The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 09, 1909, Image 1

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(Ihttari vm4
For the Malheur Project.
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County.
M'.MI'.Ki: ::
I Don't Forget That We Do j if i g
all kinds of Printing at I IfJJv
I the Argus Office.
Patronize Tour Home er- ;
chants Ontario Goods lor
Ontario and the People of I
Malheur County. I
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy Co. for all kinds
of drugs.
H. 0. Whitwortli and wife
visited Boise during Uii week.
O. W. Long and family have
left for Seattle to attend the ex
position. For Hale fi-horso power gaso
line engine; $200. Inquire at
Argus olllee.
F. II. Mull and wife departed
yesterday to take in the sights
at the exposition.
Attorney A. N. Soliss returned
the llret of the week from n legal
visit to Momitainhome.
When you want to enjoy a
pleasant hour or so, drop around
to the I'astime billiard hall und
carom the ivories.
J. A. Reed and wife left Tucs-
day for Heattle to visit the fuir
Johnny will devote most of his
time vis. ting the I'ay Ktrcak.
Dr. H. Leicer, who has been
visiting in Outurio the pusi
month, left for Vancouver,
Wash., on Tuesday to practict
his profession. The younc
gentleman made many friend
lure, who will wish success at
his new home.
Chelsey Boyor has purchased
the Krank Brown interest in thi
Electric Maze, and the llrm will
now he known as Williams &
Hoyer. This popular litlla tl e
ater is pleasing lurgt- oudiei ces
nightly, and securing the list
Alms to be obtained.
Ala meeting of the Onta-io
F.ucoro band Tuesday evening
the following ollicers were
elcted for the cn-uing teim
resident, H. O, Dranu; vloe
president, Harry Brown; secre
Ury-treasurer, Dr J. K. Sharp;
manuger, Harry B. Orauul.
(). E. Blair the first of the
week bought of Morg. Curlile his
interest in the City Mat
Market. The new tirm wi'.l
be km wn as Rickaid A Blair
a id will huve on hand at all
times the very best of meat of
all kinds, Thone orders given
immediate ulteiitiou.
Mrs. A. , Holiss has left for
i Port'und to spend the heated
term and visit friends. A- N.
will follow later, and take Mis.
Holiss and his million-dollar
kid to the beach. If a bathing
suit large enough to fit the
senior Soliss cannot be found,
he will ue a tig leaf.
The telephone line from
Drewsey to Harney City has
been completed, and the com
pany expects to finish the line
to Ontario this year. This line
)as been badly needed for eoiie
time, as the uue trum Canyon
City to Burns give poor service.
There a private line to Prine
ville. With a lius to Ontario
all the towns iu Harney county
will have communication with
the outside world.
"Dad," said the couutry youth
who hail just graduated from
r!le ftgricuHura! PflHege, " rlve
lung cherished a desire to go ou
the stage aud have at last de.
cided, with your permission
to " "My boy," interrupted the
old man, "all the world's a stage.
You hitch the mules to the big
red plow aud trausfer the out
fit to the ten acre lot behind the
barn, where you can enact the
stur role iu the beautiful drama,
entitled, 'Down ou the Farm.' "
T a.
Government Facts
Oregon stands today
ns a
bright sample, ami advance
agent, for our American institu
tions. Our public land has lxen
sold and the money accredited
to the much-needed irrigation
of our arid lands. We expect
something for this loyalty and
tinnneial support to the great
combine of human intelligence
we Iiml as the United Stales of
America. We expect protection
from insiduous organization of
capital to our detriment, who
without adequate examination,
which so large an enterprise
certainly demands, seek to inter
fere with the earnest desire of
the people who have existed
some way ou this dry land fully
expecting that the government
would sometime use the money
that this and othor public lands
of Oregon have paid into the
l'. S. treasury, and which has
been set aside for the purpose of
reclaiming lands that would
otherwise be worthless.
The land of this country, and
the contingent water should !
united in the holy bonds of mat
rimony, suitable congenial bride
and bridegroom. Our relation
to these highly conpelent parties
demand that. We want to at
tend the wedding feast, and arc
willing to pay admission fee
luflicient to reimburse for all
the cost, but we do not want
any obsequious doorkeeper to
inlerforein our family affairs.
