The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 11, 1909, Image 4

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    It. D. (Jhkkh.
VI. l'l.l illl'MI'.
Greer & Plughoff
Bargains in Real Estate
& Farm Property
I)d you wiint U) make MONEY? Why not invcsl
in land here now in Malheur county, wlmio juices arc
always going higher. No risk. No diancc. Conic in ami
talk it over. Our lint comprises most of the choice
lands in the Malheur nml Snake River Valleys If WO do
not have the exact piece of land you desire we will try and
obtain it for you.
1'ersonally acquainted with all portions of Malheur
County, and we can inform iutending huyers intelligently
Located at the Argus Office.
No. 20 I lots on Main streell No. 8ft 100 acres, I) miles
in business center, n good lorn! from Ontario, all fenced, will
lion. icoinc under Onvernmenl J'ro
xr .,, M ,... i.,..i. I J'1. ln K0'"1 Trice
V. I u IVtf 'll l ii i l !' r. ,
i 1
The Well Known Eye Specialist
Will Hfc at life (Eartrr Tavist
luttl ik&npfloag, 3tmr IB.
if you are troubled with failing vision, weak, inflamed or
watery eyes, headache or eyestrain in any form, don't fail to con
sult l)r. Walker. The doctor has all the latest methods and
makes a searching scientific examination of each individual case.
If yon have had trouble in getting properly fitting glasses before,
don't miss this opportunity now. Satisfaction guaranteed in
each and every case. Hundreds of satisfied patient-1 and tost i in o
nials. Dr. Walker at the Carter House until Wednesdav, June 16,
all leveled and etreot irruded
Will sell in part or all at panic;
BO per acre.
No. h o ucrea all under cub
No. 18160 ueroii H miles
from railroud town, with BfOOM
house; stable for six horses; 'JO
tons of hay; 2 granaries; all out
liuildings; deep well; cuts '100
tons of hay; '20(H) bushels grain:
with good water tight in Owy
hee ditch, a family orchard) a
No. 2410 and 'JO acre tracts,
nicely located, I mile from town, ' season
with good water right; line fruit
and berry land, on easy terms,
these urn choice pieces; come
and see.
tivotion. with good water right
in Owyhee ditch , will sell in 10
or 20-ucre tracts; one-hulf down,
balance on easv terms.
No. .''2 lOfi acres three quar
ters of a mile from Ontario post
office; part in ciiltiuition ; a
snap at '-'" in.
No. .'.'1 f-room house, one
half block from poototfloo, on
Main steel; hiuirest snap of the
No. 87160 acres .'.J
No. 'J." SO acres, JO miles
from Ontario, 7.r acres in culti
vation I acres in orchard, lols
of berries of all kinds; good
miles home and burn ami all out-
from Ontario; all good bench buildings, with a perfect water
land, with perfect water right; right; this is choice and will go
good house and outbuildings; .puck.
berry patch; partly in cultiva- N ,
""" 'pr.'re. ndy eoil, 80 eerer. ... cultire.
NoJ 5 lots, with a ti-room lion, a good little orchard, water
brick house, good cellar end for ."'J acres, lots of ..mull fruit
deep well. (heap and on easy terms.
No. m 5 lots, with h 7-room No. 27 880 acres I mile from
brick houee; deep well mid good , a good thriving town on It H ,
cellar; shade tie.s. in cultivation; smull orchard,
., ,. ... ,. i house, with water will sell ull
No. JH ouo block, ell fenced or w,j (.ut it U, n ju.jh n
and 4-rootu house, .1 blocks from (ucre trMUi ., ,,-,,.
d.pot; cheep.
