The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 25, 1909, Image 1

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Don't Forget That We Do
all kinds of Printing at
the Argus Office.
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County
'' MW I For lhe Ma!heur Projec, Jin
. 1
""" " "" " " ' ' - ' -.
I Patronize Your Homo Mer
i chants. Ontario Goods lor J
Ontario and the People of
I Mainour County. I
Local News.
Be honest with nil your fellow
men. Wild in-Duffy 0 for nil kinds
of drugs.
Tuesday vm ti a longest day
of the year.
Born In Bailey, Mn., to the
wif I of Win. Newman, n daugh-ter.
I'. isobnll i.oxt Siimlav. Onln-i
rio vb. Welter. Qerne eelled ell
Cattle Shipments
The spring rnttlo sliipinpnt
from Ontario is not yet coin
pleted ii ml promises to exceed
any spring entile shipment ever
before made from the greatest
stock shipping point in Oregon,
hv over 100 enrs. Nenrlv 000
enrs have nlreudy heen shipped
nnd it isestimnted that the total
shipment will reneh BOO enrs,
ns with rS.r cars in
1000, r.tid in I90T, and n in
1908, the previous hnnner ship
ping years. The previous spring
shipments hnve averaged about
20, 000 head. Trnin loiids nre
being shipped hoth east nnd
west daily. Parsons A linn
ley nre the principal shipper
from this point, shipping to the
eastern market ami Montana.
Cheap Slam
to Ontario.
Bell Telephone Co. Disrupts Their
Service in This City by Con
solidating Three Exchanges.
New Way to Advertise
Tired with its experiment
,..;.i. i i.i..... .. i ii .,
nun milPMI'ls 1111(1 lOKICrS, III!'
Fa Ornnde Commercial Club
bai agreed to invest certain
sum for extra copies of home
newspapers, nnd herenfter the
hoineseeker who wnlcs (hut or.
gnninlion for liternture will he
furnished a three-months suh
Wription to ouo of the locnl
Mere is n step in the right di
rection. While specially pre
pnred booklet, circnlnrs nnd
other coininonlv use. I menus of
Local News.
It is surely governniQftt in i
gntion. y
Mn linger I Id Frnsor WM I
boelneea visitor to Botee during
the week.
Sp-ak well of your public
spirited men, ami also be one
of them yourself.
Take your watch i (-pairing to
Harry B. Oranol. Me will li
your timepiece right
Krnest Staples crtininuc- t-
Improve, nnd his many friends
- IX
For Sale .V horse power gaso-
line enifine, '2t. In. pure all Married In Vale, Thursdav,
Argus olhce. June 17, 1000, L B. Five to
Attorney C. Mcioungill was Miss Kinina Fiscr, hoth of Ontn-
ii t I'nyette last Monday on
legal business
W. A. Turemnn was in the
city Tuesday. Billy delivered
his enltlo at Huntington this
liev. i. W. Morrleoe will
preac'i nt the 1'onlovard sohm-1
house next Sabbath nflernoou at
3 o'clock.
All Kohekahs nre kindly re.
quested to ho prisent nt th
regular meeting night, July 7
By orderof Soldo Orand. Myrtle
Greer, secretary.
The Argus received M new
subscribers the last 10 day
That is going some, niuI show
conclusively ihut a fearlm,
newsy paper is always in eV
MiH Kvn VHiiderhoof is home
from Boise, where she attended
8t. Teresa's Academy for the
past nine months. All Ooorge
has to do those hot days is to
give Kva I good lime.
Strnyed or Slolen Buckskin
horse, 2 years old, had Ml
leather halter with kboul '-'
feet of rope, branded N ! on
left utiilc Koerard of n "f re
turned to l. It. Tullle, Ontario,
There will be preaching ser
vice at tho United Preebyterian
hall on Saturday at '' o'clock.
At the service on Sahhath moi n-
The groom is the popular ltd
egraph operator at tho Short
Lino depot, ami is highly re
spected in the community.
The bride is an accomplished
young lady nnd the youngest
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. B
The many friends of the
happy couple extend best wi: lies
mid a happy married life.
Mr. and Mrs. Frye have left
for the Fast to spend their
Landed Two Winners.
The Argus received a letter
from W. (J. Jenkins, last week,
from Victoria, It. ('., who is on
the circuit with his race homes.
"Jenk" made his first winning
on June 14, and wan paid in
Dominion greenbeekra ami it
iook iwo gunny hicks to carry
the elegant stuff home. Hoalta,
one of Mr. Jenkins' promising
colts, broke tho world's rotord
fOf a half mile at Victoria on
June fl He tells us to send
the Argus to him and wishes to
he remembered to all inquiring
Keep Boosting.
