THE TURNER TRIRUNE i Tonsils Removed without operation or loss of time DR. LEWIS 408 Oregon Bldg. S al em .W U W k V U W W W » W » W W S S % S V In The County Court Of The State 01 Oregon For The Count 01 Mario In the Matter of the Estate of ' Vi Ration John Amman, Deceased. J TO : Albert V. Graber, Harry B- Grab- er, Lewis T . Graber. Mattie E. Clark, Mrs. Walter Dorsett, Daniel Amman, Seth Amman. Also all other parties and persons .unknown interested in said Estate and property. Whereas, Application having b e e n made in due form in the above named Court on the 1st day of June, 1931, by R . D- Gray, Administrator of s a i d E tate, for an order and license direc­ ting, authorizing, and empowering him to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of said decedent, end described as follows, torwit: Begin 54.17 chains South oftheNorth- east corner of the Donation L a n d Claim. No. 64. thence West 32.50 chains: thence South 15 75 chains; thence East 32 50 chains; thence North 15.75 chains to the place of beginn-ng, in Township 9. South Range 2 West in Marion County. State of Oregon, containing forty-three and one half acres more or less, all situate in Mar­ ion County, State of Oregon. AND W H EREA S. Said Court by an order duly made and entered on the 1st day of June, 1931. directed and re­ quired that citation issue to you aud each of you. T H E R E F O R E , In Tne Name Of The State Of Ore­ gon, You and each of you. are hereby cited, directed and required to appear before this Court in the Court Room thereof, on or before July 6. 1931, being the first day not a legal holiday follow­ ing the last day herein prescribed for the publication of this citation, and not less than 28 days from the date of the first publication hereof, and the time fixed by the Court in the order directing service of this citation upon you bv publication and then and there to show cause, if any there be. w hy an order of sale should not be made <>f the above described real prop­ erty, as in said petition prayed for. aud said petition should not be granted, and said order and license for sale should not issus. Witness, 'i he Honorable J . C. Sieg- mund. Judge of the said Court with the Seal of said Court affixed this 1st day of June, 1931. (- o fs ix le e n yeur» a lia li he per first publication there d will be on the ¡fixed Tuesday, the 23rd day of June, Summons n ilt t e d to go a tiro a d n p o u or w a n d e r 4th day of June, 1931, and the date of 1931, at the hour of ten o’clock. A. M., Te Howard Paillefer and Florence a b o lii th è atreeta o r a lle y s , o r p ilh llc the last publication there«'! will be on of said day as the tune, and the County | Paillefer, Defendant* above named: place» o f th è T o w n a fte r th è l i o u r o f l * the 2nd day of July, 1931. Court Room in the County Court House In The Name Of The State Of Ore­ o ’ o lo e k, P. M , unleaa s u o li |ie ra o n This summons is so published and in Salem, Marion Comity, Oregon, as gon, You are hereby required to up- » h a ll bave th è |a > rm l*» lo ii o f lb e p a r e li! served upon you pursuant to the order the place for hearing said final account pear and answer the complaint herein o r g u a rd im i tu w r lt ln g . o r » h a ll tie n e - of Millard B. Hayden, Judge of the and all objections thereto. | filed in the above entitl d cause Mnd c o m p u n te li hy s u d i p a n n i o r t'iiu r d ia n above entitled Court which order was Dull'd at Salem. Oregon, this 20th court, within lour week* from the time n n d I I la lo r< by in a ile t lie d u ly o f th è made and entered of record on the 2nd day of May, 1931. of the publication of this summons, to- T o w n M a in im i t o w u r n a ll » u r ti |a-r- day of June, 19II HAROLD BR IG G S I *iC June 18, 1931; and if you fail to noiib of tit 1«, fifteen minute« toO o'clock M IL L A R D B HAYDEN. Administrator of the K»trut so appear and answer, plaint>IT I will S ’ Ction 2 ., All persona w ho »hall vi­ Justice of the Peace of Betty G. Briggs, deceased. take a decree against you as follows; olale th è above -a-ctloii «hall la- deemed Guy O. Smith, Fred S. Bynnon, Salem. Oregon I (a) A Judgment (or tKOO.OO and in­ gilltty of a m lsileineaiior and upoii 403 Gurdian Building terest iher-'«»n at the rate of 8 per eynt con violim i ih creo f I ecfore th è R eco r­ Attorney for Administrator .Salem, Oregon M 21 28 J 4 11 18 per annum from thv 16th day of Sep. der, »hall Ito pilli, »luci for th è ||r«t of- Attorney for Plaintiff tember. 