The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 18, 1909, Image 4

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    ir,i --r yi
li D
Vi. Pi.' flHOI v
Creep & Plughoff
Bargains in Real Estate
Farm Property
you wiint U) iiuikc MONEY? Why not IflVeftl
mainour county, win-io prices ww
No risk. No clmiu'f. Conic in and
over. Ottf list comprise most of the choice
the Miilhcur ami Snake River Valleys If we do
the exact pie I land you desire we will try and
in land here now in
alwayi going higher
talk it
landi in
not hftVl
Interesting Happenings From
All Parts of tha State.
(liven Search for Husband
Itoscbut - Mrs. M. Porteons, wife
of UfflH J. Portions, the Rogue
Klver mining man who recently dis
appeared 'rom Grants Pass under
mysterious circumstance, returned
to West Fork Sunday morning, after
spending three days In this city In
a fruitless attempt to locate her hus
band While here Mra. Porteous
was under tho care of a physician
and uppen ed very nervous Detec
tive Delaniontc, after a cartful In
vestlratlon of this vicinity , Informed
parties here that he believed Por
teous dead. Intimating that he hail
been killed by enemies.
obtain it for you.
Personally acquainted with all (Millions nf
County, and we c:m inform intending buyer Inti
AND WE Wild- DO II'.
Located at the Argus Office.
Nd. SO '' lots on Main street
in business renter, a good loCA
t ion.
S'u. :;., pei in (., miles
from Outline, nil fenced, will
come under Government Pro
tect, lays good to Irrigate. Prica
$."ii n r n re.
No. 8 10 aerci .ill ander cul
tivalion. Willi Mod wafer right
in Owyhee diten i will .sell in in
or 20. acre tracts; one-half del n,
luilani c on easy In in-.
Nil 89 106 acres llircc-iiiiir-lets
uf a mile from Ontario post
oflict; part in cultivation a
nap at '-'".
No. 'J I '20 lot, one full block,
nil larded and street graded.
Will -ill in part or al! at panic
No. M 100 ncres 7 miles
from railroad lwn, with Broom
boueo; Stable for sit horses; 'JO
tniiH of luiy; - granuries, all mil
buildingi; deep well; onti i"o
inn- nf liayj 2000 boiheli grain
eith good wad i i ight in Owy
hee itr i. a limn v oiclian ; a v - . i
No. .1.1 .i-room house, one.
"""'' half bloel from postoffiee, nn
No. li I 10 ami 'JO acre trad-. ,,in street. blgRSSl -nap of the
nil ely loeatcil, I mile from town, mason.
with good water right; line fruit .. , ..
and berry land; on easy terms . N... j.,-stineres, .ij miles
ii,. ,e ahoioe piece; come from Ontario, ,.. ,, .. . uin-
.... ,1 . .ilinii 1 acres in orchard, lots
n hemes nf all kind-. imhhI
No. M7 loo aerei 8J mileslnoass and bam and all out
frnin Ontario; all good bench buildinna. with a tierfcct water
iln- i- choice ami will go
I'uplls H.v.ilt.
Medford 'I'o fone (tie board of
education o this cltv tn Isaue a dt
ploma In fl .retire W Core, member
of the high school giu.luatfng class
of IMI, mandamus BfOtMdlttJDl
were Saiuri ay begun before Judge
Manila In tV ilrcuit mutt Q
mid two nth ! students fnlled to ap
pear at tho formal graduating ex
ercises, find the hoard of education
refused io deliver the diploma to
which each was entitled. The ab
sence of the stiidenta was Intended
as a piotext against ullcg.d favorit
ism and .Ii lnili,.ii,,ii by one of thu
Instrudois toward a member of thu
class who Cunked."
Man Walks Without Foot.
