The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 02, 1909, Image 1

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    SSir -
Don't Forget That We Do
all kinds of Printing at
the Argus Office.
For the Malheur ppjiect.
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County.
.. . 1
5 Patronize Your Home Mer-1
t chants Ontario Goods lor J
uniano aim tuc i uuuic vi
Malheur County.
Local News.
Wilson- Duffy Oa, for nil kinds
Of .h Hi'.'
For Hule ."-horse power geOO
lin engine: $'20o. Inquire el
Argus olllce.
J. A. Vest, ex-stock imp tot
of Harney county, irae In Ihe
city during tho week.
Col. 0. B. H. Wood win in tin-
city on Tueodey on his way to
Hums to attend the mtotlng of
the Oregon-Idaho Oevcopmciii
Jeafoi Booker end Mioi
Hhttiche Stevenson, of Westful
wore married in BolM Kiiduy
They were in Ontario Sunday
rn i iinic home.
Koss ('lenient bOJ sold hi-
40-acre farm ami improvement'
to A. A. Wright of Wcnatchci
Valley, Waali. Mr. Clement
receive I '2.0 per acre for the
Alex Humphreys pnrchiisiil
a 40-acre tract of the Tom John
ion farm thin week, pitying $ I 'J."
per acre. The sale was madi
by the II. W. Clement real
estate agency.
Hon. w. II. Brooke has boon
appointed by Speaker M
Arthur of Ihe legUlaloro as u
d.'lr viti- to the National Irrigi
tion Congress, to he held at S j. .
kaue, August '' to 1 I
The Mivins' ferry is again in
opei. iii. rn, and you can no v
iTii'i the treacherous Snake with
safety. Mr. Uivins bus im
proved the service with new
Olbtoo, and has i lie of the best
f-rry bout that can he made.
Miits Ol've Cuili'i', who has
b en teach'iig at Ontario the
pant year, arrived in town TUOO
day. Mi" Coulee has valnallc
properly interests here, and will
probably remain daring (he
summer. Canyon Oily Ragle.
James 1'uul left for hi" hone
in Happy Vulley, Harney
county, Monday. His bearing
has been completely restoiv !
U id Dr. I'rinziiig says Jim in u
good patient, taking nil ihe
medicine prOOOCrlbed without u
J. S. Millikin the Irot of the
week received word from the in-
teri trdepu it men tut Washington,
to su toy the Morton Island at
tie ob hat'hery. The island
is now settled by several parties,
ami why the government at
this ate day ia to surviy tin
same is unknown.
litraycil or Stolen--HucUkin
horse, l'J years old, hud on
leather halter with about M
feet of rope, branded N Q on
left st i tie. Kewurd of $10 if re
turned la Pi B. Tuttle, Ontario.
The Ontario baseball teum de
feated W'eiser on the home
grounds Sunday in u fust game,
the score being 5 lo 3, which
makes live straight games they
have won this seuson without a
defeat. Oiiturio will play two
games at 1'uyetto the coming
week, July 4 uud .", during the
Croy & DeBus of the Mustime
billiard and pool rooms, one of
the tincst in the northwest, in
vites your patronage. The tirm
6Q carries CJKrs; tobucco.. jie
euiiletliqiiery, eto., Tlie Iruil
uud coiifectlouery store is sepur
ate from the billiard room, and
the ladies of Ontario are es
pecially invited to make their
piiehases ut the Pastime, just
south of Hiiu'i Bros. A Co
local News.
('lark's ferry did I rushing
business circus day.
Mrs. Robt. Odell is home
from I visit to I'ortlnnd.
Krnnk Wader ami wife have
gone to Si attic to attend the
(). W. PortOf was u business
visitor from Huntington on
Louis Mnrtoni, the Wootfoll
sheepman, was in the city dur
ing the week.
Such crops of alfalfa ns are
being cut near Ontario are not
eijiialed anywhere.
Mrs. J. B, UOOdWtn of West-
fall is at the Printing boepltol
receiving ticatineiit.
(i. S. Stiihhlelield, one of the Owyhee ami .Malheur liters, it
prominent reclamation men, '" plain to everyone that the
left tor Portland on Wedneeday.gooronient bnalba prior tight
The M. M. Co. disposed of
the 1900 clip of wool of J. A.
Vest at M cents per pound this
.Mrs. J. Mavis o estlall Was
opciatcd upon for appendicitis
by I'rs. Cruizing and Payne on
Mis. (J. A. and
children, from Owyhoo, were
visiting friends in Ontario dur
ing the week.
