ttfcttria ?0tt. Don't Forget That We Do BOOST For the Malheur Project. all kinds of Printing at the Argus Office. Representative Newspaper of Mi lheur County. ONTAKtO, OREGOK, FRIDAY. AloisT II 1 9011. VOLUME XIII y t i 7 -tft-tfmiMBmy tfG iMt f r??x?3 5E?5? rry- " -aae p in mm Ill f NUMBER '' Local News. Wilson-Duffy Drug Ce All kinds of drugs. Attorney A. N. Soliss waa in Boise on legal business Thurs. day. J. F. Lawrence, the Vulo mer chant, was in Ontario on busi ness Friday. SL'r.. Kelt i Payne arrived homo Tuesday fro;n her visit to Portland, Seattle and the coast. our August reduction Ml is now going 00 iii geod shape. M. M. Co. Albert Belislc is attending the land drawing at Coum DAIeno.,,. . ... . , , ,. . p iser left I uesdav tor a mid Bopkaue. weeks outing in the mountiui County Clerk II. V. Mulkcy f0iWtt wiuin uniar.o am. reiser w.c , i ,i .... I. Hi " III'' Wl "k. A. K. Brown and family spent',, i Tlnrsdny end Friday in Ontario eniuiite to Seattle to see the big; , now. i Mrs. .1. .1. Burbri.lge took her d 'purture Saturday for n visit wi h relatives and friends near Salt Lake. Attorney 0. W. Hayes, of Vale, returned Sunday from Portland whore he bad beeu on legal business. W. 0, Beagle is home from Lower Willow creek where he hi' been engaged for some time renovating the dray residence. ('has. Madden and family, Frank C Solders and family and I! A Stewart and wife took theii departure yesterday morning for an outing in Long Valley. Oront Thompson and family of Harney Valley will he in On'a rlo Fiiday on their way to Se attle .Mr. Thompson repoits conditions llotii'Miing in his country. A. II. McCregor nnd T. D. It ii ton of A I" II v.y I'oit, of this city, took their departure S.iturday for Salt Lake City to at end the annual reunion of the J ind Army of the Republic. T. F. Moore, who recently purchased the Sproul property on North Oregon street, has moved his family Iroin Medfonl, Ore., to this city and they are now located in their new home. Mrs. 11. 0. Whilwoith left Saturday for Spokane where she will visit relatives, and attend I'm- national irrigation congress as one of Ontario's delegate. From tt.ere she will go to Seattle and attend the fair. D. (i. Sutherland who came lure recently from Iowa is back from Seattle and will take up his permanent residence in this city. II family will arrive from Seattle where they are at present, in about SO days. Mrs Frank Davis took her . l-jut laic Friday of last week for Seattle. She will join her husband at Portland, where he has been receiving medical treat ment at a hospital for sometime, and together they will attend the fair. County Commissioner W. J. Scott returned Monday from a visit lo his son in British Co lumbia and a trip through Ceu tral Washington stopping off at Spokane. He was greatly im pressed with the 1'alouse country a id says the wheat crop there will l-- great this year. County Treasurer T. W. Hall iday took his departure Satur day for Spokane, where he goes us delegate to the National Irri gation Congress. He wus ac companied by his wife and daughter. Mrs. Halliday and Mi-s IVarl will attend the fair :tS attle while Mr. Halliday ! progressing nicely, iinsuuiia will visit with bis brother bJ lug will he occupied us un auto Spokane. ' g"g- are visiting in Boise. Try a gallon of pure honey vinegar; 35 cents. M. M. Co. L M. Seaward made a trip to hit Bois valley ranch this week. Born In this city, Sunday, Aug. H, to the wife of K. B. San ford, a daughter. E. A. Fraser, wife and son Eddie took their departure Sun day for Seattle to take in the exposition. Miss Eva Vanderhoof and Miss Clarice Oanlicld are Oil visit to the above Vale. Venderhoof nun! flit, Tri.if 1 . . mi. I U J. M. Butler ami wife electing til ''.lowing offiOCN Will .Morrison and hi die f .1 ,., .. II.,.