The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 06, 1909, Image 1

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    &K " &
Don't forget Thai .We Do.
all kinds of Printing al
i the Argus Office.
For the Matfieur Project.
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County.
4T V
. ' SW-!
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy Drug Co.
kinds of drugl,
B. A. Pratt r irai In Vale on
business several ihiys the pll8t
C. G. Hall nml wife returned
Tu -sdny from a visit to relative?
a', I'arina.
Mis. L. M. Morton mul MfC.
F. M. Draper vi-itnl Payette
Our Antht reduction sale is
bow going on in good ihope.
II. M, Ob
John Dioai arrived home Sat
urday from a visit to his sLlor i
at Wallowa.
ii. t. ivers, o
t Watson, wm In
W in
ami Wii-cr on
Ontario, Vale ami Wi i-er
business this week.
, , ,,,
V'l'lHIJ t'HIIIIM.Tfll I i
Mellett nturneil vecterday from
I tiinf u I lor 1
a buslneti trip to La ( Irende.
K. M. Grieg is visiting at his
former home in Iowa Mrs.
(iici wriit to l"v,i lasl spi ing
L. Iv Fllis, brother inlaw of
G. F. Krryoii, art iviil Vcdncs
day frem New Hampton, Mo
on a visit.
"Uncle Tommy" Barton l
homo from his isit to rc'etlvcs
near .-aom mho ii irip in uic
tst attlo lair.
Mrs. A. L Sproel and sdl
Ilaiohl arrived home Wedm
day from their vi-ii to Portland
ami Bcatflo.
Chihge of program thru
t.incs u week at I hi' KltCtll
Mesa. Mondays, We.ln.sdm
ami Friilays.
Lyle Howanl left Wednesday
jar Seattle to Mtre hi the f.n
Bftet which hi Will visit his si-
Ur at Boiltoghon, Waeh
There will bt 00 services ill
the Congregatii n il Church nasi
Su i ''a , hut ti I'ti'a: - arill
he liohl the following Bill ilay.
Mrs. D II Rerl'oot I ax goi i
to We tor i nd from there will
accompany a part, of friends oil
an outing trip in the mountains
J A Reed, wife and son a c
1 o ne from tle Seattle and
report having bad a p'endi
trip and a most enjoyable tin e
V. A. Eraser is having a i
in, Mit walk built in trout of lu-
rertdence along Idaho avenue
The work is being done I y
Hamlet & Johnson.
The Argus man and family
left for Austin, Ore , o:i Tu idl
on rn ootiug, J R, Gregg will
edit the Argus for the next three
weeks, aid any favors extend !
to Mr. Gregg wil be duly ap
preciated. Dah-c. simckiey, of Darling
ton, Wis., a boyhood friend of
lion. w. 11. Brooke visited in
Ontario last week, the guest of
Mr. Hrouke. He i-. looking for
a location aud is an attorney by
profession. He thinks Ibis sic
tion has a wonderful future.
J. II. BaaWCard has Usl hail a
concrete aldewdk build around
his hailils ui:e I, .",li I ic-idel ce
on the cast side, Tha walk uas
put in hy 'as. Castgnelo. Cm,
sideablo cement walk has hem
built in the resident portion of
the city this summer and more
i to be built soon.
H:i. W. H. Brooke left Tu . -
day for Portland to take ti-ti
many in the ease of the Uoited
States - BMC C. Kern, et al.,
involving litis to laud in Harnev
Cmi.iy If r. Brooke will attend
th Htinnl Irriiration Cmii're-s
at Spokane, being appointed a
Delegate from this section by
S eiker MoArthur, nmj will
a'so visit the Scuttle fair during
hi absence.
Try u gallon oL pure honey
vinegar; :'.." rents. M. M. Co.
Mrs. II. F. Poormaif returned
Saturday from i visit to relatives
ami friends In BoiN'
Henry Crillin arrived home
Tuesday morning from a visit to
I he SfiitHefxposition.
('has. McDonald and wife left
Monday for Beadle where they
will visit tlie exposition
Mi-s Delia JohniOn, of W'eisor,
visited with hei aunt, Mrs. ('. W.
