The Turner tribune. (Turner, Or.) 19??-19??, June 04, 1931, Image 4

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Mr*. Pearl Given purchased some
Brasier Small came from Salem Mon
Mrs. Cora Soott, Mrs Millie Muu
nice baby chicks from the Salem Pet- day evening to the home o( his parents, dinger of Salem ; Mr. and Mrs. A L.
land this week.
Mr and Mrs !. H. Small, to see visiting Bones, Mrs. China Bones nud Mr. aud
Mr». V M. Bones of Turner motored
Riches Confectionery fo r quality
to Kugvue Friday evening to attend
Mr and Mrs. Hale Micky are visitors th s graduation of Miss Haxel Itones.
a t t h e J . J . Mickey home Mr. Micky Mina Bones will not leave Kugene un-
Mr- and Mrs. La Rue Stevenson and
has just finished a most successful year ill the 12 th of Ju n e.
a>r. and Mrs. White, who have spent
some time at the U. S. Talbot, home here I " * ch,n* in Cw,lr*
re «on*
H ‘ 0 —
Dr. W . M liaoC luer, paator of the
R««** City ch u rch , Portland, delivered
one of the Isst Baccalauréat» sermons
logue and prices now read y . S a l e m 's
at the Christian chureh Sunday even­
N ext Wedueeday th e \V. C\ T. I . is
P e tla n d , S a le m , O re g o n . P h o n e 6 5 6 .
ing, that the people of Turner have
invited to meet with Mrs. Poarcy in
had the prlvllbige of hearing for some
Week end guests here were the Mis­ Salem for the flower mission day. All time.
ses Hazel and Sy^le r « t z and Helen m em beraare urged to attend
left Sunday for Washington-
Riches Confectionery
Husky H ig ra d e B a b y C h ick s , c a t a ­ candies.
Marchner, t Ted » Matchner
Richen all of Portland.
and Ray
for quality
Mrs Pat Blesslngtun and daughter
May me A lbs'w ere Memorial Day vis­
itors here.
— 41 — - •
Mr and Mrs K W Kmprv moved to
Bethel Friday where Mr Kmpey has
Mm Georgia ChefTIgiia entertained
with a shower for Miss Virgoliti Jo h n ­
son, bride vleet, on Tuesday afternoon,
with the following gin s i s present, the
Misses V ligene Joh n son , Tessi» Cupp,
Ms hie Hall Lenta and V lrgle Byadiry,
aeoeptetl the prluelpalship of the school Helen McCollough, Mrs F.d lligM s-rg
er, Mm. Dormiiu, Mra Begbuiuer, Kv-
erett K alter, Way in* 4(ausoni, Hurley
Mra. B .rg lia n ier and her m other,
Hcott, Jo h n Haere, Joh n Pro»pul aud
Mr». Nora Pound cnme from Munhi
the hostess Mrs C hitting»
field for a visit Friday, Mrs. Pound
O' —«
left on Monday for Portland.
Those from here who Mlteniled M
Mis s», K. Means with Mrs Richards ritortisi Day service* at the tu rn er
and daughter«, tile Misses Crmv and oemelery were, Mia. Tlllle W right,
Jessie and Firner Itlcliard« e|s*nl ! MI»« Addi» (tails-. Mra. Johnson, Mis.
Handay at silv er Creek.
J . K. Wilcox snd soli H ot, Mi. and
Mias Ada Thom as o f Portland, has
Mrs H. C . Porter, Mr. and Mrs. C. D
Mrs Hernia McClane and children of Boone.¡Leatrr Kill«, Weas d u f f in g *
been here visiting feiends. Stic is the
Jefferson are vlsitldg her |>arv«it«. Mr nud son*.
A. 0 . Baker and wife of Portland stop­ house guest of Mrs. Wees Smith- Miss
N o r th B ou n d
and Mm H W MeNeuI, who live north |
ped here for a short time Sunday on Thomas, whose father wa*S- P. utalion
No. 34, due 4:36 a. in., regular stop.
town. On Tuesday she »|>ciit I he
Word was rreh-ved here I bat Kmesl
their way home from Albany.
S o u t h B ou nd
first white child boru in Turner.
