T he T urner T ribune llli School Meeting* Lively Pomona Grange Has Ask For Resignation BRING REV. GILSTRAP All Day Meet At Wintle New Clerk, Director TUESDAY M IN G Wednesday, June 18 AND V O L U M E XVI CONTINUATION OF THE A U M S V 1 L L K STAU THURSDAY; JU N K 18. NO. 32 Members o f Surprise Grange A fte r Choir practice Tuesday Ice Cream Social and Unusual interest was manifest Barbecue, Sports (iaraes went to Wintle Wednesday where evening members o f the choir in Monday’ s school election when Aurora, Saturday June 27 Program Saturday Night they were joint hosts with An- and friends o f the church met in one director and a clerk were : i the reception room to extend elected and the budget o f $160 Afternoon and Evening Cloverdale School House keny Grange in entertaining Po- i mona Graage when twelve o f the birthday greetings to Mr. Gil- curribd for free text books. fifteen granges o f Marion county strap, pastor of the church. Ulwin Donyer, outgoing direc­ W I i m I promise* to ! kj one o f i h*- ! were represented. The rooms were beautifully de- The local W . C. T. U. of U lover­ tor. and W T. Riches, clerk, pre­ moat entertaining c o m m u n ity gath date, will give their animal lee All Pomona officers with the i corated with pink roses and pot­ sided throughout the meeting; •rliiK« v w r lielil In Marlon noiinty, ('ream Social ou Saturday evening, w ill ink«- place at Aurora, Saturday, i exception o f two, were present; ted plants. A large birthday Clifford White and Standley Rich­ June ¡¿nth, at the C’loverdale acliool J u o r -7. A ll kllvriiuon uml even- L. S. Lambert, Master; L. F. cake with candles also formed an es acted as tellers. house Ilia frrr l>arta*>:* given tlii* Mg pro­ Steward; Mrs. Arthur Edwards, and bill fold was presented Mr. *ure to bile, will be an attraction the most votes. 00 for director gram. Band*. mimic bu*et»all nnme tow-n, Oxford, Kb • w niil* you to visit her nti'l their appreciation o f the work journment which lost when put p a llu k e u f her lio-pllullly. Idaho, after a lapse of twenty years and done by Pomona Grange in secur­ to a vote. | where they have found many change*, ing the State Grange meeting Mr. Bear then informed all that j | however they are enjoying their n a y for Silverton in 1932. he and Mr. Kd wards would not' _ there. Mr. Harris had risen at 5 o'clock Reports were made by J. 0. resign under any condition. An- to have time to write borne. On memo­ Maxwell and Ivan McKay were hosts Farr, Ankney; W. A. Jones, o f other motion for adjournment rial Day they vi-ited an old cemetery to tbe Turner Dramatic Club at the was made and lost a lso and after where they have two children burned home of their parents. Mr. and Mr*. Macleay; Anna Hadley, Silverton a third motion lost a vote was * — hut could not locate the grave*. W e Bert McKay, Tuesday evening. Majong, Hills; Arthur Fdwards, Turner; taken resulting when poled in 48 There were 97 votes cast a t surmise that Mr- Harris is Just a little 500 811(1 music were the diversion for the L S. Lambert, Stayton; Mrs. H. E. Martin, Macleay; Mrs. Ella votes favoring the resignation of the regular school election, and lonesome for »id haunts in Turner. evening A fried chicken supper, with all Lambert, Stayton. Mr. Bear and Mr. Kdwards and we can remember when there the trimtnin's, wa* er.joyed by all pres­ J. O Farr, Ankney Grange, I>0 thul they remain. ent, Helen I'eetz, Mable Tucker, (Jlayiis were such a few it was hard to and W. Gulvin o f Turner, were Vany patrons o f the school find a new director; so the build- Gives, M r and Mrs. Joe McKinney, »h o appointed a committee to solicit feel that the school hoard have ¡ng 0f a new school at West joined the club at this m<-etir g. Archie members for Pomona Grange. not handled school affairs in a Stayton has helped some, Some Kankin, Herbert Briggs, Vernon Coates Later 15 members were given the business-like manner and a de-! Gf the old timers, that never Maxwell and Ivan McKay, M r.and Mrs. The more I see o f dogs, the j fifth degree obligation by Ellen tided change is needed. even knew that West Stayton Bert McKay. less I think o f men,” said a fa-j Lambert. had a school were there Tuesday mous Frenchwoman. Still, there i All Grangers throughout the night. O f course they were per­ are numerous men who could i CHRISTIAN CHURCH county show a steady increase in M ETHODIST CHURCH sonally notified this year o f the è membership. learn much from dogs. But a election Leonard Walker was i correspondent has his opinion A resolution was adopted com- Very nice Children’ s Day pro- fleeted clerk for one year and about the place in human affairs Decorations in the church were , mending the Governor for the director for three gram was enjoyed by a goodly j Harry Stewart director in which dogs prosperly belong. beautiful both Sunday morning good work he is doing for the as also pas- numb« *r at the Sunday school,y t,ar- Th* budget was There is a Portland bulldog, he and evening taxpayers. --- O ' - - sed at the meeting. hour last Sunday. says, that ‘ ‘gets all the effection Martin Rosvolbt o f Monitor —— — O— ■■■ - The choir special Sunday morn­ that should go to some little Grange, newly appointed agricul­ ing was fine. A t the church hour Rev. Bur- ch