The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 13, 1909, Image 3

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' nV tV Nit" &? .. JtL yh ak 4if-& yk'
T" & t T r IT "I" 1" PF TT 'T' TK 'T " TT t "c
k f I m I F t"" f I ' 1 T I 1 A T I I I l A I I l
To make room for our FALL GOODS we
must dispose of $5000 worth of Dry Goods,
Famishing Goods and shoes by AUGUST 15.
This is the ehance of the year to make great
savings in these lines. You cannot appreciate
these values unless you see the goods. Let us
show you what we are ollering:
Tiiulics waists, value $8.28
lali('s waists, value $.17")
Kailies waists, value $1.:"
l.iulics waists, value $l'-
snlc priflt $1.65
sale prion $1.25
nnlf price $1 00
sale price , ... 90c
One assortment, value ff.03 to $2.(Mt, nil at 50c
Broken -izes aid just n few of a kind left. ,
Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Great slasli
ing in the whole stock, noth ng reserved, prices
from 86 to 50 per cent off. This Is something
you will be interested in.
Shoes for Ladies, Children and Men. half
price and less. We have a table full ol these,
and they are bargains, the best shown any
where. Summer Wash Goods at sterling values.
These goods must be seen to be appreciated.
Everything in the house is worth your in
spection. Our remnant counter will repay you for a
visit to our store.
E. A FRASER, Manager
y 3) m nn 3t
imi m
t The best residence quarter
in trie uesi luwm ... uaoi-
ern Oregon.
Prices now are $75 a lot and
upward on easy terms.
But Values Are Rising Past
We liavi- bum Property oftvtry dtwriptioa
for salt' on term to suit yotl, PfodllOtiVf randies
can bt purcliastd al utdfOOl prices, Itut land
will rise as tin- Irrigation Projects ailvunce to
ward completion.
Tlio beet expert- eiuloi-c the Malheur (Mi
ned! which is now being thoroughly prospcctetl
with hig Standard RlgO. We 00 Itll JOB claim
now that will be lboV prion whin the oil is
struck. Qet in on tin- ground floor!
Vale ealti 4
I investment fe.
Drcxel Hotel Btfllding.
.1 ii ' -
U. S. Commissioner.
In tho Clrcnlt Court ol the SIhIp of
Oregon, for Mnllinur ('inintv
In Iht matter of Ihe application of
In orih r to nl'tord to nil wntrr
in uie initiuT oi iiih h i mii .it ii hi in i . .
All kind of lnn,ir.linKs ami ', Mrtt Qwi to wrfUr th tltto , right nnplicanta un.lrr ib6
linnl proofs p now b. mad. I 'VSSSSi K g W! I "t,M Ui,U9 in ',U,M,"M f
btfOft QllbtH L KIHg,U. B. lUnge Forty m-ven E, W M, Iii Hoc, I cil tin- 1 Jim liininlioit Act of
romiuiionor. Oflct In Ontn-j Omntyj)reK pPlic,i.,t. ,(n(, ,? ,,,., S(1, :;:;Sl
rio Nntio-ial linnk lniildiiijr, On- Mnttle Miller. rranH.oNelll nnl All oiiuul prifilMM in the ninttcr of
tario Ore Whom Ii Mv Comi-rn. I i- m.i mt ' . .
