The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 02, 1909, Image 4

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? E?1
bill i
Remodeling Sale!
This Will be the Most Important Sale
Ever Held in Malheur County.
Every article in the store, BOTH MEN'S and
WOMEN'S WEAR, will be sold regardless
We must make room for the workmen to
commence their tearing out.
Interesting Happenings From
All Parts of the State.
MM Demand Hollar for Wheat.
Pendleton Deciding to uulM an
electric linn from Thorne Hollow
down in i ess the wheat belt of I'nia
tilla county to the Columbia river,
nnd adopting a resolution to liolil
this year's wheat nop for al leant
one dollar per bushel, the County
Farmer'H I'nlon In Id one of Its m-jst
cnthiiaiastlc meeting here Hattllda)
HltiT noon. The proposed will
have Its Colutnblu liver tei initiation
titb-i at Cold Springs or liti.itnia.
makltiK the line fiom no to 40 mllea
In lenmh. and tupping the v i-ry best
portion of tlif wheat belt.
In otint'c'ilon with requiring the
PMPihori ,,r the orgaalaaUog to hold
for MM ilollar, It wan decided that
iirrangciuenta be mado for advanc
ing money to those funnels who
OthMflM would be compelled to aull
at whatever M Ii they could got.
B I Mm Tiugi-!y MyMlllca.
Hood Hiver OfeokWl and bentcn
to death, the I .... I of .Mrs. Kninliti.
Cpato, hoOPPfcl ep.T, waa found Ivlng
Mtl 111'.' 1,1 .1 I.V ll ill) . D..1.I.I....
i '.' .,".'. ,1.19, l
lumber In the llelmunt Ifcttrlct, Sat
in duv evening.
Orarga Kohhlns, IB-ynnr-nld mm
of William Itobbimt, ho wan play
ing cm da In town JniiiKlay after
noon, win captured a I'. inland Sun
da) and charged wt h the minder of
IiIh father' housekeeper Young
lioblilns denied al. knowledge or the
crime He, ho,veei , PPVg tu.
plaiiiiilon of the niiinto r In which
hn rime by 2S0 In canh that waa
found In hla POpkptg after hla ar-reit.
SWiHl laPTIAiYltl?
4 IB ikd t. ISi 01 M x3k
iarLL,l 1 Iff 13
In Ladies' Dresses
Skirts & Waists.
$2.30 and 2M Jumper Dreefcea, at 11.96
6.00 and $6.00 White nreetei, at $8.00
1290 arid S.OO White Linen skirls ftflo
12.00 Oheok Waah BklrU fi.jfl
00 and 13.60 Ltagree Waitta, beautifully trimmed! 8.76
!.io White Japanese siiu Waitta $, M
tin: i
(Mouse Suit
reduoed prlc
' "i:T LINE OF LITTLE HOYS Hnsstir an. I
ItlniiM Waitta ever shown in Ontario. See OW
a aervloeable goode.
: I .11.- Ill Ihe eulivi II
Ii. hi of Oregon l.eii.r t'urrlcra' As
sociation met In pppatOP lu ihla city
..... hi. i. o
Mi. It. .Ill ltnt Wiek Inula M
" . I hH llie .illlilllllt ol .it. hai.l
lui .1 ..Id lii Jji Km. ii county The
iiinoiiui MartfMMi iaie.eea ia4
the, covered lour unbinds
Salem A number of Hie leading
prune men of ibis vb linti met In
I fell illy Kulinduy an. I iiiuanlid in.
Ili.l. p.'lldelil pi.ul About .',0011.0110
I'OllllllS, Or L'O per C.lll Of llie Sill III
imp, ., reprih.ui.d. A ..iiiioiiii.e
Ol Ihlee tt.i.i ..ppolnled to III. II I.e.
thla )riirn erop.
Hoi lit i i . a t prepl.iatlolia have
been in. nle lur llie OftgOl Idaho He
l.. OHiii t'.iiiLi.s, uhtib convene.
In thin town on July I and I', to be
"I'll .Hid li.llowed b II
B4 -el In .ill. oi of the KoiirlU ol
in ThmnuH HavliUon, J,-, a
t Id in ol SI., i i ...., , ui . I.aa of
I d I., llie i lt 0 Halelli lo .1 1 I.
plirpOMM an liide.inlte leas, wlllnut
rharga faun of M km ui iho
l inithein liiniis ol the illy
i:. imrc Tkrouch iBfurmatloa
fin in-bed v.iluiii.n ily bi a pn ..n.i
' d ll. .111 i,. , . .itix v I. ill. Sli. i lit
)' hi. ii Ii on. i a part ol lh ( loo
woi Hi of loot Molt u f colli l.fiil
1... h I MOM at II. il. . l.n.t M.n
BtllOM Aii-uimeiut ii U ui' ciim
.ileiid lor thu three day' cel?bi-
tloi. w. HI. h Kin-, in. will hold, lieuln
lilug July 3 a id ending un July 5.
