Ontario Argus IMIH.ISUKI) KVKUY HKDAY. Win. 1'IiikIioII' IMItor anil Proprietor Knterwl i" ! Poatomca at Ontario, Oregon, ur irenitnlsalon through ItM iimiN ii i second plaaa matter, Sl'ILSCKHTION: One Year. I1 W Hi Mi.nt.hH. - 9 Strictly in Advance. CONFEREES AGREE TO CUT IN DUTIES M.nv romnuMNiM otfi in iiiii:sion ti itiiviHioN. WILL SLASH RAW MATERIALS Cliniitfr if Hiiitlliiiiit Comes In Hen- atr on r ! Raw Materials. rl.lll..ln- Cigars Free. Wiislil iiRlun The tariff bill that In Anally approvi-il hy President Taft will I ii lude among other things llMM Important provisions: Fifi- hides. Free iiri.. Fri'i roaJ. Kri'i- nil I. n in ! t, pruhal.ly 11.26 on rough. Willi st-riale rates on finished This would !. a material reduction throiiKhnut the luml.iT srhedtile. For si-veral days nii'mheri of ron gress h:io bean going to the White linn-.', uud not a f' of them rama MTa) .mulmed that the President .. right In Initiating on lower dutliH. That a etaMO. ..f aiintlnieut bud tul. I'll plan- In tin' penal! In the mutter of free IVon ore and free oil la a mutter of BOfJUMal gossip al.uiit the nipltul Coal at II renta a ton, It l ili'i hired, would prove satlslar lory in .'Mi MtllOBi except Wyom ing, whlrh fear tlM Importation of rhrup Canadian rmil. I'lilllppliK- l Iuiik Free. i.uiinli H hut ha been considering; the I'lilllpplnea free truth' ii "position ih'rldvd to permit ih. ...' admission of 150.000.000 Ignis annually, oh requested by tbe President. Instead of 70.000,000 a would l admitted under senate uuii'iiiliio'iit adopted at the Instance of H nator LaFolletle. Tho tariff conferees settled the nut'htlon of glvlnr. Mic secretary of .in- iri'uaury Minority to laaue 60 year 3 er cent IhiihIi to rover the Mtlra cost of tlM i' 'i unia riiual. Tbe i n. nf the bond provUlou la to repeal the limit I lie lo.nd authori sation of the S i i ii.t, ulthougb ii.H Inn i I. i In k Vltfi - I" i cW hoiids Issued under thai authority to the amount of 04,flltS0i The eell IIIIU..I r..t of th. .anal Is 1371,201. ooo. m WOULD TAX ALL INCOMES National MiinuiMi Inn r' AaeorlatluH lsue x.ili mi in. N. York. Juh II The hoard of .th.. mm of tbe National Association of Maniirai'liiiei . Law Issued the loll. ho; alali'iii.'ii u.ldresaed "' tin- Ooagrwg i.i ill' t inii'd St a tea " ' i . m uiiiiii. '-.I H i"'i.-ary for 111'. III. pill poai'.. Hi. nit. I llll-lll of iiii'Hmiim prOfMlBI I ItMt "".1 eiull u I.I-- i.ik upon till . in. n A an II liOli.nl Hi. vie MUM) olie-i-lghlh of I p. i '. in on all In. mm, thin would i..! ii.. I Mill rn. in the man who ii..l. $iiiMi a v.'.n ..ml HIM '""" ih.' 1....II bn it. u. , 000.000 a yeur " In. liana Musi lid to Work, pukaue, July -ti Many Imp. .it am i-hunges ai e 111 I'oiileinplalloii In th- ailuiiiiUliMtl.nl of tbe affalta of th.' N IVi'.o ludlutia. Aa rapl.lt u poaalble they, the able-bodied ti iliiiui-ii at leant, will he tbrowu on lli.ir own ii'aoiiura The vigor ous Imltaua who plead a lack of fun. In ..ah Mlihli I" puri'baae (aim lag uiipli'iitriii-i .mil hoifcea will be en... in uged to aell a poitlou of their alloiiuenta to purthaae farmlug Iw- pleuienla, PACIFIC FLEET PUNS TOUR AiIiiiiinI