Tlmt on the llth liny of June. HHW, iintkinj; pavnn'iil", il It Ikii-I.v
M MM ManM ..,,. .,.,! i... f,,ll ,ivinrnl
Conservative Banker
I'. iiw-iim In the t'lrcuit I'niirt nl Mill
1 heiir county. Oregon, (or initial rtffifr j liuiv lie liiililc ill iltl) lllilC of IIIIV ' Q
iiiiiiini .i in.- mii' in iiim iiiiiii in no' . . 1
in the Conntr t'onrt of the .stu of nil,. hereunto iive i.-.rii'.i. nnlnnon rnmnlntng iiuc on im
Oreiroii. for MAlbenr County. How. nnlena voii antieHr n iir liefor- noriion i.l ivniir i ii'lil nhnm
In th-M,itterof the i:.Ute of jMSfk ! the lltlSu of .Inly IM0, i.u.l MOW I""""" '" l"""1 ""l
A Mnhi-r. DeceitMHl. i cwime whv xucli Miilii-ntlou .luill not lor lithlilillK lilt' irrigation s
To IMwiu.l Mwlnr .ml Anmi Sheii, m irninteit the Nuuie xluill ) l.iW . . ... i i
WHHnnj MnnM.Cfcnrle. M.h.r. a,,,-, ;:,r:7..!l !Tl"w will u'entere'l -,,f,,; ' rliln-uli..n Inn bwn
lirime Miiher. KI1 Miiher Kritnk Mil .minlluii U, the nritur of On. imtilii-ii .,, ..!., I.,, il... nmiiiiiuuinhiir ,,i
u... I ..,! ....I i. uriiii T. ." I.. ' . ' ' ' ' " " ' '
"r'i iwii., mil i ..up. .. iiiiiiin ii, ,i, Mini -ini ui in Tin-vi. r
Miiher. the known heir., nml nil other fr,'tinic the h.ui..
i .. ... i . i F I -.. .. . . . . .. ..
h.-lr. unknown. If any. of .lo.eph A To Mmtle Miller, Kriin.-l-i iNeill nml
M.her. ilei-eii.,l. mi.l to nil hthoii i Whom It Mii loiii-ein. the hIk.m
unknot ii .r iN,n.eriieil. Oreetlt naineil ilefeulniit
Hv order of the .iltove eutltle.1 iNiurt. the name of the smte nf ( ire.ui
MM amtall of yon are hereby dte.1 yon mTr hereby reinireil u npe-iir im.l
.ml reoui-eil to npienr lfore the nbove kl.wt. tn- ajipllcn Ion llle.l herein on
eutitleil court in the count v court room I n,- no, ,iiiv ,,f .i,n. . ,,. i.i ,,,
' Jtra3,,!,.-0!2Jlr' r,,K"."' ""itba :il.t ilayof Jnly , IMBs ami If yon elnmntion
it-.. u.T oi iiuv . ii i i u" rll no to annwer ror mint thercor. the
a. in . in .how ranee, If any yon have . ..plication will lie taken n eonfMwd
why rtiiltiev KnlKbt. ailmiiilHtralor uml .leeree will lie eulernl nccnlinu
with the Will anneieil. of the above j,, t,. .,ryHr f n,r ,,,,mton i,lln
.htate o .hmeph A Miiher .levne.l. a ' , .UiilnrliiK the title or Intere.l of
.nob in linliil-trator. ehiill not be an- the applicant ab ve iiumeil. in (he
thorleil nut .llreeteil by an onl- r of Uive ilew-ribe.l l.ui.l ami ilecreeliiK the
the c nntr ionrt Ui nell the real e.tat ,,, ,l(1 or.terinu the KeKi trnr of
of nahl ilecea.!. ilew-rilie.l a. follow. TU. , r,.1.n(.r o,r mn ami further
The HE4 of Hectioti 17 Town. hip ". i,nK nml lie. reeinn that a.l .lefen
south. Khiik 4. K. W.M . and tb (rttM have uo e.tate. rluht title, in
nw -4 oi -"ciioi I,, i.iwiiHuip .--irMiuiii, tere.t, . l.m i or lien Iwrrini! nml en
tlic gnncrnl Innd ofllen thai fall
nini Mtinfnetorjf compHnncn hni
liccn ihown uilli all tlic H-
qnirtmtuM with Ihi law m i"
ii I'Iciicc, cnllivution and ic
Hi making loans inn.-t know to a cor
tiiinty tlmt It if. applicants or sureties arc
I'on-il'lc ami worthy of credit.
likowiM', Ihe irinlent depositor
houtd know Ihe iharactcr ami the stand.
Ing f the hank with which he deals.
The buiinOM icpntalion of our di
melon ami the experience nml ahilily nf
our l!iii! with a rteord of yfnr' of aue.
i --fnl Im-inesa, in -nllii nnt gtiarnntee
1 1 in t the interest of every depositor will he
i im hilly protcctcil.