-.. II lii-nnel 'l)rnPr left this inciriiinir for'"'11" " U'"r-N " ,,ri,u" ' rt .. .. .... . , OOVr, imp. on ii iiniii lino hnnUn . ill01l. John Olass, of ale, was in ,. u . i Ontario Saturdav en route . Hpokane to attend the national irrigation congress. i ne minimi Hireling m 1 ue stock holders of the Owyhee ti . -I .: .i.l Ditch company will be held in this cty Tuesday, Sept. 7th. G. W. Thomas and wife and Miss Ruby Landinghum arrived home Tuesday from their Alaska trip and visit to the Seattle fair. B. N. Etnison and wife of Nyssa, arrived home Wednesday from a trip to the Seattle fair and a visit to relatives in Port land. The Coxy Theitre is open every night. Don't fail to hear forty's latent attraction, the whistler and illustrated song singer. Miss Edith iiii-ti-d returned Sunday from u two weeks visit with her aunts, Mrs. S. II Boss and Mrs. A. Belisle at Nyssa and Arcadia. W. T. Lampkin returned Sun day from Portland. He reports that Mrs. Lampkin is comfort - ably located and already im - proving in health. J.I). Billinnlv and familv. - ' i Blue Mountain Springs. Miss Hntiii- (ilenn took horde- a J-.. U.-.....I- l'I. . pariur wmm mj swesMis, nm ..... ..) ill I isinli in- li.r con. in 3 Miss Wade and the two ladies will visit the fair together Miss Bessie Lockett returned last week from California ami went to Vale Wcilm -da attend the tea. Ini-' . "nit lion. She will tea! Il at Jun again this fall. Postmaster A I.. Spin,;!, ,. . of the delegatea lo tb nal iriigation eongreM,lefl Baturdui for Spokane, lie will visit var ious points in British Columbia before returning home. Misses Nellie Plutt and Mar garet MoGiftfl of tins city u:nl Miss Claudia William.-, el Jor dan Valley, three popular Mal heur county teachers, went to Vale Wednesday to attend the teachers' examination. J. II Morrison, of Pawnee City, Nebraska, stopped oft' last Saturday morning and spent two or three days with his cousin, Kev. O. W. Morrison. He was highly pleased with what he saw of our country and hopes to return and locate. W. J. Mink has the contract for the erectiou of the one story brick structure being erected by J. K. Blackaby just west of the Baptist church. The walls are now up 12 feet and the work is Robert Odell and family and highly entertaining. It is work H0 t,ut arri,lul wj he Dave Magill and family are beautifully mounted and rich in ; j(i u Il0siliol, lo ,.nU.,1(1 his in home from their outing trip to i costumes and crowned with in-' ioll of QmImI Oregon in an Telephone Company Elects Officers At a meeting of the stock holders of the Ontario Inde pendent Telephone eompnny held in the Commercial Club room Friday evening the by laws of the company were adopted and the following seven directors elected for one year: E. A. Fraser, CI. Sinael, 0. B, Kenyon, Dr. J., A. I. Sproul, II. B. (irauel and II. 0. Bover. All the directors reside in Ontario exci ft C. '. Sinn ! ,., I ! il I i : . '. . i 1 1 i 1 1 i I I.. K ig and . llpOU their dutiM by II. C. Bover vice It, I. Priming secretary and C. Iv Kenyon treasurer. .1. V. Thompson, who, ,"1' Ihe ptsl Ihl J .ii- Ii I bet ii man ager of th" Bell Telephone com. pnnv htre until lie resigned re ernlly, Was ClIO; en iillllingei th new eOBHttnv. Work will commence at once to install the new system here and it is the intention to have it completed and in operation within the next three months. A new telephone eompnny is also being incorporated at Vale. These two lines will connect with all independent telephone companies in Idaho end Oregon and free exchange service will be given all patrons between Ontario, Payette, Pruitlaud, New Plymouth, JNyssn, Owyhee and possibly Vale. "The Captain and the Lady.' The Captain and The Lady" will be the play of the engage incut of one night of the hardt Company ahly Mipportiug Miss Dtlfry in this city Sunday ) Night, Aug. -J-Jml for a stay m lone night only. 