IIIM-lioni Joseph Yalll, aged HO,
has the distinction of being alive nf
lei walking on the stump of a fresh
amputation within 12 hours after
ii surgeon had laketi off hts left leg
nix Inches hel'iw I lie knee. Yabl was
.1 sufferer from an ulcer A phvulclau
pet foi tued tl.e amputation In thu
morning, and that evening, when
YiiIiI'h attendant left his room, the
old man rose from hi bed and
walked about t'ie room without tho
aid of a criiti Ii Hearing a noise, tils
nurse returned to Unit the patient
stolidly Mumping about hi apartment.
with pel In t water right;
house and outbuildings;
berry put oh , partly in cultiva
tion; 1 1 10 per acre.
No.'.' ." lots, with a 0-roiun
briel house good cellar and
deep well.
No. 'M ,'i lots, with a "-room
brick house: deep well and gOOd
cellar, shade tn
No. L'S one bloek, all fenced
and I-room hoUM, I blookl from
depot; cheap.
No. I A good sheep ranch
nf 100 acrea, a Ith I room bouee,
table for four borses, orchard
of r'2 tree-, aeeorted; lotc of
grapes and berries of all kinds;)
rutting IfiO tons nf alfalfabay;
water ik'o i la oue nf the bast
winter ranges in Eastern Ors
gOO , a snap fur a sheepman.
No. .11100 acres, 'J I mih
irniii N j Ma, sloOS up to main
ditch on bench all in cultiva
tion 80 acres alfolfa, balance in
beets and grain B acn- orchard
i room bouse, stable, sheds, deep
Well; one of the In -t ranches in
Malheur count v; pays gfiOOO
Ml Lhil will be sold cheap
No. '20 SO acres, all gnoil
sandy soil, BO acres in cultiva
tion, a good little orchard, water
inr 89 seres, lots of small fruit;
cheap and n easy terms.
No. '27 8S0 aorea I mile from
a good tin tving town on R I.' ,
III cultivation; miiiiII nrcluml,
bouse, with water, will sell all
or will ut it up in 10.80 10
UN ti SCtS, On good terms.
No gO B lots iii north part
of city . close to school ; nice ly
located . cheap.
No. SO room house; .' lots;
good barn; '' blocks from Onto
i in ichooli
No. .!l 10 lots, one block
from Mam street with good
livery barn; doing good bnei
lie.-- . i heap.
We have a few choice relin
quishmentS for sale in thia near
ii. ,ii' ... . .1 Wed. I,, Prison.
Peiidlimi While Iii jail hern un
der sentence of ten years for rob-
hell, .Inn I'llir, ,, hi I Mil eeil, sell! out
for a Sunday suit of clothe., anil a
pair of patent leather shoes Shortly
afterward urilveil one Kiln I ll.'llln
ger, n grass widow, with n mairluge
license Standing In the hcilrT's of
fice at the door, leading Into lint
corridor, Judge Ullllland pei formed
the marriage ceremony. Parr will
be sent to Salem unless tin supreme
limit reverses the decision of thu
lower court.
Oflltlnl. Illumed for Wrctk.
Sali-ni In his oltlclal rspstl Kail
road Commissioner Campbell attrib
utes the cause of the recent wreck
near Cottage Orove to negligence of
tile ohVI.ll ot the load III lefelcllcn
parili ularlv to imptoper and tusuffl
cleiit Inspection of bridges It If
slated thai llie bridge which meat
down muter the passenger truln was
dis-ayed si points where truss tods
pleieed the heavy timbers, I, u i had
the uppearalne of Ill'lllliekS.
Wave Sweeps Two Oh Ijiiiin Ii.
New inn i Oreestssj iu own the
bar M'linl.n iiIkI'I. Hie lamnli l(,, o
wus stiucl b a heavy seu and two
of tin- tea passengers on Imaid, 10'
i older lie iij.liui and Mtm I'.tersoii,
luilll nl .Newpott, Well' swept I'WI
liourd llnlh could -..nn and cling
ing to uie prawertrera thrown niem
l, the people leti on boaul, man
aged to keep altoai till lines Were
tbiowii tin III an, I the Were pulled
over the i-II, completely exhausted.
