(Bnfatio 31 rang, Don't I orget That We Do all kinds of Printing at the rgus Office. BOOST For the Malheur Project. Representative Newspaper of Malheur County. VA.)LljMF XIII ONTARIO, OKFOON, KIH DAY. .ILLY MMi'.i. :r tlBKIl m n.h.nnlitn Vmir Hnnin Mpr ; chants. Ontario Goods tor 2 Ontario and the People of J I Malheur County. ; Local News. ... Wilson-Duffy Drug Co. km. Is of drug. All Urv Ive'l- loft for Colombo on rlnmlay I" i-il icIativcA ni d friend. I (and llader Prne. nd Co, Hew ilflv. ;n tlii R i-"i;. Il Will interest yon Attorney A. N. 8olisi -was in Vale tli" Hrst of lite week on legal business. llatberl Williams is nf-i-itnt Pjttmaator Bptoul du ing the ahs in ..' Mit. Hproul. Vcrvci.oi 1 wheal. Ai- aolutely dean. Only a linnti.l nuentity left. M. M. Co. F Faaser, manugi . M. '.., ii In ni"' fi "i M. M. I '..., is liomc fi "in i I. ii" i tic trip to il a Intel ior. w. II. Doolittl tn ' Ti lay from .iiv' i.i.-i ..UK :.. IWllaml ami He utile. Adelegalb f OnUrioltee al t Mid Uiccirc.Hat Weieor on Momlay mid WDOH it a pad show. M. W. Ib.non of Moist vi-- He i in Ontario daring the week, the client f his daughter, Mi", lla-ry Duffy, Henry Allison arrived bOMC from the BoatUo fair on Monday. II. aaya th.- axnoaitioii is all It 1 I l.l Iii ! to he Raaorj Cole, the exteneiva -'jeopman, and fin.il . of Willo.v r.-ck, registered al lha Carter House on Monday. li.ini In tbbi city, July 10. HNKI, to the wife ol A. K. Ko, a miii. and .mi popular leal . Ial. ag nl is all imill ! W. S. Martin, m f lha 00 i-r. ol the Keelern Owgon Iaud Co . la ii. she ait, lie is sol il for govern nseal Irrigation. Mi A L. Sproul and s. n II.LtoWb-u ior . ou-i p.iuis Hum day. They will v islt tbe Neat' a fair before returning home. J. H Mhuk.il.v ai.d wiic . r-1 i ; i .1 1 :i..iii Jordan Valley ll.e lir-t Of the Mick .1. I! ie , i Willi UHgl nilU I'Ulllllii?, ami B outs llial lavoie d section pll, , , i:l"' ! 'I h.vSih.r City S'ugget aayi thai Lied j. I'almer celebraUs! Llm mtvaitl of his new auto to "" Jordan Valley by i unning " pi and killing "Uncle Dill) Pai ki d .I'-l.inn". Haalah tattoo pwctnna lo be lai.iiclH'l will, iv iiieiuiipeiein,,. ell.KrS Ol (II HI'S. I I V . . i e tin- Wilson Duffv iMm Co., for clean diug.-, ami SXpeil .-civ:..- D. M. Tint!., has opened -ei on.l-h.iml .-lole. two dOOri nortli of the Argui office aud will buy and rail all kinds of j nun III 111 linr. ill einii n. i ',V. , .." 1 .1 . . . i i . ' : i . 1 1 I i f 11 till i' I 1 .1 I .1 l i ! t t S 1113 ' lUl'U- U Clll.lll uv-ui. M F. Llovd ami wile of BoiSC I'"1" M"phcrs(m was water- visited la-t Sunday with Mr l l,is horaea the other day ami Mr. O. ti. Lin-hrs. The '"'d um-m the animals was act iwolaiVilies were former friends "'U 1,a,iI.v :,t l!lL' l""np. Mac in northwest lowj. Mr. Uoyd kuk''1 at ll,t' l(iui"e' band and is an old i ii' printer and tba hed, landing hia foot on the Argui acknowledgof a pleaaani Pap and apraioiug hia big lay. mil. - ' lb v . A. W. Bond, fouuerlv of Weiaer' who has been in the em- ploy of the 'High Line" com pany, the private enterprise that is mleavoriiiL' to secure the cpnatruction of the Malheur irrigation .anil, Ins left the employ ol thai oomrany and Hone to Seatth-. His family is iu Portland with Mrs. Mend's parents. WeioOf Signal. Don't Kick. th- Binding nl your city com to yon for aid In ihe work, don'1 wl, ihoyaroiWinglhclrllmc, Pltneir ni'Mirv, soys in nwn "Signal. They aw giving mow money llinil you nn', imn arc working for the good of ill city, four good iii well as their own. Don't trial lln' iiicin lc is of ,i lininx'iiil eommitlM from tin' Commercial club ni you would n bad drill collector, Ilia innn ben of tlir com mi lie haw your welfare al liearti It la waler It chill the enthuaiaam of honest, loyal workera, than it iq la km. He tin lr .'ni. QiW thorn j our siiiioi t. Don'l pick Ihelr work to plot ea If you can improve on it, take off your cn.it ami In 'n lioost. 