The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 16, 1909, Image 1

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WW "-' wi, . . i. in I- Ml , .
Don't Forget That We Do
all kinds of Printing at
the 4rgus Office.
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County.
ONTARIO, OREGON, FRIDAY. ,)l',V 16, 190!t.
I For tfy Mafneur Project. 1
xiMi'.r.i: ::i
' i
r" y
i Patronise Toor Home Her- J
1 ohsnts. Ontario Goods for
Ontario and tbe People ot J
2 alhenr County.
Local News.
Read the M. M. Co. new adv.
in this issue.
County Surveyor I'aul .lone?
was surveying on llead Ox Flat
during the week.
We can soy to the Bell tele,
phone people that it don't pay
to get gay in Ontario.
Dr. J. E. Sharp and wife left
Saturday for Seattle to view thi
sights at the exposition.
There is no diminishing of
demand for Malheur county
land and ut goiug-up prices.
I horoughtired white renin
ducks to trude for young chick
ens. Inquire at Arpns oftlce.
Attorney W. if. Brooke left
Sunday for Burns Ml '.egal busi
ties and will be absent 10 days
J. D. Fairman, the Westfall
banker-merchant, was a busi
ness visitor to Boise during the
W. II. Doolillle is a business
visitor to Spokane, and will
visit the Seattle fair before ro
turning. When your watch neesd re
pairing take it to Harry B
Orauel, and he will do the rest.
Prices always right.
J. D. Billingsley and family
and Dave Magill and family
are outing at Blue Mouutai
Springs, (Srant county.
V. U. Staples and wife have
left for Vale to .reside, Yirg
having accepted a position with
the Malheur Forwarding Co.
Henry Allison hit for Mm
Seattle (air MoiuluV He will
lie chaperoned on the tiip by
Joe Robertson of the Owyhee.
Any physician tha knows the
Wilson-Duffy Drug U . will not
hesitate to trust his patient's
medicine to us for preparation
Win. Jones, wife and time
MsM, left Tuesday for Seattle to
aee the big fair. Hilly MM us
, , . . . , frank ines and familv, of
he would arrive home before he ., , .....,, , ' ,
. I near Vale, left Wednesday for
was broke. L, . . ,.,.
Spokane to visit relatives. J hey
Attorney Ceo. W. Hayes Sf jtjgo U Itki in the sights at
Vale, a staunch supporter of ibe,. Seattle fair before returning
government irrigation project- ,ome-
was in Ontario on Monday on
legal business.
II, Alexander, president
the First National bank, was
over from Boise on Tuesday to
attend a meeting of the Uir.ct-
or of that institution.
Mrs. C. K Kenyon and son
left for Kugeite on Monday on a
visit to relatives and friends
Charley is doing the "batching''
uct at the Carter House
J. C. Cordon, the well known
returned from the
Seattle fair on Sunday. He
left for his home in the extreme
western portion of the county
on Tuesday.
County Commissioner W. J.
Scott was a business visitor to
Ontario the first of the week.
He states that county court ad
journed until July 21, wheu im
portant county road matters will
be discussed.
Croy Jr. Deltas of the Pastime
billiard uud pool rooms, one of
the finest iu tbe northwest, in
vites your patronage. The linn
also carries cigars, tobacco, tine
confectionery, etc., The fruit
und coufectiouery store is separ
ate from the billiard room, and
the ladies of Ontario are es
pecially invited to make their
pure iiases at the 1 'as time, just
south of Buyer Bros, d Co
Government Engineers
Still on the Mal
heur Project
A report has been circulated
Unit Die government engineer
working 00 the Mnllienr project
had been ordered off the work.
I' F. Weyinontli, supervising
engineer, has stated there was
ii itliing new in the situation,
anil there is nothing in the re
p irt. Our enginecm arc still at
work on the Malheur pfOJOOt
and will he until Secretary Hal
linger gives his decision on the
project, which in looked for t liirt
Mr. Weymouth also stated
that enough work had been
lone to submit a report to the
secretary, uud says n few of the
engineers at work on the project
had been transferred to Idaho,
hut the remainder would stay in
the Held until the project is nc
cepted or rejected by the govern-
Local News.