F o . 5, due II US a. m., stop* on flag day with Mm W B Powell. They were Porter died ut Anchorage Alu-ku Muy
I f you are intending to install a
for passenger* whose destination U a neighbors nt Beuua Vista several years 27 and was burli d ihere on Memorial
water system see H. P. Jensen about i Summer Fountain Specials, drink»
Day H * was born Ju>l -ouili of \unis
regular or fiag «top for the train.
prices first. He can get you any of and dishes, at Riebe» Confectionery.
ville Ah years ago. lie went to Alaska
No. 33, due |U .’0 p. in . regillar*>lop
Mr*. Jiw le Kill* moved her bouse about thirty year* sgo Su rv iv in g rei-
three makes of pumps.
No. ! 6 . north bound due 5:36 a. in.
holdgood* to Ha lem the Inst of the m|,Ve* reside« Ida wlf» Viola and eh|h|.
Mrs. Bertha Carlson arrived here F ri­
aud No, 6 north bound due 6:17 p. in.
Miss Elizabeth Cornelius was here day from Sacremeto, Calif., for a ten
week. Hhe and her two daughter. ! ran Billy and Komi« of A n c h o r a g e are
will atop to detratu passengers coining
from Portland Suturday renewing old day viait here at the Hans Jensen home
C h o Aid Addle have spent the p * « t ln v»
brother*, ( b a i l . * , . f - u o t m i ;
from south of Kugene.
nine m outh« In Sal. m where tlu- ( H *rry *„.1 Roy id Aumavtlh -, Ho>d of
and with her son Harve Carlson and
No. 15 ¡south tMiund. will stop on
girl* attended High Hclned.
Bend and Glenn of ealeni; one uiu-le
wife at Aumsville She will return to
hag for passengers for (mints south of
Miss Erma Riches, an employee of
Sacremento the last of the we'k.
Ileum porter, Aumsville. one mini,
Kugyne via Cascade Line.
the Portland postoffice is here for a
Mr. and Mr* W U. Powell and ton \|ra. H.C Von H ehr.n, Salem ; and a
short visit with ber sisters. Miss Alice
Eldon and duughier Flor. nru motored I nUmber of cousin* at Aum-vllW
Mr. L . T. Bryant came up ftmn
Notici 01 Annual Schotl Meeting
Riches and Mrs. Knight and other rela­
to Providence in Linn county 3unday
- .«
Lebanon last Monday to spend a few
days with the Gunnings while his
with Mr. and Mrs. Christy Johnson. '
T h e A m u *v ille sch o o ls o|„.e,|
Notice ia hereby given to the legal
granddaughter Mra. Marie (Durfee)
They attende.! the Joah P ow .il reunion
F rid a y
ss Might
Cl D «ss
night was held
voters of School D istrict No. 7V, o f ! , .
Word has been recieved here that the
there. Mi. Pawell is a dependent of j
Leighton is here. She and her little
I I’uesday May 26 and the fol'owing
Marion County, State of Oregon, thui
Senior Mr Harris and wife had arrived
) that hardy old Curcuit Rider, who hel| Ooinrnenee D'-nl p ' o . - a m
sou are returning with him to attend
w«s | eut
safely at Oxford, Idaho, where they w ill:
the Annual School Meeting o f .«h i »4 to make early Oregon history.
on r • y. the 2 8 ' h:
the »trawlierry festival in Lebanon on
D istrict will be held at T u rner; to be
visit for some time a xong relatives.
the 5th and 6 th. Hat a piece of the
gin at the hour of 1 JM) o'clock p. m.
) hugb shorten *e for us.
Processional ......................................... Mrs. Stephen A. Stone
FO R R E N T — Pasture for cattle. S I 50
on the third Monday of Ju n e, being
----- o-----
On Wings of Song ...............................................(¿iris Glee Club
the 15th day of Ju n e, A. D. 11*31.
per head per month. One mile from
Mr and Mr* J C Morris entertained
Rose Harley
This meeting is called for the pur-
Marion. Oscar Bouck, Turner, Route 1
with a family dinner Sunday, when they
Owen Martin
|x«w of ‘electing one Direotor to serve
The Misses Fay and Erma Barber had with them their chilnren and their
Accomj anied by I>ois Plumber
three years and one Clerk to aerve one
were here recently to see their parents , families, twenty five in number. Cov- |
Trat ka“ ...............................Dean Roy Hewitt
( year and to pass on a special Budget
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Barber, who live ers were placed for Mr and Mrs H R
Wi lamette University
of 1150.00 to purchase tionks hi com­
south of Turner.
trucker and three children, Mrs Flor­
pliance with the Fre«*Text Book Law.