Johnson in this city this week
II. ('. ( Jiii rit. tin' Viil.' real
estate mail, was iitfthe city this
week anil ti ok his departure
Thursday for (h ati!e.
Jach Naptoii, of W'isliall, sM
ill Ontario Tuesday returning
f mo a visit to hi-i brother !. S.
.. .,
Napton at Pii; llcnd
MU IMna Williams returned
Sunday from a visit to her
mother and other relatit n end
I; leuds in Jordan Valley.
Dr. .1. F. Sharp and wife ur
r i . I boms Saturday from a
ii t to rotative in Portland and
I trip to the Si attleexpeeUion.
oho Land Ingham has m
oepted a pneitiou as a Bremen
or Ilia I. 9, I., ami h now on
the tun hetween Boise ami
S i opa.
f fa l.m lulm,i n...l . I .1 1 1 r 1 i I i I
llir. .ii-. I iII'MN llll'l 'MIUIIK .
II. i went to Wi iser Haturdnv
to attend lGrand1ii.&M Williai
12nd b r inlay anniversary ci le-
: il ion.
Mr. mid Mis. Donald Mc
Donald 'Mid their-Vice, Miss
Mi l.iiWfchlir.'.i k their departure
i ue-da . afternoon for Portland
iini Seat tli'.
Harry T. Lackey aud Murray
Mminn mc home from the S
ittl. f;, r. Harrj victted Oouer
D'Alene ami registered for the
and din ring
r w. Alien a.,,1 . J. Wait
.. ii .. . .
-nies arnve.i nome .-aiuruav
from their Dsbing trip at the
Wallowa lake. They report a
ipleildid time and plenty of lish.
s. A Hobaon and wife look
t'uir dspirture Wmfaosday for
Springfloldf Ogf., to visit their
('a lejhtar, Mrs. !. n r I'ureell,
after which they will attend the
Seait'e exposition,
Mrs. U. L King arrived home
M-t i'livfrmi a viut ti her
on I i.i N King and wifo at Neb
son, It. 0 , where Ira t e..;;agt d
as manager of a telephone coni
patiy. Topic for morning seaviee at
iho United Presbyterian Hall
iieM Sabbath will be 'Follow
Is ol What?" Evening, "The
dabbetl) Was Made for Man."
C F K.-nyon. cashier of the
I'u. t National Bank, took his
1 1 . .. ..... I.....I . .. ,'.-... C... .,1 A
"I1"""" ,.-n cm-ii iui i-iriiim.-.
IF will be Jollied at Portland
by his gife, who i visiting re
lativi -
at Kugeiu', and.togethcr
'hey will visit the fair
D. F. Faiicbild and wife and
A'ex Phlpps and Bflfa t ok tlnir
leparture Monday for Walla
Walla where ih v will attend the
reunion ol the Warficld family.
The tWO lad i CI an- members of
this noted Illinois family.
W, Ti Fampkin and wile took
theif departure Monday for Port
land when Mrs. F'.iuinkin will
receive mudu-'il treatment. The
lady has been in poor heulth for
some time and her many friende
here hone for her snieih re
,. eiy.
There will be a meeting of the
stock holders of the Out; ri lu-
dependent-Telepfcanc company
at the Commercial Ciub room!
this evening when the bylaws
"' t!l wW'aooinpany will be
adoptcdj permanent ollicers 1-
Mtcd and other important bubi-
ness transacted
Fate of Malheur Project Will
Then be Known.
After his eonferene with the
ii himatioii engineers in I'o't
laml Monday Secretary of the
interior Bellinger gave out tha
information that the division Of
the reclamation fuml for the
work mi 1910 WOUld he made on
or before Oct 1st, and the fate
of the Malheur project may not
he known until then.
Mr. Bellinger said: "I am
heartily in sympathy with any
plan that will reduce operat'ng
axpensc while expending the
maxurauifl sum in actual con-
mi notion."