'The Captain and the lady" abounds m . bright and brilliant lines ami cidents ami olimaxes in a hand- somely artistic setting and every set glitters with bright- ; ,, T,,0 ( w, hl. bauli. I .. . , fully mounted in the cornet and painstaking way which marks all the plays produce! , under the liianaueuient of Mr Oliver' J. K Uiart. Mr. Whit ill will 1"' a member ol , 0I, i . , ' Ira II ipeatal agent of the B - !:. terve Life In '. of Omaha, Neb . la in tin- city in the Intereeti ol bit i ompeny. Mr. Rogers may locate here as he is Favorably Iruprei ed With Ontario ami surrounding oouutry. Topics for United Presbyter. ian services next Salhalh will be as follows: morning, .Some Dangers from I'ncontrolled Powers;" evening, "Made White." A cordial invitation is extended to all. Fans free. F. M .Nines and wife, of Orove. : ii li i m "rmcu "ome """ "WBWg "' - J. i. !. . u - ii i' a vi-i in iMvi-iiiioi i Wash. They also attended the Seattle fair and the national irri gation congress at Spokane. Mrs. Dellaven, of Dead Ox Flat, was shopping iu Ontario Tuesday. C. O. Thomas, the Yale real estate man, was in Ontario Sunday. Porters Block Harriman. Uncle Sam has taken a hand in the Deschutes railway fight. A retrftMiug order has been issued by Federal District Judge Wolverton, forbidding the Har riman interests from entering upon the southern lid miles of the Oregon Truck right of wav botWSOB Madras and the mouth of White Creek. This injunc tion will be in force until August b'J, at which date the DeeehOtOI Hailwiiy Company is ordered to appear in court and show cause why it siioui.t noi ne . .n.-nlly restrained from ring upon thle right of way aimed by the Portal Interaete. Cvoryday witneveei import. i velopntenta in the . . . . i but. i controversy. Every Ore gonien following the work it I king who is back of the Por ts i ami what is their ultimate ilestination. They say they will build into Central Oregon, but leave the terminus unnamed. Madras is mentioned as the tem porary destination I ut any road building there must go on, es pei dally if in competition with such a line as Harriman is clearly intending to build. Il is conceded now that the I'orters have ample backing, mean business an-' will build a railway. That Harriman must build a line if Porters do, is also lonceileil. Central Oregon now seems assure 1 of two strong lines leading into it from the north, one from Natron, possibly one from Nevada, and probably one from Ontario. If so, there! Will In- one 01 Hie most Urilliuni spurts witnessed ill the North west for the next live or ten years ill which all of the slate will shine heavily. Popular judgement still clings to the idea that Hill is back of the Porters. However this may he, ami it is strenuously denied by every one identified in the Poller work, the result promises much for Oregon, and will also move prolitable for the enter- priaing buUdora who get into the Central Oregon empire lirst. The inference is that no time is to he lost to complete till- easterlv direction from some point on the new Southern Pacilic main line to connections with the Oregon Short Line at Ontario. KvoniOg Telegram. - Fowler Elected Preident The national irrigation Congn II .ii - " ilt Spokane '., ,i :i a Fowler, ol Phoo I i. i 1. nl ami Arthur Icane, leeratary. i Mr Kowler, ...... ii beN having been chosiu as the lirst director of the Water I'seiV association when the Malheur irrigation nroicct was lirst taken up five years ago. Sheep Herders Wanted. a. K. Brown of Lewes, Har ney county, informs us that sheep hearderi can lind ready imnlovineiit iu his locality at l." a month. Mr. Brown wants two or three goxl men. D. B. Tuttle has opened a second-hand store, two doors north of the Argus office and ...:il 1 ,.l M..II .11 Li... la .f w'" "" "- 7" r ' ;;,,": v.. up im i .ni.ii' .i i.l ii (l.i i il.