The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 30, 1909, Image 4

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Continue)! Front Klmt INiir.
mid dtlM uixl the l.'ini1owner.
will luiilil flic en: I Ijrtteltti
This plan ba already been
inndi' known to vcrretary Bnl
linger. VMln'Hiln KlM'tlag
The matting bald Wadnaadaj
night, culled by the Mulliini
Project ConniltM and the On
tarioCnnuiH'icial Club in regard
to the irrigation ol our landa,
n coininitti't' wiih appolnttd Ifl
begin aagotiationa with Beore
tary BelliDgai and the redanm-
tion atrriet, as followi
A. If. Trow. Walter Griffith,
Ontario; J. M. Joseph, Dead Ol
The meeting was an enthu
siastic one ami there is no di
versity of opinion, and nil the
Hettleri and land-owners are a
unit for irrigation
Last night a meeting was
held at Vale for the Mtta put-
In order to afford to all water
right applicants under public
notices issued in pursuance of
Sec. 4 of the Keclnination Act of
June 17, 1901 (81 Stat , W8),
equal privileges in the matter of
making payments, it is hereby
uunoiimed that full payment
may be made at any time of any
halaiK remaining due on the
portion of water-right charge
for budding the irrigation sys
tem, after certification hos I u
made by the commissioner id
the general land ollice that lull
and satisfactory oinplinncc has
been shown with all the re
quirements with the law as to
residence, cultivation and re
clamation. I'lilil further notice the pro
visions hereof shall apply to all
water-right ap ' .ilions for pub
lie and private I mis haratofOfa
or hereafter n , in persualice
of public noli. heretofore or
hereafter issued under the pro
visions of the K i lumutiou Act
I.'. A. Hallinger.
Neretniy of the Interior.
All parties indebted to the
hit. firm of EUekard i Oarlila
are reijuested to settle uith
Attorney & alcGonagill and
iTOid Itirthei inrun wniciicc.
J.. J. Kiekurd.
national ikki'.ai n uoaoaaaa,
Spokane, W.t-h , Aug. '. I I
Round trip from Ontario,
H.i0. Tickets ,,,, .-ale August
.", 8 and 7. lteturn liiuil, Sep
tember .'!. See any 0, S. I..
Ugent for further pai tii i.lai -.
ail !!
I a i;i Klir destrojed about
lOUu i.u coul lu O It. at N bunkers
laat week.
iii.- DattM Nino Bataaaaaafaaa
of Hi, iiij are aaaaralaa itio tana r
naart) its mak iiwa ui artiitr
iu aaakaaea taw an trtklMa ataMka
aaaknn Oaa Mali aflai her
wedding ,a) m1m qi, j,.u.rBOn f
Daai Oraak, committed m uu
iiumiu Hrtana i'.v oaaatj JiuiKc
Woumom mi In i iimii iciim-hi
Kugrne 1 In mi mlVf committee
of i in- hoard of rt . m g um i Mi
rami) r Qffgaa haa aaa laarwaM
fri'iii (In ! in in,' nu-ii, l, , ,uu W
hoi, I regular iiioiulilv iiu'iilinjH.
Mi' ini.iii 4rruaMMta baft
Ma Mi.i.ii- ti ii,,. , naalaaiioa or
wtMaaaai or Um Oiaeoa Natloaal
tiunid a foos Ba) iouI 20 young
mm aava signed ui.. raaur.
Hatoaj The Millar I loa BkaraaUl
and 300, U00 fr. I ,, lii, i.. , w,.,v J...
'ii, .).. I Satuidiu ft) r Ihr.-i' mile
west ol Sluyu.n u. iQg, wll, uu.
er.ulmuL $50, 000.
Portland Kii.u K.'.l 30 feet by u
train naiaf UM i aic i.f mile uu
hour and escaping mii limit it scratch
was the. experience of l.oul Alex
aaaar. a Uuaaarjack from North
Vakiiiia, Vuh.
HUwaakaa Taa annual mm
tion of tbt Kvuugelical Association
of Um Oregon i. inference opened
with u religious ully on Uu: cuuip
ground ueur hero Tuesday night,
and win aaattaaa until August 6
Poitiaud Tu..,!... August 17.
haa been set aii,l,' as the J'ortlaud
A in,, in., I, He I'lub ...y at llu- A -Y.-R
Kxuobltlon. It i , xiucted that at ioo attain win uiaWe the
trio fioui thla cii.v to Seattle.
