T H E T U R N E R T R IB U N E l>een visiting hi» cou«ins. Salem Monday, taking her mother in full i hr claim o| th«* plaint ¡(7. jVoiÎCC Of F ilisi S‘ ( ( IC(TICD ( including hi* co»ti ¡mil di-bnnti-mcnt*; Mrj. Dortby M »*-'• | L“ *‘ Wednwd.jr Clyde Morgan atruck »ummurm i» a* rvcil upon you by publica- without operation or the State ol Oregon, for Marino County, *'r- They are m oving to I'hulotiiath, I I'***»* ff*ve| and overturned tlie c.ir, ! lion thereof in the Turner Tribune, a hie duly v(riflod f '" ’< | iw 'in f »* e whep- Mr, Surb-y work* in tin- mill. Mr. Phillip« and Louis Schofield, wf o loss of time Ì newspaper of gi-ncral circulation, printed rninutraii,.'ol ihe Kittle of Hetty (» .1 w»-re working nearby, righted the c,ir. I ami published in Turner, Mai ion f ’oun* ty, Oregon, and that 'he ilute of the Briggs, deceased, and said Court baa, Mr. and Mrs. McNiral motored tof No one wan hurt. i lirai publication there f will be on the fi*ed Tuesday. the 23rd day o f Jur e , ' •; DR. LEWIS I 4th day of June, 1 ii.jl. and the date of j 1931, at the hour of ten o'clock. A. M., tin I uni publication thereof will be on I of »aid day a* the time, and the ''ounty *• 408 O r e g o n Bldg. Saloni Court Room in the County Court Houne the 2nd day ol July, 1931. .V .V .V /W W W A W M W W Thl» summons in k<> published and in Salem, Marion C< r«r,t>, Oregon, as aerved upon you pumuant to tt e order the place for hearing naid final account > In The County Court Of The State Of i of Millard ii /Hayuen, Judge of the 1 and all ehjectioni thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, thi* 20th I above entitled Court which order wo» Oregon Far The County 01 Mario day of May, 1031. i mude und enten d of recjrd on the 2nd Building Supplies W ood HAROLD BRIGGS ■ day nl June. 1931 I R O U G H A N D D R E S S E D Admini'trator of the Entrât M ILLARD 11. HAYDEN, II» the Mutter of the Untate | LUM BER of Hetty O'. Brigg», deceased. Justice of the Peace < itution ol * Í F-ed S Bynnon, Salem, Oregon i iuy t ». Smith, J< hu Ammutì «* * I i,'» d ¡ Attorney for Administrator ( ¡03 (¡urdían liuilding M 21 28 J 4 i : 18 Salem. Oiegon • W A ' i V / W i V / i W i * . V A V « V - Tonsils Removed s s S-E-R-V -I-C-E T TURNER L’b’r M.F.G. CO. R E Í T il: Albert 4! Grgber, Hurry It Grab- Attorney for Plaintiff AND n , lu>wia T. Graber. Mattie hi Clark, Mra \\ niter I)or*ett, Dinle) \rpm"n, Notice of Hearing of Final Ac­ Seth Arum n. Alao ail other puttie« In I h r Circuit Court O f I fie State Q| count in d per»1 na unknown in'area ted in Oregon For I he C ounty Of »uiri hint ate and protierty Manon Whereas, Application havnt* b e a n Notice i* hereby given that the final ( n ad« in due form in the above named 1 account of J T. Turner, an Adminbtra-1 DKP \ R.TM ENT NO W e T r y to Sell Y o u W h a t t i.uri on the let «1 iy of June, 1931. bv lor of the Estate of Julia C. Turner, de- I J> (¡ray, Admieialrator of n a id Y ou Need 1 cca«ed, ha* been filed in the County STATE O l’ OREGON, repre­ I fat«- for an order an«l been c direr' j Court ol Marion County, State of * *re -1 sented by und urt tig through in v i uthori/ing, and empowering him I gon. and that the 20th day ol June. 1931 the World War Veteran's State I i-li tiie real eatate lielongirig to 'be at the hour of ten o'clock A M.t ha* Atd ommi»cion of the Stele of • ■lull of raid decedent and d«»cribed a» E verythin g W e Can ! been duly appointed by such Court for Or. g< n, coni|io»ed of Julius I.. follow», to:wit: j the hearing of objection* to such final ! M* ler. Governor; Hai K. Ho»«, H# g n 54.17 chaina South of the N'c rth- P. O. Box 2 0 8 P hone 2 7 5 account and settlement thereof, at which •»eeretaty of Stute; (¡eorge A. eaat corner of the Donation l .a n d j time ary peraon inter«-*t«?d in such e tate, White. Adjutant General; W ab Claim, No. 64. th.»nre Ue»i 32 50 may appear and file objection» thereto i ter S- Fisher an 1 S J. Hainan, chain»: thence South 15 75 chain»; 1 in writing and contest the »atne i'laiut If, thei.ee Kant 32 50 chain*; th* nee North Daltd thin 21*1 day nl May, lp.'ll V». 15,75 chain* to the place of beginning. J T. TU RN ER, V / A V . - W W . V . 