1 be i nil lea are i i.inpleled for the
MM that ui. in .. plai at the
new fulrgroiiu I on Sutunlax. July 3.
ui i '.i ui lien, i ,i t'raw
f..ii1 bna un. I. n. I an ..pliilnn i.. I be
cffi . I thai 7.' ii da) uppiopi laled
t tin. tei nib of Chapter It, lim of
Ittti he uaed for the i.peiallnii and
nit I ii t . nun. . ... tut, tHitlrc pie
l.illw.n I. in. ' -
I'orvallla John Hay, of Hillsdale,
Or. inelilli inade llie Agl l.'illl III .1 1
t'idlei;.' Ill.i.iiv .1 laloalde ltt of
ati.ial p.iiiiplil. I- on llie gflrflffj of
t i.i vullla and the Hiiriooudllm i.m.ii
tr . ulao II liillllllea of "llie l.lllll
".ii vullla Wink on Ihe 11. pal
lOJjg annul v will be ilium. m e.l dur
the tirat of .lull unit will l.e
pletid In Nme, I II will I..- "I. I"" '" ""
.'1111.-11 n.i. .1 ,11 a coat of .;"..0imi
C.ipi.uii M. Alexauili r will have ppf
POM) siij.i i v lalou of the work dor
till' the ellllllller, U he la Veil,;.
ly f OQPllMo (Of the pn h. ill plan
I'm 1 land Willi inoie than luoo
delegates 1 .prehjii lag OtrOTJ HIP
111. Illl .1 the I.IMHI and Inxon line,
Ihe Noilheiu llaptlnl I'uiiv i-iit lull la
In hi in, 1 lu tliia cilv Nil, 1 in ibe
hlatorv of any previous religious
1 'invention ha here been aoch an
all, 'ml. in. e for no opening IOMIM
Da lew TbOTP Pill anon be IsMied
from the blale printing ,,t , , ,, puu-
. pbl, 1 i ..iitalnli t, tie pantfl Ii b alld
r.iiue iaw pa rod I ied b lha aaen
1. iiv ,d ttpto'l ufippi and auoih 'r
p..inpli!el aOBlultllap lh" livi-. 1. 'at
lug 1.1 .- aim, hi al Uthi ll
IMi pa riiinplkd In S at !'i ll War-
Dollar a Pound
for Bull Beef Is Ottered
Ami do taker. Tln ptioe la offered for any old
bull, fal or lean, that ran lnvak througll an Ann'ii
eau Kenoe properly eouatruoted. we don't need
tlir In ll-. Imt will take them at the above prioe aud
under the ooudltlona named, We have i bin ttook
of American Kenoe. hunt make u mitttke and
lake tin' kiml thai "luuks jiut likt- il," Imt Imv Ihe
(Mil Reliable lUill Strong and Hog Tight Amerieau
I 1 -ni't'. ! are tola tgentl in Ontario.
Malheur Mercantile Co.
din Mi'Alllater The premliuu Data
ot ai'V.ial of the ills nb 1 llgt leultui a
PPtpUoi will pop i,e reudy for dl i-
Nil, .III. .11
1 trip 'Ihla hna been one .,f Hi
i,0lele.l tahlP aeiiaoua lit the mouth
of the I'ollllllbl I llvei 1,1,, .All In
maliv Venra, end tluia fur IhPfP
liiiv. I..., 1 no I. it- 1 un. Ilul the sen-
hull .Hi l lu ,l,il, l. Ill Ul'llfe Up
pt.lii well Willi that ol List
I 'Ihe glllueiieis hn,' done fairly
Well, I. lit the liapp.-ia and aOtPPtf
have Hot ,i,uv well line t.u, be
of ih- bull water cuiulng
I llllll II hire ill!
