . 1I 1'iigue is li,
alii ndaiico.
A hihy hoy was horn to Mr
and Mrs. If, Toiiuscnd near Ar
cadi. i Friday, Aug It1 We
sugge-t the name of Lucky for
the new heir.
I 11 Holland, h.iok-kcepei
tor ihe I' S L. Co, aceompaii-
i by hie daughter, (ilalyswm
ii Ontario from Ihirns Tuoadoj
00 route 0 Seattle to attend tin
Walter M. Qlena and orlfc
look their di .ai tine 'I uesdav
for Seultle and tin coast. Thev
wid alee ebdl Mr. Olann'a alotor,
Mis. Luilla Bekker, at Nortl
Yakima, Wash.
l-'red OanftoM ti'k bit depart
ure s.itu day for Berkley to
ailOff the California C niici itv
He fXpeeU to complete hi
llodiee there nuJ graduate ii
1 .10 vears.
Chas. Kiyir , the Maker fit
iir-a niunufaclurer and pronii
"int i-'s,h was in Ontario
"T aebay Mr. Plyna will leavi
.f r i'u' a next month to nuik'
his icgjlir In,; years purchase 1
sal lohaceO.
. . It, II ll...
Amey W. n .ue
..rived home Tiiesdav fronl i. noun' inisnav nuoi ji
trip lo I'or.hind, fJeatUe .nd
fjookane He tooh la iba big
fair una; me naiioi.u.
airi-itiou uiinMm one i
Origin's riut-' delegates.
Ml! i Hiddle, ol M wr
e ipolir, Mi n., who will loaeli
t'n aeveiltb g U le of the Ontario
ublie tchool, urine I thi-
i lor.M'L'- Miss liiddle i :-
(i r if Mrs O 0. Dodge,
MlitOrOM ol tba Ontario Op
t 'mist.
Miss BcuUh Dale, of Mount
.. Orov , Mo, arrived bare
llottday to visit ncr sister, Mrs.
A L Sproul. The young lady
will a er go to W.dia Walla
where .he has accepted a posi
tion as a teacher in the eolsOOll
of that i-ity.
Mrs. P. ti. Oborn and her
ofiater, Mrs. li ilium- of Minue-
a.', di-, l.o h. I., hi visiting at..
? ' . . j
i in- Oshorn hoi&c in ttiis city,
aire new attending (he fair at
, vuu tie Thev will .ulso visit
ir jj'.er, Miss K.stettkixtMJihla),
twuluiejtwji, Wash.
!('(. McK night ami wife, of
Yale, are visiting in Hoise.
Try a gnllnn of pure honey
vinegar; M cents. M. II, Co.
Delhert Taggert, the hard
ware inci hunt, W0I in lloise on
i)nMH m Stnr.1.iv
()m, 0j (wi) - iv(,
ihl ,, pi,n ,,,,. ,,.
als cheap at t'andlamls.
, A l(,((, ,m(, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,.
Jr m, () , ,Nnina. ,.x,,edition
in the vicinity ol I iiyctlo lake.
F,ank Duvis and wife arrived
,omP Saturday from their trip
j ,() .r,u, um tK, Seattle fair.
j s. Millikin will pal In in
Hi(lo V((Mi Wtptfi ini( wi (
,( ?- mh ,r m, ju) f),r ,, win
desire hi services.
I he COS Iheitrc is o, en
. . .
every night Diop in and spend
n pleasant hour. The moving
,j,.llm.M ,x. bolil amusing ami
I. title ,Mis I.. inn, nuilgiiicr 01
Mi and Mrs. .lerrv Robinoon, of
It nis. is visiliiic with' MisS(l
, und Irene Radar at the
i;,,,,,.,. hmi. m ( ,.
.1 D. COX, of Gelatin, Mo , is
visitinir with his brother. A. H.
t'itittd the fair.
I I'. S Divin and wife, of Vale,
look the train here Tuesday for
I'oitlaml. Mr Divin will attend
tilt B till fair while Mrs. Di
in will go on to fal'fornia
rbor she uill spend the rest of
the Milliliter in the hope of hen
c.iiing her heath.
