aeC '".)'.' I'l"1. V rr .. Ontario j&rgus. t'UBI...sUKl KVBKV FltUA. Win. piiiKiion ICilltor wnd Proprietor. Fr.tere.1 in tlu Pfjntofltce at Ontario. Oregon, for tmnmiiim through the mail a oci mil class mnttrr. subscription : One Year ' - Biz Month. - 90 Htrlotlv ID Aileftlii . EVENTS IN OUR STATE OF MINOR IMPORTANCE galeni Hop men report tbat 20 asnts for 10 hops la being frsely o tared. Oregon City Th farmers of Tu alatln at arranging to hold farra ii' convention and bstbscue (or Saturday, August 7. Pilot Hock-This city waa Tlalted Saturday tuoralng alth thr graataat Or In ita history. th ilsmsgs bring approximately 1 16,000. Rosetititg lot l.eslna. who wn convicted of selling one bottle of beer, waa flned HIM. This Is the first convlrtlon for selling be r In this county since Ihe adoption of the local option law. Albany - Comtnlneea hsve already organised for the third annual Al bany Appln Fair, to ba held this fall, and plana for the biggest rveut of the kind In (be history of the Willamette Valley arn under way 8t Helena Two men were drowned aud four narrowly escaped almllar fate when a boat belong to the eteamer Yoaamli oveilurued id the Columbia river Haturday af ternoon The victims wete sailors on the steamer. Halem -Artlclea of Incorporation tave been filed In the ofBve of the secretary of atate for the Oregou Horticultural Society. The society Is being Incorporated ao tbat It may legally rerelre a bequest willed to It by a Yamhill county pioneer Pendleton Mrs. Mabel Warner baa again loat out In the battle which ahe baa been waging In in onrta of t'matllla county for more tban three years for the poeseeelon of the 110,000 eetnte of the late Jgmoa W Young, of Weeten. Albnny--Th race meet of the Al bany Pnlr Association has been called off The dlroriore nod tbe ownera of tbe track are unable tu mm. to a proper underatandlng con cerning tbe future leaae. Thla mesne tbat there will be no racee la Albany tbta fall. Kugoue- -In order to better serve te patrona of bla route. J. H. Mai- ii. I't.ited States mall rarrler on n rural route, baa purchased an au temoblle to deliver the mall He will be enabled to cover hla route In two houre. Pendleton Baruse Prank Joho aeu, a young Indian, overdid tb thing In eloping lth his mother's horses and buggy, aa well aa with bla r 1 1 1..1 wife, h l now occupy ing a cell In the city Jail, awaiting tbe arrival of a deputy United Statea marshal ftom Portland Albany -A romance which began yeara ago In Auatrla, 10.000 miles nway, culminated her wheu Hianls laua Sirylewlcs, of I. Inn county, ae cured a llcenee to wed Miss Jadwlga, who arrived Saturday to become the i.i id of her girlhood sweetheart In ibe fatherland Maleui - The last big Oil In Ihe Salem, Palle City Weetera railway le belug made and before September 1 tralna will be running regulerty between Halem. Dsllss and Palle t'lty. The erews are now within a mile of Weet Salem aud (be work le progreeelng at a very aatlafactury rate of speed. Portland line bundled delegate) from the Portland i hutches of the Cbrletlau denomination will aiart ,.... a for Pllikburg lo alleud the Centennial International Cbrle tlau Convention, to be held tbere tu label II 10 li is expected ibis will rauk auioug tbe largest cburrh sou veutlous of recent r.' daleui tlewtge Qulnn. mployed on a flve-atory aleel bulldlug. had a remarkable escape from laataut deaiL alien he fell from the tfth lo the third loor of the bulldlag, rrasblug through the temporary door aud baiely evening a fall lo the ground He waa able to walk to n doctor's