EveningDusk is F a llin g ....................................... Senior Quartet
ence Stockman all of Portland; Mr ana
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kingsbury of Eu­
Dated this 4th day of Ju n e, 1031.
L Zuber. M. Rauscher. O. Tripp. W. Getchell
H N Hunsaker and four children of Sal­
gene spent several days here with Mr.
A ttest:
B v i < ’«>rser
em; > r and Mrs Ted Whitehead and two
and Mrs. P. E. Thomason at their farm
W. T. R iches
l '. K. Denyer
Spring So n g .......................................................
Mrs. Englund
children, Mr and Mrs Wm Morris and
home in the Grawford district. The lad­
D istrict Clerk
Chai riunii ‘Board
Accompanied by Mrs. Stone
the hosts Mr and Mrs Morris.
ies are sisters.
of Directors
Presentation of Class .........
T. C. Mountain, Principal
Ruth Rawlings, w ho spent the past
winter with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Msyro McKinney, has gone to
Portland be with her parents for the
Presentation of Diplomas, Hoyt Cupp, Chairman of Board
Farewell Class S o n g ....................................................Class of Til
Compose I by Helen Zuber
Recessional .............................................. Mrs. Stephen A. Stone
Members of the Turner Dramatic Club W ^ V A W i ’ i W / r W A * ^ W * W
» lth friends pieniced on Mill Creek
Tuesday evening T h e y all enjoyed a
, wennie and marshmellow roast. Visitors
invited were Mr. and Mrs. Joe M cKin­
ney and Archie Rankin. Members pres­
New sun caps 50c, visors 15c and 25c;
ent were the Misses* Mable Tucker, He|-
goggles 25c, 50c and 75c at Prather’s
j en Peetr. and Gladys Given, Cicil .Mar­
Drug Store.
tin, Vernon Coates, Herbert Briggs, Iv
School closed in the Crawford district an and Maxwell McKay,
r.n May 25. Miss Helen McCollough
. f Aumsville, who has been the teacher.
Mr and Mr" 1 H SraaM « W « * ■
will teach the Evergreen Hchool near from her sisters. Mrs. Emma C ole,
Silverton in the fall,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Small and
daughters were here from Trinadad.
to see her father J . E. Whitehead
wife. They were here for Memorial
and (Sunday.
■ «------
Estimates Furnished
U. S.
K M K eith has gone to Veneta to
' of C<K>uille a nd Mrs Helmkm and dau- take up his duties us H P Agent.
ghter of Baodon, over the week end.
two Mrs. Helmkin's son Ralph and wife also
Alice Jen w n and Mrs. Rob Colvin
Cal, stopped for a hort time on thier way
are working in a cannery io Malern.
and home from a visit in Washington. It
Day was his first visit here in twenty years
Mr and Mrs. W in. P lek cllh av e rnov-
and he noted many change about town. ed from Hhaw lo M arshfield.
Bald Tires
Are Dangerous
N o t h i n g c * r .t r ib ­
utes to so m;ir y
V A V .V .'.V A V / A W
K in d er
W aveH
Reducing Treatments
$5.00 per month
Permanent Waving
$4 to $7
$ 5.65
F A C IA L and S C A L P
$ 4.75
All Work Guaranteed
Over Steusloff Market
Salem, Oregon
Phone 1486
Turner, Ore.
M a r c e l and
worn tires.
ingly low prices.
accid en ts as »moot!»,
W h y e n tru st your lift to l aid t.rca
when you c a n rep*:' e th -m w ith
K e !!y L o tt a M iles at these am az
Mrs. K iii D is Hinipwn arid brother
Wm. Udell were here from A m ily for
Memorial Day.
V .'.V .’ .V .'.V .V .V A V .V / J - W