Nn. 90s TWO h acre tracts;
one ."i-aiic tract- . adjoining town
m Ontario, with water right;
saw ar-
J. H. FARLEY, (j
l i
K. -iner Is Slilhuril.
ItosebuiK A itOkaiaj -iilia) lhat
mi. termlLttle In a l.ita.n m . urred
at Ulasa, a hutnlei about
eight Hilled solllliWesl of this illy,
.Moiidu) a. ei muni, when .1 n am)
Hose Wtll.ams, both w. II Iviiown
funnel s In this scitlon, am alleged
to liae ailuiked a delen-.l, lain.
ei by the nuiue ol'Miu, .-t.ihhlug
li 1 in our the heait with a knlfit.
1 1 ml Is I'ostponeil.
SI Helens 111.' Dial of J, K
I Tools I HUkesley, charged with at
leliipli'd exl irtioii In . 'U.ll ii).'. L.ark
luullllig letters to I-; I' guli k, truas
ui -r of rolumbla louniy, wus 'I'm .
duy postpi.ned until the October
term of court
lib li.nlil vre Near oiili PovTileiT
North I'ov-det l.une d.'liosll of
hlKh grate ore. riiliiilun l.ngely lo
copper, gold ami silver, bM SSM nil
covered near b.-ie Ihlrl) claims
have been s'uked off within luo
miles of town.
Ill cal' III. -tltl'es.- I- 111. 111.' .it' Ineli .re. i,l..
. . - f-" f' "" I
maple cotton, not imtii-. Myriads of long,
Hcecy libers carefully interlocked and evenly
distributed, forming i .-ino(. i ,:t t . without tuft
or binding, than, pure, sanitary, ('heaner
, i. ... l...: .....I . .. .'
"ii.ui ii. hi. nium eoniiortaiile than te.ith
i luaraiil.'i il lui 'Jtl years
Voril-l coin llaiigi-il I'riday.
Salem Adt'U Noidstroui, COUVlet-
ed of UK III il I it.' i of John Pelersou
In Tillamook count . wus baugis u
the penitentiary Friday
Joseph J. T. Sutton waa arrested
and fined 160 for spearing tlsh with
Kosehura- The body of Lewis
Haysanny, who mysteriously dltnp
peared two weeks ago, was found in
the I in pour river last week
Marshfleld riaude Stutsman and
Miss Alice Rehleld, two well known
young Marshfleld people, eloped to
I'oijniiii. and were married.
Sal. nil The Ihws passed by the
special session of the legislature and
ot bearing the emergency clause
became effective Tuesday morning.
Jun? 15.
Astoria Excellent progress Is be
Ing made on salving oil barge No
II, and It Is now lertaln the vessel
will be saved. About 17,1)00 bar
rels of oil have In en pumped from
the barges tunks
Salem Action haa been started In
the circuit court for this county tfl
condemn over I'Stiil acres of land
lying southeast of liervais for drain
age ditches.
I. a Grande Klmer Chrlstianson.
I mill led In the gtatid Jury several
we. I.h ago on a charge of passing u
raised check on an Ulglu bank, was
acquitted by a Jiir
Wallowa -The Males-Jones t'otn
panv of Uraugevlll. . Idaho, shipped
670 head of cattle liom Wallowa to
the lied Hock, Mont , ranges for the
summer The pile Is said to have
nw'ingcd better than I .'.'. per bead
Sal. nn Without watting for an
order cf Ihe slate railroad coiiimls
alon, -wMch has been Investigating
the mattei. the O U. A N. and the
S P have filed notice of substantial
i. .din lions In wool i.ites.
I.a (liande 'I'he I. a OflMS horse
and live stock show, held Saturday.
was '. iplendld success. Dr. J.
Wltbvroinbe, of tin Oregon Agri
cultural College, Judged the stock
and awarded prizes In the different
Salem 'ihe warm weather tho
past week having iipened the clnr
rlis faster than aii'l. Ipated, It was
decided In Iheche'i. fall i ommlttee
to change the dale of the cherry fair
from July 16, Iti and 17 to July 8,
and 10.