Mrs. BUaabeta Hakoly of
Lnterprise, Ore., was visiting her
brother, I.ytc Howard, of this
city this week.
A special patriotic service
will be held at the Congrega
tional church next Sunday,
July I. Special music.
II Fraser ehuperoued Jim
Pbnl and J. A. Vest to W riser
u his auto last Miiulav, ami
thev report mi enjoyable tiip.
The Congregational Sunday
Bebool picnic will he held lit
Arcadia, July I I. All regular
students and their parents are
Miss Btta Kouth, who is
ntllicled with asthma, has gone
to Portland to tpond the sum
mer in the hope of IcncliMng
hei health.
All members of the Bobekabl
arc notified to be present at tin
regulai meeting, July ". Nisi
nig ineiiibers welcome. By 0
dor Noble Oread' alyHlaOreerJ
UI,'"'J- A special election was In M
Don't fail to attend the Onta Monday to rote n the prop,
no bund benefit at tho opera loaltlon of bonding the city in
house tonight, when the side- the sum of $22,000 of which
splitting farce, "Lend Me Your 110,000 is to he appropriated to
Wife," will bo protentod. it i aid la the oonttruction ol
better than good. 80,000 tteel wagon blidgt
J A Cortriebt wife and ''oss Snake rivw, one mile eoel
daughter, turned fioin Newark,
N.J, on Wednesday to visjt J.
J, Cortright uud family, "lid
iii.uiii "Corty" will surely give
ihpm u gmid lime. J. A. and
J. J. look just like two pea- in
a pod, only Jim is a little bit
belter looking.
The new ventilating system
ii,-t iliil in the Klt'clnc Moat
works to pel lection und keeps
Ihe popular little tbeutre very
cool und fOmfortpblOi The
pictures being shown ou
t,e ;
screen ure fur above the uver
uge, und Munugcr Mrown hits .
contracted iol the cream of the
association output.
E. A. Atwood of (irand Junc
tion, Colo., who owns 220 acres
of lund under the proposed
government proposition spoken
i.r in tlm Nvbbh Sun. in in il..-
v. ... rvf - - j -- .., ... - - -
city, und showed the Argus man
I 11. ." H ..
uieiter w.ncn unequivocu.iy says
ii.... .i... .................. ...,n ,....,
mni me (imiiiiiiiiiii nni tu..-
struct the high line project ut
(irand Junction. The urticlel
ouoted by the Nvssu Sun wee
published long before the gov-,
eitiftient decided to do the work
...... . . .
Is Rejected
State Engineer Lewis Has Turned
Down the High Liners Ap
As will bo notid bv two ml.'
rertioetnente In Ihe Argus ol
appropriation of water on the
to put in rooorvotri ami store
rater for irrigation on both ol
these rivi is.
The claim of the High Line
people that they have Valuable
water rights en the Owyhee
river cannot he substantiated
by the facts. It is true that the
High Liners have made iipln ..-
tion to the state engineer fur n
water right on Ihe Owyhee river,
but said application was re-
ited, and the application of
the reclamation service was nc-
A called meeting of the On- i.ctl under the laws of the state
lario Coiumercial Club, was held of Idaho at 11,000,000, would
Monday (veiling to discuss Ihe place Ontario in toiu h with TOO
nronoMiioii of in-lalliiiL' an in- uli-ci il ci.- in tin- Llaho lunch.
.i,,,,.,,,!,.,,! udphone system in
this city and tnrronnding COUn
c. J, sinsel of Boloo, general
manager ol the Independent
relephone company, was prc-enl
and stated it would be beet to
orgiini.e a local company in On-
t.irio with home ollmi- lie
al.-o stated thai it wouhl coot in
the neighborhood ol $10,000 to
install a complete tyotom in tbit
section, and when Connected
wit.i the Independent, capital-
ol town. 1 lie otc lor lioliilmg
A prcltv, simple wedding oc
".., . , , . I
cureil on Wednesday, the .'id
inatani, al the realdence of Mr.
and Mrs. X. (J. Sullen, of the
White, ... w hid. . h''' l",,tor " li"' Val'' ' )"""' U'
their only and accomplished uu Virgluia Boberttou.
daughter, Miss Rota, iicca.uej u " ' xl""1 eongratuUUont
Mrs T itaiker The f,..l i.o, U'"lu"' '" "" bHde BUd grOOIIl,
was private, being vitneeaed byud at Ibe Oriauo has the
the family, Mr. and Mrs, T. W.JMlargeat Oirculatlon" iu Malli'iir
Halliday, their daughter, I'eail,
Mrs. Milligan, and the official'
mg clergyman, tvev. . i. mu-
The bridegroom for ninny
years uist hus been a resident
of the Mosquito country, Hi
miles north of Ontario, where
be award valuable property,
which he recently exchanged
for u line farm near vYeioOf
" 1 i one of
chili nunc, young
ladies of 1 1 v-
county, with whom the editor
of lhU pu,er ,JUb bt.(;ll HC (laint,-d
. 1. 1 i , i i .
ifOIll C II I 111 IIOOlI , UIK1 Ol WIlOIll,
he knows nothing hut what la
bvely und of good report.
