T he T urner T ribune I UMKXVI AND CONTINUATION OF THK AUM8 VILLK »TAR THURSDAY: J U N E 11. J | NO. 31 W a lla c e R ich e s H ead s OH, OH, BIG DANCEAT M E- The B ig g e s t H o g s In The T ro u g h Com m unity Club HAMA ON SATURDAY JUNE 20TH While talking to a groop of men on the street the other day, the Mr. H a d le y m a d e th e ru 'd in n th a t W h a t promlnc» to *»e th e beat dunce 1 subject came up concerning the Mr. Klehea t ecome p re sid e n t a m i Mr. of th e s u m m e r , i» lofhe held a t M<- hard times or depression in this Miller vice p re sid e n t a n d it c arried. tia m a on S a tu r d a y e ve ning, J u n e 80th country We are supposed to be »P'lug. Mr. Hond th e n placed th e n a m e of W h a t mukea th e dancer» glad about the richest country with more mon­ M im Amlt-rson of tlie f’loverdalt? Ml«a Mallei T u c k e r for Hecy.Treaa, a n d th is d a u c e ia t h e fact t h a t real “ foot ey per capita than »ny other na i l l t l i M , led th e singing w h e n A iner­ ahe w e ununlm ouiily el cted A few tic k lin g ” (Jam-e m usic will be provided , lion The question was asken. if ii'» »ini Ju » t n Snug ut T w ilig h t »»> word» of acce p tan c e waa voiced t>y hy l^-ta'a B aud. T h is d a n c e aggrega- ' that is true whst hss become of it? ming liy th e uudlence. | each of (lie new o nicer» a n d a r is in g lion a lw a y s h a s a c ro w d fo llo w in g ' Where did it go? I made the re­ W. A. Ili nr, |in »Ideili a n d Ml»« Mu­ vote of th u n k » w u n given Mra. Hiche», them w herever th e y are billed to play, mark that the hogs have got it, tile T u e k e r, ■ eerelm y, preilded a t th e Mr. H lckock, C. A. (tear a n d H H. a n d one of th e largest crow ds ef th e ; and an explanation was requested. liilsia«»» meet lug w h e n all business Hond for th e ir good w ork lu th e club. s u m m e r is e xpeeted a t t h e Mtdiama I replied thus: If I were to enter we» b r o u g h t Up l o d a t e a n d th e n the Mm. M a n le y Rlcliea th e n ann o u n c e d dance. Prices will he U e u ts -VI cents ’ a hog calling content today, I would fluli »| m *ol » w little lim e to »• leeitnir th e following p rn g ru m : Itecitallun, Ladle» V> cents start out something 1 ik- this, and in-w i ntiw r» fur th e c o m in g year. H, Max Hchifllerer; trio M ildred, A lela I would yell at the top of my voice K Itm d, c h a ir m a n of th e u o n iliia tln g I,e»ier Hone»; recitation M ary-A nn to make them hear in Wall Street: collimiti«, pla«etic*i and uucmuendation. It re­ ti.m w ith th e e xception id Mr. Itii-hc* Grundy Grundy »olo Lowell H adley; r e a d in g Rachel lated to welfare of juveniles and ! W In n t h e Tote« were c o u n te d Mr. Grundy It iche»; piano aolo Mi»a Mary Mlllerl directed the subsrdinrte council* Itlclie» wa» fir»t w ith 42 e o lia , W a lte r I mean there are two kinds of T h e c lu h will not nit-el a g a in u n it. to appoint Mllh-r 2n d w ith 84. L. 8 . pi a'he* i» hogs in this country. One kind is “a com n i t tee whose d n ty it will lie r tlV e d 14. H rt Itomi, D a n H adley, t l e t o l ei | supposed to be the mortgage lifter to keep in touch with the juvenile and the other kind makes it abso courts of their vicinity and take an active interest in all b<>ys, especial­ lutely necessary to put on a larger ly Catholic boys who may come be­ mortgage or give them your farm fore these courts and ta secure pa ­ When they passed the Smoot- K. Robinson, the handy man and fixer role of worthy delinquents, particu Hawley-Grundy Tariff bill they got 1» »till a t the »ame addre»*, G n»«r build­ laily hist offenders, who m ay not so hoggish among themselves that Mrs. John Cox and Mrs R. ing, next door to T ribuoc Office; where have com m itted serious offense» and they killed the goose that laid the who m ay be the victims of circum­ he re| uir» »hoc«, clock», tinware or a n y ­ lA*e Thiessen were joint hostes- stances " golden eggs I mean the independ tess at an informal dinner Satur­ thing you want fixed, bring it in and if Our wastage is a terrible indict­ eiit farmer [not the cooperation it can he repaired he will do a good job day evening to the teachers ami for a' reasonable charge, satisfaction husbands and their families at ment for our modern civilization. farmer for they only represent the The constant stream of youth haled guaranteed. Hi» slogan ie. "W hy trade the Thiessen residence. A fter dinner the group visited into court and fed thence into jails, out of T urne r when the work can bej done here? Think c i >our home town Mrs. Stanley and presented her corrective homes and penitentiar­ with a beautiful boquet of flow- j i e s r* fleets upon the failure of o u r ft r e t/' ..................... 