hrlir.i- U III t..k. Waralilpa I.. .Manila for Ihillle I'lailhi-. S.vttle, July Heur-Adiulral Babrf l Ofktaf Ml the Itinerary ot i In. I'a.ilu lli'.i for the lu-xt 10 in. mi lis, whith will Im hide a voyage to the Orient uii.l 1 1 ' urn to the la i till' l'oal u.'xi hiiuimer. I . iliiK oil Atlf, US) g, eight iruti .1 will proiii'd in San KiaiKltio for an inanition uiul IHBpleM and will depart tor Honolulu ai.out septem- I., i uud en ntii ii.' iu'iovs the la- i-ilii' to Manila I. v. At Manila lial lle n a. lice will h. had. The Meet will Mill ariuu. OalMM and Japau- vac porta, Ann) Sport T.lue ol lluty. WiiBhlugtoii, July It. Tbe war it, l ai i mem ha paaaed Judgment ihu' a soldier whose death resulted ti.mi an accident while engaged In an .uhletlc coutast encouraged by the ottlceiM was In line of duly. run Must show Hooks. NsW York, .1 ul v , Superior Court Juutlcc lilachol has ordered . ' nutoi Piatt to produce booka an I papers of ilm I'nlt.'J States Ex in OoMMM '"' ixaiuluatlou lu th.' suit orOUgl toi au accouuiiug uud lor uppolntu.. nt ot a receiver. L1.9!09 J M kT" ???1 Jul ETitn TplJUIISflf . ifiisfuirvAfa CHARGES HENEY OVERPAID Tawaey Consider !i7.0O0 In S. rU Mmiii.. Too Much. Washington. July 19 Thalrman Tawney, of the appropriations com mlttee, charged on the floor of the house today that Fraud J Heney has been not only overpaid, but im properly paid for his servlrus as prosecutor of government land-fraud rases. As a result of considerable prob ing Into Mr Honey's financial rela tions with the depaittneiit of Justice, Mr Tawney learns that after several pa.wnentH had gOM made to Mr Heney for I.i services In cennectlou with the H'.le Hoiiiton and lllnger It., "..in. i uses, he was, on March 2, I Mlt puld a halan.e of 1000 on arcouut of those particular prosecu tions Mr. Tawney holds to the opinion il..,: Mr Heney was paid too liberal ly In the Hvde-Uenson and Hermann cases:, for It Is of record that Mr Heney failed to prosecute either rase One other fact brought out Is thst Mr Heney. on annum of ser vices rendered between December 't, l0S. and June 30, 10(, was paid I ..... Heney has received no payments from the government s!mo this admlnlst ration J. I. CHILBtHU President of the Alusl.a-Yuknu- fat in. I kp.isition EXPRESS RATES TOO HIGH Waahliigton. July SI. The luter atalu I'otnmerce CoiiimlHslon has rendered a decision lu thu ruse of (lie Boise I'lirni'ii lal Club vh the Adams and uth.i espress conipunns which affects man) points lu th- North west. The coiuplulut was made that charges ou puckages weighing be tween . . . ii mid " pound -lil... J from New York to lloixc and neigh boring p. ilnts, are exorbitant The rnmiiiliotlon iiHialns tbla chin K" and gttcs the express i uiu psntes until Oi 'tuber I to hie a uew sell i dulr of lates. which shall llol m ceed the coiuhlnatlon of locals ovn the shortest piactlcable route from New York i ...lnts of dealiualiou lu tbe Norlhwesi Hullcrrlles for llalplus. Spokane. WhhIi, July 111 A new amerprlae in wlinb the outh of I'a loiise Wash , are eiigaglug. Is catch Iiik bulteirtles llu- Insects are chloroformed aud sent to a platlug cumpali) lu Spokane lo be