ofBce, after belug eslrliated from the debrla, but will be laid up for a few days Pendleton - Au unknown tramp. ui foot was severed by tbe wheels of a car under which he was riding near Meacham Saturday, ri blbtted uuuaual gilt by cllaglngj te hi precarious seel ou the brakebeaui fot mute ibau seven mtlea after the acrldvut occurred. He wae placed on a stretcher and taken te the La Uraude hospital The Dalles Maud Krokes. a 14-yeai-old girl of Kossburg, wae taken from s tralu bars by Sheriff Chris uiau While being held here, word we received that ahe was on hsr . to irnrry au employe of a cir rus he bad met in Roseburg She will be sent direct te the Keforu school. Pot Hand Tbe Amerloan Associa tion of Farmers' Institute Workers will assemble for their 14th annual conveutlou on August l and IT. Tbe Association for the Promotion of Agrlcullnial Belence will eonvens on Auguat 17 aud the Association of American Agricultural Collages and Kxperlmsal Stations will lust! lute the -i& aunual cooveatlou on August 1 and will continue until adjournment ou August 10. These conventions will be held In Portland r ' j, -' 11 W aflH - . 11117 OREGON STATE HEWS IfitsrssHns Hsistnlsfs Frsw All Partt if tlit Matt. Wosms'i Pltfft U Cave Treaate. (Irsnts I'sss While Prank Sills and a parly were exploring Joes pblss counl lavee Sunday, tills be ing In advance of tbe party, allpped and a pistol he was isrrylsg was dla cbarged. The bell eotsrsd ble left eye. death resulting after four hours At the discbarge of tbe wsapea. all fled except Mrs Rills PToell Mi Kills died and Mrs. Kills, grop ing on all fours until she found tke lead airing which the party had brought In. followed It with greet difficulty aud Anally crawled her way to (he cavern's mouth The strangest feature of tbe case Is tbe eciloo of the parly la not re turning to ike rave They aetlSed n rancher whst had occurrsd. but were too frightened to return. Huh Tnteeee In Wallow. I.S About llooo worth r burses have been stslsn ftuw ons ranch uenr Loetlne wltbla a month, accerdlug to District Attorney ivaa hoe At Knlerprlne tbe grand )ury found true Indlctmente againat Ar tbur Hulee and Was. B. Huntar ot ebargea of boraeatsallag lluls pleaded guilty and will aerve one year In ibe penitentiary Huutsr's rase will come up nest term of eouit. The coofeealoa of Hulse dlecloeed the fad tbat In Wallowa vounty tbere le a well utgaalsed band of boraetbleves Niele Fair Please Progressing". Salem Un September II will opsu Uragoa'a aanenl etai fair, which has come to be reeegalsod as ths grsntsst sffalr of th hind west of the Mleeourl river Seeeuee the A-Y-P Kspssltlon will silll ba apsa. tourists will gel eyevlel ratee to Ore gou'e ehow and n part of Orngos'a superb eiblblt ni the Santtle fair will bo Slhlbltsd at Sal em AUTO ROUTE ACROSS STATE New Method of tBBBBStSSBatSB From Mliaalao iv Biases. Heud Tbe recent luauguraliou of auiotuolille stsgs Knee euunectlag Uhsulko eud Mend has ao successful thai J. H. Weuand. the proptlotor of the pieteal Hue fla Madias, announces that be has pur chased a uew machine tor a eupple uieutary service beyohd Rend The new car will have It bead quarters at Head aud from here will make quick connections with Sleters and the trans Caatade stage Usee aud spM-lally will facilitate nans puttallou souihwsrd to Rsslsnd snd m the Klsmstb dlrsctlba. This meant thst heieefter passes- gsrs coming from Shanlko, bound for the towns beyond Bend, will not be obliged lo abandoa the auloms bllee here, but oan couilaus by tble quick method New I'.tai.. Pest I