-es .'" r-- --- b his natrons a muare deal. Health is loo precious to be tampered with by incompetent vendors of ;lrugs. try ,,,, Wilson Daffy Dttlg J, for clean drugs, and expeit service. Kev. 0. W. Morrison HI preach at Cairo school house at 4'Jil Sttbhath afternoon. Sab bath School at o o'clock. Col Wood On Van Gilses' Letter Colonel C. F. S. Wood makes the following comment on Robert van (Jilse's letter which occupied two and a half columns in the Nyssa Sun: It seems to nie Mr. van Qiloi presents his view of the case in I very temperate ami courteous way. I agree with him that J'.i'l grants have all been grafts and that it would be a good thing to coniftl in some wav the man who will not use land ( t() gjvjl way to y0 who wjl J know of only two such legal u.ievcs. 1 The Single Tax or Henry Oeorge Dootrine. I Title ,tl, uA ,,v ),(.,M,m(i()M tmj le'-',user. n should not be allowed to gain ground that I am or any one is opposed to Private Irri gation Companies, (liven sub stantial men a fair business like contract and I certainly will favor any Company who will bring water to arid lands. I am committed to (iovernmeut Irrigation and I prefer it to this particular Private Filter prise. It has not seemd to me lni. i Hewn litii II tin In -. ! ..ii i me a- if it, with no settled and disclosed plans, had prematurely rushed into a field and made a factional light against govern ment or any other occupation of that field though the govern ment was lirst on record. I gave only one or two criticisms of the contract. It seems to me it is open to many possibly I am mistaken. 1 have no douht Mr VU) q ,eu,v,.p u j,. l..,.Hilv ami naturally lie will feel very strongly toward the men whom he thinks are trying to kill a worthy enterprise ami keep water from the land. From what is known of it how ever the Boise Futcrprisc is the one which lirst hegan to try and throttle the government's effoi ts to give water to the people. I think every effort siiould be made to stop this hitter factional light ami try to underetand each other. C. K. S. Wood. Good Rod to the Bench The Bridge Cjinmissioners pent Saturday OH the Payette Malheur project Mr Trow Bench making arrangements to says that the Clinton-Hurt tele start the grade of the bridge M grams from Portland published the Idaho side. They report in the Boise Statesman were that the best road iu Kaslcrn I pure fabrications and sent out Oregon will be put in between I for effect and that prospects look town and the Idaho Pencil one I brighter than ever for Ida Mai- .Will lie a model colllitrv road. Another carload of material for the bridge arrived Wednes day. The large steel pieis are now being put in place ami the work is programing nicely. Committed Suicide. L. C. Shilling, a brother of W. N. Shilling, committed sui cide last week by drowning him self in a well at his home near RttpOrt, Idaho. He lirst at tempted self destruction by slashing his throat with a knife. Deceased was a veteran of the civil war, had been a resident of Idaho for IU years and was un married Ho was well to do and no cause is assigned for the rash act. Croy ii Delias of the Pastime billiard and pool rooms, one of i the finest in the noi lhwc-1, in- Vital your patronage. The lirm ' " also cu'ies cigars, tobacco, line coulee! inery, etc., The fruit and .ii -i Hutu i v store is senar- .iti in the billiard room, and tin dies of Ontario are es pr tlv invited to make their ; purchases at the Pastime, just south of itoyer Broa. m Co. Mrs. A iiiimei man visited j relatives at Payette Monday. I ril rtLkiit- Wilson-Dnffy Co. for all kjfbls of drugs. Saratoga chips, l"i cents pack age. M. Mi Co. Lloyd Burhridge went to Boise Wednesday. Mrs H. A. Duffy is