K'n 'Mi .r lulu in imrlli null
N4A K'""i ,,,,ee,, ranch of city; close to school, nicely
of iOOacres, with broom house, I jocaU), ; ebOOp.
stuble for four horses, orchurd
of 122 trees, aborted; loU of1 If . 86 l-ro house, .'! lots;
g re pea and ln'irns of all kinds. good bain. 8 blinks from Onta-
lilting 166 tons of alfalfa hay ; ' rio school.
water right; in one of thu best ;tl0 lots, one block
winter ranges in Eastern ire-,froi Maj stn.,.t M ith
gon; ft snap for sheepman. hVery barn, doing good
No. 84180 acres, miles
fioin Ny.-sa, close up to main
ditch on bench, all in cttlliwi
lion, 60 aoies alfalfa, balance in
beets and giuin, H ucres orchurd
i room house, stable, sheds, deep
well, one of tho best ranches in
ROM! clieiip.
We have a few choice rclin
Uishmcnls foi sole in this near
No. 86 T0 10-acre tracts;
one .'i-ucre traots . adjoining town
Malheur county, pays 86000 1 Ontario, will, water rigin.
war; this will be sobl cheap. OftOftjfc
' J sw iaSem
j. nu "ruii iihiii'.' i in. mi- iii nitiii 'Made
staple cotton, not I in tors. Myriads of long,
Ibecy Abort carefully interlocked and evenly
distributed, forming a .-ingle hat, without tuft
or binding. Clean, pure, sanitary. Cheaper
than hair, more comfortable than feathers.
Quftrantood for 90 years,
Furniture and Undertaking and
Licensed Embalmer.
Lady Assistant.
. .!. -r
Judge Stewart DellllliiK, one of
the inu-i noted iilintiial lawyers el
Idaho. dld at Moscow last week.
The .: in- of tlie Decatur, 111 , (er
al Company, thu lurgest corn mill
In the world, wan burned Tuesday.
The loss Is HlllllBlllI at MMtOiO,
The 11.1t.1l in oici .niiiii'- iiiroved
by the Kiench ....In. i Involve an
expenditure of ItiOu, 1100,000, cover
ing n iierlod of teu years
John Murphy, u butcher In u
Soiiiei t IHc. M.i - , packing boilHe bt -MM
suddenly Insane uud driving
liN fellow workmen before him, slew
five nml wounded four others.
I'libllc l.llinii iiiii i a.,.. I .ii in in Ih.
of l.os AugeleH, lias frumed un In
telleituul pine food law for llliliuy
use, uud brieaftvr will iuate "poison
labels" In ull luaicuiate or "tainted"
llbiuiy booku.
Wllllaoi Wlllliima, the uw lulled
Hlate conimlMHloner of ImmlKntllou
at KIIIh Irlund, bus IhhuihI un olHclul
notice udvoculliiK mure rigid examl
nutlon of mleiiH entering thu coun
try al IhlN port.
I.ewUton, iiliibn. Is vxpeileiiclng
the hlgheat water ulncu 1 ft eura ago,
when practically one-lialf of UM
biiHlnvik dlHlrlct nml much nf thu
NSjfttOM section whs lUbmetged
Bei ii-ury of Interior ilulllngii BM
deslgnuted un un n of J70,0UU aciea
of land In Htm MSSSM and I ." i -.
acre In Montunn. un coming wlihln
the provUlona of ihu UJUacie liome-
t.-Mii law
Thu mlllila la In eonipletr control
of llcCloud, Cul. The atrlkera have
noi offered Oie ullghtrut NtMlMt
lo the mildli'ix nml Ihe plunt Is
III operullon under atroiiK guurd.
A plague of calerpllluiH Ii.ih ft
voluped aucb mTlous proporllouii
that ihu Vliii. i la, II. (' , lln- ftsfart
llient In euguged wllh chemical en
glnea lu Hie woik of extui iiilualloii.
enirtn from xoiitheru Texa allow
thai the Aral of ihtu aeuaou'a whval
la Ihe fulled Slulea la being COU
trucied for at f 1 'ii uud upwurda
Hurry K Thaw uiuat rsuialll lu
tho atute anlum for the ciliiilual In
aano at Matleawun, by a decUlou
i.-ii l.'i.'d In ihu appellate dlvlMou of
the aiipremv couil lu lliooklyn
Timber ftrva .u- reported from
M'U'lill i.i I I i of Wi-nli'lli I'.in.i-I.i
Alokg III 1'ilii.e Vlbeil I. iiiii. 'i of
ihu I'auiidlun Norlheru rullway In
Ihu riji-kui. in-wan Over dlatrlcta thu
llir extviida inn uilluu and It Is
feuie.i many Un . hafe bu lout.