Albany A uew kind of potato bug hs appeared uti eome faraM about aeveu inllee uortb of Albssiy snd bss pi oven very deetruvttf In the few patches ti has sitauked The bug blsck In eolor snd bss ths sp peaisucs of ss snt, bat lies wall. It atiai us the alee of abeut hslt an .b.i la length and la rsry hardy aud multiplies rapidly Tna huge bite off the bloaeeaie on th pwtate vluee and ihea attaak the plant, killing It quickly. FtaeO for SweewtesJ. Me ultaa i via iLugaua John U Coleman, n lo csl tapliallal, who; was arrssted and flbed 16 lu pollee court revsnlly for wesilng at tu autoaoblls which . aue near lusslng late hiss en ths (reel, bs given snpthsr brisk block, vslusd at 111.000, ts ths gene Bible L'alveralljr. la addition ts a block valued at III, 00. give a ysar ago 1 1. gift Is la memory of bis wife, who during bar life was a dstuul member of ibe Chrlellan Church Il..urari Curvallle Hie tnlrd faonarnrr gree cuuferred lu g yasr by fkllev luau. ('ullage wss given Bee J. B N Hell, the welrknowa divine of Curvallle. t'rldav Tareat) years sge l)r Uell sttended a meeting uf iva line lit tbe vld - ullage bulldlag. Sliue that tlese ae ana neeu aetlve lu ble eSurte tu advance edu;ailunal ae well aa rellgluna eterk In Oregsn. 1 ui aiiie OSeere el tbe Oregea Stat Assoclstlua sf Burnl Lsttar Carrlsra were elected br Saturday algbt luun InvltaUen of tbe fort land t'eaaaierclel Club tke nasi aa uual vuaveuilua will be keld In Part ial d In June. 1S10. l-a-.SlM4 Aatorla - A anil baa bees dies In tbe circuit court by the Columbia Hlter Packers Assoclstlua against tbs 1 aiiau, uiaut Packing Company to restrain tkem frem anchoring a ua lu front Of the Nlhla Kere age sluing ground. I., .ti the Argus. R. J). (iltKKK. Greer & WE HAVE THE Bargains in & Farm FARM LOANS. ho you want to mnke in lanrl here .now in .JffUitQr county, where prices nn always going higher. tfo risk. No chance. CoitM in and talk it over. Our list comprises most of the choiet lands in the Malh.ur tod Snake Hiver Valleys If we th, not have the exact piecs of land you desire we will try and o itain it for you. Personally acquainted with all portions of Malheur County, amt we can inform Intending huvers intelligently ANI Wi: Wild. IH IT. Located at the Argus Office. No. :i."i 100 ncrce, tnilei "roin Ontario, ill fenced, will onie under Oovernment I'ro- ect, lay good to irrigate. Price 60 per acre. No. 8 40 acre all under cul tivation, with good water right in Owyhee ditch; will sell in 10 r 20-acre tracts; one-half down, italam e on easy terms. No. :!.' .r. room houie, one half Mock from postoftice, on Muin street. Iigget'snap of the aWBteV No. 2580 acres, M miles from Ontario, 70 acres in culti vation 4 acres in orchard, lots of herries of all kinds; good house and hum and ull nut huildingM, with a perfect water right; this is choice urid will go quick. No. '2ii HH acres, all good sandy soil, HO acres in ultiva lion, a good little orchard, water for IJ2 acres, lots of umiill fruit: cheap and on easy terms. No. 27 220 inres 1 mile from tt good thriving town on It. It. , in cultivation, .