metelllti .1 aud made Into hatplus Klve ceuts rm Ii Is paid tin ibe lusects Hurrlcaue Hirlkes (JaJeloa. Houstou, Tex . July A liurrl cuue sou. k llulvestuu this foreuoou, but appears t be gi'liiK d.twn after sill.liu'iglllg the wesluru pait of Ibe .in. loi-nklua "."'I the seawall, de alt o) lug pan r une railroad bridge aud w i c.hiua pavilions along tbe beat I. THE MARKETS Curt laud. .'beat Track pi ices: Club. 1 II blucMcui, noiuiiiai, Valley, $117. llurle New California, 'S per tou. Outs No 1 white, I ii per tou Hay Tlaiotby, Willamette Valley, fain), i.. .i l " do. ordinary, $16; Kastern Oregon, mixed, $ I ti J I 7 , do fancy, M9Ml alfalfa. I4; clover, $1S llutter Kxlia. 0 taucy. SS0 S5c, store, 1 S n JOc Kgts I'liolie, ;7 .( SSc. Hops lUO contra, t. 15jil6c per lb, t '.'' nop. 104) He, ll07 crop, 4 U 6c. Wool Kastern Oregou, lg(g g per pound, Vall.', medium, 1'Sijj zc. Mohair g ( Tb. Hellle. Wheat Itluesiem, iiumlual Oats New, $.'Mj S per ton. Harlc New. HI per ton. Hay Kastern Washington liuio tby. MI1 Per tou, fajjg Sound bay, $!. per tou; wheat buy. $ I .' j 17 per tou, alfalfa. $10ij I i per tou Uutter Washington creamery, Itfl ranch, I s u SOc Kggs Selected local, Hlc. Potatoes White Hlver. $10916 par tou. BHsBBBBBBBa4MI&rC w ni m ' - "jH aaosaar saaal Lin y I). Grkrh. Greep& VVK HAVE THE. Bargains in & Farm FARM LOANS. lo you wiint to make iMON'KY? Why not invest in laml lion- now in Malliotir county, where PfJCtl are al way going higher. No risk. No chance. Come in and talk it over. Our list OOmpritM most of the choice lantls in the Malheur and Snake Hiver Valleys If we do not have the exaet piece of l.iml you desire we will try ami ohtain it for you Personally aoqnalntad with all portloM of Malheur I'otinty. ami we can inform inteixling buyers intelligently M Wi: WILL 1M HP, Located at the So. '(." 100 ncre", I miles in. in Ontario, nil feiit'eil, will otiio niiiler (lovermnent I'ro- n t, lays xood tn irriniite. Price .M) per ncre. No. K 10 nrri". nil timler rnl livntioii. with ioiii.I wnter nlit in Owylioe ililcli ; will sell in 0 Off liU-acre hints ; OPaVPtll ilnwn, liiiliinee mi easy ternm. No. :t;i (room house, quo itlf lilock (rmn luistotliee, on I Nl ii i ii street; i'i'.T i -t..i' "i il" SI'llSOII. No. M M OeffOO, .'tj niilea from Ontario, T6 inns iii rtilti rottOn I acres in onlinnl. luls of lietties of all kilhls. c I house iiikI Warn ami all mil-liiiililni",-. u illi ii pii t.it witter tiylit . llii ix i li.'iie ami will en Iqaiek. No. 'Jli M m res, all jnoil samlv mil, 'HI acres in eallira lion, n c,i'. I little uii'liiinl, water for 112 Hcres, IoIh ol miiiiII fttiit clietii ami OH easy term. Nn "J7 ISO lores 1 mile from a C....I.I thriving town on If ; in iiiltiviilioii; -imill oriliaril, honae, with water, will sell all or will cut it up in 108040 acre liui'l-, on OOd lerma. No. kJU ,ri lols in north pail of city; close to school, nicely I orate. I ; cheap. No. 10 4-room house; .'! lots ion.i lui in. .'