Maishll, Id l. oibeo of Ihe I'ooa
It. 1. H 111111 r Mens 1 ', .01111,1 . Ill Club,
1. ..iiili in 1 iiited, will BOOP) Ihe
r 11 ijr, oi . ,11 .n.i id. tin 1 r.iii-
nad .-, Ii, me llieie la now 11 aur-
lield h.'cklng a
Hiiiiul.l. 1 ,d.- 1, 1 Id. sel, in k 'lha
Hew club bis app. , lined a couiuilt
lOa 0 l.ll Illiillel to put a nil olid
11. vv ut vvui'. and lima hasten the
I.akvvlew lake ('uunlv's new
,', ,.11 III. .Us.- Is Ihe tile si building In
l.uke coin I) and .m ol the beat
bulldliigi In the ala ,- of OfOgOP Tfcp 1
tlin liln.- i.,ii, pa .,1 liuvi being
1:11,11 to ihe mi ucttii , Ill llie way of '
I'oiiipl, J in; the Inside work In aunie
of the ,.i.i rounis and liihialllug
f 11 11I1111 , Hi the 1 lil id M,,n, I. iy In
O liber lleM. W lien ihe lull lei HI ol
f tl villi ,1111.1 10111 'lies, the liiiildil'.g
wiii iii , un ii. i.'.i throughout
11 ..I C. urn. 1 .-ii .ing Siiiida). an
it nil- ,iies pari (all) reulavetl lha
1 lai, line 1h.11 hPa h'theilu ,01111..'
e.l II. n.i vvnli BhPPlhO and the l'u
iiiiuiii.i so in in 'i n rallropa. Tho new
hellUe Is being lllslalll'll b.V J. II . ,,l II. lid, proprietor of the
old Mage line, and will constat of
pUlOUlubtle 1 uiniiiiinii itlon With Ma
,li, 1 llie reiiiiili.lug 4U mllea to
ahanlku being mad,' by four horae
atugvs In I till e 1, ' a.
Oregon lny at A.-V.-P. Fair.
I'm 1 land- Kl naive prcpuratlona
are under way for making Oregon
day on Krldny. Ipfjl !. una of the
aula dnyi- at ihe , xpoaltlon. The
lb aver PfPtP I to be mnde predomi
nant mi that oiaaloa. The duy will
be coinllli moral, d tlj narOltPi com
iiieurlng it ,,,.,, K In the natural
amphitheater In the northeaat MP
tlotia of the groiinda Here will be
b .ml Ihe I'oril.ihd Choral Sm lei)
of III volcea, mid, 1 the dlieiilon of
PtOf V. II. liui, r In thu after
noon jl reception will be held lu the
On-iSi.n building, i,,ll,,wed by a lawn
lei'. In the evening a promenade
concert, with novel mitalcal foafuraa
by (he Hawiillan Hand will be given
al Ihe Waahlngion atate bolldliig,
lual acroaa Ihe circle from Ongon
lUrihoiiii CnlU for i..i.
I'l.iilan.l ll.11 1 un. 111 In vile bid
fur oiihti in linn of r.! ii mllea of
ihe oi.'Kun Bt ' 1 11 rallniid, pro
le, ted f lino KPtrOO to Klamath
Call", a dlhlaiice ,,f l!is 1. i,,n ..... Of
ihe ili.isluna to he 1 uiiai 1 iiri.'.l , will be built N0111I1. a .tei I,
f 1 ..111 Nan. in. bids fur willed Hi'iat
be s,il, mill,-,! by Jnlv 111. Thi n
malnliiR .'.', If mllea will be built
f Klamath Kit II In a Horthwct-
erl) dire, iluil. and blda for thla llll
piuv.iiieni miiht l,e tiled l,i June ilo
ll Is e.l I III 11 led rulistl 111 Hull
"in k lui which blda have been
asked will eoHi approximately i,-,100,
Colored and White Biaet, infants to I yean lil Special Prices
!l.l Wash Coat Suit, color white, tan ami blue, lit 3.66
1.60 ( 'liainlirav blue and tan trettetf0tO I I, only 1.00
Children's Head Wear.
Ihj: roduetloni in tliis department, all of the lateet etylet
and parentt should tee theae goodi before purchaaing elaewhere.
It leitr-. tc Trade With
Rader Bros. & Lampkin.
Ontario, Oregon
ft- ;..
miioiit .vkws oti:h.
Many In. linns .. ( oiiv . rted.
I'eiiilleiuii I lint 1 1 1 lu Iii, liana re
lornlin: rnuu the Wunn Sprlnga Hi
ii ill, ill I, ilng reporla of the moat
aucceaafnl 1, vlvul meeting ever held
on thai 1 . s.i vailoii It waa a camp
on. ting anil nearly tt pprPOPI PP
iipl.-d the circle of It-piiea uboul the
plain of 1 ling. All the principal
1 caei vuiloiih lu Oregon, Idaho and
Washington were represented
Th 1 1 iv -. Inht ad. Hi inns were made
1.1 ibe 1 h 11 1 1-Ii ami u tempei am , ..