Harry Lackey is in Seattle
taking in the fair.
Born Near Ontario, to the
wife of Harry Dennison, n son.
J. R. Blackaby is at Jordan
Valley looking after his busi
ness interests.
Thos. W. Clagett of Vule,
agent of the Hastem Oregon
I. uid Co., visited Baker City on
The two-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Neese died
- nl.h-ulv Wednesday of cholera
A. F. Buyer and wife and
(Miff Buyer and wife will leave
Sunday for Seattle to view the
Joe I.amb of Drewsey it re
in wing acipiaiutances in Onta
rio. He delivered 7.r head of
cows to J. II. Landers the first
of the week.
Mrs. F. D. Augell died at
Caldwell yesterday. She was
a daughter of W.N Shilling, for
merly of Ontario, but now post-
llulgter . RapSft, Ida
J. II. (Juerin has a choice
variety of berries, and is selling
the delicious fruit at right
puces. It will pay you to see
M,. . ;uerj jf you ure j (,t
m gjjj for herries
Mrs. (Jeo. W. Chambers is
home from an extended visit to
,,er sister Mrb Jo,m y eur
WeHlfull. We are nleastd M
tuttJ tj,ut t,e ebtUJiaue lady id
much improved in health,
which will be good news to her
many friends.
II W. Urauel, father of II.
tirauel, our popular jeweler, ar
rived yesterday from l'ainesville,
Ohio, on u visit. He will
journey to Seattle and other
coast points before returning
home. The senior Grauel looks
just like Harry only a shade
better looking.
IMmmoIuOou ol i narliierlni
The copartnership heretofore
existing between L J. Kickard
anu iv. m. marine nas wus aay Ontario this season speak in the
been dissolved by mutual f'-' highest terms of W. W. Hinton,
s.Mit. All bills due the City, , . . ... ...
M. m.l . ii i ii . 5 Stock inspector, aad his abi h y
eat Market will be collected ' J
by Kickard A Blair, and who, to ttend to the arduous duties
will pay all bills against the; of the oftlce. Mr. Hinton at-
late firm of Kickard & C'arlile. tends strictly to business, is al-
L.J. Kn kakii. ways on hand and the county
It. M. Caklils:. i court made no mistake when
Dated, Ontario, Ore., July t, I they appointed him slink iu-
PJOD. ispector of Malheur couuly.
1 it ti ft l!l 1 ai I
Bell System Soon to Be a Thing of
the Past
A meeting, wh'ch wns largely
nttended, was held at the Ontn-
lio Commercial Club room Mon-
day evening to further discuss
the advisability of installing an
independent telephone system
in Ontario. C. E. Kenyon pre-
Assistant Manager Wicder of
the Independent Telephone Co.
addressed the meeting and stated
that if an exchange was inau
gurated, Ontario would be con
nected with 700 exchanges in
Idaho free of (barge.
Messrs. Oregg and Payne, the
c mmittee appointed recently to
cunvasn Ontario in the interest directors, including the presi
of the new enterprise, reported dent and vice president Harry
that 20(M) Bad been subscribed B. Orauel, H. C. Whitworth, K.
for stock and signatures for 1 II j A. Fraser, Frank Rader. (Miff
phones obtained. The Ontario I Buyer, C. J. Sinsel.