Uncle Ham is the head of our
family, and he has much to do,
and if some few things are not
lone brown it is not because of
partiality. We are his blood
relatives and as such we make
all due allowance for the over
time he puts in for our bent-lit
There are many things to con
sider, and the most important
is, the water will run to the sea
unless we use it.
The paHt exploits of the Uni
ted Stales ioniums our fuith
ihut the nation can do things
bl tier than some other agency
interested only in piling up
weallh to satisfy personal wealth
The nation has been successful
in all military enterprises. The
' ' mil .. -o..
.1 in i 'i w.-i iiiim, inii i. nr ait. ii
Ww York, was an international
need supplied by minimal pus),.
The Panama canal, uniting two
gfOOl oceans, is under govern
ment management, as are ulso
the wealhor bureau, the depart-
in-lit of agriuuiture with its
many experimental stations; the
civil service examination ena
bles the authorities to select
the very best to be hud for gov.
eminent employ. Examples are
too numerous to doubt the
ability of the government to do
things better than anybody else.
With the opportunities af
forded und long enjoyed by the
American republic, we, as citi
zens, can do no otherwise than
have abiding faith that our gov
ernment has the ability aud Will
do right, aud build the Malheur
Irrigation project.
J. 8. Mil i ims
Don't Kick.
Don't kick because you have
to button your wife's waist. Bc
glad your wife has a waist, and
doubly glad you have a wife to
button a waist for. Some men's
wives' waists have no buttons
on to button. Koine men's
wives wlio have no waists with
buttons on to button don't care
a continental whether they are
buttoned or not. Uoiue men
don't have uuy wives with waists
with bullous on lo button any
more than a rabbit. Aud then
there are meu who would much
rather buttou the buttons on a
buttouless waist of some other
man's but what's the use? You
may have been thero.
I desire to thank the manv
ft ii-uds for their kindness dur.
iug the sickness aud at the
funeral of my beloved father
and mother, aud the same will
always be cherished in my
memory. Ksvkvi E Adams.
Any physician that knows the
Wilson-Duffy Drug Co., will not
hesitate to trust his pattern's
medicine to us for preparation
Local News.
Man is made of dust.
settles. Be a man.
Attorney Solips was in Boise
Thursday on legal business.
1, D. Billingsley and wife
have returned from the Seattle
Ike Blayney and wife of Barren
Valley visited iu Ontario during
the week.
R. D. Oreer was a business
visitor to the Owyhee during
the week.
Lost A bunch of keys. Re
turn to argils office and receive
J. C. Blood was over from
Boise on Wednesday on a busi
ness visit.
Hoy Davis, court steno
grapher of the ninth judicial
li-t net, is in the city.
John Wood left for Riverside
lust week to look after his busi
ness interests there.
Ham V. Smith, u prosperous
farmer of near Vale, was in thi
nly the first of the week.
Thoroughbred white I'ekin
ducks to trade for young chick
ens. Impure at Argus oflice.
Mrs. II. W. Clement has re
turned home from Boise, where
he visited friends during the
When your watch needs re
pairing you know where to lake
it. To Harry B. Cruticl, of
Frank Smith Kiblcr, formerly
of Ontario, but now of Nainpa.
lost his stock of goods in the big
lire at the Junction City last
Sheriff Roht. odell of Mai
heur County,! Iregon, wu in Sil
ver lust Saturday and Soudtiv,
ou business connected with the
sheriffs ollice.
I '..I I' ll.if..,- ,, 1 .. ti I ..I
w ""I "-.v
the Idaho-Oregon Development
league, was iu the city Saturday,
enroute to Burns to preside over
u i. it cling of t organisation.
County Judge Richardson,
with u big b'.uich of firecrackers
und u Cuinese punk iu his Inn d i
was seen ut the depot ou Mon
day on bis way to Payette lo ex
plode his little bombs.
J.E I.uwiencc camedown from
Vale ou Sunday, the tirst time
n many moons, Jim in luok
Ing u whole lot better since he
ijuil politics, but you don't
know what will happen next
Married In Ontario, July tl,
liOi, Erne.t E. Adams, to Mivs
Alice Wiuui Both the bride
ami groom are well known in
this vicinity, and all join in ex
tending congratulations to the
happy couple.