Thu at reet car atrlku lu l'hiia.l.-l
jliln ib been h.-iileil The men will
rueelvo 1.'- cents uii hour and lu
bouia will i un -iliiite u day's work.
K. T. Moole.i, aupeiluleliitelit of
ihu Oregon ma 1. 1 Mind a.yluiu ul
' l. in. la In Wushimttoii, II 0 ,
alii, l In; the lillnd "dm allonul nutli
od ut Kei'il.ll til ten.
Albert T. I'atrlck'a uppllcalluu for
u will ul liali.aH coi'iiiia nl.aollig
iitia from Slug Slug prison, wbeie he
la lllldut IHe Hi'lllelice for Ihe llllllder
of V. M Kli'e, haa bwu denied by
the hupreine i ourl.
Police . ie Ii. ii i't. SI KUuraldu,
I'al , have n. rested u .Mexican who
hat. coufc-ded i but he U ihe murder
er of A mile I'oltura, S years old.
At Wilmington. Del , the jury In
thu cane of A. Q Click, tried for en
tering upou government property
uud Hollrlllug contribution from
federul employe for campaign pur
posi. ii-tiiiued a verdict of guilty.
(ill,:, wan fined SHOO.
The Idi-simi eoiincll ha adopted
1 1 in. u In.- budget, rcbloi'lug the up
proprlal"ll of 1 1 , .iiii.OiMi rejected
by thu Duuuiu Thl uuiouut I lo
go ii ward thu . .'iimiiii' inn of four
ucw bgttlushtp autbortssa I" ivus
I beat Truck prices. Club, Ills.
ret Itu.HHlan, 11 15; bluestuiii, fi
tl 1 'ill; Valley, 0117.
ftSrlSf Feed. H; rolled j6u
Ugt No. 1 whits, .u gray,
lluy Timothy, Willamette Vulley.
faint, tju; do ordinary, 15, Kaat
M Oregon, mixed, 1 1 o nj IT. do.
funcy. tl ulfulfu. (14; clover. II.
Iiuiiei Ktia. L'tic; faucy, ii
jfldt J5c; store, 1 1 u :'dc
';kk Choice, J3 j -Jic.
Hop l ;(!, coutract, Sc per ID ;
l'ju crop, (. ,; 7c, 1SU7 crop, iiftic.
Wool Kauteiu Oregon, lsy J.'c
per pound, Valley, medium, 24
Mohair 14 n ftl ft.
Portland --Joseph Simon, ttepub
llriin. wan elected mayor of this city
Monday by a majority of 171.
Kixebuig OouglaH county straw
bet lie are now selling to paasuti
gers of tiatns passing through tbi
city ut 60 1 .ills per box, and thu sup
ply Is not 'jii.i to the demand
Jacksonville The peoplu of Jack
sonville .111 June IS will vote upon a
boud Issue of llOO.uuo for the con
strurtlon of water work for the
OrssjM City-The Oregon City
tauiifiieturtng Cotniiuuy tins put
1 b.i- .I pool of wool ut Hcln, I. Inn
County, paving SI cents per
lioilinl. Thin Is salil to be Ihe high
esl pi Ice paid for wool in the Will
aineiii' Vulley this tear.
I'i.i Hand The total production of
coal lu Oregon lu i'"i a shown b
stftllrtlrs collectod Ik K W I'aiker,
of lbs I'tiltnl atulis Keolngbal sur
v,t. whs M,IM Mhoit ton, having a
spot vulue of 23fi. Otl. All of the
coal pi o. tin -I'd came from Coo liny.