Important Regulations
The new blanks provided by
the general land ottice for the
making of proof on homesteads,
which went into effect July 1st,
says the Harney County News,
show that the claimant and wit
nesses must possess a more in
timate knowledge of the laud
and improvements thun has
heretofore been demanded. All
witnesses will be required to
describe each legal subdivision
of the laud, its character, the
amount and nature of improve
ments thereon. It will thus be
necessary for the witnesses to
examine the premises carefully
before going to the laud oltice
to testify and note the facts re
lative to each lOacro tract of
the description. Persons who
wish to make proof will save
themselves trouble and expense
by having themselves and their
witnesses properly prepared in
......... I
OoUCilman Allen aEUchsjrlk0PP0rt1 1,v l""everance, has
Sometime ago the Harness A:
Saddlery Record, the only trade
journal of the west, published at
San Francisco, offered a cash
prize of fi0 for the best article
on the subject: "Why the
Farmers or Your Customers
I'refcr Locally Made Harness to
Factory Made." The offer was
open to all liiiinecs dealers in
California, Oregon, Washington,
Idaho and Montana. F. W.
Allen, oar popular harness,
muker won the prize and is now
f0 richer.
Teachers Selected
The following teachers hae
been engaged for the next b i in
of school l.y the Ontaiio school
Principal, Prof. F. B. Couklin.
high school assistants, Jesse
B;atley of Coi vallis, and Miss
Sheldon; eighth grade, Mi-
Mctiivern; seventh, Miss Riddle;
sixth, MlSS Mlelielson fifth,
Miss Piatt; fourth, Miss Holliday ,
third, Mrs. Payne; second, Mrs
Tonniugson; first, Miss Coulee.
Competent Official.
All of the cattlemen who
made heavy shinmeiits from
in Ontario.
I Independent Telephone Co. has
been capitalized at 110,000, and
the balance of $8000 is as-
Articles of incorporation have
been filed with the secretary of
state, under the laws of the state
I of Oregon, and when the neces-
nary papers arrive work will at
'once be commenced on the sys-
tern and pushed to an early
MMie following temporary "Hi
rers were elected: President, A.
W. Trow; vice president, Dr. J.
Priming; secretary, J. W. Thomp
son; treasurer, C K. Kenyon;
Sen n-Annual Meeting.
The semi-annual meeting of
the First National Bank of On-
tario was held the hrst of the
week. The business of this
strong institution was thor
oughly gone over and found to
ho in excellent condition and
highly pleasing to the directors,
who expressed themselves as
: beinir satisfied with the verv
line showing mirde in the last
statement of tho bank, which
proves to them the confidence
the public has in this bank.
The surplus of the hank was
increased $ I. ",()()(), muking the
capital and surplus fli.'.OOO.
With age the bank hss not
only gained in experience, hut
also strength ami stability, and
is better prcpansl than ever to
take care of any business in
trusted. On I n on. I lines, yd
strictly in keeping with sound
and conservative banking prin-
I 1 . A .. ..
eiples, ami strenuous purpose
earned for the rirst Nationa
the title of "The Bank 'Flint
Does Thing. "
Trip of Inspection
Walter (iiillilh, who has '
charge of the Malheur govern-
incut project, and C. 11. Paul,,
iroveruineut engineer, huve re
turned Iron Ml inspection trip,
looking up reseivoir sites on the
Malhcui nvei and Bully creek
Mr. (iritlith is (ontideut of the
caily approval of this project
by the government.
Advertised Letters
Postmaster Sproul has the
following unclaimed letters at
his office
M. M. Addiugtou, Louis
Fi.-her, (ico. U. Clover,
Will I
. . , , . , I.
Holscalm, t . L. Liiithecuut,
.. . ..,. i. .... I
I liarley 1 ecK, w uiitun iiuuci,
II L. Rose, Henry Stubcn, Mis.
L. G. Berry, Mies Druna Dol
sou, Mrs. I. ula llielmes, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Kcarn, Mrs. Ida
Vaughn, Miss B. Williams.
Who Had the Calves P
We note in the Cairo items in
the Optimist that Mr. Conkiin
has twin calves. The Argus is
not 'ti.'ormed who had the calves,
Prof. Couklin or bis brother
Km but we think the latter
uad the calves just after his in
terview on high line in the
Nyssu Sun. A man is liable to
have any old thing just after
the high liner, yet his contract
Farmers Will Gather in
Ontario, Wednesday
July 21
Mayor l'ogue, Mrs. ('. C.