Astoria- Three Japanese women,
In appearance young girls, have been
arrested by Immlgiatlon Inspector
lioiihnni on a charge of their being
Illegally In the country. The spe-
Iln i barge Is they were I m
polled for Immoral purposes They
will l... given a hearing as to their
right to be In this country.
Portland -The annual Hundav
Si in, 1. 1 Convention of the Methodist
Kpl copal Church In Oregon opened
at the Taylor street Church Sunday
night Willi addresses In lllshop C.
W. Smith, Dr. Daniel Itad.r, editor
of thu Pacific Christian Advocate,
and Dr. Kdgar Ulake, assistant sec
retary of the Hoard of Sunday
Portland The Oregon slate build
ing at tho Alaska Yukon -Pacific K
position will be formally dedicated
Friday. June Is, when flovernor
llenson. Mis llensoii and a number
ot piomiaeiit Oregou men and wo
rn, will In- piesent. Mis lleusog
is lo be tho hostess at the afturnooB
rcteptlou aud her attendants are
women proiiilneut socially lu stale
Warrcnton The D. " !.. " Kelly
I. umber Company has completed a
railroad spur fm the purpose of ua
loadliig logs lu Sklpatiou creek. The
otiiiail for logs ..insists of about
IIU.OIIII. I feet of HplUce, cedar Ulld
in, lo lie furnished by the Moora
la.CKlug nplpe MJ A la l lie dredge
Is now at woi k at an expense of jU
per day Improving the channel uf
BklpojsOe creek.
Porilaud A inmtlng of ploneera
and o i Inr cltUeus Intereated lu tke
mallei was held lu ihe city hall Sat
in da af'eruoou lo luke the prelim- '
in.iiv steps towards peifecttng a1
'an for providing the ways anS
means to cieaie a slate paik at
Cliainpoc; lu older to perpetuate the ,
orgauDatloii of the provisional guv
eiuineiii ut that plu.e on May ( I
Sttluia Attonie) lioneral Craw
loul lias ed oolldeuiuatloa
pioi.-e, lings Iii ih.- -1 re ill I court fur
Itentoii coiiiii) to inndeiiiu and uc-
.uiie for the use of the Agricultural
College kail lo ;' I of of Avery It
Mills' addition to ihe city of C,,i -vallls
Ihe laud adjoins that al
rend) owned by the college and as
the iutei ested pai ilea could not
agiec on the price Ihe condemnation
pu.ceedliiKs ticiaiue niH'essary
Portland It took haielv to uilu- I
utes of the Jury lu the federal court
in iiuiie to the conclusion Carl Logs- '
don, the ly-yearold Indian from i
the Sllet, lesel i.illon, S.illse.l ol
niiiiderliig Ills cousin, Orover Cleve
land While, and they returned a ver
dict to (hat eft., t i'he verdict waa
a popular one and about 60 Indians
surged around the boy to congratu
late tn in ou his escape from the gal-Iowa.
,. j j : I pi ; W wji H
Of any Suit in the bouse
For the next 20 days we
will sell any of our $20,00,
$17.50, $16.50, $15.00 Suits
for the small sum of
S7.50, S8.50, S9.00 SUITS. FOR $5.00
Those suv all now Spring Styles, fresh from the factory in our
This Is the real CITY STYLE (or selling Suits fast Y want
you to get the Habit ol coming to KADKIl liliOS. A LAlfPKIN
Store tor Good Clothes Cheap. Call ami see them.
It PaystoTradeWith
Radep Bros. & Lampkin.
Ontario, Oregon
Jsili M Tm
h j 1 f I
"'""" Jim W
t'.-iiiri-i. Pro fids New C. .jnli. in. 4(
for SllllMIII l.lcellM'S.