The allotment of 111,000,000
v 'in h must be spent hy the
Hi i Ml II I M III. lu'lllli I l.i- ,M.I fit
V,m ,i ruAMAM
r.'IO, is exactly 116,000,000
short of the amount asked for in
order to i airy mi the work. In
oi der to carry out Mr. I tu
p i - announced policy
aggressive construction and the
speedy oompletition of the pro
jects now under way. the great-i-i
poeatbla economy will bava
to he practiced in the matter of
what are Milled "overhead
I charges" axpenoeeariatttg from
the maintenance of ottcea in
W ashinyton and Chicago, ami in
the branch ofloea all over the
Mr. Newell stated that an
attempt would be made in the
leolttg year to complete all the
larajei raclamatkai projects.
These, as enumerated hy him,
include the following:
K"','1'11 ;'""' ".' " 7"
miiisaliove rhounix: (luunison
tunnel, largest in the world, in
central Colorado; dike at I'ath-
tinder, dam in central Wyoin-
Farmers Institute.
The Farmers' Institute held
at the opera house in this city
Saturday afternoon ami evening
was very well attended consider
ing the hot weather and the fact
that this is a very busy time if
y tar for those most interested
in such meetings.
Mayor G. A. Pogue, one of the
leading horticulturists of this
section, presided at boii. -1
At th. afternoon meeting Prof.1
c. I. Li wis, borlieulturaliat al
Oregon Agricultural college, dc
livered a cry intereatlug I
iuatrtletivu addies- on liorlii'iil-
turc, tTMtlug OO the sndjecl- ol
Male, bore worms, pear blight
i .i . -. . i .i
a,,, mini nun .esis ami me
in. eta of froat on fruit
em. i in ended J on a than,
He re-
p.autvand Wine.ap apples as
tin best adapted for this section.
At the evening sc.iou Dr.
Kerr, president of
tlie collect
delivered u vary able address on
iln ubject of In lustl lei li'lu-
cation, hie Ibeine being that the
students m the school.
should in given more ol tlie in
dustiiul .-todies such as book
keeping, etc., and less of latin,
history, etc , especially in the
rural distncts, as a very small
pet cent of pupill in the public
u u '"K" "
..i i i ii: .1 1 i .... i. ...
uieiiii courses uin. inn ei .i i iei, .
and they should be mveli the
brunches during their school
veals that would bevt suit them
in the battle.-, of life in the vo
cations tliey will pursue.
xtatiroaa construction,
OonatrUCtion work has been
'commenced by the ilarrimuu
system between Odell and Nat-1
ron ami it rumor says that 10
j milo of road west from Vail
h.t- just been contracted.
ing; Tielon system in Yakima
valley, Wash.: Boisa system in
Idaho, Minidoka system in
Idaho, Mellefourehe in South
Dakota. largjMl earth dam in
the world ; dam on Yellowstone
in Montana, dam on Bio Grande I
in New Mexico, to he Cdiitinuei
r" .......k .....
Idaho was considend. that stati
having received more attention
than Oregon, hut (vervthing is
uncertain as to just what steps
will be taken, us it seems unwise
to stop the work fn one patrieii
lar section with the idea of ad
vancing the Interest- of an
" IMT.
.. ... .
Walter, a. W. I mw,
h y in.nill, i .. i,111(11111 nlll,
W w - -.. . V'lll-'ll I 1
' NV- ,,(,i"'. Ihe eo dtteo
chosen at the mast uifelinKS
'"'jhehlat Ontario and Vale hit
week with Colom-l C. K. S Woods
and Walter Martin, of the road
land eouipanies are home from
I'm tland where they wen- sen I
to confer with the Secretary
Of lbs h.i.'.ioi BaUittjger and the
reclamation offlclsU la Urge the
expending of tha $i,006;000 t
acids for Oregon on the Malheur
Mr Trow feels areatlv en -
couraged and says that the only
thing that will prevent the gov
eruinent from taking up the
Malheur project is" the hick of
available funds, and he believes
this obstacle will he readily
overcome as ii i i .i.iry reeog-
nilCa that Oregon has not n
ceived her just proportion of the
fund ami will do all in his
power to aid us.