'W J 'W W W A V ^ J V . V W W / In I'ownshlp 9. South Itange 2 W«»i Frank A. l.uin. Gold# May Administrator in Murmn County, of Oregon l.iiis, and John G. Lau. | K. I_ Crawford Deler.iluntf. eofiiaiii.iflt forty-th'rw Mid on hu!' Attorney for Estate u> r«a mote or ie *. all mtuute m Mar­ Loud & Hush Hank Huilding I n Ftai k A Lai* and Goldu May Lais, . lon County, '»tale of (treg<>n ■’/ ■ V A V i Y W W W W A V W . V A W i W A A - .V /. V A V . '/ A ’ / A V . two ol the above ram«*d deferdant*. * f>m‘ ,re*on AN D A HKRTAS, said Court by Firtt p< > licatiorv. May 21, 1931 In t;.e Name of the State i.l Oregon, uti order duly tnadi nn>l rut* red on thi Last Publication June 18, 1931 You are hereby required to appear and l*t day of June, 1531, dlrec'ed and re .u.nwer^he complaint filed again«t you puired that ciiution non» to >ou ami to the above entitled court and cause on each of you. THEREFORE. Notice Of Final Seulement or liel'ire four week* from the da'en f in Tne Name Of The Ntalp Of Ore the flr»t publication of thi* Summons goit. You and each of you, an» hi r« h) Notice is hereby given that the un- ami if you lad so to nn/'ver, for wunt cit' d, dirwieif and required t»> »ppci.f thcreol, plttin'iff wdi apply to the Court demigned ha« filed in the County ('ourt hi fore tin* l our' In th* Court Ronn lor the relief demanded and prayed for of the State of Oregon, for Marion thereof, on or before July G. I Pill. b«-ng County, his duly verified final account a. it» complaint, namely; the lirnt day n t a It* ¿«I bnIMay follow, For a degree declaring plaintiffs mnr- a* administrator of the Estate of Lois mg the lant day herein pr» n-ribed for the | tgage to be u first p'ricr at.d -ubm«ting Brigg». deceased, and «aid Court hai INC. publication of thi* citation, and not I«*»» lien uuuin-t tl.e hereinafter described fixed Tuesday, the 23rd day of June, thari 28 day» from the date of the first real property, foreclosing plaintiff * mor- 1931, at the hour of ten o’clock. A M. AND iT flE M T i publication hereof, and the time five i by tfa f# >n ,U t »„.d property : «» »aid day a* the time, a nd the County j i h ourt n. tin ».i •• r directing mr» ve ^ M|,| satisfaction of the money money de- Court Room in the Count; County Court House ol t his citatifii upon y ou b.v public#' ion cree prayed f6r in plaintiff's complaint at Salem, Marion County, Oregon, as and lh«n and there t'> »how cause, if any and forever barring and lortclosi g you tl.e place for hearing .-ai.I final account theie he. why an order nl sale-truild not Irum all right, title, interest or claim in and all objections thereto. I k - made >»f the ahove descriut-d real prop­ Dated at Salem, Oregon, thi* 20th and to aaid real property described a* erty . as io »aid petition prayed for. a day of May, 1931. follow», to-w it: •aid petition should not be granted, and HERBERT BRIGGS The Northwest Quarter aid th e said order and license Ur naie should Administrator of the Estate Northeast Quarter ol the Southeast not issu.». of Lois Briggs, deceased Q lurter and Lot No. 3. Section 29. Witncs», .he Honorable J C. Sieg. I«1 The St ate Of Oregon and that he has duly quilified us such Administratrix ot the Estate o f Gott- fried Lieske, Deceased. you are hereby required to appear and Administrator. All persons h a v i n g ELMO S. WHITE, tiiiswi r the complaint filed against you claims ngainst said estate are hereby Attorney for the Estate o f Gott- I in the above entitled Court and cause notified to present the same, duly veri­ fried Lieske, Deceased. on or before four weeks from the date of fied us required by law, to him at the 1019 Bedell Building, t!.e first publication of I h(* summon*, oltii-e of E. L. Crawfurd, Attorney for Portland, Oregon. \ V % V V .W S W .S \ W .W .\ % \ W % V S % W .W .,.W 5 V W .V A V .V and if you fall t<> appear and unswer estate, room« 20-21, Ladd A Ru»h Bank May 14-2l-28June4-11 said co/nplaint, for want thereof, plaint­ Building, Salem, Oregon, within six iff will apply to the Court for a judg­ month* of the date of this notice. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dyuiilh were cal- ment against you for the sum of $26.40 Dated this 27th .lay of May, 1931 P e r s o n t 1er.« at the H. R. Peet« home Monday together with interest thereon at the' JOHN W. KONRAD, rate of six per cent per annum from Administrator of the Estate afternoon. October 17, 1930, and for his cost* and of John Kon ad. Deceased v disbursement» incurred herein; and lor E L. Crawford. a im 'd r iMivering to the plaintiff that Attorney for Estate. N O R TH S A N T IA M certain money garnisheed in the within I.add A Hush Bunk Jlldg , action in the hand» of the Oregon Pack­ Sulem, Oregon. Mr. Ostar Nevati* cante home Mon. | ing Gompnny of Salem, Oregon, or so First publication May 27. 1931 much thereof as may be necessary to Let t | tbiitfct c n J u « 25. l£3l day from Oregon City, where he has I I s Y U E U NOT S S S-A-T-I-S-F-A-C-T-I-O-N H A W K I N S AND RO B E R T S W. C. Dyer INSURANCE Agency JAY DENHAM General Contractor and Builder Cement Work and Plumbing * TURNER STATE BANK Paid on 6 months Time Deposits i Fire—Automobile Insurance W ritten