1 1 vnn'd u-.i k a bard a you kick, eoma of you would lie veritable glanti hi municipal booating, Jud Dav7s Reversed Holding llint n provision of of thrill harlot of Nyaea, providing that all the taxea collected within thecity limiis by the county for "'"" i'"!"''- " '' "'"r" ovw ,n "l"1 'xl"'"'''l hy the ''V eXelnsJvdy for I mid Mil- i i ..iii.. ..... i provemeul i- not In violation of ll.e si lie CHllslitlllK.il III,. Ml ,,. .,., liX(.l , ,, , ,,,.,.,, , fJuUf, ,,mv B, 1m, (l(.nU ,,mlll(. ,htur ,.llllhlV) ,,,, illicfts the counlv olliccis to turn over la (ha City tba ItlM collected arilhin it corporate luniis for road purpooei The opinion ih by Juatioe McDride. Faimera' Institute ,.., , , . ... , . I lie funnels lllslllllte M In .1 si It-l for la-1 Wcilnesilav has boon postponed until July SI, al which tunc llirc. of the most iirominentinatruetoraoftheOre ui Agricultural College will be huwaeitt. The program Includes Iwtuwa by Preaidenl Kerr, Dr. U'lnty.. and 1'iof. Uwis, I DC Ainu I w ill nie lull ..ii In ulai - regarding the session in the nexl Issue Liicdl News. Ontai i bids v on a hcai Iv wd come, Bei rotary Balllnier. ci rotary Mai c. Kcnvon ami A. N. Soli-- i took ill" the rirCUS at Moi-e on Wednesday, t In- file is .rnl.i tklli..., I,,. I ... ,, lurgacroaru present m greei sec. rotary of the Iitterior Hallinger, the first in bar of.a cabinet to cUit Ontario, 111. I Iw I.. l.....r. Ontaim is to bave .1 I. tllllO nrege, and J. B. Clark ol I'av- .tie is to comlilet the -.line. '1 he building will be erected on Call- fornia avenue, near the Baptiel , , , ,....,, ation was cmnmeiiced yc-tci .lay. I'. I. li.iinch and wife will "'iyv Monday for Blgin, Ore., l" Waldo. Mf. and Mrs. Hel- frieh made many friendi bare vbo will regrei their departure, but wi.-h them proaperiiy al ll.cirohi home. Moral: "Punt kick, hut boost." Charlcv arter and W. W. Loney arrived home f.ou. their l iikn.iwii mine, .situated in the hills of Idaho, the lirst of the VK- la'i uiougm sumjiies oi week. ft-I f tlu' ore 1,",i lM can be seen in tiie rOO With thea.d of a power- ,ul P ,ht' lnL to the mine W0I made without dilh- cully, but coming oiit Wult lost his socks. Ballinger Will Arrive Today Flic Secretary of llic Interior Will Mcol Land Owners to Ascertain Senlinicn! Toward the Proposed Government Project and Private Rnterpriie. Secretary of the Interior Hal- linger will arrive in Ontario this afternoon Oil t lie 1 o'eloek train. At a meeting of the Ontario Commercial Cluh held Monday evening all definite arrange - incuts were made to entertain the honoied visitor during his stay in thin city. He in coming here for the purpose of meeting the land - owners regarding the construe tion of the Malheur Irrigation pioject, and farmers will he here from Vale, Dead Ox Flat, Willow (reek, Ontario nml the sur- loiiiuling country to discuss the matter with the secretary. An afternoon and evening session m ill he held in the Citv I'ark and everyhoily is most1 ciriliiilly invited to attend and meet Mr. Hiillinger ami tell him ' the untold henelit to he derived if the government will construct the Malheur Irrigation pro- jeet. The sentiment of the people . north of Arcadia is strongly in inoters from either sid of llic favor of government irrigation, controversy in an lying "t ) and (he farmers will he here to eUion. E E. Pinkerton. The sad lidings was received in Ontario the lirst of the week Of Ihe death of F F. I'inkci (on it Mai. mini, Okla , which oc eu red on .Inly II Mr. Linker ton had been a sufferer of Mi mill's disease for many vears ami was aged 12 year al the lime of his demise. During his Slav III milium he i ii .i.li- ukiiiv friends, as ho was a gentleinan , of impulse and a model citizen. J Ula sudden death will hu de- J ..lored l.v nil in tlii neelioii pl"llil I'V Illl III lllis se lion "Baehelor Club " The 'Machelor Club" held a meeting Monday evening and the following oAeoraaraw elected to serve until their wives return Preaidenl, A. N. Belies; secre tarytrearawr, 0. F. Kenyan; cllllirillUII Of invet!LUlloll COII1- unttee, Al Sproul. An auxilliary to the chit) was formed, to be known as "I Want to Jet Mar ried," and applications were re- cived from the following: Dr. U. O Payne, Henry Moody, Joe Menizies, Al Moody, Ted Sulli van, Lee Fiser and Jake (Jregg A ballot was taken and all the applicants were rejtcted except Joe M. i.!ie.- , FOR SALE Seven Kentucky-bred lacks, Standing 10 to Hi hands high, among the largest and best ever shipped to this country. MLV NOW, so that your purchase will become acquainted and ac customed to his home and ac climated for next spring service. it. D. RnoifAM, Ontario, Oregon. A Y KximmUIou Kates. viu Oregon Short Line Railroad. $86.16 from Ontario to Seattle and return. On sale daily, com mencing June l.-t Ask agents for I'.uihti particulars. urge on the secretary the ncecs- sity of tlie gOWriimeilt taking up the project, while Nysna and .Owyhee, who favor the High Line Ditch company, will hi 'here in the interest of that com 1 puny. The matter may he settled by the government taking up tin Malheur project inul leaving out all the land south of Anndui I which includes Nyssa ami thojaofl , Owyhee This seems to he ll.e only feasible way of adjusting the matter as the laud owners north of Arcadia will not sicn their land with the High Line company even if the govern ment should turn down tin pro ject, prefering to form a separ- ale irrigation ilislnet It i- an- ticipated that thecity will he crowded with land owners UXM . us they have asked Secretary Hallinger to coii.e, and be will he able to detetuiiue from his own observation as to what the people here want (and not have to depend on the report of pro- Another Train. Supeiinlelldeiit A M. Slcvcii of the Llah div isioii of the t Iii' Con Short Line says a new sehger train will he put on the hitler part of the month between Salt Lake and I'orllam. The Schedule has not yet heen com. pleted, but it is thought the train will have OgdeO hctwici; 7 and i in the evening and will run to the coast on a very fast schedule. This is looked upon as movement mi the part m the llai iniaii roads lo play a more important part in the passenger traffic to the ninth west. as ob a j. "wv same oervice as oi loie I Assistant Manager (iould of the Rocky Mountain Mill Tele phone Co , called at the rgils office on Momlay ami inform us that commencing on Julv :"i iljeoini.ai.y would again in augu rate their old service in n tario with A. Snwlcr as iniiii- igtr, -.SB - - t'AMO Of THANKS. We desire to extend our sin cere thanks lo friends who assisted us during the llckueSi and at the funeral of our little one, and the same will never h. forgotten. Fn NKKsK VNIi F VMM v. .- .. - - U. A. It. i ONV KX'I l"N. Salt Lake City, August 'J-1 I. Excursions iu Oregon Short Line, August 7lh to Lilh, inclu- sue. Uelurn limit, .ugu.