I nlil fuilhei notice the provision-
hereof shall apply to nil
waleii iuhl tiplimtioni for puh
he ami private InmU heiilnfoie
or heiini'ler made in neismime
of pithlic indices borttOtori or 'Vvftf ffff!
hereafter issued tinder the pin-
First National Bank
I: lllt'e III I . V. M. I i.,,,,1,, l, ,lf..i,,Ui,l. fr...!. ilUi.nlii,.. VIsillllM lit' I In l.'i . -l.llli.ll lull Act
I I..- .... . i ..... . ....I.i.l .. I ..- - mlW? B ""T. . . . V.f. . mi
w. .... i. .-.. ..j iiiiiri ..i tin. Hiinir nml rrom nil rlKlit. t itle. in
the I oiinty Oonrt dated June I ft, I IN Si ..t and claim therein ..r theet...
WI tile ll. n Ii i l.iili.ii.l ...ii
judge of the countv i.mrt of Malheur
i .mil. i ireirou with .ml of nniil cuintr
conrt afllied this Iftth day of .lune, IttuH.
i.rilll II W Ml i.kkv, I'ouutv I'Urk.
Hv Tboe. i: MpKuiKbt Oeiiuty
W. Il llneike, Attorney for Aduilni.
1 1, it.. I JeN
Onted. this 1Mb diiv of .lune, I'HMI
(m'uI. I'. Mi i kkv. (Vniiitv I lerk
Hv Thiw K McKuitfbt. Ieput
W. II llrisike. All.inicr for Appllimnt
i; A. Bnllingoi
Sccieiarv of the Interior.
In the Circuit Court of the Stnte ..I ire
Kim (or Malheur County,
Kinin.i l'ns., 1'laiuliff.
W. NM lleteiiihiiit
In the inline o( the Stnte of Oreiioii.
You are herein npiirisl to appear and
Notice no I'litiii. mi. hi
Depiirtiueiit of the Interior
l' H Umnl Dlliceullliirn.. OMfOn,
lulv s. iwnt.
Nntleo U hereby lvrn that liileb T
Coulter, of t'omniite, tie(ou, who on
June In, Itml. made h mesiend eulr
No. -Jits. Serial No 01770. tot Lot '
wyiw'. Section 1, T HI S . K Is I
ami i...',!!! Hectiuii M, township P.
koiiiIi. range 47 ent. W llaiueiie Ma
ridiau ha. filed DOtloa of In euilon to
make Final five Vear pnaif. to M lb,-com.lajnt fll,sl Hgi.,. ., ubJU ,.,,, ,,, , Ulll, ll,H,v ,,,,
msks fiom il.,. ,at.. of the th.t mIiU i X , MH,ht,ur lHmIltv , ,,u ,,.. ,lt
cntloii n( thl. .uuimoii.. the Minif Mn v-i-iir-u ih. iiui,,i.v,j ....
,.!.. -IM ' - . '- "- -.-
published the llrst lime on J
hmtf. nml if you fail so to uiisvter. foi
mtlit thereol, the pluilitlff Hill applv Ifl
the Court for the relief pruyisl for, be-
ill)( IIS (olloHS. In Hit: Km
the nU.M-eutitleil ciiini (..riM-r dissolv
ing the Urn. I of matrimony existing
Is-lHccii the plaintiff and the defendant,
for the cure und n-i.-W of the uniii.i
children of plaintiff and defendant nml
for such luitlii'i ' 1 1 . -1 ,i. to the Court
may ii.em meet and proper.
'I hi. suiiiini.iis Is publlsbrsl in the On
tario Argus, a weekly neHpui.i of
fi-nernl circiilution, printed anil pub
isheil tit Ontario, in Malheur county,
Oiegnii. by nrder of Ihe Hon B C.
Iticburdson, County Judge of Malbeiii
county, Oregon duteil ut Vale, Oregon.
July SO, Itmil, which said order rt-ntiircd
giut l '..HI
l laliuant uaioes an witnesses
Kdward I. Hannah Sumiiel 1 1 ill,
Clareuoe T. Itarkei I'rnuk II Crntu
all of .Mi.-ijtiite Oregi.n
jyltl Wm Fmiiik Kigi-ter
Noli. . lor I'lintii .iii..ii
Ih'lsirtuieiil of the Interior,
U. S I.m.,1 uilice nl llurus. Oregon,
Jnly It IWi
Notloe is herein given that WiuHeld
S Maylwtrrv, of Ontario Oregmi, nho.
on June .'.'. I's - io.oI, houienlrnd ell
try Nil HHI7, Serial No irKMH, for
ntiiwt uiiiIii'vIh'c MM W, Tp lis .nth,
lunge Hi euit.Willniuelte Mendliin, bus
flle.l notice or llilellllon to n. . i..