Whether you talk with your
neighbor or stranger at home
or abroad, riding or walking,
ing the topic will be "Broken always have a good word for
for You." In the evening at your town. Spoak of the beau-
8 :S0, "Hast Thou Not Known'" nful homes, the nice Streets, tbe
Preaching services at the Con-: excellency uf the surrounding
rreualional church next Kuml.iy 'ounlry ami intelligence and
at 1140 a. in. and gjgg p
The Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co.
1ms placed the Ontario, Payette and Nvssa ex
changes under one management, with head
quarters at Payette. Hereafter all Ontario toll
calls will be given to the Payette oflicc. No
"trouble man" will he stationed here, and when
the wires are disabled) a man will conic over
from Payette to repair the same. The collec
tions will be made by the Payette manager,
and take it all in all, is a cheap shim to Ontario.
C.J. Sinsel, general manager of the Inde
pendent Telephone Co., was in Ontario last
Saturday, and the ArffUfl is informed will ask
lhe city council for a franchise to establish a
service here. All in Ontario should assist him
in every way possible.
uiuario is now paying jim.oo per moiiin
for business phones and $1.50 for residence,
and the rate is much cheaper in Payette.
Let the Ontario Commercial Club call a
meeting to discuss (his unfavorable action to
ward Ontario, and then all stand shoulder to
shoulder and remove every Bell telephone! ptwfaam during the past
from the business houses and residences. " ."" "
Mcnlencc was reserved at the
instance of United Stales Dis
trict Atloruev John Mct'ourl
until September. In the mean
time couleren oa- will he held
between the prosecution ami
defence to decide whether the
government will ho willing to
dismiss the reuiainini! three
of tin
above pleading
advertising a community are hope for speedy reenvon
goon, mere is always the danger
of giving the recipient of such
matter the feeling that our draw
hacks, if any, are glossed over,
and our advantages exaggerated.
Beery day beppeninge,end facts
of our crops, civic life, improve-
incuts, etc, aro told in every
issue of tho local papers, and
1 .. -n i
ii-iiuein mn icei mat iney are
getting the truth plain and un
varnished. Then, if thoy de
cide to come to this section,
Ihe.v will do so with the intern
lion of remaining.
Beginning. .
I will give one fourth
off' on all H w: BALL
kcmkIh in stock.
Pleaded Guilty.
John Oikireet) superintendent
i . i... ii . .. ii ...
ui mi i acme i.ive mock com
pany, pleaded guilty to one of
four indictments charging liim
with illegal fencing of public
hinds, in the federal court at
Portland. The indictment re
lates to the enclosure of sonic
Id.OiiO acres of public domain
which has been used eontinualW
b private individuals fur graz
Geo. Candland.
i.cyihm. lltl CMIWfi
Ontario, Oregon
Oil Land Withdrawn.
Secretary Itallinger has con
sented again to withdraw the
We're Not a Cheap Guy
Lent week the I'uyetto Fourth
of July advertising committee
oil lands in Malheur county, contracted for a quarter of a
Or, which, having been with-1 page, two is ties, in the Argus.
drawn by Roosevelt, were re
stored to entry a week ago by
Itallinger. They will be held
pending legislation to tOtborilM
their withdrawal in all such
Senator BOOMM procured this
in lion and also introduced a
bill puisuant of this plan. He
wiM later offer , amendments to
provide a two per cent tax on
the output of oil lauds and to
prevent anyone operating such
lands, from silling to a trust or
c oopeiating with one.
The lauds are north of Onta
rio and Vale, being all vacant
and (() n in
A business meeting of all inter
ested in the church will be h. Id
at the church at H-'M Monday
evMiagi June if, lev. w. s
Young, If, A , pastor.
To the Kditor I'lease say to
the good people of Ontario thai
words fail to express our deep
gratitude for their kindness in
our late sad bereavement. Also
to Ontario papers for their kind
words of our unfortunate boy.
J. O. Staples and family.
Attorney McLionagill was al
M"ni ode qu Saturday to attend
the meeting of the lund owners
on the Hut and assisted in
preaching the funeral services
of the High Line Ditch. He
says it is government irrigation
to a man on Dead Ox Flat.
James Paul, the jolly sheep
nun of Smith, Harney county,
is in the city. Jim came to On
tario for medical treatment, and
tells us that his hearing has
been impaired for some time
past, and says when one can't
hear his wife order the wood
brought into the kitchen, it was
time to see Dr. 1'riuziug. But
Jim has ouly been married a
few months and a year from
Dow it will be to h I with the
enterprise of your neighbors. I lands in three townships of 04,
Btnnd by your town through 000 acres.
thick ami thin as you would
stand by your best friend
in limes of distress and you will
lad it prosperous and thriving
as never before.