The attention of our readers
j ,. il! I to tho J. C. Olark Auto
Coinpany's ad on another p'ge
Tln-y will ix-eupy the new brick
building nest of the Baptist
cboroh. C ill on the J C Clark
Auto Company if you djfire t
purchase or io:it an autoinohile
S. A llol.son and wife arrive.! Kii.ulai fiom their hit. to
i. a .. 1 . ii .. lot. O...L,
,-ieeoas, uu a v.mi iiu ...e.r
I I a If I . i . It II -a, ,m.s ..cmcf i u.cen.u
Spunglield, Ore. They were
accompanied homo by their ear
in-law and family, who Ue this
action heller tl un the wehf. B
eointry and have icturcd hire
, , I,-.,,!,-
John V. Johnson, president of
the N'a hear Watei I ein' usso
ciiioii, who sM sent as one I
the Vale delegatee to l' rllaml
1 confer with Secretary liallin
g r and the reclamation otlieials,
:IITll'iil I, .iliii- llll, I:IC lll'cillll
.......... ... "-' J
a'tcildetl the fair at .Seattle and,
tie naionul negation COngn !
let Bpobane aftor till J ortland
J. u. Blaekaby end btIIs foole ae If Ibey were not acting pontpany consisting al cure
arrived home Tuesday fiom but living Hie story." Boita fjy fi w of Ladies and,. Alaska and visit lo
t' ., J ...ul.. f II TIi.m. vi.ii...! i
i,e lealtle far. Tkp vieiled
Juneau and ftitka, the old egpi
tul al Alaska, sa.v the extinct I
ul al Alaska, sa.v the extinct
volcano ISdgcoinb, md the Take
glacier and cruisui iii)oiig the
i i 1 ergs of the noilhland. Ticv
W re acc.iM.patiieii noine nom
Seuiile by Mr. laekabjr'a eieter wsw airanpmenla to merian
and niece, u ho were visiting tls't' o delegates, tju u count of tj,u
fair. Iota fiost, we will B0 he uhle to
O. 1). (iamhle und wife, who ipiepare much of a fruit display,
have been visiting W. 0. Heagle but we can arrange u very ere.!.
and family, took their departure UabU exhibit of grains, grs.cs
Saturday for their home at 14 vegetables lor the InSpOO'
JJuileyville, Okla. Mrs. Gamble U "' of visitors,
and Mis. lieuglo are sisters. The Argus was late last Kii
Tmy were favorably impiessed day on account of the press
I with this section and greatly en.
, ii .i
.ye.l our climate, especially the
gaol night-, which are so much
in ne refreshing than the hot,
sultry Milliliter nights of Okla-
Branch Lne Will Be Built From Vale to Broganj
the Malheur Valley railroad
will he extended fiom Vale to
Hrogan, the new town on Lower
Willow creek, this fall, a distance
of li'i miles. All arrange
ments art complete and con
struction work will eoniinencc
soon. The Malheur Valh-v R
II. is the road hefween Ontario
ami Vale, 1H miles in length,
and is the uistrn link of the
llairiman line across central
Oregon to Oooa lay ami Port
land. Tim Brogan axtonion
will he a branch lint and proh-
ably built for a feeler to the
(' ntral Oregon line, which
from all indications will eon-
tiniie from Vale up the Malheur
liver, through Harney Valley that Ontario it in he th- ti riui
on to Natron. nnl division of tin llarriinan
Since it has heen aekmnv- system in ICastcrn Oregon.
Stock Shipments
L, J. Wise shipped a car of
horses to Douglass, Kansas,
Ryan a High of Vale shipped
a (ar of borOM from this point
lo Omaha, Sunday.
C. It. Kmison and J. O. Vim
ker shipped two curs of hogs to
ihe I'm Hand market Moudav.
Rutherford Brae., of Ironelde,
delivered two ear load of horses
here this week, which Here
shipped to Springlield, HI .Tin-.
Eckhardts Gi e
Groat Performance.
"The average theat-rgoer in--i
-ts upon three ingredients in
liii iitiiuseiiient portion natur
alue.s, kiuipluity mill clcanll
,.sg. All these ingredients are
,, resented i.i'Thc Captain and
the Lady', which was given a
ureut performance by the
v i .1 iiin 1 1 1 1 ii li , I -i i 1. 1 1 1 1 i .1 i v I . . 1 tirl.
- l -- -- -- r
Ikla jiff tlit l i 1 1 i i 1 1 I I . . 1 1 1 i hi i v ul
- , , -.
mo new i inny i iiimim la-i
"ight. Tba endlenea waa most
milhusiastie and showed their
apprreiation by calling the en
Mfi company hi'i)c the euitain
half do.eii times. Jl win.
cei i inn v a greai ovaiion. i lie
i am. un ami i ne i.auv nits a
Bonder fit I story of modern lift
i in a lug city, wliere many a
man in struggling for exlateui I
under manOioljf ami concen
trated wealth. It is one M the
moat picturesque uu 1 realistic
di.ieliins ,,i eoi seieuee ever
r- -
J u ,,. .r i: uni, Tfa I
I.idv'ure SO natural that 0110
1 he Lekhardt comes to Oota-
$tf '
The Oregon Slate Irrigation
convention will unit in Ontario
this fali, probably next month,
and we ibotfld higiu now to
breaking down. The break was
i i i . i, i u. i ., ;.