9 ............— ers. The rest of the evening was churches, homes and schools in W» d r a f t | > a t l » r n i f o r each i n d i v i d - ! spent in singing and visiting. carrying youth over the critical ual. Let us r o d f o u r c o u r t t r o u b l » . Those present were Vr. and Mrs. vears of abolesence into the more Charles C. Hulet was elected Mas A r c h a r t ft A lib 'ic h . c o r s e t m a k e r » , Pearcy, Salem;* Mr. and Mrs. settled yea*s of maturity. These ter of the Oregon State Grange ore 4 2 0 C o u r t S tr» » t, S alem . P h o n e 1639. Hadley, Mr. and Mrs. Cox; Mr., hove snd gfrisere not all bad, they year ago at the Redmond Session » ■ ■ and Mrs. Parkes; Mrs. Sloan: Mr are headed wrong, but under right The Grange under his leadership " METHODIST CHURCH “ Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee guidanre they mnv t-e saved The has been very active during the ■ ---- ■ Thiessen and sons Edwin and Knights of Columbus point the wav piSt year. Gordon. toward salvage at a timt* when the Two measures were initiated and K ey. B u rg o y n e gave ua four view» of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Edwards wreckage is only partial. placed on the ballot last fall by P e te r laat Hundny m o r n in g —aa lie a p were unable to be present. Society may not just shrug its the Grange: The Grange Power peared in stra n g e r» , to a friend, to A beautiful boquet of nastur- shoulder» and say ‘ had boy” when hill held the center of the stage liim»elf a n d to <’brl*t. H e idmwcd tions centered the table. it secs a lad summoned for some through the campaign and won by how each of na h a v e th e se »nine four A large cake with six birthday offense. It should get busy and a large majority The last ses­ v ie w a lm t th e m oat i m p o r t a n t la th e candles was presented to Gordon ! se e k to recover that hoy for society sion of the legislature passed the last o n e fdr C h r is t know » m o re about at the close of the dinner by his The right kind of direction and Grange Power 'egislation with a it» t h a n we know ahoiit ourselves, hut mother. control, the right kind of discipline large majority. “ if y o u r h e a rt c o n d e m n ua, G od is will in the majoritv of esses effect Mr. Hulet received unusual re- g r e a le r th a n ou r h e a rt, and k iiow eth this salvage. Or her wise he tuav cognitiou in the National Grange all th in g » .” W h a t 1» the O ospel ac­ CLOVERDALE for a new member of that body. not he rescued hut may go down c o r d in g to you? hill to join the great companv of He was placed on two important ■ ■ o---— I n t h e e v e n in g th e P astor b ro u g h t W o o l w as received from L o u i e ' wa»trel« of no value to themselves session committees and was made chairman of a standing committee ua a ineaaage on “ T h o W r o n g Meas­ H e n n ie » and Ben W iper t h a t they and a heavy cost to society. T h e grangeers ure.” T e x t waa ta k e n from » 'n in th would be h o m e from E a s te r n Oregon The advice of the K. C. should on agriculture* ihi»t>» w here Paul »[«-aka of o u r prone- aeon. apply to ether religious groups, feel that they have found a real nee» to m e a su re o u ra e lv e a hy ourselves and to other lodges and service or­ leader in the |*reon of Mr. nulet Mi»a Olga G a r n e r left F r id a y for ganizations to the end that this and are looking forward to years Instead of by th e only tr u e m e a n s T h e Clear L ake w h e re ahe w ill he e m p lo y ­ C hrist — Hod does n o t w u u t average human wastage may be slopped. of success and prosperity for the ed for t h e n u n im e r Christian*. He w ant» ua to lie e x t r a ­ In the field of juvenile delinquen Order. cv as perhaps in no other does the o r d in a r y . H a v e this m in d in you, The State Grange session open­ T h e W . C. T. U . m e t laat Wedneq» the old saying apply that an ounce ed in the high school building, at even t h e m in d of C h r is t d a y w ith Mra. Fliflet, near C h e m a w a ■ O' ■ - - of prevention is worth a pound of Medford Tuesday morning at ten - o - - T w o m ore S u n d a y « o n ly , u n til Con- J a m e s Cook a n d W in. A nderson are cure—Portland Netgs-Telegrara. o’clock, with the State Master in feoenoe. charge. The M»yor of Medford h a r v e s tin g th e ir s tr a w b e rry crop , ■ - — ■ ------a------ - - - - 9 welcomed the visitors. A goodly n u m tie r ) w ent to Mra. ' Misa F.miiia Solilflerer of Halem, P e e rc y a to th e W. C. T. II, W e d n e sd a y Mr and Mrs. Arthur Edwards T h e y re p o r t a m ost splendid time. si'i-nt th e week e n d here w ith h e r Master of Surprise Grange were de­ Hood flower mi»»to!i p ro g ra m a n d al- fa th e r J . Hchltterer, Hr. O w in g to not b e in g able to g e l a ma- legates. -----iv---- D ir il(fiM l«iinr ill Ih » C o m m u n ity ( lull ui«*rt|nK M onday ••venir», wit» \«r> »in»ll compart'd will» other rovct- ii u- ilirouK houi th<’ w in te r unii thl» Cordell Ilnll a n d Mra. C lm k e m h tw o Prevention And Cure The Handy Man Teachers Are Entertained State Grange In Medford li Date Changed iiiiait a h>tiii|uet. F re d Hehiffer lian tteen ill t h e past e Aid Society will meet In re gula r week With L agrippe session n e x t T h u r s d a y a t th e d u n ­ n in g residence. . Dr. B. F. P o u n d practice limited to rem oval of te e th , gas or local, and C h ild r e n ’s Day exercises n ext S u n ­ d e n ta l X-ray. New location 303 F irst d a y a t S u n d a y school hour > N ational Bank Bldg., Salem, O regon. c h in e th a t will c a r r y t h e films, th e p ic tu re s of th e R o ta M ilk in g m a c h in e th a t was to be show n a t th e O ra n g e m e e tin g here, H a tu rb a y n ig h t, t h e p ic ­ tu r e will not be show n. T h e e o m m it- tee in c h a rg e hopes to b ring th e pic­ ture here soon. spoi 1» of afle'mafh of the forec'o»- tires and are in competition with the independent farmer, with whom he cannot compete] The same rule applies to the ir.dependent mer­ chants. We were given the farm board as a soothing syrup to keep us Lorn fighting for the equaliza­ tion fee. When farming is done at a loss year after year the nation ia thrown out of work. And whv is this? The continued submersion of the one basic fundemental industry, to tbs world ( Agiiculture) finally leads to a slump in the Puyin ; power of the largest group of buy­ ers (Farmers.! Every industry 1 » The farmer is the first to feel th- effect and the ¡act to recover. And he is paving two enormoua bills for education and relief o n e lession is to produce two blades of grass where one grew before and thus produce cheaper. The other is to c it down production and stimulate a demand Getting two kinds of advice from the same source is the height of the ridicu­ lous. The real thing to accomplish is for farmers to stop buying in a protected market paying the price asked snd selling in an open mar­ ket taking what they are offered. Disgruntled Farmer. (From T he Harrison County Herald, Lo­ gan, Iowa) „ Falls In Creek Keith, the 4 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bones, fell from the bridge, which spans the creek j u s t north of the Bonps home. He was rescued by his sis­ ter; K utb, age 7, and a playmate, Mel­ vin Baker, age 7. Fortunatly for Master Keith he fell where the w ater was ra th e r shallow, however he suffered a painful cut on bis bead and was dazed and thoroughly drenched when rescued. Mrs. Ada Sparkes dressed the c u t on his head and the young man is gradually recover­ ing from shock and has quite made up his mind to stay on terra firma. ■ —O« W ord has been received t h a t R a lp h Hussey is in t h e V eterans hospital a n d J o h n Hehiffer has r e tu r n e d from t h e hospital in Portland. . ...-------O.....— ■ ■■ " CHRISTIAN CHURCH^ Sunday was a high day in spir­ itual things. Most of the Sunday school class es are holding up fine, Childrens Day program next Sunday evening. »■ ■ Bros. Swander gave two soul stirring sermons last Sunday. The canvass to subscribe the church budget was a success. The board had asked Bro. Swan­ der to conduct it and he proved R u t h Bones w a s t h s only himself efficient. Helen P r im a r y s tu d e n t t h a t w as n e ith e r a b­ s e n t or t a r d y d u r in g t h e school year. 8 0 C o u n ty Hupt. M ary L. Fulkerson pre se nte d her w ith a certificate of aw ard, Tuesday. The dining room was well filled with happy hungry people who enjoyed the Sunday basket din­ ner.