-mull orchard, house, with wuter; will sell all or will cut it up in 10-20-40 acre tracts, on good termg. No. 20 6 lots in north part of city; clogs to school ; nicely located, cheap. No. :I0 4-room house; I lots; good ham, 1 hlocks from Onta tio school. No. Ill 10 I.. is. one Msnl from Main gtreet with good livery hum, doing good bugU negg; i 1 1 in . No. :;t; Two 10.Rcre tractg; one "i-ut'ic tracts; adjoining town of Ontario, with water right; iheup. The uiijniii it.ilisit, utterences of last weeks issue of the Nyssu Sun in the billions writeup ot Itullinger's visit are too abuim to be noticed but mc cannot help but remark that the peoile of this &tn tion huve been altogether too kind to a certian genbe who has more than once wontenlv misrepresented Ihe facts in the (iovernment High Line contro versy. The owners and holder of ilry land between the Hoiseitud l'u -ettte rivers will hold u conven tion at Caldwell Aug 12, to take up the momentous Mtfjgfjj of irrigating the Layette-Roise n.irih side project which the goveruuieut has failed to com plete. The Idaho furmers seem to be us much udverse to private irrigation companies as the Mal heur laud owners. X Ontario Livery Barn S . t KJCI1 STKWAKT, Prop. SI Jh ''""'l', llv,'rv TurnoutM in Malheur U BT ' '""l,, uiotl Care Taken ot Tran- fn M I olBt Stock. Ample Corral Boon U w lul A!l Ur ( a,,,r to ''" lr:"1'' " H . I ',,e'nhterH. : B ONTAKIll. OKrXHIN. Wat. Ppnwrr Plughoff Real Estate Properly INSURANCE MONEY? Wliv rut Invests No. 20 -M lots on Main street in husiness center: a gunl loca tion. No. 2120 lots, one full hlock, all leveled and street gradid. Will sell in part or al' at' put ic prices. No. 2.'1 160 acres 7 miles from ru iroadiown; with 5r00tfl house; stahle for six horse , "Jii tons of hay; ". gninuries; all out buildings; deep well, cuts 400 tons of hay; 2000 bushels grain: vitti good water right in Owy hee ditch; a family orchard; a snap. No. 24 10 and 20 acre tracts, nicely located, 1 mile from town, with good water right; tine fruit and berry land; on easy terms; these are choice pieces, come and see. No. :J7 100 acres : miles from Ontario; all good bench land, with perfect water right; good house and outbuildings; berry patch; partly in cultiva tion; l 10 per acre. No. 2 5 lots, with a 6r00B brick house; good cellar ami deep well. No. 24 I lots, with u 7-room brick house; deep well uml good cellar; shade trees. No. 2H one block, all fenced and 4-room house, :l blocks from depot; cheap. wo. bs. inu acres, -m mil. -from Nyssa close up to main ditch on bench; all in cultiva tion; r0 acres alfalfa, balance in beets and grain; 6 acres orchard 4-room house, stable, sheds, deep well, one of the best ranches in Malheur county; pays 66000 year; this will bs sold cheap. FOR SALE Seven Kentucky. bred standing 1." to lii hum Jacks Is high among the largest and best ever hipped to this country. BUY NOW, so that your purchase will become acquainted and ac customed to his homo and iu climated for next spring service. R. D. Rtl.MtN, Ontario, Oregon. Health is too precions to be tampered with by incompetent vendors of drugs. Try the Wilson Duffy Ling t'o ., for clean drugs, and expert service. 1" B. Tnttle has opened a second-hand store, two doors north of the Argus ottice and will buy and sell all kinds of goods in his line. He solicits your patronage and guarantees I his patrons a square deal. COLUMBIA ) HEALING POWDER CUMS A0ILC Mid COLLAR SORtS. ORES Of ANY KINO MAN and BEAST F. W. ALLEN. Dealers in Hnriipxs ntnl Snildlorv (iootis. - Ontario. Ore. W. I lit it n itock Inspector o! Malheur County. HKI'1 TIKS D It Kerfoot, I Nitafto, W I! liriffllh. VsJl .1 I' llaaoook, I It4's Ferry. tinorife llenn. Wetnnf llri. I i-t- I'M Wniren RivHridi IVrry. w in Scxtmi. Nngg I'prry. W s Bkinner, Jordaa Vnllev, MiTerinltt. I M--.. lull. hi ol I ii.ii I11.1 hl.. 11 1 1 1 m 1 ne copariuersiup ncrennore 1 SXlstlnH between I,. .1. Kickard and I!. M. Curlilc has this day l.tcn dissolved bv mutmil con.; MDi All bills due the OltjI Meal Market will bfl collected by Kirkard 6 Mlmr, ntnl who will iiav all bills auainst the late linn of Kirkanl A Carlile. I.. !. Itli KAIill. R, M I'ahiii.k. hated, Ontario, Ore., .1 i.l y '', 1009. And the Argus i the news 'caTTjrvjrTWararTsrvirrrjssgr; VALE, ORJGGOV. The Only Cc...plete Set of Abstract Books in Malheur County. I'mler the management of K. C. Smith, an expe rienced abstracter. Abstracts furnished without delay and correctness guaranteed, J. H.ARLEVT sff' v - i '" I1 I ' ' H. X Sfc- "- eaw" lasa. 