, " "'B"-. '"' "'
'II... A -.... ...ill. 1. ....!.. . (
melius, unite in noon wisiie.-
fm. ,,,,,, . all( contiuutd
prospeiily of the newlv wed.
for Water.
Tilt lOMlon IoWB ol the state
ol Oregon for 1901) does i,t
allow any pOMOn or corporation
to store the waters of any stream
in this state without first huv-
log procured the propor eortifl.
rnia trorn the state engineer,
and us State Enginoor Lewis
lias turned down the High
Liners' application for a wuIm
I ili t , and has allow cd the i eclu-
nation people t,i ill,, on the
Owyhee, It is a safe bet that if
(lie lloise-Owyhce High Line
lugin coustrueiion in 80 days,
n- they claim they will, tiny
will find themselves boarding
with Sheriff Bob, as the 1900
law is very Mint I gainst any
attempt to appropriate water-
without a right to do so.
lie Mnd for Ontario people to
discuss the matter thoroughly
am) if they decided to const riul
the lino, Ihe stock not tob
tcrlbod would he taken oroi bj
J, U. G'rcgg and C. C. Payut
were appointed t BlittOO to
intei i.w mti cilienv, and have
t itt-ni inbecribt for siock, and
ire mooting trltb much faror,
audit i- thought there will be
IIO trouble to raise I1..1.1 s'oi ii
to $7500 in Outariu.
was ilwoal unaiiiiuoii-, onl)
four votee being eaet againettbt
burning of bonde. There net
light vote polled at it ffll a
forogoue couclueion that the
bondt would carry by an over
wjulmuig majority, as wmk
bad already COBimeOCOd 041 thi
H 11 rley -Ro bertson
tJustava It aitl bo awfully iuiui,
Xi have ii. to cull von linnet,
And wlienlhe als am cominglo
You ii i. n Iplayli nuoubletakoslliauousli
Main., I lu Vale, i A. Ilur-
county, We I. ope in- i an add to
the caption in a few year-: " I'l.e
largest honn-lide circulation of
hoys and cjilsin V'alt." Thai's
Col Wood With Us
Attorney (loo. W. Hayi
Vfale is home from I'orlluud,
and bad an interview .villi C. L.
Bi Wood relative te the govern
ment ii ligation project. Mr.
ILiycs says Mr. Wood is with
us on the proposition, an- it is
his rarnett wish to be here
at the tunc of the vi, it ol S
,. ,,.
lary BaUltl
niaivc ins
The Circus.
A big delegation went over
10 I'ayelle on Monday to
the Sells. Kioto circus, and us
little nonsense- now and then
relished, we append-
Dave M.lirill Ilia) went ni-nr
. ....
see me sncrcil inn
The editor of Hie Argus went
because he had free passes for
his hunch.
The reason Ed Kraser didn't
attend was because he was in
Welter the day before.
Postmaster Sproul attended
only on account ol Harold and
was the lirst one home.
i. L Blaekahy was a boy
again, lie never nlfOOd o cir
CUt in hit liil'e only u few.
l! B, liiithci ford's mission to
Payette not to see tho clow ns, i
and one of them looked j 1 1 t like
''Uncle Dick."
Henry Whltwortb went to sec
the hippopotamus swim, but he
didn't. It was an nnt-eater in
the hippo cage.
Charlev Meeker had a hum h
thai the i-acrnl hull was branded
with a big M, but be got left.
.... , ...
i ue minimi was a sne-ear.
.lake Oriftg OU his urinal was
taken in cn.irge by a bevy of
old mauls, in I didn't sec the
circus only the ice cream man.
('mi U iii acted like a Iff
Hi-old (male) end went broke
feeding peanuts to the elephants
We let him have I'll'TY
Frank Mrown and Lee Kiscr
nearly lost their habitation in
Ontario bv gelling "stuck" on
the ladv contortionist- the one
in w lilt".