Positively w ithoul I
precedent in the liis:-
tory of our liiorcnu-
Hlr experience will be
this gigantic CLEAN
Sale Starts
1 1 V 7 H laB
A bona fide Clean
Sweep Sale that in-
slsmilv BtampK lliis ns
Ontario's Grkatht
Sai.i: Kvint. Don't
fail to attend.
Sale Starts
We inaugurate the most stupendous SACRIFICE SALE of Seasonable
Merchandise ever attempted by any store in Malheur County. A SALE that
positively means a CLEAN SWEEP of ALL SUMMER GOODS.
oa! these tremendous, wonderful values from ;i lisl of hundreds of startling bargains thai will proven
Revelation to You.
Calicos 6c Lawns
2ic yd.
$2.00 Waists
15c Lace
Misses' $1.50 Slippers Clem-Sweep
89c prices.
A " 1 1
$I.imi. 52, 1 BO Cor pU M
-'"n .liipiiiM-.' Silk iii-i mi
3JK) W'l.ii.- Duck Skirl ,0H
2.00 and $8.00 Waial and Skirt Suiti 1.20
The above are all standard goods
and worthy r your inspection. Call
in and examine the bargains in all do-
paitmcnls ol our slope.
" ; yf
Oi i i 11 1-' I ) it--c-.
12.00 I re ten $ .'.is
ftA.OOant Jlfl.00 fJoat Suita, aisea lOtoH 2.08
'hilil's. ii , ,;;i
0Oo( 'bild'a Uown . .:;"
Now is the time ( dress the little
ones with good, durable goods cheap
during i lur Clean Sweep sale
." ami OOo I hrawera
1.2." inwns
$t00 and $l0 Skirl
All atandartl Oalicoa, per yard '
LOa and !2io Lawna and nuptial . per yard So
9o and Iks li.u'lit and dark Outing, ptr yard 5a
2ki U) ineli Indian Linen, turyaru I24fl
Mo I'l.ii.l I i. - : loodit, or yard loa
Baby rfoae, t pair
loa Bnya1 ami Mieeee1 hoaa
I So traui- veata, large
.' Sa Itw ribbed aaiaU
i!5o union s-uit, ladiea
25a I. ail its''i- Hoat1,
lOo Turkbh Toweli
Machine Thread
Sale Ends
Don't Forget the Date.
I'amy .-s, , pric.-. s.' (-i- t",r s. I .."in v.-t- l'.r 7;"c
1 1 00 Dreaa panta $1.40
s -j ..-! an. I .s:'..oii j,i. liilit and dark 1.50
T."f ami r.(ii .iliiiN, c,'. s '.". Slihts T.",,-
I'r :iiii .".He Work Shi: . .),.
i'i' blaok and tax hoao, it pair 2a
i.'h' ami 00 Uuderwear. iiic
l"i' canvo - glovoa, per pair. . . Bj
lioya' Waiata, 20c Boya Knoe Panta 28a
Interesting Happenings From
All Parts of the State.
Haaaaaa Waa u ...u. n attt.
Portland if the tneorltt of i-ul.
Kit Canon, 32 years an as.nyUt caJ
now a ipoldent of Portland, ar true,
the i i in.. n i luil.iu beeiwax 1 not
beenwax at all, but li a product fom
which hydrocarbon oil, the moit t
j i . -1 1 s I . ( lubricant known to man,
may be extracted. Iti preaenta uu
the surface at Nehalem bay It Strang
Indication, aay experts In olofleal
formations, that a great lake of thla
valuable oil underlies the Neha1t
Acting upon this theory, party
of Portland capitalists have orgau
I711I ii corporation for the purpoa
of developing the land and have pur
chased drills and other necaaaary
machinery with which to bore for
the supposed lake of oil.
New lUlltvay Will Cost as.OOU.04MI.