-aid summons Ub published for the I Kiual Commutation Proof, to en
mti.I ol six coiiso nine neeks. Dale I tabllsh claim to tlie land ile
ol llrst pul.liculioii. July '.', I1NNI I lute,
lust publication Septemlier S, IIMKl.
A, N, Sole... Allium,) my Plamiiff.
St. Francis' Academy. I
Baker City, Oregon Uk
jA Dollar a Pound
I ar Bull Beef Is Offered
And no token, Thli prion in offered fornnyold
bull) lit or lean, tlmt inn lireiik tlirottgh an Ameri
can I'iihi- iiroperly ooiietruoted. wi don't need
jk lite In II-, Inil will toko then tit I ho tboVO price and
Bodrdilu tind Day SchOOl 8 und0r lno coditiono nomed. Wo Imvc i bin stiK'k
I ii. I lh.y-u..der u se,- 5"' A","'i'" Knnoo. iNin't make a mlotoko and
lll VII 1.1. Ol i'e ailiiuiieii v ijiki- I III- KIIIU I It'll HHIKS JIUI IIKC II, till! Illiyilll'
m (Mil liclialili Cull BtlODg and lln Tilii American
rvneo, wo ore nolo ogvnto in Ontnrio.
t Malheur Mercantile Co.
tvv $s
- - .v. ' .
The eonrnt of ntadioi cm
brncM tin ciiiiii luiio ui loin
limn sin. In-.-; Innccil on tlic -tab
iiuii-c ui tinlics, tlic Acinicniic
course ol lour yours unil llic
f '(iiniiicrciiil coiir.-c
Tin- uiu.ic iiinl pointtni ic
portnionU olfvf iplnudid ndvnn
I;,;.. -
sinle Mrhnol latmU ,ilu.ilde.
Sal. in Although Oiegun's .rtinol
land Hiiillh, iii to a ni'iiparamely
Stllilics M'ill lie rcsllllicil Sc.l, i.i. in p. noil has heen dlntrlhiite4
7, 1900, For luiilicl . allien- InvtMly, InronlJ mo speculator.
bra call at tlic Acaiicmv iii ail- "'"' !"-" londownow, IM slate hiIi
.hc.-s the BlMTKH Si PRUIUK. ,li"' '" "'" l""'ll"", ' "' MOM
arl'.H Ol s ll'iol l.illil. Willi h. at Ihe
ell! Iii minium value, will net lha
A I' CmisIIIoii Kates. plot about I "' Tin- moat of
Ublisb ilaimto the land ,e -' (tnOI) SI.UI t LI UO) Ka.llOt.,1. ' '"' '"'" "llMi"" " :' ttl" '"' ol1
I'scrila-d liefore H. W Mnlkev. is.unly -O. . . . $". p nlihoiigh llien- I
cleikofMalheun.iu.ity a,hisor,i: t.VW Iroin UuUriO 10 BooUlO J ,, MmM 10 100
i& iVaT'"'"" U" ' l"'"1 n'l,m,'- ',' '1,'li',l.v,,"l- hi ... IwlllntlnonorMl
' 'claimant nam Itnes.,- inch. inK .1 one I t -k tfOllU , ,,
Notice ol v.uiioprliiiioii oi Water.
Notice of appropriation of water by
the I'liltid SUtes, d lied Boise. Idaho,
March M, imiu, and filed in the office
of the State Kugineer March.'"), IHHI,
at .' " . p in.
"In p'lrsuuune of authority conferred
upou me by the Secretary of the lute
rior ii,i i the pfovini,,iis i,f tin: Act of
I '..ngie-j. ,,;, proyci June T, llsi! ,,ud
in aci'oriUii'w with the law. of ha
c li liroHi., i I...- llayg.ssi, E. is. for further particulars.