Phone Line to Jordan
A Caldwell dispatch of Aug.
-'ml to the Boiee Btatccreaa mm
C J Si-el of Poise ami Fl:ner ' acre when he places a fi(J valu
OUrk of this city returned today jalioii on snothci man's a. i. ,,;
-- . ... i'...i n.... :!. I the same class of land and niake
ii mn a u i i" ,i"i ' . .no in
the interests of the independent
Telephone company. The ob
ject of the tup was to S4Mrh0v,'VvJtiriP vtflmdiou of t,,. Coin, I i
l(i, ,.um.1(.,, between Caldwell '
j jor,ull ttt.v feel about '
lunuituiim tn inn i iilaakini
line between the two places
Mr )im, Ulej 0 ,is 1.t.Uru
that Ills en mi. ah y would build lis
.-.t-.i-i ,.,,i( t, .i,,..,.,.
together. 'I in y found the ranch
. i .done the i ante cod the bnei
DOSS men at l"i. Inn all enthusi-
a-iie over the propoaltion.
Messrs. Clark and Simcl were
well pleased with their trip.
Idaho District Railroad
The, .
bai taken the lirst step to test
t ia lusno district nuirou.i 'aw,
and petition- are now
circulated authorising the eoi
ilrucijoU 0 a district built rail
1 road in Ada . untv. The vali-
ility of the law is to be tested ill
a friendly suit and if declared
constitutional by the COUrta the
plan will be put in operation by
the construction of a distinl
railroad aero-- the state.
. i,Ai10ii.ii(0
Work ha-. . 'iniii"ii' e. on tin-
Ontario M.uKf river mnige, me
appoach irom the Oregon side
is now leniL' nut in. lie con-
'tractors have encountered i-l.alej'M'd .-n- for yourself, but don't,
'! . I..N'.,..- ,lA..'l . 1 .. ..,!.. I..
In drivui" the nilinir whi'-h
,liakes thlc.pcrt of the work vn
' .litlic-ult. The bridge will be
completed and MM lur tialhc
'this full
l'Hrt.V Assessiif l ttA, ( e
puns m riticwm uTTfTs-m sun
l.'eputs Assessor Dearborn
has sent the following letter Jo
the Nyssa Sun: .
"The Nvssa Sun,"
Mr. BditOfi In' your issue of
July 89th appears an editorial
in which you discuss the pi s.
timi taken hy Messrs. Wood and
Martin of the Wagon Komi Land
(irant Companies in regard to
"Private. Irrigation,'' and in
which you say. "A .present the
lettlera who bars ranches near
them have an assessed valuation
of $100 per acre, while the road
coinpniiies, it , is iiei'iutTf l
it M
(nappy evasion or direct respon
sibility for a wanton misstate-
incut of facts') have an assessed
valuation to their large acreages
of $.i per acre with as feasihle
land fur water."
1 1' your reporter, if ou have
one, or yourself or whoever is
reaponaibla for your saving
..I.iiv., ; :u .....1" I. ...I I i
n miii , iv i.-i iriruiirii II III nnn I
,, u, . ,, s .II1(1 ...jmHtipnei
. :. r. ... ,.
' fr ' " ii t "innj i-
kg aeeegamtal be would have
1 1;.,,-,.. i, nil Lin. ! it.-1V....I
I I I If 111 11 !, , Hill' I'll MUM' 1141
c,.inpai,ies are a-,-,, at ex-
;(1(lv ibeeame valuation as the
same chins ' lands are assessed
to tin- -, i :, r or private owners.
In other wo, ds an acre of mm-
tilhlc land helonuiiiu to the'
nd grant 'ompanies is ass.
at exactly the same veins ft an
WN , neevtilUUc land belong
ig to a selthr, and land suseep-
tibia of beihg. brought IntC mi-
1 tivalion, under existing cm.di-
tione, that is, that which is un
der a canal and to which irriga
tion is available is assessed the,
same per nere whether owned i
by a land grant company 01
horny hamb I I u of (ml.