J. I. Kidd for once in his life
got a move on when il was an-
UOUnCOd that a young lady woe
to nppiar ditbabille
the side lent.
iii one of
Julinn Meed and Dr. Sharp I
.... i.i I'll
onlv went to teach their kids
iiiitural Iiistiu v
hut when a ball-
playing clown hove in
it was all off with the circus with
the doctor.
We met Judge King over
there and he said he would
never, never attend another cii.
eni anlott it was pulled off ill
Ontario. Jutt then sonic one
s.lld the hoochc-kllche ilnme
was going on, and we ln-t ihe
judge in the crowd.
- a
Oil Well Directors Meet
At a meeting of the direi lor-
i the Intiu lo t'o-opeiative Oil
iV lias Co. held hist Saturday,
180,000 slutic or stock was
placed on the iiiiukct ut In
ci ni- jar hlnire.
0. W. Thompeoo, aa dl ex-
p. it, and a ttookboldor ill the
eoinpany, Wat appoilltod agent
to diepteja of 100,000 shares in
Portland, and has left for Olfr
goi.'s motropolil on his mission.
M. M. Kelly, the chief dllllei,
who ii now in I'.ttshu.g order
Ilia nun hint i v to sink to anv
lepth, has informed the dim-
l i that lie will aOOII iii I vc ill
Ontario, and the., oiiorotioui
will commence on Well So, 1,
ami he continued with vigol
until a deptli ol ".nun fed
If Will No. 1 fails to produce
nil, mine ujif liiiiuus hiii Mail
..:i ..,.i: i: :n ...... -
iit once on Wall No. I.
Clean yn
"."" h"' : r elect I.U.l, thus securing n.ienl in Ontario to ohcrve ,1C. W1 executive olliie.s the
next Tuesday, July U, us Clcui.,lul0 Uiii) (,vtl- ia, lillJllv.
I p Hay. As we ure expecting ..., ty News.
MVOral govL-rnn.eiit olliciuls to 'Jlare is nothing to it hut the
visit us w.thiu the next Hi days, voto, ae. !
our ciiieiis should ussist in
beautifying Ibe city us much us Any physician that baoarttht
po-sihie. Wiigons will he in.- vVtleoU'puff) Drag t'o., will not
uiabed lo haul all tbraeh from beeitate to true! bit patitnt'a
Muiu sticcl. inivdicine W Ug for preparation
k .... i I'l.iuii, t i ... I l ... I .. I l
apori of tbeooamuon nftbefini
Nation Hunk at Ontario in the 8 Hti
ill (ireu'im. at the r1 of hnstntHi
9 1090 go BOM
see l.nB.nd d, w
III sill III 1.1.
I II Bit
a Overdrafts iwtund Hint
,1 iiiiiri-iui-ii
I UBboadeto net-nre circa
I ln..ii
rrciniiiiiiM on I S limnl
7 M I
;! mm i
r. "ls. -'eni Ifi.-s, it
(i i T.i
i 0t
ran ata
I.iiiikliiit bonus, fiirnitnn
and fixtures
Ihtt fmiii iiittiotml lumki
(et rpRprvH in-.'iit
Due from Stats and privnte
mum ami h inkers. trii-t
ooapaaiM ami savlnini
Dm from approved reienro
i Ihtoksandothoi atah Iteats
!fotw uf ether National
I'r i ioiiui papor onrrtnojr,
1.1 tela mni ooats
Las i i. ttoNai Uaaaai i.
I I llSK 1
S,.it.. pi in,;; m
I.ri I tender
Botes 4 tit I u
B i notion find with 0 I
T ..muror ( i iHr cent of
-i uliiii.iii i
ii rm in
!Ml7 (H)
t mil hi
s 'i
in no,i ii
1 I .'.-. (HI
I.I M H I Ml -
I iipltul Ktoek i;o. Iii t .-,o mil or
Miriilim fmid IHm mi
I'uiliviiled prolits, leiw e
psasoa mm tana paid h . a .,;
Niitiotml limik notes out-
taaatag aot ag
I'm' t" other II:iIIoiihI
tonka . . i us .-,:i
line iii atate siid private
bank mni beakers i .'"i hi
IiiiIivhIiihI mil,
eel to elieek .11 11MM US
ZT r"tm'"xU" "' ,1"
-. mi 7'.
.v.' ::i. ,
in an a.
V" rtlBotas of dvporll
' ertlflsd eheekt
i i.i..iiiiui th.T n. m n.,...
"lilted, hii-Ihmi-u'
Iio 4"
To i.