Dodge and Mrs. I.. Adam have
been appointed I committee on
program for the Farmers' in
stitute to be held in Ontario on
July 21. This will be an inter
esting meeting and a large at
tendance is expected from the
Hon .limn- Wltbftasaaa, diiaatof of
the Esperiiin"'i Station m the Corval
lis Aurlfilltui.,, olleire. who will.n. ik
ill the topic of .iiithI AKru'iilliif.
different rural sections of the
county. Matters of interest
will bedis, ued relating to the
best methods of farming and
fruit culture, and prominent
speakers will address the eon
Music by the Band.
Opening aildiess, Mayor l'ogue
Horticulture, Prof C. I. Levis.
Vocal solo, Mrs. McCullnch.
Dairying, A. W. Trow.
Recitation, Allen Cortright
leni Agriculture, Dr. Ja-.
Selection by the Band.
Piano solo, Kd L. King.
1 1 dust rial Kdiu alum, Dr. Kerr,
president of the Oregon Agri
cultural College.
Prof. K. B. Coukln, will pre
side al the sessions of the insti
tute. Cheerful Givers
Speaking of what a news
papei does for eiuiiinunity, the
late l'. S. Senator D.u If, of Illi
nois, made an adiliess in which
he said: "Kadi ear eveiv local
paper gives Mom ..hi to I(K)(l
i fl MlWI the l-eiielit of
Hie community in which it is
l.ieatcd. No i lliei agenes i an
or will do this. The editor in
proportion to bil mean- does
more for his town than any
other until, ami with all bil fair
ness, man with man. he might
to be supported, not becauM
you like him. or aduiiie h:
writing; hut MCAUN a local pa
per is the best advci list-ir i a
cu:n in unit eati mnko.
M'oday loeal papcis are doing
woi k for loll pa) than anv men
on e.ii ill. Pat roil Im our hied
l'Bl"'ri ""l !1!" " ciiarny, nut as
.... i .. . ... i ........
1 allinger 's ileoiaioii mill he in
our favor. the uvorillui nt
will build the Malheur In igrt. mi
Project Have palicn e
Notice lor I'ulilli ul ton
1 1. i..i i ii.--i.i of il.. Interior
h l.airl illioe at Burns, Ormfon.
July S, ISOU.
Nolle IS llt-rel) .ma ihat i il. I
Cooltrr, of V'oisjIliU- Oagoa. who on
Jans Is. Ibol niil Ii- in.niBanl entry
No -JUS, Serial No oi;.., fui l.t '.
w'juw'4 Sw-tioii IS, T IliK.K In I.,
sua m'lin'e Mtotiou i, tovvintliii ii.
noiitli, rsnxe 47 eiMt. W ll.iin. in- Ms
ruliawi hits filed noliee of iu entlon to
i.aakn Five Veur Hfoof, to e
titlilinli elaiiii to the html Imiv de
aajribed, bsfors 11 W Malliey. ivionty
nh-rk of Malheur ooiiutv l his oltioe
'l- iifv'-n on the IHth Uy ol n
ii st. I SOS.
I'lmmmit nuiiif n tut wilm .
Edwtird I. Hannah Samuel Hill.
I'larm.-e T llarker, 1 rank II Craw
all of M"'int. irt-..ii
wn Fa an . Itexlxter
tpHaaaaaaaaHl SPf 1
I afS J aL. al
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy Co. for all kinds
jof drugs.
Born In Ontario, July II, to
the wife of W. S. Shernuin. a
For Sale .V horse power gaso
line engine: MM. IaakIm ,,t
Argus oHire.
MMiere is wed. ling listed on
the boards. Can you guess"'
1 ou will be surprised when it
I A Cortright and wife de
parted for the coast Monday
after a delightlul visit with Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Cortright.
F. K. Kramer of Norfolk,
Neb , has accepted a position at
ll... ntSaa l I f. . ...