Bring Fancy Prices
John F. Weaver this week
purchased the J. S. Jones ranch,
just west of Ontsrio, consisting
of 140 acres. The price paid
was $-.'1,000.
Tom Seaweard of Ontario this
week closed the deal whereby
he became the ownttr of (he
Ueece ranch, near Nyssa, 100
acred. Consideration $25,000.
lhe farm is considered to be
one of the best in Malheur
Good Roads
The prosperity of our country
depends so largely on the pros
perity of our farmers, that
everything possible should be
done to render life in the rural
districts agreeable as well as
profitable, and uothing could
conduce more tp the comfort
mid happiness of our people
than the improvement of our
llallingei's action was induced
by telegrams ltourue had from
P. Basilic of Baker City and M
f, Davis of I'niou, which al
leged the hinds were producing
oil already.
F. L. Helfrlch.
Shoe Repairing.
W. Aliens Uiir.
On Monday we received word
Ii. mi h. mm. mi I.i , . . " .
. . , ., , imiiiiinents in view of th
mill., had decided ncti , , ,.
the com
to patronie the Argus on ac
count of our price being higher
than other Malheur county pa
pers. We are i.ot boosting out
siders for the fun of the job and
sent the committer the following
Speor People Not In It
Tin Bpeer people,vnoere try
ing Co lone their services upon
the funnels under tie Malheur
project at e aiiiiareutl v also rcach-
Mr J Harad.r, Chairman of lag M fr ,,e recently orgun
I'ourth Jul) oiuiuittee, I'avette, ' , .. ,. ... .
ii.,. ti. .i , . iT' Ued Oein distin t, which, under
the capable management ol ('
Idaho We thank your commit
tee for violating your verbal eon
tract with the Argusand hope the
celebration will not he as cheap
as the papers you refer to. The
Argus also wishes that all visit
ing suckers will have a cheap
time when you pull off your
cheap celebration.
News Is News
Sell-Floto Circus
Sells-Floto Circus will bo at
Payette, Tuesday, June gg,
Beery department has been en
larged. Five hundred arenic
performers, oyor a hundred
cages coutuin the Million Dol.
lar Zoo and tho show is com
pletely tilled with new and ab
solutely different novelties. The
Sells-Floto Shows consolidated
is truly a mammoth institution.
When one has seen it from end
to end, outside and inside, and
has formed an inventory of
what he has seen and learned
for a very nominal fee, hotv
much real pleasure and benefit
it has been. He can easily
understand why a big three-ring
circus, of the high standard of
the Sells-Floto Shows, occupies
the enviable position in the
amusement of the world.
Payette, Tuesday, June, 2U.
It will be government iriigM-tiou.
A real newspaper must be
something like the apostle had
in linn I when he said: "Be all
things to all men." The re
porter may not be personally
a champion of card parties, base
ball, dames or other amuse
ments, yet they must bo re
corded; neither is he ncecssaiily
a church member because be
incut i.iii- the guud work of re-1 for
vials, las in- all reforms, advo
cates morality, but prints all
lliiiit'k oi ai: Minis ul news
S. Fauiot, is iioing very nicely,
thank vou, without anv desiie
to have the Speer corpoiatiou
mix in. The N)'OM coiporation
has sent contracts to many of
the homesteaders under the
icin district, in I be effort to
get the contract- signed Up
There is not any intend. n on
th.i part of the di-triet t., treat
with this loiporation, the Nvs.-a
Sun notwilli-tai ding Caldwell
Snake River Bridge.
TIM Minnesota St,e Co. is
placing material on the ground
the i (in-tim tin ii ol the
hridg. aver rtimko river la
the Idaho bench Work on
things oi ii: Mima ui news
Personal uuarrels. scandals, or l,,e MlUeture w II proceed
ordinary drunks aro not news, ropldly as soon as Snake river
and ought not, as a rule, be recedes, and will he lompletid
scattered broadcast as news. in 1009. It will le SOI feet
That is the reason the Argus .. u,., ,,t ,. .
,, , ,. . , ... R long, ami ft much convenience
is not publishing that little On- . , ,, ..
tario scandal article sent us on j to both re" a",J ,,,"h"-
Tuesday. .. . " -.
1-mu iuuotgnr nixie
A. W. Boudi ex-preacher, -
J. W. Thompson, who has editor, now tn the employ ol the
held the position of manager of Speer people, was "talking" high
the Ikdl Telephone Co. pi Q Ull ! Ootorio dorioc tbe week
tario for the past fuur years, and ... ,., , ,
ii i ' i i We did not hear of anv one
who has always been popular " v
with the Bell patrons, being hlK""'K ontracts for high-line,
obliging at all times, has uf istd blgb priced water.
to accept the position as manager
Don't Want the Job
Let your object be the wci
faie, growth and promotion of
yo M- town and its people.