'T',lajsBgseaIl -- 7mmE' V " 'I 1 m '11 I Tesaa-T' Tfi "TlellnlTnaaaaliM J T The Scaly mattress is made of high grade, staple cotton, not lintirn. .Myriads of long, llceev libers carefully interlocked and evenly distributed, forming ringit bat, without tuft or binding. Clean, pure, sanitary. Cheaper than hair, more comfortable than feathers. I iuaraiiteed tor jQ years, ROCK SPRINGS COAL Furniture and Licensed Lady Assistant . cmm,mmmmm!mmm!rrm!mmmmmtmimrommi City Meat Market, II !.. JtLAIR. I'rop. "! ejffli-5Sfc5-!i v- 1 Dealers in Fresh ami Salted Meats Highest Market Lrice Laid for Hides and Furs. Your patronage solicited. auiiiiiaiiiiiiiiuaiiiiaiUiiiiaiiuaiiaiiUaUaiaUiUUiiiii oattatttttt0tt0oottO0Oii tttint i GARTER tt tt tt tt tt WHITWORTH A' TONMNCSLN.Lropg. Sample Booms. Fire Lroof, Modern, Ele gant. Steain United, Electric Lighted. All Out side Rooms. Near 1cj t. tt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Boost for Ontario ONTARIO BANK. Oldest Bauk In tlraot, Harney anil MalBdar louotle. ONTARIO ORE. Paid Up Capital, teOtOOQ. Surplus - - 116,000. Open up an account with per cgnt on Mien mmmmmm mmmmMmmmmmt I! u Empire Lumber Co. tj mj Complete Stock of Lumhei nnd Build f! tl inu Material always on hand. WA wl When Contemplating Ituildinu come in Li M ROCK SPRINGS COAL. AND ICE W 1 . JT Jons I) Dai.t. Pre. N. L'. CAKPSSTan. Vice Pre at at V a e w e FIRST NATIONAL BANK. J Of BURNS. ORECON J V l.i in nil lliuikliik- llllNlness 'Iin-i 1 Issued on all runs ol the v..ii.i HTIM'SIIOl.ltKMB - Jlihli l I '11 II M. 1 1.. it.. 11 A. J. Jobnson, t INC Undertaking and Embalmer. t HOUSE. i s g 8 a ft!!K.U.lffi.&8ft W NATIONAL Sviccfsor to Bauk of Untttrio. the New National. We pay 51 time MporitkV J I. (iAll.T, Cnsbirr. A. 0. WKI.OMK. 1 n l.i. . KxtliHiige i I 1 v N I'srt nitrr. .1 W I..KM A li,u, .- .1 I .Mil If ni A. N S0L1SS. ATIOHNKY AT LAW. Will Practice in all tbe Courts. Olllce It. linns 1 uml , .M(k liloflt. ' iniiii in. lire DALTON MGGS. Ainu t. ..I I i. J. A. Lackey Itlock, Ontnrio,Oig Will practice in all eouiW. J. w. McCCJLLOCH. Mli'lln I Ht l.. Wlllprsi-tUf iii nil is.nrls. OfHi-r . Lejgdjgf S.-k. tiMirs, 0. MttiONAOILL. Will rnicticc ii all Cottrtl Notury I'ublic. OfH.e Over rostotlice. Wm MILLER, ATTOKNKY.AT.LAW. Ht hns, ()Kr. W. II BROOKE, Amut.sKY at-Law. Money to I,gD on Inninved Faitiig. Outai lo Oregon. J. L. SHARP, I). M. D. IKNTIST. All kin. Is ,.f .1. ,,i.. -' I- first i-laci. urilt-r. tlfliiwa Over ( amilaiiil Drug Oflice H.aira S to li. 1 u . ?4o v 0. A. I 'OGLE I'hv jysiclsa and Surgeon. I". .si., in, . llullttiue; Oflico I'd. .:,. Ktmideuce l.ln. J. PJUNZJNO, 1'IIVSIt IAN AND Sl'KOKON. Office- A. If, Lackev Block Office Lhone .'.'J Residence MS The Conveniences By the use of Elecric Light and Lower, which is now within the means of all, are many and varied. We sell Electric Irons, Motorg and other Electric apparatus at COST, If interested cad up Main 70, We are at vour service Extended Idaho-Oregon Ljghi & PowsrCo.. SfraKS R. L. RiHfcwtM., Mgr. -. V