I iiitivalcil imnl, it the coin
pan had any, would he valued
the same as yours, if you !,.., I
A It this twaddle about the
load companies not being taxed'
in jiisi propm uoii io mi' actual
MlthH' KTMiki " one who knows
acwajaling seery.
How rim an aaccccOf place a
valuation of I mm . . a ,,n, man's
- .
.1 . ... .. .1 . .. I I .. ...I
1 I r i 1 1 ,. i.iiii.. .'.',l. III t 1 1 lid 1
I have not Figured up Ihej
pans landl .
II this country lul
uitM "'1 tbCir npn.tillabla land-
land that class I j valued foi CM
es.-iii. nt at 4 1 -" per acre, to
whomsoever assessed) it may
well be that the hrii.K is not
above 1 1"'.
The imprraslon your article
seeks lo make on Ihe nailer is
ihat-thcy ai. ' d at 15 fo
laud of Uio class tiiat the faun
. I - ale mad'- to pay a lax mi a
valuation of $10" and 1 -ay
most emphatically such is not
the case.
I agree with, you thai the
farmer's SO acres-,- well iiwpi-oVtd
and cultivated enhances the
Value Of the road lands adjoin
ing or adjacent, but il you
would actCM the company at
SUM) him acre tor its iinculli
. ...,... I ....I ,. I. ... .,,,1,1 . ,.,, .1..
" llll 'I I I l 1 I I 11 Mill 11 "tl'l 11(11 l"
w ith r at mm ( "i ntos r othei
so which he has not vet biuken
Ihtil provision is made (01
tiixmn uneained eiiereireiit wi
in usi be aeeceeaed m Ire arc ami
the aaCCCeor tun not conseieii
oleualy nor in equity make tie -h
of you and Hah of others.
Why not have your reporter
(or it not too buoy youreeif ha-
ing to Caldwell or Poise to get
the "Sun" run off on'somelhi ng ..' ll.,..k u LrLutt ,.t I I itl..,, I...r..
,, '
, intiigei either interview IQIMC
; , rt .j thine., or ex-
amice a particular section
then look n un on tlie tux roll
neiise nun i, ria . .unci ico no,
.. ur ii.. w mn lili-c i it 'tii u .iIi'ii'.iL'
VSUB HIV C7iawii'fi.. v i v mi . U'l 1 I
futigued assnecor
Hespectliully Yours,
D P. Dearborn,
Deputy Assessor.
Local News.
Wilson-Puffy Co. for nil kind's
of drills. ' '
Saratoga chips, . cents pack
age. M. M. Co. .
Mis. I-'. M. Johnson is visilhig
friends in Portland. , ,
Mrs. U. I.. (Jriflin is visiting
elatives at llailey, Idaho.
I. V Mlayiyuv was in from
Barren Valley sine Host of the
week. " . ..
White River Hour is the hest
on the market: trv a sack. M.
Mrs. I. D. (ireer. jeturneil
Tues, In y from a visit- Uj 4Ju;
.() lice.
II. Fnrh'V. Hi,, fiiiaiiiiir
deal- r, was in. Yale on business
M lay.
Tom Jones and family are en
joying a summer outing at the
I'avette lakes.
Mrs. Adrian Kutherfonl, who
has been quite fll, is reported) as
improving nicely.
Deputy Assessor D. I'. Dear
born was in Vale on ollicial
business Tuesday. . ,
. I
Chas. Meeker, the Westfall
stockman, was in the eity mi
business thjs w;eek." '
II. J. Vnn Ness, of I'ocntello,
is uniting With fTlSrn0t1ic1 .''Mrs .
Q, A. Camllaml in this city,
John Hoswell. the Vale drugg
ist, IICI ol4tllMMi,bv ill!, He s.i
in Ontario Wednesday en route
to the Seattle fair.
The remains cf Fred Miles,
who died at Vale of typhoid
fever, were shipped eat to Kice
ville, Iowa, Tuesilay.'-
Mrs. Frank Morlitt returned
to her home at 'ale ffaturdav
la'iii n brief i i-ii with relativM
t nl frieuda in this city.
'"P"iv OOmj I l.rk I OC I..