Albany Alleging that the South
ern 1'nclflc Company
matters In It liiltrl llsi'lllent of
rate to thu lucent s'ute encamp
ment of thu 1. A. It. In CoivuIIIm,
some local veterans .if the Civil wu
are planning lo till..- the matter be
fore the Ntnte commission.
Mule ill The supi.iiie court Tues
day reversed the ucilou of Ihe lowei
c.iui-i. wbl'li found Dr. (1 M. Whit
ney, of I'm, hi tirovi., guilty of ihu
death of Mabel Win The rune was
lil.d before Judge t'lelaud, lu Muli
Uomali county, ami the doctor fouud
guilty of in. hi i.inri.'. 1 .
Iiuker city The cast of Will
W.iltei .. win, ,, rhaiged wlih hav
ing cons 1 un i, 1 .'.lull Kims, a
yi.'iug school glil, to extract f'JUOO
fioin J II. llrlswold, a merchant of
till 1 Ity, wu taken up by the grand
Jut) uud was released because) no
Irile bill wa K'tnilieil ugulllst llllll
Coltuge Unite When on the mid
dle of K. in bridge spanning How
lit. 1, on Ihe Oregou i Southeastern,
a mixed ii.iin clashed through uud
fell, all but the lUgllle, 40 feet Into
the streuui bi low Salurduy ufter
lu.uii Seventeen paungrs were
Injuied, all of them luoiu or less
l.'ugens -A Wood and wlfu, wi.o
are walking ft 0111 t.oe Augelea to Be
adle ..a a wager .i-d through
ibl elty laat week, hauling a Utile
wugou, which the) must deliver to
the culltnrrilu building at the A -Y.-H.
Uxposlilou The unmet that they
iiiii In- mint be earned or received
for aouteuliH, u.s 1 be) are bound not
to ant thing as u gift or to
druw on 1 heir r. .-ource.
Nyu I lie SOU try surrounding
the ,) i.i, tlwyh.e. Sual.e and Mal
lieur tulle) un- uured of Irriga
tion b) ihe blitulug of coiitruct by
aettler with the llole-Ow) hue Ir
liglUlOa Coinpan), which agrees to
put lu a liisi-clas ktsiem of lirlga
iiuii reaeitolr uud cuual and Inl
gute l'iiii.iiuu aciea of laud, l.'O.UOO
lu Malheur county aud Ihe real in
Portland c 11 iiiiuchy, a Civil tetiiau uud a clllxeu of Port
bind kliue UTO) ha succeeded lu
liiuuiifui'tiiiiiig a 1. impound which It
la Mild will supply a loug-felt waut j
for a ufe uud powerful explosive, by 1
ine use 01 wnii 11 (lie great loas of
life and piopeitt that has marked
the use of (he ultro compound ex
pltitflte eter since ihe diwovery of
nltro-glycei iue can be avoided.
Medford lluudieds of the lead
ing business men ot southern Oregon
:we signing a p.-llilon to tho Presi
dent thai he pardon Charles Nlckell,
convicted of perjury lu counectlou
with the Oregon land fraud In 1985.
For over 40 yeuis Nlckell resided la
Jai-ksou county aud had conducted a
newspaper during moat of that time.
lie wa l lilted Statu land commis
sioner when arrested aud convicted
of asalstlug lu fruuduleut land en
tries. He wa sentenced to 14
mouth 011 McNeil's Island.
Corvallls The body of Frank
Pierce, u retired faruui, who has
been serving a watchman at thu Oc
cident mill, was fouud ttoatlug lu
the WWI-UNelo river Saturday. The
J. owning Is suitouuded with consid
erable mystery, as Plercu was seen
ou the strtut ot Corvallls lu the
iin.i-niug and lu good health. It la
suspected that hu was taken with
heart trouble while crosslug the
gr m r
r 3 !. u I
4 i v
Of any Suit in the house
For the next 20 days we
will sell any of our $20,00,
$17.50, $16.50, $15.00 Suits
for the small sura of
$7.50, $8.50, S9.00 SUITS, FOR $5.00
'so are all now SpriiiLr StVlcs, fresh from Hie factory in our
This is the real CITY STYLE (or selling Suits fast. We want
you to get the llalit of coming to RADER BROS. A LAMPK1N
Store for Good Clothes Cheap, ('all and sec them.