Seville, J nn.' It;. ', i ..I, inln a
liquor license In Alaska In the fu
ture, an ut. i.". nut must uresent a
In tiiloii 'o uhieh the names of u ma
jority of Ihe ieo,e , his luetlnel
are slgiicil Is the inliicipal clause
of a bill imt'iil wit hum noise during
the oust Winter ut Wushliigiou, l
l" Not o 1 1 1 iiiiisi the majority of
III. 11 111 the in., ill.'l show tin It Vt 111-
Iiikii"ss to huve tin. license granted,
but llie u i. in. -li .in- iiIho llieluileil.
uml this fact has led some Alaskans
III .1 -lllllKlull to the belief thut til.'
Noi luUiinl ill hum ko iii y.
iini sIhmiIh Trullic Men.
Sll.ililkii. Of . .Illlle llj II. II.
TlUlllbull. .'111 III. I .1.1 1 UKiMlt of (lie
lliiu.ilh OMtffJi .nut J S Mcl.augh
lln, IflTtllH inlKht lie. -m for iu.i
MUM road, Mlth li.-iiliiiiirters In
I'oitl.inrl Mere sli.,t and seriously
Mounded cuily ibis nioiiilug by a
drunkeu negro iorter.
Local News.
Boost for Onlurifi. (Sol buay.
D. li. Ttittlc lins oioiit'il ft
M'liiiiil-liiiinl nlnre, two iIoom
north of tln ArRtti orBes ami
will l.nv Mini sell till kin. I- o
foods in liia line id. toiieits
your 'iitroiiiii;c uml uniniilci's
Iii- .itii-ii- a iiliil'c
Brorylhlng lias ftdvonood in
iln- Hour line, lint OS Srs atill
.i'IIiiijj at tlio olil iii(.. (inli'i
a suck ol lini.i'i nil I'uli tit. M.
If. Co.
TAl'T sr:,s vi'i , i u. MKSSAt.i:
bli.i.i HUM I'l.tx.
Will Save Mom) on I'lintiaae From
Hau FiiiiivImo Mini.
Sun l'rain 1-.1 1., une The Ja
I'llrse goxei nnieiii has Imichus. t
from the I nit. il Studs mint In Ihi:.
city gold taftOti to the iiiiiouiit oi
.',.'. .0,000 I. n the uiiimuiiced pur
StS of autiiiifiiilug Us reserve fund
in cover a purltog of Us usuu ut
bank notes li bus been the custom
of Julian to iur base gold In Lou
don. but u considerable muting lui
b.' ii effected by the piesent uuu&ac
lion, ..mho; to the fuvinnlil.' lute ol
CMli.inne between New York und
Hi illli is tun prSOloilS to li'
lomporod silh ly iiteonpttont
Jors oi drugs. I n Ins il-
Tnrllf Istssftafl Aked to Ali.ud
Coruoiuii.,11 Tut, ami Hlatr.
li'lll Act on Incomes.
mhi-imiiiv uurg o , ioi eiosn
ilrtiHc, ami t-xjurt m-i vice),
"Bios Pi i i i t of any Towoshin
iii tin- linriis I. ii.. I UiMrict,
slio.vinir i, nines of onl i yiiicii,
km. Is of entry, ilatts i to. ami
topography. Pries l.iti." J,
('. Turnev. Burn. Oiti'on.
... i - -
We liavi- reeeived a Iftrsjs
tbipinenl ol Oorpel Bsreepers,
uioii' (linn we run mII ut
prices ftnd bars decided to sell
.a Jobbers prices. Cell end see
rt hat tlicv are M. M l'n.
WlNiiii-Diil'ly Co.
of ilrno-.
for all kniil.-
I'lllllOllS WOIIII'.I III Sl'SxioU
loiinio, June I " Mine than 7.
O'Mi.iiiio Moiniu, MViftf lu all .ail
of the woi Id. .in reii evented ut the
i (on il Ii iu!niiii meeting of lh.
luiernatloiiiil I'ouncll of Wuineu
Mhiih t. 'ii-i i. In aannlou In this cii
today. I'l"' council win remuiu in
session (WO Meeks.
iiiiiiiiu 11 an4 I I...I... i .1 :.. . ..J
va i ui iiiitii i unu uiiun iuiiiig (iiui
n Licensed Emlxilmer.
kl Lady Assist unt.