Fred J. r.ilm.-i , the Jordan
Valley banker, was in the citv
yesterday. Ered was here to
take home bis Buick auto, which
jie recently ordered. The rici
can ride in chaises and the poor
cau walk he jasus,
Burbridge A Doolittle this
week sold to H. II. Hart of Jor
dan Valley, 10 acres of the lit 1
diug tract. Mr. Hart looked over
Caldwell and other towns and
decided to locate here. He will
build a home on the property
this fall. We are all glad to
welcome Dick to Outurio.
Croy A DeBas of the Pastime
billiard and pool rooms, one of
the fiuest in the northwest, in- ..Aft., rwuimnuno Tl...
also carries cigars, tobacco, fine!
confectionerv elc, The fruit
and confectionery store is separ-
ate from the billiard room, and I
the ladies of Ontario are es-
pecially invited to make t,ieir
purchases at the Putiiitc, just
south of Boyer Br is A Ca.
V tV 1"MI tiui wuwbv. SVlia
Those Electric Fans.
The electric fans purchased
from the Inler-Stnte Light iv
Water Co., are useless on the
circuit of the Idaho. Oregon
Light Power Co. Upon re
quest of Argus subscribers the
editor took the ense up with
General Manager Murkhus, ns
to what arrangements the com
pany intended to take in thr
matter and received the follow
nig reply:
Boise, Ida., July 8, 1909.
Wm. l'lughoff Dear Sir: In
answer lo your favor of a recent
late I will state that Mr. Rock
well was here recently and I
took the matter of funs up with
him und arranged what we
think would be a very fair ex
change basis I uihli i land that
the majority of these fans were
very much second when sold in
the tirst placo If you will see
Mr. Rockwell I bolievc you will
agree that we propose to be fair
in the matter. Vtry truly,
O. 0. V. SIahkiiih,
(lenerul Manager.
Another Pioneer Gone.
Mrs. I. H. Adam died at her
home near Vale lust Friday
und was buried in the On.
turio cemetery beside her hus
bund on Sunday.
Deceased wus a pioneer of
Malheur county and was highly
estoemed by a large circle of
Her illness wus of long dura
tion, und the death of her hus
band recently wus a great shock
to her, and in her feeble slute
hurried her passing to the other
shore. May she rest in peace.
Try This
An eastern exchange say
U.-. . .. ....- :....!. i.i- :... i, muni. mi ii noii' llllo ,,, unlrU) ,,, ,. tlU HllllleS.
the heart of a fruit tree or any .... , , . ,. .
., , . . . J
other kind of a tree that is in- , .. J
, . hist evening given by the Onta-
le- ted With insects lllld till the ?. i i ,
,.,,,,, , , . no Encore Band and Ladies
hole full of drv sulphur ami,.. . . ..
, i i i ' i. I Orchestra wus an enjoyable
i. mi, ii., in. i I...I.. it ... i , .i.-..
""h 'U' ui il-'l . v will i it i e
the blight, make the tree strong
II I. ft ft f .
ali'l in alli ami III no WIIV III
jure it." This is it valuable
boon to fruit growers, as the
sulphur goes through all parts
of the tree, being tibsoi bed from
the heart and inakcj a good
healthy color.
"" I
New Irrigation Project
(icorge S Parks of Jordan
i- n . ,i :. . i ...
auey was i me cnv vesiciuilY. i
' , .
lie is awaiing the cngiiiecik'
estimates un the probable ex
piiuic of constructing a dam
Ull.l ditches for the Jordan
Vullev initiation project. The
surveys have been made and as
soon as the cost can he deter
mined work on the project will etom0UI Blue Bucket mine
be commenced. The project '"l Ht is only a icport.
will cover about 00,000 acres. Manager Bob Rockwell staled
It is believed thut the cost per to the Argus this morning that
inn- will not exceed $10,
The Ontario ba-chall club
wandered over to Puyette lust
Saturday and defeated the in
vincible Paretic nine by u 0OfO
of .1 to 1.
On Monday the tain crossed
bats again, the Idaho boys win
ning by a score of ' to '1. Il
could not have been otherwise,
as the umpire wouldn't let the
the Ontario boys win if thev
could. His liist-buse decisions
were bud, veiy bud,
-e -
I lollllll Ol 1I..U I in I -lll.