It Pays tc ) Trade With
Rader Bros. & Lampkin.
Ontario, Oregon.
It. ;:i. In l. .lis t...rl nlng Ihnwlllg of
Iti-M-rv ill Inn l.iinh Mint.'.
W'.ishliigtiin, l ('., J ii in' H. H'i'.
rtlaiy liulllng.T lias apiiruved rrg il
lations g.ivi'i nlng tile i. inning tu ni
tty ut tin- hiii iliii hunts of iIih t'oi-ur
d'Alini-. Si.ikiiii.' in. I Kliitlu-uil In
dian rfS.TV ut Ions, under the I'resl
iliiii'i. pi in l.iiiiiiiliiu of May ft. lu u
gi'iu-riil ii t In-ii- regulations follow
(lie lints litltl it. mil ut i. Hut Indian
land lotlirl.H of riH'onl years, aupll
lants foi land lirlng olillgt-d to reg-i-ii-i
tlu'lr u.ill.'ulloiis, 'hit rt'glalra
(Ion to be i. .ii. .w.ii by a big draw
ing w lilili will take ilure at Coeur
d' A It'll... Idulio, on August tt. The
t'oi-ur d'Alfii.t diuwltig i oiius first,
tin 'ii (he l-'l.itli. .ul and lustly the
8n ha lit.
lti',.lblrailon of proiitt'tlve si-t-Hi
in will In r. in lul 15 .ii, .I iiul on
August '., 1909 Those) dfsiiiug to
.Iiiii lu. in tl' A I.-ii.- I.hiiIk iniist ri'i;
IftSJt lu iiTsi,n ut t'orur d'Ali'in-;
taMM df.tii itiK Siiltiiiii l.imls must
r'gUt. I ' IttOKSM and iijiplkuuts
ii.i I'l.ii I. in iiiiisi rSSjtSjtafJ ut
Kullsull or Mi'.uiila, Mont.
tilil KIIU HHi'illiiiiit.
Allbliiu, t'.il , .linn- 7 Joi Annul,
a young man ot tills plar.-. was slut
uiul Klll.-.l li Miss Alum Hell, a girl
of his omii Itfl Tin- shooting took
lijaus on u liliiliway viost of (his ulty
The girl wus found til. 1.1. n ill ta..
brush near the seen. When tak.-n
to the tail slit- ronfossed she had
Kllli'il Aitiu-s because he it'fused ti
in i, i i hiT
Boost for Ontario, (let busy.
K M. Tiittl hit- oit'iieil it
si'iotiil-liiiiiil stort, two ilui'i
uortii of tin- Argot ofllco it -
will luiv ami sell nil kiodl Ol
Hiinil- in Ins lint'. Ut- Milinl-
voui polronogi mxl raoranlow
his DOlfOM u . j 1 1 . 1 1 ili-iil.
Kvt'rytliiiifcj litis ailvuinril in
the tlonr line, Imt v urt still
selling at the ohl prict. Onlt'i
u sack of Impenul l'utt'iit. M
M. Co.
Health is too ntM'ioiiH to In
tainjiorcd with bj inroiiijiftrnt
vi'iiilors of dragaX Try the Wil-son-Duffy
Dorg t'o, It'i clean
ill us, ami e.i it mi iff.
"hlne Print of inn- Tovotbli
ill the Hums I. ami I'l.-tritl.
bowleg liauifs ul' f uli tiun.
kunls of entry, dates ete. ii lu'
topography, Prico i 00.M .'
('. 'Iiiinev, liiirn.-, OrtgOO,
Wool Sales Dates
The ilates tlinl huvo heeii
lixi'l for Ihe sool sales in But.
om Ortgoo for tho coming sm-
00 followt!