I ..i.l. 'in. I W Mallell, nil ol Ulllarlo
jfH Wl I Mill! Ke'iti r.
Sol Ice or Appropriation ol Wulrr.
U, v K. t"OMVNTIOll,
Salt l.uke City, AiiK'it '' I
Oow iiiiim ul si.iiion fur I'e I.
ll.-icl A . llinaioloKtcut '
...,i,iii in I... iMiiahll.bed bat I
ii in. . oi lha 1 1 uion Is to . I
Kxourtioni vlo Orogoa Hhorl ' tonnMninm, prMioiiniio , m
oration, te ot ' n- region, i-uu.iuer-
kotine of unmotirintion ol water by lino Anoii-I Til. In l.'.lli
the I'nittJd Slates, dutcd Portland l re I . .'.- imiuii iilonn m h lln. . lis ,u ;
gon, Marub la, lutrti. uud pud m ihelaive. Kcliirn limit, Atlglial '- llliMl,. ,,r Kl,,. H, , i, . p,,. .,M
...ii.... .r tk.Ululw .'ii..iiiM.r Mmi.-ii '. .1 ... I .....! .. .. . .
Siau, ..r oro li.,rH.v if .... '.'" "' " V , . . " -"K nil' laic- nil. 1 iiiiiii. I ."..-. .11 iiiiorm.-iiioii i.eing ....
- --- ---. - -... .!-. . ! puai t,W M ! ., ,. n.lV 11 II
NltTIti: IOK lilltH
Nolii en. herein given Hint I. the mi
ilerslgiied, Hill receive i-eabil bliU up to
the hour of I p. in., Septemlier I, liaaj,
for the ioiilrn'lioii of earth tills on
ellher Hide ol the (iiolli Lune bridge
in. ii Ionian N'ullev Said l.ll to U- re-sH-clielv
'.'SI and lis leel in length
itli ui row u ol 1 1 feet, up H cam, lopt
two on one. nprap-d Willi nil one luol
lln. k and li feet Hide along the luce,
down it leuui oh-on. and one hull Ml
one . hul' I fill to ! uu nveruge ol live l.-et
in height and is -taLc.l on Ihe uroiind.
I .ii li In. I to lie Hi i onipilil.-l l) a icrll-
i cd check for live mi cent ! the
1 1 ii i ii I ol same
T'ii- Com l reH.rve the right to reject
.... . I all I.I.U
III or.l i o ill .. r.iuillv Colli! of Mul
Ii. ii ou li . Oregon, .lulv 'I IWKi
It W Miilt.v link.
For Sale
that it is the intention to una all of the ,
Keep Boosting for
I.. ..n - .... ...u of it... ultl imr't V lll.ll
snrplu. Iui.,1 unapproprinleil water, ot frrm, '., uir ,,y ,, t.r, .lurv f ,.
tlwyhee Ktvar ami It. trihutarte. tn llt4,rh,r under tin- ol the
.oi.ncctioii with the reolaiiiallon " Aot of Cougre.-., ,li,n 17, I-."'-', and i..
certain Innd. aa provided nudar .aid UwJor(luluw wltll lm. Uusoi the Stale . t
Ait of ( ongreaa. and ie.,neat thai su.b i ()reK i ht,rel.y notifv v on that it i- the
waters he withdrawn f.o.ii further ap-, illU.iioI1 to um 0f the .nrulu water
Ii..l., .......,, ,. ,.,., ur.. u M-ciioii . oi ,...., 11111,r,1I1I1Ht.( waUrnol .Mallieui
Htver ami its tributarie. in oonnMUou lune, August , Hi In litli, tin In
of chapter 'J'js, semtion law. of lis. ,
ery reapeotfudy,
V. K Wi.vmii th.
Supirvisiug Kuguuer
lililiuiliiiMUl ol (lis inlniliii,
I uhe.l tftalaa Inllid Otllca.