The Dalles -Porter Bros., r
building a new railroad In Ctntral
Orttjaa to be known aa the Oragoat
Trunk Line It will run south from
The imii ' to Madras, a distance of
122 miles. The govarnraant baa ap
proved the right of way for 110
miles from Celllo to Madras Th
coat of this II ii miles will ba about
jr.. 000,000 and It Is axpectsd to have
the line completed within a year A
line of boats will connect with tba
road, running to Portland.
Murder Charge
Maker City Jake Howard, who
shot and killed John Hinds la a
saloon it' Iiurkea, 12 mllea froaa
linker City, la now In the county
lull In this city The coroner's var
dlct places the crime of killing Hind
on Howard, which means thara will
probably be a charge of murder la
the llrst I'euree lodgad against him
J iint what started the quarrel la
uu. re nr Ii'bh an unsettled question.
li.. ili men inu slngta.
Dr. It. . !. Collin. Hhot lluwa ha
r iii. i in i ii in.
I'm Hand Dr. Hoy A. M Colllus,
need .1 1 years, a physician and Bur
geon, was shot and Instantly killed
by his bride of three months Id tba
biiHeiiieiit of a residence la Ibe fash
ionable Nob Hill district, Saturday
mi.iiiiIiik at llM o'clock. The coupla
had occupied the residence thraa
weeks as carotakera white Ita owaar
nnd family were at tba baach, and
when the ahootlng occurred wara
packing their belongings la the baaa
iiieut preparatory to leaving tha
place) An agreement had beas
i.m-lieil between ihutn to separata
ii in. ii leaving und later have their
martial relations severed lu court.
The punt-up anguish of a woman's
henrl, produced by constant knowl
edge of an unreciprocated lova aad
the unfounded belief that tha lova
ahe had ouce claimed had bean
stolen away from her by another waa
buck of the tragedy as It waa nar
ruted by an examination of Mrs Col
lin" ufter she had been taken Into
custody. Her Jealousy, It la t laluiad,
drove her lo madue.a. Mra Collins
la 4 2 yeara old.
Mrek Opium at Aalorta.
Astoria An unusually thorough
seuri b is now made of all vaaaala ar
riving at the various port uu this
coast from points In Mouth or Cen
ii. i America by customs authorities
for shlpmei.ta of opium. The raa
son for thla la that au organised
gung of siuuKglers haa atorad large
quantities of dope" at the Hoaihern
ports to lie shipped lulu thla couauy
if pukslble.
Sale Ends
::v.', feg. 7.
Dales for Astoria Itegatta. aVet.
Astoria The 10I regatta coai
mlltee has fixed the dataa far the
coming cai nival on Auguat 10 and
31 and September 1, aa the lid.
Mill be favorable at that time for
holding the water sports, which this
yeur will be under the direction of
the Astoria Motor Moat Club
".. Mine lo Heea
Medford Work Is to ba resumed
at once ou the Opp uilue near Jack
sonville, p. u opp of 8t Louis, a
millionaire brother of J. W. Unit,
owner of the mine, haa Bnancad tha
proposition. The mine haa produced
over ..nun. nun In gold In tha vast.
a i v J
' ria. M
ft aMf
$2 "o ami $:(u ladiea' Bhoea and OaConla
$l.0i) to 5l.,"ill Mi.-.' (Kt.ii.U
II, I fi
If you are in need of Fooiwear
We Have Bargains for You.
Throughout the Store.
It. .III. In. Is
Salem The railroad coniulaaloa
has made an order authorising tha
O. H. A N. to charge for hauling a'
carload or beer from Portland te
Huntington according to a minimum
of i.ihiii pouuds Instead of SO, Ota
pounds. Thla will amount to a re
ductlon in the charge of $24 III.
Threshing OutAt Kxptade.
Pendleton Smutty wheat la ra
sponslble for the destruction of tha
Kuther threshing outrtt and 1
sacks of wheat, causing a loss of
12000 This is the first aiploaloa of
the season.
It Alwnv I Viyw U TitkIc With
Baeajaaa, Waaa., Aug. 014.
Hoiuid trip from UuUoi,,,
Hi.tiO. Tickets on bhIo Augutt
"'. I ami 7. Return limit, Sep.
tember :). See any O. g. L.
Seal for further particulars.
Ontario will show wonderful
iinptoveim-nls in 1900.