McKttlght, arrrvdMiuiue vnster-
day from a pleasant visit to his
obi Imiuv .Ul Finn eouulj,
Mi F. Adam' uhd 'Children
Mie m
took their departure Saturday
for I'avette Fakes where tbe
will spt nd their summer CO ting,
The local Foyal Teiuperauce
Legion, Miv ,.. ', Morrison
i i. ,
I l-ll 1 1 I lull llll ,.,! ,. -1.., ..,... I
--,--j..,, ..... " ,..-i. i, i it, i ,
in the grove at (he reHulcru'e of
Mr Fen MortOtt on hist Wedues-
fleo.Qurryapd wife, formerly
of Junturs, urnved Suudu; froni
Miles City, Mmit ., ami -will prob
ably their home in tin
city. Mr. Ctlfry may engage
in bueincM here
County Survt-yor Paul Jones
and Ifoad V'iew'ers C. l. i l
and R, IF "Murray rcturnnl
Tuesday irmn Ine Deud 0l PUl
a here they Im nted mul BSjrveycd
S new county load.
John Weaver has awsrded the
contract to J. A. Draper for the
const ruction of a UrgC handsome
rMiCMMMC on the tarin that he
punha-ed from Tom Jones line,
miles southwest of town hist
spring, The roc! "' the ut w
dwelliug will be over IHUOO.
i;. . l Igj ur preached hia fare
well sermon at the F F Church
last Sunday evening- Mr. Car
ver bus muvod tu Pcyatta when
he will engage in the practice of
loir, The new pastor for the
MctlsOjdict C'huich here will he
named at the conference which
convenes Aug. Mb
Ward ('until hi J, a, leased the
0. F. huildJUig, north of the post
olliee and ha- rented part Ol it
to II. F Poormmi. Mr. Pool
nmn'haM iiJoviid his iduuibiufl
I 1 "
, ... ,..,,. , ...
nun tin rii'mi iw tin.-) inn h ,u o mi
an. I Mr ' ..iili'l-l lias i..i'inil a
feed store in tiie building He
w ill al.-o manufacture his tum-
'ouscuu.p stoves here.
.1 i i, i
Former Price, Now.
I does $1.'J $ T.
Cloves LOO ItO
Cloves I. .Ml Ml
(doves 7" 10
Bella I.tfi Tft
Palls ' . . . i.mi no
Palls.....;,. :t:, -'n
alia '-''. T.
Masks .6fi 1.00
Masks.. Ml M
Cajis. gfi 16
Pelts.. :.n :iq
Pelts -j:. 10
Pats i.:.o l.tKI
Pats 1.00 Ml
Pats 7.. 40
Geo. Candland.
I. i:IUNO OltKKilMT.
Ontario, Oregon
S utr line line ..f CLOCKS
.lut in nml guiiig nt very
Moderate Prices.
The very latest in Hat Pins
mid new Designs in Jewelry.
A complete line of Strings,
Sheet M iimc and Instruments.
Guaranteed Watch
Harry B. Grauel
The Jewelry and Musical House
of Ontario. Oregon.
Il OUT iniiiii interest, ami
we i In nut go into OUtcldo
lims. Iliiiec are lire ghlc t
give Mill a lid. -tuck of
LedrHig Prpscriptiimists
OF the County.
Drug Co.
Ciov A. Delia- of toe Pastime
billiard and pool looms, one of
the finest in the nortlme-t, in
vites your patronage. Tie linn
alao carrlee cigura, tobacco, hue
conlei lloiiei , etc, The fruit
ami coulectiouerv store issepar
an from the bdlianl rouui, and
llo ladies of Ontario arc M
pet ially invited to make their
purchase- .ilthe Fastime, just
SOUtll of Poyer Pi US, A Co.
i II io:l kxi i i:lux-i
ia Iregoii ijborl Fine.
Daily for tickets one way via
Portland. Fn.iunit dates for
,.,,,.r iL.Mui.mi Short
"i '.. -.--.. .. .,. ,
Fine agent- for further detuili.
The Argus will tell you si I
about it.
.; ,'.