! blofkl from Onta rio sfho.il. No. 1110 Iota, one Mock from Main street with o,ooil livery hunt . doing K1""' 0Utl nOM cheap. No. .hi Two lU-ane tracts, one B OOffl tracts ; odjjoioing lOVO of Ontario, with waif i right; cluap Ontario is locateil on tin-Oregon Short lain Railway, ami lias a population ol A00, Has tin excellent lli",li School (graded) employing 12 teachers. Annual business of BaOfoIianta over Ii.ihki.ikki. Annual wool sliipnients, Il.iMKt.tKMI pounds. Annual stock rliipnients, approximattdy 26,000 head Stock and fanning country tributary to Ontario .' U K miles interior. rieiity of water for irrigation and all other purposes. Ontario uftcis an inviting Held for a Kruit Canning Factory, I Woolen Mill, a Flour Mill, a Scouring l'lant and other industries. Information will be most cheerfully furnished by the Ontario Argus or the Ontario Commer cial Club. Watch Ontario Grow. Wat. Pl.t (HloKK. Plughoff. Real Estate Property INSURANCE Argus Office. No. jo II Iota on Main street in htisiness center; a good locn linn. No. II M lots, one full hlock, all leveled an. I street ruilei). Will tell in part or til' at panic pi icea. No. 281UO ncren 7( mile from tailroinl town, with f room house; stahle for six OOffOOfi 80 torn "I hay; KJt gronaffifo; nil out I. ml. lilies ; .Iff), well; cut I"" tons of hnv, 2(HMl hushela grain; with i'....i water right in Owy Ine ilitch, a family orchard; a snap. Nn. 21 III n nil 80 ncre tracts, j niiely locateil, 1 mile from town, with I... ..I water right; tine fruit ami herry laml; on easy terms; ihese are duufe pieces; come ami see. No. .'17 IHU acred :1J miles from Ontario, all goml hench laml, with perfect water right gnoil houae ami outhuililiiigs; l.ti iy patch ; partly in enhiva tion; 1 1 10 per acre. No. 2 .r Iota, with a l-room l'ii. k houae; gooil cellar ami iliep well. No. 2) .ri lots, with a T i Iitui linii-i- ileep well ami gOOd cellar; aluile treea. No. 'JH one block, all fenced ami l-rooin houae, '' blocks from dOOOl fhfiip No. 14 101 acres, '. miles from Nyssa, close up to main litch ou hench; all in cultiva tion; 50 acics alfalfa, balance in hills aiul groin I B acres orchurd 4-room house, stahle, sheds, deep well, one of the best ruuehes in Malheur county; pays 88000 year this will he sold cheap. COLUMBIA j tfiSL iv ; i gggEVrvggtv a ffBiLt0 yal Kb JJI HEALING POWDER cuati SADtU tfld COtlW S0HE8. SORES Of ANY KINO MAN aaa Hi AST F. W. ALLEN. Dealers in Harness ami Saihllery (loodfl. - Ontario, Ore. W. W. Hii Ut i i Stock Inspector ol Malheur Connty. 0KPITIEH DH KerfiNit. i ititarin. W I. ..nlfltl, Vale. J F 1 1 in i-k . ulil's Kerry. Iienrife I lean, Weiser Hrlilgi' I' M warren Riversiile Kerry. Win Hextun. Nrssa Kerry. V S Skinner. Jnnlan Vallev Fre.l ill in-..ii Mcrermltt lii-.-iiliitii.il ol CoMtrtiierslili. The OOpafflnOffOllIp heretofore existing between I.. .1. Uiiknnl and K M. Carldo bus this day been dissolved by mutual con sent. All hills due thu Oitf Meat Market will he collected hy Itifkanl A I'htir, ami obo will pay all bills against the loli linn of Kifkard 8 (arlile. I... I. ffUCI Mill. I! M. Caui.ii.k. Dated, Ontario, Ore., July 't, 1808, ! i-i Iff! I s I 1 Ami llu Argun ftl the MWI tSSSrSSrSSSft VALE, The Only Complete Set of Abstract Books in 'Malheur County. Under (he management of K. ('. Smith, nn expo rienced