I mended hy O0 Staples in
very able and workmun libo
manner. Mr. Staples is u num-
ber one machinist iuid we can
lecouiUJlinl him very highly.
I ledged Mill i- back of Por
ter Itros., in the threatened in
vasion oi Central Oregon Up the
I ethnics, the M:ii i iinans are
got ling very Imsv and con-ich i
aide railroad activity is looked
for in this section.
I ii lieell s :lle 1 IV I oiue III
a position to know that thai
llhuel extension, or ihe Short
Line cut off, western terininis
will he Ontario am) should the
new line connect with the pres
cut road hcroi i lung this
( It V a doilhle trai k ill he hllilt
on into Ontaiio. This mallei
hai been fully considered and
ll slahlishing i Malheui
Jtfnctioil has settled the fn I '
Successful Applicants
In liii- reeent teachers' ex
aminations in N'a'e are
folio va: Mrs. MaiLMiet Davis
; v- M, ,hi tfrU(.,. m, ,....,. n
j , BJ- P --J--- -
Oi igtby, same place, 3rd grade
Mi -ses llessio Locket, Nellie
I'latt ami Margaret MoOieara,
Ontai lo, each i ceived a fine 1st
grade. Miss Claudia Williams,
ln her Hist ixamination, won .,
splendid second grade with the
general average of over M per
cent Bba la engaged to teach
In Jordan Valley. Miaeee Joea
llil nml 'sahelhl McClelland
w rote for, and re. . y , ,i, ,t third
grade, each. Miss Lima
Bchlottman, lata of Minneeote,
hut now a citizen of the tin iv iug
town of Brogan, wrote for 8rd,
Two other Minneeote gi Is M i
Alice M S.nptnre ami Mi -
Vinnle c M 'i atlo, from o
well, Idaho wrote for seeond
gr.nhs. Mr Scripture will le
turn to Minnesota, wheie sin
is under c i .id to teach this
fa a( wlo w,)d v) y
Pormic will Icaefa the aehool in
Dial, No. 17 W. a. Will.. ir,
who is to Ii .nil the J until iji
taboo', wiot, for Brat grade
.r. Wilbur ii an expoiieucod
tiacher. Mi-.i I'latt will tea. h
in Ontario, Mis Loekett in the
Valley View -eliool and Misi
Mo iiv em io the Owyhee eohool.
Mrs, Dii- i Nyaaa'i luceeeeful
primary tee ilier,
llUrk'a ' -U I'loiliiclloii ul "l liele
1 In indenting tins excollenl
QeutUl tbtlitY, per mi I
lad th- amu-ment loving pub
Ita thl his aim ta la aalaa alone
pj that liis ;.!,.. is to offer alone
pure, health) and n lined .
a must ueut lb .( the Mother and '
her Daughter, tba father end
i,i. non, ne inoiiier mm uis
gter mey en y and approeUta
...ii... i ure gre lh..i
many u loan . ,,v he lighteni-d
and rnuny i fuoo wicailicd iiriothefiin iu formed us that le
mi lei by visiting tins beautiful wanted two or three good herd
l!av. WliUCIl hv OHO of our liiost'.os and would i.av the iihi.v. '
uohle women, Mrs. Harriet
Heather Stone Courtly, re
fined and elegant In its present.
ution, wo feel sure la ascot lbs
popular appi., ...lion ut the gcn
tpnis hands of the iiinusfllieiit
I loviua pi I i I. i.n.i tli . t the
! (upplutiM of smiling thousands
will assuredly meet our aroutest
effort BeUcviilf that Shukc-
s.ere hai ti uly Bftid : The Ni
Ml art in man's life thfr ait id
making others lumpy. This
gieat moral BinusemeOl enter-1
pi ise that i;i lieeome faino is
from oi can to ocean during th
t 16 years of its cxi-ten
I "-itivcly exhiliit at Ontario
Real Estate Deals
Mrs. Wi I'.. Lots, tbil wi . It,
pnrcbaaod the A. .1 Qnackin.'on baainoaa Taeaday,
bush ranch of ISO acroi situated
two milfl att Of town, the con-
Isidr ration bring -' l . i J " . Thti
lis one of the hcsl farms in tllil
lOCtiotl and Mr. LOOI hoiighl
the place for her son
...,.i w.ii:..
