The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, June 11, 1931, Image 4

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K*v Fsarens left Saturday morning
W 0 . Rose and »on Robert of We»t
for Parko»dale, whore lie expect» ts Staytrn paid the Tribune force a plea»
ant call Monday while waiting for re­
■ ---O
pair» to be made on their car at Hail
t'h a rlie Hnuhor and wife wore cal-
Broe. llarage. Mr. Hoyse, who is chair­
lors at the home of Mr». B.trrec, S a t­
man 01 the West Stay ton school board,
urday evening.
reports the old sc ool building being
Sunday R. Lee Thietwen and family
motored to Taft »nd Culver City for
t he day.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Gulvin are attend­
ing State Grange at Medford.
Mr. Kerns, brother of Mrs. Barber is
a guest at the Barber home here.
HildreaBones went to Eugene today,
Richard Walker ha* returned from a was handled through H. C. Porter of
vielt in Marshfield, Fug« nc and Han­ Aumsvilla. Mr. O Donnell will go to
ds, ti.
Portland to make his home in an old
peoples home.
Helen and Helena W itael, of Craw ­
e have a full line of Kaysers silk
ford, were atu>>ng the Turner High
hose, all sizes and Colora, at a 91 per
pair at Harrison’s General Store.
, torn down. A fine new school building
Miss Tilda Joh n son of Halem, un* a
will be built their during th summer.
Dairy Fly Foil and Kornlek’s Fly
week-end gueat of Helen and Helena
Spray at Prat h*r*’s D rugstore.
Turner school is one of six schools in NVItiel.
■ - o "■ '
the county to receive the rating of 100.
of Longview Wash,
Emma Denyer. a freshman, received the
Mr. and Mm. C. L. Hartley oelebrat-
sisters graduate ••d their 5lrd wedding anniversary Fri­
highest grades in the high school and
Hildred Bone», a Junion, has an envi­ from high scbo&l and attend the Alu­ day when relative* »nd friend» gathered
able record of perfect attendance. She mni meeting of Turner High. IK- re­ at their home for a pot luck dinner. A
has attended the Turner schools contin- turned Satu rday.
■¡•terof Mr Hartey, Mm Takenberg.of
where she will join hersister Miss Hax- ously for eleven years and has made a
el and attend exercises at the Univer­ grade each year and has never been tar­
dy or absent during that time.
Bill Ball. John Cox and Merle Pear­
T he Turner Alum ni held their a n .
son left Sunday for Mericn Lake where uual meeting Saturday evening at the
Bland Speer left Wednesday for Med-
they will enjoy several days of fishing: old n>«k crusher. About forty were I ford on busine««.
FO R R E N T -G o o d pasture with run- ¡ PrM» u l- Clflord Eu.ley was elected
Mrs. Margaret Strayer w*s h**re from
ning water. See Carl Duncan, Turner president; Vernon Coates, vice president;
for a viait with friends the
Miss Faye Barber, secretary treasurer;
Mr. and M n . Tom Webb are the par­ Miss Mildren Martin, publicity. There- past week. She is allwa;. ■ a welcomed
ents of a 6J pound girl, born at a Salem t jr,ng officers sre Edward Gath and visit or here, having made her home here
hospital Sunday night.
Kenneth Bear. The '31 graduates were for many years prior to last fall when
she went to Silverton to make her home
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gunning has as ‘■iiimud. wilh Proi- Hickok
with relatives.
their house guests Fred Sm ith and son ma!,ter oi ceremonies and are the six-
teenth class to come into the association.
Mrs. Ruby S|>ecr Anderson, who just
Harold Briggs and wife, Leonard
returned to Salem from New
and Ray Farris were Turner visitors
M r. aud Mrs. IVrkm s and daughters
Hildred and Pauline, of Lebanon; Mr l York, is here for a visit at the ft N
aud Mrs. J . J , Hausom and son Jus- S| eer home. Mrs-Anderson lived here
Mrs. Bushnell and daughter Mrs.
t.u aud daughter K atherine, o f S h e l-1 when a child. She will »pend the sum-
Clyde Boyce and children were callers
burn; Dr. and Mrs J . W . Ransom of . mer in Salem with her parents Mr. and
at the Bonica frrrn, Tuesday.