July 111, iishj
Notlua i. hereby given that the fol
lowing towii.bipa have baan aurveyed
aud the ..rticiul plaUof aarvey will t
tiled in the, ofti, e August 1, I'.sitf
Township IM South. Ilunge ) l.uni
Towusbii' -. Kauge -a "
Township :i'. " Range :xi "
Township ? Range "
Towuabip H7 Range -U) "
Towushii)J7 " Rugr 41 "
Towuspip M V Range UO "
lowpabip '-Ut Rapge UI '
This ottoe will be prepartul to receive
applioatiou. for the entry of lauds iii
the above towuabip. on and after the
.aid im day of Angu.t, IUO0
WM KAIIKK. Regiatar.
Fmamk Davky, Receiver.
.ul liciilat -.
u. a i: i km i vi ins.
Salt l.akc City, AugUnl ' I I.
Kxcnrsieiis via Orogon Hliorl
i.uiiahle 0:u .labll In 'I ilo- kIh
lioll Hill lie Ulnlel' III'- Jlll'IsdU'UoU
..f tin- weaibei hureou
Id-turn limit, Augtlat -;i
. . . 1. . I. . . . .t ...rlull. ,. I I
w ivu vuc rrt i.iii.ii'ii "i ' i ii i i , ,
I-h0- i.l. A ...l m IJ A.. ,.f ,
Cougress.aud reoae-t that .uoh wntei A-k ujjents lor rates anil
be withdrawn from further appropnu juu lit ulurs.
il'.ii. a provided by ntiilii .' of chapter t
tiH aeaalou law. of I '
N'ery respectfnllv.
K O. lloeaON,
Super, i-ing Engineer
Suit Lake ( "ity, August 0. 1 I.
Kxcursioiia yi" lreron whurt
4n0i A"gnt "th in i ;th, in.iu
ive. Return limit, Augu&t 83.
A-k ai nl.- for rates umJ fuilln 1
I ai in iil.u -.
The Argus, ull the news.
no in i:
All ptrtioi Indebted to tlic
late In in of Knkaiil iV (iiihli-
I lull- Valuable In in- on Slreel.
I'm I land I Mai gin ei Wln-
I,, l.. i.r ihi elly, fonM " '" dlnary
li.rnilhug coiilailiiin; gein. valued al
IIIM on lie hlnii VN'll h in u few
n null- a v.-iy nun 11 exclteil hoiu.h
. ,ii ,i. il, Id" I, Hi. I lln- iin,ierly
ami departed wlihoul thunu von "
I rag. I) Near Itosi'luirg.
Ito ... but l On! I 'i""i.
I., ill ea.l of Ki.-ei.iiia Satuidav
mornlua. Oharlea llcndileksoii, agd
ure requented to settle vsilh Hll,,,i jj ranra, ikoi ami Innlnntly
Attorney ('. Mctioinigill umi klllM miwIb. Inn Hrkekaon. MM
ami. I further inconvenience.
.ii. iieiau.-e bin- ii fused lo marry
lili.i Colin: IM vanli Iroui her
!.. J. Uicknrd. hooia llanirtokMU turned the ro
, lolvcr on hlinself with effect,
Anv phvbiciun thut know-th1 e
Wii.-im-Dui'i'v Drug Co., will not! ,:'-"1 ""' '1M "",1 1
hesitate to tiu-,t hm patuni oreou. ol toe news. Only 11.00
inetlii nit to iu fur preparation, per ai.
( m vn nit WOMAK)
A o'jn-Acre South Afiican
X'cteran Ituunty I. nml Ccttili
catc I --ui-. I hv the Depai tincnl
of the Interior, tiovemuicut nf
C. ma. la, Ottawa, under the Vnl-
uoteei Bounty Act, 1008. Uood
(Of 300 in res ul any loiiiininu
html open lor entry in Alhcitu.
Su.-kud he ivun or Manitoha. Any
person over the ae of s yoort,
limn oi woiunji. can ncuuirr this
1 " i.iiiil w ilh tin-i i itiln ate without
luilhei thurgc. 1'ov iiuineiliuti
sale, 1800.00. Write 01 wire, I..
!:. 'lelfonl, t I Shuter Sim I.
Toronto, Cuiui'la.
filtic 1'iints oi un.v Tovnebip
in the Uurui I-ami District,
allowing nauics ol entiyiuen,
kitulb of cntl , ilatc.-, clc, ami
(niograiih . Pi ice $1 00.
I'. Tttrney, Hurnn, Oregon.
aaM MWf"1