1 THE TURNER TRIBUNE '----- . W 1 ' ■ — j ’/ i W M ’A P J W / W V W A V WS K. if. A V V A V . V i ’ A ’. V . HAMMAN STAGE LINES Leave Salem 6:80 10:30 4:45 . '. V . W shady ^rov<*( located right for chick* n ranch, clos*-to town. f | CHAS. 8. ('LA R K , Real Estate Broker. Tribute Office, Turner, Oregon, for Aumsvilie A M A M. p.M. .W able; I aero in Inuring chorri* am i; a m with two • *»i buihUngx, hot grapes; also I acre apple ; 5 Heron and coin water *n nous*-»; 2 hörnen, SUHHCKIPTFON $1.25 PER YEAR pasture; school bun passes place; one thro* cow«, 20 chick r*x no with the«- milo to Marion, m a m a town; good place-*; barn for 20 head xtock; all Knt*r*:d at the Postoftlce at Turn* r, graveled roittlr.; nuturo o f »oil, blurk land tillable; clear from debt; tax*.« (in con, a« second c!u km matt* r, under ami roiling. paid; % mile from Aumsville on t \ct o f March <1, I871*. , .. paved road, good ichool, chool bu«n FOR SALK -6-rooin hou<*c, with I *1 »very Thursday at Turner, hath, »tor«- room, woddilied, burn, and 1 " ** ***" Marian, County, Oregon. ¡tw o lota in Turner; all fenced. Cush FOR SALE One o f the beat prop- MUS. CHAS. » . CLARK i Editera or tei m . •rties in the valley, clone to Aums- ami ,,,, i, ..» i t * r ,“i ii vllle, Oregon, known as the C. B Mc- ('llA S . S. CJ.ARK J Publishers FOR SALK— 5 4 % ucres; J7 ncr*s ’ * * i , .. , , i (. u 11 y place; 7 Jersey cows, 2 Jeraey 'fr u it; 2 ’ * mil* north o f Aurnsville, / ' , ’ . . . . ,T < fera, mower, rake, corn drill, bind ■ ». , , UIIIIIHK " 1 I , II I __ I 1 *11 _ „ .... . , . 1 * r, harrow, sulk plow, gram drill, one- 7-room houNc; barn for I« head xtock. , * ’ » * . . . WEST STAYTON half interest in corrugated roller and 4 K Will also »e|| sotek und machinery manure aprender. t with place. FOR HALFI— HO acre», good house, M « W. H. Ntppb- w a.w rlou -ly In i F 0 R S A L E 2« acre», 2 ‘*4 mile» tile harn, tile grain*:ry, 30 acre» Jui.d Suiurduv nmriilog wl.en »lie 1 »outheaxt o f Aumxville, Oregon, nice-. »li|i|M-d and fell down the tm*« inept ly lo c a t'd : f> room hou»e, barn, chick- |,r r '> 1‘ n* l " J(tica 11 . • cultivated, 4 mile» from Salem on «lep». Her led aim w»» fraelur.d and !' " hou” '«. 2r> un<*er cultivation ^ ^ ^ Leave Aumsville for Salem 8:10 A.M. 1 :20 P.M. 5:10 p.M. H U R R E L 464 N. Liberty St. W The Turner Tribune Leave Aumsville for Mill City 7:25 A.M. 5:25 P.M. ji Leave Salem for Turner 10:30 A M. 4:45 P.M. $ 5 .“ E‘ *' Salem *|iiit> a long g»»li v* m « eut In her head k«*iR SALE h room house, electric FOR SAI.FI— Residence and one wliteii required »»veral »nielie» t«> light», toilet and hath, water in hou.s*t; block o f ground, nicely located, 8 v l.-e M. lvm Nipple und wife «mine )«i«o extra lot, right in the heart o f Turner. ' rooms, electric water system, electric In I In* after m >on ami »layed till M** ii - — o __ ! lights, fenced, a good buy for anyone day. F'OR SALE -H robm house; wood- ' wunting a horn*-. Can be purchased •> j shed; w-i-ll in shed; 1 lot plowed; lo- right. I lie West May 1 ** 1 * hall club went In ruled in Turner, Oregon. ,1 ----- ------- W.s.di.ur.. rtund.y -n d pl-yrd lb* ........................ FOR SALE— Close to 70 acres, all FARM WAN IF.lt W *• have a par- | u^ , . r cultivation, all fence«!, irriga- Iti^tli actiiHil team. l "' ' ...... . •» * ......... to " " l trom 10 *• »0 « tion ditch run, through place, l wall. out nl iunk . 1 » (heir regular pliehei acres o f farm land on crop payment»; flvo-room house, one o f the best farm» | wa» nut with them. Fhey l**a( lo *»dl liuy farm machinery and xtock if Jf( thin section o f the valley; can b«: price is right. # j purchased right. F’or particulars about j Wood hum by a aoore of la |„ 2. Leave Turner for Salem 8:20 A.M 1:30 P.M. 5:20 P.M. Oregon Leave Turner for Mill City 5:15 P.M. J, VV. T.Rigdon & Son Jo*. Hamman, Prop. ; •w V W W /W A r /W W V W .1 UNDERTAKERS LLOYD T. HIGDON County Coroner FOR SALFi— OtTac/es; will sell 60 ,hi" Place Cha"' S- C,ark- al the Tribune office, Turner, Oragon The old school hull«* I» lielnd rained <»■ I** a.uke rotrm for the new iiuiiding F’OR