ild ” "T h is dog is cradled. tural commissioner, made his re­ Finance Fights Erosion goyne gave a very appropriate I ¡tampered and perfumed and the Mrs. Dalzell with her Sunday port. talk for the day on "T h e Young Farm terracing to stop erosion I* of lady o f the hou§e kisses it and school class o f young people, en­ The county Grange picnic will Christian.” The scripture foun­ major Importance In Noble County, carries it around in her arms joyed their annual picnic at Hazel be held in the Silveston park on dation for his talk was the story Oklahoma, the county agent said, and continuously; and when friend Green last Suuday. the 4th Sunday in August and o f Samuel as given in third chap­ so one of tho county's national banks bought five farm levels to be loaned husband comes home her kisses the n e x t meeting o f Pomona ter o f I Sam He said in part: to farmers without charge. Tho ma­ goes foom dog to husband and The children’s day program j Grange will be held in Milverton "M any parents are teaching their chines wero immediately put to use from husband to dog, he says. given last Sunday evening, was on the 3rd Weenesday in October. children these days that Sunday and the farmers are showing keen In­ But if the husband likes it, why a rousing success. Those attending from Turner is a day to run around and go terest In terracing. Two terracing schools were started for adults and not? Still, when you come to places. But Daniel said train a 4-H Club boys. The C. E. Had a fine meeting, were Mrs. Stella Miller, Mrs. remember that it is a dog’s na­ Wm. Butzke, Mrs. Carie Mitch­ child in the way he should goj LeRoy Warner was the leader. ture to put his nose into all kinds ----- O ----- ell, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farris. and when he is old he will not' o f places, how can friend huSr long we live but how I f the weather permits the C. Mr. and Mrs. A. Edwards. Mr. depart from it, let us bring the band like it? A t a fashion show E. will be held on the river bank. and Mrs. C. White, Mrs. Hes­ children to the church. But even! ----- O----- The Sunday School board met in a big store recently a well- ter Crume, M r. and Mrs. Bert tho our children may I k ? brought A note o f thanks and appreci- Peebles, gowned lady o f parts sat with a at the parsonage Tuesday even­ Mr. and Mrs. Ulwin up in the church every child' tion was extended to Mr. Hic- p«odle in ner lap during the pro­ Denyer, Mr. Webb, Sr. and Mr. needs to be born again. Samuel1 ing and elected the following o f­ gram and she continuously kis­ kock at the morning service. He and Mrs. Gulvin, Mr. and Mrs. ficers: President, Ivan Hadley; at the age o f twelve knew not assistant, Mrs. Mabel Martin; sed the dog on the ears and nose will be greatly missed. Raymond Titus. God as yet scripture save so all to the edification o f passers^y hut God called him and he thot secretary, Kenneth Bear; treas­ There was a fine turnout for The bestowal o f affection is hu­ For safety, convenience and return of it was Kli, hut Eli was wise en­ urer, Alvin Garner; librarian, A l­ choir practice Tuesday evening, man, particularly in the woman your package If undelivered, use the new bert Jensen; assistant, S te lla ough to percieve that God was after which a birtheay surprise heart. And in the absence o f I parcel post label, which gives you the talking to him so he told Samuel Barnett; choister. Fred Gunning: 1 was given in honor o f Mr. Gil- children o f their own it is natur­ mailing priviledge of the large mail or­ what to do. Barents watch your assistant, Mrs Thiessen: pianist. strap, al for particularly affectionate der house. Inquire at the Post Office. Mrs. Burgoyue; assistant, Mrs. -----O ----- children and when they ask ques­ women to do strange and curious Sermon topic Sunday morning tions teach them the way o f life, McKinney: Temperance superin­ Miss Hildred Bones returned from things with their canine pets. will be "T h e Infinite Value of tendent, Mrs. Bear; missionary toll them what to do as Kli did. Eugene Saturday accompanied by her supt., Mrs. Gunning; Home dept But why not, instead o f a poodle, a Soul” --- O - ■ sister, Miss Hazel, who recently grad­ find a homeless little babe, cs- A Gospel team from McFarlan, supt., Mrs. Thiessen; Cradleroll Good music and evangelistic uated from the Eugene Christain H os­ tray in the big, buffeting world, had charge o f the evening ser­ supt., Mrs. Pearl Witzel pital. She will remain here for an in- take it to her bosom and give it service Sunday evening vice, and those earnest Christian definate visit with relatives and friends. young people sure gave us a Sunday is the last Sunday of the love and caresses that she F O R B A L E - 6 Iota, all fenced, suit­ good sendee. They spoke so this conference year. Kveryone hungers to bestow upon some F O R S A L E —22J acres, 8 room house able for pasture, or truck garden, close earnestly and showed so clearly should make r special effort to helpless little creafure? Oregon with bath, garage, good baru, heu to Turner. Journal. house, in Aumsville. that it matters not so much how be in attendance. Enjoying Visit Entertains Dramatic Club j.NGYV UlTGCtOr West Stayton As The World Goes By J »*I V V < v i i i i m i t. u n t jsi */“ | I