Don't forget the henelit to be
tendered the Ontario Kncoie
Hand. Date be be announced
The Ontario National Mauk
has received a Inure hunrlnr.
alarm safe, irolhl over 5000
pounds, one of the best made.
It is dandy.
The Ontario Furore Hand has
heen engaged for July '! at Urn-
gan. I hat new community is go
ing to celebrate the (iloriotis
Fourth in grand slle.
The Out, m,i baseball nine
will play the Parma aggregation
this evening at H.IO. This is
what Managei Sharp calls a twi
light game, lie is getting fancy.
I. H. Purccll ami wife. Mrs.
I.. Adam and C. II. Blown,
have arrived home from lhe
grand lodge session of Masons
and Fastern Star, held at Port
land. Q, W. Thomas ami (J. I;
Finion are hack from Ironside,
here they purchased 100 head
.1 beef cattle. The animals
were delivered to Ontario the
lir-t of the week.
Finley McKcnie was a busi
MM visitor to Ontario from
Itockville on Tuesday and reg-
isiereti ai me i arier House
lie savs his uumerons bands of
shei p are doing line.
Mr. Hlayney, father of Ike
Hlayney, and who was well
known In Ontario, died at Vale LI a nnvr D nn . Trr
W.dnesday and was bune ! bc-'nAnKl D, UaAULL
side his wife 1)1 Uio Ontario The .lew, Ii V nnd Mn- III......
I -.. . ... fl.F1 f-V
.I 'ntai in, Oregon,
Shop In f
ness Store.
Sec uur line lino of' I J iCKfl
lust in uiul going nt V.-ry
Moderate Prices.
The very latest iii Mat pji n
ami new Deaigni In Jeerelry,
A t ph-te line of String
sin i-t Mu-ie .in.i in-n untenta.
Guaranteed Watch
cinetery yesterdax
J F. Mabau, the llarncy
county stoekmau, is ba.k from
Portland. Jim was a witm-s
before the ledeliil com I and
made a J to I -hot of the trip
by visiting the Seattle fair.
The Ontario baseball nine !
lei. led the Boswell nine at lhe We lu
latter town la-l Sunday, bs a i1(.
Mjoro of I to i Pitcher Diapei
only allowed the lio-will l...s-
me m ratrh bo din inn the
Miei t Commissioner i dj
I.. k key is on tin- sik li.-t iind
Henry Alli-ou is the man with
the hoe the.-e das, nnd is hav
ing .pllle a linn- set lo i Mi
body w lib wad I .it lh -,inu-(lliie.
I- "Hi in. un int, i,t, unit
iid .jii nit, i uutaide
Hi lni UfU are aide In
:-;iv'- ..ii ,i tin. stuck nf
AN 1 1
letk'intj Prest TiptioniMs
Ol the County
There is nothing more amus
ing, when thing! are nmng
right, than to listen to the howl
of the (lainity spillcrs, audi
there is nothing more aggravate
ing to any moe men who bee
faith in tin inline than to listen
to the cie-eudo ol howls when
Drug Co.
i. i i
at Paved- He has abidinu
faith in the iutniv- uf Ontario,
Any physician that knows the
Wilson-Duffy Drug Co.. will not
ami rtu-enily purchased a home hesitate to ti list his pattern's
here. 1 medicine to us for preparation.
imii- in. i;i'lii nine riu.i- . ii i.iii . .ii i -,
Viae. N hatevcr come.-, -il elOM, i.i
things are going to be beti.-i Oregon Short Line Railroad.
someday. TivlceU on rale Juii 2, a. 4
Croy iV Deltas of the IV-timc
and 5, limited to .ulv II, See
- ....... i. i i t'.i .
I . i . k '" i"i i. ue-un, i i 1 1 iht .ar-
hilliard and pool loom-, one of , , '
Ui: . .1 .i in ii iii i .-.
ic hnest in the niuthwol. in
vites your patronage The In in I
also cariies cigars, tobacco, fine' Ml ' BMinas i -t
conlectionery, etc, lhe iiuit ia Oregon Hhort Line,
aniUoiileclioneiy -to.e' fQ l.liWli n, ,.,, Kanan
ate from the billiard room, end City, (imago, si Uuia and
the ladies oi Ontaiio aic cs- ()lM.,. ,,., ,1IH. ;, M .(
penally invil.d to make their (j 1U1, ,;,h Sl .,. ;l,.nt, ()l.
....! . a a I l at. . ai llic laMinic, jil-l ,,i, , ,1,,!,., ;i,.. u, Ull
juuilt ol BOyei uio. iS. Lo. puiliculuis.
tx.-neiP'ai hsw