1930, until paid, together with felice hy a puhlic reprim am i *hy th è the sum oi $50 00 attorney’s free, to­ Recorder ; and f’*r elicli aucoreding o l­ gether with plaintiff’# coats and dis­ iatina hy a line noi I c m thnn f i in i nor In The Circuit Court Of The Slate Ol NoliCC OÍ H 6 flrÌ0 { Of FÌOSl AC’ bursements: more thnn fUI.OO, And In all case» (b) Foreclosure of the mortgage upon w herc s u d i |M-r»»u »hall fall lo puy Oregon For The County Of count the described real properly, to-wit, lot »uch fine iliipo»cd ilpnli bini under th è Manon No, 6 in block No. II in J . M yei’s Ad- provl<-|o|i» of tlils se d io li, Ile » I i n II I h - dittion to the City of Salem, Marion im pnaniinl one day fur every f 2.00 of Notice i* hereby given tbat the final DEPARTM EN T N O . I such fine, in lb * city Jail. account of J T. Turner, as Administra­ l ounty. Oregon; (c) For such other, further and dif- Adopt*«! February Jr«i, IV 3I. tor of the E state ol Julia C. Turner, de­ STA TE OF OREGON, repre­ ferent relief »* to this Court may seem ||. |(. PKK. I /. Approved ceased, has been filed in the County) sented by and acting through just and equitable. lte«-order K J H A R R IS O N , Court of Marion County, State of Ore­ the World War Veteran's State You are hereby notified that this sum­ Mayor gon, and that the20th day ol June, 1931. Aid "ommission ol the State of mon* is served upon you by publication Kir t Beading Dec 2nd, IU.HI at the hour of ten o'clock A M , has Oregon, composed of Julius L. ' Jan. fill*. been duly appointed by such Court for ; thereof in the furrier Tribu e. a weekly Second Meier. Governor; Hal E. Hoss, ’* Feb. 3rd, 1931 the hearing of objections to sue!) final newspaper of general circulation, print­ Third Secretary of State; George A. account and settlement thereof, at which ed and published in Marion < ounty, White, Adjutant General; Wal­ time ary person interested in such eqate : Oregon, pursuant to the order of the ter S. Fisher and S. J. Halsan, may appear and file objections thereto| • lonorable Gale S Hill, Judge of said Plaint tT, 1 Court, made on the I'2th day of June. in writing and contest the same vs. Ordinance No. 74 1931; and Dated this 21st day of M u , Frank A. Lais, Golda May You are further notified that the date J . T. T U R N E R , Lais, and John G. Lais, An ordinance regulating the «ale of the first publication of this summons Administrator Defendants. is the 18th day of June. 1931, and the anil prohlMling the «Itarliarglog of j E. L. Crawford last publication will be the 23(2 day of fire cracker» and other fire work* w ith­ Attorney for Estate To Frank A Lais and Golda May Lais, in the corporate lim it* of ilic t 'lty of Ju ly. 1931. Laud f* Bush Bank Building two of the above named defendant*. Turner. S. M EN D H 'O TT, In tne Nan." of the State of Oregon, j Salem, Oregon Re It ordained l>y the Common Attorney for Plaintiff You are hereby required to appear and First pohlication. May 21. 1931 Council of tlo- t'lty of Turner, Oregon, Addre**. Salem, Oregon answer the complaint filed against you Last Publication June 18. 1931 Section I. T h e Common Council of in the above entitled court and cause on «VVVWWV A W M ’W A W A V the t'ltv of Turner, do«-», by thi* Or or before four weeks from the date of ilimu ce dei-Inrc It unlawful to offer the first publication of this Summons, Notice Of Final Settlement for »ale any fire cracker» or other fire and if you fail so to answer, fur want; | work» on any date except on Ju ly 2, 3, -V ilil i n i; M a r l i i i i c H thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court I 4. 6 and fl. for the relief demanded and prayed for ALL MAKES ■'ectlon 2. It ttisall I n - unlaw fill for Notice is hereby given that the un­ in its complaint, namely: T H O M A S R O E N I any person or |e-r»oii» to «Jiaclmrge, dersigned has filed in the County Court For a decree declaring plaintiff’s mor­ of the State of Oregcn, for Marion j within the City limit» of the City of 421 Court Salem tgage to be a first prior ar.d subsisting County, his duly verified final account Turm-r, Oregon, any fire cracker* «ir W W V W W V W V V W W V W A W ll lien again-t the hereinafter described a* administrator of the Estate of Loi* I other fire work» cxi-i-pt on Ju ly 2 ,3 , real property, foreclosing plaintiff's mor­ , 4, 5 and U. Briggs, deceased, and said Court has tgage and adjudging that said property fixed Tuesday, the 23rd day of June, Section 3. Any per»on or |rer»ona be sold in satisfaction of the money de­ violating any of the provi»ion» of thia 1931, at the hour of ten o'clock. A- M. cree prayed for in plaintiff's complaint of said day as the time, and the County »hall up- n conviction there- PAINTS, WALL PAPER I I ordinance, and forever barring and foreclosing you Court Room in the County Court House of, be fined any »uni not Ira- than $2.lit» 154 S. Commercial, Snli-m, Ore. | nor more than fio.uo, ami in default from all right, title, interest or claim in at Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as and to said real property described as the place for hearing »aid final account thereof I n * iiiiprl»om-d in the t'lty Jail B u y Y o u r P a i n t at a P a i n t S t o r e follows, to-wit: i until such fine I* paid at the rate of and all objections thereto. The Northwest Quarter and t h e ! on«- day for each $2 ini of »u<-h fine. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 20th Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Adopt«-«! Jn m - 3rd, 1931. day of May, 1931. Quarter and Lot No. 3, Section 29. T E L E P H O N E 3441 ; H. lt P E E T Z , Approved H E R B E R T B R IG G S Township 7 South, Range 1 East of > Recorder K. J . I I a R R I m o n , Administrator of the Estate j Globe Bodv & Fender Works the Willamette Meridian. M a n o n m May *»r of Lois Briggs, deceased Bill Durkee County, Oregon. 1 First ¡t< riding Fell. 3rd, BUI Fred S . Bynon. Salem. Oregon, B ar System of Wheel Alignment This summms is served upon you by | Second *’ April 9th, 1931 Attorney for Administrator Fram e anil Axle Straightening publication .in the Turner Tribune by Th ird “ Ju n e 3rd, 1931 444 Kerry S t., Salen?, Oregon M 21 28, J 4 II 18 order of the Hon. Gail S Hill, Judge of j the above named Court, the date o r! such order being the 22nd day of May, 1931. The date of the first publication SUMMONS of this summons is the 28th day of May, 1931, and the date of the last publica­ tion will be the 25th day of June, 1931. In the Circuit Court of the State of PAUL F. B U R R IS , Oregon for the County of Marion, lb-, Attorney for Plaintiff part men t No, 2. i Post Office Address and C LA RA C H A N EY , Plaintiff, vs. ! place of residence; Salem B Y R D CHANEY. Defendant. Oregon. To: Byrd Chaney, defendant above 1 ; named In the name of the State of Oregon, Yot are hereby required to appear and j Notice in hereby given that the under- answer the complaint filed against you 1 signed by an ord ro f the Gounty Court in the above entitled Court and cause, | INC. of the State of Oregon for the County of on or before Jnly 18, 1931; and if you AND Marion, ddly made and entered on the fail to no appear and answer, for want < 26th day of May, 1931, was appointed thereof plaintiff wi.l apply to the Court j Administrator w th the Will annexed of for the relief praye«l for in her com - 1 the estate of John Konrad, deceased, plaint, to wit: and that he has duly quilified as such For a decree dissolving the bonds «>f j Administrator. All persons h a v i n g matrimony now existing between plain­ claims against said estate are hereby tiff and defendant, upon the grounds of notified to present the same, duly veri­ desertion, and for such other relief as fied as r«?quired by law, to him at the may be equitable. I N S U R A N C E office of E. L. Crawford, Attorney for This summons is served upon you by estate, rooms 20-21, Ladd ft Bush Bank publication thereof for four consecutive Building, Salem, Oregon, within six weeks in The Turner Tribune pursuant months of the date of this notice. to an order made June 17, 1981, by the j Dated this 27th day of May, IN I Honorable Arlie G . Walker, Judge of JOHN W. KONRAD. tlie above entitled Court. Administrator of the Estate The date of the fir-t publication *»f Salem, Oregon of John Kon ad. Deceased. this summons is June 18th, 1931, bud Phonei 627 205 Oregon Huilding E. L . Crawford. the date of the last publication will b«- Attorney for Estate, July 16th, 1931. Ladd ft Bush Bank Bldg , PAUL F. B U R R IS , Salem, Oregon. Attorney fur Plaintiff First publication May 37, 1931 Postoffic and place of Residence, Last publication June 25, 1931 1 Salem, Oregon I * CVPeiURICfiRS Hutcheon Paint Store I H A W K I N S Administrator’s Notice Lee Barber, Plaintiff, vs. William Hart. Defendant Summons To W ILLI EM HART. Defendant above named: In The Name Of The State Of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause <,n <>r before four weeks from the date of t ’..e first publication of this summons, an J if you fall to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, plaint­ iff will apply to the Court for a judg­ ment against you for the sum of $26.40 together with interwt thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from October 17, 1930, and for his costs and disbursements incurred herein; and lor an order delivering to the plaintiff that certain money garnisheed in the within action in the hands of the Oregon Pack­ ing Gompany of Salem, Oregon, or so n.uch thereof as may be necessary to AND RO B E R T S W . C. Dyer A¿(»ncy QENEML IW 5 UMNCC