abatracter. AoOtVOOta taffnixhed without delay and correctness guaranteed. eSaggggggggg. J. H. FARLEY. The Booly i u :i 1 1 1" in iii od o of liitili erode, staple cotton, not lintiis. Mvriads of long, tleecv libers can -fully interlocked and evenly distribiiti-tl, forming a linglo bat, without tult or binding, ('lean, pun-, -anitary. t'heaper than hiiir, more OOlilfortablo thun feat hers. (lUaranti-ed tor 80 vear. ROCK SPRINGS COAL Furniture and Undertaking and Licensed Embalmer. Lady Assistant. immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnimmmnii City Meat o I.. IH.A1R, Ptaa. - C-fi25TeVfc 2- Dealers in Fresh and Salted Meats Highest Market Pfioo Paid for Hides and Furs. Your patronage solicited. UUUUUUUuUUUlUUUUUIUliUiUUiiUUUUullUUiUiUil 0pooottoatj0tt0ttttttattatto tt GARTER HiaSE g WHITWORTH I TONNINOSKN, Props. Of Sum pie RftOffOff. Fire Proof, Modern, Fie- tt gunt. Steuiii lleuted, Flectric Lighted. All Out- t& 0 bide Kooms. .star Depot. & onooonoonooooDunooooooow Boost fop Ontario ii(MMi'Miiiri:ilill! I$s ONTARIO a T) A T If Successors to D A IN l . Bnk f ontari Oldest Bank lu tlrant, Harney and Malheur tountlaa ONTARIO ORE. Paid Up Capital, toO.OOU Surplus - - 815,000. 1 &RJ gig Open up an account With per cent on iftKKftftiR Empire Lumber Co. ltcl. A Complete Stock of Lumber and Build ing Material always on linnd. When Contempliiting Building ome in and M0 us. ROCK SPRINGS COAL, AND ICE Ontario .... orkoon John t) Ou.v. I'res. N. IV Caiiiknikk. Vice Praa. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Of BURNS. OREGON I J A Qoaorai HaiiWInu Hosliieaa Tiansaeled. Kiihango InsiiciI on all I'arlN ol i he World. ; : a J K-iim aitni iikms Jnliii l Daly. N t! faria-nter. J. W. (learr. S II M. Hnrttin, A. J Jnlinsoii, s ORKGON, Market. 0 mo A NATIONAL ebo Niw National. We pay 5 lime uepofiis. J. L Oaci.t. Caahiar. A. C. Waiioaa. Aast Cashier J ; a I.. A. Halues, J I. (ault. ,,,, A. N SOLISS. ATIOUNKY AT LAW. Will Practice, in all Ibe Court a. Ofllce Illinois I and ', lu. hey lllm-lt. ' inl.ir ... Ore). DAIiTOM BJOQfl Attorney. at-baw. J. A. Lackey Mlock, Ontario, Ore Will practice in all courli. J. W. M. (II, LOCH. Attoruey-at-Law. w ill .r,.. i !. in all ounrta. 1 'it. A. M. liokev lilock. npetalre. 0 M-OONAOILL. Allot I.i III 1. 1 H' Will Practice in all Courta. Notary Public. Otlice Over i'oitoftice. Wm MILLER, ATTORNEY. AT-LAW. Ml ks, Qkk. W. H. BKOOKE, Attohnktat-Law. M..tu- to Loan on Improved Far ma. Ontario . Oregon. J. K. 1HAEF, 1- M. D. DKNTIHT. All kiutls at dental work doua la Iii t . -1 - -i order. Offli-es Over I'audlaud Drag titora. 1 'il.. . Honra M to t$. to S, 7 ka . 0, A. P0GUK l'hyaician ami Surgeon. I'uslollK'O llUlllllog I Offic-e l'houe7l Keeidenoa 15n. J. PBIMS1KO. 1'IIVSU'IAN AND gUKOKON. Ottice A. M. Lackey Hlock. Oflice l'hone 33. Keaidence 33- The Conveniences By the use of Elecric Light und Power, which is now within the meuns of all, are many and Extended vuried. We sell Elecliic Iroua, Motor and other Flectric upparatus at COST. If interested call up Maiu 70. We are at your service Idaho-Oregon Light & Power Co.. Wti 11. L. KocKWg'M., Mgr. Iii. 1. 1 the gAffttli