The copurtuership heretofore
existing between E. J. ltickanl
and K. M. Carlile bus this tluy
been dissolved by mutual con
bent. All bills due the City
Meat Market will be collected
i . . i u , , i i
V n i, '' " "
.wl W lL WS9
lule " ol ,".4:kr' ( arl,le
nun K ""'
lk , . .k K. .M Iviuiii
Haled, Ontario,, iuly I,
I P" --.
Aud it's goveromeul irrigatiou.
Local News.
Mrs. C. K. Bclding left Sun
day for Seattle to visit the big
Judge Q, L. King left for 8.--utile
last evening.
A better and a bigger Ontario
is close at bund. Get in and
Ontario has reached the pint
ting Of the way. and gone for
ward. Mrs. (!. L. King will leave
Monday tor Nelson, B. ('., to
visit her son Ira.
Mrs. ". E. Williams of Min.
ncupolis, id a guest of her sister,
Mrs. Porter Ot-born.
As a police otlicer Dr. Prin.
zing takes the cake, and "Doc"
Brown u worthy lieutenant.
Mrs. Holland has returned
to Boise after a pleasant visit
with her daughter, Mrs. K. A.
Miss Libbie Warner of Mont
rose, South Dakota, a niece of
A. J. Ouackcnbush, is visiting
in Ontario.
Frank R lOf and wife arrived
home on Sunday from Seattle.
Frank says the fair is all that is
claimed for it.
With hiuiijier bay and grain
crops and fat cattle, Malheur
county people wiM see no end of
prosperity this fall.
Stute Waler Coininissioncj F.
M. Sax ton was in Ontario lode)
on route to Vale on business
connected with his ollice.
SainCrceni is over from Cald
well assisting at the Lorg Cloth
ing Co. Several young ladies
I. . .
Harry Eoouey has left for Jor-
'"" alley to accept a position
'" il '"ichan.lise store at that
l'1'"'''- ,,e Nvi" '"' peetljf
""-sed by the Ontau.. baM-ball
M. W. Wining of Tulsa, Okla ,
has purchased 10 acres of the
WMn ,n,ct, through Bur.
bridge iV DoolittlC lllld Will place
toe same ill unbind. Mr. War.
tng is tut exbeiiemcd nuisery
(htii lev Carter and Wall
'-""" '" "'"'"" Wl Home-
i it. , .
dale on a pleasure trip und lo
lu " liUlt' P''M'l'"K- sUpHi
ha- it llnil Kiev are iu oiiest ot
tin- light company will allow f.'l
on the now worthless electric
funs, Misted by the change of
current, on the purchase of a
a new one. These fans c ist, (lu.
turio people from !' to gift,
and is u khiulo belter than
Silver City Also Sore
The Ontario people are justly
indignant ut the U. M. Bell Tel
i- i .1..: IaI
I jo. tot inline hhiij wtiti an ex-
b u.c iu their thriving city.
The proper thing for the citi.ens
of that place to do would be to
get the imicpeiiilenl people to
establish an ollice in Outturn,
and all cut out the Bell syst. in.
Silver will be compelled lo tin
ibis ere lony. The poor old
Bell company is getting so rich
off the toll that they have been
taking from their patrons that
they think tiny huve a aluohou
the people aud are trying to
mutate Hai i un. ui'. methods,
tut out the phones and show
this great corporation that you
can get ulong without them.
Silver City Nugget.
Celebrated the Fourth
in Grand Style.
The Fourth of July celebra
tion at Brogan, the new town on
Lower Willow Creek, lust Satur
day, was a decided success in
every particular, and gOO people
from the surrounding country
attended the festivities
HOD, W. II. Brooke was otatoi
0( Hie day and gave a splendid
talk, reciting the notable events
ittiding up to the signing of the
Dt i titration oi Independence ami
mportaiii Happening-! iu the
11 did Stales up lo Iht- present
(in e.
The Ontario Encore Band fur
nished music for the occasion.