IViulhton May Jl.Jnn I
lle.iner Ma ''7, Juo 18
Shuiiikn .1 tint- I, 1.., J'.i.
Bokor J ooo .", jj.
Ontai io I one 7, tl,
Joseph Juno '-'I.
Knterpriftt Jrno 2.Y
Cliaiifjes in the schedule may
be initde later when the huyers
hive conferred with IbogTOOvfl
Wo have
shipment of
Seattle to Man- Itefuge for t'liescort.
st Ultors to r'ulr.
Seattle. June s Isttlls will have
a hotel exclusively for wmucu during
the t'Xosllloii. It will have accom
modations for 100 guents and whs
built at a cost of $11000 This wus
borne lu large purl by the various
I liuiilif.t. women of the city, clubs
and social aud religious prganU'4-
dona It will be conducted, untjei.
the auspices of the Y. W. (.'. A . whu
already operate a womau'b hotel ou
yiifin Aim IIIII.
i.-fivfd u largt
Carpel Bwooport,
mOrO than we iiiii sell at rtgtlUl
prices and have decided to sell
al johhers prices. Cell and -n
eblll they are. M. M. Co.
Wilson-Duffy I'd. foi ull kinds
of drugs.
To afrolgblon v' bovo u
irge amount of goods to tbip
.o the interior and will pay
OOd rates. us hear from
r0U if you era interested. Mal
heur Mercantile t'o.
Look at our Alfalfa kenova
tor. This will re-adjust tho ul
folfo fields, (let posted on what
they are. ftf. M. Co.
via Oregon Short Line.
To Deuver, Omobo, Keoeoj
Oily, CbicegO, St. Louis nml
tiber points, June i, ;., 1 1, i-,
I'i and 2t)t. See aeents fop
aler dales, rates ami further
6000 Ai Kls S'lATK I. M -
To ho sold at aticlion ut Hur
ley, Idaho, 00 June l,"ilh. e
duied rates will he made via the
Oregon Short Line railroad, and
tickets on sale from Idab aid
Oregon point, .June l.iih, Ht,
end 15th, Kroot Utoh umi other
points June IJtii, I'ithaml Hih.
Ask agents for lales or write W.
l Jack, huiley, Idaho, for fur
ther particulnis.
Head the Argus ami get the
It. .an .a to Confederate Lem-n,).
Ylcksburg, Miss., June i t)u
June 11, the ila folloulng the close
of the I'uiud I'onfiil.-i.iti' Vfierans'
leuulon ut Mt-iuphis, mauy of the
old soldiers uud other uotables will
a.-ai.iiil. If here to attend, the unveil
ing of a statue of the Ipte tifiiaial
Stupheu Dill who was comtuau
der lu chief of the Confederate or
ganlsatlon at the time of his deatb.
HAY 100 tons of hay
sale ut 41 per ton in stack.
M. Co.
Very choice seed wheat. Ab
solutely clean. Only a limited
queotity left. If, If. Co.
We have buyers for. high dry
deedtd land. Iiujuireol Qraei
iV; Ploghoff, real cslate dcahis
Ontario, Ore.
The Argus give:
lull the time
ull the news
For Sale Two-year old stal
ion; foal of Tartarus; sound in
every particular: coal black n
olor; weight 1 800 pounds; gen
tle. Imiuire of John T. Hav, R
i r . I) , ( ntario, Ore, or
via Oregon Mioil Line.
To Doom, Omobo, Komm
fity, Chicago, St. Louis nml
other pointe, June 4, f,( H(
Hi and -iili. See agents for
later dates, rates and further
i. uon via BXCUfteiOM
via Oregon Short Line.
l'aily for tickets one way via
I'oitland. Prequeol dates f(,r
other routes. beeOragofl shmt
Line agent.- for further detuils.
via Oregon Short Line.
To Denver, Omuhu, KtOtej
City, PbieegO, St. Lotus a,., I
other puints, June 1, ., 1 1, f
Mi ami 'Jtith. Bee leenU for
tt thisputer dates, rales and Luther
i particulars.