.'lei 1 waa formed with 11 member
ship ol s aa a result of the meeting.
Hoys Ho Not N'ceil I.i, eiisc.
Salem foniily Clerk Allen baa
retell,', I a letter liolil Stale (iailie
S ,11 di 11 sl. lellsull. uf I'm est liruve.
Ill llie elT,' I that all deputies hud
been untitled not to rcinii.. woniei,
and under 1 ' vea.a to take out
Belling lb uiiaea. 'llie warden any
llie law p'alnly Inteniled to exempt
ihe women ami children, aud he l.e
llevea ll 110 more than Justice to the
stale and those ill I eel 1 1 coucei n.'d
to abide b) ihe law's intention
Washington Olllila) loipeni'lltd,
I'm 1 l.ind l uuiitilmoua vote ,iud
wlihoui luiiiiueut or debate, the low
er house if the Waahliigtoii leglala
uiie, in special POPtOP, adopted a
1 en, III! Inn iinpeiicllllig J. II Sibive
ly, atute liiauiuiue eoiiniiihhl.iiier,
and ituthoi led the appolntuieut of a
coiiinilltee of seven iiiuinlniia to
formulate ihe chai gea.
I.'i.iil llie
hi'U I
Argun aud i tl
s.anli Hhlp for Opium.
Aatorla In .1, KI11 lun 10 being
lined $..11110 by Collector Mil". regur
for failure to bring a conaular bill of
liealih. (lie Urltlbh ateauier Uesala
Hollar, which arrived laal week from
Mexico, was glveu a rigid aaarck for
The Year 1909 Will Show Won.
derful Development for Ontario.
Watch Ontario Grow.
mk letttettteeetttttteta
I : -i . . - -sM ......
QOI II. ii, Of Uaahlllglon, has h
aiied ii pun liimuilou declaring July
a holiday.
The tei rllorlal tiu.ird of linmlgia
lion baa dei Idnl to bring buck to
Hon., I p :'() Sp.nil.irila and I'urtii
Kleins strand cit and deatltule lu Han
I'lUllclio. at llie I. iMiest of the de-
iurtiiieiit o( commerce and labor al
klagtoa, D 0
'Ihe tumoua Huulah ai'ulplor, Hue
aelcua, baa ibai Huulah
Aliieiliana preaent un Immenae
alatue of Collllnbu.i lo the Am. in i.i
govel nuielil.
I'm ihe Him time in ihla history
of Ashland, Ky , I , old home of
lleurv flay wm pr a duy luiiu'l
latO a in us.-ui.i iiu.l vlalioia lo th
in ml. rpil were charge I llllll
lo croas lha Urn 'shi.ld.i ot llie pOOl
Ihe in. ,ii rpjpoi waa used lo build
a ct liiiul
K. iilui ine (Meiiiniona Oolllil hoi
oliluiiied a legul separation liom h i
luisliand. Howard liould, third I .. i
in ihe Jay Could. Sh was
giuuied no allowance of ll,ttt a
1 Vl .11'.
The Tarhtph government hua a
cei tain. ,1 thai Hi,' cash gOBO0lf '
A ''il o I llainld. the deposed sultan i.i
TorkPir, Ig the Imperial Hank of Cei
mui V ainouiited to llt.ttt.ttt,
J.uoes M.l'aul, u new Vin k alreel
car pup. la giaduaiiy tarolaa hh
Aluiiii a i, at ago Mi d'aul's hP cui.i
ineined to nun blink, and ll h is
iiillliniled lo do so until How u lb 114
black as I lu ..I.. all over the bodv,
with il.,. cuiepiiou of (h,e right tid
of Ilia lai .
ThP Tllh annlveraary of Hi
uraaching of the gospel sermon by
a I'rotestant lulnlaier Pfpp of the
Itockiea will be celebrated In Van
louiei, Wash , September , The
tlist aeruioii was preui bed on what
now top military reservation.
Hundreds ol persona an (Tel 1 111;
from are allowed 10 wander
ui.resliii '.eil through the isluud of
Cuba, uiiording 10 a alutilueut la
sued l,y Or Mai 1 bias DgpPP, PPP
iitar.v of health and churlties of the
Local News.
lions! fur (Inliiiid (itl Inisv.
Wilsi.ii-Diitiv Drag Co. All
kui.1- of draga.
Bverytbing Ims advanced In
no Hour line, but Mr nre still
piling ut lha eld price. Ord i
ia k uf litiierial Patent M
II. to.
Ileoltli is tun nrecionp to I
lampered eith ! , Incompetent
r in lots ol illllea. 'J f 1 1.