II' I ,1 I O It',
' H. Saawoard hao porohaatd
, ,0" ,U',CH dJoinlOg his twenty
i ... ..i ; ... i .. t ii ..
j l"" v J"""' "" "'"" "" "
soulh from 0. II. Bhtan i, the
prim iuni o.iog t-"" an aeie
Mr, Scaweard pnrehnscil fortv
aorooof the Melding tract, one
mileweetol town, lael spring,
Beeide tb -, ,,.,. riiti M. Bee-
wear. I Ofni Nveral town lots
..:. . ..:.! i. A.i,.
iln-e InvestnicnU moves
plOV is
his great faith iii the future ol
Homo Fr .n the East.
Oalton Big r, Of this eily, and
John Higg". of Borne, returned
Saturday froin ) leeoa, Ido .
where tliev were recently sum.
nmnel by the death of Hon
father, Rev. J. D The
wit, accompanied bonic by then
niothcr and two si t ire, Robaoea
ul Rom, who will flail for
s uue lime at thii id, no and
I Borne, Rev. Blgge erne 01 of
the beet known and highly i
ted miniati i of north Mis
souri. He bad hi en an invalid
for some time an I nil t 00 ion
wi re called to Missouri last sum
moron aeeoonl of his serious
Protect OruhnrtlB
From Frost.
t II BOI X' nt, one of tin
loading fiuii glowers of tin
Pt i cite alhy, returned a ft
dt - ago front the Urend valh y
in Colorado w In ie he went in
olticial eapaeily lo in ve-tigi.te
the h soils oi oM bardista using
iinudgo pots to i, loicit ili.ii
orchards from froate. K
I I'l lee, who pii ti i did hllll ill
ihe Investigation, he Qudi
smudges iwie a complete
eesi in. 'i ne returns mm o en
lhui.ilical!v in favor of tin
oi. liardieU oi ii,, r.i atte Valley
siipplv ing themselves a ltd tin
pots lo he in leudilteSS aga list
ihe time when their oreba.di
may again be threi t. n d with
frOOt, I'a.Vi lie ludepel.dellt.
A friend ol nnio ill be heie
about Sept a to purchase all
uuimnroved or pat t ally im
.... sd in in l would lifci '"
ronfer with tbs mis of any
such who a oh i" sell,
p ;. Butherlaud,
p. o. Bus 803 Ontario, Ore g
Sheep Herders Wanted
Rheep hereon ain Bnd em-
,,imei.t in Uurreil , I iv ul
45 u mouth. A K Brown, the
iheep i.'iiu from that section,
-,1.11- ;., low M mti i, ,. I0 ,,,
Health is too preoions to be
tampered with hy inconipetenl
vendon of drugs. Try tin
Uilun ll.o'l, I I n f...
. I.... " , I . .. . . i ...1.. '
ll i I 'on ' I ll I i ' . ii ; i m . w i .
niMII IIIMJ1-, ,e. I ' ' I . 31 I . IV..;
l ui m . i - ..:.... a
r . ... .i ...''. o , i .. -) itiiui me
7 .
ine i resent uuruer simp, put in
new lights and made olhi I liu-
J proven. ents
Id- A si
.nuii wms.
WUsfni-Dul'ly Co. for all kinds
Saratoga chips, 16 cents pack
age. M, N, to.
A Wi Trow was in Wei-i r on
bnainoai yoatorday,
,;. II. Shearer was in Vale on
buainau j Mtarday.
W. K.llulnv went to Weiaei
John I.amlingham il up from
Nine i' v for a two wieks lav off.
WbitO River Hour is toe
on ll maiki I ; trv a sack.
M Co.
'.' Castiirnetio nml
w i f
visited Boiaa the Rrrl of
we. k.
;. V. Long. Ihe elothinc
merchant, made a trip to Wolati
Attorney A. N. BoUoawaain
Mauutalnheja ejn togil bualnaM
Mrs. I!. L. tliitlin is home
fiom her visit to relatives
llailey, Idaho.
W. S. R ,s and v f. took, tin n
departure Monday for Scuttle to
attend the fair.
A. A. Brown rotor I Bnnday
from a trip to the race meeting
near Pavi lie lake.
stive Boa ward ami wife of
Coid returned Tuesday front
their trip I" Seultle.