-i SJ . Ask agents for rates and further particulars. Everything has advamed in OI M.v, thoroughbred Jnekl the Hour line, but we are -till , which he has placed on tin selling at the old price. Order LaarKet and the same can be a sack of Imperial Patent. M. l.-se-u at the I'urcell A: Ma.hh n M Co. Ibaru. Local News. Wilson-Duffy Co. for all kinds of druga, I'itch in. Lot u make a city of Ontario. If von want to kick n" ,M" I., il... .1 I ,..:.. ... III,- mi jM-i null hll'K III! il '111 -I i noroiigiinre.i ij;i. I ."Kin ducks- to trade for young diii k- cns. Inquiw at Argus office. .1. ft, Mlackal.v ami wife left Tueeday for tin Seattle fair. They will also visit Alaska points. ,,, TonnlniOto arrived from l.akeview on Wednesday ami is the gueat of his lister, "n. R. 0. WbitWOTtll. Any phyaician that knows the Wilson-Duff) Drag Co . will not beaitate to trust his natient'i medicine to us for preparation. Sabbath School at tiic Curio s.ln.ol house Sahhath afternoon nt It o'clock, followed by a brief address by ftei i. W Morri- Oottueiluian Allen and .lack Ubiteeida left Tucsdav for Klin mi a Babing trip. Lookout for I lengthy flb atoriee wbon Frank K't" back Harry Lackey, who has I. ecu aoi king on s. eral metropolitan paper- in (lie cast as a cailoon- isl, arrive. I hone the lirst of the week on a v i-it. I boa. Turiihull, the promi nent sheepman ami a director of the First National Bank, was a business visitor to Ontario during the week. Married In Ontario, July 18, !!!, at the r. snlcnce of ti. V Thomas, Henry Shannon to Miss Florence Hi. kiuhotham. Rev, Young, officiating. ludge (i. L King arrived Imnie from his Seattle trip on Saturday ami npoit- (In big fair worthy of a vi-it. lie hit lot Payette Lake- on Monday to spend M dav I Al the the I'niie.i Preebyte ' . in Hall on nexl Sahhath imnu IUH the lopie will he What lla- (Jod Said'" In tin- s ven ins, Lie suhjeei ,,f dlaeourae will be "I lo s Sad ( 'oliiplaini." VV e l.i-. I-...-. .i( ...I m I .. ... , . ,, ,, shipment of faipet Swecpel-. more than we .in k 11 at regular . i . n: prices and havo decided to sell , ; ,, ,, ,, - at Jobbers prices, t .11 and ses . , ,, m ,i ,, whit tiny aw. M M iv ti. . Thomas and wife and (. i ... i i i i . n - imoy i.aimingnani i.-n Monday foi Heatlle Alter v i-it- - imr llm I -i i Hioii ! . II .1... . i i... -I j ........ ,..,., .., BriUah Columbia and tbsnes ... Sitka, Ala-ka, ami exnet to la abaeill I month A. F. Rutherford and wife at n I ol r nil the IL'ii'i' i. inch, mar Westfall, on Mondav. Mi-. Rutherford i- confined to her Imnie w ih t phoid fiver, ami her many fi lends a Isb bet b - i . .iv reoovery. D W laid veil has purchased be shot shop of I'ri .1 ILlfii.h and will continue the business at 1 . W. Allen- Lame.-- -lole. Mr. Caldwell is cxperici.ced In pertinents offc I plemiid a. Ivan shoe work of all kind- ami re tages, BpOCtfully solicits your patron- Siinlie- will I" resumed Sept, ae. Bee hia adv. in this issue ' !,":' 1'"' "",l"1 partleu. iai - i ..II at the .. -!' ail- To Freighters We have a Jrcss the Bimtku Bri-Kiit ......... i ..f I . . i : . ',1 I ; e illl I III I I l o. i ii ii i- to -III I. lo tin- inii'imr ami wi . IV U" .1 rules, Let lis hear from you if you are interested. M..I bOttl M.Kantile l o. ). Keilman, nromictor ol the Ureal Falls Live Stock L- obange of Qwal Falls, Mont., ii in the city with a consignment In Favor of Bridge i . . . i jr .