Turner; visited Mr*. K. A. McGovern Mr* LonSpeer.
Mr. and Mr» George Ransom of aud brother T<>iu at Daylou Sunday.
Arbie Martin of Salem is doing the
Bandon, visited with Dr. and Mr» A fine diuuer and a wonderfully good
j electric wiring in the new home being
time was enjoyed by all. Mr.
Ransom. Tuesday night.
Mm. Perkius aud cbildreu expect to built by Mr- and Mrs. Lee iiighberger.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Harris spent the
leave fur B ritish Columbia in a few
week end in Portland with her daughter
Mr. and Mm. Warner Lee motored to
Mm. Helzer and husband.
Corvallis the first of the week with their
D. B. Parkes aud family motored to
nioncoutb Sunday to spend tne day
with Mr. Parke’9 cousin Gilt«ert O.
Jarv is.
son Leanord. They attended the funer­
al of Mr Lee's baother William.
Mm. Rachel Stew art, of A m ity, Is
making an extended visit with her
Week end visitor» at the home of
si-ter Mrs. P. E . T h o m a s o n .
Mrs. W . Sm ith, were Miss Polling,
Miss Grimes, of Salem : Marian Sm ith
Mrs. T. T . palmer and daughter
of Dallas aud Mrs. A lva Sm ith of Es- Peggy of Turner, spent Friday ufter-
noon with Mrs. Ravmoud T itus.
Mr. and Mrs. M. McCollough and dau­
ghter Miss Helen are visiting with
another daughter, Mr*. Bell and family
at Grants pass.
Mm. Elsie Lewis and daughter
Eunare attended the Straw burry Fair
R*v. GJIatray received word Manda,
” r
» « < • .—
For ten years we have fought for the
Old Pioneer, aged men and women of
Oregon, who are worthy and needy.
M ill you do a good deed and help us?
.vend all contributions to the Old Age
Pension League, 2410 S. Church S t . , !
Salem, Oregon. We need your help now. I
B ald T ires
A re D a n g e ro u s
Crawford, Mr. and Mrs L. E . H en-
*>’» and daughter» Mrs. Mary Stan ley
and Mrs. Eula H ennies; Mrs. Irvin
Putuarn; Mr*. J . M. Bones and Mr.
O. P. Givens.
Mrs. Laura Berghamer and children
were here for a short visit at the I . H.
Small home Monday. They were on j
tlo ir way to their home in Marshfield j
¡ru n Aumsvilie where they were guests
.it the W . C. Cheffings home.
i u tpent one day in Portland
They al-
Edith, Lorame and Delbert Patemoo,
Salem; Mi#» Merle Bowen, Silverton
and J, F. C. Takenburg MacUay.
U sed F o rd s
1930 Tudor
New Tires
1930 Stand. Coupe 475
1928 Pontiac Sed.
1929 Fordor Sed.
1929 Sport Road.
1929 AA Truck
Cab and Stake Body
Mil r e e l nuil
F in g e r
W a v fN
Reducing Treatments
$5.00 per month
Turner, Ore.
Xou pay a few dollars more
to go hast through Califor­
nia than to go direct. Hut see
what those few dollars buy!
California . . . the South­
west . . . the picturesque Old
South. Then, if you wish, a
delightful ocean voyage from
New Orleans to New York,
w ith meals and berth includ­
ed in this price. Or you tan
continue l ast by train from
New Orleans. Return on any
northern line, and you’ve
completely circled thcUnifcd
States. You’ve seen more of the
United States than you could
see on nc xrly any other ticket.
No matter what your east­
ern destination, we tan in­
clude California at only
slight additional cost. Sum­
mer fares arc now in effect.
Let us help you plan.