Klorence Johnson is via.
mug with her sister, Mrs. Ruby
Smith, at Glenn's Kerry.
Donald McDonald, wife and
niece, ui rived home Monday
fio o their visit to Portland and
8i i tie.
S ,. Binioon and wife, ol
.Nyssa, Wile sig ,Mr
Mrs. c j, Kinieoa In tins ,-nv
Liiink IneelOa is chief clerk
at the I'otolliee MoWl Stand
while c. l. Kleev is in be
change ol program three
times :. wet I. at the Rlsctric
Mae, Mondays, VVedneedayi
and I'l ida -
L. Adam reliinied Tuoeda
from I vi-il vuili Ins family at
tin ir summer home ul the I'av-
I'.iMtte lal ,
Misi I'l.n., . Ilallnlay, Id,
ographer In the county clerk's
oiiiee, w visitnig friends in
, 1 1 .I aiio Bundaj .
T J. Hr si.aii returned ye-.
Ici'lay from Boiaa hen- he had
' ' '" to lecine tl i alio, nt
ralio rbeumatUni
Miss l.uvine Smiih took lo ,
dip;. i file Uredueeday for
visit to fii. mis at Portland and
Meeltle and t attend the fair.
P. 0. Oaboru, the Irevellim
tOaU, will ei.jov a hi li f QUI
ii' the I'ayi tie lakes wlnh
bit ti ip over tbs P. dt I. K I
II ii
Krunk and Wn.i . r.e I
H a .i aid and theil Ml
Harry Blults, eud Kverett
diekey hit s mtrda) for ri
lo Itk ' ill the I . . I i .
Chas, Riley and tfe arrived
ti om I'm Hand Tue ay where
r ,ill,-v BM ll,i reoeiving
o di, i.l tn allot nt fi i narulvsis
lie mm h improved In health.
D. B. Tuttla has opened i.
neooud hand store, two door-
",,M" '" tl,(' ArgUS idllee and
oi the
Will buy an I sell all kinds ol
your patronage and guarantees
hi- patrons a squm deal.
At the United Presbyterian
Ml ice Bald Stb morning the
topic Will le "I neut Is
will be "( ileal U Diana; or
Modern I 1 wi 1 1 IN
. . 'i-i . . .
tonic, i ne .vuinioli
pie, " I lie Alitnlote lor I'ls-
We make these by the
gallon and ill them bj lbs
ouiii c.
Vanilla Extracts. IV the
Lemon Extracts - ihe
These extracts. in per.
lOf I" those usually Sold
ami we guarantee them to
conform t the Pore food
ami Ding Ad
Geo. Candland.
l.liviHMi DBINMaiwT,
Ontai io. t Iregon
See iillf fin.- Iim of '!. 'KS
I ii-i iii and going al very
Moderate Prices.
The v. i I id -I in Hal Pins
and new Designs iu Jewelry.
A complete line "i strings.
Bill it Music and llish uiuenls.
Guaranteed Watch
Harry B. Grauel .
rim . i.. u. i. ..,..,. i m..-ia.i ii..... - X
The J. ( ry and Musical llmisa
ol I Intai in, Oregon,
I- Out niilill illtele. t, mill
wo do nol tm Into outeida
Itnoa, Hi life we nil- illde tn
jive you a line itook ol
LciKino PUBSt i iplionists
Of the County.
Drag Co.
7 f -x
evrii Ksutuckybred lei ,
i ." to in hiind- high;
-t ami beel ever
rouiilry. BUY
, in re base
i ae-
I'lliliiUM'd lo in:. ; ...
I i muled i pi ins -. . v ice.
ll l. Ul I'M VN,
l)n ...
vi. 1 1 ul. I v I . i HSIi
v iu i Iregon Bboi t Liue,
I ..n ly fur ticket ona way via
I'oi thi. I ii .ju, ni ,i,,ii - for
"ili i .c' iregon bhoi t
Line .-".ni for lui ih r details,
- ,
Ciov .v I leliu ol the Pastime
billiai d und pool ri . ., . one ol
the ine i iii ihe northwest, m.
viti - your p.tion.iee. 'll,, thin
ulso . ,.i . tobuci ", lino
oouleetiouert i kc , I be mm
and i iiiiicct lohei v store is .-cpiir-
ate from the hilh.ii .1 i oom, aud
the hulti - ol ' hit. ii iu Bl I es-
ueciallv invited t" make their
P n bases i.t lbs Pastime, just
' uutb ol Unj 1 1 Uros. ii Cu