visiting her parents in Boise. A. A. Brown made a trip to the Deer Flat section last week. I II, Duncan and John W..11I were in from Nyssa Sat in day. W liite Rivet Hour is the best on the market: trv a sack. M. M Co. John Bay and family were in from their home near Arcadia Saturday. M. F. Naylor returned Wed nesday from a business trip to Wciser. Mrs. C. l: Emison, Miss La vine Smith and Miss Kdna Williams visited Payette Friday. Change of program three times a week at the Electric Maze, Mondays, Wednesdays end Fridays. J Mrs. Frances Russell of Cald well and Mrs. Jessie Byram of Payette visited relatives in On tario Friday. A. F. Buyer and wife ami 11. 0. Boyer and wife took their de parture Saturday for a two weeks visit nt the Seattle fair. B. Stevens, who has been visiting with his daughter, Mrs. O. W. I. veils ami family, re turned last week from n trip to Seattle and the fair. He left Saturday for his home iu Iowa and will stop off at Salt Lake to attend the grand army reunion and mingle again with his old comrades. Mrs. I, veils accom panied him as far as Pan mi and will visit her daughter Mrs. I A. Iteagar. A. W. Trow was in Wciser on business the lirst of the week. Mr. Trow was one of the dele gates recently sent by the cit ana of this section to confer with Secretary Ballinger and the iiilaamatioii ollicials in Port- um j,, regard to taking up the hi in- nroieet ..- -.. -- . A. Ni Solis.s arrived home Sunday from Seattle and Port laud. In company with his wife and sou he took iu the fair. Mr. Soliss says the Ore gon exhibits are line and the only frost is the eihibil at the Idaho building, the display there not being credible to what the state can produce in mineral, agricultural and horti culture and the criticism of the Idaho Commission by the Boise papers is justifiable. Outside of this the fair is all that could he exnected. Mrs. Soliss and sun will remain in Portland until the weather is cooler. The report that there were over HI cuses of typhoid fever at Vule seems greatly exagger ated, as the Vale papers claim there are only eight cases and one death from the epidemic. The Vale city council has authorised thecitv health ollicer, Dr. S. D. Taylor, to use every means to stamp out the disease. The city of Vale will install a new sewerage and water system to improve the sanitary condi tion. Mayor Mulkey was iu Ontario and Weiser this week securing information along the lines helpful iu instituting such improvements. bib REDUCTION IN Baseball Goods. Former Price. No v. QIOVM 11.1ft " (Moves 1.00 i'i (Moves I'll BO Cloves 7ft in Balls l.'J.'i 78 Balls I. "Il ii" Balls 88 80 Balls '-!' 18 Masks 1.18 1.00 Masks :. 80 Caps '.'' 16 Belts "' :I0 Belts -'." 18 Bats 1.80 1 OH Bats 1.00 80 Bats 7. Hi Geo. Candland. UMMBM PftHJMMf Ontario ()" "u CLOCK'S See our line lilli' of ('LOCKS .lust in and going at vitv Moderate Prices. The very latest iu lint Pins and new Designs iu Jewelry. A complete line of Strings, Sheet Music and Insii iiiuenls. Guaranteed Watch Repairing Harry B. (Jrauel The Jewelry and Musical House Ol I httario, Oregon. PHARMACY is our until! intaroat, and we do not g into OUtaido lilies. ILlier We ille able to giv you a line itook ol DRUGS AM' SKILLED SERVICE. iPiu'iiitj Prescriptionists Of the County. Wilson-DulTy Drug Co. FOR SALE Hevej) Kentucky-bred lacks, standing 18 to III hands high. among the largest and beet ever shipped to this country. BUY NOW, so that your purchase will become aci ua i nti 'I and ac customed to his home ami ac climated for neitepriug service. It. d. Hi i'mw, i lutario, ' 'regi'ii. I Mil iiIISI V U K I li-M'N-- via Oregon Short Line. Daily for tickets one way via Portland. Frequent dates for other routes. See Oregon Mtort Pine agOWla for further details. The .'Argus will. le(l you all about it. I i 1 -1