Permanent Waving
$4 to $7
All Work Guaranteed
Over SteuslolF Market
Salem, Oregon
» Phone 4486
:.V .V .V .V .V .V / A ,W
N o t h i n g c ^ .trib ­
ute* to so muoy tragic
accidents as smooth,
worn tires.
Why entrust your life to I alri tire a
when you can repln-c ll:*-rn with
Kelly Lotla Miles at these
ingly low prices.
Salem visitors Tuesday afternoon
were Mr. and Mrs. Tom L ittle of
er. Edgar Hartley and wrte. Two ul
their daughter», Mr». Geo. Palmer of
Fairview and Mm. Jam«« Pate Je ff­
erson, with their buiband», were their
only children present. Other* enjoying
thedaywere Mr. and Mr*. K 1‘ntemon,
evening of the illness of his aged fata her uncle Thom as L ittle and fam ily.
Mm. J . E. Clark and small daughter
er and m other in California. He com-1 Mr" Craven lived lu “ da community
are the guest of her parents, Mr. and
municated at once but bas-not learned {,,r * nu,,,b‘‘r o f year* aud baa many
Mm. Geo. Hayes of Silverton this week.
how serious their conditiod is.
j friend* who are delighted to meet her
_ _ o ____
i ’hris Jensen is working hi* house over
-Pianos: »3 9, »49,969, »89,999. New
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Love and ch il­ into a modern bungolw.
pianos reduced to 9>95 and up. Also
— ■ O------
dren B illy and linogeue, of Eugene,
our new grands reduced In proportion
John O Donnell has sold bis farm of
visited for several days with Mra.
f-ee these wonderful Terms
Love's aunt, Mra. P. E. Thomason and 37 acres, known as the Claude Lewis
»4 per month and op. Tallman Piano,
fam ily.
farm to Geo. Rake of Scio. The deal
Store 12th at Mill St., Salem, Oregon.
E. Knighton of Salem, with their hue-
and», were pr* »ent as w u also a broth­
Center a t Liberty Street
Salem , Oregon
» « • '» « "■ p<>“ "-kopp-d in $.len, T ..„ d .y ,
Macleay presented them with a boquet
from the garden» on the place where
Mr. Hartl y w as born. Two other »istem,
MmG. D. Bowen of Silverton and Mr«
\hlley Mot or Co.
at Lebanon.
Mr. and Mm. U. S Talbot spent
Mr. and Mrs. S. Page of Salem ,
Saturday and Sunday visiting friends were visitors at the P, E . Thomas, n
Lee Sutton baa been putting in hay
in Southern Oregon; returning M on-' home. Sunday,
this week.
day noon.
— o-----•
Mr and M r*. Marvin Barton an<i
Misa Maysel Powell, who has spent
FOUND—A package ofsmall girls wear-
n Philip, of M arshfield, spent Wed-
time in Lebanon, ha* returnded to her
ing apparel on road between Turner end ; nesday :.nd Thursday with their cousin
home here-
Salem, Saturday. Owner can have same Mrs. Itayuioud T itu s and fam ily,
----- o ------
by calling at the Tribune Office.
Mr. and Mr». J . F Wilcok and Mrs. W
Mm. Lloyd Craven and daughter
.V ;
Notice Of Annual School Meeting
Notice is hereby given to the legal
voter* of School l)l*trlct No. 79, of
Marion County, Htntc of Oregon, that
tile Annual School Meeting of said
D istrict will be held at T u rn er; to It*-'
gin at the hour of 1;30 o’clock p. in .:
on tlie third Monday of Ju n e, t>elng
the Pith day of Ju n e, A. 1). 1M31.
T his meeting in culled for the p u r-!
pose of electing one Direotor to serve I
three yearn and one Clerk to nerve one !
veur and to |»ia* on a »¡>eelal Budget
of 9ir>0.0t) to purchase hooks in c o m -'
pllance with the Free T e s t Book Law.
Dated tliis till day of Ju n e, 1931.
A ttest:
W. T . Riches
D istrict Cl# rk
IT. K. Denyer I
Cliairmaii Board!
of Director*
a n d 'td u M \
\ on any
H. S. BOND, A f«nt Turner