Ails,, 1, Duty Duijj Co", for
clean draga, and taper! ttrrice.
Blue Printi ol ant Tovnahip
in tin- Bnrni Lnml DUtriet,
bowing namca of tnttymtn,
kiml. of ntiv, ilute.s etc., grid
ioKgrapby, lrict 1 00. .1
0, I in nt , Oiini-, i n nii
S i litvt
liipintnl f Oarptt
iliorp llittll art can si II ut
iiiii is in.ll havo iii, i tltil
Neiice ia btrtbv given Unit I
bare randi an liaml to pjm all
wairniilH imloravd not uiitl tor
want of ftinilr prior to Nov. 10,
lHiiil. Interest iene from tliia
I la. ...I ..I '..l -
..... .. in , .in-, v 'regon, piny
, loot. t. W IIaii.iiiav,
Coinitv Treusurer.
axcoaatom to oaiivaa.
Oregon Short Line Kail road.
July 'J.l ami .!,, for National
Educational Attocialioa, limit
Oti .'ili-t. Itiiies njijilv frt in
I Hill points only, .k
r..n ...A.. .... I .
mi iiiu-s nun nun, it
act ui.
received a larae
S t'C.. s
In Mil
it Jobber, pi ices, ('.ill uml Ktt
wliut they are. M. If, Oo,
'In Preigbtert We
Igrgp tiihiiuiii ni' o,,(s
lo (lie inlii mi iiinl will
'unil iii'cs. I.ii i.s lifiir
vin it you pro Interttted.
Iiciii M iia nt i!i- Co.
Iiavt- n
tO llll
f ii in
i M raaitiaa aaaf
via Oregea fUtort Lino.
To Denver, Oteaiba, aTaaeaa
City, Chicago, St. Louia ami
other points, JIU) 4( r, j ,.
Ii uml -Jiilh. St-e ujjei.ta for
niter tlnli's, rules uml
f ii rih
l. IS. 'I'ni i ! h'us n.i iii-il u
si i iiiiii .band itore, two doors
ninth ni ibe Argue offleeaad
will buy and tell ull kiuda el
foodl in his line. IK- lolicitl
yniir patronafft and una run tees
I iiis patrona a tqaart deul.
Look at our Alfalfa Iviimva
tor. T'li i -j will it-ailjiiat the al
lalia liil. Is. (iit potted 0l wlial
tl.i ate If, M. Co.
HAY S6D tons of hay for
alt al 7 per ton i stack. M.
kxi i itsmxs to pfutvaa.
ruoii Short Lino Railroad,
July Id tndtrd.for Nmiom.i
hiluoatiiniiil Ass.Hiation. Limit
"'I- Sift Hates ppply froiu
i ut ii ioints only. Ask
tor rules uml further
Washington Judge Hua Slrict Hill
l.o Koloiis to I ollsidi I .
Hrattle, U pah , luiirt 2'.i Jn'' ;
mat I luge with while PPfgOPP and
mcnil.eis of Ihe negro, Mongolian
and other lnleiior rucea will be a
felonv, subjecting the offenders to
from iwo to It yeura lu ihe sluta
peniteuliary. If Ihe bill of which J.
K ll'iiiiphrles is the amhor l.ecouiea
a law .
M. Co.
Very tbeiea teed wheat. Ah
lolutefy dean. Only a limited
quautily left. M. hi. Co.
bavt bayera lor high dry
.IciiKii land. Inquire el Qrevi
vV Plugbog, real ttlttt dealtri
Ontario, Ore.
Tor Sale Two-yiar-ohl stah
lion, lual ol laitariis. sound in
tvtry particular; coal black in
color; weight 1800 pounds; gen
tle Inquire of John T. Kav, R,
. JI'I.V HATls
Oregon Short Utl Kuihoud.
Tickets on pgjg July 2, 4
mil :., liiniied ni July li ' See
taenia for relet and further nur.
K. D
t Intel lo, Ore , or at this
- .
c.wm.KMv km unatoaa
viu Oregon Short Line.
Daily for lickets one way via
.-.uiiuu. irc.juent dates for
other routes. See Oregon Short
Uneugeiiisfor lurihei details.
A-V 1 IvxihmHHi,, ifatea.
viu Oregon Short Line Kailroad.
W.U from Ontario to Seatlla
and return. On 8l,le daily, con .
I I I . I . , - 1 , I ,r I.i.,.. I . ,
S llllll' IM jSK
tor further purtieulara.
It is surely government irri
gatiOtt. Keep Imoslwi;.