Thero is surely something do
ing at Brogan, and a large force
of men employed constructing
the huge canal, necessary lat
erals ami beautifying the town
site. In an interview with Mr. Bro
gan ho said :
About III miles of the big
ditch, which will cover 16,000
acres, and will be gfl miles in
length, is completed. Three im
mense reservoirs wili supply
tiic canal with water, one hold
ing 7000 acre feet of water, the
si ml Pi, 7(i feet ami the third
is now being built to bold
47,00(1 feet of water. At present
H!t."i acres of orchard is in culti
vation and the cost of the trees
for this immense tract footed
up iTtOO. Recelttlv M00 acres
were sold mil now- being placed
iu shape for orchard and cereal
put pose
Brick is already on the ground
for ilio construction of a modern
.'lil-roiii hotel, ami a bank will
be oiguiiued with a capital of
150,000, the stock being sub-
scribed by Mr. Brogan, Emm
Cob- and several farmers and
stockmen near lb : .m
I he site sclei ted for the new
, , .
town s tin idea one, pentv of
mI....I.. .ll. I...
hills ol the beaiitilul valle on a
level plain.
Biogitn is ! i-1 1 neil to grow,
ami in it f w sears will be a
town that Malheur county pen.
pic i an point lo w lib in ule.
Married lu W'eiser, A I '..
Johnson of lliibei, I'tah, to!
Miss Prmb nee Strobel of hi.. I
Ox Elat, Uev. B. L MUHgan
in ei i .:.!.. ii
oiiiciaiiiiK. "c in me is wen
known in Malheur counlv , and
her many friends wish her bap
pine-- as she jollllleSH throned,
life with the man of her choice
A notable incident in i oiinec-
lij.i. ..'ill. tl... .....ill iw 111.. I ..I
i i i i i , . i i i .in- ...... i.i ... ,,..
that ev. Mllllgall
officiated at
ihe wedding ff the bl Ule'l
paielits .1(1 mis aj;o.
$3QQ Kuril
Pleas ol guilty Were elilcl id
at Portland in the federal court
by Ed Stuiit'ter and Wm. Man
ner, both 0l l.owry, Idaho, lo a
(barge of luitiiituiiung illegal
tin lo-ures of html. The hu tl
comprises .'i(i,(mo acres in Mai
heur county, Ore , adjoining tin
Idaho- begun line They were
lined 1900 each.
For Sale
(man mi WOU s)
A j0Acre noutu African
Wterau Bounty baud Ceitili
cate. Issued b the heniil tnu lit
of the Jnteiior, (ioM'iiuneiit ot
Canada, Otlitwa, under the 'ol-
uiiteer Bounly Act. lOQK, Hood
, ...... ' . ,.
lor ami acres ol any hoiuuuon
bind open lor entry in Alberts
Saskatchewan or Manitoba. Any
person ocr the ago of 1 year.
inun or woman, can uciitine Ibis
laud with this certilicati; without
further thaige. Eur ilUIOedilU
sale, eUGO.OO. Write or win , L.
E. Telford, IJ Sbutci Strut,
Toronto, Canada.
I will give one fourth
off on all BASK BALL
goods in -tuck.
Geo. Candland.
i. i:ihm;
Onlai i"
inn uuiht
Oil eo
F. L. Helfrich.
Shoe Repairing.
Shop In I Aliens flir.
IICSB Store.
I 1 I 1 I VC fcj
V I V V X Lj
Bee our lint- line .! i '. i( Ks
liisl in and yoing nt very
Moderate Prices.
The very Int. t in II,,! 'uis
ami lo u h, ligUI in .leu i .
. . . , ...
' complete 1 1 i,i o Htm
, .. ' -p'
' """ i"-ilim,U-
GuarunU't'd Watch
Harry B.Grauel
The .1. ui Ii v and Mo-. HoUM
of Ontario I m u,
I- our in. mi intife I. iiml
are ilo not . into uutaiilu
lines. Ill mi n, are abb in
Kivi'yuu ' "!,. suick n!
Ledf'ifuj Presciiplfofrlsts
Of the County
Drug Co.
i l II ii:m ' i ;
via Urej
Daily for tit ki out -. .i ..t
Portia lid. liniiii.i ilttUl foi
o1m . . ..uti -. s, . Oi -l.oit
, , ,
I.lllc UJJI nt- l(. ItllLilil .ilt.ill-.
r. ' i i; -1 n - i -1
v i.i ( 'i egou I
bolt Line.
lo hnci, Omabti Kulisui
To Deuver,
City, Chicugo, St. Louis and
other point.-, Juiu 1,5, II, I '-',
HI and 'Joib. tutt fOI
biter datiS, roll (urlhtl