The Year 1909 Will Show Won.
derful Development, for Ontario.
Watch Ontario Grow.
Heads lo Cut llalea.
l.ewlatull. id.iliii. lull.- l Oper
atioii ol 111.' Iinleiniiileiit sieamers
uetMci'ii I'urtliuid und I.cmIsIoii,
Mlinli li..s luoiinhi uboul a i5 per
cent lediiclloii lu frtigbl i lunges u
also rebutted in the luilioud com.
panics taking steps to meet ihe cut
on a number of commodities.
Freighters e lm e u
SrgS ainonnt ol munis i,, s,j,
io Ihe Interior ami will juiy
.hiiI rates. Let us liii'r from
Viiti if you are IlllSfSStsd. Mal
lieur Mereanlile Co.
l.noK at our Allalla Kenova
or. This will reftdjutt lbs al
alia llelils
lies are.
HA V 800 tons
ale at i per ton in
M. Co
t iet liosli il on w lull
M. M Co.
of hay
Hogs liijli. -i Kor J7 Vears.
I'hiiugo. June II. The highest
June price for live hogs sluce 1SS2
was established today, w hen the beat
porkers sold ut $8 a 100 pounds.
llie .irgus gives all the news)
all the lime.
Very cboiee seed wheat. Ah-
suliitely clean. Only ft limited
quantity left. M. S. Oo.
We bftVS buyer! lor high dry il Ian. I. Inquire ol Urcer
d Plugboff, real sstats dealeis
Ontario. Ore.
For Sale Two-year ohl stal
lion; foal of Tartaru
srery pariieular; ooal black in
color; weight 1300 pounds; gen
tle. Inauire of John T. Itav. R.
Washington. June 16. Presldeut
Tuft tod. iv sent iu cougress a mes
sage tilling lh,- passage of an
aioell.tiilVlit lo the tariff ImrHMitug
n tux of 2 per en iipoft ihe uudls
trlliuied lot earnings of corpora
tions, ,ui4 III iidopllon or a i .'solu
tion submitting lu (he several atatea
au amendim-iit to the constitution
glviiiK cuBgres the power lo Impose
a tux ou lu. lines.
This ual rsiiiiidiiig Mt's reached
at a session of the Cabinet Tuesdav
aud waa approved by Republican
senate lenders, who conferred with
llie rrcsldei i
I be I'i -'. Inn favors au amend
ment providing for a tux on the net
euriilnus of corpurullona. not only
bei.u;.,.. of the added reveuue It
would produce, b also because be
bell, ag H Mould throw a healthy
light of ,.u l.luli upon ihe affairs cf
nil IMiruilous.
It has I ... 1 1 ...tlmated that a I
per c -in tax on the earnings of cor
poi.iMous available for dlvldenda
Motil.l ield upiuoxliiialely $20,000,
oi"i u year, while at the same rate
g tax ou all incomes would yield
from 170,000,000 to $mi.imiu.ouo
Probe lo Kmer Sugar.
W.isliiuglou, June 14. The de
partment ut Justice bus assigned two
ageuts lo duty in New York with
Instructions to examine inio the con
ditions under which the ret cut com
promise wus art. tied between ihe
American BOgftl lterlning Company
and ihe I'einisylvania lletlniug Com
pea The agents are to examine
into the allegations that the coin
promise disclosed conditions Involv
ing a violation of tjie Sherman gut
irusi law.
r. D , Onlurio,
Authouy Meyer, a Brooklyn. N.
f.. Iceman, on (he same day sold an
BOUnd ill I Interest in au oil well, which had
cost him loo, for 140,000 and re
reived a letter from a long lost
brother lu Seattle saying he had
made f 1, 000.000 in Alaska, and In
vluiii him to go Into partneranlp.
He Mill Ihe lu Sea l lie.
Ore. or at this