SA LVr—Northerly 100 acres Salem Oregon that will be erected during vaeultnii. o f the Richter farm in the Pringle I district, 7 room house, silo, barn with VU W w W VW W VW VW W W Akron Sponijuc Rubber Pads I xtantions fur 10 head cows, spring straw la-rry picking 1» i order of Soft Sanitary, Can't Sjip water piped to building,. This place the il»y and a great iiiuny eaaea of Guaranteed to Hold Regardla»» of will make an ideal dairy ranch and . ■ . V . V / A V . V . V . V / . V / . - . V . V . V strawla-rry rbeuiiialUrn are re|Hiri«rl. i Occupation, Aga or Sex can I k - purchased pn terms. |i 1 » tin (mi a» the writer knowalty Akron Graduate Fitter Here to KRUSE & R Y G H F’OR SALE— 1 acre o f ground with e x |M r le n c e , Give You a Trial Fitting 5-room house, fruit r«x»m, front and Expert Watch and Jewelry , 4> - FREE hack porch, clothes closets, electricity, Repairing Mr. ami Mia. Htinean froin W imm I- -o— city water on premises, well water, C A P IT A I DRUG STORE hum and two friend», »|*eut Sondny double parage, barn room for six New Jewelry Made to Order State Street Salem with Mr ami Mr». L. B Met'lviufnn, head stock, number chicken coops, — u— * 'I lie men Went It»h!llg hill till! lint Price» Reasonable have much luck. !’(»•• ladle» atayed 484 Court St. Salem, Ore. lioine and had a \ ery cll|uyable v lalt. ----- -• ----- orvtn V IA V W W W a V V W k V W V W The IVgrii, Bone and l.aey fatiillli ■ I* 4M iiicmir had plcule dinner In H ie L a e y g n u r | I «MlC4»êTOa . 1 : A V .% \V A V .W .V A V A V V A V V Sunday. Tiny enjoyed it »•• u u t e li 1 they »luyed and ale then aupp, r, I lien NEW LOCATION TRUSSES Dr. Scofield X -R A Y CH IROPPRACTOR Lady Attendant 2194 First Nat'l Bank Bld’g., Phone Salem, . Oregon j made a 1».niter fur 1 lie evening enler- tulnmeut Mi »duini» fc|*e|» and »|u-m Tliuraday ChatMberlli. aftrrniMiu »»uh /A / / St? Mi» — Mr. und Mr». O'- -• *• » v: n l« r, Mr». Freil Idekmini. -O • ■ M \V « » i .................. .. i \ \ Vf l i n d i h g i r a y m p i i l h y in M r . F r e d H i c k ­ » —...»'■■§- ■ - ■■■ » ------ •- Dr. R. removal dentai X National MORRIS Optical Co’s. i New Type Deeper Curved Lens Best for Better Vision N 444 State Street \ l k, man. W f draft pattam i for each individ­ ual. Let ui and your corset trouble. \ Arrhart & Aldrich, coriat maker», 420 Court Street, Salem. Phone 1639. I k \ r»ehuy ier nf M u I«> iii x|»-ni tin- wild- cud will, I heir daugh The IK T B u ll e AUMSVILLE STATE BANK eg», AUMSVILLE. OREGON . •Iford fo be without an eU<-w. Real Estate For Sale FO R M A L E Steeping milk from souring- - e.y simplifying marketing problem»- - »nd eliminating spoilage. It cuts s ip e n w SA V E AS y o u PAY ON LAsv IFfiaxs Th« Place for Home People to Bank I Phone 87 SALEM OREGON • V .V .V .W .V .W .V .W W V .V .V * THROAT AND LUNG BALSAM for the relief of COLDS SPASM O D IC CROUP i-’OR SA LE - 25 n« i *• prun am! berry ranch near Shaw, Oregon. g FOR SALE OR TRADE— 55-aerc ranch, lx miles .south o f Salem, Mar­ ion county, Oregon; 6-rooms plastered house, with woodshed and store room aujoining; 14x24 shop and oil house; harn; 20 tons oat hay; two wells; chicken house and Would«* garage; nil j building- in good repair; 24 acres | Italian prunes and about 24 acres till- I DR. O. L. SCOTT 256 N. High Street C oughs \ 1 1. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION BUREAU ■ WANTED -10 aerea suitable for chic-kens and garden. Want to buy like relit. See Chas. S. Clark at Trib­ une olTlcc, Turner. As you travel through life you will find many handicaps, but none compared to the handicaps o f disease. Have these eliminated by Chi­ ropractic Adjustments given according to a Neurocalometer reading. Remember the Neurocalometer locates nerve pressure. Chl- ropratcic Adjustments remove nerve pressure. Neurocalome- ier readings by appointment only. A V .5 V .5 W ,5 V % W A W A U W Paid on Time Deposits f r e e z i n g detserte — m a k i n g i ca - 22-} aeres, 8 m om Inni»« I wlih imtlt, garage, good bum, hen lumai , in A umfcvllle. - If — F’OR MA L E —6 luta, all felice«!, »uil , able for p«»l