- ... . leeein .KUMmcIl II Hill VV a-ll Ington, l c , state thai tba Iioubc of i epresentetM m paaaed the oronibui bridge bill, which, among other thinge, authorixei tlii' COttntV commissioners of i l..ii ,. "" """"" w,,K,M, ami Canyon county, Idaho, and Ihe Chamber of I loin meres of I inta I in, to construct, maintain and "pirate a bridge across Snake ( n ar at a point suitable U) tin interests (,f navigation at tin city of Ontai i". A dlapab It ednetday t" thi hitario Common ial Hub fwm Ci.i i d States , tutor Cham in i '.in state- thai the eonatt hi s missed lln al DVa lull and that Preaidenl Tafl will s'gn the same today. All obataolea aw bow re moved for the construction ol the ntario-Siinke riwi bridgs Let Oshorn Wander The conviction of II. . k ( -boi u, indicted mi a statutoi j it line iii Malheur county and lentenofd lo three Mais n tba pi inieiitiaiy l.y Judge Davia, was rever.-ed tin week bj the lupreuw court, iii an opinion by Jiatioe W. II. King, because Judge D.IV 1- ol.leli the curt r n cleared so 1 1 in t tli. . Ii- uiicht be hchind cloved doors. 0-boi ii waa brought from Ha h ui some time ii(o to await the decision! of the supreme court, and was confined in the county jail at Vale, lie later escaped hv diggiug through the stone wall of the hastlle and has not heen In aid of since. eiherift Odell would confer n favor on Ihe taxpayers of ih. counlv if he would let ( l-l.oi i, wander, as the Argus editoi WtMg T YJT 1 "i.e of ihe jury that cenv uti d III 1 I I i r V '-horn, ami (jie axpense in - J IvVJlVU i Cliricl lo the county was ennr-moil-. Farewell Party W. S III 'nl Inn ha sold his ' ... ie tract adjoiuing the lot n -il. on the ca-l. and w ill -. oil leav e o I ulill , OrO., U) H-ldc. A pally of old neighbors went to the In n Tin-. lav to hid "r and Mis. Cotton farewell. Among thoe present were Ihv Morrison and wife, N'el"..n Suh Ions and wife, A. II. McOresor , , , . , I I. Illl Wile .1 I, SI,. I,,. in.,1 (ill. , ,. ,. , , . . ' ' Fairehi d and wife, ). S. ,, ,, . ,,,... Mtlhkin and win-, Mrs, . . .. ., ... . ., ., Mall, tt, Mrs linker, Mi Me. wee, Mi-. Castignetto, Mi. iurln ,Mit I'anry Mallell.C. II .. itrown. c . . , . f. rrdllCIS AOddeiliy. Baker City, Oregon Boardtafj and im School Illl OB IN. i.i.ui-it Tin ' our so ol studios i im hiiicc.- the eight II I i l( of i oin ii. on studii hi ai . 'I on i lie . .1 -. o -lie In s, ihe Ai il 'eiiiic course ol foui ( 'ommereial our-. ml the 'I be inn-!.' an. I painliii) i .. t 'my (V He Ban ol tbe Pastime billiard and pool room-, one of ! the Hues I in the north weal, invite- your patronage. The in ui also curries i ig.n -, tobaci ", line ' eonfectiouerv, etc , 'I he fruit and . oniectioi.ci v -tor.- is scpai- ati Iron tbe billiard room, and the la. In- "I Ontario ale . -- pecially invited to make their purcbassi at the I'aaliine, ju.-t loulb of Mo.i Bros (V. Uo BIG REDUCTION IN Baseball Goods. I on I'rii '. Now . : l n i. j:. rid i:. in i i .tin , in I i" . v 1 ." l - (1 loves Qlnvci Hall Malls. flails. Malls . Masks, Masks. i aps. Bell Melts . Bali I'.., i M, Is Geo. Candland. I. i:ihm; li;'t tMllMT, Ontai lo, i h i D. W. Caldwel! EXPERT Shoe Repairing. ShopIn L. W Slot. . Allen llai. Sri- our line Ii in of ' I . ! ! s -I ii -1 in .iii.I going at , i iv Moderate Prices. 'I lo v.i i.m, i in Hal Luis ami m w I '. -i;n ii Jewelry, A complete line of h i I Ml) u and In liumints Guaruntcnl Wtitch Rc)airinL I ! .... h . j j .. Hie Jewelry am i cu ,,i Ontario, ' "" e.7 I - our in.! i .. i , ; w iiu 1 1" 1 1 Inn -. IL DC!) In give v.ni a Ii . DRUG c i. ' - ' I Leading Prescrli oi the Count; Wilson-DiifTy Drug Co. . VI II HUM i la Iregou Short I iue. '.nl v lor tii kel one w sv via Portland. KrequenI dales for other routes, Bee Oregou Short .n... agent- for further 'letaiN. - - The Argus will lell y . 1 1 all .about it, PHARMi nw l. Ii i n . A Ti