Klil"e of ( Ireu-ill. i
Cnuiiiy of Mnlliear
'" t Unk. do Holein.ily wem Ihnl
tile afcOVe Ktllleuielil I- (rue I,, ,r .,
of IIIV kllowleie mid lM.(,.f
c I Kaavoa, i'lilHr
Oerreoi Attaot
M Ai i win a. i
Vi JoMI Dlreetors
.1 linnw
SillMM'rlliil mid Kworn lo me iH-f.n,.
Hie Ihia 'Mlh ditvof J MM, IISIU.
WHl .1 .1 llurlin.lyr.
N.itiry I'ul.lle
l. iM'llJi'll, eilll e r "I tile hIi.ivi
RHirl of the condition of .Ion,- ,v
Co., Umikern. lit WeHtrnll, (irecon. In
tlie,- of llri'K lit the clone of
lui-iii. .- Jiiiih'M, I'hi'i o .V
III--in in i
Limn i mid lliiinnl- t, IS.1 ft.j
' ii iilrfl. -.i-iiri-il mid on
'.' Hill is
I. hi no
ItolliU, --. mill. etc
nonklng' bona. fataJtareaeMl
a tnre
ue from iiiirnviii reservo
; tsu -.'ii
Chsoks and otlwr raah ItoBM
t'liihou Imml
.it) on
'.. 7l HII
anu m n;
I.I llll.l I IK- -toek can! in
........ ...
tin ism mi
i iiuivmeii i..iii- i.. . i x
(M-IIM-n Mini tuiei .l
lllilll l.llllll il.-.Ohl- -lll,,-,
Uieh ek.
1i tun -o
t i an n.
State Of I "H-k'iiII I
Conntj ot M ..ii,. in
i i ii oimmi e.i-hier of the ,ii.M
umned lo.nk. d.. H.,e, .Wr tl.m
the abovs ii i in true iu Um
boat of my knowledge ,,,. hsUol
.1 Ii Kmiiiimi. Caahlor
Correet Alie-i
Will lone, (
i D rairaea, I Wraetors mid i.orii to U-lme me
thin .'Mil dii ill .Inn,- I'hi-i
aal ll i i .ni 1 1 .,
Vit.ui I'nlille
Bad Money
The govei ninent secret Ml lei
has sent out wiilliuios to hank
ore to watcii ior twodangoroui
colllilcifill-. One H a t I hill
purporting to have boon leaned
b) the National (liloii Hank ol
Baltimore ami the otlie
l a ciiiin i
lei ii ii ,f in .ial.ii.ial note on II. e
it rinaiiia Mink of San Kwil
iii I'. Moth ale aa Iu ,c clever
Imitatlo.ta. Ibe Argue man
in vei expects to handle u a ! ,
SllOt, the i n Iol Ulill ion ui veil i
,.. ..... i,....,.,., , ,,.. ...i,., .,......
: to look out iol -f In hills with the
naiuet of the above buul
priuti d then on
IfoOtlUoob for Governor
Hist. ut Alto, in Mt't'Ullocb
I in i. has not
i,ccn a auaaoutlna voiee einoe
the News brought forward !n
Iname, et together, boyt ol
I..I..IMII 1'iegu.i. anil wi
. . .
i m
BeRiiiiiing ...
I will give one fourth
oft' on nil UA8E BALL
irnoflfi in -tuck.
Geo. Candland.
LfgADIMO !ltli;iMT
Intario, Ircgon
F. L Hclfrich.
Shoe Repairing.
Shop In
ness Store
K W. Allen's Har-
Be r lino lino of 6jXK)KB
lu-t in mni going ut very
Moderate Prices.
The e. lateel in II.. t Pine
and new Hesigns in Jewelry.
A complete Una of siring,
sheet fdueioand luatruniente,
Guaranteed Watch
LI i nnv D f iu nrr
O t D, llKAUhi.
I he lewi h v and NUeical lloust)
ii lutai io, Oregon,
uur iii. mi ititoroef, and
not go ii. in nutaido
1 1 ci ion we arc able lo
give ym ;i line -luck ol
IWiOfJ Pi 'cm Tiptii mists
Of the County.
Drug Co.
l ni l; i n
i. 1 1 I
1. 1
Oregon Mbori Line Muilroad.
Tickets on rub July ', ;:, -t
and ", limited 10 luly II, See
,.,.,., . , .,,,. ,n, nuti.e, lu.r-
1A, , kWOWi fM-r
via UregOU Bbort luie.
T,. Dcvc, Omaha, Kansa.
i'llS t hicugo, sl Louil and
other uoiute, Juue l, B, II, 19,
la and SfUtb. Bee ageuta for
later dalee, ralct and lurthov