... x ,, lunu i.u ki-i. ami iiis
family will soon arrive in Onta
rio to reside.
Dr. I' will leave for
Seattle tomorrow to see the fair.
nning will acconinanv
the dootOff to take care of him
alien hi is alien. ling baseball
The Fleclric Maze is crowded
Tory night for three perform
iinccs. Williams .V Boyer know
how to please, and this (Friday)
evening pictures of the lug fire
at Nainpa will be shown on the
Congressman Fllis has in
dorsed two applications to cs
tablish national banks in Mal
heur county, one at Biogan,
willi a capital of .".O.OUO, and an
other at Westfall, with a capital
of 16.000.
Probably no city in Oregon!
has greater possibilities to offer
the eastern ho seeker than
Ontario. Willi admirable al
mate and fertile soil Ontario a
lords an opening for any ma
hoi. in use head or hands.
The latest railroad report in
the air is to the effect that the
Minidoka .V Southwestern rail
road is to I. mid from Buhl, Ida ,
to NyMO, Ore, or near that
town. In all probability the
woik will com in i- in the
sweet b and kt .
W nig ('hong, our "wa-lue
inan" will soon lease for the
Flowery Kingdom o -. his
family. Wing (old us he had
not seen his wife for "Jo yeais,
and has a boy 7 wars uud a
girl I I years of age. It will
surely be a joyous reunion.
One of our subscribers ias
asked us for four lines of puehs
on Mogan's bulldog. Listen: Magaa has a bathtug,
A imrp I Inn mil in. I nl,
Has i"i a tail a reri -to.. i tail.
ASM lie aim- il Inlmul
The above i- very bad poetry,
but we always aim to pMOM OUI
U F Blair hits pun base. I
in- no. i. -i oi i. .i liiekam in
the City Meat Maiket and will
conduct the same ih the Inline.
Mr. Blair has had many year
expel i nee in this line oi busi
ness, and rispeetl'iilly soln il
the patronage ol the publn.
W. F Pope has LOOU appointed
supciinlciiilcut u the llntailo
Kiall hateheiy by the UrCgOII
Fish Commission, and at pro
till MM 0 large force ol men at
work making the nciesnary ie
pans at the plant for the l'.Ml'.l,
season. 'I he lacks will bol
placed in till channel as lOOfl
as Snake river recedes.
The Congregational Sunday (
School held its annual picnic at
Arcadia grove on Wednesday,
and all the children had a good
lime. (i. W. 'Jhomas wonhlu'l,
have changed positions with
President Taft when he drove
down Main street with a luy-1
rack loaded to the guaids with
beautiful little tots that untold
million- couldn't buy.
Former Price,
1 1 :.
I mi
. 1.21
-t W
I nil
I lo N
i i'., Ii-
I Bats
I (Ml
Geo. Candland.
LBADUKl mti (ai.iHi-
Ontario. ( Iregon
. . L. Helfrich.
Shoe Repairing.
Shop In F. W
Allen's liar-
Boo ur linn lino of IJM'KS
lust in mill Milium .it very
Moderate Prices.
The rOTJ latest in Hal Pins
and new UotlgUI in Jowtll I .
A coiiiphtc line of Strings,
Sheet Mu-ieand lnli uiiiciils.
Guaranteed Watch
Harry B. Grauel
The .lew. It v and Musical IIOOM
ol Oniai in, Oregon.
mi mam Interest, und
ma Ui into mien o
illt'K I It' 1100 s70 an- III ! to
K,Vu v"" Jl iitH
-I' 'cL
A M l '
Letir'intj heMiipiiwiists
Ol the County.
Drug Co.
mnihimi KXH'IUIoxs
ua (),,. si,i t Liu.
,lllK ,,. ,1(ktl, ,. wav via
p,)lta.,d F..,uent .lales lor
othcriouUs. Se, Oregon Mu-.t
.,ne agents lor luitlui details,
... .
The Ar-Mi-
will dll i on nil
'aboiit it.